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When a girl gets an abortion, she has the residual energy of the spirit of the fetus, haunting her uterus, she now has a haunted vagina!

And now, these girls that get chosen by Alien Grays to become bearers of star-seeds are aborting alien hybrid babies! The star-seeds are being aborted!
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>she now has a haunted vagina!
She looks built for BGC!
This shit is unlistenable to, holy fuck, buy an ad.
Then GhostPolitics from The Ghost Show is unlistenable to also.
Does this apply to miscarriages as well?
When Cain killed Able, He says, Ables blood still crys out from the ground to this day. So if you got the location of Able's murder, and did a SP7 Spirit Box or digital recording, you could hear Able in an EVP crying from the ground to this day if you found the location.
After CelticBrony did Troll War 3, Ghost was only realevent from 2010 to 2013 then a little 2016 with Trump now he's nothing but a big ass fagget.
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>When a girl gets an abortion, she has the residual energy of the spirit of the fetus, haunting her uterus, she now has a haunted vagina!
Shintaro Kano wrote a story about this called Fetus Collection.
They can be used as decoration.
I'll check it out.
Don't listen to them OP I thought the xvideos were funny to listen to.
Do the aliems prob buho?
>haunted vagina
so a spoossy?
>star-seeds are aborting alien hybrid babies! The star-seeds are being aborted!
The start seed are coming from one night stand with so black guy?
Op just has ab alien fetish

Or he's a fed bot (hence the ai post and copy pasta in op)

He wants to infect readers subconscious with his alien NTR stories

Don't let him.

Humans dominate the ayys.
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True wizards who have scrolled by this thread 40 times in the last day have read it as “boybortion” every single time.
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I tried to give it a second chance cuz of ur trips but holy hell, maybe film something or get a less repellant image on the screen for the whole show, maybe even a slide show.

Why are you making noises with your mouth for half the show? Every time I skip foreword you’re literally going “pthhhbbtbtbtb” “lalalala” “*click click click*”
This is what autistic 3rd graders do.

I will subscribe however, as I believe OP has his heart in the right place
>I will subscribe however, as I believe OP has his heart in the right place
>I will subscribe however,
MY SIDES! LOOOL! I'll subscribe too.
Doesn't he sound just like ghostpolitics from true capitalist radio?
What is he Ghost's son all of a sudden?
I'll admit he does a better Engineer and *cans.wav* is HQ.
thats scary.. and he would kill the boyfriend because its like his house and hes an intruder
My boyfriend's back and ur gunna be in trouble1
Probably single mothers
And when I yank my crank, I splooge billions of little ghosts into my sock. Haunted sockssss, just in time for spooky seasonsss
This is so stupid. Greys (yes with an 'e', fucktard) are alien AI. Not some super seed from outer space that gets you pregnant, are you a cumdumpster by any chance or just a huge faggot as usual OP
OP = the same guy making the vids (also, the only soul who finds them funny)
He is

Ge keeps spamming these threads, he has a space cuck fetish
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>(also, the only soul who finds them funny)
Yeah, ur right... I'm a nobody, a loser.
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What a whore 9 abortions wow
no she just had nonuplets and it was to save her life

clearly someone didnt watch the movie
I don't watch many movies. They're just not appealing to me?
Yeah just fuck off and stop.making copypasta threads
You rude 4chan fuckers have no place in me, therefore I'll keep reposting my stuff and not care about those who hate me, for they are nothing to me anyway and the hate just bumps the bread to bake faggot good job not sageing
>she now has a haunted vagina!
I believe tiktok zoomers consider this appropriate for the occasion this month.
Autistics VS Schizophrenics.
dont worry it was a bad movie you didnt miss much

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