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previous thread: >>38959452

>History of Halloween
>Carving templates for Jack-o-lanterns
>Pumpkin Festival game, servers not up yet
>Carnevil arcade cabinet working on Win10 and 11
>Bone Chillers
>AVGN visits Sleepy Hollow
>Are you afraid of the Dark - Full first season compilation
>Retro Halloween commercials playlist
>John Carpenter playlist
>Spooky Ambience Videos
>Vintage Halloween Music
>Last Halloween
>Happy Halloween /x/
>Over the Garden Wall
>Huge collection of Halloween and Horror related YouTube videos
>Fun Halloween MEGA

*Thread Prompt*
What's your favorite Halloween candy?
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any recs for a spooky short reads for the month? i don't read a lot of horror/gothic but i like these ones, especially dark fairy tales like the brothers grimm
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also rec'ing this game. perfect setting for the season. i wish i could forget everything and play it for the first time again.

i think it'll be fun
I wish I could think of some good recs. I'm mostly into "weird fiction," like Lovecraft and Ligotti.

>i think it'll be fun
Experimenting *should* be fun.
Milky Way
Lifesaver gummies
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just finished carrie. what a lot of fun. any more like this? especially around the same period. donnie darko comes to mind

i do enjoy the submarine story
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Basically anything from Edgar Allen Poe will be up your alley. You've already got my favorite in your pic. My 2nd favorite would probably be A Telltale Heart. You'd also like "Three Skeleton Key" and "The Most Dangerous Game", although the latter is a bit more of an adventure story than a horror story.
Ooh and with the brother's grimm my fav so far is "The jew among thorns" if you aren't offended by it's message
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>favorite Halloween candy
That's really fucking hard. Chocolate would be Reese's most likely, non-chocolate I'd have to say taffy.
The Hellbound Heart novella that the first Hellraiser movie was based on has my vote. I like a lot of Clive Barker's stuff but it's not short. Also of course any Lovecraft compilations.
Love me some Reeses like everybody does. Snickers, Kit Kats and Milky Ways are runner ups.
The White People by Arthur Machen
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Dots are one of the few candies I haven't really had beyond the Halloween season - seemingly a bit transient like candy corn, but actually not-terrible.
Just look through this. Lots of hidden gems.
Don't dots stick to your teeth very annoyingly?
>Don't dots stick to your teeth very annoyingly?
Feature, not a bug - that's how you save 'em for later.
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5th Avenue
Twix(reg or peanut butter)
Milk Duds
Buncha Crunch
I'm not much of a candy guy any more but I remember really liking Rockets. They were super easy to keep in my pocket and sneak some in class. Glossettes chocolate covered peanuts were also a favorite of mine- in fact, I'll still buy those on the rare occasion I want some chocolate.
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i could kill a nigga for some maltesers
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Werther's Originals are fucking delicious, I don't give a fuck.

Aint nothing wrong with that. People shit on candy corn all the time but I honestly love the caramel ones. I'll easily eat a whole bag while drinking some dark roast coffee and watching horror content.
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I made kitaro's treehouse from gegege no kitaro, but made it extra halloweeny
That as based as hell anon, saved
love it
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>What's your favorite Halloween candy?
Reeses peanut butter cups, the old faithful.
Meant 3 Musketeers, not Milky Ways. Those are good too though.
Gummy eyeballs and popcorn balls!!!! C:
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Hell yeah
thanks anons! i've had that bad boy up for sale for some time but no takers yet. here's another one I sold a couple months ago, spooky illuminated victorian haunted house I made from cardboard, wood, plastic, beads etc. I miss it, it was prolly the coolest thing i've made
I would have bought the shit out of that, how much did it sell for?
i want to burn it
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There was one blessed older woman who would hand out popcorn balls instead of candy when I was younger. Those were great.
you're really good at making those
Are requests in here alright? I figured I'd try my shot in the dark because I didn't see it in the OP links. I'm looking for an older greentext horror story called "The White Man" about a guy from Michigan and an entity his Dad always feared. I've been trying to find it for a while now because that sort of slow pace, almost melancholy horror is my favorite. Best I can find is some youtube channels reading with AI voices, like this one; https://youtu.be/XIrGFRinvyQ

If anyone has it saved, I'd appreciate it. If not, I guess I can start piecing it together myself through the archives.
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Gotcha anon
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200 bucks! although I had to spend 70 bucks to ship it (all my stuff is free shipping), so I really made 130, but still not too bad
>Cries in tropical country
I wish my country also had seasons...

Not sure why, but I suddenly wanted to share this video of someone walking around Salem in the dead of night:

And this other video, that I remembered, and as such, have to take the opportunity to spread it some more:

Thank you for removing the excess "[embed]".

To this day, my favorite story from Ito Junji is "The town without streets" (which was featured in the Ito Junji Collection anime).

>and episode 2 was so unbelievably poorly animated that it was laughable. No idea what the fuck they were thinking.
Funnily enough, just today I saw a screenshot floating around showing episode 2 having like 10+ animation directors or something (many of them with very chinese sounding names). Don't know how credible such screenshot is, but that may be the problem.
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>The town without streets
I watched the collection when it aired, so it's been a bit, but I do remember really liking that one.
>I saw a screenshot floating around showing episode 2 having like 10+ animation directors or something (many of them with very chinese sounding names)
From what I understand it's accurate, and that would explain a lot.
You're a goddamn hero anon. Thanks! I'm going to save these and get to reading. Made my week already.
found the black metal enthusiast
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>I wish my country also had seasons...
Me too anon, i'm from Brasil so every season look's like summer, i wish we had snow over here too...
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Been a while since I've visited the board. There use to be a Fall/Autumn general around this time that included Halloweenposting. Does it come around after October nowadays or have people stopped doing it?
Think they merged
T. oldfag
No problem! It's one of my favorites as well, my /x/ creepypasta folder is quite extensive.
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I see. I suppose that's not a bad thing. At least it still happens every year. This place was always the comfiest and arguable the most sane one on /x/
Its spoopy season frens. Its been a while but I might actually make a costume this year.
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Halloween is a satanic holiday. you should be celebrating the feast of the holy circumcision
A-are there pretty goth femanons here?
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First movie stream of the thread will be starting in 12 minutes and will run for roughly 4 hours. I'm still learning how to set everything up and things will be a little sparse, but they appear to work OK enough. See image for link (damned spam guard won't let me post it)

Tonight's Films:
Two Evil Eyes - 1990 horror Anthology by Argento and Romero
9 minutes for Intermission
Phantasm - 1979 Horror/Fantasy by Coscarelli

The room will remain open if you missed the stream and want to watch the films. Tomorrow's stream will start around 12:30 AM, EST. Suggestions for films and fun intermission/loading music are welcome!
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Yes, but they're all smart enough not to out themselves. It prevents gooners from mobbing them.
Good choices anon. Phantasm was one of the first I watched as a kid because my Dad had it on VHS, and the movie poster and I was interested. Did not understand a damn thing till I rewatched it again as an adult
I first saw Phantasm on a pirate TV station run by the local college. It was ostensibly supposed to be a place where students could learn about broadcasting, but that's not how it was used. Before 10 PM it was all things like campus news and recordings of recitals and plays they did that year. After 10 PM it was mostly horror films off bootleg VHS tapes. Anthropophagus, Guinea Pig 1 & 2, and lots more streamed across the airwaves until 3 AM. Then it turned to innocent footage from NASA. It's fun to be able to carry on the tradition in a way.

Phantasm should start on the stream in about an hour and 20 minutes. Feel free to pop on by!
Show us if you do.
Welcome back. I usually come back to /x/ for the Halloween threads every season myself.
Phantasm starts in about 10 minutes. We just finished Two Evil Eyes. Two music videos are about to play as our intermission.
And that's the end of our first stream! I'll be back tomorrow with two more films with a handy intermission in between. Our in-stream poll determined that one of the films will be an anthology. As to the other? Visit the stream tomorrow around 12:30 AM EST to find out.

Thank you to those who came out on night one. Happy dreams.
I miss little old ladies with popcorn balls. The ones you get inside the plastic bags just aren't the same.
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I will be taking drugs this halloween and hopefully seeing some spooky shit

>fun is bad, cut your dick off instead schlomo
Someone has some pent up rage
These are insanely cool.
Thank you op for using my pic and keeping threads going. I would like to be here more but life keeps making me busy when I'd really like to just be shit posting on /x/ and watching scary movies.
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I really appreciate it man.

here's a pinhead puppet I made a couple years ago, still no takers
I wish I lived in a place with actual seasons. I desperately need to escape living so close to the fucking equator.
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Does anybody know some underrated not well known Halloween movies? I'm tired of watching the same shit.
I love pumpkinhead.
There was a 3 part dracula miniseries a few years back that was pretty good. Yeah they made the protagonist female but I didn't feel like it was done just because.
It's a bit more calm but the 1920 witch documentary called Haxan was something else. Someone 90 years later made a soundtrack for it that fits really well. It's a silent film and maybe something to just watch on the side. Other then the gay text addons, the imagery is well done.
On that note, a lot of the pre-hays code horrors are much better done when there was less censorship in hollywood.
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I'm sure there are. And I'm sure they're courteous enough to not derail the thread for a piddling amount of attention.
>I will be taking drugs this halloween and hopefully seeing some spooky shit
Go easy on the Datura. No but really - please don't speedrun some unholy combination of schizophrenia, dementia, and PTSD for the sake of spooking yourself on Halloween.
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No shrooms I'm not that retarded. This time I will get supernatural powers for real however. I think I am just a few trips away from full on telepathy I can feel it. I will take a lot so I can hopefully see some hyperdimensional entities and maybe ask them some questions
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Only just started decorating, I need to make more of these, maybe some big ones to hang outside.
Kind of not in the mood, it was like 91 degrees here yesterday.
Based Puppet Master enjoyer.
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>I will take a lot so I can hopefully see some hyperdimensional entities and maybe ask them some questions
In that case, ask them for the winning lottery numbers. If they refuse, tell them you have a bomb and very few brain cells to lose.
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Spooky fun music. Lookup these people on Spotify or youtube.

>Fiendish Imp


>Pumpkin Witch

>Cursed Pumpkin
thanks a ton dude!! me and the lady needed some music to play in the background when we celebrate samhain
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Very cool my Celtic celebrator. Someone made a YouTube Playlist here with some of those, and other stuff too.

>it was like 91 degrees here yesterday.
can you make them at night friend? maybe help with the spooky vibes. its hot in tx here too - i dont go out in the day.
tons of stuff ive never heard of on amazon prime
very spooky anon how much did you list it for?
I might do just that, take advantage of the moon while we still have a bit of it.
I've now FINALLY watched through
>Night of the Living Dead
>Dawn of the Dead
>Day of the Dead
Loved how they all did wildly different things despite all ultimately having the same climax (zombies breach the perimeter). Collectively presented the idea of "Fuck with nature too much and it might tear you apart from the inside out". Showed a breakdown at the true civilian level, explored the various local institutions dissolving at various rates, and ultimately the national level going fucking mental. All the while zeroing in on the horror of being a fractionally-conscious immortal ambling through the complete erasure of humanity. By the end I could really feel the weight of the full scenario presented. Top tier trilogy for that alone.
And now I gotta check out Argento's Zombi at some point for more of this kickass Goblin score. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4Xw_7BUXic
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Demon Knight
The Guest (2014)
The Beyond
Maniac (1980)
Looked like Baba Yaga's house from the thumb.
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You guys should check this movie out. It's like a mix of The Outsiders, Children of the Corn, and Pumpkinhead.
You know, for many years it wasn't out if the ordinary to get the first dusting of the year the last week of October, but ever since the 2011 Halloween nor'easter, I get nervous seeing any snow in October. I was lucky my power was only out for a day. Snow needs to fuck off at least until after Halloween.

Night of the Demons (1988)
Satan's Little Helper (2004) - this one's a horror-comedy

Halloween dungeon synth? There should really be more of this.

>The Guest (2014)
This is such a great movie. Dan Stevens is so good in it, lol.
Watch the Hayride movies if you want something that's so hilariously bad it's almost artful.
We have a movie streamer now. They said the next show is at 12:30 AM EST tonight. Last night was Phantasm and Two Evil Eyes, so there's going to be some less known stuff in there. Still good, though.
>Two Evil Eyes
Underrated flick
That looks fun as hell. I'm going to see about checking it out this weekend with some chili and a beer.

That reminds me. Any anons got any recommendations for some Midwestern Gothic? I'm in the mood for stories that take place in the midwest. Cornfields, broken down ramshackle small towns along the rustbelt, great lake monsters or anything like that.
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I watched an old one last week called And Now the Screaming Starts. It was pretty good. The 70's TV mini-series of Salem's Lot is good. I liked both a lot even though they had their cheesy parts. I second the anon who said Pumpkinhead.
>OG House on Haunted Hill
>Hammer House of Horror (TV series)
Agree with the others who have said Pumpkinhead as well. The creature design alone makes it worth it.
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I also recommend Pumpkinhead 2: Blood Wings, because cutie Ami Dolenz is in it. Pic related is her in Witchboard 2 though.
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>Midwestern Gothic

Dead Birds. Weird west in the midwest. Lots of corn and a few angry ghosts. The movie poster has almost nothing to do with the film. Ignore it.

The Crazies. Both old and new versions take place in small midwest towns. The older version is more of the cornfield town type due to being the 70's. Classic governmental breakdown due to a unique plague.
This movie was shit. I couldn't be bothered finishing it. I wanted to like it because of the setting but I had no fucking clue what was going on.
>gothbitch once again has shit taste in movies
>even blames his own stupidity on the movie
Go watch the overrated Crow for the hundredth time you queer
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>"Spooky movie" lense filter that looks like 5,000 other shitty movies.
>Why are they wearing Crimson Ghost masks in the early 60's?
>Black girl insert to shoehorn over the top racist white person character(s) at some point. Or Race mixing propaganda, possebly both.
>CGI creature
>Eye ball close up shot

It's all so tiresome

Don't insult goth bitches. The real ones who aren't just wearing shit they found in Hot Topic and know more Siouxie songs than Cities in Dust and Spellbound are actually good at picking films.That was a normie, my man. A normie.
Goth bitches are all whores with daddy issues. They're pump and dumps, nothing more.
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You clearly have never met an actual goth. It's not the fashion choice that makes a goth. It's music taste. You can't go off clothes anymore because the daddy issues retards and hot topic wannabees have basically taken the look over as "you can't tell me what to wear". Actual goths find these "clothes only" types to be tiresome and annoying, so they don't dress like that in order to avoid being lumped in with them.
>It's music taste
So it's the ones who like objective garbage?
Music taste isn't a deep enough facet of a person to really get a feel for them in any meaningful sense. It says less about them than their tastes in any other media. It's arguably the most shallow thing to base your whole personality around, so goth might as well just be a fashion choice at this point.
It's the 10th anniversary of Over the Garden Wall. Anyone else doing a watch party? I've got a few friends into animation, and once every couple years we'll put it on in fall.
Best enjoyed right around mid-afternoon, when it's still light out, the leaves blowing off in the wind, and the sky turning grey. It'll turn dark sooner than you think, around the time the last few episodes play.
I don't know why, but it's always been fun doing these little rituals, and picking out just the right time to watch stuff. Like how movies about Halloween can feel different when you watch them on the actual day.
Goth is a music subculture. If you don't like gothic music, you aren't a goth. Plain and simple. Music taste is subjective anyway. Like what you want. You do you.

>Actual goth song examples

Red Over White - Siouxie and the Banshees

The Night - Voltaire

When the World Came Apart - Gary Numan

> Things that are NOT goth
Panic at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, AFI, and anything else Emo. Rap and country. Sometimes there is metal crossover (ex: Type O Negative). Industrial is often confused for goth (Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson). Related genre, but it's not goth. Darkwave and Dark Synth are similarly related but not usually goth.
>Red Over White - Siouxie and the Banshees
This kicks ass
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What about what tone, emotion and atmosphere the person likes? I will admit there is an issue with people thinking that wearing all black and liking Halloween automatically makes you goth.
Liking dark stuff just means you like dark stuff. There are dark rappers and dark country artists. That doesn't make them goth.
Nobody gives a fuck about goth shit, this is the Halloween general. Fuck I hate you effeminate fairy faggots
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Movie Anon here. I have hit a minor snag. My usual source (the internet archive) has been DDOSed into oblivion. It's probably not coming back up any time soon. I'm trying to get things up and running. I do have the channel up and running but pardon if the ternary changes.

That said, here's what I have up and running for tonight!

> Itinerary
Music videos (right now)
Rampo Noir - 2005 Japanese horror anthology, subtitled.
Intermission for about 10 minutes
Vampire Hunter D (if I can get it up and running) - 1985 anime scifi horror, dubbed.
Ok, I think I managed to get everything running on an alternate server. I couldn't use youtube as the content ID system flagged and automatically age-gated both films. Apparently Cytube won't touch anything age-gated, so I had to get creative.

Rampo Noir is currently playing. The second story, Mirror Hell, just started. There's two hours left on this IMHO delightfully messed up film.
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This is why you archive. I've got a lot of movies and misc shit saved from there. If you can give me an easy way to send hundreds of gbs to you, or anyone here, I gladly would.
Goth chicks are cute, but always a little crazy. Anyway, gothfag is very annoying.

That's a cute fox. I had a fox give birth in a rock pile near my home. She had 5 pups. When she was away, sometimes they would venture out of their rock pile den and look around a little. They were really small and cute.

The mother seemed to be having trouble finding food, so I started cutting up hotdogs and feeding them to the pups while she was away. I did this so often that they would even come out of the den to see me. I really wanted to pet at least one of them, but I didn't. The mother fox was not too happy with me getting so close to her babies, but she liked the hotdogs.

Unfortunately, 2 of the pups didn't make it. I know they got taken by predators, because I heard the mother fox yelling and crying one night. I don't think it was the coyotes that hang around here sometimes. I'd bet it was the owls.

Anyway, eventually the remaining pups grew old enough that they all left the rock pile den with mom. It was fun seeing them while it lasted.

For real. I've got like 16 terabytes of movies. Save shit locally!

I actually do archive both online and offline. I had the movies already. The main problem is that Cytube won't let you use files hosted on your own machine. No OBS, either. They need to be online and not behind an age gate.

Internet archive doesn't automatically age gate, which made it ideal, but it's down right now. Youtube has begun to automatically age gate things you upload to it, even if it's private or unlisted. This meant finding another host ASAP. I found one that works for tonight then spent a couple hours uploading and testing. I'll try to find better tomorrow. Suggestions are welcome.

As to mass file transferring, FTP and torrents are the best I know of right now. These are throttled by your personal connection speeds, however, as well as the availability of peers/servers. If you're not streaming, just archiving, something like Mega works well. Or you can always use your own site (be wary of bandwidth). If you have an archive online, feel free to share. We'd love to see it.
Sounds like quite a pain. I love the Internet Archive. I hope whoever is messing with it gets testicular cancer.
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You and I both. First the publishers sued them for loaning out books they own (on a one to one basis at that!), now these wannabe hackers are screwing with the archives. The Internet Archive doesn't deserve this.

Anyway, on a happier topic, the stream is still going! Rampo Noir just ended. Right now there's a five minute music video as intermission, then Vampire Hunter D should be starting.
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Night 2 of streaming is complete! Thank you to everyone who showed up. I hope this helped fit the bill for everyone looking for "something different". Unfortunately, I won't be able to leave the movies up overnight this time due to unstable hosting. I will try to be back tomorrow around 13:30 AM EST with more movies.

Anyone have any requests for genres, movies, or general content? Feel free to reply to this post.

Happy dreams.
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Who here loves spook houses? Those slow little dark rides with the monsters in them.
Those are pretty fun, even when they're kind of lame.
That was a nice treat being able to see the little foxes grow up.
>When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock,
>And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin’ turkey-cock,
>And the clackin’ of the guineys, and the cluckin’ of the hens,
>And the rooster’s hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;
>O, it’s then’s the times a feller is a-feelin’ at his best,
>With the risin’ sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,
>As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,
>When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.

>They’s something kindo’ harty-like about the atmusfere
>When the heat of summer’s over and the coolin’ fall is here—
>Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees,
>And the mumble of the hummin’-birds and buzzin’ of the bees;
>But the air’s so appetizin’; and the landscape through the haze
>Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days
>Is a pictur’ that no painter has the colorin’ to mock—
>When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.

>The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,
>And the raspin’ of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;
>The stubble in the furries—kindo’ lonesome-like, but still
>A-preachin’ sermuns to us of the barns they growed to fill;
>The strawstack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed;
>The hosses in theyr stalls below—the clover over-head!—
>O, it sets my hart a-clickin’ like the tickin’ of a clock,
>When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!

>Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps
>Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps;
>And your cider-makin’ ’s over, and your wimmern-folks is through
>With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too! ...
>I don’t know how to tell it—but ef sich a thing could be
>As the Angels wantin’ boardin’, and they’d call around on me—
>I’d want to ’commodate ’em—all the whole-indurin’ flock—
>When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!
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I've actually found myself watching Christmas and Easter episodes. But it's of Svengoolie so I guess that counts.
No. honestly surprised some other anons haven’t ripped this yet. I don’t know what’s more disappointing.
>You clearly have never met an actual goth. It's not the fashion choice that makes a goth. It's music taste.

Watched a youtube video last night cuz I have no idea what the 'goth' genre is but curious to get into it. Video covered lots of genres I already listen to. Comments section had many people saying 'TIL i am goth'. Lots of people saying they like goth music but dont dress like it at all.

Goth is fashion and/or music taste. Lots of goth enjoyers not dressing like it, or dont even realize they are 'goth'.
you have never touched a woman
what part of the world are you from? I want that.
>muh goth muh goth
I swear to fuck do you fags just enjoy gay sex? nobody fucking cares about your faggy fashion choices. goths are tryhard edgelord queers that never grew up past high school
The Crow is the best film ever crafted by human hands. Fight me, cretin.
Imagine projecting so hard about try hards that never grew up.
Nobody reply to that anon
>rotten teeth edition
Just brush your teeth anon
I'll try to get it uploaded it to the Mega link in the OP later tonight.

New England.

Man, it's really fucking good, but not the best movie ever.
Are you guys gonna carve jack o' lanterns this year? :D
At what time is good to put some of those as decorations? I don't want to reach 31th with some decaying ones
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love em. Experienced a bunch at Wisconsin Dells as a kid in the early 90's when living in southeast MN. Some had scare actors and were real good. Some were just cash grabs but fun just the same. You payed 5-15$ depending on the haunt.
Bet your ass. Just can't do it til last minute cause it's hot here. Got two.
re goths: It's not 1980 anymore, the world has moved on. Similarly, as much as I want "roguelike" or "meme" etc to mean something different, the meaning has been usurped and we just adapt.

This is masterful. Looked it up, James Whitcomb Riley. I am saving this and reading it until I die, wow I was missing out! I like your taste. If you know any other good poets/poetry, even without autumn theme, please share! Closest one I know:

When spring unfolds the beechen-leaf and sap is in the bough,
When light is on the wild-wood stream, and wind is on the brow,
When stride is long, and breath is deep, and keen the mountain air,
Come back to me! Come back to me, and say my land is fair!

When Spring is come to garth and field, and corn is in the blade,
When blossom like a shining snow is on the orchard laid,
When sun and shower upon the earth with fragrance fill the air,
I'll linger here, and will not come, because my land is fair!

When Summer lies upon the world, and in a noon of gold
Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves the dreams of trees unfold,
When woodland halls are green and cool, and wind is in the West,
Come back to me! Come back to me, and say my land is best!

When Summer warms the hanging fruit and burns the berry brown;
When straw is gold, and ear is white, and harvest comes to town;
When honey spills, and apple swells, though wind be in the West,
I'll linger here beneath the Sun, because my land is best!

When Winter comes, the winter wild that hill and wood shall slay;
When trees shall fall and starless night devour the sunless day;
When wind is in the deadly East, then in the bitter rain
I'll look for thee, and call to thee; I'll come to thee again!

When Winter comes, and singing ends; when darkness falls at last;
When broken is the barren bough, and light and labour past;
I'll look for thee, and wait for thee, until we meet again:
Together we will take the road beneath the bitter rain!
Together we will take the road that leads into the West,
And far away will find a land where both our hearts may rest.
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Glad you liked it, anon!
i discovered JWR when trying to find the origin of my granddad's annual declaration that
>the frost is on the pumpkin
the first autumn morning that it was cold enough to form.
I have this comic
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cold october nights are here, anyone got ghost stories?
Ill post if I do. I use to be pretty good at costume making but its been years.
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Do eeet
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I don't think I've ever tried candy corn. Are they any good?
They're polarizing. Some people fucking hate them, others (like myself) love them. I think the texture gets some people, they're pretty waxy.
I think I had some when I was a kid but that was like 20 years ago now. I didn't like it then but I don't remember what about it I didn't like. Might just because it wasn't chocolate.
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Get those little orange and green pumpkins, they're made of the same stuff but feel better.
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They kind of taste like a mixture of honey and butter to me with a nice, chewy texture. Not a Dots or gummy bear chewiness but a soft chew that doesn't stick to your teeth.
Those are actually too sugary imo. I don't dislike them but I prefer regular candy corn.
That's a really good description.
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Movie anon is here! Tonight is all about nostalgia. Hey, after last night's intense Japanese weirdness, let's get comfy and watch fun stuff. As usual, there will be an intermission between each main feature. Intermissions include Alice Cooper on the Muppet Show and some seriously groovy 60's spookiness.

> Itinerary, each one is roughly one hour.

Films officially start in about 10 minutes.

The Worst Witch, 1986. With a fun special appearance of Tim Curry as the Grand Wizard!

White Zombie, 1932. One of the earliest "zombie" films with voodoo zombies.

Goosebumps "One day at Horrorland". 1997. The classic about a bunch of kids in a potentially deadly amusement part.

Are You Afraid of the Dark, "Tale of the Dead Man's Float". 1995. An abandoned pool holds disturbing secrets.
I love em, especially the caramel flavor. But like the anon right below you said, they're polarizing. I seem to be the only one in my family that loves them. For me its soft enough to not hurt my teeth crunching into them, but not so soft that they stick to your teeth. Plus they're not sticky when you hold them. Get yourself a small bag of them and try them out yourself.
Heads up: there's different quality levels on Candy Corn. Traditionally they are made of corn syrup and honey, but different brands may omit the honey and replace it with caramel or honey flavoring. The more expensive brands usually still contain honey. but the cheaper ones won't or it'll be so far down the list it's almost not there. Try a few different brands and see what's good.

Also, there's "Mallowcreme pumpkins". They're basically candy corn, too. The no-honey caramel kind.
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Tonight I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre, in honor of it's 50th anniversary.
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imo Brach's makes the best. Plus they have like 5 or 6 different flavors. Caramel, Sea Salt, Chocolate, Pumpkin Pie and a few others.
Nice. I'm watching it on a /co/ stream tomorrow night. Looking forward to it. I haven't seen the movie in so long, and I remember the opening always freaking me out.
For me, it's that sound man, sticks in your head. The sound design of that whole movie just ferments madness.
Have fun Anon.
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One of the best. I bought that steel case version of the dvd when it came out a few years ago.
Oh yeah I remember getting nightmares watching it when I was a kid. Such a freaky movie. They'll be playing it kinda late into the night on their stream tomorrow so that might add to the spookiness as well.

The Worst Witch just ended! 10 minute intermission is starting up with Alice Cooper on the Muppets Show among other fun things. Next feature is White Zombie. Address is in the image on the linked post.
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I finished this movie about an hour ago. It was pretty okay. Wasn't bad, wasn't great. I had a fun time with it and was a pretty decent werewolf flick.
I saw it as more of a who dunnit with a werewolf randomly in the last 20 minutes. It's one of those "no monster until the very end" kind of films. I agree that it's kind of Meh. There's much better werewolf movies out there.

Yeah I really wished that it was more supernatural than the ending we got with [spoiler] it just being a tall guy in a fursuit [/spoiler]. It felt like the bad guy came out of no where since we hardly seen them, and the movie focused more on the main characters failing relationships than the actual scares. It was fun, but not something I'd willingly rewatch or suggest to others. Going to be looking for other werewolf movies out there tomorrow.
I agree that the ending felt tacked on. It's like someone saw the title and was like "But there has to be a wolf in there you guys! " And that misleading trailer showing the only jokes in the film was a dick move. It's not amusing at all.

Watch Ginger Snaps. It's much better.

this channel does daily spoopy stories for halloween month, can't recommend enough
And the stream is over for tonight! I will be able to leave the room up overnight, just in case anyone wanted to stop in and watch the shows. There's also a poll up inside to vote for upcoming movies! Feel free to cast your vote.

Rest well until tomorrow night, around 12:30 AM EST as usual.
Can you do a mega upload please?

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