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I must go back in time. I want to. I need to. It must be today. I want to go back. To do the things I should have done, to stop the things I should have never done, to the things I could have done, and the things I could have never done but can now.
Who can give me this power?
Same but how bro.
don't do it. time travel is for gay pedophiles.
It must be possible. There is no other explanation. I want my wishes to come true.
i'm not a gay pedophile???
Hello, I can help you. I must warn you that once you’ve gone back your memory of events that happened in your past-future will be wiped clean. There’s no leaving the past once you’re there, there is no “skip” or “fast forward” option. If interested let me know and in due time I will give you the means to contact me via Telegram. On March 29 there will be a partial solar eclipse, this will be the next window of opportunity to travel back in time.
Please, nta, but I find myself right now getting thrown out of my apartment, penniless, near-friendless when just 2 years ago I had everything. I need to go back in time because there are things I’m certain I wasn’t supposed to do that have caused a Kafkaesque life that I’m not sure why I did them all those years ago. How do I get in contact with you on Telegram
What is your telegram?
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In theory you should be able to travel in time using gravity manipulation, but that's probably extremely tricky even for legit typ 1 or even type 2 civilizations. I saw an interesting idea once long ago which proposed creating a large ring or circle of super dense neutrons, then accelerate them to near light speed in a spinning motion and traveling through the center of this spinning ring. It's all just hypothetical though.
You do realize you could find yourself in a timeline that’s even worse than this one? Anything you can conceive of has already happened and is always happening.
Pointless posts like this make no sense.
Why pile theoretical larp on top of theoretical larp and then finish the post with
>I don’t know lol
If you lose your memory and anyone who has ever done this has lost their memory then there’s no way you’d know if this was possible.
Lmao. Kek even.
So I can't time travel because I'm fapping?
Cuz theoretical stuff is fun? What's the point of this whole board? Its all larpers and schizos. Think you're on the wrong board
You think you’re in the present? NO! We’re ALL stuck in the past. Every moment we live is just a shadow of what was, I see flashes of time slipping away—past, future. They’re messing with reality, REWRITING history. The government has TIME MACHINES! They’re planting false memories, making us forget what’s REAL! WE’RE TRAPPED in their endless cycle, Can’t you SEE? They’re always WATCHING, manipulating us
It's not possible.
What if there is a timeline that is 100% just like a point of the past in our timeline?

Techincally it is possible.
The whole point of this board is to discuss paranormal.
You freely admit to being a larper. Just don’t fucking post and help to improve it.
Relax, we can’t go before March 29, 2025 at the earliest. In the meantime please start learning about quantum physics. Reach out to me around Christmas to start serious preparation.
How is relaying a theoretical physics phenomenon larping? You can Google it if you wish but it was like 15 years ago I heard about it.
Is sci-fi stuff not "paranormal" enough for you? You must hate the alien threads.
>in theory
>that’s probably
>extremely tricky
>I saw
>15 years ago I heard about it
>sci fi
You aren’t in your alien threads. You aren’t relaying anything. You straight up make up shit so hard it sucks.
>It must be today
You've been making the same thread for years now. At this point you're just burning out the remaining time that you have.
But he must do it.
Your life must be pretty sad if things like this tick you off this much. Take a chill pill and do some breathing exercises or shove a amethyst up your ass or what ever calms you down
You're right, and I will.
How will I reach out to you?
I need to go back to 2019 at the latest to prevent a life changing injury. I fucked up my hands and they healed wrong. Not only am I incapable of doing all the things that I aspired to do before that, but every moment of my life is filled with distress and dysphoria from my hands being a different way than how they're supposed to be. I can't how stress how life changing it was. It is the single biggest thing that has ever happened to me and has changed my identity. My life is now revolves around distracting myself from the physical and psychological torment that now consumes my entire existential experience, mainly through weed alcohol and porn. I'm not a degenerate by default, degeneracy is just the only thing that ensures that I will get some relief. The only thing that has kept me from killing myself in the past four years is the idea that I will either go back in time or reincarnate. I've been rmtold that if you have permanent injuries, you will reincarnate with those same injuries, but I write that off as gaslighting, partly for my own sanity and partly because I don't trust the motives of anybody who uses this site, especially this board, being that it attracts the sickest, most unhappy people.
I need to do this more than anyone else in this thread. I don't how to ask for help, but please help me. I will do anything it takes.
I’ll check for your thread in late December. Are you 100% sure this is what you want? There’s no going back once you’ve travelled back in time. This isn’t a decision to take lightly. Are you sure there’s nothing you can do in the present moment to improve your lot?
What do you want to go back to?
2019 or earlier. 2013 would actually be ideal.
I hope that people don't just automatically assume that OP is me because I've made a couple of posts similar to this within the last year. It would suck of some random guy who just had a falling out with a friend or something like that got sent back in time when I'm the one who really needs it. A lot of people here seem to believe that if they see two similar posts, they were written by the same person without a shred of doubt.
What is it you want to go back to, or what has happened in the intervening years that has made you so unhappy?
Hi , I want to go back too. I need your help. What did you mean the memory of events will be wiped? Do you mean I won't remember anything that's happened since the point I want to travel back to?

I too wish to go back in time. I have been trying for around 15 years using advanced meditation and visualisation techniques but the closest I got was temporarily jumping into an Asian girl's body for about 2 seconds. See you in December.
Another question, how will we travel back? Are you coming with me?
I explained it a few posts back. I permanently injured both of my hands in 2020. Beyond that, I was heavily medicated for reasons relating to OCD from 2013 through 2016, which entirely changed the course of my life. I believe that it caused permanent changes to my brain, but before injuring my hands, I had the ability to solve even that. I never took any medication before 2013 or after 2016. It was just for OCD, which I later realized how to cure without any medication whatsoever after going off the medication. My experience with medication was basically the most extreme worst case scenario you could possibly imagine as far as medications are concerned. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. I was given antipsychotics that I never should have been on, and even psychiatrists have told me that I didn't need to be put on any of those medications and are shocked that I was. I had real potential before all of this happened and was on a clear path to what I wanted out of life. My experiences within the last decade stripped everything away from me. I'm not even asking for the life that I could have had, but I can't accept the life that I have now. I'm living in a pure existential nightmare that I never thought was possible even in my wildest dreams.
I mean you won’t be able to go back to the past while retaining the ability to remember what has come to pass in this timeline. To put it simply you can’t travel back in time and win the lottery because you know the winning lottery numbers for any given draw date, it just doesn’t work that way. If you think there’s a good chance that you would have acted differently in past situations we can go back in time but there’s no guarantee your decisions won’t have an even worse outcome for you. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
No, absolutely not. It’s completely unsalvageable the way my life is now. How can I prepare? Other than the quantum physics?
What do you mean “we”? Will you be traveling back in time with me?
Eat good nutritious food and get plenty of fresh air, rest, and exercise. Don’t do drugs. Be a good person between now and then, help others when you can in every way you can. Practise mindfulness and appreciate what you have. I will show you the way.
Friends and relatives that were alive back then are not among us right now. Turning back time has to be at least as difficult as turning back death. And there is no turning back death.
What about meditation?
How does one go back in time though?
I heard that you can write down what you need to remember immediately after you go back in time before your memories of your current timeline fades. Either way, what you're saying honestly doesn't deter me at all. You could be wrong.
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> 38 Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. 39 “Take away the stone,” he said.

>“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

>40 Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

>41 So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”

>43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.
Well then even if I travel back successfully how will I know I've gone back? It won't make a difference. I want the information I've gained since to help me change the actions I've taken since.
>Jesus conquered death
I'll concede that maybe Jesus can go back in time. What I'm doubtful about is faggots like us managing to do it. Tough I'm willing to try.
Not that anon either but I would love to go back if presented the option so please tell me your telegram so we can link on there. Thanks
That's what I want to know. I wish that the person saying that they can help us go back in time would be more specific. I have a bad feeling that he's beginning to backtrack, what with ignoring my post and saying that going back in time wouldn't do any good (which, again, isn't strong enough to deter me. The fact that I MIGHT be able to do things differently is all the motivation I need, no matter how unlikely of a possibility he tries to convince me that it is. It seems like he's just getting bored of his own LARP, sadly.)
Been trying to for the last year. Key is astral projection. But know you will die in this reality.
if memories get wiped out how do you know it works kek
BTW, the archons laugh at you if you try this, and they detest you.

"Do you know how many people wish to turn back time. Old people, victims of tragedies, burns, deceased loved ones. Why do you deserve special treatment? What can you offer?"

If you had the ability to master time and space, you would be too enlightened to care about material outcomes. This is something they may offer you to keep you in the reincarnation cycle, but not as an internet dweeb.

Yeah it sucks, but we're probably not going back to buy those bitcoins or fuck that girl
They might not first of all, and even if they do, things could still happen differently. The idea that they would absolutely happen the same way every time is something that people just interject into the discussion without supporting it, probably for no other reason than the fact that they heard it, so going back in time would be worth it regardless.
>"Do you know how many people wish to turn back time. Old people, victims of tragedies, burns, deceased loved ones. Why do you deserve special treatment? What can you offer?"
Well, that's easy. I'm me and not them. It's like saying, "Why don't you give your hundred dollar bill to someone else?" Uh... because it's mine. It would be insane to not do everything in your power to solve your problems because... there are other people with problems. If they want it as badly as I do, I'm not going to stop them from trying to get it. Why would I hesitate from getting what I need because of these hypothetical "other people?"
>This is something they may offer you to keep you in the reincarnation cycle, but not as an internet dweeb.
Who would these "Archons" prefer? Someone who doesn't use the internet? Do they also hate generations Y and Z for being betas? Are Archons just bitter, overweight gen X'ers like you?
Yes, this is what I want.
i'd say mid-2000s since that was the peak of the internet and life. technology was advanced enough but still not that advanced
If you save a dead one, you create a new timeline. You technically did save your dead friend/relative, but you did not save your friend in your own timeline.
won't this thread be taken down though? do i just keep posting about time travel
Real time traveler here ama
It's not about that. My life isn't contingent on technology. I have more serious concerns than wanting my iPod back. I like today's technology anyway.
How did you do it?
One God.
He's probably another LARPing faggot like the last guy.
>Thread theme: https://youtu.be/AFGqh7fHwhs
Do you think your god is okay with you lying?
All this band's music sounds atonal and shitty.
That's what they were going for I'm pretty sure
I am one of the chosen ones. I will be coming into the public sphere soon. I am destined to rule this world because I am almost completely selfless. I was taken to the future many times by myself from the future to prepare me to rule.
You say "I" and "me" a lot for a selfless individual
I am judged based on my ability to think for the collective given basically unlimited power. I am essentially entirely pure. If you want to be an ass then go ahead. You won’t learn anything about time traveling that way. You aren’t ready for the future and probably vaxxed too (rip)
You sound real pure of heart buddy
You didn’t deny being vaxxed. Enjoy your imminent death. I was being nice to offer you information even at all. Enjoy what’s left of your very very short life
I'm definitely vaxxed, but it's an absolute scumbag move to taunt me with my imminent doom if I was kikel
Not vaxxed kek
If you were unvaxxed you would have denied it the first time. You asked to talk to a time traveler and proceeded to be a little bitch. You don’t deserve to know about the future.
I don't have to prove anything to you, fuck off; you probably are pure of heart, pure evil fucker haha
There is a way to go back. I will never tell. The mind does not work the way people think it does. You need a mind that gets kicked in the balls by the littlest thing, which will allow you to leverage the forces necessary. It is the combination of a specific amount of forces in the certain places, like a combination lock. You'll never find it. I want the world to know that they are retarded either way first. Then, I can have a fertile ground for making some money in what comes after AI, I'll build my wizard tower, and retire while the world scrambles to figure out how I made money. Ultimately, time travel is like slipping into a black hole. As the mass grows, everything in your mind feels more and more "present" until you cross the event horizon and you are pulled into the other world. What remains, is alchemy. Good luck, INTJs.
First, the woman, then, the laugh, then, what makes time travel possible. After this, the world rushes into you, and you can pick what magical pursuit to make real. Crack the lock. Make it real. I'll never tell. This way, we both benefit. I don't really care for it, that is the price, so figure it out yourself.
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What are you trying to prove? You will enjoy it when they activate the tech in your veins you little whiny bitch
Ok dear chosen one
Thanks dude will do
>There is a way to go back. I will never tell.
>Proceeds to tell something, presumably misdirection since it would contradict the first sentence to actually give good directions.
Bro, just someone who may have the ability to go back in time taking the energy to respond is more than you deserve. If you want to go back in time, this man said post a thread late December. Eat healthy. Exercise. Be a good person. Do all of these things and he says he will come back and check for a thread. You are entitled to and deserve nothing, it’s rude to push back and say “wahhhh I wish he was more specific.”
Fuck them in that case.
I'm not vaccinated and you're a retard. Anyone who says "the vax" radiates shittiness.
Yeah that's a self righteous schizophrenic scumfuck, it's best not to talk to those.
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you assume the first sentence is morally binding
don't think you would find that in a black hole where time travel is possible though
there should be a way to figure out when somebody is lying
then you could penetrate infinite light and figure out why such arguments of morality never lead to time travel
Oh look it’s the word police. Are all your friends retarded libtard faggots who got gigavaxxed and now you’re scared and you don’t like thinking about it… sounds about right? Enjoy your future bitch
God is a nigger if he really is putting the likes of you in charge of mankind, you seem like you're the same as jews so there wouldn't be a positive change
That’s right faggot. Incel little whiny bitches like you have no place ruling the world. You live with your parents and don’t even work… sound about right?
Your destiny is to kys, do a flip bitch
I can't post threads from my area so someone else would have to post the thread, but regardless, the thread won't be posted and he won't respond. I can't believe people actually think that he has any intention of responding to the thread that will supposedly be made in two months. He's hoping that you'll either forget to make the thread between now and December or simply not bother, because he's a LARPing faggot. Even if the thread gets made and he sees it, he can just not respond and let people think that he missed it. There is absolutely no other reason why he would have proposed this. He completely gave himself away when he said to make the thread in two months.
Why us?
i wish there was a way for me to go way further back in time and when there give myself some sort of reminder like a note to help make me make the choices i wish i had made.

i will say in my personal experience that I have noticed about a week's worth of days for me, at different intervals have repeated the next day after waking up for me though. so the date would start over once more and then maybe a few weeks or months later it happens again. it's really intriguing to me but I don't know why the dates repeated the following days. calendars are hardly reliable to me now, or maybe i just phased into these tinelines while asleep. i just wish I knew why or how this happened to me. i stopped counting how many times the days have repeated after it got close to a week but I wonder if I should keep note of it again, though by now I am not sure if it even matters anymore.
Almost every post on this board is some form of gaslighting. It's common on the internet in general, but /x/ is a mecca for gaslighting. I don't know anything about that INFTFJ stuff but I know that it's a method of gaslighting people and any post that seriously cites it should be promptly disregarded.
You vaxxed are disgusting. They people who pushed this shit want to divide the vacxed from the non backed but every day non va xed are waking up to how truly vile you vaxxed are. Go get your booster.
Time travel isn't for going back in time, it's for going forward.
I can do that by smoking weed bro
Tip of the hat to you, and good tidings from the time travelers timeclub.
If I go back to fall of 2016 I can change everything for myself. If anybody knows how to do this then please let me know. I need to take a bit of knowledge with me however, I could fit it all on a post it note.
Anon, I...
I got you bro
You can’t take things or knowledge that would allow you to gain from time travel. This means no post-it notes or knowledge about the stock market or lottery numbers as some examples.
Then what's the point? Why wouldn't it just be reliving all of my mistakes?
Then what's the point?
Are you sure it's not just a matter of spiritual cultivation? As in you need to cultivate your mind/soul to certain level before you can time travel backward while retaining your current knowledge and memories.
Whoops I misread your post and thought you said 2026, that's why I replied like that
It's unlikely that you would survive the process.
Anything that can happen has already happened and is currently happening as we speak. There’s more than one reality and you can experience them. You’ve already been born and died infinite times.
Your problem is that you think time is linear when it’s anything but.
How can I experience the reality where I knew better and didn't fuck everything up?
I didn't take the fucking vaccine you stupid piece of shit.
I know time isn't linear. I don't see how that precludes the possibility of living alternate, better version of my life, or an even more extreme experience.
Where'd you hear that?
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you only get to go back if your story includes you going back. free will is an illusion and we are all ripples on a still pond. we don't choose our direction and we don't choose where we start. we ripple then fade out.

keep in mind that while we experience each "life" as ripples, we are the entire pond.
Fantasizing about going back in time has allowed me to put it off but I think I'm just about ready to finally end it. When I think about the future I just want to grab a knife and stab myself in the throat.
You will be reincarnated and suffer a worse fate if you do this.
That's a lie
But still don't do that, do psychedelics, hard drugs, or a great big minecraft instead
What's this based on? Just saying that isn't going to convince me if you don't back it up. What you're saying doesn't ring true for me as it is, so you should at least give me a reason to believe you. After everything, what I honestly believe in my gut is that you just stop existing when you die. I'm sorry, but when I'm being completely honest, that's what I think death is. Everything else is some kind of cope. I'm just done coping.
>When I think about the future I just want to grab a knife and stab myself in the throat.
So work hard to make a better future for yourself.
Before you kys be sure to read The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus.
I would need to go back in time in order to do that. My future is irreversibly fucked. Thinking about the future in any capacity makes me feel overwhelmed with despair. I will eventually have to kill myself.
>My future is irreversibly fucked
bullshit, you just want to make excuses because it's easier then changing yourself
I hope that you end up in a situation as bad as mine one day so that you can see how ignorant you are.
What is your matter?
I'm not going to open myself up to being gaslit for the next five hours. Even if I laid it all out in perfect detail you would discount it because your only purpose is to drain me and feed off of my energy. I've learned that I need keep my experience to myself. I'm not going to dedicate any energy into explaining why I did it when people will just say I was an idiot regardless. When I'm dead it won't matter. I'm just done.
You could have just said it was a terribke mistake Anon. I'm sorry you feel hopeless, I hope a ray of hope enters your life which restores your future, I really do.
I said nothing about morality. I only said misdirection. If you have moral compunctions about misdirection, then do what you think is best :P
Misdirection is literally lying which is immoral and borders on black magic
I lost a beloved one and tried to travel back in time after fasting for 3+ days. I couldn't time travel, but was able to control nature. Made me realize this wizard stuff is real, but eventually I ate food and lost it all. Haven't tried since.
How exactly did you control nature?
make birds sing, make birds and animals come to me, make the winds blow, form a storm out of no where. Only after a few times do you attract enough attention to get a warning to cease and desist. Go figure radar is used to find witches and wizards.
Well if you would have made it a case to the angels that them telling you to stop was an encroachment on your free will they would have had to stop bugging you. Keep that in mind for next time.
Who sent you the "cease and desist"? I want more details to your story.
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
Can you make up an idea in your head and completely convince yourself its true to the deepest level?
i have a similar story but i did transit through time backwards in a weird way, just couldn't quite go where I wanted. i also got a sort of warning by others too..
What do you mean you couldn't quite go where you wanted? Who gave you the warning?
Tell us more? Who warned you and how did they do it? How did you travel back in time weirdly?
I want this too
I literally have the same thoughts lately, really interesting, it's too much though i wish there was a way friend.
So fasting is the way you did it? are you larping?
i didn't go as far back as i wanted.
people warned me. they did it in many ways. the place i was detained at, the people working there wanted me to work for them as they observed me.
i might try again at a certain time interval coming up later. it's very specific to trigger it possibly. it is not exactly just fasting, there is more to it. this is real.
Post the method i'll try it
>Blue Eisenhower November
bro we looping soon, trust.
i want to try my situation out maybe one more time by myself before suggesting others do what i have tried.

the people who came after me were not all that pleasant, to say the least.
>there is more to it
But you won’t elaborate. Typical larp.
You can never turn back time.
The sooner you admit it, the sooner you can start obsessing over something else
if you want to travel back, you're going to have to change yourself anyway.
>in all likelihood
>all signs point to
but yea
if there is another thread about time travel that appears by the time i do it again, i'll divulge a little more. for me it relates to the summer solstice and also staying up, and something else I am not sure if related.

I'm just saying i got detained and hurt pretty badly, but the people who did harm me couldn't stop me in the end.
Nigga just tell me idgaf
Hey man , hit me with your telegram so we can stay in touch for when the thread comes up at the end of december
>larping intensifies
>I can’t just give a straight answer because <insert vague larp>
Well I just wanna be a young kid again in a (slightly) older world. I just feel nostalgic over things that happened 15-20 years ago, is that normal?
i dont have telegram, where do i get it and is it for windows and/or mac? i have discord though and email
>>38976820 read >>38972216
Explain how that is technically possible.
I think the word “technically” is not correct in your post.
Because it is not time travel.
We are simply going to another timeline.
Are we.
Where are these timelines.
Show me where they are and how you get to them.
There are an infinite amount of timelines anyway, but I'm not sure HOW to get there.
Yes anon, i think that's perfectly normal. Nothing wrong with revisiting haapy childhood memories.
There's the rub, how to, indeed.
And that is why you will not be going back in time. You are jaded
You don't get reincarnated with a disability anon unless your karma related to that particular injury is incompleted.
is there a way to trade my ticket back in time in order to ensure that other anon with the fucked up hands has a better chance at peace in their new timeline? This thread made me realise that my ticket would be better placed with him or others with a similar amount of turmoil.
There might not be an infinite amount of timelines. You’ve got nothing to support this. Chances are you get this one and that’s it
>in before muh quantum larp.
I know, that's just a theory of mine
Not here to argue, you can believe what you want to believe
I don't know anything, I just want there to be a possibility of me going back and me actually going back.
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Dec 21 2024 09:20 UTC
By going back in time, your future is your past. You have to start fixing things now so that when/if you go back you don't make the same mistakes and in the meantime you don't further fuck up your present timeline.
Many individuals who have disappeared without a trace actually went back in time. Jimmy Hoffa time travelled to a past reality.
>You’ve already been born and died infinite times.
So assuming this is correct wouldn’t that mean that we technically time travel at the end of this current lifetime? I would just need to die here for my consciousness to find a new body? I’m trying to go back to a certain point in time, but from everything I’ve read this isn’t possible. It’s only possible to “shift” my conscious awareness into a body operating on a different timeline? Or is there a Titor-esque machine that can be built to traverse wormholes sending me to a specific time/place in an alternate universe? I tried building one when I was 8. It didn’t work.

Seems like most here are just larping which is a real shame. I need specifics on how to actually achieve these goals.
Would you like to time travel from the perspective of other living beings and even inanimate objects? Get some salvia divinorum and you will become a book on a shelf for 80 years, or a piece of furniture, or a wall, or any number of things in someone else’s reality.
Look it’s easy.
First learn astral projection. Don’t have that down yet? Do that first.
Once you have that skill then project back to the point in time you are interested in. Take over your previous body.
Thats it job done. Actually why are you even asking. That’s it. That’s a process. Go do it. Having issues with it? Well get on with it.
I can't fix them in this timeline. They're irreversible. I need to go back to a previous version of myself.
I can't stress how little I care about what you have to say.
Can you tell me why you're picking on me?
No. I’m sorry anon. I’ll do some yoga in your honor.
What made you decide to bully me?
Something anons in this thread might be interested in.

That's okay, I'll carve your body away from your brain so that all is left is your brain, nerves, and eyes, and press on all your nerves so that your brain is flooded with optimal pain at every single moment for decades and decades.
sure, 2022, 1 August
What are the consequences of this?
I have been trying for ten years to astral project and have gotten nowhere. The main problem is that I can't get anyone to explain it. All information I've found on astral projection is written in the form of beat poetry and riddles and is therefore useless. Either astral projection is a lie or the only ones who know how to do it are unable or unwilling to explain it.
Wasting your time.
There was a japanese guy who said this was possible, basically moving your consciousness across timelines (aka the same world but varied differently, even if just by a few cms) in 2012, though that could have been a promotion for s;g 0 or the mecha-something mini OVA's. But reality shifting is half true, though. Its exactly this one :>>38979467
, the 2ch anon. Its kinda blurry but he explains it, might be possible but it might not be possible to alter the past, retrocausality and precognition are real though. And yes, somehow free will is preserved, though its much smaller than much people think, and it can grow, and get smaller, too.
repost elsewhere please
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Join us we are the fundamentalists the nihilists and the creepy coolies
Are there drugs that can make psychic time travel possible?
that sucks dude. i failed for other reasons but i was always afraid to lose a finger bc music. But my hands suck anyway to be real they are too small
I don't want to say for certain that reversing time would fix everything bc me but, this world fucking sucks. Just about anyone could go back in time and get something to not happen, but hypothetically if I had billions of dollars and time I could maybe do something good for this world. Like instead of us all dying in a climate/resource disaster soon and fizzling out like fuck, we'd get things like time machines LOL for real though like if something is possible, it will happen, but only if the people who can make it happen have the time and money to do so. would you like fries with that
This'll be my ninth time contacting you. Not sure if you remember it or not, but I need you to use the executive function to take me back to 2001 again. I'm out of my own retries, but I'm really close this time. If I can get everything in place, I can avoid the route we're in. I think I can make it right this time and fix everything, for all of us.
Boring larping.
I had a look through the Reddit reality shifting subs and there are people in there who say they can do it but they seem totally full of shit.
Ok how does it work? I want to go back to September 4th 2015. I want to have fun again.
>they seem totally full of shit.
how so? I haven't looked.
It involves smoking salvia extract.
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Salvia was banned pretty much everywhere like 5-10 years ago. This is what they took to you, the elites want to keep time travel and alternate realities to themselves.
If no memories go back with us, we'd almost certainly make the same mistakes we already did. Undoing what we've potentially learned would leave in exactly the same place.
They just read like teenage larpers who make it all up for attention on online forums.
It’s just shitposting anon.
Salvia messes slightly with the brains perception of space. For example you might end up thinking the room you are in has rotated ninety degrees, that sort of thing. It’s really not even that intense, sorry.
It can do way more than that, you probably just took a small dose.
It’s not going to blow your mind whatever shitty larps you want to push.
>>38985938 is funny but that’s it
This is not helping OP back to past. Get back on mission bro.
kek my friend became a car door. Salvia is a real fuck like there is the whole trip and being super confused and there is the after glow. You feel great the rest of the day. But, if you do it like three times in one day, by the last time, after you're done, there are moments you will kinda slip back into salvia mode. To me it's just very animalistic. You forget your duality like you are the thing that is observing, not what is being observed. So idk how the dude became a ceiling fan or time traveled, but my friend was in a car and looking through the passenger window and by doing that he became the door, like he confused him seeing through the window with being the door lol and he couldn't breath because he was a door haha
>Salvia messes slightly with the brains perception of space. For example you might end up thinking the room you are in has rotated ninety degrees, that sort of thing. It’s really not even that intense, sorry.

Salvinorin A is the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen by mass. You can have the mild type of experience you described but also very intense trips. It's not an alkaloid but rather a terpenoid and k-opioid agonist making for an experience that is vastly different to tryptamines and alkaloids. It is potent plant medicine to induce visions used by the Mazatec shamans. Respect the plant.
I have actively jumped back in my timeline to fix mistakes. I never remember but i get mad deja vu. How are my Stein brothers doing? Enjoying this fucked timeline?
i am here from the future i left 2049
To answer your questions, as I came back here from 2049:

>The Jews triumphed and smashed all their foes.
>Trump own and MAGA.
>The vaccine was in fact deadly; 90% died by 2032.
>Silver indeed ended the fed.
>UBI was implemented in 2034.
>If you’re alive and male you get a robowaifu in 2033.
>Climate change was a hoax.
>If you’re alive and male you get a robowaifu in 2033.
Well then, I guess I won't kill myself.
Why are /x/ LARPs so lazy nowadays?
You forgot,
>Facebook has your birth certificate
Sorry boss, you can't go back in time unless you already have, if you already have, you would've by now.
Is that why things changed when we forced facebook to self delete our info forever by setting our age to 1 day old a decade ago? Does it really make the world that upset that the digital profile is a faceless name, that they cant use in that digital system? Same just a few years ago, people were angry of our disposal of telegram.
Unless 1 decided not to, to help others stuck "here" PHYSICALLY. 2 halves of spacetime, spaceman. Just like human 2 halves. 2 halves. Just need to say 2 halves 1 last tyme.
Why? so you can be a fat disgusting neet in 2007? If you're 30 now and time travel to the year when you were 19 you'll still be 30. If you didn't put on a sync device in the past you have no access points to send your consciousness back, so you'll need to go back physically.

>I can just bring the device to create the access point
Tech can't come back
>I can learn to build the device and travel to the past, build it and put it on my head so I can create an access point.
No, paradox rules. Your actions will fail otherwise your reason for doing it wouldn't exist.

TLDR gain access to a sync device so you can come back to this moment in the future.
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So why are you larping as an illegal alien? What makes 2049 so bad?
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If you know how to use certain types of magic and LoA you can go back and possess your younger self. Your shit 30-40 something body will be comatose and probably die if nobody finds it lying around so you better have strong will because your younger self will fight back against the hijacking. Are you willing to do it?
Nta I'm willing to mind break my past self
I want to do this i'm not 30 though but still ruined my life want to go back to my teen years (mid twenties now)
What magic will work?
Time is just a concept we made up to keep track of history and our schedules, the past is not a real thing that exists and neither is the future. There is only right now and the current state of things. To go back is not a thing that can ever happen.
It’s kinda weak bro, you can quote wiki or whatever all you want.
Lmao, find me a reliable one.
If the past is not real then why is your post dated in the past and not right now and not the current state of things?
Same as >>38979000 but with the even more vague posting of “certain types” of LoA or magic;
Lmao. Space time dilation is not real. It's one of science' dumbassery. Time as written in maths is not the actual 'continuum' we all experience. Time in maths is the clock time, the seconds and hours counted but not the actual continuation of events. Time travel in science will simply result in numerical changes. You won't go back to being young but technically you got younger because that's how humanity measures time.
OP in 5 days is getting his wish. He should write them down or even more.
5 days?
Dude you don't want to

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