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So on April 8 the day of the Solar Eclipse, CERN started up again.

On April 8, 1904 Aleister Crowley made contact with an entity (demon) called Aiwass. It was this entity that dictated Crowley's Book of Law.

Did they make contact with this demon?
What else goes on at CERN?
Is this bot broken? I remember botting these threads back in April but I wasn't expecting one to be posted now
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The eclipse is Trump
I may get permabanned for this, but here's your hint. "Committee of 300." Search at your own risk.
>"Committee of 300."
if there is a wikipedia page about it it cannot be the truth
The best way to hide something is in plain view. You want another keyword? "Jellymen." That should be enough to start.
It's just that blonde porn star with braces sitting on a couch surrounded by like 300 basketball players
Stage 4: "Human experimentation."

Human Experimentation!

Human experiment... This is very bad.

Very Bad!

Daru starts looking for the Jellyman's report.

In the reports they find related to Jellyman's report they discover..

Gelified Human bodies..

Gelified Human bodies!

Then there were also many reports similar to the report. All of them had a photograph and a newspaper attached, like a scan of a newspaper with a black and white photo. All of them were people whom where sent into the past. They all couldn't endure the passage through the singularity inside the Kerr Black Hole due to infinite compression by supergravity. All of them died.
Their bodies were completely gelified! Also, all of the reports read "Results: Error. Human is dead, Mismatch."
Established: September 29, 1954
Headquarters: Geneva,

1. CERN takes subatomic particles and smashes them together at ultrahigh speeds to try and identify smaller particles and their interactions in order to validate our current models of physics or identify new physics in play.
2. Aleister Crowley is a certifiable nutjob who was even received pushback from the community he founded, the occult order of thelema.
3. there are only 365 days in a year. just because dates overlap does not mean there is a correlation, and even if there was, correlation does not equal causation.
CERN do indeed do that but there's also a lot of strange religious imagery at play for somewhere that could be seen as the atheist mecca. Statues of gods, 'mock' sacrifices and rituals are just some examples that are widely known.
Crowley is a nutter but that doesn't mean he isn't also one of the most influential figures in the occult these days, and we can certainly see that hugely popular bands like Led Zeppelin and the Beatles are followers of him to an extent, it would be silly to assume nobody that is part of occult organisations is interested in him.
People do special things for their birthdays or anniversaries all the time. Hypothetically, if you're in a cult, these sorts of dates are probably a very big deal.
"The public knows CERN as a large physics research center in Switzerland, run by an intergovernmental organization of the same name. However, the secret levels where research by the occult world is conducted involves nightmarish things unimaginable to the general public. No one ever wants to go there. It makes visiting the Rothschild family and being their oracle seem like a walk in the park...Every Jesuit father must do a rotation at CERN, where our main genetics laboratories are located, and now it is my turn. It is not unusual for the scientists, technicians and other workers to have breakdowns after a period of time. The regular assessments were instituted several years ago as part of a multipronged strategy to improve the mental health of those on their CERN rotations."
"The Jesuit genetic labs at CERN are located in underground levels that the public has no awareness of. All the scientific and support staff in these labs are Jesuit fathers. The other roles not requiring scientific or administrative skills, such as food prep, laundry and cleaning, are done by mind-controlled individuals who are never allowed to leave CERN and are killed then replaced with new individuals about every half year. We consider this a necessary evil as the stress of being underground around the horrors of CERN degrades the quality of even such menial work over time, thus new workers are needed. Furthermore, that they never get to leave CERN alive means that our secrets are kept secure. These levels can only be accessed through special elevators hidden in the more public levels of CERN, and through special underground tunnels deep beneath the ground.
The tunnels extend for many miles and have several openings above ground far away from the facility. The openings are located in small villages run by the Knights of Malta (KOM), an occult society with close ties to the Jesuits. These knights, who look like ordinary villagers, have guarded these secret tunnels entrances and exits for many years. They have been trained to guard this secret with their lives if necessary, for the KOM are dedicated to Vatican – and Jesuit- security. On the Italian side of the alps, there are other tunnel entrances that are guarded by other groups such as Opus Dei with equal diligence."

"...A spa or retreat center for wealthy women wanting the best of care and rest during pregnancy. The place is beautifully appointed and extremely comfortable. It seemingly houses many happy-looking women at various stages of pregnancy whose needs are monitored by extremely well-trained attendants. In truth, these women have been enslaved to be carriers for the human and transhuman genetic experiments that I had been viewing since I arrived at CERN.
The ones being given the most careful attention are actually the ones carrying the worst of the transhuman experiments; these chimeric pregnancies have very high failure rates so we give these mothers the most care. These women have been told that they are very privileged and will be rewarded highly for their work as surrogates. The truth is, however, in order to maintain the secrecy of CERN, every single one is killed once their use as healthy carriers has run out. Some of the women are not carrying 'genetic experiments', but rather, 'genetic products'. These are transhuman or genetically modified children specially ordered by the extremely wealthy from various occult societies around the world. Common requests include children completely covered in fur, having a slightly animal-like appearance, or those with both male and female genitals. Always, they request that these children come with sexual training upon delivery. We can deliver a broad number of designer 'products' at a cost of only several million dollars each. Sales contracts specify that these children are not allowed to live past two and half years old. They are sterilized before being taken to their new owners.
At times, individuals and families become attached to one of these special children, treating them as a 'pet', and have been reluctant to kill them at the end of the contract. We therefore have a fail-safe: an implant that releases poison to kill the child by the specified time. The implant is placed where attempts at removal will kill the child. The limited lifespan of these children helps ensure that they remain highly sought-after items."

"...The deep darkness that seems to surround the labs beneath the ground. A darkness that is more than just the twice-daily sacrifices made to Shiva in all our labs. This is a darkness that seems born out of trying to be gods, and to create new beings; to improve upon what has been originally created to develop new species...Like all Jesuit trainers, I was sent there at intervals for years for periods that varied between 4 weeks and 6 weeks, to do these assessments and provide counseling for those who worked there. I had nightmares for weeks, after these memories came up, and helped myself through the time of remembering by reassuring myself: 'I survived being there the first time, and I can survive remembering. I can remember, and stay sane'.
I had to counteract several layers of security and amnesia barriers and punishments (https://svalispeaksagain.wordpress.com/tech-torture/) designed to prevent ever revealing this secret of the Jesuits: their transhuman and genetic experimentation. I had to deal with the sadness and despair as well that welled up, as I realized that human beings are actually capable of doing the kinds of things done at the labs in CERN – and yet, in spite of the emotional and spiritual cost of participating in this, continuing to do so. Just for the record: if anyone should go into the isolated Swiss villages searching for the tunnel entrances I describe here, I highly advise against doing so. The agents of the Knights of Malta that guard them will first attempt to divert anyone coming near, but if all other methods fail, they are trained to create 'accidents' that are fatal for those without authorization who are too inquisitive."

- Svali, ex-Jesuit mind control programmer





Proof? Pretty sure Aiwass is Crowley's Holy Guardian Angel, basically just him in a higher dimension if I'm getting it right
>twice-daily sacrifices made to Shiva in all our labs
You had me to till here. Jesuits secretly worship Shiva? Come on. I tried researching whether human sacrifice was ever really part of Shaivism and yeah it looks like the CERN hoax is all you get
pure schizophrenia
lol wtf is this
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4chan has control of the timeline
we've been fucking with CERN for a long time now
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Happy accidents
what's accidental about any of this?


>scientists were just pretending to do human sacrifices
okay buddy. that behavior isn’t normal and you’re a naive bitch if you believe them
same exact word for word shill post in every BEN / CERN thread

who do you work for?
I hate texting. Come live with me.
Thanks for posting anon
ok lets do it. how can I contact you?
you dont
I made contact with God during the eclipse
Daath is a hidden sephirot of the qabalistic tree of life.
It's revealed in the 33rd degree of freemasonry.
It's the abyss. The bottomless pit.
Here there be monsters.

If the large hadron collider is a portal, then it is highly likely that this is the place it will lead
Among others, yes they do. They also see Shiva as a female.
can I contact you too?

Daat is gay fan fiction for dummies. You're eating the misinformation that's placed there intentionally by adepts to filter out retards that can't do magic.

"Ten are the numbers of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Learn this wisdom, and be wise in the understanding of it, investigate these numbers, and draw knowledge from them, fix the design in its purity, and pass from it to its Creator seated on his throne." - Sepher Yetzirah 1:4
Why'd the BEN general get pruned? It was a really good discussion. Were the topics there getting too close to uncovering something big?
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>but they were just kidding anons
yeah right
>Sepher Yetzirah
In this case the jews are inserting the blind.
I knew it
>Sepher Yetzirah
Written by jews for the goyims
>stop knowing goyims, read this book plox

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