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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
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Previous thread:
virginity protected


Is there a spirit calling for me to work with it or am I delulu

How does E(Female, crush) feel about me(Male).

Will I ever give birth to a healthy baby?
outcome between me and her? yours?
same thing

Starting when you confirm
What would C.S think of me if we met? Would we get along? Starting
Queen Swords | Tower
World | Princess of Cups
VIII Swords | Death | V of Swords

Who the fuck is this person anon?
It would be an extremely crazy, complex and extremely painful relationship for you. Virtually nothing good seems to come out of such a relationship; on the contrary, the good things would end up driving you apart.
You can ask other readers if you like, but if I were to take this reading into consideration I would avoid this person a lot. A lot of pain.
Knight of Pentacles | King of Cups
Justice (X) | VIII of Pentacles
Priestess | Judgement (X) | IV of Wands (X)

There's a feeling between you, but it seems that one side isn't being completely honest about something and this ends up driving you apart. In addition to a serious communication problem.
There may be a relationship, but it's going to have to be well worked out, there's also a lot of insecurity, perhaps you feel insecure because you're not the type of person she prefers or she feels insecure because she's not the type of woman you prefer.
Communication seems to be the key to both victory and defeat.
Who can I ask to save my cat? occult or not. I'm asking the universe, someone has to be able
King of pentacles, nine of cups, five of swords, 8 cups
A bit of fun together, but after a while you two distance from each other in search of something completely different to what you had together.
Who's the love of my life? Female querent.
Ill say all the prayers I got. Be prepared though. Cybil was the best cat and I wpuld never exchange the 16 years we had for any riches, fame, women if the night, or powers. Hold her tight when its her turn and she'll be there when its yours. ;_;
iykyk, im still not ok.... but im better now
She was beautiful, I'm sorry for your loss anon.
Pray to Sitri, andras, marbas or beleth these demons love cats.
NTA how do you pray properly to a demon? I've tried, but I always feel like I've failed.
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the card called me in

I've done plenty of work, mundane and of the spirit, to win back the love of my estranged partner. What will come of my efforts? How can I achieve my desire, what is holding them back?
Page of Cups, reversed.
It appears the love of your life will be someone naive and emotionally immature. Drawing a second card, Ace of Wands. This person will perhaps be quite enthusiastic and spirited, bring into your life much energy, but due to his character, also much fluctuation in matters of heart.
Looks who's back
Tell me more about this demon

Who is the love of my life?
Not the demon anon but think of it like trying to call someone over from a crowd - you want to envision who you are speaking to and really try to get a good mental feel for them.
Then you call for them with that intent and image in mind, you introduce yourself, and you state your business with respect.
None in particular at the moment.
But I've tried to make pacts in the past and never had any success or any response.
Well, the demon in question is very important to consider, many demons require a sort of immediate sacrifice or ritualistic ones
The death as well
So it's hard to tell where you've got it wrong
By ritualistic I mean moreso cyclical and continously made ones
Yeah this is very important too, actually I like this example!
Like trying to call the attention of someone in a large crowd
I need to study more before I try again, but thanks anyway! Sorry for derailing the thread
ive done some readings since. Ill do more soon but the tears are coming in strong now >.>

Some of you may recognize the blanket, Ive done my readings on it for years. When I bury her the box(she has the most beautiful urn) will be wrapped in it so she'll be in the embrace of me and anyone whos been read off that blanket in all this time.

last post about it, ill be back with a deck later tho!!!
That's very sweet
I'm sorry for your loss anonii, hopefully she'll feel your love later on
And hopefully you get a new blanket to cherish in time too (won't say get a new catto because it hurts to, lost my doggie not long ago)
I will be getting a kitten soon. Its the least I can do...

Harder to find a new blanket imo. The perfect level of warmth but breathability in all seasons just isnt made anymore. Either theyre too heavy, light or made of material that dousnt feel good.

Many blessings cyall around.
Infinite sadness
She was just perfect ;_;
You've already done some readings for me using this blanket and I'm glad that in a way my energy is with her in her rest.
Stay well anon!
What can you say about about next year in my life?
It will be the year 2025
Love you bro I wish you all the best
Female, A.
Is he (B) just deceiving me?
Not sure if my intuition is trying to save me, or if I'm just anxious after all this.
Should i met with O (male)?
Silly bitch, women don't really have intuition. Too many single moms prove that.
Anyone irl interested in me sexually/romantically?
>queen of pentacles, Justice, 10 of cups

Yes, very positive spread. You will get what you put in, that is to say that things will go fantastic if you're self-assure and stable, someone who looks as though she has everything put together and who treats others fairly.
No spread posted because pendulum.
While he is not REALLY lying about this specific thing (it kept circling, neither yes nor no), he isn't being fully honest and does have some motives. Sounds like some sort of omission.
>8 of swords, hanged man, the fool
There might be someone that may be into you, but if so they don't percievie you like a sensible option right now, likely bc of other relationship or some stuff they may heard about you
remember to always show youself from your best sides
anyways, trade again?
Advice from girl to girl. It's easy to know when a guy cares when he gives attention to other women and calls you and texts you at the last hour of the day or at night or when he takes forever to respond. If you think he is messing with you walk away girl, find someone who will treat you like you're the last coke in a desert, ain't nobody got time to be treated like a yellow starburst when you're a pink one
sure. Have I already met my next gf in person?
Should i met with S (female)
Yeah men who don't care simply ignore you or talk to you when they got no other options
>Temperance, 7 of wands, queen of cups reversed
>7 of swords
Absolutely not. Gather more information on her, even if you had to pry it out of her. you'll find something that you hate about her and something fake and deceiving about herr.
>Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel
Always blaming the women but not the men who decided to leave?
>dumb bitch is seething about her own incredibly shitty life choices

if women's intuition was real, you'd pick the guy who wouldn't leave. Simple as.
>8 of wands, temperance, knight of swords
Nope, she somewhere there but yet still to find
But you will meet her when you balance some stuff like priorities, emotions, work/school friends etc.
thats what i thought, i mean she is something like a lolcrow in my friends circle and sometime ago she ended a rehab and started to message everyone about hanging out. Im now thinking about it 'cause it could be funny but on the other hand, a big waste of time and cringe (she is into me, while im absolutly not into her)
anyway wanna trade one last time?
Uhh nta but I most certainly have done that so you're wrong faggot
Missing Kochka, THNTZ and Cyberpunk Anon, they have breathed new life into this place.
You useless cunts don't have real jobs by the looks of it.

You're half right though, the problem is most basic bitches like you will ridicule anyone desperate enough to want to talk with you all day everyday.

That's called being a cuck nowadays and most of you reject cucks and simps.

If you're gonna give advice try to be more real and with the feet on the ground
It's 50/50.
Fair judgement, responsibility and accountability.
Isn't it time you replied to yourself about Sergio or Martin?

Or posted about odds

Or trolled querents into trades

I’m eating bacon and sesame bagel. How about you friend?
Bread and eggs!
Who's Martin?
Maw fuggen hashbrowns again
lol no wonder you fags are so fat
Clean your dirty mouth to talk about Kochka.

Fucking Incel.
>incel white knighting

Pathetic faggot, no wonder women won't touch you
It's the destruction of the nuclear family, right before our eyes.
Kek is this the fasting anon?
kek your life must be so sad anon.
digestive biscuits but i spread on them a nutella knockoff cream and turned them into a sandwhich of sorts, ate that with greek yoghurt
What do you mean? Only fat pieces of shit don't fast

>he says, while whiteknight for a rando online AND putting up a name on an anonymous board to get the attention he doesn't get irl due to being a friendless incel
sad little guy
Banana nut muffin
I have not had breakfast. :( Too much work.
Nine of pentacles
An era of abundance is coming to you, or at least good experiences (without investing too much money), "it's already yours, abundance is already yours," I heard. Try manifestation, write a lot.

Queen of pentacles
Deep cleanse your home, not because it's dirty but the place where you stay needs you now. Your home needs you and you might find some useful stuff you thought you lost.

The potato stuff?
Seven of wands
Honestly, just do something different, there's something repetitive about your routine that's rather tiring.

I would like to thank Beyoncé I am able to afford food, that I have a stable income of money and friends.

Hello, how's everything going, aaaa
It's fine it does not offend me :)

Two of pentacles
Yeah, get your priorities straight, I think there's some stuff that's no longer serving you out there.
Normally I ignore your existence as everyone here should do, but today I'm in an incredibly bad mood and I'm not up to dealing with a human being who's life is to come here trolling and talking shit all day long.
But this is the last bit of attention I'm going to give you for as long as I'm here.
I hope you find peace anon.
Hiii, my breakfast was a biscuit!
Fasting is for plebs and dirtpoor shits.

Had you seent he Buddha? Fucker is fat as all fucks.
I'm starting to shift towards new routines, slowly but surely.
But I'll take this as an affirmation to continue, thank you.
Actually that's wrong. The buddha -traditional- was skinny. What the pleb (you) think is the Buddha (fat) is just chinese propaganda.
Wendys double stack that was in the refrigerator from yesterday.
No one will forget that you tried to do pedomancy with an underage Martin. Just get out of here.
Ching chong ming ho eat no dog.
Thanks, I’ve been off lately and good things are happening to me. Like I’m becoming a new person but I’m scared lol
Nice try, Martin but everyone can smell you
Eeeugh! Fuck hell I'm not smelling some fat pedo shizo piece of shit!

I'm a scrier not some fartmancer you twat.
Hot pocket (again!)
Thank you. We're actually engaged, but he's very hot and cold with me. Some days he's worshipping me and then the next day he acts as if he hates me and wants nothing to do with me. Just completely out of nowhere. One day he says he can't wait to marry me, the next he's not sure if we have a future. It's so damn confusing. The pendulum pretty much confirms it too.
Smidge greedy, but can I get a pull for the results of these endeavors?
I've had a problem with my car and a lot of things to sort out at work this week, so I haven't even had time to come here in the last few days, I've just been sorting out problems. How are you?

>IV of Cups, VII of Disks Rev, V of Swords Rev
He probably is, he just seems to be bored and killing time with you.
The sooner you snap out of it, the better for you.
What flavor?
100% some issue he is avoiding talking about because he's scared of the whole jenga tower falling apart. Doesn't even have to be anything nefarious or unfaithful, but if he keeps bottling it up, it can't lead to anything fruitful.
lol you’re a zoomer, that’s such a TikTok meme
Did you cast a lovespell on him? Looks a classic symptom of a lovespell.

I'm not pointing finger though, it could also be the aftermath of a lovespell from an ex.
water, i always fast
Be funny if it was the result of a bunch of 'em.
Funny in a scuffed way.
I didn't have breakfast but I desperately need coffee!
Good thing I'll never have those problems because I do not know how to drive.


Offering three quick readings before I go on a work meeting, state genders, initials and a cute pic, it doesn't have to be a cat.
i'm GS she's GAD
should i try to make things work with her or be glad i dodged a bullet?
she's my gf, or rather was, just broke up
This makes sense. I can definitely sense he's keeping something to himself. Just wish he'd be willing to talk it through with me.
I never did, but his ex is a witch. I'm always envisioning and manifesting a loving future with him, that's about it.
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Where do i meet my next gf?
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fug, forgot picture
Q: This year or next year?

Wanna procreate?
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Male, R
If you don't mind
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not asking for a reading have this for free
>Make things work
>Or not
Five of wands

I think she's some sort of lesson in this lifetime, and both ways seem to be rather chaotic, I know that making things work might look like sexy times ahead but I feel like this woman has some stuff to solve before entering a relationship. I feel some codependency and hints of toxicity. "The cycle never ends," but I think the cycle goes for her. Maybe you did dodge a bullet but expect some resistance and childish acts from her, maybe some tantrums and petty things to catch your attention.
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It feels like the energy of the Dove is basically sending up an "enter here" bat signal aimed at me. Is that accurate?
>expect some resistance and childish acts from her, maybe some tantrums and petty things to catch your attention
ah yeah, that does sound like her
still, miss her bigly, thanks kochka
This one please?

(Is there anything significant coming up in my love life anytime soon?)
I love crows so much. :(
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Brown reddish hair, really pretty eyes, baby face and I think slanted eyes, thick frame glasses. I think it might be a cool city or a small but really popular town, looked like this but not so orangey, maybe a bit greener with more trees.

Three of wands, high priestess
Maybe you should start exploring places around, like one day you're like "I am craving this food", you see the restaurants related to that cuisine and your intuition will just go "oh, this place" for example. I think your body will naturally lean to those places.
Cereal. What else? How have you been?
Lunch is my breakfast, which is going to be a potato, cheese, beef, onion, and pepper casserole.
Bad week.
Can I ask for a reading?
Snails are so cute, I let them chill in my plants.

>This year
Ace of pentacles
>Next year
The Magician

If you're looking for immediate benefits in the short run, go ahead, try it this year, but it you want a really good experience with amazing results and growth for you, I would wait and just start planning and go hard next year. Good luck.
Me too! I think this is such a cute decoration
The world, strenght
Maybe in a near future you'll feel better, it's a great accomplishment and you're closer to your higher self, they're waiting for you. You'll need discipline and be constant in the long run but I think it'll be worth it. You've built yourself a small empire with a couple bricks, your body and a healthy mindset. You remind me of those Little Dark Age motivational edits. I like you, have a cupcake.

Thank you ily
C'est parfait.
Is the rest of my month going to be as bad as this first week?
King of wands
Yes, but they're rather pushy and a bit annoying, at least I, myself, and I did not like them or maybe you'll be trying a bit too hard and that might scare off a couple suitors. :( Don't force it, you're stupidly wonderful and I feel like you're hiding something really cool from you?

Good morning! I had a berry and almond smoothie today. I hope all is well.
Sending you good vibes king <3
Tysm <3 I'm trying, but this week everything seems to be conspiring against me.
Thank you Kochka, you are always a refreshing breath of fresh air here and it's wonderful to have readings from you.
Damn King of wands! I don't like him either, but at least he's not the king of swords I suppose. Or the emperor :(
You do not even need a reading to know it's not! A bad week is a bad week not a bad month. If you act like it's a bad month then it will be one! Things don't happen to inconvenience you, they happen for a reason!
Is my partner going to move in with me within the next few months?

My initials: DS
I am sorry I have not been able to do longer and better readings, I will do my best next time for you guys. Quality over quantity.
Those are the Chad of the tarot world.

If you wanted someone else you would go for them, you just want the king of swords to dig his huge sword in your holster.

Meanwhile enjoy the huge rod of the king of wands though.
Hey fren
Could I get a romance reading fren?
You seem nice tho so I wish gud days for u
tysm ;_; Living on your own and going through a lot of problems at once gets to your head sometimes.
I'll try to do some reading here later to distract myself.
You're gross
Drink water
Of, brain gets relaxed when you do
This anon has disgusting and rancid vibes. If only there was a way to ban people like this from the forum completely.
Here's some cards for you friendo <3

>5 of swords, 9 of wands, 10 of wands, the world, 6 of wands, 4 of wands, 3 of pentacles
It's only the first two weeks of this month that are going to be tough but after this storm things will pick up you will have fun and will possibly feel better about an important task probably at your job you will manage to impress your boss and be rewarded for it, you might get invited to a wedding or a gathering im thinking wedding tho, where you could meet a potential romantic partner, she might be coming out of left field but you two will get along. You will have to endure the first two weeks after that shit will be smooth sailing, also beware of backstabbing coworkers some might want to sabotage your work so be cautious with what you deliver and who you trust with your projects. Everything is going to be fine 6 of wands guarantees your success
Don't worry at all, we are all grateful to anyone who reads for us.

Maybe not the crazy trolls but they need help
Hey anonii
They're probably hating on you but please try to talk out what's annoying you before lashing out
Do you feel better now anon?
What tarot card do people pull when asking about me?
The fat ugly narcissist
You're welcome <3
This is a quite interesting question, altho I do think it depends on every individual person, I mean, you probably represent an infinitely different combination of feelings to everyone
I hope you feel better soon. You've been great here for us too. I know how you feel though, I had to watch over my sisters house while she was away and I almost gave in to the voices™
I believe so too.
Much like this anon.
Will I meet my long term romantic partner soon?

Thank you very, very much for reading anon, I do have an important event in a couple of weeks, just not a wedding. I'll let you know if I meet anyone.

Tell me a query of yours and as soon as I've finished answering an email here I'll make it for you as a token of gratitude.

I've been living alone for about two months now and I'm still not used to it, but that's part of it. Thanks for the love, you've all been very good to me and made me feel very welcome in the short time I've been active here. I've been through a lot of bad things in recent months and this is a place that helps me clear my head.
That's why I try to return the love as much as possible.
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L broke up with her bf last month and the new guy she was dating doesn't want to see her anymore. She wants to hang out with me more now. Is it favorable for me to hook up with her before the end of the year?
I posted from my mobile phone because I was away from my desk and forgot to put my nickname in while I was writing. Sorry for my stupidity

I'll do this reading for you, but have you ever had a relationship in the past?

Will I meet my next partner before the year is over? you?
thank you!

No but we're very close and she made a pass at me years ago after a party when she slept over my place but I was too beta to do anything. Theres definitely a sexual tension between us
hey are you still here
I owe you a read so sorry I got range banned randomly
here was the link I owe you a query lol
I miss the old /div/. The new people fucking suck
Same query for me. Starting
That's zoomers for you. My generation suck dicks too but we could do more for the fellow men and sluts than the fucking retards on the board right now.
I'ts amazing how zoomers are consistently shit and the worst at everything. No wonder they're the incel generation, not 1 men among them.
I'm trying my best buddy

>Moon, World Rev, III of Cups, VI of Disks Rev, II of Swords, Chariot Rev, Lovers Rev
The fact that you're close seems to get in the way of developing this into something bigger.
As much as you have a sexual attraction, but it seems to me that any development beyond interest seems blocked by this feeling of not wanting to spoil your friendship.
It seems to me that she's torn between two choices, either between you or someone else or whether to risk spoiling what you have.
But I think at the moment it's best to let things flow and not force anything. Everything still seems very confusing to her.
Do I still have a shot with MB?
been here on and off since 2013 and skill levels have always varied, pick up the slack and pick up the deck too if you wanna see change
Five of Coins Three of Wands Death Rx
Before the end of the year you'll have the opportunity to meet someone , a potential partner. But you may not be able to receive them due to you hanging on to the past.
that's pathetic, anon. 11 years later and you're still in the same shit, embarrassing but fitting for these people.
First no it's okay dear you've done so much for this community. I wanted to return the favor on behalf of div. Thank you for the feedback!
So you're just gonna pick sloppy seconds, or thirds even. If she wanted something she would have told you long ago, she just sees you as her simp/orbiter
boomers thought the same about you and I’ll think the same of gen alpha, such is life

Thank you for the reading anon. That makes sense. We're really good friends and its nice when we hang out but there are moments where her sexual energy is off the charts and it feels like she's coming on to me hard. I would love to fuck her but I feel like she is vulnerable at the moment and I don't want to hurt her
(She knows I'm very sexual and all the girls i hook up with and date)
Q? just got tradecucked mine is here
tradecucking bitch
It's a hobby among many, you should getting some too. Are you just here to leech off next gf queries?
fact is I've never met an incel in my generation and I have never been one. "we" always did cool shit, travel, etc. YOur generation does nothing but look at the screen and go nowhere. Inceldom and weakness is what defines you. It was embarrassing for us to be virgins at 18, for you it's normal to be virgins/incels all of your lives. And you're not young anymore.
I don't ask anything, I just come here for stories. Everyone here is very subhuman, very subpar so there's no reaon for interaction. You people can't even do something as simple as getting a partner.
Are you the one asking if you’ll meet your partner before the year is over? If so my Q is would my work be well received internationally or should I stick to a national audience?
>Never met an incel in my generation
Your generation invented the term incel

>We always did cool shit
You’re out of touch if your only perception of a generation is what you see of them online anon, I traveled with 7+ friends to the Olympics this year.
Yea that's my query. I'm male. Starting yours .
General please
Nine of Swords Rx Three of Coins
Four of Cups World Rx
International will have a much better reception for you, national really won't have much.
Empress Ace of Cups King of Wands
You got a very clear yes, spread looks like bullshit but I assure you these are the pulls
Trading demon
Oh wow, how was your Olympics trip?
It was so much fun, I’m applying to students programs in Paris now I’d love to there the city is beautiful
>You’re out of touch if your only perception of a generation is what you see of them online anon,

No, I teach college kids and live in a college town, so I see them always glued to the screen. You know this is true.

>I traveled with 7+ friends to the Olympics this year.
So? that's just 1 trip.I travel every year since I was months old and that was the norm for my people, yearly trip to a different country. Your acting like your single little trip makes up for a lifetime of staying put.
Damn, well, sorry.
That sounds awesome, I always wanted to go to France and I’m currently learning French. But I’m not too serious about it and I should lol.
> I travel every year since I was months old and that was the norm for my people
So you’re saying that zoomer don’t travel lol
> It was embarrassing for us to be virgins at 18, for you it's normal to be virgins/incels all of your lives
This is where I feel bad for you that you been pressured to lose your virginity because of “societal norms”. You need better self esteem dude.
She made a pass at me years ago. I didn't do anything. She keeps hitting me up to hang out and I tell her about my all about my dates and hook ups. I even hooked up with her friend
can we trade again or is everyone gone?
>I'ts amazing how zoomers are consistently shit and the worst at everything.
i would blow you out the water in many physical and mental pursuits
Have I already met my next romantic partner?
Sure thing, little buddy.
>I travel every year since I was months old and that was the norm for my people,
what a conceited short sighted asshat, we cant afford that shit nigga. your 'people' are dregs and philistines, i concede that the average zoomer is dumb and pampered but you aint saying much
its about efficiency and competence not strictly hierarchy, put me next to your woman for too long watch her sacral get flustered
Should I drop R entirely and focus solely on P for at least the remainder of this year or try to do both? They are different activities I want to do
>incel delusions
no wonder you come here begging the cards for a gf lmao
real recognizes real
you're just a seething poor. You don't get to be angry at the older generations for being better than you. I had to work in McDonalds to afford college and rent in my 2 last years of college. You guys are just lazy.
Sad loser, but I'd expect nothing else from the average anon in this shithole. After all, you people lack any semblance of masculinity and like the whipped bitches you are, you keep begging the cards everything and asking dumb, fleeting shit like feelings instead of going out and making things happen like humans do. Coddled little shits.
where's your family old faggot? why don't you have one?
Who says I don't? Just because I come here to collect stories and laugh, doesn't mean I'm one of you.
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Envy is an awful feeling.
I hope you rid yourself of these evils soon my child.
>VI of Wands, IX of Cups
>Hiero Rev, IV of Disks Rev, Temp Rev
Trying both may seem extreme to you, but it will bring you satisfaction and comfort. Focusing only on P will make you more successful and give you more freedom.
General advice here is not to be greedy and try to embrace the world. One thing at a time seems to be healthier and better for you.
man you're stupid. Go be a father instead of arguing with teenagers online you fucking retard
>I had to work in McDonalds to afford college and rent in my 2 last years of college
i respect that there's nothing wrong with that but you're still a belligerent scumbag
In all honesty, I didn't understand that one.
i dont ask about that shit you intransigent clown, dude is yapping about masculinity when hes the one here disparaging strangers LMAO, you dont have the guts to go the distance unless your course is already charted for you. fucking worm
8 of cups, 10 of cups, empress
Yes, but there seems to be some baggage in your life you need to get rid of in order for the relationship to start
cry me a river, incel scum.

you're just an egotistical douchebag who seethes at people who are better than you because you know you're the only thing stopping yourself from manning up.

keep seething, little guy who can't even go outside and talk to girls or go watch a movie on a whim. You're a bitch.
This is the epitome of 4chan right now. Millennials always complaining about zoomers. And those millennials are stuck on here forever.
Ignore him he's just a schizo outside of his containment thread
Trade again?
Hit a nerve? So clearly you don't have a family or you're just a shit father. either way you're a faggot lol
and they don't even have families :( sad old dudes wasting their lives here
>who seethes at people who are better than you because you know you're the only thing stopping yourself from manning up.
i dont care about them, i applaud all excellence, its a privilege to be shown what is possible, you're the one talking shit and flaunting.
using little guy as a epithet proves you're lazy and beneath me in the realms of the intangible.
>You're a bitch
this is a grown ass man saying that on the internet
>try to scry
>keep seeing what I think that I might want to see
>suspicious of it
nta but trade
Describe the person the anon saw in his reading, or at least if she's who I'm imagining.
I can scry for you. Do I still have a shot with MB and how much of one ? starting
i'm male mb is female
Scry the color of my shirt and I'll give feedback
Are you scrying for yourself or for others? Readings for yourself are generally biased, it's why you avoid them
Hey, are you doing any AQs?
are you stupid? you think someone who's been reading here for years wouldn't know that?

Next gf? Thx.
>IX of Swords, Priestess
>III of Wands Rev, IV of Wands Rev
>V of Disks Rev, VIII of Cups, Knight of Cups
A lot of anxiety on your part, a lot of desire to make things work. She, on the other hand, seems to make it very clear what she wants from you, but perhaps you're not taking the time to read it carefully or you prefer to ignore the signals she's giving you.
A lot of frustration too, which ends up distancing you more than uniting you, especially a feeling of dissatisfaction and disillusionment with the way things are going.
The feeling is there, but it still seems to be brewing at the moment, it's a very slow recovery from a situation and you have to be calm to know the best time to act.
I see a woman who's pale, short, thin, dark hair. 20s, likes to dress very professionally or in athletic wear. She's athletic as well, high energy but also high strung. kind and nurturing, may be a little older than you.
I know what to do now, thanks
In fifteen minutes I was going to open a free reading, but if you want to send me your query I'll do it :)

Hmmm thanks anon, but it didn't resonate much, especially the age part, I'm 30.
You're 30?! I thought you were on your early/mid 30s
well how do you know that? She might look younger than she is? have you met her? do you know who your next partner is?
Yes, exactly 30....

It may be someone I'm thinking of, she may even look younger, but she's 40....
maybe that's what I picked up
Cool, I’d appreciate the effort. There’s a situation that I’m trying to be patient in and it’s wearing me thin. Every time I get frustrated, I feel guilty and powerless because the commitment I made bares a lot of weight and going back on it isn’t an option I want to consider. Do the card for any advice for a course or action? Apologies for being vague.
I usually scry in terms of symbols that I sort of have to decipher, but when I tried to scry your shift I saw a black shirt that faded to a red shirt with patterns on it in gold.

Indeed. I'm mostly just trying to get an idea of what's going on because I'm getting messages that are strangely on point.
Scry what I look like
Yeah fren you'd be better off trying to ask others, that generally helps :(
Should I get furthur into the occult? I was inspired by the david bowie thread, besides reading tarot cards of course.
>Tower, Wheel, II of Swords
>III of Cups Rev
Stick to the commitment you've made, it may seem very drastic, it may be bringing a lot of change into your life, but it's the right way to get your life back on track.
Remember that life is made up of difficult choices, but once you've made them you have to commit to them until the end. You've already made yours and although you may sometimes feel frustrated and even lonely, it was what you knew deep down was best for you.
I'll be doing readings over the next hour.
>Initials, gender and sun sign of the people involved.
>A song that's on your mind at the moment.
Tell me your q!
Mine is: once my new boss makes her appereance, am I going back to my old area or am I staying in this one for another while?

I followed your steps and made an email account. No need to trade, tell me your query.
Thank you. My life is much better than what it was previous to making this decision. Since it’s been faltering in some ways lately though, it does become a concern that God is telling me to switch course when the reality might actually be to toughen up and stick to this to the end.
I don't have any more queries either, I just wanted to do a reading for you (send me a message!!).
The pool is wide so go for it, there HAS to be something that suits you. No need to even read it
Alrighty, starting
C.V Female, Virgo

query: Does V expect me to drive B to school for the entire school year?
I'm wondering how it would affect me though
What do you value?
no q but you can have this https://youtu.be/TAYUDDdCp9w?si=9oXnunaYgO30zX_N
David Bowie, especially the Thin White Duke phase in which I'm sure he was possessed by some entity, along with Silent Hill was my entry point into the occult.

It's quite a journey, but it's worth it

Every change will have its low points and bad moments, remember that no path is perfect. Perfect choices only exist in the realm of the imagination.
What am I meant for in this life? What don't I see coming?
General consensus is that it makes you more sensitive to just about anything in general, so you may have some fears to work through regardless of what you choose
E female pisces

Is their anything fated to happen to me the next year or is it all free will?
Female (Cancer) and Male (Pisces)

What does my husband have to realize to get past this blockage in our lives?

Him and I both adore Lana..
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Mr. Bones wild ride is open for business, tell me your query, be specific. Vague queries will get you stuck on my ride, in terms of romance state your relationship and genders. No refunds, hope you enjoy your stay.
Who's the love of my life? Female querent.
N, Male, Leo
Should I apply for the job? If so what happens?
My initial: M
His: L
Silent hill?
In what way? I really loved the movie I don't really play video games. David Bowie is so fascinating cause he really has this otherworldly presence compared to other celebrities. I'm going to delve in deeper into it for sure I'm too curious not to.
C. Male Scorpio

Outcome of visiting that psychic?
Power, but I have morals.
Should I get the brakes done soon or just park the car and deal with it next year?
How do I not feel weird talking to people?I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and I just feel icky about it.
Why do you value power, and power over what?
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Next lover?
Ten of swords, ace of pentacles rx
I think that you still have to do some healing before entering a commited relationship, I feel you're filling a void instead of addressing the actual reason behind it. I saw a really pretty galaxy with stars and a black hole in the middle and it's getting bigger with time, there something in your mindset that must be changed or no relationship, no matter what kind, won't suffice your needs.

Seven of words, seven of pentacles, Queen of swords
Advice says that you should be true to yourself and loyal to your thoughts instead of your acts, fooling others won't fool yourself, don't expect others to fix what they didn't break. Your higher self says you should speak with more clarity, be honest and straight to the point. "You can't lie to me," they said and they looked like they knew a thing.

Hope this resonates and helps, I am sorry for the bad job. :( Thank you, anon.
Anon was being an edgelord, there's just about anything you can choose, but start with basics.


Download the beginners folder, read it through, get an idea for what you might wanna go for.

Chaos magick is my go to, hodge podge of whatever I think works. Worked with some spirits and demons and they've been chill for the most part, never asked for anything bad nor tried to harm me (except one, and they stopped when I snapped back).

It's just best to choose depending on what you feel is right.
Ooooh if she really wanted you there would be no doubt, you wouldn't have to contemplate how she felt woooooowoooo, she probably has many options and sees you as one ooooooopoh
The power to do what I like and be respected, I think everyone wants that though.
Could I please have a reading? Who will I end up with? Female querent.
Power of freedom just makes power the cage.
Male, single
How will the next woman to approach me try to overcome my cynicism toward love?
I've been driving around and have been noticing there are many psychics on the routes I've taken and I'm wondering if I should visit any of them.
Hi Abra or should I say Mrs. Sunrider
How are you? Happy anniversary! Hope you two are living your best life together you guys are the cutest couple! <3
There is a reader or two who is absolutely insistent that there is a demon attached to me and that when I ask about God, I'm actually asking about this demon. Can someone ask this "demon" its name? Because I've only been trying to work with an actual well known God and not any demons so I'd like to settle this issue in the event I do have an actual demon attached to me but I've been ignoring it/unaware of it.
What is my calling?
Hello Mr. Bones, I've got two tickets, but which ride I'll take is up to you....
1. Occult: was that black shadow hunting me down in those lucid dreams a spooky spoiler, or just disobedient subconscious nonsense?
2. Mundane: Will L be a city I'll enjoy living in? Or will I dislike it for some reason?
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Error incorrect query, you've asked this far too many times to other readers, now get out of my ride.

>ace of wands
>knight of swords
The sooner you do it the better, cards are telling you to rush in to this there might be a good deal coming soon but you have to hurry or you might miss your chance.

>King of cups
He is strong, someone who actually takes care of his body, works out a lot. He might be tan but his skin is actually very pale, he is sensitive but hides it well. Tall, light eye color and falls in love easily at least with you, you might meet him on a trip outside your city, you two will hit it off right away.

>hermit (x)
>9 of swords
>5 of swords
You might want to work on your cynisism first pal, you might scare any potential lady coming your way. Work on that first because no woman will tolerate, but there might be a chance with one that has very low self esteem but she is going to be a mess and you might end up hurting her more. Work on yourself pal.
What would CS think of me?
I'm also just super curious. But, I get what you're talking about.
Makes sense, thanks.
outcome between my gf and me?
We used to be really infatuated but had a falling out and very rocky relationship, I dreamt of him, so I wanted to know if he still thinks of me and how, another anon made me think, if he were to inquire about me what would I show up as for him? He's male and I'm trans F nbi
Thank you!
I just need to figure out how to download it I don't think I can do it on my phone...
>VIII of Swords, X of Cups Rev, X of Swords Rev
Not only does this person expect it, they believe it's a certain obligation.
It's a pretty shitty situation that doesn't seem to be easy for you to get out of if you let things play out and don't cut it off abruptly.

That made me laugh, thanks anon.

>III of Disks, Devil, Queen of Cups, X of Wands, Ace of Wands Rev, Justice
Your life seems to be under construction.
Your biggest challenge is dealing with your own desires, you can be a person who succumbs too easily to them and this ends up causing you to take negative actions.
Your greatest skill is that for some reason you end up being a person that people like to be around, whether it's your serenity, your kindness or your calmness. You also seem to be a person who carries a lot of the weight of others and has a lot of responsibility for everything and everyone, which can be bad.
You're bored, or you've lost your passion for things, perhaps because you carry too much of other people's burdens.
Start being fair, your relationships with people aren't healthy, you're doing more than you're getting.

>VII of Disks, IX of Wands, Knight of Swords Rev
Yes, the culmination of something related to some inconsequential attitude you've taken recently.
Hello, mr. Bones, I kindly ask for your help:
Is there any deity or spirit that's pushing me towards the occult and practicing magic?
You skipped me?
queen of pentacles
queen of swords
ace of wands
8 of wands
they'd think of you as a comforting and charming person that is a fresh experience to them, not like many that they've encountered and feel surprised about it.
R, male
What steps do I need to take to achieve my goal/s?
If you're on android you can use Libretorrent! No idea of what apple has, if anything. You can also filter folders so you can download just a couple and not blow your memory
kek thanks
6 of Cups Hierophant 2 of Swords
She’s gonna want to take things towards a more traditional route and you’ll be on the fence over it
>3 of cups
>queen of wands
>high priestess
You might end up meeting the love of your life in one of these shops if you're single, she is going to be very sultry and gorgeous red or dark hair and very fiery personality. She is going to be very in touch with her occult side and will teach you a lot, she is going to be very legit. Look for the shop with the weird neon sign, art nouveau.

your query was vague but since you provided an image ill give you something.
>8 of pentacles
>ace of swords
>8 of wands
You should take the role of the teacher thats what the cards are telling you to do, teach what? thats for you to decide pal.

Mr. bones is feeling kind today.

>4 of cups
>4 of swords
it's mostly you dealing with anxiety over a situation, you are probably overlooking something or you are being avoidant of a certain situation at hand. Something to do with real life and it's manifesting in your dreams in the form of those shadows, try to face those issues before they become bigger pal

one card for the city question
10 of pentacles
it will be a lucrative city full of opportunities for you, the start of a new life and plenty of financial gains.
interesting, thank you.
Thank you and calcium be with you!
Male asking about female
Would CoSu find me attractive or nah
I think I've already done some reading for you this past month, something to do with job hunting. I hope things are better.
>X of Swords, Star Rev, VII of Wands, Queen of Cups Rev, Ace of Wands, II of Wands Rev
He's very insecure, really insecure, something has betrayed him and completely destroyed his confidence in himself. This is the biggest challenge for him now, he needs support to get out of this emotional hole.
As much as he tries to pretend that everything is fine, inside he is completely defeated.
His greatest skill is being able to maintain control no matter how bad things get, he feels he needs to be his own safe haven.
He just needs to plan, the mental confusion, insecurity and fear of what might happen is leaving him completely directionless. He has the right energy to change this situation, he has the will, he just needs to find himself again. At the moment he's “weak” and very dependent.

>Ace of Swords Rev, VI of Wands Rev, III of Wands
You can, but don't expect a return anytime soon.
Working there would be a bad place for your head, but also a place where you would grow a lot professionally.

The first Silent Hill game had a lot of occultism in it, especially alchemy. The second is more focused on existentialist issues, which end up drawing heavily on Jung and some paganism.
David Bowie I recommend Ziggy Stardust and Station to Station and his last two.
Bear in mind that he wrote the last two knowing he was dying, with the last one literally being his farewell. Lazarus still hurts when I listen to it, because, I don't know if you know, when he released the album nobody knew about his illness and he died suddenly, with the album having been released two days before he died.
The first song I listened to after hearing about his death was Lazarus, which I hadn't heard until then and the first two verses echoed in my soul that day.
So it'll take a while to hear back, be bad for me mentally, but I'd grow a lot. Interesting, thank you.
how does He feel about RM? should i use it?
Didnt see you there pal, Mr Bones will get to you

>the hanged man
>the moon
>6 of swords
You have to face your fears, simple as. It's going to be very hard for you and you might feel like an animal in a cage but as time goes by the moon's fog will disappear and you will be able to move on from this. You see what you are doing is working but your mind is playing games but cards suggest you continue to do this until it becomes natural to you, you are on the right path, keep moving regardless of how you feel about it.
Does XY like her?
Spam filter is really messing up with Mr. Bones rn.

>3 of swords
>6 of swords
>8 of cups
>devil (x)
Seems like he has moved on or trying to do so, what you two had left him a deep and nasty scar. He wants to move on out of it and is getting somewhere, you should do the same.

Error, this is something that not even Mr. Bones could help you with, please specify your query and try again.

Hope you had a pleasant stay
>Death, Empress, X of Cups
It's going to be a very big change in your life, but it's going to be great for you.

>Queen of Disks, Knight of Disks Rev, IX of Disks, Knight of Wands, Hanged Rev
You're being too lazy, or you're not trying as hard as you should. You're afraid of trying too hard without getting anything in return and that's getting in the way of you getting what you want.
You need to be more ambitious if you really want it.
thank you
The Hierophant
Yes but in a role model kind of sense, they look up to you or wished they were like you.
would they rather me move on to a diff dept or stay with them?

ur q?
Could I ask the same query?
Something along those lines, I even thought about taking out more cards, but I felt that that was all I had to say about this reading at the moment.

>Lovers, VII of Cups, Tower Rev
He likes it, or believes he likes it, I don't know, it's a bit weird. I don't think you should use it, whatever it is. It doesn't seem like a good or positive thing.
Wheel of fortune
I think you did and they were a bit obvious and you didn't realize or you're just a bit dense to notice. When you do, you don't see them!
Thank you
I guess you're right.
I'm just trying to navigate my way through life.
starting when you confirm
>High Priestess
>Queen of cups
A watery deity is wanting you to connect to them, mostly to get in touch and learn about mysticism. A deity who specializes in occult practices such as divination and helps those that seek her council. She is beautiful, and has deep ties to the sea and water. Practice scrying you could get a glimpse of her, Selene came to mind.

hope you had a pleasant stay
is the ride over mr bones
Who in my life loves me the most romantically rn?
I'm currently single
>9 of wands
>2 of swords
>3 of cups
Yes but she also finds other people attractive, try to stand out more if you want to be the best, do beware of two gentlemen that might set their eyes on her.

>4 of cups
>3 of swords
>fool (x)
Not really, guy is busy with other things and going through some tough situations, is probably drowning his sorrows in drinking.

Error Mr. Bones thinks your query is too broad and too egotistical

the ride still continues
The star
I think there is??? I saw round glasses, reminds me of this.
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Hey Mr. Bones, any deity or demon willing to take me under their wing?
Thank you, Mr. Bones. YOU'RE THE BEST!
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Be well cat friend

>King of wands
A king of hell might be interested in you, he is connected to fire and has legions at his disposal he is good with helping people making people do their bidding and convincing others to follow them. He will be a great help for those who are in to politics. Belial or Paimon might be willing if you prove your worth.

This is where the ride ends, hope you all enjoyed Mr. Bones wild ride, till next time.
Thank you so much <3 We had a wonderful anniversary - so thoughtful with how he chose to have the day planned out and our time at the restaurant was memorable. Lovely flowers too! I’m a lucky lady to be with such a sweetheart. We’re honestly struggling a bit financially, but it was nice to have time to take our minds off that. Also, he hopes to return to /div/ in the new year so keep an eye out!

Yes, that’s us. We’re still running into issues with the job hunt. I know what he’s going about wrong in interviews, but I’ve mostly given up on trying to explain because he isn’t comprehending my advice or takes it the wrong way. Even with being soft in expressing, it still hits nerves. I think focusing on emotionally support instead of fretting over mistakes is more important because even if they’re corrected, it doesn’t matter in the case of low confidence being picked up on by hiring managers. I suggested recently that he go into trades instead and he’s disgruntled about that as well.
Any girl/s interested in me?
emotional support*
Confirmation bias galore but Belial's name had already popped up a few times... Not least in my dreams when I was a novice.

I'm very interested in working with him, but gotta work on some fears before I can handle him. Thanks for the reading!

Will she(sagittarius) be shagging someone during October?
I think the main thing that caught me reading is how emotionally fragile he seems to be. As if he's failing you and himself in a way, so the best advice I can give you is to show him that you're on his side no matter what and that you believe in him.
I hope for the best for both of you. I hope to hear good news from you soon.
pisces male M
crying lightning - arctic monkeys
what's the holdup on company N's end yo reach out back to me? am I cooked?
Thank you, your support means a lot. Have a nice evening!
>Hanged, X of Disks, Ace of Cups, IV of Wands
Be patient, things seem to go very slowly indeed. But the result looks like it will be very good for you.
When would be the correct time to go on that trip?
Do any of the grills at work have a crush on me?
I'm Aries, O
Will something else happen with G again or is it over? What should my approach to it be?
song: rebel yell - billy idol
Trading demon Q
Will I kill the parasite?
Is my scripting method working?
Mr. Bones wishes the couple well.

>8 of pentacles
>10 of pentacles
He will benefit if he goes in to a trade or becomes a trainer, is he good with physical things? His true calling might be something to do with construction or welding. Very lucrative field if he sets himself towards this path. In due time your financial woes will cease to exist

Mr bones is no longer doing reads

He is interesting in working with you as well, continue with your research. Best of luck on your journey

query? this is mine >>39002991
How will OL feel about my offering?

thank you, just hoping I didn't fuck up

Sure, starting. Will post when you do
will I ever give birth in the future? you?



I’m A and I came up with a good art idea for my project. But my professor P wanted something else for me to do for the project. Should I listen to her or forge my own way?
Male and female respectively

are you still here btw? I would really appreciate a reading.
week general. starting
What does A (woman Cancer) think of me? (Male) Shes also more into new age things than I am. Thank you if you get to this.
Some context necessary: I want to work with Belial.

Been making some life choices that will help me grow as a person, and as a consequence lead me in the right direction. But I wonder, and the query is...
Am I still overlooking something important that will be necessary to a successful work with him?

Ask him, someone else, the cards. Whatever you prefer. I don't read this for myself because of possible bias.
Starting when you confirm.
I'm just finishing my day's work and I'm going to do the last ones sent to me. Just give me a minute.
will I be single the rest of the year ?
yours ?
Thank you, appreciate it.
do I know the next woman I'm involved with or not? starting
6 of wands rx, 5 of swords rx, wheel, justice rx, ace of cups rx

seems like you'll be riding out a storm for the next 7 days trying to make the best out of things, but the things that are coming to the surface that you have to ride out are some sort of conflict that has transpired that you finally walk away from, not being appreciated or valued, treated unfairly, maybe some dishonesty or legal troubles, a loss, irreconcilable differences, and giving to others too much of yourself to the point you feel drained, or you quit drinking
He’s physically stronger than 90-95% of men. Actually, he did mention before that welding would be of interest the most to him out of all the trades so I’ll bring this read to his attention. Construction is an option my grandmother suggested yesterday. I appreciate you giving your two cents! Best wishes to you as well.
He seems like such a caring and sweet husband, you're such a loving and understanding wife <3 You two are so made for each other! Cancer and Pisces are always the best match! Cancers are sweet and caring and Pisces are very dreamy and romantic with their partners. Hope your situation improves, wishing you both the best! ^_^

Yours: 3 of pents, King of Wands, Knight of Cups, High Priestess

They will see you as a colleague at first. If you manage to interact more and keep in touch with several of them, eventually one will see you in the lights of a lover, but won't take the initiative. You will have to make the moves.

Willing to trade again?
none of these resonate, my life is very peaceful right now.
six of wands, empress, two of swords rev five of cups
You'll have the opportunity to do so and most likely marry someone and have a big family, but the future isn't sealed yet. you may end up walking away from this.

Hey sorry I am late. I saw your answer but had to leave shortly.

Yours: 3 of pents, King of Wands, Knight of Cups, High Priestess

They will see you as a colleague at first. If you manage to interact more and keep in touch with several of them, eventually one will see you in the lights of a lover, but won't take the initiative. You will have to make the moves.

Willing to trade again?
temperance, page of wands rx, knight of cups rx, 2 of wands rx

with temperance first card, that is a yes, but the rest of the cards dictate that whoever you have chemistry with right now is coupled with lack of interest and lack of romance and ultimately will not be a choice for you
sorry about that, thought more cards I'd pull at least something would be accurate

so I'm able to be fertile then? Thanks
so it's a no. fine by me lol
>Eight of Swords Queen of Wands (R) Chariot (R)
Looks like it. At most, something short lived that doesn't really take off.
and now that I think about it maybe your read is about me getting a new job bc I already left my last one
>Knight of Disks, V of Swords, V of Disks
No. But not because of you, but because the environment doesn't seem very conducive to people developing any positive feelings. It seems to me to be a very bad working environment.

>King of Wands, Chariot, Knight of Swords Rev, IV of Wands, VIII of Swords Rev, Judgement, Tower
Yeah, I think that's it. Sorry, buddy.
But you tried and you did your best, you tried and you managed to create a comfortable environment for the relationship and I can see how much you loved this person.
But this person's mind seems to be made up and now it's best to move on. This chapter in your life is over.

Listen to her: Judgement, Priestess, VII of Disks
Forge your own way: IX of Cups, Wheel, IV of Disks
Forging your own path seems to be what will make you happiest, but it's also a lonelier path (not to say a selfish one) and one that will cause the most changes in your life.
But following her advice can also bring changes to your life, but it's a more introspective and difficult path.

Before I continue, is this person or you in a relationship?
What A.T think of me?
>Yeah, I think that's it. Sorry, buddy.
There was no relationship. There was an extremely passionate one-time thing where another guy was apparently in the middle.
Does this change the context at all?
Nope we only dated kind of briefly.
>7 of swords, the moon, ace of swords, 2 of swords, 6 of cups
They want to know your movies and what you might be hiding, they might think you're somewhat off putting or you did something in the past that made them feel a bit iffy about you but they might be willing to put it past it if you come clean with your intentions, you do have to build up trust with them

if my reading resonated here's my query
should I break up with my partner?
>lonelier path
Every goal is a lonely path until success. Thanks
Not much. I just maintain that you've tried everything to make it right or to be right for her, but it doesn't seem to have been enough for her.

>Ace of Swords, II of Cups, VIII of Swords, III of Swords, Hermit Rev, Devil Rev, Empress
She loves you. But your feelings for her seem to be more selfish?
There's a fear of entering into a relationship and all the responsibility that comes with it. A fear of commitment.
You both seem to be very lonely people and a lot of the feeling you have for each other seems to be a desire to kill that loneliness. As well as feeling that you can be free and yourselves with each other.
You seem to know that there's a good chance that things will go wrong and you'll end up hurting each other, but that seems to attract you rather than push you apart. Like a mosquito attracted to a light trap.
Too much, my fren? Speak up if so, I can choose a lighter query :)
advice I need to know the most right now? you?
You still there? Sorry for taking so long but my colleague has been kind of retarded so I have to carry his weight sometimes.

I can read this many ways but since this is kind of a broad question I'll need to take my time. Please be patient.

And just for the record I had been able to easily read about Belial, Andras and other goetic demons very accurately so don't worry too much whatever may show up.
Love gen for two weeks. Starting.
Still here, starting then. No worries about going all out because my readings tend to be curt

Go to that thing today?
6 of cups rx, 6 of wands rx, 9 of pentacles, knight of swords, 2 of wands rx

You're gonna enjoy your single life more than your love life. Seems like the past and being unappreciated or undervalued is bothering you, you'll face your life with determination but that makes you more conflict prone, you won't like any of the choices in love you got.
>I stand near a shallow river, watching as the gentle flow of its stream makes sunlight reverb on the pebbles that lie in its bed. Even in broad daylight, fireflies dance above the water, flickering bright. There's a feeling of calm to this. Kind of ethereal.
So about the nature of the offerings, you seem to have the right idea. OL (she??) will appreciate.

>A rooster comes next into my vision, quickly replaced by a flag, waving in the breeze over a historical town.
The same message conveyed in two different ways. There's some kind of insecurity to you or the way you are doing this that may hinder you. Be bold -- not disrespectful or forceful, but bold. Confident. As they say, measure twice and cut once. If you think you've prepared as well as you can, your first shot will be the good one.
i actually see this as two options coming up... or least a much more positive read than you think
Temperance, Four of Swords, Queen of Swords
A part of you really needs to heal and take time to plan things in order to be really on top of your game. Rest if you need to, no shame in that.
>Page of Swords Rx
>Devil, Emperor, Hierophant Rx
>10 of Swords, 10 of Pents, Empress Rx
Ok, right now you're not emotionally strong enough to summon him and perform workings with him upfront... there's not much else.

In a future it's very possible you'll be ready but right now Belial will take offense at your requests.

The scenario that would better describe this is Belial will break you into bits and forge you again and again until you do it right. I have a feeling I had performed this reading before and the energy has not changed much so my advice for you is to take this slower.

It will be done whem it shall be done, right now take a rest and become stronger.
2 options coming up, but it is in reversed position the 2 of wands? huh.........
I've used marbas with him.. but it was a weird experience, I'm still not sure.. he got better tho for quite some months, but I always tried asking marbas if he needed something more, if he could tell me for sure he has helped me so I would put more effort into his stuff and never got a clear reply. I want to think he helped me.
Remote viewing the target.
>Bro listen to me..you gotta stop doing drugs m8. It's fucking your head up. You're not helping these people..youre hurting them. And yourself. Get help.
Who is Gary?
that one threw me for a loop. maybe i choose the worse option ?
Yeah, possible that you have!
I'm aware that right now I'm made of paper and stand on shaky legs, but if all goes according to plan some of my latest decisions will force me out of the comfort zone and make me thicken my skin - the reading was mostly to gauge if that was just an impression. I'm waiting until it feels JUST right. Taking my own advice: measure twice... cut only once.
nvm its telling me to not be a cowardly fuck and take the leap of fate which makes sense. thanks
I left J because I thought it was the right thing to do but he really cared for me and I thought I could love him and live happily ever after with him. Was leaving him a bad/stupid/unwise/decision/mistake or the right choice? We were going to marry eventually. You?
what sort of romantic/sexual opportunities will I have before this month is over ?
starting yours
I actually like her quite a bit. Though it’s true that being together could cause other issues..
romance: page of swords, knight of pentacles, hierophant, 2 of pentacles, tower reversed
sex: 2 of cups rx, empress rx, moon rx, page of cups rx

can have some light texting that leads to a date and establishing traditional courtship with someone, but there is a lot to juggle this month, including forces outside your control that meddle things up with tower rx. sex wise, situations do not reach the proper maturation or connection to delve into sex, no fantasy or romance or intrigue is developed
Wheel/Seven of Swords RX/Ace of Swords
You very much made the right choice, and this will greatly improve your life in the long run.
Yay!!!!!!! Thank you I can rest easier now. Was bothering me a lot.
Help a nigga out

What do the cards say about me at a first glance?
And at a second glance, any bitches on the horizon for me?

I'll suck your astral toes as payment
Could I pull H.T or nah
Next romantic opportunity? how do I meet her ? starting
fuck off troll
could i absorb everything that i intend on learning?
or is there stuff missing im my foundational knowledge?
Would you trade me? I need insight on a reading I asked Mr Jones for earlier
What does the object of my affection (M) feel about me (F). How do my family and friends feel about him?
will the medication have any unwanted side effects on me? yours?
how do I meet the next girl i'm involved with sexually? starting

Query examples:
-A choice between options (i.e. is option a or b better for x thing?)
-A question that can be answered with yes/no
-No sex questions lmao

Payment: Art of Gumi or Gakupo (vocaloid).
Optional but helps: a name you identify with (nickname is ok)
what's your query?
Sorry you took a while to reply and I left the thread at that point, at the time it was a bright red shirt though
lovers, hanged man, 3 of wands, ace of cups
you'll be in a rough place and she'll come to you as the solution to the ongoing predicaments. most likely it is going to be a relationship and not a hook up.
>more specifically
what i wrote
Please read the post and try again
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Will I be considered a "problematic" creator?
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Will I get married to someone I know already?
Will I get the salary raise?
Will I get a better job this year?

Nickname: Trigga
Will I some day get married to the girl I'm thinking of rn?
five of swords/three of cups rx/heiro rx
Yes, there will be some side effects that might sideline you from social activities, more uncommon ones too.
Will N and I ever get to the bottom of our conflict?

Nickname is Ellie
**better job next year sorry
huh weird as it's not psych meds on anything of that sort
Has E visited that psychic?
Does V expect me to assist in ordering 2 or just 1?
NO IDEA I WEEP she is my favorite :(
Got a no on this one!

No on this one too!

Yes first, yes on next year

Got a maybe on this one, the matter seems to still be shifting, play your cards right

Got a maybe on this one too, which is neither a yes or a no - get a feeling someone may be lukewarm about you, but not know you well enough or be close enough to really know how they truly feel

Yes, but it won't be a fast resolution
Will Tampa get totally fcked by this hurricane?
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Will he try to get back with me?
idk what medication is it
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Option A or option B?
Will I get a ring from d, e, or c?
Name: june
Would any of his family stay at that place?
first, thank you!
Thank you! I just want it to be fixed, then I can actually die peacefully in this lifetime
Does V expect me to drive B to school the entire school year?
Thread theme: Absolute fucking chaos (AI edition)


No 1, yes 2

Weak no, there WILL be some damage but totally? Nope

Romantically? No, got a yes on possible future attempts at trying to fumble you



Looks like a no
Yes bby

Got a yes no matter how I spun the question, if not that expectation there is at least a strong hope. If that doesn't sit well with you, you should probably make it clear when you're available an when not, set boundaries

This made me laugh
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is my iq within 110-120 range?
Would it be better to travel to W on Tuesday, Sunday or another week?
Will replacing the exhaust manifolds, bolts and gaskets be sufficient to fix the check engine light?

What is preventing him from coming forwards?
Will I travel?
Will I stay where I am?
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I am pleased!

thank you
Thank you.
Le xDDddd

thank you for the reading...fuuuu
How will he fumble me if he's not being romantic?
good to know, thanks.

Strongest no on another week, weaker no sunday, yes on tuesday

No :( the issue may be another

Yes and yes, so whatever travels you'll undertake may not be long term

Copium, honestly. Expect some cringe attempt at buttering you up with the intent of nutting sometime
920 W
thank you reader!
Can you at least word your query correctly
Tapping the sign (divination outlines possibilities and your agency and free will can shape the future since it isn't written in stone)
He's also apparently giving me a ring?
Sorry I asked 2 q ....
maybe if I don't let up he will get me a ring
Gotta have him WHIPPED girl
Am I gonna sexx her?
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Was that chicken?
Gonna go to sleep, this was all for today

You can't read when people say no sex queries, so hopefully not
thank you for reading for everybody!
Tysm sweet dreams
I need female friendship, how can I go about it?
Does NCS ever think of me?
romantic outcome of going to cafe Q tomorrow? starting
temperance/the fool r/the empress r/two of wands r

Going in without high expectations but still hope for what could be, and then coming out with any hope crushed, at least for that cafe. I think the fool reversed is saying you may need to branch out to find a positive romantic outcome and you may experience some type of cruelty at cafe Q tomorrow which will lead you feeling disillusioned with it or maybe wanting to take a break from this romance altogether, whether youre single or in a relationship, youll just feel hurt and need time to yourself, tho not for too long.
Ten of Swords World Rx Page of Swords Rx
No they don't, they're much focused on other things in their life right now.
Thank you
Man my dick don’t need to read to fuck
What happened to Poncho

And Maya
will I get a car this year? you?
any romantic/sexual opportunities at the party at the end of the month for me? yours?
will I get a car this year? you?
Q? Nothing occult atm taking a break from those
will i ever be vindicated to that group?
apologies for my retardation, starting yours now
Do it on Thursday? Thanks.
two of cups r/seven of pents/justice/king of cups r

No, I think an event out of your hands will happen, possibly that someone else needs the resources that would otherwise go towards you getting a car and it'll be such an emergency situation that there's no choice but for the resources to get diverted there. You will feel pretty frustrated and like all the work/hype/etc towards getting it was for nothing but you wont be able to say anything either because then youll look like an asshole lol
7 of swords, 10 of cups, world, 6 of pentacles, queen of swords all Reversed

7 of swords rx, deception might come to light, but even if it is...it wouldn't matter, things wouldn't be the same or worth being vindicated.

9 of wands justice rx world 5 of swords rx

i read again just to be sure. seems like that chapter is closed, justice rx, don't think so, they don't wanna be hear anything that might vindicate you or approach the problem again
thank you
trade again? resonates
Q? mine is should I sell hole to get by?
Q? mine is will I move out of my parent's house this year?
empress rx five of coins
This is no , sorry
romantic: world, star
sexual: 10 of swords rx, 5 of wands

Maybe flirting, sexually, but otherwise no, only an opportunity for romance, nice!
that is okay! let me know if you want to trade more
yes, I would
what is gonna be the outcome of my lawsuit this year and next year? its been going for 2 years now... just wanna know if it'll ever end in a way that benefits financially in any way or if it'll fall through. i got hit by a car crossing the street.
well shit mate as long as you weren't jaywalking idk your laws
Tell me more about this girl I might have an opportunity with? what's she like? or anything about the situation. Starting yours.
trading incredibly mundane q
query? mine is stupid too
courts have some weird rules like if you don't submit certain things by certain times they'll throw the case out and my lawyer has been hard to work with.

death, queen of swords reversed clarified judgement, 6 of swords, ace of cups, 3 of wands

I'm getting a feeling she just arrived in your area, is a traveler, just came or is leaving from your area, new in town maybe. Maybe has goth vibes with the death card, might be overally closed off or curt, cold, judgey, out of self protection, but has a font of love behind it all, an emotional being, wanting to express that emotion toward you, or you toward her.
Ok we could go.

Mine is stay in my city this weekend or visit that other place I’ve meant to get to for a while? Or just go another week?

What’s yours?
I just a male scorpio, do I have potential with him?
king of coins nine of wands hierophant rx four of swords six of swords
You'll most likely win the case and get a significant amounts of money from this but by the end you will have been tired out completely from this legal battle. You'll have won but you'll want to move on shortly after.

okay thanks, i can rest much easier now. that shit cost me so much of my life and health. i became homeless right after that car hit me too.
next sex partner (f) description or appearance whatever you can get. starting
will i become successful enough as a gamedev that the people who hurt me will notice and seethe?
i'm male
high priestess/queen of pents/wheel of fortune r/seven of wands r//king of cups r

Yea, things will go well and it'll feel like a dream up until a huge glaring red flag pops up and it causes an argument of some sort where you just kinda go "Hahahaha!!! Wow!" and it's so huge that it's bigger than any rose tinted glasses covering your eyes and you're able to see it for what it is, if that metaphor makes sense. You nope out of there, I think this guy has anger issues and problems seeing the point of others during a disagreement and doubles down way too hard for your liking.
Noooo not another one
Good golly
Okay im so sorry I got heavily distracted , reading for you now
Chariot, 9 of swords , 2 of swords
You feel super driven to accomplish this atm but something is holding you back and you're starting to doubt if this is the wrong decision or not. You really must make this choice though.
Will they seethe?
8 of wands, 9 of cups, the sun
They will see that you are extremely successful and happy
You should really pursue this for sure
I’ll try that one. No guarantees though. Those are tough ones. Starting now.
I thought you left mate, I have your read. I'll be here.
thank you! makes my heart feel full.
trade again?
What's your query?
Mine will be if I meet the scorpio if he will like me?
you say i'll be successful in the future, so i'd like to ask how fans of my work will treat the stuff i create? like how will the fandom act. it's always been my biggest dream so im curious
four of pents r/three of pents r/three of swords/eight of wands r

I don't think so, I think he'll get there and feel like you didn't quite match up to expectations and wanna get out of there. I'm scared to say anything else because I don't wanna hurt your feelings anon ;_; so forgive the short reading but he won't feel like u guys click very well is the jist of it and he will probably want to cut the date short.

get a second opinion pls this reading feels so mean to give but i cant lie to you
Damn bro thats rough lol
Okay you're super fast lemme do yours
much experience, i know the cards inside and out lol
take your time!
The sun hermit king of swords
They seem to think that you're a bit of a recluse, though you are warm and happy but also determined and disciplined kind of no nonsense.
Does that resonate?
hahaha yeah that resonates that's definitely me, i am socially inept but not because i hate people, i'm just autistic af
lmk if you want to trade again
I wonder what it could be I just sent my pic and he said I was cute.
Maybe he is trying to just get in my pants?
Awww thats adorable
What's your query?
Im also older than this guy
Mine isssss next bf ? Lol
Anons next pp touching with a woman:

> Four of Cups, Four of Swords, Five of Cups Rx

It could be someone form the past who you missed or thought you wanted but now that you get them you can tell that it’s not truly all that. Or getting over them is one important step towards getting that next pussy to pound the fck out of. One of those two interpretations.
three of pents r makes me think he THOUGHT you guys would match well but when he meets you irl he's disappointed, four of pents makes me think he won't state this though and will probably just find an excuse to leave early w/o hurting your feelings
will my future success be anything like F's? she's my absolute idol when it comes to creating things
I got yours now
Ohhh ok got u maybe I'll ft him first before going through the trouble to meet
I'm going to keep it real dude, that's not what those cards mean. But for you I'd stay in your city. I didn't see things ending well for you if you travelled.
What do those cards mean? I’m open to learning more. What would you read that as.

I’m also getting the idea that it’s better to just chill for now. That read actually kind of checks out.
wheel of fortune r/five of swords/two of cups/six of pents

He's a bit of an aggressive person, not because he's an ANGRY guy per se, just more that he's used to having shit go wrong in his life and people stepping on him that his coping mechanism is to just try and fight for what he has and his viewpoint. He can go low during these fights, but despite this he'll love you and treat you really well and will want to give you everything that he can possibly give, honestly probably more than what he has to give. Despite his issues, when he loves, he loves HARD.
hey man, for your own sake I hope those are actual cards you pulled out of an actual deck. That's all I'll say there.
What kind of impression did I leave onto the people of P last time I went there? Would I get along with the locals if I moved there?
I understand that these are 2 Qs so feel to just read the first one, or drop a 2nd one for me to read as well
Chariot hp 2of cups
Yeah , you have the know how to emulate success similar to this person. I take it you're quite introverted and maybe pretty observant ? I wonder if you have pisces placements. Do you already communicate with this person ?
Sure mate, just tell me about my next lover and how I meet her. If you don't want to do that I have another one. Starting when you confirm
jupiter in pisces but nothing major. i've never communicated with her i just really look up to her and shes inspired most of my work
thank you!
You're female?
Ty for trading with me
Take care and I hope you're very successful!
Next lover:
Knight of Swords Rx 9 of Cups 4 of Swords Rx
Next lover is on the cards and will be a turbulent and restless relationship, I’m getting it will be more of a short lived fling but you’ll be satiated by it
9 of Swords King of Cups
At least by November
Six of Coins Fool Rx Queen of Swords Rx World Rx Five of Swords Three of Swords Rx
Some of them liked you and you as kind and generous others thought you were a bit of an idiot. Should you move there? I don't think you should, you'd have issues there with others than you might not be able to see. maybe some of it would
be okay but overall this place is best spent as a a place of visit not residence.
did you get any idea of where/how? I can trade if needed
Does A.L reciprocate my horniness over them?
is AR coming back this season? starting
Hey anon still here?
5 of Cups Magician Rx Ace of Cups
This is a yes but you’ll feel disappointed about your lack of control over the whole situation and for how long it will take for them to come back

I know she's banging several dudes right now but my query is: Is she on dating apps right now?

empress rev
three of wands rev
nine of cups
Maybe a part of her does? but mostly no she doesn't

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