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Anons. Pic in OP has been passed around here for quite some time. In my follow-up post I'm going to attach a new pic that talks about copulins and SPECIFICALLY how a woman being on top of a man for fifteen min. or more facilitates their uptake into his gonads and eventually his hypothalamus. The implications are astounding. Does this mean my pic in OP is a "false guide" because you'd just be entrapping yourself to a woman doing this? I'm thinking not, for the pure fact that the act itself is so uncommon and so AGAINST the grain that it's possible that it could do something incredible for you spiritually speaking. I'm really torn. I just don't think the connection between these esoteric tantric/sexual energy retention practices and "coupling" (again, this will be in 2nd post) is mere coincidence.

Also wild to think of what this means concerning the ancient story of Adam and Lillith, how she would only have sex with him ON TOP and refused to lie on her back, resenting him and God enough to just leave the garden altogether.

What does it all MEAN?
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This is OP. Here is second pic I was talking about that goes much more into detail on the copulins and the "coupling" process that mimics the EXACT thing described in OP pic...
Interesting thread OP. Puts some historical traditions into perspective, such as the ban on menstruating women in sacred spaces.
Nice to see you here fron the recent thread on /pol/, brother.
Do you think this is connected to modern circumcision and the theory that judaism is actually a witch cult lead by women?

Jewish women lead the feminist movement, after all.
It makes sense the hypothalamus is one brain-part response for the nervous system. It's also right in the middle of the mind. The penis is also in the middle and what do nerves do? They travel up and about in what are called axons.

From the last couple of months I started to obsess over the idea that pain i just an illusion and pain and pleasure are the same thing just your third eye (a.k.a amygdala, hypothalamus, ect.) experiences whats supposed to hit "you" pain or pleasure.

This one time is was skateboarding and had big fall where I scraped off my forearms skin on the pavement. I didn't feel any pain instead it was a slippery-serpentine rush of pleasure.

This I think women have tapped into and men are aware of.

I think that's why women are so grounded in duality, symmetry, balance; because the hypothalamus being so important for pseudo "mind control" like this coupling thing.

So what do you think is pain and illusion?

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But 4chan ALSO claimed that our sperm affects their brain and body for the rest of their life, "marking" them

I ought to go to /sci/, at least pseudo scientific sex shit posted ny incels are less common there
>Using incel as an insult when it's established that women can mind control men using sex
Nice try roastie. We're on to your game.
You caught me brother! Guilty as charged.

The judaism thing is striking but lets be honest here, do you think Jewish men normally have sex with their jewish wives or concubines like this? I don' think they do. I still think there's something to it but are they really putting this into practice?

Still the Adam/Lillith story takes on whole new meanings for me...
Do you really believe that?

>Product placement
Reads like snake oil sells like a snake oil
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the absolute state of you retards
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I see you and raise you....

another source that's actually peer reviewed? Doesn't talk about the 100ml part per se but this phenomenon is 100% real friend.
It doesn't have to be all the time. Just once in a while is enough. Pavlovian conditioning and cultural brainwashing does the rest.
Its all a trap you fucking idiot
Sure, fair enough. But can't we accept that since this ISN'T the default practice of society now that it may very well be beneficial rather than detrimental?

Jews push porn industry and free sex culture. Do either of those champion "coupling" without orgasm? Not at all.
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>and raise you
lmao even?
It's never been a secret that pheromones have discrete effect humans
This whole mind control idea looks like an overreaction to sell products
We can only speculate as we just don't have enough direct evidence.
Someone needs to run an experiment. If you have a partner try this "coupling" and see what happens to you.
>jewish supersititions bc they afraid of pussy bc they hate nature
>Nature seeks to mind control men and turn them into mindless slave drones.
Yeahhhh no thank you.
"Knowledge" means sex.

Being "like God" means having sex, making baby, making new life.
Nah bro thats called "religion". Religion is a delusional whisper down the lane belief system reinterpreted over centuries by worthless men. Religious people are either cult leaders or cult slaves.
This mental enslavement happens regardless of religion as it's a biological phenomena.
Women evolved to mentally enslave men.
shit, this is exactly how "cain's venom" works. repto women seek out stupid dumbass ape males and the ape dudes don't even stand a chance. it's like the repto woman hollowed out the ape's nervous system and replaced it with a receiver that turns him into a robot that she has 80% radio control over, drives him around like an RC car, makes him spout NPC phrases and dance like a monkey.
that's gotta be where "invasion of the body snatchers" comes from. the cain's venom victims really are like robotic imitations of their former selves. really scary. it's like their soul just leaves and all that's left is some clone.
>repto women
QRD? DO you mean reptilian women?
Are you saying Draco Reptilians spliced their DNA into human women to make them produce copulin like Draco Females?
well there's 3 kinds of reptos here that we all interact with in our day to day lives. what's truly terrifying is, well, a LOT of things, but a big one is how bad things truly are.
i believe eve fucked a snakeman in the garden and that's chaim's father. curiously, irl it's brutally difficult for a repto man to impregnate a human woman, usually she miscarries instantly if the egg even fertilizes at all.
the snakeoids we know all have tar in their blood, and they're animals. but that snake consciousness in them is so strong it overrides any other ancestry they have. they truly are a matrilineal hivemind. if there's a grandma, mom, and daughter in a row, they're NEVER all aware at the same time. you can tell when they're "aware" (in an animalish way) or "offline" (they have tells). some are oddballs but those are rare. nicocado is a snakeoid. hohols are the primary ones.
dracos / elites are hard to figure out. they might be tranny or smth, hard to say. i never met a draco that didn't look tranny. but who knows how their innards work. they don't have tar blood, so they're people. but all reptos hate labor, are predisposed to diabetes, and have shit taste. they all love money.
pale-skinned apes are listed falsely as "white", and so are reptos. it's pretty bleak out there. reptos are like 1/8 of the "white" populace in some areas. to say nothing of rednecks, slavs, and the like. btw apes worship reptos as gods. they're a willing free army that will do ANYTHING for a repto's "approval".
My take is that this world is "engineered" to be this way.

Think about it. Society exists to enslave you. Worms, fungus, and other parasites fuck with your nervous system and seek to enslave you.
And now, I recently discovered that women have evolved to enslave you using sex as a vector for their poison (or is it venom?).

Maybe the Gnostics were more right than we know.
This planet, this realm, it was engineered to enslave conscious souls in order to sustain it and the evil beings that created it.

And I'm done being a slave.
All of this copulin stuff is a PSYOP, I saw this shit come outta nowhere on /fit/, then it was /pol/ and now /x/. But why do I believe this is a PSYOP? Because the whole "study" is absurd, there's no gland on the human body that can excrete 100ml of a SINGLE SUBSTANCE that fast, but let's say this is true, then it enters the urethra and reaches the hypothalamus?? I'm not a doctor, but you can't just have 100ml of a foreign hormone on your bloodstream, if that was true, then you would have people injecting 100ml of HGH on their veins and people would need 10x the amount to overdose on drugs, but of course that's not how the human body works. And then it says the female can just control the male? If this was true, then traditional societies would put 10x the restrictions they put on women, and every culture on earth would have stories of women mind controlling men and the dangers of women, but of course none of this is real. Also, weird how the "study" didn't even mention how this relates to other animals, before scientists test on people they first test on rats, and when the rat dies they put him in storage so that if anyone is skeptical of the study they can just dissect the rat and see for themselves, but this study has none of that.

But if this is a PSYOP then what is the objective? The first one is Divide and Conquer, so that the men who have the potential to oppose the status quo don't reproduce, and thus keeping the elite in power. Imagine if Tesla,Newton or Da Vinci had 20 children each, how better the world would be. But the second and main objective is to discredit Tantrism and the people and institutions associated with it, specifically the A-MOR of Miguel Serrano, which the study tries to replicate but give a negative twist to it.

The Truth is self evident, good night lads, I have more important things to do
seething snake hands typed this.
a tell of cain's venom is shrunken dot pupils. frozen little pupils that NEVER dilate, no matter how dark. and the victim acts all janky like, behaves in some weird robotic "employee yes-man" sort of way, and will go ballistic berzerk when their repto handler is criticized even slightly. i've seen this happen enough times with different people and it's the same pattern each time. no matter how much the afflicted human loves a family member, that beloved family member comes waaay after the repto in their life does. repto is #0, the slave will always promote the repto ahead of themselves. they lose their sense of self, they become nothing more than a device to do the repto's bidding. it's truly frightening when you see how far it goes. if a repto told their slave to cut his own nose off, slave would literally actually do it, and say the repto was right to tell him to do it. they really stop being people and just become remote controlled golems.
You didn't provide evidence for their non-existence. Because there isn't any.
There is, however, plenty of evidence for their existence.


>A class of aliphatic acids (volatile fatty acids as a kind of carboxylic acid) was found in female rhesus monkeys that produced six types in the vaginal fluids.[67] The combination of these acids is referred to as "copulins". One of the acids, acetic acid, was found in all of the sampled female's vaginal fluid.[67] Even in humans, one-third of women have all six types of copulins, which increase in quantity before ovulation.[67] Copulins are used to signal ovulation; however, as human ovulation is concealed it is thought that they may be used for reasons other than sexual communication.[57]

Now tell me fellow /x/philes, what does the RH in human RH factors stand for?
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To expand on this point, there was a Rothschild AMA on GLP that talked about how RH Negative humans are descendants of extraterrestrials.

Do copulins have a different effect on humans depending on if they have rh+ or rh- blood?

Something to ponder.
So what are we supposed to do?
Simply put, stop allowing yourself to be enslaved.
Purify you body of parasites, don't engage with society anymore than you have to, cultivate your spirit.
Know thyself.
I've been trying to develop the ability to discern this reptilian blood. Physically, it seems they tend to be tall, slender, have odd shaped skulls and positive canthal tilt. They can also be felt spiritually.
they have a certain facial type. you'll eventually start to notice it. big mouths, freaky predatory eyes, detached earlobes. tend to have vedic features due to crossbreeding then inbreeding. usually they're very very very very fat and super prone to heart disease. but they NEVER die until they suddenly drop. it's really hard for those lazy, goyslop-shoveling bastards to be slim. their metabolisms are way slow, lower body temperatures. they do tend to be taller than humans. they can fake-cry on command, that's where "crocodile tears" comes from. they have fewer muscles everywhere and they just have a lizardy physiognomy.
the "shapeshifting" is actually some weird thing where they beam out some brain-radio signals that make people (usually apes w cain's venom) perceive them as "prettier" and not so ugly. without the venom on your nerves, you can see how revoltingly blotchy and totally uggtastic they are.
>So what are we supposed to do?
>A class of aliphatic acids
basic chemistry you have to drink milk, raise (>>7 towards 14) your Ph balance
convert the acids to salts with basic ph balance
>Drink milk
So THAT's why Nathaniel Rothschild pushed so hard for pasteurized milk.
Does NAC remove copulins from the body?
This guy who talks about Cain all the time is a former namefag from an elite family who has consumed human flesh. Just so you know.
Well, honestly with my small knowledge of the subject and seeing the context, I am pretty certain this would be a form of tantra though I doubt you suddenly ascend together after 40 days and all that. But energetic and spiritual gains i can believe with this method, the logic and energetics make a ton of sense.

Too bad I'm a virgin and everyone else here is too and we won't get women to perform docking meditation with on the daily.

Honestly this would just make it better and would be cool.
>Being brainwashed is cool
Wow. The Parasitic Archons aren't even being subtle now, are they?
It is if you're into it, yes very cool and me want.

But to give a serious comment, I don't have a handy dandy image cap to just share but male fluids and insertion causes hormonal flooding in women too along with biological changes and brain chemistry alteration. It is a 2 way exchange so there is a much deeper activity going on than "women are enslaving you!" Believe me, I wish that was the mindset but it's not.
I hope that's the case.
We're fucking with our own biology that we barely understand.
To expand on this, I think we as a species have been subverted and sabotaged and our natural pair bonding mechanism has been weaponized against us.
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Incel ideology is satanic.
> To expand on this point, there was a Rothschild AMA on GLP that talked about how RH Negative humans are descendants of extraterrestrials.

Precisely, us Rh- Europeans are the celestials — God’s children/Creator of Universe’s chosen people — the Devil/Reptillians/Draco people are probably from Earth in a time much before us. I’ve heard Reptos are from here first, would make sense actually if God’s chosen descended from the Heavens, rather than Inner-Earth/Hell where the Reptos reside.
Replace God with Uber advanced Alien culture who architected the Universe if you have a problem with religion
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This is also why Mantis people have been trying to say we’re an “experiment”, or why the Rothschilds want to make it seem like a negative thing (Satan always portrays the opposite as true). I don’t believe that we were created by one of the Alien groups that we know of, I can get on board with DNA splicing, but Greys/Mantids/Reptillians, even the benevolent ones like the Pleadians are habitual liars.

It’s been said that Humans are the only species in the Universe with the means to generate our own “Metagene Factor” / Psionics, and that secretly all other species fear the day Mankind learns how to harness it collectively, and thought to be the reason behind a lot of abductions. See picrel
I think that's a distortion of the truth.
The ones who fear humanity awakening psychic powers aren't aliens. It's the tyrants here on earth who fear loosing control.
Look up Steven Greer and his archive or evidence. The US Deep Black MIC has been staging alien abductions "for their psychological warfare value".
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Honestly this.

I'm a contrarian in the contrarian realm of retarded tourist that is /x/ right now. I've seen for long enough that all the happenings are nothing but word salads, nothingburgers and ways to keep them in a permanent state of fear, hatred and docility.
Most of the time their compass is schizophrenia and a series of dogmas and fake axioms about everything that can be used easily for any party to control them and do a divide and conquer attack.
I'm not a retard like them but I have to read them because there is no other places like this that I know (in the form of pre-election-tourists/pre-memeflaggers /x/) so I know them better than themselves and I can see when they go on contradiction.
Like, you have all these retards opposing to so much things like the vax, the promiscuity, the troons, the big pharma and other clown worldly things and suddenly, a retard with a flag in his post tell them that having UNPROTECTED, BABYMAKING sex with women that are NOT into the PILL or any other CONTRACEPTIVE is le bad and they fucking BELIEVE it and start searching for larps and ways to shoehorn it to unrelated things like >>38974937 >>38974979 and pasteurized milk is still a base, so it will neutralize acids with no problem btw.
The point is, man, they're telling you, the ones that supposedly have the truth and can fix society, to not to have sex and children because a random study like >>38974058 tells you they found acetic acid, literal VINEGAR in the vagina of a monkey. That study "proves" that copulins exist as a concept but says NOTHING about that epic larp that is trying to make you incels and let other retards fil the world with children brought by retards that believe in the retarded things you supposedly hate and condemn.
I'm not asking them to stop being retarded schizos because most of them are ironically golemanced beyond any fix like >>38973742 but at least catch when someone is trying to use their "rules" to deceive them.
Humans do not have nasal receptors for pheromones by the way. This information is crucial to what OP is describing
Choroid plexus
Proximal tubules
Very high secretion systems in the human body you epic retard
How do you save someone affected

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