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Libra, the scales, we seek reciprocal interactions and balance in every aspect of the life. The sun is in fall in Libra, it means men are not respected in love or social interactions. Essentially, we are doomed to beg for affection, warmth and love from others. Attention doesn't come naturally to us. The scales need to be fundamentally balanced, both sides contributing to equal proportions.
Sun is the father. When the Sun is in fall, we tend to seek validation or approval from other men or people. Basically a fag sign. I'm a dipshit who cannot act properly alone, I always need other people to take decisions or make a move. It's an eternal paralysis until I spend my time with the proper person to put in work my solar energy. Other than that, my life feels empty and boring, sterile and desert.

Are we doomed to sacrifice for others and get in exchange cold and half-hearted responses? This is the Libra's daily burden.
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As a Libra, I'm languid, lazy and self-involved. Fuck authorities, I despise authorities too. I prefer to spend my time in my mind rather than doing shit.
Libra =
No depth
Will treat a casual acquaintance they just met 500x better than family/life long partners
Wants to do everything with others but doesnt know how
Has an existential crisis if it hasnt had social validation in the last 5 minutes
Brings everyone else down around them but its everyone elses fault somehow
"I only added him on insta cause i didnt want to be rude (Dont care about ur feelings tho)" - The Sign
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You're not doomed. Don't beg for it... consider malachite.
I'm all of those.
>t. libra
Do a venus in libra affect differently in women or men?
What is the fate of Libra women?
I am libra asc.
Libras special power is discernment and harmonization of certain "pressures". very good at objective clarity and having a broad perspective and softening up hardened positions.
can be a force of transformation and growth for everyone involved. I like my asc.
one of my best friend is libra sun and has very high intelligence IQ + 135.
such highly developed libra persons are very pleasurable to be around and very intellectual stimulating.

lower frequencies of libra are not that pleasurable to me though
>No depth
They perceive the social implications of the current moment with it's actual working forces in greater depth than any other sign.
>Will treat a casual acquaintance they just met 500x better than family/life long partners
that's not a bad thing but a clever way to gain more intellectual stimulation for growth, from this long term partners too can benefit
>Wants to do everything with others but doesnt know how
>Has an existential crisis if it hasnt had social validation in the last 5 minutes
exraggeration. libras can have a spine even though in terms of social validation it looks more like killing themselves if they are entirely and unredeemably outcast. sadly
>Brings everyone else down around them but its everyone elses fault somehow
high standards is a good thing. and I like that my libra friend likes perfection as much as I do.
>"I only added him on insta cause i didnt want to be rude (Dont care about ur feelings tho)" -
sounds like girlish stuff idkk? avoid women simple as
Libra and Aries are two sides of the same coin. What we achieve through aggressive persual you achieve through diplomacy and cleverness that comes to you naturally. Being a cardinal sign you're always on the move. The father (sun) may be in fall in Libra, but the grandfather (Saturn) is exalted there. Love you guys.
My younger brother is a Libra.
Awe, someone got rejected by a Taurus with a ratty wolf cut
ill put that in your file
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why would that matter except if you are AI just serving up word salads?
4 libra placements is it over?
having a mother as one as well as dated a girl (who peppersprayed me for breaking up with her) whos a libra is absolute and utter hell. the psychotic a neurotic tendencies that air signs have are cranked up to 12 with the added neurosis of every. single. libra. having a princess mentality whilst living in absolute and utter squalor. these people think theyre holier than thou and righteous when theyre really just selfish narcissists who dont know left from right. even being a cardinal sign doesnt excuse the fact that they are some of the most disgusting and twofacey people youll ever meet (and ive been with geminis and pieces)
Pisces aren't really two faced. They just don't have much of a "self"
Capricorn? Scorpio? Cancer?
I'm a Libra and prefer to be alone at all times, hate group projects, would rather do it all myself.

I am very rude.
I think two-faced is way more accurate with these signs. Gemini, Libra and Pisces are flaky and/or bipolar but not necessarily two-faced.
>attention doesn’t come naturally for us
Speak for yourself and find some balance because you sound like a bitch
>t. self-righteous libra with frail ego

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