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Welcome to Divination General!
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>Useful tips before posting:
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Previous thread:
What's up /div/ long time no see.

AQ general reading please
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When will things actually get better? Or is there something I can do about it? This is a heartfelt question... my knees, my ankle, no perspective for the future, now this customs problem, and the general weakness and sickness over these last months
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Will K talk to me for almost entire days like we used to in a near future? Is my relationship with them going to improve? And most importantly, will I have a happy outcome in regard to our relationship? Either I will or not, will it be soon?
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Seriously, how do I get out of my way? How do I break free from my self created mind prison?
And most importantly, what should I do to find love and purpose in life?
Hey /div/, did a 3 card reading asking about whether I should keep trying to find work in my chosen career. I think I understood it but wondered if I could get a second look or perhaps alternate interpretations to the spread.

Past: Reversed two of cups
Present: Upright knight of cups
Future: Upright knight of wands

The past card seems to be easy, I struggled with previous jobs in this career partly due to disagreements with coworkers. But the other two seem to be less clear. They seem favorable to my query, and I think they imply I should keep trying, but I wonder if the Knight of cups indicates I'm being too rash about my decision to pull out or keep trying, or if the Knight of wands indicates a push toward a different direction instead of success with effort. I'm unaware of any significant men in my life that symbolize either of the knights.

An anon in a different thread gave their instinct that things weren't going to work out in the field, but I figured I'd give it one last push with a different approach before throwing in the towel.
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Is he talking to that slut again? I know she wants to talk to him. Is that why he's suddenly withdrawing his affection again and acting shitty
Is L romantically involved with some other man? Is she still with A? Is she keeping it a secret because of fear?
I got a professional astrology reading a few months back. Have gone back and re-listened to the recording a couple times.
I got a tarot reading at a major festival a few months later.
From what I can gather, they seem to agree with one another. At the very least, they don't disagree or contradict one another.
I had a fucking wild relationship experience over the winter. Very synchronistic, in that it was perfectly crafted to fuck with me. I learned a lot from it and learned to let go of a lot of self doubt and feelings of undeservedness. Replaced a lot with self-love and awareness.
The astrology reading said my 34th year (solar return) would quite likely result in me meeting someone. I did a lot of work and put a lot of intention behind recognizing my Chironic wound from my chart, which was apparently holding me back from finding a truly happy relationship. Makes sense. I did some reading into Jung and a lot of it lined up with my relationship with my mom.

Anyway, the tarot reading was interesting. It said, basically, that I had put up a lot of boundaries. Well, not incorrect. Childhood was rough. I feel blessed to have come out of it halfway ok. It also said that I was learning to take those boundaries down. I had the death card - well I had recently gone through a kind of death/rebirth, changing how I see divinity and how things come in and out of my life.

tl;dr is that these two readings don't contradict, but seem to compliment each other, good evidence that they are accurate?
AQ willing to do a trade... (Not seeing that it posted)

It's an attraction/love reading.

Male. N. O for initials. 26 (almost). Water Tiger/Scorpio...

Female. A.M for initials. 35, Earth Snake/Taurus.
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it feels like itll never happen
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Reading for a bit.
Initials genders and a pic of a scary-cute anime girl, blood optional.
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Will he A regret hurting me? P (F)
Context we broke up :(
If you would oblige?
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Now that she’s in the States… Could we finally end up linking up and have fun?
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Sorry to hear that.
>Strength - Justice - Four of Cups
He'll feel right back at him the pain he's due. You, however, should also find the inner-strength to move on and leave him behind, assured he'll get his karma, but not let his presence fester in your mind for disillusionment.
That's the impression I feel.
MM (male)
PP (female)

J, male
In my Journey to have a life that fullfill my desire of power and control of my own reality, should i get to the shifting path or the occultisim path?
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How will the rest of my year go?
E, male
Will i get better at graffiti in the future? Will i be able to get this knowldege of the streets as lame as it sounds
the knights are you. knights of cups i would think is optimistic but can be caught up in your doubt. knights of wands you gain a new drive to work in your field.
R, Male
What do I need to know right now?
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Nice dubs.
What attraction exists between A.M and N.O?
>Queen of Cups - Knight of Pentacles - Page of Cups
"If you want it, you must go after it." - Queen of Cups.
Seems like a relationship that will not blossom out of idle happenstance. The Page of Cups indicates the possibility for falling in love, if it would let itself be nurtured. The Queen of Cups is well-guarded and well-lived, and the Knight of Pentacles will only claim her if he puts the practical effort in. She wouldn't settle for any less.

> Judgement - Eight of Pentacles - The High Priestess
A lot of gears turning this card draw.
If you build it, she will come. Make you and your home presentable and shoot your shot. You'll more often than not get something fun out of it.
>is that these two readings don't contradict, but seem to compliment each other, good evidence that they are accurate?
no. not that they couldn't be accurate but two people can get it wrong. obviously if you feel they are accurate than they are most likely accurate. also consider because they are accurate doesn't mean they got it all correct.
> Make you and your home presentable and shoot your shot.

Well she lives in Atlanta currently, and probably won’t come to my sorry ass little town halfway across the country anytime soon.

But I’ve got a real estate plug down; there so I could get a nice rental property if I wanted to take a trip.

Glad to know things look good though. Thanks Usior.
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I would have thought shifting would fall into occultism.

> Ace of Cups - Nine of Swords.
A potent cocktail of emotional and creative realization, tainted by emotional baggage and trauma.

> The Chariot - Ace of Pentacles
The card of control over your own life and the card of prime opportunity for prosperity.

I know which path I would pick.

Custom spread go!

> Three of Swords - Four of Wands
Expect an economical upset, unseen costs, perhaps even health issues, but with time and company to heal and rebuilt the progress lopst.

> Seven of Pentacles - The Hierophant
A period of learning and reflection. If we pair it up with the material setbacks, the time to heal could be turned into a journey of spiritual respite. Perhaps you'll learn more about yourself in these trying times.

> The Sun - The Moon
Oooh, that's a fun pull. Don't think this ever happened before.
I interpret it as fulfillment. Shadow-self and self-acceptance. The moments of doubt will accrue to a clearer understanding of the path you'll take head-on. More often than not, you'll feel complete by the end of the year.

A Warning:
> Death - Five of Wands
With the journey's end on the horizon, prepare to leave a part of you behind. When you're most emotionally vulnerable, avoid being dragged into fights that will leave you for the worst. There is an opportunity for conflict and one for respite, you're best leaving conflict behind.
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Getting better at art is not lame at all!
> Nine of Swords - Strength - Nine of Pentacles
Find inner strength and forsake doubt. There is a future where you're proud of what you've accomplished, but you'll need to drop any insecurities and worries about it and just do what you love. Eventually, you'll forget how you even lived before being good at it.

> Ace of Swords - Three of Wands - Ace of Cups
Two Aces and the card of manifesting, you're on the precipice of realizing something truly great. The amounting efforts are about to pay-off, and if you feel that pull of indulgence or are presented an opportunity to better yourself, take it before it leaves you.
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Will I (C/male) be happy with my life in the near future?
Thanks a lot, for the kind words too :))
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Closing shop on this one.

>Wheel of Fortune - The Devil - The Tower.
Something big is about to happen for sure. I'd say cash-out before the crash-out.
Your near future may look hectic, but there will be ways to ride the pleasure and indulge in yourself all amid the chaos. You can be happy in the near future, just don't overindulge so much you won't find steady ground to land on.
Wheel of Fortune is a great card for a query like this. If you play it safe, I think you have fun times ahead of you, anon!

Very nice pic too, by the way.
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Cash-out before the crash-out... Can you tell me more about the nature of this big thing? Is it romantic or something else?
Not asking more for free, here you got another pic champ
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Unfortunately, the cards seem adamant in leaving you blindsided.
>Eight of Swords - Five of Swords - The Hierophant.
Swords are the suit of action, but in queries like this can become complicated to decipher. Using the Hierophant as a point of reference, I can somewhat scry another picture.
Eight of Swords, a conflict or problem you're currently blind to. The Tower and the Five of Swords, a misunderstanding or ideological clash leading to a downfall, like business partners going under or a couple breaking-up. I have reason to believe you're not actually either of the participants in this spite match, but a close third party. The Devil and the Wheel of Fortune is your right to indulge in the spoils of the crash-out, there will be scrap and pieces left on the aftermath that could be valuable in your hands, should you choose to acquire them.
The picture of the Hierophant with his two children makes me picture an important family member passing on and leaving inheritance for siblings to fight over. Perhaps you'll find yourself in a similar power vacuum soon.
I didn't get anything romantical of the cards drawn, though. I hope that's at least a little bit more enlightening.
Would MM be dtf despite the nature of our relationship?
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how am i perceived by the people in my life?
mv male
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Thank you, I can think of a few things but at the same time I'm not even sure.
Take a final one for the gesture.
Thank you! I'm concerned a Knight of wands in the future spot means that drive will go away but I'm also optimistic it might mean something straightforward like moving. Thanks again.

I'd love to get a reading on my love life. I've been spending time with this woman and we get along swimmingly, like we could go on for hours and hours and she's so supportive and understanding in a way few are, but I can't tell if she likes me *that way*.

>TL;DR *does my crush like me?*
How does he feel about me and do my friends and family approve?
What would my Digimon partner be?
Query? You still here?
Can someone pls help me interpert
I asked what would happen after death
i shuffled this
Am i going to hell??/
Nen that gets stronger after death…
shuffled...what? Do you have a youtube playlist you try to use to divine shit? that's insane, but also intriguing.
Yes i used a playlist and press shuffle a few times while concentrating on my q
Lol I asked the same to my music
I shuffled again for the same q

More devil themes Ohhh god
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Wtf the reaper was there to
Does g have my picture still?
what was aquarius's response to seeing my message?
Mmmm she the devil
Bad litle bitch she a rebel
From the music i shuffled it does look Like it gonna be very enjoyable.. Manic even
I just sent an email to my aquarious friend...
anyone doing readings?
4ow the sun pop
They will be very very happy. It looks like they want to invest in or build something with you.
Yes they still have it but its either kept someplace hidden away from view or its in some random folder of some computer file or inside of a book like a diary or some old book. Its backwards and facing down as if the person kept it away from being viewed or found easily.
Are things going to turn around for me before the new year?
Thats so funny a random tiktoker said something similar... we broke up. Ty
Outcome of going to uni again?
if I were you i'd shuffle on a 'my mix'. it's actuallyrelated to the things you input into it without actively curating the kind of answers you can get. IE you're actualy probing a complex system instead of creating your own set of limited answers.

also you have shit music taste
Will I see my friend b before I leave?
Are you motorcycle anon?
I used tarot now
>death, queen of swords, 9 of cups
im suprise there no devil card XD
>9 of pents rev
>knight of wands
Yeah, you likely will but only for a short while. If you won't see eachother for a long while after you leave you two should go to town and go apeshit. To have fun, build memories and crap like that
8os 6os devil tower
It's going to be really hard for you if you do.. are you having money troubles or difficulties with a spouse? I think you may be tempted to cheat. This is kind of weird to come up for this query let me know if this resonates
>IX of Disks Rev, Princess of Swords, Princess of Cups
Not exactly what you expect, there still seem to be a lot of things blocking your path, probably some mistakes from the past.
But a good surprise awaits you by the end of the year, it seems to me something related to something you've been wanting to do for some time.
Non of these things. I'm planning to go in someone's name. Undercover if you will
what will happen to me after i die
I think you will be found out...
Be very careful with who you tell about this. I'm so curious now... why are you going to uni for someone else?
For money really...
Can we trade? Will I be found out and what consequences will I suffer if I do?
If you consider this to be 2 Qs then match me if u want
This is too serious a query for me, I personally don't think it's a good idea though.
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I’m not answering death questions
No occult
what if i dont have a question and i just want to hear some general advice?
Depends of what specifically you want to know about
Sun signs and initials
Should i try again with her or end it here? Romantic question
I'm leo male
She female aries
Could I ask for this?>>39006841
Taurus, D
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Trying shufflemancy lol feel free to ignore it
This was playing as you asked that
Devil Sun Lovers
You could and it would work out in the long term. It would require you to appeal to their *ahem* base desires. They want romance and all the sinful things people do in the night, make them feel desired and they will be yours.
You plugged in 3 questions
Have a song
Stop being vague
Thanks anon
virgo f
why does M like her
Should I try to be famous?
All involved what are his signs and the initials, if you are going to be messy I’m going to need details
Initials and sun sign
How will it go next time I see E?
Why does M(male sagitarius) Like R(fem aries)
E is scorpio, I'm also an E and Capricorn
(; Be well
can i ask pls
why does m like r
Make sense
Would u be down to trade? I need someone good to help me with advice in my situation
ace of cups
two of cups
five of swords
eight of swords
four of pentacles
three of cups
I could be oversimplifying this dynamic, but both people in this situation genuinely believe they are in love. At the core of it all, he’s not giving her enough, and she’s taking the self-victim route. They like what they show each other. The “connection” being the 5 of Swords is ironic because, despite their genuine attraction, they end up hurting each other at the drop of a hat. Sure, they understand each other as friends and have fun, but is that enough?
He likes her because she gives and he can take once she stops putting him on a pedestal the tower will crumble for her and he will scramble to find a new fix
my next three months? right now it kinda sucks, please god make it better
I don't have anything to ask today, send me your query and I'll do it.
V gemini
King of wands
You could try and you’d win IF you don’t get distracted

The song fits lol
I posted this Q in thread previously but received no satisfying answers.
If I go to uni in someone else's name will I be found out and will I go to jail/have a record if I do?
Would it be okay to also ask you a q?
is it over with my ex guy?
>IV of Cups, King of Cups, VIII of Wands
It was done without much thought, almost intuitively. A mixture of feeling compassion for this person and the desire to kill their own apathy.
If this the same anon it fits
> she’s homeless
Empress (month one)
Hierophant (month two)
Tower (month three)
Yeah… stick to your guns and learn the necessary lessons of month 2 save your money and plan carefully or you will have a tower moment.
Charli xcx is amazing
Thank you!
A little bit more out there than charlie but you might like cobrah

>Devil, Ace of Disks, X of Disks
It's impossible to be more direct than that.
Don't do this shit, it'll destroy your life.

>VII of Wands, II of Cups, VII of Disks, Hermit Rev, Priestess Rev, II of Disks, Queen of Swords Rev
I don't like to say that because it can end up creating false hopes and I know how cruel that can be for our minds.
But it seems to me that no, there is still love, there is a sense of loneliness, of mental confusion and a certain cruelty. Of wanting to hurt the other person because of something that was done before.
But there is love and the will to make it work.
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Anyone wanna do muah?

M 28 Scorpio INFJ 6W5

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No more reads
what the lessons of the month 2?
> there is a sense of loneliness, of mental confusion and a certain cruelty. Of wanting to hurt the other person because of something that was done before.

You are THE most accurate neo reader
I’m guessing nobody wants to read my future?


Back to necromancy…
Thank you, can I ask how will the person react should I refuse to go along with this plan?
What exactly do you want to know

<3 tysm for the feedback
is it december?
If my time to shine is now or if I have to wait for something and what is that something???
>V of Cups, Devil (Yes, again), Queen of Cups
Disappointed, but this person seems to be just trying to hurt you and use you in some way.
It's better for you to walk away and do the right thing, don't try to focus too much on the emotional side.
>Death Rev, III of Wands, IV of Swords
It may be now, in fact it seems to be now, but you are limiting yourself or blocking yourself in some way. Perhaps insecurity, you seem to be recovering emotionally/spiritually from something and you may feel you're not ready.
Will he be changed next time I see him?
Thanks. My information is now yours and in the ether to start healing my insecurities and voids of personality
Funny how it's my own damn mother who came up and wants me to through with this plan.
Thank you, you're the best around
Holy fuck. What a shitty situation anon.

The path is all yours anon, I can't walk it for you, at most I can light the way.
Anon will I be happy soon?
Can i ask what will happen to me after i die?
>Queen of Wands, Knight of Disks, IX of Disks
Yes, you will finally reap the rewards of what you have worked so hard to achieve.

I don't do that kind of reading anon, unfortunately death is something I'm still studying to try to understand in all its magnitude.
For now it's something I can't see.
looking for divine guidance.
If you are doing readings
>Justice, Magician, VI of Wands
Most likely, it will just depend on his own desire to change.
What does H think of T?
>Ace of Cups Rev, III of Disks, III of Cups
Friendship. This person seems to have lost the timing for any romantic involvement. Or never had a chance.

The true king of div
Should i go watch that today?
Would those two get along?
If you're still around. Do cards have any advice for me to deal with her? I'm ready to reject her idiotic selfish plan but in the long run I have no leverage against her.
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The guy in My NDE eperience
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To pray to my deity reads are open
Please clarify gender
Consent of using your energy
A secret

The bigger the secret the longer the read
i consent
David icke is actually a reptilian himself!! Divined and All

Will i get my wish?

>Knight of Wands, Justice, IV of Disks
If they want to, yes, but at the moment it seems that their wills are in conflict.

>VIII of Cups, Lovers Rev, VI of Swords Rev
I don't think you should, there's something you need to sort out first.

Just be honest with her about how you feel about doing it and the risks it could have for your future. If she doesn't accept it, that's her problem, not yours.
Not your secret your circus or your monkeys
> chariot kop judgement
Possibly, have you worked hard enough?
If you have it’s yours if you haven’t wave goodbye to it
How many men are attracted to me right now
> T. I understand using this for self esteem issues is frowned upon I’m just curious
>using your energy
For what?
How do I get out of the situation I found myself in?
Use my energy
I secretly despise people despite my friendly demeanour
Toll price
>10oS 2oC Jud Pope 7oS
There’s no way out but through the classic bootstraps and hard work approach. It’s not going to be easy. People think the Two of Cups is a good omen, but with things like this, we must pay attention to the mountain behind it all — it’s a climb.
You can use my energy
I like being physically injured
What kind of man will I marry if I get married in this lifetime.
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> 3oS 9oS KoP World KoS 2oP
Ah, you sweet summer child. You just got out of a bad relationship and will continue the cycle by jumping into another with a cold man, when you could have a giving, caring man who adores you. I can’t relate because I’m the complete opposite of you. Maybe focus on finding the right husband, not just wanting to be chosen. You have two choices: a generous, caring man or the cold Knight of Swords. Make sure he makes you cry for the right reasons, not the wrong ones.

Reads closed
Thank you
>Princess of Disks, II of Wands, II of Cups Rev
There are a few interested, but none romantically, just sex.
Glad I’m still celibate then, thanks!
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Hi TH, do you mind doing this one?
Ah hell nah
I'm going for the caring one all day everyday
Feel free to ignore this question but what do you get out of the pain? I like hurting my partners and it’s always interesting to hear the perspective of the other side.
I’m also a woman

>Priestess, VI of Swords, Fool, Queen of Disks, Universe, King of Disks
You're still in the process of letting go of something that has caused you a lot of pain. This pain and this feeling that you can't leave it behind seems to be holding you back. It creates a bitter feeling of failure and insecurity.
You have a new beginning ahead of you, a new beginning full of good things, of material and emotional security.
You just need to find your harmony, your head seems to be full of things that don't add anything and don't make you evolve.
A really positive reading about your future. Just find your peace and calm, leave the past behind, it doesn't have to weigh so heavily on your life.
thank you
Hey THNTZ, wanna trade?
I don't know really, it's weird for sure like It was super brutal but even when I broke some bones it was a little enjoyable, not at first but afterwards. I also kind of enjoy like surgeries and dentist visits. I'm going to have to look into it.
What does this person think of me?
Ok, can you give me an initial of that person please?

Mine is the same, what does E think of me?
Quick google search
It's probably the endorphins the body releases afterwards. Like a runners high
When I was a wee lad i touched my sister tiddies when she was sleeping
How should I proceed with my (ex)gf? Try to mend things or be done with it and each other to go their own way?
>Ok, can you give me an initial of that person please?

>X of Cups, VI of Disks, Wheel, Knight of Cups, VI of Swords, Devil, Death Rev
There's a mutual feeling between you, but at the same time this person (or you, I couldn't read this properly, but I feel it's the person) seems to be in a period of a lot of change in their life. It seems to me that someone is stuck in a past relationship and that this may be getting in the way of things developing between you.
There's the feeling, there's the physical attraction (there's a lot of that lol), but there's this ghost of the past hanging over the whole reading.
Redirect your expectations.
Also I have to let it be known I did not cry over the last one. It threw me off for a bit but that's it.
Will I end up sleeping on the streets?
Care to elaborate? In what way?
Why do you despise people?
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Thanks, but I seriously doubt it, haven't talked to her in years and we parted in bad terms

your reading
honestly I think this spread is not good, I'll make you a new read later
this spread screams daddy issues, a huge letdown or trauma by a father figure, someone who left an enduring bad impression in her
does this make sense?
like I said, I'll make a new reading later
>The bigger the secret the longer the read

I (male) secretly made a blood pact with a group of entities to cure me of a deadly illness no one knew about. Consent given.

I need to know a few things: How do I fix the immediate financial situation? Whats the future of my newly-started performance hobby? How should I proceed with my relationship & career?
>so, a general I guess.

I don't know if it made much sense to be honest.

I'll give it another read later, too, if you like
Hey fren, could you help clarify something I asked Mr bones about?
If not is oke
TH, can you tell me what DD thinks of me?
You can take mine, I don't think I have secrets worthy of a reading
Perhaps the biggest one is that I'm terrified of people fully knowing me, because I feel it's easy for others to control me
What does that have to do with expectations?
If you have to know it's cuz I envy their selfishness, dishonesty and ability to treat others like dirt. Theyre bastards and cunts. My entire life i aproach people with a smile, generosity and good intentions. In exchange I always get the opposite treatment. Then when I confront them im the bad guy. I wish i was as selfish and callous as they are
I have to go out now to get my car, but when I come back later I'll do it.
You have to balance it and know everyone is different.
Thanks fren, dunno if to post so you'll have it? Makes sense
Hé said
3 of swords, 6 of swords, 8 of cups, the devil (x)
Seems like he has moved on or trying to do so, what you two had left him a deep and nasty scar, he wants to move and it's getting somewhere, you should do the same
Could I help him fix it? A while ago an anon said he was the blue captain, and that we could try to mend things somewhat, I want to mend him, even tho I'm terrified of him
Feeling very confused lately. Am I doing the right thing right now?
What does RM think of me?
Balance it? Fuck that! No one deserves bad treatment or abuse. I want to be a good person, dependable and virtuous but people are snakes who see that as weakness and are willing to use that. I should damn them all to he'll and to live out in the woods. The more I live the more I understand uncle Ted
If no one does why do they perpetuate cycles.
That'd be stupid.
Most other range of emotions?
Equally as dumb.
Exactly! That's why I should cut everyone off and fuck off somewhere where no one will hurt me or where I won't hurt them. To break the cycle. To separate myself from it
If only
Also, that thought experiment is already running.
What are the results?
Air Query

What would a relationship with V look like?
Alternatively, how do I best navigate/manage a relationship with V?
To all the scry frens out there: any tips on how to improve on it?
You think I won't go through with it?
Goodbye div! Power low
i feeling bad healthwise. is it psychological? there was a time when i used to get fever simply because of stress. is it the same now? it's not fish parasites fucking me up?
What do I need to know?
Am I even going to qualify to take the test?
Reach toward a spirit.

My advice would be for you to reach toward your guardian angel first and foremost, then any demon, angel or saint of your choosing to imprive your natural divination skills.

Now, this is where things start to get complicated because you gotta find what you synch and resonate with, so test and experiment with yourself.

Try the white bowl with water, then the black bowl, then the bowl with a lit candle, then try out during day, then during night. In my opinion the last resort would be the black mirror with candles... but be very careful these have a nasty tendency to pick occult wildlife attention so learn some banishing before going with black mirrors.

Each of us is unique and we vibe different from one another, some of us are min/maxed in some stuff while others are well balanced but not really talented in any specific field which may look ike a jack of all trades for some but those people are the best teachers since they can introduce you to the basics of many things or they could get you to the door, but you're the one who has to choose to walk in and continue on your own path.

After you pick up what you're good at and what you vibe with you're on your own.
Pardon my stupidity, but what exactly would you like to know?

>IX of Cups, Ace of Swords Rev, Queen of Cups, V of Cups, VII of Disks Rev, VII of Swords Rev, IV of Swords
It's obvious to me how much you like this person and want to make it work, but unfortunately this person's feelings for you are confused. They don't seem to know you well enough yet to decide whether they should feel something or not.
Your desire to make it work seems to be a little too much, you're not respecting the space this person needs to develop something with you. There's also the shadow of some disappointment, some action you've taken that may have frightened them or, on a lesser note, something they've been through recently that's made them more defensive.
It seems to me that for the time being it's a lot of effort without getting anything in return, this person is very closed to any relationship. Give them the space and time they need and maybe it will work.

I see.

The person is a friend of mine. I don't necessarily want to have a relationship with her, but I do really want to have sex with her.

Interesting to see how that was reflected in the cards.

Thanks TH.
Your naughty boy. She's probably suspicious of this and is doing everything she can to prevent it from happening because she knows it will hurt her emotionally.
Why would this hurt her emotionally?
Could I please have a reading? What do I most need to know right now? Thank you.
Not your reader but having sex with a loser or a beta does something to females. I really don't even know how it goes but this thing also hit them really hard after they gave you sex and figure you were a bad choice.

Not trying to dizz you or anything but this is the reason why most guys are so focused and centered on eternal improvement and this is why some girls resent so much their exes and they hate them even more if they fare better with their new partner.

Of course self improvement should be done for you and your own sake alone because women never have something or someone "Good enough", but the best "Revenge" agaisnt girls and most specifically inmature girls is to do well in life.
If you're taking queries, could I ask how I should react to all this nonsense?
have my energy
I bit a child's hand in 5th grade when we were in a dog pile trying to get candy that was thrown on the ground. Everybody was lined up and the teacher tried to see who was responsible for the biting but was never able to figure it out.

Query: What if any demon is attached to me and what is the name of said demon. I'm not asking about Gods mostly because I keep trying to connect with a God and some other readers keep insisting it's a demon not a God so if there IS a demon, I want to know what or who it is.
I consent to a reading.
I've experienced homicidal ideation in the past.
Who's the love of my life?
Fair enough. In all honesty I am way below what I would have to be for her to actually want to have sex with me normally. And I feel like I have some resentment towards myself for not being this person who gets girls so easily.

Thanks for keeping it real.
Good morning, dearest friends.
i consent, you can use my energy
i masturbated at a working place

i feeling bad healthwise. is it psychological? there was a time when i used to get fever simply because of stress. is it the same now? it's not fish parasites fucking me up? please be not fish parasites
Good morning!
i just had dinner
rice with vegetables and boneless chicken thighs roasted in air fryer
Who is this Queen of wands/cups that's supposed to help me? She's someone I know/knew apparently but idk what to go off of?
I'm male
Mine is: was that woman I met at A.E into me? What would have happened if I had made a move on her?
King of swords
Speak your truth and do it clearly, if you're not being real and loyal to yourself what's the point? Your higher self feels a little distant from the current you, I feel there is some sort of blockage that isn't helping your roots grow.

Sounds amazing
Six of pentacles
Be kinder to yourself and it will show on the way you treat other people, not that you're a bad person or anything but sometimes our attitude needs a bit of a fix, we do little things that reflect who we are and our actual vibe and your vibe could be better.

Ten of wands
Know when to retreat and when to stop so you can do it gracefully instead of leaving with burdens that don't even belong to you in first place. Stop helping others so they help you back someday because most people won't, not everyone deserves your energy.
Maybe it would make her feel used.

>because women never have something or someone "Good enough",
Ouch, it really resonated with something in my life.

>Ace of Disks, Empress Rev, Queen of Swords, VI of Swords Rev, VI of Wands, Sun
You're very dependent on something or other, you give me the impression that you need a lot of validation from others, as if you only see value in yourself if you're validated by someone else.
You have a clear and objective mind, but it's clouded by these dependency problems, and you also have a lot of unresolved issues.
Remember that changes, problems and defeats are part of life's journey, however bad they may be. You are destined for victory and success, you just need to learn how to rebuild yourself after you've been taken apart.

>II of Disks, III of Swords Rev, IV of Cups
Interesting sequence.
Hmmmm accepting whatever has happened, learning to forgive no matter how difficult it may be and knowing how to deal with things that won't bring you anything positive.

Holy shit I need to say this somewhere, I've subscribed to Apple Music and listening to music in Dolby Atmos is a path of no return. I'm shocked by the difference in some songs.
am i going to be alright? i feel bad!!
Thank you.
What would the best course of action be towards this end?
Would sex with Bh be a bad idea?
why does the small slut hate me?
Forgiveness and indifference.
They may seem like antagonistic feelings, but forgive and get on with your life. Forgiveness doesn't mean wanting someone back in your life, it just means not letting that feeling eat away at you.
Interesting, that's what I'm already doing.
I'll take it as an affirmation.
Thank you.
Was she into you?
>4 of pentacles
What would've happened?
>world, 7 of pentacles, 7 of wands
She wasnt into you sorry. She'd humour you at first but would get put off by your resistance and start getting visibly defensive
Magician Rx 4 of Wands Hierophant Wheel of Fortune Page of Swords
To her you’re the opposite of what she wants out of someone, she seems to value structure and stability and you come off as untrustworthy, she also thinks you’re you mean
Trading lewd
Why the hell are they even fighting and arguing for?

I mean am more interested in getting to know what's C's deal since he's a cuddled turd. I already know D is fed up with the bullshit.

Your Q?
Knight of Wands 8 of Swords King of Wands Death Temperance Devil
It’s someone you know but aren’t in touch with, I’m having trouble figuring it out too and I’m not getting much to go off of, it’s just saying how she’ll eventually come around and help you improve as person through emotional support, I think they’ll be a partner you’ll get to connect with on a really deep level and they’ll act almost like a therapist to you and help you get over some self imposed anxieties and fears but that’s all I’m getting from the spread sorry for being inconclusive
I see, trade again? I’d like to know the outcome of going through with it with them
Any chance of fucking one of the girls from boo(dating app)?
Can we trade again?
I'd like to know where I'd know her from?
Will my next bf being kinky af?
Sure, my Q is what impression was I making at P.R when I visited there?
>queen of swords, 3 of swords, 5 of wands
Either too kinky or very dry. When I say too kinky I think pegging you or just being very cruel to you specificly. She gets off on hurting others. Or maybe it's opposite and she wants to be severely beaten? Queen of swords is usually emotionally numb in bed and needs that intensity to feel anything.
Either or i think she'll be more trouble she's worth and could hurt you or get you into trouble depending on who's doing the punishing here.
10 of wands 2of pents queen of wands
It might take a good amount of work on your part and a lot of wooing but you will get the opportunity to be with one younare really attracted to
What if I'm female?
>page of cups rx, king of wands rx, 4 of wands
You came on too hard or not at all. Like you didn't quite know how to behave? I don't think they think less off you or think you're stupid or malicious since they don't mind and maybe even applicate your presence. You were just off to them on some level
If you're the Queen of swords...I think the same rule applies desu. Now I'm more leaning into the dude being very boring or inexperienced, to an offputting degree. yet there is a chance the guy will be into humiliation, verbally and physically. I can't tell if he's the passive or proactive role here im affraid
Sorry taking so long.
>2 of Wands, Ace of Wands, King of Pents, 5 of Cups
Well, she like you as a person but she feel you look down on her, like you're unreachable for her.

If you're interested in her remember to be just a little above her expextations, don't pretend to be Mr. Perfect as women will either try to unmask you or they'll feel too insecure to even smile at you out of fear.

Have fun and try to lift her up, don't focus so much on showing off or you'll scarw her away.
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What does everyone think about the similarities between the symbol of the God of Israel (Star of david a.k.a Hexagram) and picrel?
Huh interestimg tysm
U there?
If you need initials of places there's
Magician Rx The Fool 4 of Swords
Similar to what the other one thought but they see it in a more positive light, like you’re being naive rather than malicious. I see the beginnings of something that could become a relationship but it’s take time and effort
Same Q
Starting when u are.
I'm male btw
It's called being a ripoff.

The symbol was used by some sumerian gods of thunder and storms.
Your read is here...>>39008543
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so THNTZ I made the new reading

she feels like you used and manipulated her just to get win something, sex?
>2 of cups, 10 of pentacles, temperence
Yes, there very much is someone. They want a relationship, they have serious intentions towards you and see you as partner material. I think you two could be close already, at the very least they're in your daily life, you meet them often. it might take a bit of time for you to get close as there seems to be this hesitation or metaphorical dance between you two. I think you could sus them out desu
>Same Q
as 2020? i knew you would be back, please just one more prophesy
>Starting when u are.
ok I am set to recieve
>I'm male btw
oh nevermind fuck off
Trading demon Q
It's me
Definitely not, it's someone I only have a professional relationship with and I'm depending on for a project
But thanks for trying!
Will I go on any dates soon?
Could really use some guidance here
ok so disregard everything I said
clearly I'm not in a good day to read
thanks for your patient and time
good luck
What going on - on this fine afternoon?
Don't worry, there are days when the cards just don't flow, there are days when even things you don't want to know come out. That's part of it

Have a great day!
TH, I was the one who asked you about that friend of mine I wanted to have sex with. I am seeking divine guidance. Any reading would be appreciated.
I'm here without you, baby
But you're still ON MY LONELY MIND!
Now I've stopped reading for a while, maybe later I'll come back and do some, sorry

No, not that song ;_;
Cri evertiem
>It's called being a ripoff.
Not sure the entity supposed to be called through the Yantra would see it that way but I will hear you out.
>The symbol was used by some sumerian gods of thunder and storms.
Can you give an estimation of how old that would be roughly?
All good. Appreciate the reading you gave me earlier.

What did you have for breakfast? I had just a bagel.
Hi Kocha can you give me a read?
That was not me, anon and I am not doing readings atm.
make a tripcode fren

Regarding you first question, I have drawn The Tower reversed. This symbolizes your fear of suffering while also showing there will be a delayed disaster. This means that it is unlikely that you and K will talk as you used to as the times are changing.

Concerning your second question, I have drawn The World. This shows that you will be fulfilled regardless of the result, perhaps negative or positive however this will be an outcome you can accept.

Regarding your third question, I have drawn The Hanged Man. This shows that a sacrifice will be made perhaps a sacrifice will be made that makes you closer or perhaps the relationship ending would be a sacrifice for you to find true happiness.

For your final question, I have once again drawn The Hanged Man. This shows the link between your third and fourth question, the repeat symbolism shows that if a sacrifice is not made it is unlikely to be soon however if one is made it could be possible.
Am I close to achieving my primary goal/desire? Important number: 90
Could I help him fix it? Mend the damage we did to each other, and if so how
I'm terrified but because truth is I still wish we could be together, that's not my goal here tho, I'm getting anxious, sorry for rambling
Hope you're having a gud day fren
Is thntz still around?
Trading October month gen
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You could give me insight on a query I did to Mr bones fren?
Is oke if not
Have a vee
Do I have a chance of becoming close friends with A outside of our work? :3
Wow anon, you must be REALLY bored to do this.
Has D visited the psychic in L?

How best do I handle the situation with the Polish girl?
you need to make a trip, the troll is probably martin making a clown out of himself.
looking for divine guidance.
Boredom is what put many of us here.
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Have a vee too cause I dunno who's kochka no moar
I am not doing readings, silly anon is just having fun using my name and being rude to you guys. I apologize for the inconveniences and see you around because I have work.
The what
Can you rephrase THE WHOLE SENTENCE
Amphibian spotted. FAKE REPTOID.
Rest of October general?
Could switch to tripfagging, that would solve it lol
what did that group of foreigner girls think of me?
(potential double post bc the first doesn't seem to show up)
How would I fare if I entered in Big Brother (the reality tv show)?

I’m the op asking about the foreigners, I’m not any of those anons and will start your trade if you confirm
4 of Swords, King of Pentacles, 6 of Swords
Hanged Man

They don't have a negative opinion about you but you don't seem to occupy much of their thoughts. Mostly neutral, they may see you as someone serious or set in their ways. If this is someone you know pays more attention to you then they likely wish you'd be a little more flexable as they percieve you as anchoing them to something which they wish they could move on from.
Done with yours, I’ll post the rest when you reply with mine
2 of Wands Queen of Swords 10 of Cups Rx
Has she become my demonic patron or was I simply played with and left alone?

Sorry for how weird it sounds, but I would really appreciate an answer, please and thank you
Gonna let other anons chime in but got a no on the second, kind of a yes on the first in the sense that she's ok doing business, but I think patron entails a strong and mutual liking and maybe the fire isn't burning THAT hot?
October gen?
go steal someone else's trade, fag
Do I have a demonic patron?
Trading love q
outcome with the person I'm thinking of? yours?
Does SGF ever stalk me on social media?
will n ever be a part of my life
captcha: GAYS
Lol mine is what did the group of foreign girls think of me? Starting yours
THIS FAGGOT >>39010556
done and waiting on you.
the lovers r/two of swords/four of cups r/three of pents/king of pents r

Not compatible...but you two may try to trick yourselves for a while into thinking you are, but not for too super long as u won't have as much fun together as first thought and this will become something of a glaring issue. The spark won't really be there and your relationship will be at a standstill and one or both of you will think on it a lot and have a bit of an amicable separation that feels more like a boss letting a worker go or something. King of pents r usually gives me volatile vibes of someone who is emotionally immature yet wants to pretend hes better than others but here it gives me the vibe of someone powerful who is just not in the right place and youre deciding to go find where your throne rightfully is, if that analogy makes sense.
? I’ve posted your cards here you’re the one that didn’t say anything >>39009977
starting yours
Who have you worked with?
>the moon, the 5 of pentacles r, the Empress

Nope. They have moved beyond the illusion of you and their emotional hangups regarding you/the situation. They are currently enjoying a very rich and natural vibe by someone's side.
You guys are ridiculous I always post my trades without worrying about whether or not the other person posted and I rarely ever get cucked, I'm willing to bet half the tradecuckers you encounter are just people who dont wanna post first
Why am I so fixated on SW? Is there actually some sort of a link between us or am I just schizing out? If there is something, what is it?
thank you anon
trade again?
Define worked with
seven of wands, knight of swords, strength

you came on too strong. i’m not sure i’d say they didn’t enjoy it in some way, but they felt a little overwhelmed by you. it’s possible they found your differences from them kind of fascinating but also a scary unknown. there’s kind of a child-like hesitant curiosity, but ultimately choosing to stay reserved for practical safety reasons.
that faggot with the foreign q tradecucked me . I have his reading up for a solid half hour and now he's pretending I didn't post. He didn't post his. It's always the same douchebag/fake reader, you can tell by his "style#
Ritual work, channeling, contact, trades, whatever suits your fancy
sure. Today I talked to 2 girls in the hearts room. Could you tell me the outcome with the skinny one?
how will the game im working on rn be received?
hierophant/emperor/the moon r/six of wands r

Things will feel really awesome and perfect for a little bit, like on a seriously unreal level where you feel so seen, but then all of a sudden it comes out that shes honestly kinda fake and has been hiding something from you that turns all those experiences on its head and you feel really hurt and wonder if it was even real.
Well, the reviews won't be unanimous. People will pick and choose different parts to highlight, but the negative ones will be the loudest and most obnoxious, truly awful. Some people will like it decently and see the passion in it, but it'll still feel undercooked.
>7 of cups, tower, knight of wands
Nice I’ll start this is me:
mmmm interesting interesting interesting. thanks
trade again?
thank you, but I have nothing left to trade today
Can I trade a november general?
no, fuck off
II of Wands Rx
Queen of Pentacles
Looks like yes, but only once you decide to make it happen. It’s a solid relationship after that if not overly passionate.
I'm just asking to see what the cards and such say, mostly.
Am I good enough at A to make money with it?
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startingn sorry for the delay
four of cups, three of swords, eight of cups

it looks like the fixation is based and fed by the fact that this person may not be as interested as you are. you’re addicted to the chase, and the less this person gives you the more it feeds into the fixation. this is definitely something that needs attention within yourself, as feeding into it may end in an endless cycle of rejection.
Should I go to that bull riding meet?
age of my next partner?
A patron entails some sort of work or contract and mutual fondness, but there's some who WOULD work with you if you tried. Amy in particular
do I have any admirers under 25? you?
Yeah there’s no way I can actually give you an exact age I’m dropping the trade sorry!
Am I good enough at A to make money with it?
starting en you confirm
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Being realistic about what I can provide as a tarot reader isn’t embarrassing, I could stay they are between (30-45) or something similar ~ I’m not playing into the fanfic game of next partner and possibly reducing your chances of meeting someone because the age isn’t “right”.

Just being responsible and realistic :)
In which way
Has he been thinking about me?
I've been thinking about you
4 of Cups Ace of Swords Rx The Devil
This is a no anon I’m sorry, spread also advises you to let go of this mindset
Good things I hope
Justice things
I swear I'm innocent
That initial post wasn't me
Cheater :(
Well does he think of me or not
Who is he?
My crush
How does P feel about me?
On what?
mines did my peers just set me up so I would no longer work with them anymore or was it unintentionally? will they going to miss me?

starting when you confirm
This one, anon didn’t reply with a read but you can see I did
Got it, I’d like to trade my Q for this this one instead: Will me and the older woman end up having sex? And if so will both parties regret it or will we form a bond? Starting
bet ok starting
On various things
>5ow, pow rx, wof, kos, 10oc rx
There could be sexual encounters but depends on emotions. If you decide to have sex try to communicate so to avoid regret and to see if there could be an emotional bond. Just remember communication goes both ways. if the woman doesn't communicate effectively then you can take initiative
8 of Wands Knight of Pentacles The Devil
King of Cups 7 of Cups 8 of Cups
Yes there’s foul play here but I’m honestly getting that it will be better for both parties if you choose to leave them, whatever it is that you feel about them they feel the same way too, with the devil my guess is a mix animosity, jealousy and obsession?
Will I get all the dresses I want soon?
Trading occult
Trading lewd
How is my next sexual encounter?

If still here: does that woman think about having sex with me the way I do with them?
Is he just retarded?

yes. all men are.
That's just like your opinion, man
Ace of cups two of swords nine of swords

Yes. Something prevents them from wanting these thoughts or making any movement towards you. Maybe it's your ex?

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