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>Satan: I will give you everything if you bow before me
>Jesus: I will give you everything if you bow before me

What did they mean by that?
Satan offer material gain while Jesus offers Spiritual gain. Jesus is God, no one should bow to anyone but God. It's not that difficult to comprehend.

And for th3 record, Jesus never said that.
>Jesus is God
God is the creator. Man is a created being. The two are mutually exclusive. You are in a blasphemous cult. If any kind of Christianity is true it's Arianism
What makes you think a divine Creator is limited to not involving Himself within the realm of His own creation? Why do you think God would be incapable of this?
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The OT directly says "God is not a man" OR "the son of man". What is Jesus called? The son of man
I'm not bowing to no one. No masters, I refuse to be a slave.
You're deflecting. God is Spirit, you're correct. But nowhere does it say God is incapable of experiencing His creation as a human being. The verse youre wrongly interpreting is stating that God is not a man on earth that rules over others. It isn't saying that God is incapable of becoming a man on earth temporarily.

Try a better argument.
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>Satan: I will give you everything if you bow before me
Satan said that to Jesus, not to the people.
>Jesus: I will give you everything if you bow before me
Jesus said that to the people.
Not the same thing.

(I'm not sure how Satan could offer the world to Jesus, as it clearly belonges to Jesus' dad. (What would be the Dad of Satan too, technically)... )
>But nowhere does it say God is incapable of experiencing His creation as a human being

It directly says "God is not a man", yet here you are, claiming it is. I'm not deflecting shit. I'm quoting the Bible

Christ tranny mental gymnastics are something else
>The verse youre wrongly interpreting is stating that God is not a man on earth that rules over others.

No. It says "God is not a man", you are adding to the Bible
You're clearly deflecting and being extremely dishonest. You're cherrypicking verses and interpreting them falsely, completely disregarding the context in which it is being expressed through.

You're embarrassing yourself, man. Do better.
>You're clearly deflecting and being extremely dishonest
How? I'm reading it how it's written
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The OT is the demiurge's book, not God's.
Because they both knew that Jesus would have to suffer and be crucified in order to become the king of all nations
Satan offered him a shortcut to avoid suffering - to "take what was already his to have," but even as Jesus was staving from his fast in the wilderness he still denied Satan
so why is it required for christ prophecy to be true, to also accept OT? A christian cannot just deny OT, since a lot of the christ prophecies relies on OT
Anon you're talking to a 4chan gnostic. He's not serious about religion, he just wants to be spiritual while also having an excuse to hate life and hang on to hating da joos
This. They're also extremely lazy and always rely on the same arguments. It gets boring interacting with them after a while.
nothing wrong with gnostics
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left and right hand paths of same god.. so same shit if you worship either..
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Satan is an idea not an entity but an idea and Lucifer is the God Venus and is not Satan by definition.
It's pretty fucking simple.
If you were to bow of your own reason and ability(masculine principle, active nature, way of men), you wont get shit.
If you surrender your body and will to God and accept the bow(feminine principle, receptive nature, divine way), you get everything,
It's not the bow that has meaning, it's what makes you bow.
It's also what makes you turn the other cheek.
Knowing the principle is not enough, you have to embody it quite literally. It's also through this that the Holy Spirit manifests.
It's quite funny that muslims emulate this bow, but only few of them carry the true principle of prayer.
Satan gives you whatever you want, Jesus gives you whatever you need.
The secret is that jewish god is the the God aka Creator of everything.
You're probably a Satanist lol
*is not the God
That's how they did it back then!
True power speech!
I guess I win the argument if that's all you have left to say. Pathetic
>If you were to bow of your own reason and ability(masculine principle, active nature, way of men), you wont get shit.
If you surrender your body and will to God and accept the bow(feminine principle, receptive nature, divine way), you get everything,

This is the gayest shit I have ever heard in my life. This is why Christians seem like NPCs to me. Dumb slave cult.
Life actually works in the exact opposite fashion.

Men who r brave, confident, charismatic, and use reason, always have victory over dumb slaves. Christianities "virtues" are the virtues of slaves. Thats why most are poor.
Being "feminine" to "god" is spiritual faggotry. Its why these kooks cut their own dicks off and also used to castrate little boys.
I'm not the anon you were replying to I'm just saying you aren't arguing in good faith and are most likely hostile to abrahamic religions in general, but specifically Christianity
>and are most likely hostile to abrahamic religions in general, but specifically Christianity
And that's bad because...
Christianity is intensely hypocritical trash. Stop worshipping dead people.
Jesus never asked that anyone bows to him.
>I'm just saying you aren't arguing in good faith
Can you explain what you mean by that?
Look. Jesus had to experience everything that we experience as human beings, in the sense of trials. Jesus never had sex for exemple. This is something Jesus will never experience. Having sex. But who needs sex when you are said to be the word of God, right? ahaha

Now, this is why Jesus had to be tempted. Because every human being has to deal with sin and being tempted whether by Satan or one of his minions. In Jesus' case he was tempted by Satan himself. It was a mere "formality", you know? Jesus would never accept Satan's offer. I don't know if Satan hoped that Jesus would accept it. I like to believe that he did, that he did hope Jesus was going to fall for his trap because this means Satan felt what we feel many times. That little feeling of hope that everything will turn out "right" only to have our hopes crushed when things don't go or way. So both of them had to go through these "formalities", you know? Now, when Jesus asks us to bow before him that's not like what you are thinking. Jesus is our King and the formality requires that people bow when they are in the presence of The King. But this is not like what you are thinking as well. We bow out of respect. Because we respect Jesus so much, you know? He died for me, for us. So I bow with pleasure, you know? Now, Jesus represents God. So ultimately you are bowing to God Himself. God acts through Jesus. It's like if Jesus was the human vessel that God uses, you know? So when Jesus speaks you can assume that actually it is God speaking through Jesus. Why would you not bow before God? God is Good. I know we have struggles in life, but these things will pass. Pic related will turn into a smile. Do you know why Heaven will be so good feeling? Because Heaven will contrast with this existence. Like, this world is in a pretty bad shape morally speaking. And there's a lot of evil going on. So when we are in Heaven there will be no Evil so this will make such a huge contrast.

Source: Trust me bro.
>This is something Jesus will never experience
>implying there are things capital G God never experienced

God experiences every possible thing at all moments
Kek this post really shut anon up
I did not equate Jesus to God because I believe they are different persons. Jesus was a virgin. Sex before marriage is fornication. Jesus died without sin. This means Jesus never fornicated. Jesus was pure. Jesus never had impure desires like lusting after women. Something we all have to struggle with.

What is your source when you say God experiences every possible thing at all moments? Because this is pretty fucked up if you think for a second. How can He experience being murdered and killing at the same time and being born and... How can God even focus in this scenario? Unless you can point in The Scriptures where God is said to experience every possible thing at all moments you are just trying to mislead people here. Shame on you. By the way, are you a jew by any chance? Just out of curiosity?
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>How can He experience being murdered and killing at the same time and being born

Crazy huh?
>because this means Satan felt what we feel many times
Sounds like he knows better.
Off topic but can anyone else see the 2nd moon rn?
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I think Satan approached Jesus thinking he was still Jesus before he became Christ. Satan found itself trying to seduce God or at least a being of integral energies that can beat its own. So the seduction failed. Jesus offered Satan a pathway to less suffering but Satan’s an idiot and got up and left. Satan missed human Jesus by like 5 minutes or less.
No source? I won't trust you, bro.


I made clearly that I like to believe that. The Scriptures don't go into the emotional state of Satan in this situation. Like I said, I like to believe that. It doesn't mean it actually went down like that. It doesn't mean Satan felt hoped. Gezz.
That's not it. God created the world and gave us dominion over it, we handed it over to Satan by falling into sin. God was prepared for this possibility because his kingdom is heaven. Jesus said no to Satan's offer and went through with the crucifixion and so rather than trade down, he opened a way out for us. The dying kingdom still belongs to Satan and the eternal kingdom still belongs to Christ.
Not only the prophesies that predicted the coming of the messiah, but of the law and the eternal covenant between God and Israel. NT absolutely depends on OT. Jesus came not to replace it but to fulfill it so that instead of his people being one tribe confined to Earth and everyone dying off every hundred years, his people are the ones who live eternal with him in his true kingdom, which means all those who accept his teachings and way of life, genes irrelevant. The Jews are not Israel. The Christians are the true Israel. Yes I am we wuzzing.

Best case they turn to the Christ that is, not the made up version of Christ that they want to believe. God loves them along with everyone else. Gnostics, I love you along with everyone else. You simply must come to terms that your philosophy is heretical and retarded.

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