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>be God
>decide to send human souls to a realm where it's dog eat dog
>condition their human brains so that unless they commit violence, they will be killed, weakened, humiliated
>make it sinful to commit violence and condemn them to an eternity in Hell if they do so

Doesn't make much sense now does it, unless the purpose of this world is to pledge allegiance to demons/Satan, who are the ONLY way to be respected, feared and have money/status, nobody fucking with you

Every time I'm mean, people are nice to me. When I'm smiling and I'm timid, I'm always humiliated randomly at nightclubs by shitfaced people. But if I'm mean, they don't dare to do anything

>but you have to learn to be meek in this realm so you can be meek when you die and go to Heaven

Why would the rules of Heaven be any different than what we have down in this shithole?
Demonmaxxing is the only logical side to pick
>be killed, weakened, humiliated
why should I be afraid of that
Because that's how our world works. You'll be known in history and humanity is a little cuck loser buried in the ground and mud face down where you belong
and how does that affects me truly in any way? you are asking me to think of others, whether I am a loser or winner, whether they hurt me or not, then doesn't that make me a cuck in itself?
How do you live life not thinking about others? What about those less fortunate than you? You don't think about them?
that's different anon, you are thinking of the wellbeing of another selflessly and not of yourself or the perception of yourself by others
How did you manage to achieve this? Humans are social and socially fearful animals so you weren't born like this
disregard everything I said as I suck cocks, lots of cocks
to be honest I didn't achieve anything, I'm still on my journey but what you said is very interesting
>Why would the rules of Heaven be any different than what we have down in this shithole?
if I can think of something else that isn't killing and humiliating, that in itself is creating the heavens, otherwise how would I be able to? you are right, I wasn't born like this, but even a slave can dream of freedom
why is my mind like that, why is heaven like that, and not like this? it can't be an extension of this, because then it should be this also, yet my own consciouness is proof that there should be something diferent because I think of something different
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God explicitly wants you to be victimized, suffer, and die. That is the ultimate Christian life, the martyr. To be a Christian is to be like Christ. It's in the name. What happened to that guy? Both God and Satan would love to see you face down in the dirt with your face caked in blood and tears, gasping for breath as you're beaten down by someone stronger and crueller than you. Just for different reasons. The pain is the point.
Earth is a pvp server and the clans that started out have become corrupted, perverse, and honestly kinda retarded in a cringe way. Seems to me like leaving those gay clans behind and starting "new" ones from the "lessons learned" is the best bet.
Ok first off, why is OP having a conversation with himself? Are you trying to get others to agree with your reasoning? Did you think someone wouldn't notice that you changed your name but retained the same writing style? And second, how young are you? You dont seem like someone who has experienced much of the world or even thought outside of the paradigms (fuckin using words from God's library again, had to look this word up) of established religion. Have you ever thought that your religion is false and therefore you have a false perception of God, heaven and hell?
Doesn't matter what others think of you or what they claim about you. All that matters is what you really know and how you live your life in accordance to that. This world is the way it is because humans deny God's divine Law. Choosing to live in accordance with said law regardless of the billions denying it doesn't make me anything but obedient to God. Why should I let fear consume me and peer pressure me into being like everyone else?

OP writes in fear and confusion.
It's hard to live by God's divine law when modern religion seeks to enslave and suppress thinkers. those who think can easily find the contradictions in most modern religions. then everything comes into question. is sex really sacred? is homosexuality really a sin? what about murder or killing? God comands the death of people all the time depspite murder being a sin so are their justifiable times to kill? In war as commanded is apparently ok but what about the deaths of innocent children such as in Gaza right now? God's divine law begins to fall apart and becomes easy to get lost.

and when OP wrote this, it brought some serious doubt into my mind.

Every time I'm mean, people are nice to me. When I'm smiling and I'm timid, I'm always humiliated randomly at nightclubs by shitfaced people. But if I'm mean, they don't dare to do anything
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Cucked for eternity.
Mistakes in reasoning. Life is full of value but still also a sort of imprisonment and punishment. You are conditioned to things in a harsh world but you can still have choice to work against conditioning. Getting above and beyond animalistic inclinations makes you move on to things better, giving into them lands you back in regular shitty life or in even more hellish place.
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Holy based. only the evil see something wrong in being good, because they trust themselves as opposed to God.
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No, it's just because God likes underdogs. He likes the weak prevailing over the strong. Not in a physical sense usually, not in any way that's actually useful, but in a metaphorical way. The weak may be maimed and tortured by the strong, but they get into heaven for being good boys. While the strong get to be with other "strong" beings in hell. That amounts to them being eternally tortured by demons, who are immeasurably stronger than any human. The dramatic irony is that this person who was mighty on earth is now the weakling who is abused in hell, while the weakling on earth is allowed peace and strength in heaven. After the fact of their lives, of course. The least of all, he makes the most of all. And vice versa. In the end, nobody is really completely happy besides God. If you're a human, he's going to force you to be tortured. Either on earth or in hell, it's up to you. He's the only being in the entire universe that ever actually gets exactly what he wants. Which is ironic, considering what is ostensibly his opinion of the value of raw, entirely self serving power. If he were judged how he judges humans, he'd throw himself in hell. But I digress.
>Not realizing you're born into modernity and living in the year 2024 with social media and wars
>Oh no, opinions of others
Lmao who gives a fuck. Demonmaxxing is for vain retarded faggots with no motivation, no willpower, and are very sensitive to hard work. If anyone's the loser here, it's definitely you hahahaha
God probably shouldn't make people he doesn't like then huh
Eternity in Hell isn't real. Unbiblical concept born from a mistranslation.
Not true, stop taking the opinions of retarded occultists online at face value
Sorry to hear you live in a city
In civilization, we respect eachother and being nice is the default
>condemn them to an eternity in Hell if they do so
This is hell and we are here reincarnating until we learn something
Everything is a test. Give respect to get respect. It’s simple.
Maladaptive retards
Thats the problem with abrahamic kikery. It is conpletely incompatible with "reality".
It is meant to fragment the psyche with cognitive dissonance leading to mental illness and easly manipulated people.

Without kikery you just adapt to survival of the fittest and killing isnt wrong. Because thats how you survive.
With kikery, surviving becomes "evil" and a "sin". Who wins in this scenario? Jews. Because they dont believe that crap and do whatever to survive and win over the christcuck goyim that worship the jew "god" (egregore).
Learn to spell and use grammar. Also, sticks and stone OP. Humiliate, beat me, crucify me. I will not accept help from the accuser, from the light bringer, nor the false prophet of progress. I accept the middle way. The way to ascension, balancing freedom and love.
Suffer until you break only then will the suffering end when you become a wretched ptsd sufferer.

Sounds like your malding at God for the crime of being.
Though shall not kill wrongly
Says who?
Nature says survival of the fittest. Whos more likely to be lying? Nature or christkikes?
I think the point is that no-one chooses anything except God. Each of your neural fibers were painstakingly crafted to create the illusion that calls itself you. You are CREATION, and you are right now because God decided you would be in advance. Some odd billion years in advance to be exact.
When I think about evil, I remember the story of Esau; why did God hate him when he was just born? He did nothing. I weep for evil, because they can't fucking change their trajectory. God will not be fucked to do it either because free will.

God creates his own problems just so he can btfo them, painfully and awfully. There's no rhyme or reason, it's just a celestial flexing into the darkness. Only he had the bad graces to give the emanations consciousness and pain. I guess to make the act of torturing them for being bad more satisfying and just.
I really want to believe the whole thing is a misunderstanding, or just the mad evil ravings of the human mind; but then why are we here?
>mfw "god" is just a little psychopath playing the sims earth and deleting the pool ladder for fun
I often think this. Do not know what is real. All I know for certain is that the devil is evil. God is lots of things. He will laugh at your pain and ruin your life, but at the same time offer salvation. The devil just laughs at your pain and ruins your life.
>mfw we are kleiner #254 that god has spawned in specifically to mow down and undo
bigger picture man.
Creation is preceded by creator.
A man can paint a shitty painting because he is inept; God by definition CAN'T, unless he specifically chooses to.
EVERYTHING. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/39YHNyNi_Ho
>mfw "god" is just recording a galactitube video titled: TOP 10 Sims earth tortures
>send human souls to
the bible literally tells you tvat you came from dust and you will return to dust
>Every time I'm mean, people are nice to me. When I'm smiling and I'm timid, I'm always humiliated randomly at nightclubs by shitfaced people.
OP, I was exactly like you, word for word. Christian too. I am still Christian but barely for the reasons that you've mentioned. But here's some tips
>There's limits to how 'mean' you can be, there are bigger fish in the pond who learned about might making right too and are just as forward thinking on hierarchical dynamics
>Motivations aren't uniform in the "work" sector of life. Such people expect submission, sycophancy and conformity. Employers especially, ass licking like a bitch in the most red-pilled but insincere and fake way possible can help you ascend the food chain at break neck speed till you can enforce your will on lower hierarchical elements
>The law exists, to defend your honor you have to get physical or risk getting your ego bruised, your choice to get physical, and the police can get involved.
If all that matters in life is your ego (it can be the most important thing at times in this world) you will tend to die quicker. Its why niggers die quicker, they're culturally redpilled on being psychopathic bottom feeders. Its your choice to go out in a blaze of cruel, hyper-euphoric dominating ego and die quicker, or live long by procure meaningful pieces of life the hard and painful, ego-bruising way. I can't say which path would be better for you since I know nothing about you, or your future. I can say that I do regret my path of choosing the more normal ego-bruising way. It does have its rewards (like a job that gives me money enough to buy video games) but nothing much else. As for Christianity, I have yet to concern myself the wishes of God since his ways and commandments are so delusionally indefensiveable. Nevertheless I do have a spark of faith left because of the Jesus work on the cross. I do not know whether I am saved because I do not know what happens when we die for sure.
The problem is that there are so many shitty paintings around that God seems to have created specifically to dislike
The goyble also says yhvh wants to enslave humanity to jews and destroy anyone who resists.
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I was with you, until you started talking about how we need to worship Satan. That's fucking stupid.
your problem for using it
That doesnt even make sense.
>be retarded monkey human
>try to make sense of the world in any way with retarded monkey brain

lmao, just vibe and trust god, you won't find any explanation or reason in any religious or philosophical text, less with your own reasoning.

fuck logos, fuck niggers and sneed all day every day.
I actually think it's a pretty good argument. It's like a variation on the problem of evil but also different, because we are forced to do the evil acts.
The soul building theodicy is pretty popular, but does this world really look like it helps us to become more moral?
>>decide to send human souls to a realm where it's dog eat dog
That's not how the story went.
Adam and Eve decided to fall in Satan's trap because "it will be fun and you will be like gods".
And that sin is also ours, because if they fell despite having the original glorious body, much more would we fall with these corrupted animal bodies.

So apparently we are here by our own will.
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>Every time I'm mean, people are nice to me. When I'm smiling and I'm timid, I'm always humiliated randomly at nightclubs by shitfaced people. But if I'm mean, they don't dare to do anything
It drives me insane, because "no good deed goes unpunished" is the law of the world. Every time I've done something for someone else, it's like they forget on purpose and backstab me later if I need help with anything, so they don't have to be bothered to help.

I have a facial deformity and speech impediment so I grew up being bullied and teased a lot and it made me act nice to people hoping they'd just be nice to me in return... but nope! If I'm not nice and timid, if I stand up for myself and say mean things back -- people act like I'm being rude and mean out of nowhere to them.

Normies can't reward good behavior.
Normies don't keep track of favors.
Normies just look at each other and you as disposable resources to advance themselves with and hope you don't figure this out and do the same to them.

Human behavior, in my long thesis opinion, disproves the existence of god/gods/etc because there is no way anyone is seriously telepathically communicating with someone that apparently doesn't notice how bad they treat others. They're talking to themselves and pretending it's something else. Giving themselves permission to be bad to others and not giving that permission to others.
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Which is why life is better and makes more sense when you realize both characters are figments of the imagination of cruel humans attempting to justify their own cruelty and one can simply ignore those humans, their rules, their laws and their lives.
None of you faggots read ecclesiastes?
Wasnt that some jewsuit hack?
If it’s our fault how come we never ask to be born?
Just proved gods grace with this post
Hot shit
> midwit misses the entire point

It’s not and never will be easy being a good person. The greatest strength one can bear is that of temperance and forgiveness. God walked through Jerusalem with his Cross. Stoned and beaten, and he asked his father simply to forgive them, they know not what they do.

Socrates also believed that wrath was born from ignorance, as did Marcus Aurelius. Everyday we see it thus.

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