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free of charge, no matter who you are or what you did, by his grace alone

do you accept it?
I wish it would be that easy, but it's not
im already saved
My life turned to shit real quick after turning to Christianity. It made it real hard to have faith in any of it as I was reading the Bible and attending church. Things have been better since I gave up on it, too. I realize it could be bad luck, but I'm not giving it a chance again unless it offers my soul anything.
Dude, the Bible makes it clear that your life will get pretty shitty when you become a Christian. It’s a narrow path.
that's known as spiritual warfare. The devil wants to to turn away from God.
Yes, you can lose your salvation.
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For me my life has been better, it takes time to grow out of sin but it’s worth it
F'n goddamned F'n Christcuck LIAR! Your cramped and brain-dead religion is extremely expensive, but it's not paid with cash! If you take it seriously enough to become a brain-warped fanatic then it leads to mental illness. The Christcucks are maimed by rigid FUD dogma and they come here afraid of their own Shadow[s], who they call demons. They're in constant fear that Ol' Scratch has them by their shorthairs. They think they're SO knowledgeable! But they're just ersatz evangelists. All they do is prescribe their hunchbrained beliefs as absolute Truth. It's doubtful they can be helped because they're often already so far down the proverbial Rabbithole it's hard for them to get out because they fervently believe they're "saved".

More Christcuck FUD.
Good post. As a former fanatical christcuck I can confirm this. Personally I can't wait for the new Aeon to com into full swing, and watch the christian religion along with all its out dated dogma and psychologically unheatlhy dogma burn up in flames just like what it did to the religions o the classical world when Pisces reared its ugly head. Hoepfully then reason and wisdom will triumph in the hearts and minds of Man for a few short years before the religion of the new Aeon inevitably gets hijacked by the elite and turned to shit like the rest of them.
christpill = best pill
Of course. Just call out His Name and God will receive you.
jesus is NOT GOD!
THE BIBLE ADMITS THIS. we have been deceived by trusting what other people tell us about the bible without ever reading it carefully ourselves.
jesus is the serpent.
the bible does not speak for GOD!

read from here
to here (all linked posts ending in this one)
Explain why posessed people are all devout people who made minor mistakes while child traffickers, mafia, corrupt politicians or police, pro murderers and the like never get possesed.
This and this.

Satan attacks devout people, does not attack his minions.
Posession is punishment, not demonic attack
Jesus is Lucifer the Morning Star, the fake God who masquerades as The Allfather as part of the kike deception Revelation death ritual. All kike worshippers will burn forever and will seethe as sinners are raised above them in the everbeyond.
Possession is Satan's seeth and cope for when he sees people rejecting his empty promises.
Morning star is a title. Jesus is the morning star but Jesus isn't Lucifer.
*the bright morning star

Also, this sounds like something a jew would say.
jesus is satan and the bible proves it. This is the greatest conspiracy theory and deception of all time.

Genesis 3
>"You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Numbers 21-8
>And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
John 3-14
>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Ezekiel 33
>The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them:
Numbers 23:19 KJV
>God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Numbers 23:19 NIV
>God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Matthew 10-16
>Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Genesis 3-22
>And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
(The letters to the seven churches)
Revelation 2:1-7
>He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Read this carefully, all of this is from specific parts of the bible.
Notice how the bible is clearly referencing itself in many places:

>snake tells eve she will know good and evil
>serpents referenced as wise

>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up
>jesus is referred to as "the son of man"
>both jesus and serpent are put up on a pole (even illustrations of the serpent on the pole appear as a cross shaped like an uppercase T not a lower case t like the jesus cross)

>And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

>In Genesis the serpent convinces adam and eve to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil but God kicks them out of the garden of eden before they can eat of the fruit of the tree of life
>And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
>He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

So in genesis god creates everything, including the serpent which decieved adam and eve to eat the fruit of knowlege of good and evil, then god says "man must not be allowed to eat of the tree of life and live forever" and then later in revelation jesus says that he will give people to eat of the tree of life. So if jesus and the serpent are theoretically the same exact character, it sounds like they're still trying to get humanity to eat the second of the two forbidden fruits all this time throughout history. Also strange that as technology and science and medicine advances, humanity continues to be obsessed with unlocking immortality possibly (allegedly mentioned in theories from news, science, and medicine articles as well as science fiction books, movies, and video games etc. through a combination of different theoretical methods such as genetic modification, medications, or uploading their brains or consciousness to computers.) Also fascinating that some medical logos contain serpents.

So: WHAT THE FUCK is going on here?
None of this ever even BEGINS to make any sense.

>god creates garden of eden and adam and eve etc.
>adam and eve are the first humans ever, very gullible and naive, no prior history to learn from
>adam and eve do NOT have the knowlege of good and evil, and they do not know it is evil to disobey god
>if they did have the knowledge of good and evil, then eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would be meaningless
>eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was only significant BECAUSE THEY DID NOT HAVE THAT KNOWLEDGE BEFORE EATING IT
>why would god put the forbidden trees in the middle of where adam and eve live?
>why would god create the serpent?
>why would god let the serpent into the garden of eden?
>god is all knowing and all powerful and knows exactly what will happen
>serpent isn't stupid, in fact it's very manipulative and intelligent
>how could the snake know how to do this? shouldn't it be as naive as adam and eve? (unless god designed the snake for this task?)
so god which is all knowing creates humanity knowing ahead of time how they will turn out- as beings not only capable of, but destined to inevitably sin, creates beings that tempt and encourage and push them to sin, and then punishes them for sinning, and then god sacrifices god to god to forgive everyone for sins that aren't even really theirs in the first place?


Why do you keep spamming these posts?

I did, you weren't happy with the explination (because it went against your narrative) and you just shut down and dug your head in the sand. People are ignoring you because you're incapable of acknowledging the truth.

And why the fuck is the bible implying that God is not all knowing or all powerful? Why is the bible implying God is evil?

>god comes back to the garden of eden and (either does not know???????? or pretends to not know?) where adam and eve are
>god either does not know, or pretends to not know that adam and eve ate the fruit
Genesis 3
>the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
>Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”
>Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
>god punishes the snake (THAT THEY CREATED and put into the garden...?) for doing its job?
>god punishes adam and eve(who were decieved), and all of humanity along with them(who were blameless) for doing exactly what god knew they were going to do
>god does nothing to prevent this, and appears to have engineered the entire thing on purpose while taking advantage of naive and gullible living beings they created.
If jesus were theoretically allegedly this serpent, then this already confusing situation is even more confusing.
If jesus is the same being as the serpent in the garden of eden, then how can jesus die for our sins on the cross if jesus is the one that made humanity sin in the first place?

No matter how you try to take this all apart, it still doesn't make sense at the most basic level.


It's the greatest deception of human history, we are being intentionally misled.
Nothing adds up. Contradictions are detrimental to the success of the religion.

>Luke 18:18-20
>18 A ruler asked Jesus, `Good Teacher, what must I do so that I will live for ever?'
>19 Jesus answered him, `Why do you call me good? Only one is good, and that is God.
"Why do you call me good? Only God is good"
So jesus isn't good...? Only God is good, so jesus can't possibly be God. I'm not saying anything bad about him, just saying he doesn't logically fit into that role going by this evidence.

Numbers 23:19 KJV
>God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Numbers 23:19 NIV
>God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.

>God is not a man
>God is not human
So how can God be jesus?
And how can jesus be the son of God if people call jesus is the "son of man"?
Also if jesus is god, then why would god sacrifice god to god?
If jesus died for our sins, then why is the world still full of sin?
If jesus was legitimate, then why did he leave? Why not stay and help everyone?
Also why would God ever portray themselves in a state of weakness, injury, and death? It doesn't seem like something God would do.
also absolutely no one has ever been able to satisfyingly and clearly explain:
>what the trinity is
>what the holy spirit is
or even prove that they are real without making random excuses, quoting random off topic bible verses, or just completely making things up from their imagination with zero sources.
also why limit god to only 3 forms? god is limitless.
>Matthew 27:46
>46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,[a] lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
If jesus was God, then it would make no sense for jesus to ask God why God has forsaken jesus.
One of my biggest questions is: "Is the bible the perfect absolute word of God?"

So lets summarize:
>god creates humanity and makes them sin
>humanity had no idea what was going on and was just along for the ride
>god decides to become born as their own son
>god sacrifices god to god to forgive humanity for sins that are not their fault
as god is on the cross, god says to god:
>"god why have you forsaken me?"
>"god/me why have you/I/god forsaken me/god to god/me/myself?"
>"god why have I forsaken myself to myself?"
>"why have I forsaken myself?"
Is this essentially an admission from jesus that he isn't god, or is it possibly god realizing that their suffering and sacrifice was for nothing because humanity is irredeemable? considering that the world continued to be full of sin even afterwards? But then why would god go through the process if they know everything ahead of time? Wouldn't god have known that the sacrifice was for nothing before deciding to be born as jesus? Or could it be possible that this whole entire story is just an elaborate way of giving god a bad reputation and is actually a disservice to god? If that's the case, it's really sad how many people throughout human history may have been deceived and as a result could be confused about the true nature of god because of many assumptions that are derived from the inaccuracies, contradictions, and logical paradoxes.

So how could this be allowed? How can such a monumental absolute disaster of imperfection have been approved during the process of writing the bible? This is a disservice to God. And people call me a spammer FOR TELLING THE TRUTH. Unbelievable.
It's 100% spam. I've already answered the questions in your spam and instead of having an honest discussion, you just started talking shit. You don't want answers, you just want to copy and paste your arguments over and over again.
I believe that it is very likely that christianity has been corrupted to the point where a secret satanic cult is running christianity from the inside for a very long time now.

>"I promise you eternal life! and heaven!"
>"I already love God, thanks for the offer though... doesn't make too much sense to me"
>(for some unknown reason?) "This is not okay, you can't just worship GOD, you have to worship jesus or jesus wont give you permission to go to heaven to be with God when you pass of old age"
>"That... doesn't make any sense, God is the most high boss, why would I worship an employee?"
>"well that's because jesus IS God!"
>"Okay so if they're the same person I will just continue to worship God, have a nice day!"
>"NO. if you worship jesus you can have ETERNAL LIFE! and heaven! but if you wont worship jesus, then you will go to HELL forever! because jesus loves you. NOW, if you would simply just fall down and worship, All these things I will give you!"
>"that sounds un-christ-like, and actually un-God-like... sorry this seems off... I Love God so God bless you and have a nice day!"
>"God please protect me from whatever is going on, I love you directly GOD"
I have had very similar conversations just like this one with many different people multiple times in my life.
Exodus 20
>3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
in Matthew 4 the devil says to jesus:
>8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
christianity has become inverted.
christianity now mirrors the devil, it has become the very thing it was supposed to be the opposite of.
Am I a bad person for being disappointed?
Should God punish me for pointing out how sad this is?

I pray to God that we are all saved, and no longer deceived.

>It's 100% spam. I've already answered the questions in your spam and instead of having an honest discussion, you just started talking shit. You don't want answers, you just want to copy and paste your arguments over and over again.
>everything I disagree with is spam!

I'm making logical points and you are choosing to intentionally knowingly and willingly go out of your way to ignore the points I'm making because they are inconvenient to you. You are covering your eyes and ears and yelling "SPAM!!! SPAM!!!!!!" because you wish for my words of truth to go away. You are angry because you do not want to look at your own religion, your own bible, and read what is written there. You want to go fully on your own imaginary idea of what you wish the bible was, rather than objectively factually what it is. This requires delusion and ignorance, which reacts against truth, which dispels ignorance and delusion. You are specifically mad at me and accuse me of spam BECAUSE I tell the truth.
We can't trust anything anymore.

None of this has ever made any sense to me. All of these contradictions have made me very uncomfortable and skeptical. If the bible is the flawless perfect word of god, then how is it possible for it to inspire such confusion? Could it be possible everything we have read is wrong, and was designed to confuse us, waste our time, and keep us lost and afraid and distant from God? The only thing we can do is wait patiently for God to come and tell us all the truth directly, otherwise we may never know.

In general the most important points I want to make:
>God is perfect
>Humanity is imperfect
>Don't fall into the trap of worshiping God through another authority, entity, middleman, or gatekeeper that isn't God.
>Worship GOD directly
>You do not need anyone's or anything's permission or help to worship God.
>God is all powerful because God is God, God does not need religions, religions need God. Humanity needs God.

The world has become so corrupt, that not even other people speaking of God can be trusted. It has come to the point where the only way for our souls to be safe is to pray to God directly without passing our prayers through the dirty corrupt hands of others. Do you trust them to deliver your prayers to God without changing your words before they reach the almighty God?
Your points aren't logical, they're flawed and I've pointed this out before and then you started behaving erratic and just went full circle and started posting them again.
>You're just covering your ears
You're now projecting lol. Anyways, I'll stop feeding the troll and let you carry on with your nonsense. Just remember that your entire argument has been refuted already. Have a good day.
>Your points aren't logical, they're flawed and I've pointed this out before and then you started behaving erratic and just went full circle and started posting them again.
All you can do is say "you are wrong!" but you can not say how, or prove it- because I'm right.

>You're now projecting lol.
You're projecting by accusing me of projecting. I don't need to hide behind excuses, I have facts. You only offer excuses.

>accuses me of trolling because they disagree with what I'm saying
>Just remember that your entire argument has been refuted already. Have a good day.
>Doesn't refute argument because they can't because they have no argument
>leaves without saying anything of value

Very elegant retreat. This is what christianity has to offer.
>"Believe MY WAY, or go to hell forever!"
It's very sad.
It is indeed spam.
I mean look at this

I have had conversations with countless different people who all treated me the same way, and I have also talked to other people who said they had the same experience as me. They just want to have their way, and force it one everyone through fear.

christianity, instead of doing good in the name of God, spreads through fear and through threats of eternal hell. It does a disservice to God.

If jesus is God, then why are they so viciously against me just saying
>"no thanks! I love God so I'm just going to worship God okay? You said they're the same person, but you contradict yourself and tell me that worshiping God is bad, and worshiping jesus is good, but then tell me they're the same person."

Something VERY fishy is going on here.
You mean the same "god" who wishes to enslave all humanity to jews? Fuck off jew worshipper.
This is the biggest takeaway for anyone reading

>Don't fall into the trap of worshiping God through another authority, entity, middleman, or gatekeeper that isn't God.
>Worship GOD directly
>You do not need anyone's or anything's permission or help to worship God.

We're living in a world where other people are standing on top of a mountain of shit.
But it's all a trap to make you feel guilty and self hating for no reason

God was always there all along, and you have always been able to pray to God directly in the privacy of your soul. God loves you, so don't let some asshole be like "YOU NEED TO DO IT MY WAY OR GO TO HELL!" because they're threatening you with fear and damnation for and making themselves feel important.

These people are the farthest that it is possible to be from God. They are spiritual terrorists.


just GOD.

Direct worship of God is the simplest and most pure form of worship, with no signal interference. No bullshit. Nobody threatening you. Just pure love.
Which "god"?
>Which "god"?

The one and only GOD.


Above ALL science
Above ALL religion
Above ALL limitation
infinite and forever and eternal and BEYOND


>Just pure love.
According to whose perception of it?
>According to whose perception of it?

>threatens people with hell for not doing it right or not worshipping the right religion
>all about fear and threats
>not very nice
>full of contradiction
>pretends to be all about god but turns into a worship of false gods, idols, authority figures, and hating oneself, and never ending guilt and fear and uncertainty


>is all knowing
>all powerful
>just pray to GOD
>GOD loves you
You're avoiding the question. Whose perception of love should I adhere to?
>You're avoiding the question. Whose perception of love should I adhere to?
What do you mean?
It's a very simple question. Whose idea of love is the one I need to live by?
>It's a very simple question. Whose idea of love is the one I need to live by?
In what context?
I'm asking for clarification because the question is intentionally very vague and open ended, and likely a loaded manipulative trap-question with some silly precanned fake answer.
which one is that? Because it sounds like youre just quoting the bible.
What context is needed? What is love and who gets to decide what that is? How do I live for love? And why would your explination be the correct one?
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>another 'jesus is evil' schizo
How is your Sunday going, Christbros?
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord
Great, yours? This guy is known to literally copy and paste walls of text and of course the jannies see no issue with this obvious spamming. Check thr archives and see for yourself.
Pretty good here. I can tell they're a spammer. I don't browse /x/ often but every time I do I just see stuff like that and other shit and realize it's going downhill.
That's good to hear. Yea, it is what it is.
>which one is that? Because it sounds like youre just quoting the bible.
I think that the bible was trying to talk about the most high, the one and only GOD, but only to use them as a way of making the bible appear more legitimate.

God is powerful and does not need religion, but religion is weak and desperately needs God to appear legitimate and have authority.

>What context is needed? What is love and who gets to decide what that is? How do I live for love? And why would your explination be the correct one?

I feel like you probably want to derail the conversation into a philosophical discussion of what everyone's different ideas on love are, and what counts and what doesn't, and basically send the whole conversation into a nightmare spiral of arguing over what is objective or subjective. So I will give an equally vague answer to your equally vague question. Not out of spite, but to be fair.

I think it's important to try to treat others the way we want to be treated, unless someone is trying to hurt me in which case, I call the police and they get tasered and arrested, etc. But for the most part being kind and trying to be a good person and always asking myself "would this make God happy or disappointed with me?" are important thoughts to consider.

It's also important to consider:
>God is limitless and immeasurable
>God creates all good and all evil
>God creates all light and all darkness
>God creates all miracle and all calamity
>God creates everything
>God destroys everything
>God controls everything

So God has created everything, from the most greatest and beautiful good in heaven, to the worst things in hell. So I would say that God is the ultimate authority on morality, but the mind of God is a mystery to humanity. God has shown much calamity, but also much love. We spend around 100 years in this terrible world as humans, but go to heaven with God for all of eternity. So we suffer, but it's a small thing compared to forever in heaven
>I think it's important to try to treat others the way we want to be treated
As do I, as well as the teachings of Jesus Christ.

>unless someone is trying to hurt me in which case, I call the police and they get tasered and arrested, etc.
Cops are known to be corrupt, and won't harm another individual for not treating you kindly. Usually they try to defuse the situation before taking action.

>But for the most part being kind and trying to be a good person and always asking myself "would this make God happy or disappointed with me?" are important thoughts to consider.
How do you know what pleases God?

>God is limitless and immeasurable
>God creates all good and all evil
>God creates all light and all darkness
>God creates all miracle and all calamity
>God creates everything
>God destroys everything
>God controls everything

How do you know this for certain?

How do you know for certain a heaven and hell exists? And why would God send anyone to hell if He creates all evil and calamity?
Did this as soon as I could. There's no way I could open an app, edit the photo, save it and respond to you in ~40 seconds.
>As do I, as well as the teachings of Jesus Christ.
But lets ignore all the contradictions such as

I'm not getting into a pro cop vs anti cop political discussion, that's another attempt at a derail on your part. You're reaching for anything to possibly cause chaos.

>How do you know what pleases God?
I think in general we are born with the instinct to want to do good, and avoid bad. I think that instinct comes from God, because we are created in the image of God. That much is obvious. Otherwise, God is very mysterious. How can you claim to know what pleases God only based off of the bible's many confusing contradictions?

>How do you know this for certain?
You doubt the limitless and all powerful nature of God?

>How do you know for certain a heaven and hell exists?
Why is a christian asking someone else this question?

>And why would God send anyone to hell if He creates all evil and calamity?
That's a mystery even your religion can not solve. There are endless of theories on that though.
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of course i did.
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No one's saying your theory is shit because it's your perspective. It's just that you keep spamming it on every Jesus thread to try and get someone to listen to you.
>So kindly, keep all your jesus stuff organized into one clean thread like everyone else does with their topics here.
>Did this as soon as I could. There's no way I could open an app, edit the photo, save it and respond to you in ~40 seconds.
Wasn't that several minutes ago?
>Bro just discovered "inspect element" thinks he's a fucking hacker from the matrix.
>But lets ignore all the contradictions such as
Those aren't contradictions, I've already explained those to you.

Just saying, authority systems on earth are well known to be corrupt and biased. Not reaching, this is factually true.

>I think in general we are born with the instinct to want to do good, and avoid bad.
Again, who gets to decide what is good and bad? You never answered this.

>instinct comes from God
Can you prove God exists?

>because we are created in the image of God.
That's what the Bible states.

>How can you claim to know what pleases God
I dont, I refer you to a book that does. How can you make these claims, however? What credibility do you have?

>You doubt the limitless and all powerful nature of God?
Answer the question.

>Why is a christian asking someone else this question?
Answer the question

>That's a mystery even your religion can not solve.
God doesn't create evil, and the calamity He causes is due to our sins.
>I think that the bible was trying to talk about the most high, the one and only GOD, but only to use them as a way of making the bible appear more legitimate.
See, i knew youre a christcuck trying to be sneaky.
You always mean the "god" of jews when you say "GOD".
Trying to get people to worship a foreskin addicted demon who wants to enslave humanity to jews and destroy anyone who resists.
I'm on a phone. The format of the website from the Screencast is direct evidence to prove that. I wouldn't be able to do all that in 40 seconds on a phone.
Anytime this guy spams his posts, just respond to him with these



>Those aren't contradictions, I've already explained those to you.
KEK you never explained anything, you just keep saying "I explained it!" to trick people into thinking that you did, but you never did, you just spammed random off topic bible quotes and just made up random excuses from your imagination that are not even biblically factual. IF you could explain it, you would be able to explain it right now, but you can't, you wont, and you never have.

>Can you prove God exists?
>Why is a christian asking someone else this question?
>Answer the question

I have encountered this tactic before, you're just making things up and asking meaningless questions circular logic. You're christian and asking me questions that are meaningless to you considering we both already know what you believe. Why should I waste my time?

I don't get involved in any of that, I'm specifically not subscribing to any religion on purpose because I believe that God is beyond all religion and science. I think that the imperfect human element takes away from the most simple way of worshiping God, which is directly without any institution or middleman in between myself and God. I don't care how other people worship, that's their business. But everyone shares their opinions and perspectives, and I'm sharing mine too.
Oh my God! people have had discussions before!
>I'm on a phone. The format of the website from the Screencast is direct evidence to prove that. I wouldn't be able to do all that in 40 seconds on a phone.

You probably just posted from two different phones or multiple different computers.
>you just spammed random off topic bible quotes and just made up random excuses from your imagination that are not even biblically factual.
They're entirely on topic. You saying this exposes you as a disingenuous troll. You understand that, right? You've flushed all your credibility down the toilet. At least whatever still existed. Also, take note of how you preach love and God while quickly resorting to petty insults and dubious claims. There's no love, nor sincerity in you. Just malice, deception and a hardened heart. Have a good day.
>You're so dishonest that you took your entire toilet full of dishonesty and flushed it down another even larger toilet of hypocrisy with the toilet paper of irony, and the plunger of deception.
Want to see the 1000 year reign of Christ. It makes perfect sense that the Bible is the truth. Just look at how unhinged the clowns who yell Christcuck are.

They don't like it that they are forbidden to do sorcery and fornication.
>Want to see the 1000 year reign of Christ. It makes perfect sense that the Bible is the truth. Just look at how unhinged the clowns who yell Christcuck are.

If you offer any criticism to a christian, they will just call you evil or satanic. There is no discussion, no logic, no reason. You can do your best to ask good questions or make good points, but it always turns into a "oh no they disagree, so we're against them for asking questions" situation. I think it shows how sturdy the foundation of christianity is that they get so defensive. Also this is a huge disservice to the religion and to God because it turns away so many potential people who might have joined, but then quickly decided not to.
Oh no, jewish god of war "forbids" magic (except theurgy rituals that target him of course), how wil I ever recover?
No. Have a good evening.
GOD is the most high
everything else is bullshit
Lost? Struggling? Hopeless?

Listen to this video all the way through. Do it daily and you will soon see results better than your wildest dreams. You are seeing this for a reason.

Yeah keep on channeling fallen angels. Every person I have encountered who delved into that garbage wrecked themselves.

the devils false gift of damnation is a trap
just got back from church, doing splendid
>christpill = best pill
The fact that there even needs to be a pill implies it is an outside object. God is already inside of everyone and everything, so implying you need to take a pill to get jesus is suspicious.

Why does jesus need to be "let in" anyway? like a vampire?
>"fallen angels" controlled opposition agents of jewish god
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i align myself with christian values and hope i will go to heaven, but am still scared of what comes next. i pray every night and ask for forgiveness but really haven't changed and know that its meaningless unless i actually change.
>Works were always meant to be a salve for the guilt and feelings of unworthiness. And it's a pathway to reaching one's fullest potential which was all He really wants for us. Christ is the Redeemer, and though his shoes are impossible to fill, your own are In fact quite easy.
>a secret satanic cult is running christianity from the inside for a very long time now.
Yes. Fritz Springmeier outed Billy Graham as a Monarch mind controlled slave handler. If you read Brice Taylor you'll see that churches are a primary vector for organized child sexual abuse. Physical child abuse most denominations will loudly advocate in public.

Also check out evilbible.com
>Morning star is a title. Jesus is the morning star but Jesus isn't Lucifer.
How can somebody even observe this and then say that?
there si way more to this allegory, the morning star is venus, it is called that because since its orbit is closer to the sun then us, you can never see it at night, now remeber they used to believe that the planets and sun orbited around the earth- how woud you then explain venus?
roman's road is the most used carsales religion that ever existed, leave it up to master consuming class america to be drawn to FREE FREE FREE
you don't have to do anything! so stupid yet so many fall into it and die
>im already saved
no your not, you are still cut and if you enter death this way i doubt you will be reattached
>no your not, you are still cut and if you enter death this way i doubt you will be reattached
bro what is this dude even talking about, why is he making shit up?
meant cut off, like a branch from a vine
Old rusty bullshit propaganda. There is no Omni-God.
If God doesn't change his mind then there's no need for prayer, yet God did repent, so He changed his mind, so the Bible contradicts itself.
In a revelatory religion, if there is a contradiction then it's All False!
A branch for Dionysus or Bacchus? Christcucks stole their attributes and then added it to their Omni-God's spawn.
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You failed. Get back up
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Wtf are you on about?
Don't become This Guy! [picrel]
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Anons, I need spiritual help. I like to think I am a Christian and lean Catholic, but was never baptized and haven't been to Church in many, many years. I've have prayed for forgiveness and thank God for letting my parents live another day for the past few days. I want to be more closer with God but feel like I don't mean it. Like I'm performing. I don't know what to do and would like some advice on how to get that spiritual connection closer.
You're forgetting.

John 3:19

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
>dude join the most mainstream cult in existence !!!!!!!!!!!!!! requirements: be a retard and say jeebus jeesusss in your sleep and your friend jesua will greet you with a car and a house !!!!!
Of course I do. Maybe one day I can forgive myself too.
I don't even know of a world outside being in debt and working and working and working and things barely start going good at some point, not doing good but going good, only for shit to fuck. you guys with money just sit around thinking about your eternal soul n shit? lol.

but wait ur saying I can go blow people's heads off n shit lol sounds dope.
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asking for forgiveness doesn't forgive shit.

Imagine, if you were god-- you would make a reality with life and you etc buuuuuuut it is all about evaluating you to see if you submit to "him" (external from you) to receive "forgiveness, heaven etc"... It is the dumbest shit you've ever heard if you sit and think about it.

Alsoooo so obviously made up to control poorer populations with self-policing religion etc.
Come on guys. There's nobody in the sky judging you.
Get a grip and be your own person.
I love god
I fucking detest the roman's road to salvation, american trash religion that leads nowhere
If god expected you to do something, would it be ok to expect him to do it instead?
The book of proverbs basically tells you to hold your tongue as much as you can, and take a moment to actually hear people when they're calling out out on something.

As in, when you mess up doing something you were tasked with. Not Internet debates. Important distinction.

Just try to follow that while doing good deeds as often as your strength can allow.

Praying for you.
Read Proverbs
Find a good church and start attending, make a habit of it, mature in christ
The upper left corner is all fictional characters. This entire chart is a complex psyop with multiple agendas that become rather clear if you look at it and compare it to actual fact. Yahwism derives from Canaanite polytheism. Look up Yahweh and his Asherah (god had a wife, got a divorce, blocked her number, uhh killed everybody who thought she was cool...).
If you genuinely want to get baptized, go do it. If you find a good church you like and go for a few weeks and then mention that you haven't been baptized and you want to then there will be people very happy to make it happen.
jesus was preaching a spirit that would enter into a person, baptism represents the dying of their old man (their natural mind). you don't believe this, you don't preach it, instead since you cant handle the truth your invent the romans road to eternal damnation that tricks people into believing they are saved when really they are the same old person they've always been
gotch you fraudulent fuckface
Baptism signifies a cleansing before one can potentionally receive rhe Holy Spirit.
“Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?”
you want the easy way, you want to keep your life
that is what these LIARS will tell you "oh no you don't have to bear your cross, jesus did that for you." wrong
“If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me"
death bitches before you can be reborn
For us it's a metaphorical death.

Matthew 3:11
11 “I baptize you with[b] water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with[c] the Holy Spirit and fire.
You're taking things way too literally lol.
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Baptism isn't just symbolic, you will feel your spirit man being cleansed as the sin nature you were born with is washed away

I was actually baptized with the Holy Spirit before water baptism, so I think God isn't too picky but respects your genuine intent to repent and change and know God more closely
You can't receive the Spirit without a spiritual cleansing.
Nevermind I take this back
yes it is not your body dying it is your mind
Not your mind, your old self.
it is true, that is why christians were persecuted, fat american romans road chrisitans are going to the lake of fire
your mind is you
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That isn't in the Bible, that's only a common order of doing things that is spiritual tradition.
I was baptized when I was younger with my family, but I didn't really care and just went along with it. Nothing happened, just dunked in water and out.

When I was baptized in water as an adult, having wanted to with my own free will, I immediately became aware that I had a spirit man inside of me and that it was just cleansed. It was a brand-new feeling that's hard to describe until you feel it yourself.

When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, I felt the power of God and spoke in tongues. However, I did not yet have the "gift" of tongues, so I could only speak in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.
Later on, I was given the gift of tongues with the laying on of hands which lets you pray in tongues whenever you want, filling you up with the power of God which can then activate other gifts of the Spirit like revelation knowledge or the "gift of faith" which lets you pray for and receive things that you normally would never be able to believe for on your own.

I studied faith and power and the Holy Spirit, but then realized I was deeply lacking in virtue and love which was limiting my life in Christ.

There's still so much more to learn but it's been pretty interesting so far!
>It was a brand-new feeling
wrong, it is a voice in your head that was not there before, the Holy Spirit, you do not recieve this at baptism, baptism is the begining where you are burying your old man and waiting for the spirit
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You can wait for the Spirit, but you don't have to. In the book of Acts there were some who were only baptized in water who came across the Apostles.
Hands were laid upon them and they were baptized in the Holy Spirit, so there was no waiting involved.
God respects your honest desire for repentance and seeking Him, so I don't think He's a stickler for methodologies as long as you are saved and baptized
It makes me mad that you have taken something so great, the way to eternal life, and made it so shitty that it leads nowhere, its embarassing to call myself a christina because then people associate me with your type. you don't keep his commandments and tell those that are they don't need to- shame on you.
The book of Hebrews was written by Apollos, he was preaching only the bapism of john because he did not know about the Holy Spirit, Priscilla and Aquila explained to him that after living like john the baptist a spirit would appear in their mind (and give them utterences)
the thing about Apollos is he was REALLY into allegories, that is the whole book of hebrews, how the old testament is an allegory for the new. allegory is a big deal to understanding creation, there are obvious themes repeated kind of like an escape room
we are missing a few pages and books, the most complete and least altered bible is on fucking ethiopia, so do any of you faggots can translate ge'ez to english?
The Holy Spirit provides discernment of the scriptures.
they didn't know what the storied really meant so they couldn't alter them enough to remove the hidden meaning, like Jonah- deeply describing how a prophet obtains the Holy Spirit. Hint: when it says he was running from god, what this is showing is that no man can chose this route god choses them
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The New Testament as it is now is already so deep that it requires prayer for revelation to truly comprehend. Some people have read the Bible for decades and don't understand it because they never pray.
>no man can chose this route god choses them
Jesus literally stated
>not my will but yours be done
At the garden, after praying and asking if He could be pardoned from having to suffer death on a cross.
Prayer and meditation are two different words for a reason. Prayer is communication with God. Christians who say prayer is meditation are doing some 90s weak hippie Christianity. Saying prayer is meditation is such a cop out.
lord make me understand.
You do understand the word meditate holds different meanings, right?
when you pray how much time do you spend asking for things?
why not shut your damn brain off and listen?
If God can't event protect his followers then what's the point of following him at all
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I do spend a lot of time praying for things, physical and spiritual, for myself and others, different cities, counties, states, countries, individuals, etc.
If I am praying in the Spirit sometimes God will reveal supernatural knowledge about the person or group I am praying for, or will correct me and tell me that that person doesn't have a problem with X Y or Z.
From what I understand it means to ruminate or it means clearing your mind like a hippie. If you're just thinking about something then God is not involved and it is not prayer. They're two different words.

I have a problem with saying prayer is meditation because it's a politically correct sneaky way for weak Christians to say prayer has benefits but in an atheist country they are embarrassed to say that they talk to God. (since some churches have partially become social clubs)
Prayer isn't meditation, but you can meditate on scripture.
following who? jesus? he never offered protection just the opposite- guarantee of pursection. chrisitans on earth are like the serpent in heaven
is your mind god?
I have no need to do this.

I'm well protected.
Don't cry with your mouth, or your head. Cry for Him with your whole soul, your whole heart, to the point of being turned into dust and ashes. And He will comfort you.
>I have no need to do this.
"Or how can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? Then indeed he may plunder his house" the strong man is your mind , midnight is when you shut your mind off and there is blackness, the thief is the Holy Spirit
The strong mind is a demon, it could even be doubt depending on the strength of your faith. Thank you for revealing your ignorance, by the way.
The Son gave up His Divine Rights during the Incarnation to show a perfect obedience to the Father (that's what being without sin is, in the end). His Miracles were through the Holy Spirit i.e. through the mutual love between the Father and the Son, and thus their Will is, and was, one. That's why when Jesus prays to God He says: "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done". Jesus Christ is the LORD and through His Perfect Obedience and His Selfless Sacrifice he gained the right to open the Book of Life.
your mind is a devil (demon sounds so harsh)
You're clearly possessed by one.
Nope, the mind is wrong all the time but the Holy Spirit teaches and corrects

We can try to achieve "the mind of Christ" by not putting negative things into our eyes and minds and praying for wisdom and revelation knowledge
I willfully set aside my own mind and look at the Holy Spirit in my mind, it is non intrusive, very mild, and indeed Holy
You do not have the Holy Spirit. I can tell by your interpretation of biblical scripture.
>Holy Spirit teaches and corrects
with a voice in your head, doesn't necessarily teach more like says go this way or that, do or don't say something, it doesn't necessarily correct either because you can ask before hand and it will just say don't or just wait.
you don't know about spirits, they do not have a mind like ours they repeat something or transmit some information
That's not true at all.
i made it up from a dream i had, the Holy Spirit does not ramble like a person's normal mind
Trust me, I knew right off the bat you're making this up.
not making up anything
read the fucking new testament- oh sorry still blind
so the whole new testament is about a new feeling people will have? a new inclination to do good? you are a bad person if you admit otherwise is making things up
The new testament is all about the new covenant that Jesus established through His sacrifice. The new covenant was also prophesied in thr old Testament. All but Revelations has been fulfilled.
its just so tiring, you are beleiveing a fake religion it should be obvious
I genuinely feel the same way towards people who deny it. But interchange fake religion with lies against it.
he didn't say holy feeling, or holy desire, or holy lifestyle, he said Holy Spirit, this has meaning, a spirit is a voice
Within the context of the Bible, I'm correct.
you don't know
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Debating about the Holy Spirit is one thing, but there are more manifestations than just the Holy Spirit.
There is the spirit, the water, and the blood.
We supernaturally feel our spirit being cleansed via baptism, aka water. We listen to the Holy Spirit aka spirit. And we feel the power of God when we take communion, aka the blood.

Here's another one. Jesus Christ can actually visibly and audibly manifest himself to people. Sometimes this happens with new converts or preachers who have really gone spiritually deep.

"He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."
Getting to the level where Christ himself comes to visit you on earth seems intense, but I hope to get to that level one day. (seems terrifying)

You could also pray to the Father for a vision or dream and potentially hear the voice of the Creator.
So it's not just the Holy Spirit but also Christ, the Father and angels as well.
Checked and Amen.
here is something more interesting; in 1 Cor. 5 this is not talking about a physical act, God's wife is the church, when someone else comes into the church (son) and tried to take the church over this is taking his fathers wife, they knew something an allegory about marriage that you don't seem to
>our spirit
what is your spirit?
haha I got so many this thread it's crazy
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Man is made up of the mind, heart, soul, spirit and body.
Our spirit or "inner man" is dead until we are born again.
When you are baptized through an honest desire to do so (as opposed to like a compelled baptism) you can feel your spirit being cleansed and you will feel clean in a way you have never felt before. It's like suddenly gaining a 7th sense.
>you can feel your spirit being cleansed and you will feel clean in a way you have never felt before.
feelingsare hormones in the blod, like you feel adrenaline or happiiness does good like a drug. feelings are someting you feel, what you are feeling is a chemical change in your body
you don't feel spirits you hear them, everyone knows spirits carry messages- words
From what angle are you coming at this from? What area of study has led you to believe this?

And it has nothing to do with the body or chemicals, it's like trying to explain what ice cream tastes like to someone born without taste buds

You absolutely can feel the Holy Spirit because He comes to dwell in you

You sound like you are talking about whispering or lying spirits that are tormenting mental patients or something
>it's like trying to explain what ice cream tastes like to someone born without taste buds
This isn't really accurate. It's more like two.people born without taste buds, and one of them suddenly says they can taste, and starts "describing ice cream" and demanding the other person accept it.

Prove you have taste buds, before describing the taste.
It's not really demanding the person accept it, but they're describing their experience and saying that the other person can have that experience too

Really the taste bud analogy is bad because it's not even a physical sensation but a spiritual one

If someone genuinely seeks God in their heart they will find the truth eventually, or if they encounter someone filled with the Holy Spirit to where they come into contact with the presence of God and gain sudden awareness
Encountering God's presence brings awareness of one's sin that contrasts with God's purity, and if we repent and ask, Jesus takes away that sin and our spirit is revived or "born again" Baptism is another spiritual experience that usually happens sometime after that.

If someone was baptized as a child then I recommend seeking to be baptized as an adult of your own free will
Yes, Krishna says he does that, for he is God.
>Jesus takes away that sin and our spirit is revived or "born again"
wrong- your mind is evil and will always be evil, the best you can do it quit listening to it, bu then what, you would be like a dead person? after being like a dead person for a while, God sends his Holy Sprit (different from your mind) and by following this youare able to do good
jews want to make there mind good so they have all these rules to follow, Christians say the mind will never be good- forsake it.
Christianity is all a calculated lie so they Jesus cucks you in the afterlife with the significant other you likely don’t have or at least have hoped would come to you if you followed Christ.

Why risk it?
you should be at a point where you can control yourself, your mind decides what your belly will eat and what to fuck (kind of- who can say no to a cup of coffee in the morning) ideally you (your mind) is making the choices. loo at tehc choices that are being made by the loose minds on earth- bad. who can argue man is good? if man had a different mind would that make him good? yes the Holy Spirit
What is this argument even pertaining to?
The Truth of Christianity.
Ask yourself why you're so focused on spreading lies about Christianity and not much of anything else.
Because I’m trying to save your soul from eternal cuckoldry by a witch-spirit.

Why you don’t thank me and instead want to lick Jesus’ black, necrotic cum from your girlfriend’s flabbergasted pussy is beyond me.
get the soap- someones getting their mother fucking mouth washed out, no water after!
I feel sorry for your dad, mom, and grandparents.

They’ve hit the same fate.

All their awkward Christian sex was in vain, and probably the reason you’re a chronic masturbator.
You're projecting your strange fetishes onto something you clearly don't understand. This is honestly sad and pathetic.
Strange fetish?

This is genuinely repulsive as shit to me, and I would wish this fate on no man, but you’re heading down a path where you honestly deserve it.
See, this is why I can't take you seriously. You lack the intelligence to form a proper argument against it, so you resort to petty insults and straight up lies in hopes of shaming others from showing an interest in it. You show yourself for the coward you really are through the words you've written.
What the hell are you even talking about?

Jesus is lying to you to cuck you.

What’s there to argue?

You believe he won’t, and there’s virtually the same exact sequence of logical justification for one or the other, except I went into dream space and caught that motherfucker in the act after reading numerous esoteric, cryptic texts from the Vatican Library.

You’re spiraling out of control and reaching to a false deity for comfort, and that’s exactly why you’re going to get a dick in the butt.
How do you talk to God and Jesus? I want to meet a succubus like they talk about on succgen, but first I want to be closer to God and Jesus so I can more easily meet one that isn't demonic. I tried thinking "God, please talk to me tonight" before falling asleep, but he didn't show up in my dreams, so how do I get closer to him and talk to him? Do I need to learn lucid dreaming?
Theists don't care about God.
They care about the illusion of eternal life.
"God" is just a mechanism they think will give them eternal life in a world free of suffering.
Because they are cowardly nihilists afraid of death.
It's literally just a metaphysical get rich quick scheme.
>dream space
You mean thr very same dream space where people can take the form of whoever they want? More lying, more dishonesty. It's embarrassing. Like talking to a little kid trying to fuck with my head.
>Muh Cartesian Dualism uncritically absorbed from popular culture via osmosis and parroted as truth by an NPC who is utterly unaware of the source and history behind the ideas he espouses.
You can, yeah.

Is that somehow less real than a magical plane where you meet all your faggy relatives forever, or is that just more believable because it’s in a very old, very demonstrably false book.

You can still distinguish between what’s “real” and what’s “not” there, by the way, but I imagine that your extent of spiritual knowledge is limited to Christianity so enjoy piping down that hot Jesus wiener in your throat, buddy.
you think God is just waiting for you to tap in him? you fucked him dude, went against what he said, you need to make that shit right first. if someone is stealing from you, you make them return all the shit and promise to stop stealing before you forgive them. who wold be so guilible to forgive a thief while he has all your shit and keeps doing it? they are still your enemy
eternal life is an allegory, look at all the miserable people who have been alive for only a couple of decades, this is not life. eternal life means interestnig things that make you want to live.
There you go, continuing to project your strange fetishes and fantasies. I dont know why I continue to engage with you. This'll be my last response to you.
I don't know what you're talking about.
>you think God is just waiting for you to tap in him?
This is what pretty much every Christian says, so yes.
>This'll be my last response to you.
at least make your last reponce some statement, from your own mind, someting deep and profound not just talking shit about someone elses wife!
>look up your local Catholic churches
attend mass at each
>pick one that felt the most "right" to you
>contact the parishioners (the people who live and work the church) by phone or email with a general "i'm new, i need help" inquiry
>tell them your situation
>ask about their RCIA/OCIA (Christian Initiation for Adults) program. you're likely a few weeks late for it, most of them start in September.
>ask whatever other actual questions you have, not something I can give you
>they will without a doubt be willing to guide you

i was in your shoes not long ago. the internet is the wrong place to be dwelling at this time. you need to open up to people in your life about this. You will not get a positive reaction from everyone in your life, especially secular friends/family, but this isn't supposed to be easy. But you should be pleasantly surprised to find Catholics in your life where you least expect it, and a path will open itself up that you have to continue making the decision and taking the action to follow.
>attend mass at each
the catholic church has become the celibration of the senses, you need to go inside
>it means clearing your mind like a hippie
Or like Jesus?

Nigger you’re retarded.

Am I saying either of us would like this fate?

No, you absolute chung.

I’m trying to help you avoid this fact, and NOW I’m starting to think you want this happen, considering how resistant you are to obvious help.
never too late
Uh no, it isn't.
Churchstains overwhelmingly believe in an afterlife.
I don't care about your special snowflake interpretation you claim to have.

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