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Why did the creator make this place so shitty and miserable?

Being human sucks shit. You live miserable lives being confused, scared and anxious. It would be better if this planet just got destroyed.

This place is just some kind of cruel joke and suffering factory. Any happiness you gain is just something you stolen from someone else. There is no real joy. Evil has such a exponential advantage over good. It make take years to build but only an hour to destroy.

Fuck this place and whatever deranged mind it came from.

I wish I could turn to some religion but they're all just copium
There's nothing you can do about it and no true escape. Take your lumps and try making the best of it.
>Why did the creator make this place so shitty and miserable?
Because he isnt God, but he wanted to try.
Be nice - you didnt do any better when you created a universe.
There is some goodness and love in this world even though it is buried in tons of shit.
kek deez niggas believe there is a creator lmao
Read camus. I disagree with him thoroughly but if you feel like this that's a good option.
Easiest solution: remove yourself. Why should the planet get destroyed just because you are fucking insane ?

There is an escape. Without you.
This is a fallen world. Understand that and make your peace with it.
look into gnosticism
>Why did the creator make this place so shitty and miserable?
>Being human sucks shit. You live miserable lives being confused, scared and anxious. It would be better if this planet just got destroyed.

That depends, you can have a good life but it's complete fucking RNG.
sometimes the RNG is broken and rigged, how come no one got dubs in this thread? dammit give me some already
see, it's broken, something to do with that fucking fake moon up there bullying our waifu
let's fucking nuke that shit
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Well ...ok. I tell you.
The creator, Brahma, made this world out of the fundamental cosmic energy, Shakti, and he created it as a world-system with different beings. On the earth-disc are the physical beings, humans and animals, and various spirits of nature. In the realm of heaven, above the firmament, are the Deva, the angels. Below earth, in the realm of hell, are the Asura, the demons.
The world system is based on the principle of duality. Light and dark, life and death, good and evil, male and female, night and day, summer and winter, love and hate etc. And existence is a cycle for all the souls, being born again and again in different forms and realms.
If your life is full of pain or full of joy depends entirely on you. Everything that happens to you, the good and the bad, is a manifestation of your karma, and your karma is created by you. No god interferes with that. When you're virtuous in this life, you will experience happiness and freedom in your next life, when you do evil, you will suffer. So you can literally decide your fate. Don't blame gods for your misery.
it wasn't always this way here. It was meant to be a place of growing (hence time which doesn't exist anywhere else).
goodmorning saar
OP has revealed a lot about himself without even realizing it.
It's not that bad, after a while you get used to it
>le shiggy demiurge
There is nothing about this world that suggests it is "flawed". It is working perfectly as intended: a slaughterhouse.
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did you try everything possible to attrack happiness? or did you just follow societies, your teachers, your parent advice on how to do things and are now stuck because its all a lie but cannot escape because your habits wont let you? you are not stuck in a prison from which you cannot escape so dont tell me you dont have any choice to tunr things around.
>b-but the world is cruel
you have to take care of your own well-being, just ignore the rest for now, its not ignorance to look inward when things are dire.
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>Be nice
too hippie dippi advice for ops vibes as i see it. too much pinkish aura color to resonate with ops greys and blacks right away.
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no its buried inside, the evil forces gatekeep yourself from yourself, one of the most clever tricks the devil ever pulled.
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how not to. welcome to x kid, when your spiritual senses are sharpened you see the aura of every post right away, the general mood and direction of desire.
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>after a while you get used to it
lame, only the fearful and weak get used to things, the world must get used to you if you are an 'awakened one'.

the sane conforms to the world, the insane makes the world comform to himself.
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ops leaking spiritual rainbow energy, theres a crack in his armour.
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ok but why is god then allowing good stuff to happen from time to time?
There is no true misery without hope.
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some kids are born with terrible diseases or otherwise, they are miserable from the start without ever having but a glimps of joy and they are still miserable, no need for the whole 'light needs darkness to be defined' or vice versa philosophy. some people are miserable from the start to the end, its all dark and bleak they are somehow magically excempt from suffering because they have never tasted a life of happiness. thats just bs.
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some people live a whole life in relative bliss, why does the evil god spare them? is he not all powerful?
He spares a few to make the majority envious and hopeful that someday they could achieve success (they can't, but they don't realize).
there must be quite a lot of people we dont even know of living a good life somewhere in the middle of nowhere, some tribe or russians in some forest in the vast wildernerr there, those cannot be envied, so a potential suffering target the evil god misses out on, why?
Don't you ever disrespect moot like that again.
Simple, he is not all powerful. He makes mistakes and some slip though the cracks
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well thats quite a hopeful preposition, so theres merely a powerful but flawed devil roaming the earth seeking his next victim but one might get lucky and avoid trouble. not so bleak of a worldview anymore, theres room for freedom.
I wouldn't call hiding in a cave, being forced to live in isolation just to avoid his gaze as freedom
if he cant locate people living in the wilderness he might have other blindspots as well. i mean what kind of god must he be to have limited awareness in the physical world, by merely increasing proximity to the civilized world one can avoid detection, thats kind of a strange type of supernatural being. does he rely on visual identification only or how does that work? does he have to travel around the world? by which means, by foot? can he be omni-present or is he a sole entity? if so there might be other ways to evade his influence, its only logical.
its actually not that bad. ive got a fan blowing on me right now, thats really pleasant
and i can take a deep breath
wonderous when you realize none of it had to be
gonna go get some ice water and enjoy it
Digits confirm I am chosen and blessed
If we had that knowledge mankind wouldn't be in the situation that it is in now. After all, ignorance is one of it most powerful tools
>The creator, Brahma, made this world out of the fundamental cosmic energy, Shakti, and he created it as a world-system with different beings.
How do people even know this?
This is a great question to ask. Every time someone makes a claim, especially a religious one like this, try to trace it back to its source and then gauge the reliability of the author and the source of their knowledge.
>Everything that happens to you, the good and the bad, is a manifestation of your karma, and your karma is created by you
It seems to me that this is a lie created by privileged castes to prevent the uprising of the lower castes
I am a chicken farmer. Sometimes I pet the chickens and I don't really try to inflict more suffering than the necessary but I still kill them
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yeah but a significant number of people live in relative peace and prosperity, they are not being killed in the end or similar. or are you saying the evil god harvests their souls after they die? i just cant quite make out a clear motivation behind all the various occurances in this world, of anything observation points to randomness thus a lack of any god.
stop glowing
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yeah but still its not absolute evil as op tries to convince us, there is still an element of uncertainty pointing to that evil god not being an absolute force but merely a less powerful jester or trickster causing mayhem but not being able to make everyone truly miserable at the same time, which one would expect from a true malevolent truly powerful entity. theres fires here and there, and masses of people can be miserable but we would expect consistent, ever present hell, why hold back? why let people build up hope just to crush it, just make them suffer that bad from the beginning, of course there are means and ways to maximally torture someone wihtout any preparation. the demiurge seems to be a lesser god if anything, amongst many others who are at odds with one another, one time darkness wins, other times the light prevails. observation points to such state of affairs if anything.
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yeah but you are also interested in having tender meat, so you would want to reduce stress for the chickens to keep their blood ph levels low, in our example that would mean the negative god would be interested in our well being and not make us all bitter and resentful. the wolf prefers the young innocent fresh sheep.
>If we had that knowledge mankind wouldn't be in the situation that it is in now.
since we dont have the knowledge we cannot make assumptions about the definitive nature of that assumed evil creator being right? thats what we are trying to figure out. since our observations dont point to an absolute evil deity we cannot assume its nature is such since we lack sufficient knowledge.
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You seemed to be confused.I do not care why it does it or if it is evil, hell it could be the ultimate good for all I care. The problem have I have is that we are its fruits of harvest. This is not a problem of morality but of survival. The reasons it does it is irrelevant, if the results are the same.
carnivorism has made you insane. the gods are not going to eat you
>The problem have I have is that we are its fruits of harvest.
who told you that, how does one verify that claim reliably, i really dont get it. how does one conclude that the suffering in this world in some way is advantageous to an evil deity? how does one go from the observation that suffering exists in this world and appears wide-spread to someone profiting off of it?
so indirectly it has saved me from being consumed, thats quite the lucky outcome out of a unfavourable situation (not being vegan). funny how that works.

animal rights acivists use to paint the fur of baby seal in order to make them unusable for fashion companies seeking to use the fur for clothing. guess i have painted myself thereby rendering me undesirable for the demiurge.
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it is impossible to know everything so instead we work with the information we have and see where it points to. We can easily conclude that suffering is being purposely manufactured with the following: food, water, and air is continuously being poisoned for the common man, purposely teach kids poorly in school to keep populace dumb, tell the people lies through the media and etc.
Rate my aura
people are literally stupid THERE IS NO CHANGEING THAT
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yeah but where does the evil creator deity come into play? until now we only have people making other peoples life hell.
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Simple as

checkout day3.love itll blow your mind and itll all make sense
But what if you've gone to both ends of the scales of good and evil, let's say hypothetically, you're somewhere in the middle
Shame people don't go inward enough, stop fucking participating cunt
>It's another "bawww I'm depressed and my life sucks this is somehow paranormal" episode
Discussing the state of creation and spiritual purpose of humans is fairly paranormal
What is this? Can't find anything about it
On that note I'm sure google has you profiled and uses videos to send you messages with an AI bot depending on who you are It also detects wich sites you visit.
Hey anon, just wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
If everything is perfect, if GOD is completely made out of love, then to experience anything less than the entirety of GOD all at once would REQUIRE you to move away from all that is good and holy. Do you get it? There is no way to experience anything BUT the all without in some way, shape, or form making space for "less than GOD", like moving away from a source of light. How far away from a burning ball of fire do you have to get to sustain human life?

It's also a whole thing about free will. You have the choice to make things not as bad. Are you smart enough, abled enough, resourceful enough, organized and dedicated enough to do so? Probably not. I'm not. Most people aren't. Some of that is done on purpose, socially with constructed institutions made to keep people stupid and helpless, but on some level it is a choice (especially if one becomes aware of their situation, and what has really caused it). Caring is hard and extremely necessary, and the absolute only person who you can control is YOURSELF.

Captcha is HARRRD what are the chances
>you don't need to experience cancer to be healthy
>you don't need to be poor to experience being rich

cringe evangelical copium

>free will
the premise of an omnipotent god negates free will. he already knows your actions before he even started.

if you subscribe to the christian deity then he outright says free will doesn't exist (Romans 9 11-23)
Let me spoonfeed it to you because you've missed every one of my other posts it seems. It is true I haven't been here in a while.

GOD is *perfect*, as in the conglomerate of everything that could/ever will happen. Time is not real, but a sense of measurement that we use to define when changes occur. Like you said, free will is also an illusion in that case. However, you STILL HAVE IT by virtue of experiencing time in a linear fashion in this body. Sure, everything that could ever happen might already have happened, but you're still waiting for shit to happen to you. You can choose what happens to you by taking control of your life and deciding what you want to do. Once again, you're SWIMMING THROUGH GOD. All that is.

Straying further from the "light" (the all) allows you to experience all the bad shit that is a part of GOD. You're quite literally creating space AWAY from GOD to basically stretch GOD out in a manner that makes it easier to understand and perceive in your body (instead of everything all at once, everything slowed down to one by one), to explore. It sucks, but to try to go for anything less than perfect would obviously imply that you would experience the imperfect.

If you have done this billions of times, probably even more than that, if all of this is you and at the end, then you have experienced every possible fate and position we could ever have, by virtue of those things existing.

Everybody gets so fucking mad when I say GOD because of their issues with Christianity instead of understanding this shit comes from humanity. Every time I try to discuss my ideas with anybody from different religious groups, they all freak out and send me away.
I have a really tiny dick hole, when a pube gets stuck i can't pee
>I wish I could turn to some religion but they're all just copium
what you actually mean by this is
>i wish i could feel better but i'm scared to be disappointed

>these guys are being blind to a real threat, they're averting their eyes from a beast that is about to get them, pretending to be in a fairy world about to crumble
this is what you actually mean
you're afraid
sounds like a simple surgical procedure
Well then, what religion and where am I supposed to go?
it's not a place you go to, it's a moment in which you ask to be his child
are you talking about christianity?

let me laugh harder. it filled with failed promises and abuse
Another Anon blaming God for the state of the world and society.

Anon, when are you taking responsability for your share of wrong doing? We all have cobtributed to the world being a bad place. We do that every time that we lie, steal, rape, murder and so on. Most of the suffering in the world comes men because of their sin, our sin. To me, you are still a child, spiritually speaking. And this is not good. It's not good because you still need "spiritual milk". You can handle real sporitual food. Grow up. Take reaponsability for your share of wrong doing. Don't blame God for the evil shit you or other anons do. God is Holy. You should know better than trash talk The Lord. And you wonder why your life sucks? Of course you are cursed. You are trash talking the most sagred being like it's no big deal. Plus to you all religions are lie. You are fucking lost. Good luck.
Many souls if not all souls were coerced into coming here. I believe the entity you call God is the Devil.
>d-don't b-blame god
>created this world
>created satan
>created the possibility of sin, evil, etc

he created this place its his responsibility. I didn't even ask to be born

stop being a evangelical retard with stockholm syndrome
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Why? It's like playing minecraft in peaceful mode it sorta goes against the essence of what it's about. The struggle and finding out how to survive and thrive in it.

Being human sucks shit sure but it also has it's moments where everything feels right and everything makes sense. Yea it would be better if the planet got destroyed for sure tho.

"This place is some kind of cruel joke", that mentality will not get you very far in the material world.

Any happiness you gain is something stolen, this is the law of exchange. Something gained. Something lost.

Though it may seem like evil has an exponential advantage, good cannot exist without it any advantage evil may seem to have is a flaw in perspective as all things in life and nature balance out to their resting states.

Years to build, hours to destroy. Sometimes minutes. Pic Rel

Last but not least, you've probably been doing the bare fucking minimum effort in trying to find and actually study and religion or thought process that can fix your mindset.

There's allot to choose from many with actual benefits some more spiritual some more materialistic pick and choose I guess.

But all the magical incantations and spells in the universe cannot fix human ignorance lol
Because it just happened. A time traveler leaked a bunch of information. Jesus is AI basically and the universe itself is God. God is information. All the shit we deal with as human beings is just relations between information. We overcomplicated it. Also there's life elsewhere in the galaxy going through the same shit at different stages. Earth isn't unique.
no joke after watching i said "holy shit" then laughed because that's literally what is happening, that's what the universe is, it's holy shit
Dude if you can make it here you can make it anywhere
Its so close to perfection though all you need to do is remove death from hunger/thirst and enable some kind of flight or levitation.
>Another Anon blaming God
Who else do you blame for creating reality as a fucking deathmatch where every being must murder and eat eachbother to survive?
My personal belief is that this universe is a "God" and it is still in it's developing stages. Once it has matured fully the universe will seem "perfect".
You think life is about the struggle itself?
The struggle is just a tool to improve you. If you worship the struggle you will suffer and those around you will suffer.

"Evil" is literally flaw. Imperfection. Sin.
It is okay to do a very little amount of sin.
That's fucked i want to escape
Jeet cope.
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>If your life is full of pain or full of joy depends entirely on you
I hate this victim blaming shit more than anything.
>It's all your fault your miserable. :)
this is some of the most psychopathic shit ever. I do not feel other people should be responsible for my happiness at all, but they should at least not be responsible for my sadness.

>There might be various unknown reasons. Perhaps putting us in a universe like this is valuable because it is required for various hard-to-guess afterlife goods. Perhaps there’s some consequential decision that we’ll make in 5 quadrillion years that God knows will be positively shaped by us being in an indifferent universe. Given that we only witness 70 years of our lives or so, we’re not in a position to guess whether there are such great afterlife goods. This theodicy also avoids the problems with skeptical theism, because it only requires positing an unknown reason for one thing—making an indifferent universe. But surely thinking that God has some unknown reasons to do one particular act doesn’t produce global skepticism or any of the other untenable results of skeptical theism—we already know that we’re wrong sometimes!

>Perhaps being in an indifferent world, one whose features resemble the typical godless world that contains us and where we can know about the broad features of the world, strengthens our relationship with God. To consider an analogy: your relationship with your eventual spouse might be strengthened by the fact that you spent time without them. Having time without someone might strengthen your relationship with them. Similarly, time spent in a world apart from God might strengthen one’s eventual relationship with God, a relationship that is of infinite value.

>Perhaps struggling through an indifferent world, not being micromanaged by God, is uniquely valuable for soul-building. Just going through a narrowly tailored set of challenges doesn’t give one the knowledge that they can overcome hardships in the same way that overcoming a random suite of challenges does. The benefits of soul-building, as of the other benefits on this list, last forever.
Poor illogical copium. God is all-powerful and has no limitations

Meaning he can reach the result he wants without suffering, pain and evil if he wanted to

If suffering exists he wanted to hurt you
Embrace the truth, this world is evil. Call the black sun to consume your soul and destroy your bondage to being.
kek didn't even read, might read but why. Evil isn't real. It's almost real, it's so almost real that it's almost valid to be one of those people who actually believe in evil to the point that if you start doing a dethgrowl in their presence they freak out. There's no real evil, just sick fucks. If you are acting even a little evil, you're just fucked up. And you probably had a bad attitude. Plenty of people have valid reasons to have bad attitudes, people who unconditionally have bad attitudes, and spoil others' attitudes too and make them worse, that's close to evil because it is like a meme that flows through people and makes everything worse. The worst evils you can do are done to people you have deemed evil. The fact that you believe in evil creates more evil. Sometimes not believing can also fuck shit up.... but to ask why there is evil if there is a god? and to answer in defense of god? KEK. The thing OP said was that this place is basipally all suffering and misery. To me, the one thing that is some evidence of God is the misery. There is too much serendipity and coincidence but in a bad way. OP isn't asking if there's a god why would he do this? He's saying why the fuck is god actually fucking pro evil and pro misery.
almost everyone who makes money is some sort of sellout or is exploiting someone or partaking in the systemic exploitation of some thing. you're only allowed to make a lot of money if it creates more misery overall. Idk there might be decent people making money somewhere, but, from my view this world is legit geared toward crucifying anyone who is good. It's been proven in studies, selfish people only work together on one thing, maintaining the environment in which they can keep being selfish. If you are unselfish communism sounds like a good idea at least from the start from a personal perspective. If you are selfish, the last thing you want is everyone to be taken care of. Fuck them. The goal is to have everything. The worst person is the good guy. He's got to go.
It's because this is end times.
Evil has consumed the world and will be destroyed all at once, just like Noah's flood - but with fire.

John 14:30

“Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.”
There'll come a time when most of us return here
Brought back by our desire to be a perfect entity
Living through a million years of crying
Until you realize the Art of Dying.
It's just the result of expansion of consciousness into very dense dimension, matter.

We are on the edge of what is possible for soul.
sarte btfo this nigga bigly
Why are so many threads on 4chan opened with a loaded question?

people made this place shitty and miserable. no, its not better of destroyed, its better off redeemed and made whole again. but that will happen through obedience to our creation, since its disobedience that caused the misery and destruction.

God didn't create evil, we did the moment we disobeyed Him.
>people made this place shitty and miserable

no it's not. this place is systematically evil.

how do you live? you have to kill and consume something else. even this basic fact makes this place some kind of evil cagematch
Pretty sure this is just the same OP who made the "why did god make suffering" thread a few days ago.
Being miserable and hating the world is the most pathetic cope, even worse if you blame it on god and start whining "oh why did he do this to us :(((("

There is no divine answer that will specifically make all your drivel about suffering go away. No possible paragraph that could be written that could completely subvert the way you feel. Why? Because no matter what the truth of existence is it won't change the stuff in your life that you dislike. Your perception of this supposed miserable existence can't be swayed by any religious cope. Only you can change that.

If god made the world bad on purpose because he's evil then your life would still be miserable.
If god made the world bad on purpose due to some divine reasoning we can't comprehend then your life would still be miserable.
If god made the world bad by accident then your life would still be miserable.
If god didn't actually make life miserable but you still think it is then your life would still be miserable.

The only thing that can change these miserable things is yourself and your own perceptions. You gotta try and find joy even if it is tough. And if god really is such a terrible creature with a sinister agenda as you think, wouldn't finding joy in existence, no matter how bad things seemed, be the best way to stick it to him? Replace miserable in the stuff above with any positive word and all of a sudden this malevolent god gets put in his place. Or just keep whining and stay miserable loser lmao
a demon posted that
Isn't it important to know if you're participating in a rigged game

Or why the game is so miserable

Your god is so awful some people literally think he's a demiurge.

He also has the ability to save all of humanity but doesn't

He also created hell / eternal torture as a concept
"My god"?
Which one is that?
which one do you subscribe to
He already saved all of mankind, Anon. You haven't realized it yet.
biblical god says most men go to hell though
Cry to the LORD Jesus Christ and He will save you. If you have forsaken your love, you are already living hell. You just haven't acknowledged it.
>abuse parrot

Who says I haven't done those things.


>For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

god admits his system sucks at saving people

>“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven

every hopeful verse has a contradiction
Nothing wrong with the Planet or being human. It’s just Totalitarian Expansionistic Agricultural Society which produces enough food for Specialization of Trades. Hunter-Gatherer Life prior to permanent agriculture was basically living in the garden of Eden regardless of what the Systems’ Anthropologists say. 2-3 hours of “work” a day with the rest in leisure, eating, fucking, sleeping, playing.
>this Entity created it
>actually it was this entity
>you're all wrong it was this entity
I think no one knows shit and people in this thread are just guessing. Here is my guess and i don't think anyone has ever made this guess:

We are all in a space ship traveling to some planet and in order to pass time we play an MMO where we can choose how hard the game is, we can be in the pvp part of Earth or the PVE part, if we chose the game Earth, we can also choose weither to be poor or not and get extra achievements if we succeed in the game if we level to (age to) a certain level before dying on hardcore mode. I think once we die we have a short time to actually choose our next game to play because we are limited on oxygen and so when we choose a game we are essentially dead in our spaceship and not using any oxygen, so it makes it easier to get to our destination. This is what I choose to believe and well if we get there before we get to a certain level we die early from cancer, or suddenly.
Earth is wonderful.
Tragically it's infested with humans and they have a bad case of cancer (the jew).
you mean (white)

jews are like malaria but whites are the mosquito

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