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/x/ - Paranormal

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What are some near death experiences you've had? Today I went exploring abandoned buildings and past this door there was two men who looked they were in the middle of a deal. I slowly back away and when I was out of sight I ran down the stairs and outside while hearing them calling me. Idk if that counts but other near death experience I had was when i smoked meth.
I was driving down a country road in my area one night and admittedly was texting and driving. Wasn't wearing my seatbelt and slammed into the back of a car that had stopped in front of me.

I slammed into the airbag and blacked out for a few seconds. I sometimes wonder if I actually died that night.
>be 18
>drinking with friends at a cabin in winter
>real party house for the weekend nobody is sober its wild and fun
>about 10 of us there
>sitting at the fire outside with a friend talking
>friend goes back inside to talk to the others
>I pass out in -38C winter weather
>I am wearing a hoodie jeans and boots
>I awake with tunnel vision barely able to lift my arms
>the fire is completely dead
>brain goes into panic mode
>"we gotta survive, get inside"
>takes me minutes to get out of the lawn chair
>feels like I am wearing an extra 200lbs on me
>get to the door get inside
>everyone is chatting and laughing
>they see me
>I tell them "thanks for fucking forgetting about me"
>they ask where I was
>I tell them and they are like "shit man, we are sorry"
>I lay in front of the fireplace inside the cabin and warm up for a couple hours
So I am lucky I woke up or my ass probably would have died cause everyone forgot about me
>>be 18
did that, so stupid
>>drinking with friends at a cabin in winter
and taking acid and trying to chop down trees with a dull ax
>>real party house for the weekend nobody is sober its wild and fun
and drama
>>about 10 of us there
more like 6
>>sitting at the fire outside with a friend talking
talking shit
>>friend goes back inside to talk to the others
>>I pass out in -38C winter weather
imposible that is like south pole cold
>>I am wearing a hoodie jeans and boots
dude wake up!
>>I awake with tunnel vision barely able to lift my arms
ok hypothermia
>>the fire is completely dead
oh fuck
>>brain goes into panic mode
>>"we gotta survive, get inside"
>>takes me minutes to get out of the lawn chair
is this in the haptons by any chance?
>>feels like I am wearing an extra 200lbs on me
snow maybe?
Thanks, tiktok.
Glad you're still around, bro
>imposible that is like south pole cold
It was in Alberta Canada in the winter it gets that cold

How you write bothers me
Thanks man, I have been lucky. Have nearly been killed a few extra times.Not my time yet it seems
i dont care about your feelongs but i want to know
It's not just that anon's feelings. You sound like a twelve-year-old in a Youtube comments section. Shame on you for posting, and get the fuck up off my lawn.
I fell out of my kayak too my down a waterfall and it felt like I was dead while tumbling under water for what felt like 5 minutes. I broke the surface and this girl was screaming for me to grab her kayak. Pretty girl saved my life, I see her face sometimes out of no where
Ibogaine was a near death experience for me
Wow is all I can say
You are big gay
I had a seizure and stopped breathing on dmt once.
I dont remember anything about the trip aside from flying over a vast blackened wasteland that inspired the most intense feelings of fear and despair ive ever experienced. I came back to reality surrounded by paramedics doing cpr. I think i saw hell. I dont do drugs any more.
/x/ never fails to have the most impressively retarded posters. Never disappoints when I stick my head in once in a while
it took me a long time to respond to that, thanks
I had just gotten my first car. I was speeding along and ended off the road, going more than 60 miles an hour - double the speed limit. I had no time to stop, as I turned I realized I missed my last exit. I left the ground and before me lie 2 trees. One directly in front of my car. I closed my eyes and held them closed. I heard the rustling of the overgrowth, I heard the branches of bushes snapping, and... Nothing.
>Nothing at all.
When I opened my eyes, after at least 5 seconds, I was in the middle of the air - above the highway, sideways. Gravity pulled my car down and, in an odd mental haze, I almost drove off of a cliff, but something compelled me to turn my steering wheel. I was stuck sideways on the highway median, absolutely confused as to how I didn't wrap my car around that tree.

Eventually, an old man with a white beard stopped and helped me get across. I felt compelled to yell "BLESS YOU, SIR" despite being... agnostic? Atheistic? I'm not quite sure what I was. Even in the moment I had felt like I died and was in some sort of purgatory. I still remember how it looked, the Sun just barely cresting the hills, shining forth glory upon a new day.

When I drove by later, there was no evidence a tree had been there. Upon checking google maps, the same. There is no evidence that second tree had ever been there, but I KNOW it was. If there is any event which convinced me quantum immortality exists, it's that morning.
>The speed I was going should've had me over into the raveen by the time I opened my eyes
>Had I not been wrapped around the tree, of course
>Yet upon opening my eyes I had barely moved forward, and I KNOW my eyes were closed an uncomfortable amount of time
Do you have any experiences to add or just goofy ah commentary?
A friend of a friend from high school died this way. Was out partying and called it quits for the night. He went back out to the car to turn the lights off after we all came back inside. He made it to the front door, couldn’t get it open (unlocked) and passed out right there. The first person to leave found him dead there in the morning. Hypothermia got him.

Another story that happened to me in my late teens: On a decent sized yacht that belonged to my rich girlfriends parents. We were tied up at a mooring in the harbor just hanging out talking about life. I ended up getting moderately drunk that night and went to bed. I got up to go take a piss off the swim platform while looking at the moon and fell off. You know that feeling when you’re so drunk you feel like you’re going to fall off the surface of the earth? Had that while I was clawing around in the water sinking to the bottom of the bay. I was just lost into the abyss of it all. I don’t think a human being is capable of sinking that fast but I remember “crashing” face first into the sandy bottom. I remember trying to breathe water. I remember how peaceful it felt after a little while. I could hear my heart beating like a drum. I have no idea how I survived this. It was just me and gf and she didn’t even know I was gone. She didn’t save me, she was just as confused as I was about it all. I was wet and muddy and exhausted and my lungs felt like they were on fire. I believe this was one of those quantum death type situations. I believe I died at the bottom of that harbor
Holy shxt dude. Yeah I honestly think that counts.

Id post mine but it's a whole thread.

I think it was the one with a girl on an empty highway. I hope it's still up.
Yeah apparently it's not anymore. Fuvking JANNIES can't let a good thread last.

If you guys ask me I can post an imgur link though.
>wants a (You) before posting the story
>not aware archives exist
>blames jannies for no one replying to his thread
>actual redditspacing
Please nobody fucking ask him, I'm begging.
Please do post your experience, such things are appreciated.

It's too long for me to retype ITT, so I'll have to use Imgur. I'm sorry!

Feel free to share it with whomever you wish.

It's 404, should either retell it or condense it into a single image to post here.
Saw a black person once when I was walking outside. Never doing that again.
Whole thing is too large. Gonna have to do it piece meal.

Try to hear with me
Actually worked hot dang.

Anyway here's the 2nd screenshot out of 3.
Last one.
Well the resolution sucks and I apologize.

Guess only those who genuinely love their /x/ stories are gonna read it.

Which...in a way is a good thing.

Take care, anons! :D
My worst was a car crash, we were going 100 miles an hour and got ran off the road. To this day I think I'm dead, when you see where we crashed survival literally wasn't possible. We would have had to no clip through objects, we shouldn't be here.
Here's the archive link, use 4plebs next time. Thanks for sharing.
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I died a thousand mental deaths on DMT. I still refuse to believe my body is my own I was a being in another world who swapped consciousnesses with the man who used to live in my brain. I want to go back
Thank you!

Praying for you!
Anon, at the end of the day you have to remember that you were only on drugs.

Imagine if someone who played VR started to say the same things you're saying now.

Think about it.
I’ll read later but bump to keep thread going
I was in a coma for 11 days and lived another life for what seemed like years. Worked on a farm and progressed to better jobs, fell in love, traveled, did civil war reenactments…

I lived in a commune with others in a giant lodge and was introduced to what I perceive as god or a grand perceiver. Giant guy sitting naked in the corner, braids wrapped around his body and connected to rows of naked women lined up on a tiered mezzanine. I was “taught” everything at once, very strange feeling I just understood every single moment in time, but that time does not exist outside of our realm
>drinking with friends

>>be 18
did that, so stupid
>>drinking with friends at a cabin in winter
and taking acid and trying to chop down trees with a dull ax
>>real party house for the weekend nobody is sober its wild and fun
and drama
>>about 10 of us there
more like 6
>>sitting at the fire outside with a friend talking
talking shit
>>friend goes back inside to talk to the others
>>I pass out in -38C winter weather
imposible that is like south pole cold
>>I am wearing a hoodie jeans and boots
dude wake up!
>>I awake with tunnel vision barely able to lift my arms
ok hypothermia
>>the fire is completely dead
oh fuck
>>brain goes into panic mode
>>"we gotta survive, get inside"
>>takes me minutes to get out of the lawn chair
is this in the haptons by any chance?
>>feels like I am wearing an extra 200lbs on me
snow maybe?
Well, thanks to the directly-above namefag's most recent post, I think it's all but confirmed someone is making and testing bots specifically to emulate the most abject retardation you can find on 4chan. Have to admit I fell for it at first.
your a bot such a generic post
>drinking with friends

Just to see what happens this time.
>I sometimes wonder if I actually died that night.
I remember having my throat crushed by a mountain lion, so I'm pretty sure that means we're both dead anon.
We're here forever.
Nice quads. Also mountain lion-mauling story in more detail plx?
This didn't happen.
>inb4 i know what i experienced
We both do.

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