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Recently just became Master Mason after breaking though and realizing that the Freemasons are the good guys, and all the propaganda you see about it is jewish gibberish, but 95% of it is spread by fellow conspiracy theorists who either havent’ broken through yet, or never will. Personally, I am disappointed that I am the only person in my lodge who knows anything about the Esoteric. They were shocked that I know what that two towers were, and their names. They though I had “read ahead”, and that Boaz and Jachin were strictly Masonic things. What are your experiences with this, and how do I find more esoteric circles either in or outside of Freemasonry? Or if you’re against Freemasonry, what inspired you to be such a dick-shitting bitchfaggot?
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eat a dick goat fucker
Oh wont god have mercy on a widows son
Hey Brother! New England here. I was pretty disappointed too with the lack of esoteric knowledge in my lodge. Freemasonry seems to just be more of a social club now- not hating on it, but it's true. That being said, every lodge should have a library, and holy shit did I find some shit in there that I have been looking for my whole life.
Wow, what a faggot! What even is that symbol? I used to be pretty nasty to Masons as well before I broke through. Those with eyes to see are highly suspicious at first. Soon you'll understand. We recently had a conspiracy guy live streaming come to our lodge, and he said that Freemasons exist to hide the truth about flat earth. He nearly shit himself when I told him that I too know that the Earth is flat, and that Richard E. Byrd of Operation Highjump was a Mason. Enjoy being a faggot. Gotta stop those pesky Freemasons from picking up trash and donating to charity, right?
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Stfu blue lodge 501c normalnigger. Freemaonry is judaism for gentiles
Blue lodges are a distraction, the order of q and the order of jesters are where things begin to matter
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Oh Lord, my God, is there no help for the Widow's Son?
Traveling east?

i know the true nature of your ilk. you hide secrets like a old woman clutches her pearls and its all in service of a entity that doesnt give you a second thought.
also im not even gonna engage you on the non deictic drivel on the flat earth
whats the countersign to traveking east? oh let me think...
over the burning sands?
ϩⲁⲛⲛⲟⲩϯ ⲛϩⲁⲛϭⲟⲓⲥ ⲁⲛ is my response to you faggots and your lord
There's a literal pyramid with the eye of providence akin to ancient Egyptian symbolism, not Jewish symbolism. Yet Jews always take the credit for everything. Israel isn't even that ancient there were already grand empires before yids ever existed get over yourselves.
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Have you gotten any spiritual value out of the information available from your advancement in the group that you wouldn't have been able to found outside it?
These are books that you can't find online?
So based it can’t be contained.
Keep preaching the truth that masons will deny with all their satanic hearts.
Freemasonry is a paper tiger. I dont have any interaction with them, and I don't want to, as most lodges (90% or more) don't have any esoteric practice. They are just for civil service, where masons help each other. A very mundane endeavor. You will probably find more esoteric practice in a buddhist monastery, if you want a comparison.
Truthers are retards, they see conspiracy everywhere and will tell you everything is fake, even their own memories. Also most of them are flerfers, so very low IQ.
Freemasons are the enemy and are obtuse and ignorant of the true ways.
The good guys? What about the perfect word of God that explains all the evil in this world and how to deal with it? (Three rebellions etc. go to gotquestions.com)

You've been fooled into nonsense and I hope you will be guided into God's family.
What do freemasons value more: One human life or one fancy building?

> Or if you’re against Freemasonry, what inspired you to be such a dick-shitting bitchfaggot?
cuz I am not the cuck for pharaos
Every roman society is evil and retarded
They fuck kids and kill people like jews but jews hate them but use them as a goyim army
There are two types of initiation

1. fake
2. real

You will know if you got the real one. You will absolutely know.
99% get the fake one, and are just suckers for money, the 1% are vetted and are given the real initiation due to lineage and nepotism. You will not get anywhere in Masonry, if you were chosen you would have known it pretty much all your life.

If you want to hang out with people who will ALWAYS look at you as an outsider, by all means join.
What's this all about?
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don't mind me just marking this thread
"If you are currently a Mason, you may want to know that the secret knowledge at the top of your organization entails the ritualized abuse of young women who are raped on an altar as part of an initiation process. I know because I was there. It happened to me. I was taken to outdoor places in the 50's and 60's and subjected to satanic rituals performed by various men's fraternal societies, including the Masons and Shriners. I have also known and listened to other women who were healing from this mind control abuse, whose fathers were Masons and through that affiliation came to be young members of Job's Daughters or the Eastern Star, and were healing from the mind control abuse they suffered in secret."
- Brice Taylor












are you the war on freemason general? are more people becoming cognizant to the occult demons running the world?
intended to mislead you
the real geometric genesis is much more straight forward
Do you have a proper diagram to share please?
>figure 5
video games *love* hiding sigils for players to *focus* on
not yet
I expected that to be a JK Rowling quote
I supposed she is part of it and not based enough
J. K. Rowling is a cult ritual abuse/trauma-based mind control victim of British Royal Arch Masons (British Illuminati), who run MI5/6.

"J.K. Rowling is an Illuminati Monarch slave - she is an actress who has hardly put pen to paper regarding the Harry Potter books. The original author of the first four books hasn't seen a penny from it. Rowling was only ever a puppet actress to dupe the media, and wasn't allowed to keep 99% of the money generated from this massive industry. The real author of Harry Potter created the hellish prison 'Azkaban', including ‘the dementors’, after horrific OIL CULT mind control programming. It was based on her experience in Azerbaijan. Another note, Rowling was also present at the Templar rite in which Madeleine McCann died - hence her offer of a reward in public, was all the more sickening."

"What have the Harry Potter books got to do with all of this? They are a thinly disguised allegory for the Illuminati PSI projects run by British Intelligence and immortalised in fiction. All of the torture and abuse prettified into a fairytale. Rowling was on one of the courses but is still under mind control and being used to write it all up for future generations as programming scripts. See Alice in Wonderland, Three Men in a Boat…"

"My aim is to expose the reality upon which this mythical and ‘magical’ story is based. The reality was the MI6 Illuminati mind control program, not located at ‘Hogwarts’ but Fort Monckton. The Harry Potter books are all about re-writing the most hideous torture and abuse which went on during the Illuminati mind control program."

"Rowling was chosen to front this series of books because she was so malleable. She wanted fame and fortune without cost. Her Ashkenazim parents had bought her out of British Illuminati slavery and had also bought her what is known in the trade as a 'Pen and Ink Stand': A ghost-writer who works as an unpaid slave - one of British Intelligence's operatives."
there are no good guys.
Royal Arch Masonry leaks; torture, Alice in Wonderland/trauma-based mind control programming, sacrifice of children, egg/zygote stealing/experimentation:







"J K Rowling was also on the 'remote viewer' course in 1980 but having suffered from 'black dog' depressions for most of her life, probably can't access her memories of torture and abuse due to drugs such as Haloperidol. Hogwarts = Fort Monckton. Dumbledore = Daldry (he has been her mind control programmer for many years). Lord Voldemort aka Tom Marvolo Riddle = Tomlinson/Andrew Marr/Richard. Rowling appears to have merged Andrew Marr and Richard Tomlinson into one evil character. The pair of them thought up the most sadistic tortures imaginable for the new recruits as 'Voldemort' does to his peer group as a teenager at the orphanage. The 'pulsating pod tree' in this book, is based on a real life experience Rowling had when she was forced to watch an Illuminati slave having her late pregancy (a fully-formed foetus) ripped out of her. In short, Rowling has prettified the extreme torture and abuse of MI6 training at Fort Monckton and other British Intelligence bases, into a fairytale."

"Rowling had told her programmers that she wanted to be an author. The big problem was that they couldn’t ‘feed’ her adult fiction written by ghost-writers because she didn’t have the literary type of brain to write adult fiction, never mind talk about work which wasn’t hers, in public. However, they thought that they could maybe get away with children’s literature. As it turns out, they didn’t manage it – the workshops were to prove Rowling’s downfall. It was plain that she had no creative imagination whatsoever and then the ghost authors began to speak out. Remember the House of ‘O’ in the South of France? The one where UK authors were invited to spend a weekend or so, to attend ‘creative writing workshops’ by Rowling…and how there was a general revolt amongst these authors when they realized that she couldn’t even remember her own characters or plots and was useless at ‘creative thinking’."
"Incidentally, this horrific mind control programming, inspired the REAL author of Harry Potter [Emily Gyde] (not poor old actress Rowling) into creating that ‘hellish prison’, including ‘the dementors’ – based on her experience in Azerbaijan."

"Tomlinson has been Rowling's main programmer and Stephen Daldry her chief acting coach since 1980."

"RE: "The original author of the first four books - hasn't seen a penny from it - stolen goods." Absolutely true. Daldry and Tomlinson obviously haven't read Phillip Pullman's 'Clockwork'. Pullman has worked for British Intelligence for most of his life. One in a long line of authors who have managed to break out of Illuminati MI6 control. Check out 'The Wonderful O' - Thurber's marvellous book which begins with a dedication to a certain 'Jap and Helen Gude' who saved him from the wicked spells of certain un-named 'witches and wizards' in British Intelligence. In plain speak - MI6 mind control programmers...A little bird also tells me that when the first author initially refused to play ball, Rowling had a case of severe writer's block at this particular stage in her career. Daldry and Tomlinson then tried to torture a suitable ending out of the real author but she wouldn't comply - gave them some old rope."

"The world's Intelligence agencies are infiltrated and controlled by "Royal Arch" Freemasons who owe their loyalty not to the State but to Illuminati (Masonic) bankers, posing as the "Crown" or "Monarchy." Most agents are tortured, i.e. trauma brainwashed and mind controlled using trigger words from texts like "Alice in Wonderland.""

"The most 'secret name' of Royal Arch Freemasonry was JAHBULON. This manufactured name was a mixture of the different gods that they worshipped. The unholy trinity and worship of Satan. They had used Jewish/Arabic mysticism to research mind control. See Egyptian Book of the Dead - also the Lesser Key of Solomon, although this book is a fake in terms of 'magic'. It was produced solely as a mind control manual and not for any other purpose i.e. the symbols are used to call up different 'alters' of mind control slaves. They also experimented with 'time travel' i.e. the disembodied mind can be released from the constraints of time and space, under certain terrible conditions, to produce remote viewers. What is the new 'name' of Royal Arch Freemasonry? ALRAHYAH. Why have they changed it? The first one got outed on the net years ago. It had been used to mainly recruit and train Judaeo-Christian mind control slaves. The second one is specifically tailored to recruit and train Muslim mind control slaves. Therefore, appropriately enough, it begins with 'AL'."

>>They are a thinly disguised allegory for the Illuminati PSI projects run by British Intelligence and immortalised in fiction. All of the torture and abuse prettified into a fairytale. Rowling was on one of the courses but is still under mind control and being used to write it all up for future generations as programming scripts. See Alice in Wonderland, Three Men in a Boat…"
are these also called kid's "chapter" books like the AMULET PRESS published diary of a wimpy kid books?

How do we get oils and plastics out of our bodies?
Selling blood?
They (Freemasons/Illuminati and other cults) use children's books as mind control programming scripts when programming (torturing) children. "You are what you read". Easier for children's minds to understand, the new 'blank' alter personality they create with extreme abuse is "alice", 'like the book'.

Mind control information for those unaware:

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descendant of sabbatai zewi and masonic family here. most western lodges lack fundamental esoterism, oriental and european lodges seem to be better at this. lodges in most of america are nothing but old gay mens frat clubs.

also sabbatai zewi would be proud, break the "boundaries" for which they hold you back.

to finish, most freemasons are useful goy, especially blue lodge plebs. unless you are a descendant you wont be told much.

the real show aint ran by the western lodges, you gotta look at

quite tarded of me, posted without finishing sentence.

show is ran by scots, italians and turks. seriously, westerners are oblivious to whats going on here, as they are.

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>Recently just became Master Mason after breaking though and realizing that the Freemasons are the good guys, and all the propaganda you see about it is jewish gibberish, but 95% of it is spread by fellow conspiracy theorists who either havent’ broken through yet, or never will. Personally, I am disappointed that I am the only person in my lodge who knows anything about the Esoteric. They were shocked that I know what that two towers were, and their names. They though I had “read ahead”, and that Boaz and Jachin were strictly Masonic things. What are your experiences with this, and how do I find more esoteric circles either in or outside of Freemasonry? Or if you’re against Freemasonry, what inspired you to be such a dick-shitting bitchfaggot?
you should grab the nearest gun and kill yourself op. Take that meat suit and trash it. see where your filthy jew brain ego goes in the next one. My guess is you are fucked. Pic related. I bet you haven't seen shit yet either. I'd bet mysack I've seen more than you.
>if you are against freemasonry
I lost my friend Robert to the freemasons. He now worships the gaotu. They suck balls and are gay. Be careful and stay safe OP.
>> lodges in most of america are nothing but old gay mens frat clubs.

I brought up some occult practices that are clearly magick and some masons got all thirsty for me to come to their open house. I don't think American Masonry is attracting youth outside of the music industry and some financial wizardry. programmers tend to form their own cults or go the hacker manifesto way
I am. I was chosen by fate to bring humanity to the stars
Fuck the freemasons et al and the rest of the powers that were but are not anymore
we're already in the stars noob. have you not seen the ufos yet?
Seeing architecture like this and knowing we don't build anything like this anymore makes me sad.
Further proof if the tool shed theory
1/6th moon landing
Interesting. I once tried to be a fiction writer, many years ago, but never sold a single digital copy in Amazon, eventually giving up on it. The environment was densely toxic and only people with "connections" could get some "exposure". The majority got their works drowned in a flood of books.
Just read the Trivium, Quadrivium & Vitruvius' Ten books of Architecture and you're good.
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Nice to see some mason bros here
Shame masonry has fallen to boomerdom I wonder what’s the best way to get into the deeper esoterica with people these days
Got a link
But Freemasons told me they aren't Jews, because they actually mock Jesus Christ, who is a fictional Jewish character and a Jew on a stick, and the Jewish god of gentiles who are the cattle of the Jews, who believe in the lies of the Jews, thus Freemasons are enlightned gnostic hyperborean vikings?
Are you saying Freemasons lied to me and are liars? That can't be possible.
when I was a prospect,
I made sure I ended up evenings with hobos on the other tables
I also wore my riot coat full of tear gas to board meetings
fuck these boomer larpers
Then everyone clapped
I like how OP just took off to do fuck all and the thread continues to be bumped with seethe. I wonder what thread died for this.
I am not a mason. I do know how to build rapport.
Go up to whatever organization (email them and seriously whatever 'society' it is will have some public email) and directly say: I am interested in this organization. How do I build rapport so that we can both get to know each other better?

>simple as
there is no positive freemason sentiment on /x/
we make the bait post pro-mason and let the discussion exist
the isRAel has six pyramids...
israel is a combination of isis, ra and el
>trust me bro
Masonic fedposters need new buzzwords. So tired and obvious. Millions of victims, many many of them reporting generational Masonic ritual abuse/torture, mind control programming, and rape/trafficking. This is a fact; (especially high-level) Freemasonry IS involved in the sickest shit imaginable.
unless you’re a powerful politician or a billionaire you and your lodge are just larping and don’t know anything about the truth of masonry. not every catholic knows the pope or what he’s up to and not every mason knows the high up masons worship satan and fuck babies infront of a golden Baphomet statue. you wanted to be a master esoteric fed but you’re just a faggot larping instead pussy. join the cia next time GLOWBITCH

also you mention jews when jews made masonry hahhaa. faggot spic. freemasonry is an offshoot of the sabbatean movement of but of course u don’t know that. LARPFAG INCEL
Nice larp, but you are no mason, at least not a truthful one because it is jewry for the goyim. The goal is to rebuild the third temple.
You dont. It's just you and I here.
>mfw /x/ hates that im a jewish freemason

Feelsgoodman. Ill answer a couple good questions.
Why do you hate God?
Will you free my friend Robert from your fake and gay cult? He worships the gaotu now you should know that's not right.
What do you consider God?

It's not my choice nor interest to convince others to do anything. Its better he worship some vague deity and be a good person than what you think he should believe. God weighs actions more than faith.
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why do you guys worship hiran abif?
also i noticed that old biuldings secret of construction that i believe to be antigravity was lost forever, so why didn´t share the secret?
also nothing good comes from raping kids.
why every mason has to sell their soul to demon?
so much soul selling and cannot even recriate antigravity tech.
>Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.
>the square and compass is an obvious occluded hexagram
>Boaz and Jachin are from the Temple of Solomon (Judaism's former holiest site)
>their "morality" plays is about a builder of Judaism's former holiest site
>one of the originators and continued promoter of "enlightenment" values e.g. "equality of men", the reason Whites don't have functioning borders, or defense mechanisms
>most male gentiles in the anti-White regime positions are masons
>OP: wahhhhh you have to love my Jew worship or you are baaaaad
Do masons practice magic systems or programming or some other crazy shit? What's up with all the symbolism? Why is it all so cryptic and obtuse. What are you hiding from the public?.
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Do you know what the protocols of the learned elders of Zion say about Freemasonry?
>They though I had “read ahead”, and that Boaz and Jachin were strictly Masonic things
So they are just retards then? Anyone who read the Bible would recognize those names
Now all the low level masons are yea.
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>Recently just became Master Mason
Huh, me too. I was raised a few weeks ago. Congratulations Brother

This has me wondering, how many of you were actually also Masons this whole time? It's not exactly popular to be one on this board.
>to bring humanity to the stars
Just close your eyes anon. It's that simple
yea but normals need the real thing
I'm still looking for grandmaster Hiram Abiff. We can't find him and as a result his word has been lost
Taking pride in secrets and rituals is always wrong. Solitude is required for spiritual liberation, not fellowship with greedy boomers.
As a mason, you have spoken more words of wisdom here than 99 percent of humanity. The true adepts don't about pancake breakfast. Just like giving titles, its a trap for the ego. Its a filtering screen.

You all say you want to help humanity, but what are you really doing?




>Oh Lord, my God, is there no help for the Widow's Son?
You saturnists are some weird fucks

I think the two pillars are really called heresy and vanity.
Masons: Here's a 1500 page document on why gatekeeping and hoarding knowledge is cool because white people and jews need slaves to maintain their elite status in society.
the freemasons are super cool, they have nice buildings.
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There's a building in my town that old retards go into. It's one of them.

Yet the area around the building and the town is a shithole. I thought freemason were supposed to fucking help the community? The windows for the building are all covered too. Bunch of cunts.
agreed, it breaks my heart that they beef with the Vatican (probably the only other organization in the world that cares about nice buildings)
Ok, what's up with you guys? No offense but you're everywhere. Why? Is it really "brotherhood" or people just using people for social gain?
>or people just using people for social gain?
as 3chin is international, there needs to be a clear division between different masonic traditions
the two main ones are the English and the French (the latter also active in Slav countries, especially after WW1)
from what I've researched, the French style masonry, which also welcomes women, is basically an institution to facilitate bribe... meanwhile the English style actually requires you NOT to be a godless disgusting humanoid
>an institution to facilitate bribe
this being the reason why many countries (where french style freemasonry is ubiquitous ahem) have laws against being a freemason and also part of government administration or the military
so if you consider that you will join any of those administrations in your lifetime and your masonic organization admits women, just say pass
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I don’t fluently speak hieroglyph so it took me a second to decipher the top left side and til upper Egypt was symbolized with the color white while lower was with the color red
And these are the two colors of the 13 peddled Lilly of the Zohar which represents the vector equilibrium and the esoterica of Christ and being a Christ

I love when my studies synchronize so beautifully
As that entire picture represents the harmony of the kingdoms within and without
Where the homies at
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>and all the propaganda you see about it is jewish gibberish
Freemasons are Jewish puppets lmao. The only reak through you had was your asshole virginity.
>reak through
*break through
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Yah masonry has allot of ties to esoteric Judaism Babylon and Kem
I mean it’s pretty obvious to even an initiate with everything surrounding Solomon

This isn’t a bad thing though
>This isn’t a bad thing though
Yea it is.
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Nah this is spiritual shit not norm core tribal feudalism
The fact that you're using this image let's me know you have no understanding.
Oh and what’s your logic behind that
The text from the KJV is mistranslated. It's not Jesus saying the kingdom of God is within you, it's saying the kingdom of God is in your midst. Jesus was a physical representation of the kingdom of God, given that its His kingdom. Jesus would not be telling Pharisees that the kingdom of God was within them.
catholic bump for freemason bros
There’s two translations one pointing towards within the other amongst niether point directly to Christ as the kingdom of heaven it’s you who is projecting there own ego onto the text and misinterpreting it to fit your bias
You do this because you do not understand Jesus nor his teachings
You hate your neighbor and cast stones
Heaven is clearly distinguished as being outside of ourselves. Jesus makes it clear by saying
John 18:36

36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

We see Paul thr apostle make clear that there's 3 Heavens. So we know that the kingdom of God (which is Heaven) exists outside of our bodies. You're projecting and seek to make this a shit flinging battle. It's clear your theology is superficial, and I wouldn't expect anything more from a freemason.
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You cast stones of superficiality but play games of vain exoteric idolatry
Yes it is within where one finds the kingdom which is amongst us all it is not of this world but this world is of it
The first heaven is of the air and birds this is the realm of intellect
The second heaven is of the stars this is the archetypical world of forms
Then there’s is the third heaven this is where the god head resides that which is everything there ever was or will be both in and outside of space and time as space and time are a product of it exploring itself
All of these things are within
You just have not accessed the deeper teachings
There are the men who know the law the priest who know the meaning or soul of the law and there are is few who know the meaning of meaning or the soul of the soul of the law
>All of these things are within
No, theyre not. It is mentioned in thr Bible of a new Heaven and earth after all is fulfilled. Heaven is external from us. Inwardly is where the Holy Spirit potentially dwells, however God's kingdom is external from us. Where do you think Jesus ascended to after His resurrection?

Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
This speaks of the second Heaven. These are external factors we deal with.

Acts 4:12
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
>under Heaven

John 6:51
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
>came down from Heaven

1 Thessalonians 4:16
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
>come down from heaven

All these verses make it clear that Heaven is a place of residency. Not some internal understanding like you so desperately try to make it seem. You can argue all you want against me, but just know you're projecting.
>No, theyre not. It is mentioned in thr Bible of a new Heaven and earth after all is fulfilled
This is the process of being born again

Listen dude I’m not going to read more or go any further with this conversation

No point in wasting my time on brainwashed dogmatic goy sloppa that is most likely a bible literalist
>This is the process of being born again
No, it's not. Being born again is clearly distinguished in the Bible and has nothing to do with this.

>Listen dude I’m not going to read more or go any further with this conversation
That's because you lack understanding, and can only repeat talking points you've heard others make. I accept your concession, "dude".
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Nah it’s just like trying to argue with a flat earther dogma is a bitch
If you ever want to be one with eyes to see take a large dose of psychedelics preferably within a church
But I doubt you’d ever do that as you’re dogmatic and brainwashed by powers that like you dogmatic brainwashed and exactly where you are
I bet you’ve even been brainwashed into thinking that you of your own free will have come to these conclusion that the things that open your mind to the truth of god are bad evil stupid degenerate ect

And guess how I know this without having to even ask
Thanks for destroying all credibility. You can't keep up with a theological debate so you accuse me of not understanding when that's exactly what's happening with you. I'll leave you alone now.
Yeah, dude, I’m not having a theological debate with a Bible literalist just like I’m not gonna be talking about physics with a flat earther
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Where the mason bros at
Where are your masonic group
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I’m not a masonbro I just like mason bros
Where are the masonic discord groups
>blame the jew for everything
Masons oldest trick
The upper sects get more Satanic as you move up and are involved in conspiracies. You have to be a 33rd degree Freemason to be initiated into the Illuminati.
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The symbology around say your grandfather's and father's house? The gold shit? I see their symbology everywhere. What's the deal with rosicrucians and the oddfellows? I don't care about money and influence, I see knowledge. Should I ask to join? Why does the OES have satanic pentagram on their bibles? Do these bibles have any hidden contents? There is a ribbon marking jesus resurrects the widows son in Luke. Are these all just the standard books?
I’d rather not get into it. But I spent time at the home of a mason or the descendant of a mason. I think I opened some kind of curse or spell that was sealed in a jar. Like this guy was an actual unironic witch who could open drawers and just “find” lost items like he was conjuring them, and I’m pretty sure he could transform into a big black dog. And he had an Amazon “Alexa” but it was like a real person imprisoned inside, not just the typical AI. He gave me a black shirt that said Niagara Falls on it but I threw it in a dumpster.
Interesting. How do you know this?
Scottish Rite masterrace
Why would anyone want to get anywhere in Masonry? Any organization that requires initiation in secrecy and shadows is inherently flawed. Yes they have good mystery traditions. Yes they are powerful. Yes they know many secrets of the universe.

Oaths sworn in secrecy have no light to them.
I'm glad I talked shit about Freemasonry amply because it eventually forms threads like these to form.

Thank God for conspiracy theories about what happens in higher level lodges full of rich people who have endless recreational time. (Those theories can often times also provide valuable lessons and insights if properly examined and can sometimes even be interesting esoteric mysteries to unravel and even investigate as a group or lodge for the greater good of everyone...)
This would be the best place in the world to tell everyone you're a Master Mason are you a f****** handicapped and valid I thought the Shriners were supposed to take care of you this is me and my wheelchair don't you feel bad for me give all your money to us
Read the Book of Clouds if you want some cool history on the Freemasons.
>the order of jesters
hearing about the nephilim <> jester/clown theory really makes me think deeper about that.
Anyone made a reading list yet?

Aint a true general until then
>Im gonna whine like a faggot about it
decided to try out freemasonry and went and visited a lodge in my area. it was disappointing and not what I expected. Like others have said, its just a social club for local men with a general interest in the esoteric to sperg out with each other for a night. Nothing ever happens
I have to become a freemason.
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Do you know what the window is, anon?
The secret truth about astronomy?
It's all light.

1. Grammar

>Classical Context:
Grammar traditionally refers to the rules and structure of language, emphasizing the need for clear communication and comprehension.
>Novel Approach:
Focus on linguistic relativity and modern linguistics. Studying how language shapes thought (as per Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) and investigating the structure of programming languages to bridge human and machine communication.

2. Rhetoric

>Classical Context:
The art of persuasion and effective communication, essential for leadership and public discourse.
>Novel Approach:
Incorporate modern psychological and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques to enhance understanding of how language influences decision-making. Study social media algorithms and the rhetoric of digital communication.

3. Logic

>Classical Context:
The principles of valid reasoning and argumentation.
>Novel Approach:
Explore computational logic, machine learning, and algorithmic thinking. Study artificial intelligence (AI) ethics and the logic of decision-making in autonomous systems, tying classical deductive logic to modern computation.

4. Arithmetic

>Classical Context:
The study of numbers and their properties, foundational to all quantitative reasoning.
>Novel Approach:
Apply arithmetic to cryptography, quantum computing, and blockchain technology. Investigate how ancient number theory can contribute to encryption algorithms and new forms of secure communication.

5. Geometry

>Classical Context:
The study of shapes, spaces, and their relationships, crucial for architecture and design.
>Novel Approach:
Explore non-Euclidean geometries and their application in modern physics (e.g., general relativity) and computer graphics (VR and AR technologies). Investigate biomimicry in architecture, where natural geometries inspire sustainable design.
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Here you go freemason peoples
you're lucky if you get into a blue lodge where there is any esoteric interest at all
You are an ignorant faggot, this is a scene from an Art movie, and has nothing to do with Freemasonry.
>I'd bet mysack I've seen more than you.
This proves that you are indeed, a dick-shitting bitchfaggot. The only thing you've seen is fat niggers shoving their dicks in your mouth.
some fellow glyph posters, hello

>deeper esoterica with people these days
i cant find a better place than here, at least online
>imagine being so massively incompetent, arrogant and ignorant at managing ppl and societies that youve run down and neglecting societies that hard for centuries that you cannot find any adepts or capable people in general anymore for your super secrit crafts and arts to learn and comprehend and inherit, that you just cant but open up your secrets to the profane niggers, "make it free" so you at least have the slightest of chances to have anybody joining and keep carry on any works of the degree of 40 (not even mentioning 50, or 60) and that, 250 years ago
"free"masonry, everyone
shouldve stayed at masonry and purified/rectified, but desperate times, desperate measures right?
enjoy, "free"masons
The boomers destroyed FM too like they did with everything else they were the custodians of. With the current state of things, a fresh start looks pretty good. Why bother with larping business men anyway? Also, and most importantly, they are self appointed... at our expanses
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all that sounds very gay
but now that you are producing gay people on an industrial scale, it's okay i guess
The blue lodge is only the first door, fuck head. Join, Shriners that’s door #2. To reach the inner circle you need to join either Royal order of Jesters or Order of Q, and then there’s 13 more doors. And you need to pay dues to each group and they get more expensive so you’ll be capped at your networth at some point.
t. Knower
Any good masonic groups?

Well, it's Voten day again soon anon; so what do you think?

>List of names of Odin
>Voten War Leader

The long history of abuses of power against Freemen, leading to one of the most glorious and "high" spellings of War in existence..... the principled rebellion, the revolt, the revolution.

Freemasons and other cults 'secret' being (generational) ritual sodomy/'enlightenment'/trauma-based mind control. They rape their own children and shatter their minds to continue the cult.

"The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the victim's "third eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. This is systematically done to have complete control over the child, like creating a programmed robot. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain. They do this on a regular basis -- sort of maintenance program to keep everything intact."


'Interviewing Deprogrammers: In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key'
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Was a victim of spirit cooking as a child and later asked to join the Freemasons.
Current MKULTRA victim. What do I do.
Baby in freemason society thinks he has the whole world figured out.
Honestly Im not sure what I was expecting from this but someone /x/ still manages to disappoint me with its mindless jew hate
>Louis Armstrong
>Count Basie
>Duke Ellington
>Nat King Cole
>Cab Calloway
>Glenn Miller
as a rule of thumb masonic groups declined around the time of Sun Ra
>judaism for the goyim
Hahah. Kys sage and HIDE

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