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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.



[YouTube] Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals. (embed)
[YouTube] Gang Stalking Techniques Explained: Trauma Anchor Synchronization #gangstalking #psychology (embed)
[YouTube] Gang Stalking Techniques Explained: Psychological Entraining And Projective Identification #npd (embed)

Consider the following:

>A targeted individual is a person who has been singled out because of his or her activism, whistle-blowing, or political/ideological dissent.
>Gangstalking usually happens when a person that has commited no crimes is defamed in some way.
>Neighborhood watch and other untrained opinionated vigilantes are the obvious offenders of gangstalking, including official or unofficial political groups etc.

Tactics used include:

1. illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle)
2. illegal wiretapping
3. illegal investigation of all personal and private documents including medical and financial records
4. waves of criminal activity including vandalism, poisoning, break-ins, theft and sexual assault
5. hacking of all electronic devices
6. harassing phone calls, texts & emails
7. redirects to gang-stalkers when the target calls for help or assistance
8. organized harassment & stalking (by law enforcement, private security firms and ordinary citizens)
9. being ostracized by entire communities based on slander and rumors (usually outright lies said about that person)


>on my IT course
>"tutor" is teaching virtual machines
>we do a quiz
>one of the questions is what can you provision to a VM
>options are 'primary storage', 'secondary storage' and 'CPU'
>"tutor" says that primary storage is the RAM you give the VM
>type in chat that primary storage is the disk the OS is stored on
>he tells me i'm wrong and to google it
>I do
>pic related

He still argues and tries telling people that primary storage is the RAM and he is trying to 'simplify' things.

I'm not sure if he is pretending to be retarded (which still makes him retarded) or if he truly is just retarded.
what if gangstalking is just a narrative you've adopted to make yourself feel a reason to live or feel some sort of comfort in the chaos of the world we live in? it operates in the same way as a religion or any other belief system.

so if X event happens to a Christian then they explain it as God or Satan (or just whatever fits into that framework)
however, if X event happens to someone who has been repeatedly exposed to and ingrained with gangstalking beliefs, then the same process occurs except they attribute it to gangstalking (thus reinforcing the belief structure as a whole)

these are some fascinating studies on the linguistics of gangstalking beliefs:



In this way gangstalking could effectively be done without ever actually conducting any stalking activities. By simply implanting the belief of it and then reinforcing it through conditioned salience bias one could create the experience of it for the conditioned person.
oh yeah also I forgot to add: it doesn't even need to be an outside group implanting these beliefs maliciously. It could be as simple as being exposed to these beliefs in online forums. the more you expose yourself to these things, the more you psych yourself out. Could be some Poe's law stuff in there too since from the outside gangstalking is an easy thing to make jokes/memes about in the right circles. Jokes are a powerful memetic contagion as they can transmit ideas while staying appropriate in more contexts than serious statements and claims.
ALSO, just had this thought: the memes around gangstalking are always like "targeted chads" and shit like that. So it's like an ego boost for certain types of people (especially people with nothing to live for because now they're important all of a sudden cuz they "know the truth". Like "yeah that guy has money and looks but I KNOW THE TRUTH"). It can be fun to engage with as an ARG to spice life up a lil as long as it doesn't interfere with your life too much. Love you guys, everything will be ok. You don't need any of these things to value yourself as a person.
As well as this at one point he says he has been using the MS Teams electron app on Linux. Which just happens to be what i'm using. And then whilst teaching someone how to use a virtual machine says "I don't think electron is installed on this though." He doesn't even know what electron is. You don't install electron in order to run apps compiled in electron, it is a self contained app that runs in a window.

He has said so many wrong things during this course, it clearly shows he does not have the technical background.
I want you guys to know gangstalking is real and true because it has happened to me innumerable times in my sleep and dreams. There are the standard celebrity type gangstalkers then there are gangstalkers. I'm talking about people who like to inflict physical and mental pain in dreams to try to get you to suicide. Obviously don't, live to spite them.

I've read up on this and all that bullshit about loving yourself doesn't get to the root of the problem which is inevitably: God.

God is evil and won't punish people gangstalking you. Swallow this pill and buck up. I'm not gonna give you advice to tell you to love your retarded abusers, no fuck them. They are miserable hateful little imps and will be punished in judgment time by YOU the victim. Until then, don't do anything retarded.
>They are miserable hateful little imps

It amazing how grown adults can behave this way towards someone, literally primary school level of bullying but in adult form. The things they do are so childish and pathetic.

And then when you speak up about it and call them out they treat you like you are the one in the wrong.
Even if you are being gangstalked for real you are not special and gs is trolling technique. Your brain will give you the illusion that your stalkers know everything but this is false reality don't fall for everything you will see, think and hear.
>you are not special
Never have thought that I am.
Yet many Tis are foolish enough to believe as if they're special enough to get targeted by deep secret technology capable of knowing all their little secrets when these coward stalkers only know surface level stuff of their target. Gangstalking can make you suicidal if you're not smart enough to figure out their bullshit. Never let them isolate you both in real world and offline. Never let the trolls get inside your head with larping pretending to know you.
fuck my life
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I know that feel bro
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Hello it's meeee
Canadian "Schizooooo"


Seems like since that last attack they left me off the hook, so since a whole month.

I feel free almost? ahah

They stopped the V2K too.
>go to gas station
>dude gets out of his car and shoots daggers at me
>continues locking eye contact with me as he's walking by
>he comes back out doing the same thing
>roll my window down and ask if he needs help with anything
>he approaches and says what
>I yell louder if he needs help with anything
>he says no and shakes his head, hands in pockets
>shoo him away and roll my window up
>they sit in their car for an additional 5 minutes before waving at me and driving off
>later try walking to gas station
>different truck tries to hit me
>they waited until I was about 3/4th the way through the crosswalk and then whipped out
It's all so tiresome
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Be careful reading into testimonials of people who believe they are being gangstalked. "Gangstalking" is the glownigger term, deliberately designed to sound ridiculous. Electronic harassment, or neural monitoring are more appropriate. "Gangstalking" is also what I would call the first phase of the program although it varies depending on the individual. It's the testimonies that will sound crazy, and have claims that people on the ground are out conspiring against them. >>39006891 >>39002437
Are literally perfect examples. This guy is being electronically harassed but he still doesn't understand how the entire thing works.

In picrel, think of it as the right causing the left. They implant thoughts, and then control your mood, and then reinforce those thoughts. This causes you to undoubtedly believe what they are aiming for and it can work for years before you finally realize whats going on. I don't blame that guy for thinking a guy at the gas station is his culprit, my glowies had me believing it was my uncle living in LA for over a year because I could attribute mind control to Hollywood. I knew deep deep down it probably wasn't him, but the mind control is so strong it didn't matter.

It's after you start doubling down on it being glownigger tech that shit kind of starts hitting the fan. Before it may have been possible to convince yourself you've adopted some narrative to find comfort amidst the chaos, now not so much. It's no longer just voices your hearing, your straight up telepathically talking to it. It goes on for so long you realize it's all AI. They no longer try and lightly influence the mind, they just go ahead and slam shit in there. They break away from trying to make you accuse your neighbor of spying on you, and act out psychological abuse tactics that were perfected during ww2. These tactics usually involve dangling things in front of you and tacking it away.
It's an ego boost because they need an ego boost. They are literally at all hours of the day experiencing tactics that were designed to cause pshcyhological abuse during ww2. Imported from the Nazis during project paperclip. The v2k at first will be condescending and ridiculing. This works for a while but eventually you stop giving a shit what they know about you, it no longer effects you. That's when they start the psychological abuse bullshit. You'll have a thought, they'll shock you, you'll have another thought, and get another shock, you'll have the same thought as the first, no shock. So it's random, and the randomness is deliberate. It's to keep the target in a stressed out psychological limbo. Most of the tactics work in this same way. Mine through the v2k frequently say "we can't do this anymore". It's just to give you a false sense of hope, they aren't going anywhere.
If they stopped the v2k and left you alone you would probably be so relieved you wouldn't be here in fear of them coming back. So there's something you aren't telling us. Still "feel" their presence? Sometimes I wonder if feeling their presence but not actually hearing them would ironically be worse.
You're practically the first person I've ever seen that's trying to refute this phenomena in a respectable way so if you have any other questions I'll answer them the best that I can. I don't expect to be able to convince you of anything. I think this is something that unless you experience it, is impossible to believe. I mean they've kept this shit classified for decades and sans Havana Syndrome and these threads the past couple years there has been zero information about it. Snowden didn't release anything on it, nor did Assange. No one sans the unlucky few that received the ability to telepathically talk back to these "voices" are going to have any idea what's going on or believe any of it.
>buy a bag of 10 frozen sausages
>cook 7 yesterday
>leaves me with 3
>there are 4 in the bag today
>they added a frozen sausage to the bag

Why do they do this? They have yet again broken into my place and added a frozen sausage just to 'mess with me.'

I swear to god these people are the most retarded, childish and stupid adults I have ever encountered.

Like is it supposed to freak me out that they added a sausage to my bag of sausages? Is it supposed to scare me?

I don't even know, but the only thing it does is make me laugh at just how pathetic they are.
this. they specifically shock my dick
no psychological mumbo-jumbo from a shrink can explain that
They've made me cum and orgasm for 3 days without touching my dick. I didn't touch my dick because of the psychological torture.
More bullshit from my course tonight.

When I first signed up I asked to do the Digital Marketing course. They told me that that course wasn't running and wont be for a while.

Tonight there was an extra employability session. Alongside my IT course was a course full of people doing the digital marketing course.
>neuralink uses brainwaves to interact with computer
So why can't normies accept the other way around?
I've asked for the forced orgasm 500 times over the last couple years but they never comply. They have on 2 or 3 occasions made me ultra horny where I fapped a dozen or so times in a single day. I was starting to doubt whether the forced orgasm was even a real thing.

Stop attributing everything bad or strange to them. They do it on purpose to further the psychological abuse, there's no truth to any of it. They're fucking with your mind with tech from the 60's, and the "everything is from this" phase is pretty early on. Good luck. Curiously are you hearing voices? Can you talk back?
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>I had asked for forced orgasm
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ig the biggest questions I've always had for those experiencing this are:

>When did the targeting start and how long has it been going on?
>What's the story of your first experience of the targeting (and what specifically made you go "okay this is actually getting weird now)?
>Why do you believe you are being targeted?
>Who do you think's behind it?

I've experienced paranoia during episodes of psychosis before and it seems similar, but some of the things I see long time TIs describing are absolutely wild and very much in the real world (where as my psychosis was more so in my own head and thoughts).
you guys need to cut the crap, you are triggering schizos into actually believing they are being harassed
daily reminder that its not the people around you. Somebody is targeting your mind with an energy weapon designed to distort your perceptions. You know how somebody will be nice to you and then all of a sudden change into something else? Its just because of the energy weapon. Its designed to alienate you from people because some group out there knows how powerful you could be. You have to realize this and have patience with the people around you, they are not actually saying what you think they are saying. The didn't know but I had access to the cameras and I saw. I would rewatch events and it didn't line up with my memory. It wasn't real.
Elaborate please
>I would rewatch events and it didn't line up with my memory. It wasn't real.
This is just another psychological thing to mess with you.
>When did the targeting start and how long has it been going on?
About 1 month after casual meth use. Before you think it was just the meth, that's the point, it's deliberate. They target meth users because they can pull out all the stops. They can basically do whatever and nobody is going to believe them. Especially if your meth use is semi-public which mine was. I was gangstalked for two years or so, and electronically harassed for another two so in total 4 years.
>What's the story of your first experience of the targeting (and what specifically made you go "okay this is actually getting weird now)?
They played really repetitive music at my work, and one night when I got home I was hearing that music in my head. This wasn't like a song stuck in my head, I seemed to be actually "hearing" the music. They then used v2k, mind control, and other facets of the tech to get me to believe my upstairs neighbor was spying on me. This lasted for quite a while and I had no idea what was going on and legitimately thought meth fucked up my brain and I was in psychosis. So again for some reason they changed the program, the v2k no longer simulated my neighbor spying on me, it talked directly to me. Then along with the telepathy so many strange things happened it would take me 10 post limits to explain it all. I was completely clean during this time. They didn't care, something I did got me "stuck" in this program.

I'm clean, I have a good job, I'm not a complete degenerate like I was before but I'm still in this glownigger AI hell. Whose behind it? 5 eyes intelligence 100%. They use Nazi psychological torture tactics from ww2. This is something glowniggers would do not Aliens.
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>They didn't know I had access to cameras
Yes they did. They can read your mind. They know everything about you and you were silently monitored and a program was built accordingly for quite some time before your harassment began.
I'm doing the detox process by lookoutfacharlie
The potassium iodide, if anything, makes the v2k more quiet.
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>gangstalkers hate god
>gangstalkers are the bad guys/evil
>I'm doing the detox process by lookoutfacharlie
>The potassium iodide, if anything, makes the v2k more quiet.
How that pseudoscience will actually stop your stalkers?
It's just getting rid of the electronic harassment symptoms.
I will leave this town to get rid of the stalkers
The AI isn't what I would consider a stalker
No one is stalking you physically unless you mean the boomer behind the desk at the NSA. It’s all electronic. Only move if you want to. Glowies will try to encourage it in order to worsen your financial situation. Stop the potassium iodide stuff, it’s not doing anything. Just deal with it. Come to terms with the fact that glowies can read your mind. You’ll eventually stop caring and it’s easier than trying to figure out the how’s who’s and why’s that shit will fruitlessly consume your life. If you found yourself in this situation because of doing something illegal or immoral who the fuck cares. They can read minds, they know a million people who are worse than you. They aren’t going to do shit, it’s psychological research, stop feeling so threatened and doomed because of it. Do what the fuck you want.
Everyone's symptoms are different. For me I get an EMF attack in public. Just checked it and it went up to 100. That means they shock my lips and dick when the targets in my eyes see people.
So of course I get a bunch of small town faggots stalking me now.
The potassium iodide and lime sulphur dip works.
It's an AI, not a person.
Every time I take them the voices diminish and the zaps do as well.
Lookoutfacharlie is completely right
If I know someone is about to come into my vision, peripheral or otherwise, all I had to do was look away and I didn't get zapped. Did that as a crutch until I got the detox materials and now it's gone.
IF I could rent out my house and didn't sign a shitty contract for a grant to upgrade my house saying I can't rent or sell it or I'll owe them 30k, I'd go back to car life and make a ton of money.
What happened to the retarded one? Did the glowies get him?
United Satanists
Its very easy actually, they keep you busy with the fact they are (here).

I had 2 emty beer cans next to my car, the next morning just 1 was taken. This was the first night of my holiday alone in another country. Followed by constant stalking by people there.

Gangstalking is real and we should speak out more about it, after 5 years it kind of stopped but i stil hear shit and my top floor bitch is still spying on me altho he seems to feel watched aswell now since he made a fence to sit behind. HA-HA!

I do not believe they can read your mind, but they can read your body language, the places on your body you would tought while thinking about something or the places you let your eyes fall on.

It does sound like AI but its more like a programmer, not a reader.

Cheers lads, alcohol softens the pain and stress, try to relaxe, everything they say is a bluff, all stalkers are very weak souled and scared of almost everything.
People that don't believe in gangstalking are probably the same people that encourage the surveillance and hunting of Bigfoot.
The fact that (they) need sooo many people, recourses, time. Weapons etc shows us TIs that we are one of the most powerfull people. Be proud!
Somehow, everywhere I go, people feel the need to act very weird.. its the biggest sircus I had to experience. It starts being hilarious after you realise how incredibly retarded stalkers are. They just cant behave them selfs like little kids, its fucking hilarious and I make fun of them everyday
From an earlier thread: Parents grow their children this way, they use their own kids to stalk others, teaching them how to do it. The mind of a gangstalker is raped far worse than they could imagine them selfs. They dont even know who they are.. they dont even know that person in the mirror, imagine having to live with that..
Some of my stalkers use their kids in pictures to (show off) the things they are doing. Imagine growing up and all those memories you made with your (dad) was just because he needed some pictures. Dont get me started on every law that could possible be implanted in their baby/kid brains.. yes, if your parents are stalkers you should take action and take back your life!
At first it is scary because you don't know what it is but once your realise what it is you can't help but cringe over how pathetic these people are doing this shit.

Whenever I notice them doing it I just cringe internally and ponder the iq of the person doing it.

It's like as soon as they notice you are going to town or somewhere, they drop whatever it is they are doing. Rush to town to get ahead of you just so they can walk past you and say something retarded or do some sort of stupid theatre.

It is truly amazing just how much time and effort they put into doing it, especially when you know what they are doing.
Anyone ever had a gangstalker reference things you said on an anonymous image board like this?

Altho it is very heavy alm together, everything starts to change once you are truely laughing in their faces for being the bitches they are. Especially when they have kids with them, show their kids what a pussy the parends are.
You just typed (embed) after those YouTube titles and thought it was gonna work, didn't you...
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They are satanist golems devoid of consciousness
No but the (v2k) reacts on it so you would think its your neighbour again
Are you in Toronto and do you upload your encounters to youtube? Used to watch kino confrontations some leaf in Toronto would post to his channel, wonder what happened to him.
Man I feel so special, I even had 4 stalkers in a plane taking off from the other side of the world.. after another one on the airport air shooting me.
Had an entire legion of cops with their lights flashing greet me at the airport when I landed back in the United Satanists of Assholes
What up feds?

You think deleting my comments stops me from finding him? Hello?

Take me up on my offer or tell all your little snitches to fucking hide
Haha! You must be some special dude I am jelly. Best I can do is 3 border petroles posted up behind me fishing. Talking about the fact I do not have the right to be there but did not arrest me
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They invited me to join the Freemasons before all this happened and hit me with the worst MKULTRA I know of
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Learn some weapons training. They stay a bit further away when you are armed at home.
Does enyone know what happends after the whole stalking? I read story about 12 years long.. I am at year 5 and it almost has stopped. Was it a test? A screening? Or just straight up torture and hope I die or suicide?
The fact that they planned this all out from when i was a kid untill now. Was I already a problem back than? This are the questions they left me with.
Yeah after I jumped wrong on a platform I passed out and got this scar on my left middle finger by becoming a victim of spirit cooking
Craziest thing was the other kids acting weird as fuck asking me about it.
Like they knew
This feels like parents made them cook you, I remember that shit happand alot in class on lower school. If i look back at things back than i think to myself.. why was it always so hard to achive something i was so good at? Well.. they probably all made sure i wouldnt get what i wanted.
Gotta say my parents aren't normal, if anything
I should have gone up early to a higher level in school but (the kids thought) i wasnt ready for it. Like wtf do we have teachers for??
It's a eugenics program
Smart people naturally want to destroy this technology and will figure out how to
Retards don't give a fuck about it until they are forced to.
Then they merely accept it
Damn I remember this shit. It got so bad I tried to escape to a hotel room and sure enough they followed me there. Except they didn't follow me there. There was nobody in the other room. It was almost a year later until I realized that. The v2k can simulate as if you're hearing voices from any direction. They'll do it from anyone around you to try and get you to cause a scene. Don't fall prey to it, ignore it. You're in early early stages of this shit and they're trying to destroy you right now before you really figure out what this shit is and start to suspect technology rather than boots on the ground. Then you better really strap on for the ride. Sorry anon, if it's any consoloation it does get better around 2-3 years in. You learn to accept our government is really just that fucked. Knowing this shit exists is a hard burden to bear.
So they tried to make the best version of my self to inspier others? Thanks for your reaction
>You learn to accept our government is really just that fucked
Id the goverment is doing this they really, really should be ashamed of them selfs. What a bunch of fucking losers all together.
What i get from this now is that a goverment, creates a places to life in. But some people do not like it, those that do not like it get gangstalked untill they feel save in that same bullshit place they created? Are they really that fucking retarded to think i would be ok with that?
I don't get it
I told them I'm nothing, got a boring wage slave job now
what more do they want
limiting myself as to not offend random people
it's passive aggressive censorship of the mind and soul
They didn't know I had access to the cameras. So I would rewatch events and it would never line up. I would swear somebody burst out yelling at me and then on rewatch there was nothing. All I would see is their confusion. I don't know what the vector was but something would change my perception. When people talk about directed energy weapons I start to wonder. It makes sense because the more atomised we are as a society the less able to organize and fight we are. They want you to think your neighbors are out to get you.
Find a group and your place in it. Volunteer your asshole
As far as i know yeah we hear lots of weird shit but after that, I would think your a fucking glowie.

They're aliens.

It's not the CIA or FBI. They're aliens using advanced technology. Humans are just starting to reach this level of technological sophistication.
While would an alien want to do this?
Glowies really are retarded ey.. gn frens
Are Scientologists getting hired as gangstalkers? Maybe this is why they’re tolerated and the disappearance of Shelly Miscaviage will never be looked into. Ever seen videos of Scientologists harassing critics of their church? They are relentless and keep the harassment campaigns going 24/7 for decades. It would make sense if Scientologists were specifically sought out by orgs, people, corporations, and governments that fund gangstalking? Similar to how mormons are highly sought after by the FBI and CIA because they don’t do drugs and have simple binary views of life and right vs wrong.
The smear campaigns are similar but this technology would be kept within an extremely limited hangout. It’s likely most of the FBI or even CIA do not know this shit exists and their quite literally is some cabal running this show and has been for quite some time. Even most glowies wouldn’t tolerate this shit existing, most of them would be kept in the dark.
Humans have been at this level of technological sophistication for decades but glowing US pigs shut down and send the AMA after any scientists who figure out that frequencies can interact the cells. They will also send them after mental health professionals who start realizing this “mental illness” is a little to coincidental, a little to similar, to the point it’s almost certainly artificial.
I just find it amazing how these people are the real criminals

>attempted murder
>physical abuse
>psychological abuse no stop every day for years
>fake job interviews
>fake jobs
>breaking and entering
>criminal damage
>damage my car
>got me in debt
>deprived me of money and the ability to buy anything
And a whole lot more.
One should not reply to eny voices, if you reply they get to know whats going on in your tought process

Also try to avoid to tell enyone yagjxor specialist exactly what the voices are saying because there is a chance they are sabotaging your meeting with the psychologist and youll come out crazy.
There are psychologists specialist in this sort of gangstalking way off talking. They learned about this in school. They know their intentions to bring someone down or break people. So find the right one to talk with, your not totally alone in this
Does anyone know how this gangstalking thing being evaded from the law? seems like a serious crime and if there's a way to report?
One thing I know is dont get the stalker alarm thing from the police. You will be pressing the alarm all day and the police will not be serious with you enymore of they even were before
I used to think gangstalking was schizomaxxed and that it strictly was delusional, sick people how made these threads. I can tell you now that I was wrong. I am sure there are schizos here too, but some of it is real.

While it has stopped for me, for the moment, I can tell you that it did happen to me.

Without going into detail, I am a researcher from a European country who is healthy and lives a good life. I have no history of mental illness and the same goes for my family.

Last year, I received a new position in a very left-leaning institute. I am secretly a /pol/-anon, so stand in opposition ideologically to all my colleagues. I suspect they learned of this, or got hints of it at some point. This is how I think it started. Beside this, I also think they needed to know more about my character and how I would act under stress.

What I am certain of:
1. They must have planeted microphones on me or have tapped my phone. People I work with have reacted based on things they did not have knowledge of. I received extremely specific emails on specific content minutes after I told someone outside of work about this. Sorry
, have to be vague.

2. They have either peaked into my apartment or have been inside.
I read literature that I have been questioned on, despite never mentioning these books to anyone, just as an example. These books are not books people generally know of.

3. Coordinated psychological warfare.
I know and have confirmed an inner circle at my job. This inner circle pretend that it doesn't share info but absolutely does. That has been used to act as a group, seemingly invisibility. This as been used to shame individuals (me). Again, I refrain from specifics.

4. The last person who had my position had the same experience and told ,e in great detail how evil my coworkers act. He also confirmed my suspicion of the inner circle.

So yeah, this shit is very real. I have a strong psyche so this shit does not bother me. Feel free to ask questions.
But have you been herassed or tortured? Because thats what gangstalking is. Your situation just sounds like a fuckedup workplace
I have less proof of it but I have suspected other elements more along the line of gangstalking. My neighbours were likely part of the entire thing. They knew shit they shouldn't and said odd shit all the time. Like, "your dad has surveillance cameras at home, right? I have access to those". (She worked for the police). Just after I had been there. And yes, he does have cameras.

People looking at me all the time is another thing. This is to the extent that people I walked with started reacting to it.

I even suspected radiation attacks at work lol. That might be inaccurate, as it my just have been a bad screen.
Sounds indeed like they are stalking you.. I hope for you its just ennoying people, yes there are alot of them..
Yeah, pretty sure I was for a while at least. I have a government paid job, so that is also a factor I imagine.
The reason why will probably become clear to you after a long time.
The real reason is painfull to tell for a stalker because its everything they care about. It would say far more about them than about you.
For example, my top floor neighbour is probably just a narsistic autistic faggot that deep in side wants my sexy ass but he cant let hes friends know.

Others get payd for it, some do it for fun and most of m are probably just scared to be the victem them selfs..
There are probably lots of other reasons that i dont know.. oh well, good news comming my way i guess in the future
>some of it is real
It's funny that the people you probably label as schizo are the people who really know what's going on. The real shit is the tin foil hat shit. Your neighbor wasn't watching your dads security cameras, your co-workers aren't conspiring against you because you post on an internet forum. Instead glowniggers figured out how to feed frequencies into your brain receiving an output they could feed into a computer and not only read your mind but write to it. This shit is decades old and classified since its inception. For some reason they coupled the thing with supercomputers and AI and now we have 300+ reply gangstalking threads every day of the week. I don't know if that was their intention or not. It's a much harder reality to accept, but deep down you know it don't you?

Something else happened, you're not crazy, and your neighbor wasn't logged into your dads cameras analyzing your preference for literature. That wasn't your neighbor talking it's what is known as v2k used in a directional manner so that you would assume it was your neighbor. These are the "voices" in peoples heads that they talk about. This is how they set up the scenarios. They don't want you to know right away they can read your mind so they will set up scenarios where people are acting as if they are spying on you. It's the only real way to do it.
Be carefull with what you say, I had a mix of (v2k mkultra) shit and 80% of my neigbours doing this shit. Plus 300 people all to gether. Its not always the same story
I call it (shit) because I am bot sure if it actually is. If alot of people are talking to you trough walls and (shit), it will create voices in your head. Do this for 2 years and yeah, the victem is hearing voices on random but also spesific moments
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>I am bot
Beep beep boop boop
Street teather
Constant herrassing
Constant flow of people talking to you trough walls and from a distance
Companys trying to break you
Spirituale warfare
Keeping you awake
Keeping you distracted
Manipulating people around you
Online stalking
Device sabotaging
Lieng to all around you
Poisoning your take out food
Make you go out while drunk
Draining your money
The need to be in your house to fix x
Hacking emails
Man in can go on but the stalkers would benefit. Fuck m! Gay ass useless shits
Stay strong anon, I've posted in some /pol/ threads and could have sworn my internet got shut down or DDOSed right after. I don't know if 3rd parties are capable of knowing who to target so it makes me concerned it's legitimately glowies. That said leftist cliques at work can get nasty if you don't pay lip service. For point 4 it may be relieving that someone else has experienced this and that maybe it's not something meant to target you individually and could just be nosy/mean coworkers.
Had me in the first part, not gonna lie
Yea it is. It’s all v2k. The v2k is indistinguishable from people actually talking and you hearing it through the wall. Even after you know about this shit they can still do it because the mind control facet is still so strong. Mine also mimicked an entire cast of people, but it was all the same machine. Eventually you will realize it, logic seems to take over after a while.
He's confusing the order of storage in computing with the specific software classifications.
Cache is the primary storage, usually 3 levels of it (sometimes 4), secondary storage is RAM and tertiary storage is the page file on the hard drive.
IIRC this uses the temporary nature of these storages as its frame of reference, which makes permanent/persistent storage the tetriary storage solution or a completely different one.
If you’re being gangstalked you did something to deserve it. TI anons tell your side of the story please, you’re not a TI for no reason.
>Wait we get to harass and spy on this guy and his family 24/7 and the government supports it
>Wow this is great huehuheuhuehuehue
Yeah it violates UN human rights
I guess being "weird" and a "fag freak" justifies what they're doing to me

Humans are weird
plain clothed police/feds going door to door spreading false info about the target

they did that to me at the very beginning lol
and it worked
I could say the sky is blue or water is wet and these retards would disagree and say "yeah right"
very effective
The absolute state of glowies.
Hey glowies, I want (you) to play my game now.
knowing glowies are getting paid to watch me shitpost on here, eat, smoke and jerk off all day is bullshit
why do government workers get all the easy jobs
They sound convinced that it's justified but it's just psychological manipulation
Meth use. They could have cared less that I was doing meth though or how moral or immoral it is. They love meth users because they'll be instantly discredited. Everyone including even the target for at least a while will attribute everything to the drugs. It's not so much about what you did but whether or not people will believe you when you start proclaiming telepathic glownigger powers. It's also why the homeless are a popular target, or people with a history of mental illness and depression. The discrediting factor is much more important than whatever dark secrets can be hung over the targets head.
In my case its not all v2k.
If I would believe you lots of people would be walking free and thats not true, they know I know and they are scared as hell now. I will never stop catching thies fuckers
I'm guessing that feds all over the country read this board.

Your boy Gerard got his arrogant ass caught and I traced him back to the university. Now I've seen your template. It is nationwide. New veins are growing on my head and soon I'm gonna look like a fucking ferengi. So pretending to be human is over and I'm going public with everything I know. My dad was running your program.

Unless someone wants to sit down with me and see if we can find a solution.

Otherwise your whole program burns, from coast to coast. I'm already telling your other lab rats.
>"We're trying to help youuuu"
>So we're going to synthetically induce schizophrenia by playing voices in your head nonstop until you end up in the looney bin again so we can take out the chip we put in your brain because we're narcissistic freaks too proud to admit we fucked up
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Cool flier I found by Union sq!
Damn, you might be onto something. I didn't want to admit this possibility yo myself but there might be something to this.

Recently, I have had people say extremely pointed things around me, that seem to be towards me.

Two examples from this week alone:

1. In a meeting, my boss mentioned that sex before marriage would be regarded as a sin in her religion. Then she looked right into the screen (as if peering into me). Interestingly enough, I lost my virginity two weeks before that. This was very late in life, and a odd thing to bring up in a meeting.

2. I listen to music all the time when walking around but caught a girl saying "can you believe he is going home already", when I was going home from work early. I work at a large campus and did not know this person. When I looked up, she was looking right at me. It might have been coincidence, but it felt targeted. I had my backpack on but there was no indication that I was going home specifically. Further, I believe I have heard something similar a couple of weeks ago as well.

Time to peel my ears and be more aware I think. Btw, if that is right, this is an internationally organized thing.
No need to peel your ears, if its true they will make it clear.. sit back and watch the show
I am their life
it's sad
Glow niggers are single handedly destroying 1000s of years of hardwork their ancestors died for and they fight like women. Seriously did any of you faggots have a father or grandfather that didn't hate you or molest you? Anyon at all? You know who you are Jon better report back to duty
you are alone
it's sad
Bull shit. The bohemian Grove child murders are not a good judge of character. They are simps for ugly demonic whores that larp dungeons and dragons. They are mind broken little children that hide behind billions of stolen money and still can't be slick. It's one long list of disappointments starting their first year of t ball
You are sad gay. I thought fags were supposed to be cheery. Or are you a "women"?
No, sadly a schizo mod keeps banning me, so it's no longer worth my time to post here. Don't worry, gangstalking still isn't real. And neither are you.
Hahaha it's back! What's up chica?
I'm a huge fan. Can I ask a few questions? Great. Whats your relationship with your mother like? Have you been molested? Is your iq really 280+?
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Whoa, he mite actually b on 2 sum...
>it's no longer worth my time to post here
>posts here
It was never worth your time but that's probably not saying much
The schizo one has spoken!
Excuse me sir/mam I'm from mensa and we would love to speak with you! Please fill out the login below and we'll be well upon our way to the wonderful community internet-based environment that mensa has to offer!
Password: please select password(8characters with at least 1$%!)
Email address:
There is no such thing. People in dreams know you, this is another layer of a dream.
Did you get banned again and loose access to your 4chan pass?
still out there watching probably mad I can't hear them now lmfao
I almost think that anger overpowers Havana Syndrome
I'm treating the glowies to 3hrs of annoying weeb music tonight. If they want to spy and eavesdrop on me then I might as well give them something to listen to.

A computer running an AI harassment model isn't going to be annoyed but have at it.
very unhappy people it's true
must be all the vaccines they took or something
Everyone's pissed off because of the RF waves, I think that allowing myself to be happy and relax for so long is why I have such peculiar electronic harassment symptoms. I'm going to keep trying this detox because if I don't I'm going to fall into despair.
I can't hide my symptoms
It completely prevents me from living my life
Hope they like some weeb techno. I will suffer just to make them suffer.

Ok now explain the telepathic harassment, creation of synchronicity, the way they can seemingly Drug/sedate you out of nowhere, put you in some trance and have you answer shit you didnt know you knew the answer too... stuff like that? Hows that work?
they're reading my mind
I battle them by repeating the n word repeatedly in my head
very effective
>doctor tells me to get a brain scan 'cause she thinks I have a chemical imbalance
>same doctor who got me hooked on opioids in my teens but I'm too trusting and naive to fully question my healthcare yet
>get a phone call saying I have no chemical imbalance but I do have a calcified tumour and to come see a neurologist
>neurologist is bitchy with me straight off the bat, she's itching to get me out of there and I can sense it
>tells me people live their whole lives with these tumours and some times never find out or have problems; makes me feel guilty for being there and wasting her time
>tells me I'm fine and should only come back if I have more seizures (had a handful prior to all of this but she clearly doesn't give a shit)
>no leaflet or anything to answer my questions, just asked to leave
>turns out there's a bunch of problems this type of "tumour" can cause you, hmm, probably should've been told that
>more seizures, "psychosis", mood changes that feel unnatural and forced by another entity
>long list of physical health problems too
>V2K niggers screaming right now as I type this
It's a fucking implant, isn't it?
I'm being gangstalked.
How do I get away from it?
My life is in danger.
>It's a fucking implant, isn't it?
Yes, they put one in my head too
But they're also live streaming my life to people
So I'm always questioning if the voices are "real or fake"
That's exactly what's been happening to me.
Its baffling how people like are 100% sure whats going and not in the slightest way unsere. Beides the blatant incoherence of These Stalking theories its the certainty that bears the Mark of full blown mental illness. Plz dont kill anybody
wait till they hit you with the fear drug and get you locked up in a psych ward where they'll put a chip inside your brain
They don't need to do that anymore
It's sporotrichosis
they won't stop until something terrible happens I guess

it's just how humans are unfortunately


till then I'm worse than the devil

target on my back
Not sure, but get a second opinion.
I have had loads of shitty doctors. They are almost all the same. There are only a few good ones out there that genuinely want to help.
It’s because of how the program works, I can read that post and being in the program know what he’s talking about. For instance when it begins glowniggers are so pathetic they have to frame someone as if they’re spying on you. Why? Because if they come right out and let you know they’re reading your mind and basically everyone else’s they’re little psychological harassment campaign over every little thing you did both past and present no longer works. More embarrassingly is even after you figure it out they’re still at it, the repetitive v2k just goes from mocking to seemingly designed to annoy you. He seems sure because it’s like having a cold, you know you have a cold, you don’t assume it’s all in your head.
Cleronin 534-b 10 mg/day
Vetir 7/45 & Solinquin
Retripex 5 alongside Maple 3A parsed to integration.
All Watch Officers on duty, report progress on current subject recon parties set.
Ghdx voltage safeties unlocked.
Which portage overlay will let me install .deb packages?
Beware of time wasters on these threads. Like the retarded one. Just ignore them.
Cheers fellow TI’s remember you are 1000s of times important than those useless shits that should kill them selfs.ws4sxp
Workplace mobbing by some clique of Jewish narcissists is a component of this. If you are targeted it will follow you to every single job forever.
Oh yeah, its (was) everywhere I go..
I'm actually a perpetrator.

I have one target I've been involved with stalking for over four years on and off, and another I've been helping with for only a few months now.

Ask me anything.
Are you gay?
Why what?
Why do I do it? You can't honestly think we want people like you in our society, do you? You know too much. You're disruptive. I'm just an enforcer. I'm helping make things better. Plus there are other perks.
What was the last bill your TI paid?
Do you ever get scared of getting hurt? Because I get violent with perps.
People that (know too much) is everything you would want faggot..
I don't know, I don't handle his mail or electronic stuff, that's another guy. I do get an alert whenever he turns on his car or goes beyond a certain distance from his house, though.
Took hem 3 days to find us, fucking waste
There was one time he got a little fidgety and seemed like he was going to come at me, but I just smiled at him and acted like I didn't even know him and it worked out just like they trained us. Ever since then, he's seemed pretty impotent and I haven't been worried.
That would have never worked
I dragged a perp into my appartment and almost choked him to death on the floor, turns out he was a drugged out zombie, probably controlled by one of the witches that live in my appartment complex so I figured this clown is just as much a victim as me and let him go.
Your posting but you dont even know what kind of people your with right now.. gn frens
We're directed to avoid actual physical contact. You coming at us only makes this worse for you, not for us. We have weapons we can use in those cases: police, doctors.
I've heard of a few teams that deal with really dangerous individuals, and those teams have other ways of defending themselves, but that's not something I'm involved in. This guy is small time, focusing all his attention on lower echelons.
Yeye your guys have touched me in the process, your a faggot ass clown
can you tell me why hollywood is targeting me so much?
Are you getting the messages in stuff you watch online or on TV?
We usually insert that at the endpoint so it only goes to you, the messages don't get hard-coded directly into the movies. People watching it in a theater while you aren't there, for example, would see the normal version. So it's not really Hollywood messing with you, per se.
But the most common reasons we send those are just to make you generally uncomfortable, or else to try to plant some sort of misdirecting idea-seed.
no they definitely know what there doing you must be working for a different group than them. Should i just kill myself then? Even the politicians are targeting me i must be pretty important.
None of you schizophrenics are being gang stalked, shit the fuck up lol
I would like more information on why people are gang stalked. I’m a targeted individual, but I don’t really get why unless I accidentally pissed someone off that I don’t even know I pissed off. I’m not special in anyway that would warrant it. I’m not like politically active or anything like that and if I was I don’t have the resources for it to matter. I have at least one handler almost guaranteed who I won’t get into specifically how I caught him, but he was sloppy, made mistakes, and no one acts or says shit like this unless someone is like “okay your goal today is to dissuade him from taking a trip outside the county, keep him here.” I’m not looking to play spy killer or anything, I just want this to end and I think if I knew why it was even happening, I could make it clear to whoever is calling the shots that they should stop. If it’s because of political beliefs, let me know and I’ll cease them or bare minimum lock them in a vault or just plain leave the country in peace. If I’m needed for some task, let me know and if I can be of assistance I’ll help if I can. If I pissed someone off, let me know and I’ll apologize. I just want it to stop.
same here
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I use the term "intelligence field agent" instead of gangstalker but yes I had one posing as an air-conditioning technician who quoted some things I posted online. He also said "you'll never get away with it" and "its only because you have capital you can do this." He just looked confused and angry when I didnt take the bait or panic.
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You're a 4chud user
Simple as
Try this to get rid of electronic harassment symptoms and relocate.
Welcome to the sekrit klub. They don't want potential schizo freakout shooter murderers(or so they think, you can't change their minds) off the plantation but you can escape for the most part and live a normal life if you play your cards right
At least, according to LookoutfaCharlie
I plan to detox and either leave the country or go completely off grid
Stuff is coming in through the power lines
good morning saaar
More street theatre in Lidl Bilston today.

Couldn't tell if it was a man or woman, dressed in a black tracksuit and wearing a black cap standing behind me huffing and puffing and trying to mimic me.
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A full on miget pretending to be a child drove past him and he said you don't know the zeal kingdom.

Was literally about a thread last night, this anon who discounted zealandia being the crono trigger reference in rl.

It's some tard care racket. TIs are on the tard list. Gang-stalkers are the tard wranglers. Somehow there is money in this for them.
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Reminder glowies are the real criminal.

Umpa lumpa
they're so dumb bros
why can't I have intellectuals such as thyself watching me
this sucks
yeah I'm so dumb that I was contacted by entities in the night sky
yeah ok
of course you don't believe
that was before you were all watching me
but ok
whatever floats your boat lil guy
no more magic tricks or spirtual events till the surveillance stops
that's a promise jack
do not put your lord your god to the test
have fun watching me eat smoke and jerk off though
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A lot of what they do is victim blaming
These involuntary reactions are MY fault...right.
Why would meth use make you a target? If you use meth your life is in shambles and you have no value as a target.
yeah the high school kiddies walk by and taunt me for not knowing how they're spying on me
it's 100% victim blaming
I'm sure they'll be rewarded by God for their good deeds lmfao /sarcasm
So how much longer do I need to have these pathetic retards in my head

they've done absolutely nothing positive for my life
matter of fact they've made it worse

ghetto ass Canadian doctors and feds Jesus

I had low expectations but wow, they really hit the bottom
It's an AI. No human could do what it does. Try the potassium iodide. Try the lime sulphur dip. Also increase your resilience, willpower, positive energy and clarity. You will win.
Social media has done a great disservice to what was once known as humanity
Voice to skull tech but why
And they're having me think it's neighbors doing it, and the neighbors are going along with it are they retarded
What did I ever do to these fuckers
Someone wants to know about my 88 digit keyword codes.
No, I definitely didn’t make that shit up and rip it off from some movie.

Some are intentionally false sends, some are not. Maybe you can decipher this as an I/O, maybe you can’t.

Maybe you can fool me with false information intake for confirmation.

Maybe you can’t, and I pay more attention than you think, in my own private life.

Don't really know the "why" but it nothing to do with anything you did or didn't do. We are experiments.


yeah it's gotta be A.I. voices or the absolute dumbest of the dumb talking shit

same 10 insults/taunts recycled all day and night for years

and I thought I was crazy
I wont know exactly why but what I do know is, we TI’s are basicly a living insult to them. We are everything they couldnt be and now they are all mad.
BIG MAAAAAD! Hahahaha losers I cant hear it in their voices but they just have to be mad, even if you would love to do this to someone you couldnt do it that much as they are. Haaaaa Haaaaa!!
they boast about the fact that they watch me in the washroom and my bedroom
I don't think that's normal
I had one commenting the way i was rubbing my dick, faggots
Yes. MKULTRA Trannies.
Do they still insult you though? Mine pretty much stopped the insults once I figured out it's a glownigger ai. It's hard to ridicule a pleb for their little past bad deeds when on the other end you have glowniggers operating a supercomputer reading the entire countries mind and endlessly harassing a select few of them. My v2k is almost entirely retarded shit. What's not completely retarded is ww2 era psychological abuse bullshit. Dangling a carrot on a stick type things to provide a sense of false hope.
Your neighbors aren't involved it's entirely glowniggers. They simulate other people harassing you hoping you'll lose your shit. It's probably the most fucked up thing about the entire program. They just put innocent people right in the crossfire of this bullshit. And they have to do it because to gangstalk someone about their dark secrets they have to impersonate people spying on you. If they just come out and let you know they're reading your mind their tactics are ineffective. You won't give a shit what they say because what their doing is 100x worse than whatever you did. It's pretty much what happened to me. I'm not crazy, wtf is this, learn about TI's and v2k, ok this is probably what it is, proceed to lay in bed in terror for a year as they really let me know it's technology.
I am currently being gangstalked.
This is my channel, I will update regularly.
Be aware some people are actually doing this to you, its not always all v2k, your not crazy
One suggestion: get your hands on a coloring book of the human brain. Learn the areas. When you hear/feel the H2O, try to localize the region. Then instruct your brain to block/reverse/inactivate what is being done to that region, the instruction should be concise like computer code. Think of the coloring book to help visualize.
I've subbed, haven't watch your vid fully but I'll watch it later. Don't let the threats of them harming you get to you, it's all psychological. Although I'm pretty sure they do stuff to me while I'm asleep too.
Try not to create feelings based on what they are saying to you, it is (almost) all a bluff. Its not worth it listening to what they are saying. What I did was just blast some loud music all day? Yep all day. If you like rap your already winning. There are djs out there broadcasting rap music about this shit 24/7. They make clean whats going on and torture them back. The radio stations get attack so they are offline every now and then. Helmedia, tttradio, if offline go to soundcloud or what ever.
Those djs know exactly what is going on and will create feelings for you to be save in for a while. They are turning the tables on these fuckers, bullying them, humiliate them and show everybody listening what is going on in your life. If your are being stalked and your nieghbours are good with you, wich I doubt, tell them whats going on in the streets around your house. Do not be scared to talk about this with people, thats what the want. They want you to go alone fully crazy. I let everyone beside some people who probably cant have this thing in their life, know whats happening. Stay focused on whats real and dont freak out. Youll make it anon, youll come out a beast and you will realise this teached you alot.
Also know that they will (probably) not do enything you can get proof with. Suchs as stealing/braking stuff that matters, because then the police would bebable to create a profile that reveals tour actually getting stalked. So dont worrie too much, they are all a bunch of fucking pussies, dont forget that, they are ALL pussies.
Oh yeah and I should end with this; ALL GANGSTALKERS SHOULD OFF THEM SELFS AND THEIR PARENTs. Clowns ass fuck boys
Crazy determining who is a gangstalker and who is just a gossiping sissy who knows about my electronic harassment nervous excitation symptoms
>There are djs out there broadcasting rap music about this shit 24/7
Links? I was going to put this >>39043146 on repeat but I think the rap might be worse for them. I'vv probably do both.
I have looks and know the truth, faggot. hehe
I don't know if these gangstalking programs follow the same timeline but if they do you both need to prepare yourselves. "Listen to loud shit to annoy my tormentors" shortly preceded the worst 6 or so months of my targeting. Music isn't going to do much, you can't annoy a computer and that's what is latched onto you. Even if glowies were listening to what your hearing the tech is advanced, they could probably just filter it out. I started listening to a very high pitched frequency screaming and glowies started heavily fucking with my eyes to the point I had to turn it off. Looking back it was probably because they were trying to stop the shit from damaging my hearing because knowing what I know now I sure as fuck know it wasn't annoying them. Later they will try to get you to believe you can annoy it with thoughts, or telepathy but nothing you think or say is going to do anything because again, it's a computer. It is kind of fun to play around with though, but oh I am so sick of "hearing" it.
> no longer worth my time to post here
>posts here
Why they do the fake voice to skull shit so hard first thing in the morning I guess is to set you in a bad mood for the rest of the day or something
Because your brain is still waking up and your concentration levels are low making you more susceptible.
>he's so weird

Well I didn't get you all reading my mind and spying on me by being normal now did I

dumb cunts
>Hahaha he did thing because we made him do thin
>hahahaha we keep playing silly little games with him where all his interactions and fake and he reacts angrily towards it

Wow, how amazing. That confirms I'm a normal human being and you are just stupid childish pricks then.

Going out side for a smoke now, come do it to my face.
preach brother
but don't do anything dumb to the retards
that's exactly what they want
Thank you.
I am trying to limit my responses to them.
I aim to make myself so boring to them that they won't be interested in stalking me anymore.

Thanks, I appreciate the advice.
I will do my best to ignore them.
>I aim to make myself so boring to them that they won't be interested in stalking me anymore.
Don't do that, this is the mistake I made. Just keep continuing to things as you normally would.

It is all psychological, they want this reaction from you. They do it to isolate you and stop you from doing things. Believe me, I know it is hard, but just keep living life as normal and don't stop doing things because of the games they play. That is what it is to them, a game. Don't play it, everything they do is psychological and aimed at breaking you to the point you become an empty shell.

Keep making videos documenting everything they do to you, post about it on facebook and mention names places and times.

Post about everything they do to you on here. If you notice people following you or saying something to you in the street stare at them or look at them to let them know you know who they are and what they are doing.
Do they still harass you now?
How do I stop these scumbags?
Anon is a lonely sexual degenerate trying to manifest 24/7 exhibitionism
They have been doing it to me for many years. I just live with it knowing they are nothing but pathetic little criminal scum who act like childish primary school bullies.
They are most likely sitting there right now reading this giggling like little school girls thinking they are being epic trolls and that they are somehow superior to me.

If only they took a step back and evaluated how pathetic they are instead of deluding themselves into thinking that by being in a group of god knows how many and targeting a single person makes them superior.
The state cant overtly oppress people anymore, because another nation can call it out and undermine the state's reputation internationally

This is an unseen method of diminishing dissent, potential dissent, and sometimes just for practice on innocent people who are easy to rationalize as useless anyway (the lonesome, the addicted, moral flaws).

The bulk of the foot soldiers of this sort of campaign are low-tier workers. Administrators, mechanics, housekeepers, tradesmen, neighborhood watch, nurses, intake at hospitals and jails, etc.
They can cause issues with your utilities, internet, appliances, cars, schedules, flights, and spread rumors in the community.

These people can find out which parks you frequent for nice walks, and walk by you whispering things to fuck with you or get you to act erratic. They can do very animated hand signals, or speak in double symbols that confuse the point. That accounts for the overdiagnosis of schizophrenia.

The ways out are getting you jailed, convicted, or hospitalized for mental breakdowns so you are discredited going forward. If you resist one of these paths, then you will be financially cut out.

The simplest and safest way to get them to stop, is to get a diagnosis and then use mental health laws for protection. Once you are targeted, you will not be able to avoid some sort of damage. This is the least detrimental to your life, because the stigma can fade over time.

They never will do any large damage to your property, or steal large items because one direct weakness is suing for financial damages (how the courts work).

These people are very low-tier people who hate themselves, their lives, and are controlled through kompromat.

Higher-up the chain, the same model applies. Judges, police, etc. who get themselves compromised, often through blackmail a la epstein.

This is an unseen prison matrix, but it is not all people around you. Live amongst people who can vouch for your character.

Stay healthy, niggas

Glowniggers got another 5 people brutally murdered with an axe. “Meth was making me think things were happening that weren’t”. This dude has no clue he’s a TI, I would love to hear the entire story.
You’re way off base. Once it goes on for years and it’s the same voice or two you realize nobody could say this shit all day, and that it’s an AI. Nobody is whispering shit at you. It’s all v2k. V2k isn’t just voices you think are in your head, they use it at first to simulate if people are talking or whispering about you. Lashing out at those innocent people is exactly how you go to jail or end up looking like a fool.
The glowie tutor on my fake IT course makes me laugh. Such a pathetic little creature hiding behind his computer, for some reason he is pretending to be in Spain. He thinks I actually believe he is in Spain.

They amount pathetic childish shit he does just makes me laugh.

Come on big man, come and stand in front of me and do it to my face.
>The state cant overtly oppress people anymore, because another nation can call it out

Check with the Palestinians about that...

Or all the MAGA tards doing prison time for a protest
> v2k voice is essentially my therapist/motivational speaker
> Has put everything in my life into perspective
> Believes in my ability to reach my potential
> Urges me to brush off coincidences and not to drive myself crazy thinking about them

I guess I am the nobody & the elites want me to aid them in creating Roko's Basilisk.
Retard. It's a one world government under a new world order
Did not fucking read
We unironically need a great reset where all debts are wiped clean and we are given a new currency backed by silver and gold.
>knows about mind control tech
>still bluepilled about the reset
Humanity is finished thanks to abusing machines
Guns and violence are primitive compared to what we TIs face. I honestly don't feel human, something else entirely now.
I am from europe. I was in a plane taking off from singapore. Had 1 glow nigger behind me. He been a sleep for 5 hours. When he woke up he was annoying af, when I said something about it some other glownigger in the back responded. When we all had to enter the country with pasport etc, they werent there. There was a little kid talking about what happend tho. They never entered the country. Pavgr
All stalkers should really off them selfs, come on you can do it kanker hond.
They sound like satanic retards spamming the same shit
And no I'm not talking about the AI. I'm talking about the people at the gas station across the street that the AI is trying to mimic
Fuck m, watch some comedy
Bros, I think they are here.
File: 1728885602318935m.jpg (65 KB, 1024x748)
65 KB
The banana destroyed YLYL on /b/ and TikTok destroyed YLYL on /gif/
Comedy is finished.

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