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>Abraham Hicks says thought is reality
>ie all disease and it's ilk are via emotionally charged thought and beliefs
>so therefore such as tooth decay 100% manifest by beliefs
>female periods are painful, essentially disease
>is it possible periods only manifest by society saying women get them?

So if a girl was raised in the woods by wolves, or an uncontacted tribal community has never heard of periods: does the female still menstruate? Where is the line between "biological processes" and thoughts in what's created?

Does this make any sense? I'm hoping someone we'll versed in the idea of the LOA can explain, because from my logical view on it, women who haven't heard about periods, period, shouldn't get them?
They don't have product in tribal communities so I would be concerned for her health and safety etc.
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Like imagine being out in the woods with contraception.
To be fair the menstrual cycle is a purification process. Period blood is strong enough to eat through clothing and if a tampon is too absorbant and isn't changed it can kill the woman.
Abraham hicks fags dead silent, huh?
tits or gtfo
Thoughts absolutely do not create, they themselves are creations.

What really creates reality is your soul, and the state that it dwells in.
From our level of awareness it's pointless to try and manifest specific outcomes. However, even at our low level of awareness what we can do is choose the place it comes from within.

True belief is not mental. You can tell what your true belief is by what _emanates_ from you.
For example, if you want to fly you can tell your mind to "believe" you can fly all you want, but the moment you step up to an actual cliff about to jump off you will SEE what actually comes from you (the fear that you'll fall to your death), because your soul DOESN'T believe that the ego will fly.

Another pitfall many spiritual people make is they'll say you can just suppress the fear and force yourself to feel love, and then you'll be able to jump off the cliff and fly...
No, you'll still manifest falling to your death because all you've done is _mask_ what was actually coming from within, you didn't shift the place it comes from.

It's all about changing your root (the place where you emanate everything from), and it's not easy. It takes time. This is literally what Jesus Christ was REALLY teaching.
He spoke a lot about roots, trees, and fruits that grow from them. They were all analogies for this.
And this is why evil people are morons, not because they'll be "punished", but because they plant their root in places where very dark things emanate. Right now they can project it onto others, but one day that won't be possible and everything that comes from their own root will become agony for them.
I'm pretty sure that stuff outside is real.
>>Abraham Hicks says thought is reality
That mean this Hicks guy WANTS to be a travelling huckster trying to sell self-help books based on street-shittwr woo.
Why would you listen to someone who has such a retarded mentality?
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>It's all about changing your root
Cool, but how do you do that?
Thoughts are things my dude
>female periods are disease
This is why you guys are fat and hooked on SSRI
> how tf does thoughts = reality
Everything you have ever known as reality was actually just a thought. You have only ever experienced thought, and so it is your reality.

>is it possible periods only manifest by society saying women get them?
No. There are many things beyond what we call reality, beyond what we experience. We use science to try to understand them.
Abraham Hicks are grifters who try to talk about fundamental truths. Because they are grifters and dumb they make a big mess of it. If you want to learn about loa then stay away from grifters and go read the materials of Neville Goddard.

"Thoughts are things" is a dumb way to put it but not really wrong. Both thoughts and things are illusions. Everything that is phenomenal is an illusion. What is real then? That which always stays the same - the observer that is experiencing and willing all of it. Reality is all imaginal. What's the difference between an apple you hold in your hand and an imaginary apple in your mind? There is no real difference except for brightness and solidity of the "real apple". All of this experience is being willed forth by you, the observer. Therefore you will change your reality by changing your will which is the foundation for the law of assumption.
>and if a tampon is too absorbant and isn't changed it can kill the woman.
You're retarded, not because that doesn't happen because it does, but because you're giving "power" to the process and the blood to kill women when is bacteria and toxic shock syndrome what kills them. That orifice is not made closed and worse, with cloth that adheres to the tissues and creates micro abrasions.
The only strong thing killing those women is the strength of their retardness.
So how about relationships with others? I'm having a dilemma with an ex. And it makes me question, just saying "you'll attract what you think about" I think is too simple. Obviously I attracted her at some point. I had been thinking about and asking for God to send me someone, I was actively working on myself and trusted that someone would come along eventually.

Well it was a totally random meet that instantly sparked, within 3 minutes of meeting we had a date.

Well it didn't work out and that's fine but I still like her. But when it comes to dealing with another soul... Is it ok to want them back, if you really think that you can be a positive thing for them? Because I also like to think well, whatever happens I wish her well I hope she's happy. Because I feel like wanting her back is selfish and the desire for her to come back creates negative karma or energy.

Is it ok to wish someone would come back or does that harm the other soul?
>Is it ok to wish someone would come back or does that harm the other soul?
Nothing you do can ever harm another soul (unless through their own ignorance, which is how "evil" operates in this world), all souls are complete and sovereign unto themselves.
The only thing you risk harming is your own soul if, for example you believe you have some right to force them against their will to feel something for you, because then you're believing in realities where free will can be violated and that will allow your own free will to be violated.

But aside from that, there's nothing wrong with just wanting it. That's the entire point anyway, if it becomes forced it loses all its meaning.
Ok thanks for explaining that. I never wish for anything to happen against their will, like forced. I wish they wanted to but only if it would be good for them too. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't wrong to wish for things for oneself. I have conflicting thoughts on that sometimes.
>make sure it wasn't wrong to wish for things for oneself. I have conflicting thoughts on that sometimes.
Because darkness has infiltrated almost all spiritual schools of thought to make people afraid of simply looking at what comes from within themselves. And why the true teaching of Christ was basically just to know yourself.
So how does one access and reframe those beliefs of the soul?
Well first I'd like to point out that nothing can directly be done about it from inside the system as you know it, because your true nature is beyond this reality system.
Nobody ever likes hearing this answer, because people want to be told they can just sit a certain way, or speak a certain chant and it will magically unlock something.
But that kind of thinking is literally like asking for it to be given to you, and if you're given it then it's not yours (this is why people making deals with dark entities basically just become slaves).

You have to start gaining awareness of that deeper place, and the way you do that is by seeing where everything is coming from.
For example, if you feel fear. Where is the fear coming from?
If you don't believe you can have something, where is the belief that you can't have it coming from?
You can even meditate on it. Where are all your conscious experiences actually emanating from?

I think even just the tiniest bit of awareness of it will already start to change things.
not even a guy, it's a woman LARPing as a ghost
>For example, if you feel fear. Where is the fear coming from?
>If you don't believe you can have something, where is the belief that you can't have it coming from?
From past experiences and pattern thinking? I'm not trolling, I legitimately want to understand.
Your understanding of LOA is very superficial and glib. Read a book or something. Some main points:
- Obviously you can't just think of something and have it magically appear or disappear. Such a retarded strawman. Obviously LOA gurus don't become popular by teaching nonsense that has no resemblence to reality.
- Emotions/feelings are a crucial part of the process. There's a back forth, basically working with your gut feelings and using intuition.
- Basically it comes down to being in harmony with the universe. I think she calls it "getting into alignment with source energy." You can't just disregard the bigger picture and just pick and choose your reality.
Having severe OCD led me to learning about these things I think
It makes you notice cause and effect and logic and recognizing patterns
Ive developed awareness where my core fears stem from (i.e. unworthiness). The problem is I havent found a way to “give my self love” to the point I can break free from my current circumstance.

Lets say my ego fears change because inherently I feel unworthy of what I desire. Ive tried journaling, affirmations, LOA, and various other ways to move ahead. And progress comes in little stages but then the tyrannical inner critic emerges like a demon and tramples me with self-sabotage.

I need a solution that will offer significant, notable change or I will live out my days in this cocoon of pettiness.
>From past experiences and pattern thinking?
Those past experiences and patterns came from the same place. That's why they're correlated.
I'm not asking your mind to think up some idea about where it comes from, I'm suggesting that you actually observe where it really comes from. This is about Gnosis. And when you find it you will be unable to speak it in this world because it is not reducible to anything known within the illusion. It's what creates it all so it's beyond it.
You won't find it through thought, because your thoughts themselves emanate from it.
That's because your Ego is still trying to control your Soul. It's plain as day from your own post.

What comes from within you is real, and it's what you need to listen to. Your mind thinks it knows better and will say
>No, I shouldn't be afraid of change! I'll try all sorts of tricks to force myself to not be afraid!
And all you end up doing is making your soul ignorant of the TRUTH that emanates from within.

For most people their fears are ultimately caused by your belief that the world owns you. That the world is your master and decides what happens to you.
THAT is the place that your belief came from that you have to learn to accept change. Because if the world wasn't your master then you would have just listened to yourself and said "fuck change".

Both your fear of change and your belief that you must learn to swallow it come from the same place.
When you're able to change it then both will be eliminated at the same time. You will know that you don't have to accept the thing you don't want, and the fear will not arise.
So it sounds like the idea of surrender. When you’re indifferent to an outcome (change/no change) then it signals growth and thus change. Ive noticed when I surrender everything to God, and literally surrender the egoic energy in my body and stop chasing an outcome, is when originally my field opens to receiving that outcome. Is that what you’re on about?
i am the master of my own fate. as a sorcerer from the Chromocapilus and chosen of fortune, i can tell you that the threads are there, you just gotta find a way to see
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>Collective much

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