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Globeniggers eternally btfo
>Flat Earth map is literally just the face of the Moon flipped upside down
Anyone have a good explanation why the Moon is literally just a flipped greyscale map of the Earth?
The same shape but with all the water and life removed.
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asgard? you fuckers are just ripping of concepts from hollow earth like agartha. Hollow earth moggs flatardia glownig slop.
>Nazi territory
is there a translated version of this image?
Asgard is from Nordic mythology retard
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The Flat Earth Society is a glowie alphabet agency ran operation
Start with the FAQ and stickies.
Good luck anon, time to stop your hedonistic degenerate ways
>b-but only this part of the moon
>oh, and not those parts of the moon map, those aren't actually there
>oh, and also you can't double check the known landmasses, it's just an approximation
>and no, I don't find it weird this literally was not a thing three years ago
I love how the "Warning for Religious People" sticky clothes itself in an air of pseudoskeptical cargo cult science and then proceeds to pretend like the Jesus Myth Hypothesis is viable. But we are dealing with people who think we walk on a giant disk.
It's the same as the entire front side of the moon flipped vertically, shill. And we don't know what the back side looks like, if the moon has one, because there are no legit images of it. Since the moon magically never rotates and only ever faces the earth with the same view, rather like a flat cardboard cutout. Also it doesn't have the lighting of a spherical object.
>But we are dealing with people who think we walk on a giant disk.
Which Occam's Razor says is the most likely explanation, pending more non-fraudulent (non-NASA/non-Marxist universities) evidence which you don't have.
Would work as a sphere
If you're autistic, sure.
The "conspiracy conspiracy". I don't think it worked out for the glowies seeing as Gen Z love digging into conspiracy theories on TikTok yet laugh at flerfers.
Probably why the jews are trying to ban or change the content on TikTok. They lost the hearts and minds of the younger generations.
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Have you niggers figured out a working model for your floating magic pizza yet?
No? Didn't think so.
>The Earth is ackshually a sphere, but just a 4x bigger one than in the NASA model
I highly doubt it.
>working model
OP already dealt with that, btw. I know you can't read properly, because you're a fed. They don't have hiring standards.
Well, you got me! Hey, we're planning a roadtrip. I will be using a GPS but I'm sure that your pizza world can take you anywhere you want just fine, right? You WILL trust your model instead of piggybacking on the systems that rely on the globe, right? You will put your money where your mouth is instead of just being a contrarian on 4chan, right?
No no, I don't believe the Earth is bigger than we know at all. I was mocking your flerf "map" suggesting it would work as a sphere. Because flat magic pizzas are a little silly my dude.
Even if the Earth was larger than what is known, which it isn't, it would still be a sphere. Also your OP is schizo ramplings in what appears to be German. That's not a model nor is it universally understandable. I doubt you even know what it's supposed to represent seeing as flerfs just copypasta any retarded shit with no independent thought at all.
My point being it's not a model of anything. A working model should show all celestial bodies in motion and all observable atmospheric phenomenon easily. It should also withstand pressure.
It cannot fail or break at all.
It should also be able to accurately predict astronomic events.
It should show us everything we know, everything we can see, and we should be able to use it to test, experiment and predict. The globe model does that, and has been doing that for thousands of years. What you have is schizophrenic ramblings written to seem scientific at a glance, so you and your gaggle of fuckwits can easily spread it everywhere you go in hopes that it would confuse a retard somewhere.
Easily faked with transponders on cell towers or weather balloons. No reason why satellites would be necessary to give locations. In fact, cell towers can already do that without GPS.
I'm not reading all that.
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If you would stop confusing me with OP and whoever made the map he posted, that would be great.
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If only we could explore beyond the ice walls, it's sad. We'll forget everything after the next reset as well. They're unstoppable
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Oh no! It's retarded!
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>If only we could explore beyond the ice walls
Seems like someone already explored beyond the so-called "ice walls", and moved out there.
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>we don't know what the back side looks like,
We can around 60% of the full sphere of the Moon here on Earth.
And "the moon looks like the moon" could only be considered a retort to "there is nothing that suggests it looks like earth" by a truly stupid intellect.
Very stupid and boring bot.
pathetic anon, why even respond?
I'm convinced that most flat earthers just don't know how globe projections work.
>why even respond?
It's going to shit up the entire board whether it's responded to or not. Shitty fed AI.
I do remember in the past that these threads would just get ever "flat earther" temp banned. They probably don't care as much now because they have automated shilling.
this is a map i drew for Elden Ring, anon.
why arent mods banning flatties?
what pointless drivel, you're inability to comprehend other opinions will be the death of you
why would anybody even think that OP made up drawing is remotely even close to resemble anything, lol.
biggest crock of shit ive seen.
what am i supposed to see here? its not resemlbing anything.
>Since the moon magically never rotates and only ever faces the earth with the same view
Flerf glowies man. I get that the point is to look stupid but geez.
Did you really just ask that on /x/ of all places? Contrarian capital of the internet?
its so stupid, ive seen this drawing being posted a hundred times and its funnier every time.
sweet, a schizo thread
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>lets use this map to sail from portugal to america, like columbus did
>uh oh
i love it how a simple map can immidiately prove all the schizos wrong.
LoL, believing columbus did any voyage.
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fuckin' lol.
Anything but what's widely accepted will fly here, the need to be different at all costs truly is a sight to behold, I'm genuinely convinced this place was made to gaslight people into questioning things will just result in this shit, Questions and a sense wonder are healthy, this is just stupidity masked as skepticism
>the need to be different at all costs truly is a sight to behold
flatties are just attention seekers, they feed on attention.
>somebody discusses interesting space stuff
>flatties suddenly appear
it usually is in the end, the need to feel special, special knowledge,that and a general sentiment of distrust that needs an outlet
Flatties are such wet blankets
went your entire world(lol) view requires every major source of information to be wrong and discussion to be incredibly fixed and almost script like, you cant really have anything but walls of links and text and bland threads where people wax on and on about how they're superior to everyone else. Discussion of ideas is literally impossible due to the fact that if they did, someone might try to prove them wrong, and thats a big no no
there is no such thing as gravity. you stick to the ground because it would be weird if you didn't
I'm sure most flat earthers don't know how most things work senpai.
That by itself is fine, what makes them insufferable is the fact that they project their own complete misunderstanding of the most basic concepts onto us, point at their own stupidity, and laugh. Leaving us confused that people can be that retarded.
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Makes sense to me
You're a matrix agent npc defending your own simulation. That's why it makes you so angry when the fake shit is pointed out. You can't plug the holes fast enough.
what makes you think its fake?
He just likes thinking the world is special because his life is deteriorated beyond saving. Don't take the bait
there is no answer, they just think cool things with no rationalization
Do you think he needs emotional support? Why do you npcs feel the need to group together? Not confident enough to stand on arguments alone? You need to create a reddit circle jerk so you can impose your own fiction and indoctrinate.
Good morning, anons.
Earth is round. Space is glorious.
Flerfarf is fake and gay.
laughing at flatties kinda counts as emotional support, laughtier is healthy.
By the way I don't talk to NPCs *PATOOEY* I spit on you. get the fuck out of my sight subhuman
I hope you one day realize there is a beautiful world around you and you are wasting your life being brainwashed on an anonymous imageboard. The clock is ticking anon
>he doesn't know how to isolate his GPS from ground based signals and will never try to find out
oh dear
The world is fake, beauty is fake and you are especially fake. The simulation will forget to put you in one day and we will be free of your extreme averageness.
imagine believing in boats powered by the WIND!! LOL
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Crazy how much this matches with the moon map
it doesnt match anything, i drew this in Ms Paint when i was bored a few years ago.
It's crazy a moon map colored blue and green looks like a moon map?
and its not even how the moon looks like from where i live, lmao, proving we're on a globe.
What would be of this board without a daily flerfer thread? Reading their absurdities make me feel much better.
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He actually mixed the surface and inner Earth maps. Just notice the swastikas. The black circle at the top of OPs map is the north pole.
Flerfers are dishonest larpers.
Lemuria is just off my East coast!! Holy shit, i always wanted to visit there.
The origin of this map is a theory that the moon is the reflection of Earth
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Except the advocates, whenever I've pressed them, say it is NOT a map of current Earth, but of some ancient pre-flood. So not a reflection at all, especially since it is obvious it doesnt match up to any landmass on Earth - regardless of if you include the landmasses that arent there.
Do you REALLY think the entire N. American continent is smaller than Australia?
Where is the DelMarVa peninsula in that "map"? And long island? and Cape Cod?
All VERY distinctive features of the US eastern seaboard, not present AT ALL on that map.
as long as its retarded and doesnt make sense, they will insist they believe it.
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You niggers actually believe you're fucking Nero fighting against the system. Holy shit.
i could spent my whole life without thinking even ONCE what the shape of the Earth is, nobody fucking cares, but seeing the flat earth idiots speak is a magnet for response.
Its like seeing a moron say that water isnt wet, sun is cold, and an orange is a potato.
I know bro. Trust me, I know. It's not what they believe, it's their stupidity and their blatant dishonesty. You have to reply, you can't scroll past this shit. I know the feeling. If they could just take some time to actually learn how everything works they might understand and realise they're wasting their time on the dumbest psyop in history. I couldn't care less what the shape of the Earth is. It doesn't affect my life.
Do you feel better now that you reassured each other that the simulation is real? Why don't you give each other a blowy next.
>muh simulashoon
No one said it's real.
But it is incontrovertible that what is being simulated is spherical.
There is no simulation of a flat Earth.
i can even blow you if you want, i love sucking dick, but the earth is still a globe though.
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>NOOO but its a simulation it has to be flat!! Because uhh.. because it just has to be, OK?
Even if we did live in a simulation, and unlike flat earth that IS actually possible, the planet in that simulation would still be spherical. We are not arguing for the "system". We are very much against it. On this board we openly debate jew government conspiracies and alien visitation, but for those subjects to be debatable they need some proof, they also need to make logical sense.
If you could provide a working model of a flat earth with evidence we would love to discuss it. It would be amazing if the establishment lied about the shape of the planet. We would have so many questions. I'm not joking when I say that would be exciting and interesting.
We've all looked into the flat earth and realised it's at best retarded horseshit, at worst a psyop to discourage interest in actual conspiracy. We keep asking you for evidence of anything and you keep sperging around like a mongoloid.
Either join us and debate worthwhile, interesting subjects, or fuck off at this point. Most anons in this thread is just here to mock you. You're not winning hearts and minds.
It is always flat and sometimes it lies to you and shows you a sphere. The same way it makes you think galaxies and black holes are real but you can never go there by the way lul. You can't do anything that you are not supposed to do.
if i was the boss of the simulation, the last thing i would simulate for my simulator-slaves is a DVD earth, lmao. Flatties just cant get a W.
its always a sphere and it always shows me a sphere.
So it's flat because you said so, because of course it has to be flat. But it will be a sphere when we look into it to confuse us? Nigger do you see why we think you're retarded?
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Hello fellow globeniggers
Isn’t it just hecking strange that flight maps work perfectly with this map?
I don’t know guys… I think I’m experiencing cognitive dissonance… the spot on my arm where I got the vaccine and trusted the science is starting to hurt guys.
Why would they lie to us in middle school science class guys? WHY??
Hopefully they don't go through resets like us and aren't stripped of flesh and sinew underground like us
You are in a dynamic simulation it renders it on the fly like your dreams render on the fly or a video game renders only what is around you. Some people are lucid and know they are in a dream but people like you are sleep walking and insist everything is real. Wake up little nigga none of it is real.
wrong. nothing fits perfectly with that nonsense map i drew in MS Paint a few years ago.
>You can't do anything that you are not supposed to do.
Oh that's sad.
That means you have no possibility of ever learning the truth. Trapped in this argument for ignorance.
You selected a few flights work (according to you) on a version of a flat earth map. They also happen to work on a sphere map. In fact all flights work on a sphere map. Even flights flying around the planet. Funny that.
Didn't take the clot shot so I have no opinion on that. Don't confuse "science" with whatever the fuck you're doing.
Most anons here won't defend science, I assure you. The vaccine alone proves that science has a price.
>it renders it on the fly
It renders a sphere.
Look out your window and tell me if you see a sphere
what flights? that nonsense map doesnt even have actual places on it, it looks like somebody posted a map from Lord of the Rings and said flights work on it.
I do. A very large one, but I see evidence of its curvature every single day.
im in spain, i cant see canada with my own eyes from my home, so canada doesnt exist?
Dude I'm willing to allow that this moron found flights that actually work on his Ms Paint map. I'll even give him that. It doesn't prove anything. The fucking planes flying those flights still used a map that works off a spherical Earth that auto-corrects for curvature.
If you try long enough you might find a few flights that work on any map. They still worked on the actual map, along with literally all flights ever flown. It doesn't prove anything.
There are enough people around observing it that keep it there. If there weren't any people around there it would disappear.
the simulation nonsense is cringe bro.
I want to propose a test for any flerfer here. If you are intellectually honest and scientific (which you claim you are)
That is a realtime map of the ISS.
It shows where the station is, where it's going to be and exactly when.
It orbits a spherical Earth. Not a magic pizza. It has a livefeed showing the planet.
Check that map and compare it to where you live. Determine when the ISS will go over your area. Try to find a orbit going overhead at night.
Check the tracking map to see EXACTLY when the station will pass over you. Go outside and take a telescope, or just use your fucking eyes. See station. Now track the station on a flat MS Paint map. Notice how it doesn't work on your make-believe map. Explain that to us.
the map it shows is literally flat though? try harder
Oh really? Is that high key or low key? Cap or no cap?
>it goes in a straight line, across the globe, in a circle
globe earth proven again.
>random animation that plays in a loop is 'evidence' now apparently

A map of a floating craft in the upper atmosphere isn't proof of a globe earth. They could do that for a flat earth too, and it would look the same if it had a circular path.
You ran out of arguments and resorted to zoomer shit. I declare myself the winner.
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flat earth BTFOs globechuds once again
That's the point. It won't look the same. The ISS would be making spirals and teleport around on a flerf map, which would be silly and impossible.
Gravity is the result of upward movement. The earth is basically a giant elevator.
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No it wouldn't. Just because you have a poor understanding of something doesn't mean it's not possible.

If the path of the ISS was shown on a flat earth map instead of Mercator projection, it would just be going in a circle.

Why do you think there would be teleportation? That's completely insane unless the space station teleports. Flat earthers don't believe parts of the earth require teleportation to get from one thing next to another.

I say this as someone who isn't a flat earther, just looking at it logically. ISS map isn't evidence of anything.
>why would they lie to us? WHY? [crying like a baby]
The truther(tm) conundrum.
Your god is not real.
The globe is.
Deal with it.
its not an animation, you can see the ISS zip by on the entire skyline in a straight line with your own eyes.
It goes in a straight line, so it proves Earth is a globe.
NOTHING GOES IN A STRAIGHT LINE on a flattie flat flat map, its ALWAYS going left in a circle line a NASCAR race.
ISS going STRAIGHT proves we're on a globe.
>its ALWAYS going left in a circle *like* a NASCAR race.
fixed typo.
The ISS is based. I once saw a picture taken from a cellphone in the ISS and there it was, TEH CURVE.
They should drop the use fisheye lens, at least to make flerfers even more mad, as they will say cellphones are fake and this would be more entertainment to us.
how much do they pay you to shill at nasa? 1 cent per post?
Science is always BTFO you flerfers.
ISS is a chad, motherfucker is so huge you can easily see it with the naked eye, and the chad is going in a straight line, proving its a globe.
aww, look, another flattie flat flat cant take the L.
>i can actually prove the earth is a globe with my naked eye, fuck
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Then prove it. Globetards always arguing but no proof besides cgi and ai images KEK
we already proved it, the ISS goes in a straight line across the sky. Proving its a globe.
Go ahead and see for yourself.
i already did, i saw it a thousand times on the sky, i cant telepathicaly send you what i see with my eyes, you have to.... look yourself : )

globies win again!
your own eyes are the best proof - so see with your own eyes that it goes in a straight line : )
space is fake
gravity is fake
dna is fake
evolution is fake
black holes are fake
galaxies are fake
science is fake
brains are fake
childbirth is fake
aging is fake
dying is fake
math is fake
globe earth is fake
the human experience is fake
the past is fake
the future is fake
the present is fake
electricity is fake
the love between people is fake
meaning is fake
existence is fake
animals are fake
reality is fake
the weather is fake
the internet is fake
language is fake
sex is fake
women are fake
your senses are fake
children are fake
people are fake
eating is fake
breathing is fake
heart beats are fake
Based ISS.
Globe Earth is real and based.
Flerfers are christcucks attached to a jewish myth.
They can't let it go.
It seems like you don't even understand the globe model.
i 100% completely understand the globe model, its you that dont get it, and its super simple, too.
Does the ISS go straight?
globe earth confirmed, thank you.
this but unironically
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it was never ironic
this but unironically
What do you mean by "go straight"?
I ceremonially shit on your head
this but ironically
why are you asking retarded questions?
if you see the ISS when you look up, is it turning left or right?
its called going straight.
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no shit Sherlock stop putting Nordic hyborean narratives into retarted flat earth slop. Flat earth is a cheap glownigger distraction to hide the hollow earth

>The Smoky God, or A Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth (FULL audiobook)

lol that's retarded lmaooooooooooo
You have a very poor understanding of how the globe model works. And the ISS doesn't ever turn, why do you think that? That has nothing to do with flat earth, it's you saying something retarded
Did you think the path of the ISS was to go backwards and forwards over a small 50 mile area, turning frequently, like a helicopter?

Your mind is gonna be blown when you see planes going in straight lines over your head.
>if i repeat that they dont know how the globe model works, it will.... do something!
yeah, people are laughing at you even harder than before.
the flight path of the ISS proves the Earth is a globe, and thats it, period.
You can try to prove it wrong, but you cant.

Flatties lose again.
no, the path of the ISS is just "going straight", because its flying around the globe. Its really super simple.
>Your mind is gonna be blown when you see planes going in straight lines over your head.
there is nothing mindblowing about planes flying in a straight line across the globe.
You are the one that keeps saying the same thing over and again, and then acting like you've won a victory when it just reveals you are retarded.
I suspect you are a flat earther pretending to be a glober to make globers look dumb.
Agreed, and there is nothing mindblowing about planes flying in a straight line across a flat earth, nor for the ISS.

Again, what do you mean by "going straight". You've said it doesn't turn left or right, which is retarded, and doesn't prove or disprove anything. Nobody thought it turns left or right.
if you want people to stop laughing at you, you need actual arguments, not "u stoopid u retoorded".
Prove him wrong.
>i cant, i wont
flatties lose again.
Exactly the same to you.... you describe your own behaviour.
There is nothing here to argue against, because you haven't claimed anything. You just keep saying "The ISS goes straight, flatties retarded" etc. It's not an argument.
>You've said it doesn't turn left or right, which is retarded
>There is nothing here to argue against
there is.
the ISS going straight is the argument.
>because you haven't claimed anything.
i am claiming the ISS is only going straight, this is my argument i am claiming, argue against that.
Why don't you explain why the ISS would turn left and right? It's not a helicopter close to the ground trying to find a criminal.

>the ISS going straight is the argument.
That isn't an argument. Explain what you mean by "going straight", and the relevance of it.

>i am claiming the ISS is only going straight, this is my argument i am claiming, argue against that.
Ah, so it's a troll. Good to know you have no actual argument.

Planes which do not fly in straight lines can appear to go in a straight line overhead from the perspective of someone on earth viewing a small section of the sky. This would be true on a globe or on flat earth and is evidence of nothing. You can't see what it does after it leaves your field of view.

Where I live the ISS doesn't move in a straight line across the sky. It follows a curved path to the south (not overhead), exactly as you would expect.

The reason I keep asking you to explain what "going straight" means, and the reason you cannot, is because you probably read somewhere that the ISS travels in a straight line from west to east, and misunderstood what it means. What you actually see on earth depends on where you are and the position of the ISS.

The ISS's path across the sky and maps of it are perfectly possible on a flat earth, or on a globe. It's doesn't prove or disprove anything.

Again, I'm not saying this as a flat earther, simply as someone who likes logic and facts and making retards look stupid. The earth could be a globe, but the ISS "going straight" is irrelevant.
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>Where I live the ISS doesn't move in a straight line across the sky.
That is not true. The ISS does not turn in its path.
Any flat map showing the ISS path will need to show it curving back and forth, and it does not do this.
This book is really underrated, it should be talked about more often
>Why don't you explain why the ISS would turn left and right
it wouldnt, thats what he's saying, so the fact that it doesnt turn left and right, proves its just doing circles around the globe - proving the earth is a globe.
Every single person who looks up at the sky will see the ISS go like a bullet.
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>The ISS's path across the sky and maps of it are perfectly possible on a flat earth
not really, no.
pic related, i drew a red line how ISS going straight on a flat earth would look like.
: (
reminder: the various governments of the world get BILLIONS of dollars allocated to them to uphold their LARP space programs, in Canada they literally put their "CANAD-ARM" extension of the ISS on the 5$ bill, that should tell you everything you need to know... It's lucrative enough for them that they can afford to allocate some money for people to argue about the legitimacy of their charade in whatever online forum scrutiny is brought up in. Every time I have made fun of satellites, the mars rover, spaceships and outer space on twitter I have received responses insisting on the legitimacy of the heliocentric religious cannon of nonsense.
That's the precise opposite of how Occam's razor works.
they are my comfort animal
So the earth is constantly accelerating at 10 meters per second per scond. How long has it been doing this, and how fast would that mean the earth is moving at the moment?

Then compare this figure to all your stupid memes about "WOAH TEH URF IS MOVING AT 66000mph IN THE HELIOSEXUAL MODEL LOL LOL LOL" etc.
It orbits the earth in a straight line. From horizon to horizon. It's orbit is straight, the earth is round. I don't understand what you don't understand here my dude.
I meant track the path of the ISS on a flerf map nigger. The Lord of the Rings shit flerfs use. Not the Mercator. On the Mercator the ISS would just spiral around, which would also not make sense.
Why would it fly in circles like a deflating baloon. Flerfs can easily verify this, yet they don't. They can track its posision and see the station with the naked eye, but they refuse.
>flerfs have no evidence at all
>just claims of cgi
but they never prove it
Then you resort to blue marble 2002, like the dishonest kike you are.
Feels so good to be a hollow earther. We are literally based patricians.
>science worshippers hate us because muh lava
>flerfer truthers(tm) hate us because muh pizza
We are at the third way of astrophysics.
its a real shame you guys have even less lying memes than the flards to make you case
>the various governments of the world get BILLIONS of dollars
The governments that literally print the money...are given money? By whom?
Do other governments have to deal with an exchange rate when they receive their billions of dollars?
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>By whom?
By you. The taxpayer. 65 million a day!
>By you. The taxpayer.
So you are talking about the economy. So our economy would collapse if they DONT do this.
Sounds important to keep.
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>That's the precise opposite of how Occam's razor works.
>a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities
>Which shape is simpler: A disc earth or a sphere earth?
You NASA employees really are stupid as fuck and don't even think before running your mouths.
No (((You))), by the way.
hollow earth is not a dogmatic belief like flat earth is. Im open to the concept but I won't wholly believe it until I have proof its more a hypothesis then a dogmatic fundamentalist belief unfortunately most of the attention is on flat earth vs the conventional model.
Hey no fair how am I supposed to get paid by NASA if you don't respond ? I got a family to feed it aint easy these days being globe earth shill for NASA cut a shill a break bro.
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Nazis are hollow earthers stop stealing the lore
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>Earth is akshually a globe, but it's hollow
YAWN. There is no curvature.
And no one talks about it.
Based and patricianpilled.
>no one talks about it.
Because it's bullshit and you're only bringing it up to dilute the thread, because you're a paid shill.
The biggest tell that flat earth is correct is the constant shilling, insults and propaganda against its proponents.
There is, and you are a retard if you can't notice it.
>paid shill
NASA, where's my paycheck?

>The biggest tell that flat earth is correct is the constant shilling, insults and propaganda against its proponents.
Have you looked at your posts? This is what you do all the time. Memes and insults.
>Have you looked at your posts? This is what you do all the time. Memes and insults.
Only when responding to Biden regime feds and other paid shills.
Based proponents of a ROUND Hollow Earth.

This. Both hollow and solid Earth are conjectures, and we are all open to scientific curiosity about the subject.
Can't say the same about flerfers, who are only moved by dogma and religion, like fanatical zealots.
Samefag again for like 10 posts in the last 20 minutes, now.
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Yes. Post more about it.
Like you can't switch IPs kek.
Even I could do that if I want to.
My IP is static and I can't post with a VPN here.
>everybody is the same anon
Typical truther(tm).
>Typical truther(tm).
You know what board you're on, right?
Hint: It's not /riddet/ or /sci/
I'm at /x/ board about paranormal and esoteric stuff.
For religion, go to /pol/ there you can preach you failed cult to a jew in a stick.
Flat earth is esoteric and not "mainstream".
Though it was the normie belief for 1000s of years, before Galileo showed up to shill to the Catholic church.
admit hollow earth is way cooler then anything your 1 dimensional thinking could come up with all you got is a boring snow globe with a dome and you need to keep ripping stuff off from hollow earth to make your botting concept more appealing.
Youtube and twitter disagree with you. Flerfers have a very large following. Looks like every zoomer is into it.
I'm not even going to (you) you two or three paid shills who have posted like 100 posts of garbage in this thread, round-the-clock.
Let the pizza go man. Earth is round. Accept it and move on.
>Youtube and twitter disagree with you. Flerfers have a very large following. Looks like every zoomer is into it.
That's great and everything but I'm not going to post to either of those places. Especially Twitter.
The Catholic church believed the earth was round their major beef with Galileo he he was claiming the earth revolved around the sun where as the Catholic church held to Aristotle's cosmology of the sun revolving around earth. But also know you flerfs love to lie and even bend history to your
glownig narrative.
It must be a weird head space to be so paranoid that everyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill that you won't even respond directly to them because you think everyone who criticizes your flat earth beliefs is getting paid for it.
I understand that the Greeks (or was it specifically Ptolmaic Egypt?) invented the globe Earth concept, but even up until about the 1950s Flat Earth was still very much more acceptable among normies. Before Galileo it may have been the majority belief still... Not to mention that Christians took the Bible more seriously then, and it says the Earth is flat.
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Yea the glownigger and shill budget will collapse if we stop this… it’s important!
>It must be a weird head space to be so paranoid that everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot that you won't even respond with good faith to them because you think everyone who criticizes your globe earth beliefs is uninformed for it.
See, I can do it to. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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HxH had it right
There is a dark continent
we have thousands of nazi sects across the "reality" globe model.
WW2 is not yet over
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lol look at the science worshipper who believes the middle school HISTORY textbooks
Everyone point and laugh
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Good night, anons.
Earth is round. Science is based. Space is glorious.
Flat Earth is fake and gay.
Back to twitter, flerfer.
I'm sure your followers are missing you.
>Shop sign says Seattle
>There is a dark continent
So assuming that's the case, like on OPs map. What goes on there, or is it just dead and frozen over?
Wish they'd take me with them, it's boring here.
do what? not respond directly because your afraid I will get a shekel. I have seen you in other threads I like you and your determination not to let us GLobeshills get a single cent. You make us earn put pay here trying to keep the flat earth secret. Uh oh just spilled the beans now my boss will fire me and I won't get to take that trip to the ice wall.
I think you are the one getting laughed at pal but whatever call me a ball head. I know all you guys got are insults because you certainly don't have a working model.
>Anon wants to join the literal Nazis
>Gets dubs worth half of an 88
Must be bedtime in Langley, Virginia. Bump.
according to OPs map, there are nazis at several parts
I imagine we are getting a reprise of ww2 soon...
many will want to join the nazis
we only got 1/6th of the way to the moon
>there are people sitting down right now that believe they are sitting on earth's mantle that is on top of a magma core in the center of the earth, that they are being acted on by scientific magic that is holding them to the earth and without it they would float into space, that they are on a rock ball hurtling through space at a million miles an hour, that they evolved from a squidward in the ocean that eventually grew to make computers, that they have a brain inside their skull that is making them do things with chemical reactions
holy jew cuck
>up until about the 1950s Flat Earth was still very much more acceptable among normies
Not true, and never true.
Flat earth has ALWAYS been a fringe quackery every time it pops up, and pretty much every time it pops up it is in reaction to actual explorers discovering something about reality.
Factually incorrect, shill.

>according to OPs map, there are nazis at several parts
It's admitted the Germans had an antarctic territory called New Schwabenland. There were also like 100 U-boats that were "never found" after World War II. Admiral Byrd's US Antarctic expedition after WWII had several planes shot down by "bad weather".
Why would all the Germans surrended after WWII, if they can go into hiding in areas that the Allies couldn't reach? It makes a lot of sense. And the glowies can't ever admit to this, because if the German remnants are colonizing down off of the edge of the "official" globy map, so much for your globe Earth bullshit.
why would they used blackletter in 1945 when it was banned in 1941
Pic rel. "Gold strike" in the forbidden (off the "globe") lands.
Those with power lie beyond, each reset cycle they come their followers here kneel and then destroy everything and start everything up again. WHY? I don't know, perhaps we're more closer to the loosh farming the we like to believe.
Interesting to think about.
Can't even tag a post correctly. Go away bot
I will continue to not tag (((You))). Seethe about it, fag. Kek. 10 cents down the drain!
im here for it. fuck the USA
>10 cents down the drain
3rd worlder spotted. 10 cents of data for a 4chan post kek
Not really, it's pointless, there's nothing we can do
>on cell towers or weather balloons
How did they faked the visibility?

>I'm not reading all that
Pretty sure you never will. It's more than 10 words

>appears to be German.
It is, pure shizo babble with total idiotic reasoning. They did not even try to hide their mounted globe (just compare Africa to South America size). Made for trolling and fishing dumbasses.

>Contrarian capital of the internet?
Intelligence has left this site and only some graphic abilities remain.
Looks they brainwashed you complete that you cannot distinct the science frauds from real science.
> It's admitted the Germans had an antarctic territory called New Schwabenland.

You do not even know the official story. Best qualification to post about it.
>Complaining about 4chan
Weird and convenient how this rule only ever gets enforced on non-shills. Also good way of outing yourself as not belonging here.
>Those with power lie beyond, each reset cycle they come their followers here kneel and then destroy everything and start everything up again.
Keeps you busy, the adlats confused and in line in and finds nonconforms without effort (see 4 finger scene in 1984).
>You do not even know the official story.
Been awhile since I read the official disinfo and I doubt I should bother.
> outing yourself as not belonging here.
Thank you to honor me outside your primitive, tribal clanshipment

>Been awhile since I read the official disinfo and I doubt I should bother.
Do you mean you trust the average web shizo babble or you cannot read the travelogues from the expedition because no language skills?
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Why can't the Earth be a disk, and hollow?
>"Future world" is basically the same but with most of Europe and Russia flooded
(((You))) keep dreaming.
Why can you see the rays of a lighthouse behind the horizon in the sky bot not direct? I know all you midwits are not even able to imagine what that means, neither see the consequences notr ever observed yourself because total blindness to real phenomena. But i post it anyway, just to see the next dumb hallucination or graphic someone pulled out of his a.. .
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>Your god is not real.
But, but... the true self behind your ego is my god.
What now? Should I accept a statement from my god that he is not real?
Even if it was hollow, which I doubt, it would still be a ball. Like all planets.
Hollow Earth and the Hollow Moon theories are interesting, and infinitely more likely than flat Earth.
Space does not like flat shit. That's not how gravity works.
>Duh gravity must duh work uh the way my theory must uh say it works
Zero self-reflection ability on your part.
>we have thousands of nazi sects across the "reality" globe model.
Tell them for me that I'm really disappointed that they haven't picked me up yet. I'm stuck here in Muttlandia being moderately productive and being underpaid for it.
Zero understanding of anything on your part. Least of all using this site correctly.
I understood gravity as a child, like I'm sure most people dit. What exactly don't you understand about it?
Muh gravity doesn't exist.
everything falls or rises based on buoyancy
forgets that buoyancy has no meaning without weight, the third leg of the density equation.
can't explain where weight comes from.
When the population increases the "earth" will expand in size and more continents will be discovered.
Equation for boyancy
Fb = pVg
where Fb is the buoyant force in Newtons, p is the density of the fluid in kilograms per cubic meter, V is the volume of displaced fluid in cubic meters, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
>acceleration due to gravity
Even in your make-believe boyancy world when we're all just bobbing around you can't escape that fucking gravity. Muh feels.
>can't explain where weight comes from.
The atmosphere is colder. Near the ground is hotter.
Heat and cold, high pressure and low pressure separate. Even though the heat wants to go into the cold.
Globetards can't explain why the vaccuum of space doesn't just rip all the air off the planet in their model.
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>muh newton
>Globetards can't explain why the vaccuum of space doesn't just rip all the air off the planet in their model.
That damn gravity. If only gravity would just stop existing.
>That damn gravity. If only gravity would just stop existing.
Weird how my vaccuum cleaner works just fine despite gravity, yet an infinitely larger and more powerful vaccuum cleaner that supposedly exists doesn't work. Because the infinitely larger vaccuum cleaner doesn't exist.
Your model of "space" is invalid. Checkmate.
>I'm stuck here in Muttlandia
I asked and they said that's where a shit blood like you belongs.
They're very strict about the one drop thing. I left when they started calling you nigger and laughing about what animals must have been tied down for your mother to fuck.
Oh, have they come to the point of showing how retarded they are about pressure?
I like when they say a region of ZERO pressure is the forceful agent.
You're saying that an overfilled water balloon thrown into a vacuum isn't going to explode, because of this magical fantasy force called "gravity".
>So the earth is constantly accelerating at 10 meters per second per scond. How long has it been doing this, and how fast would that mean the earth is moving at the moment?
That's not how it works, everything is relative, so it's like saying the earth does not accelerate at all, the whole universe accelerates in its opposite direction, so that there's some point a galaxy behind us has accelerated so much relatively to earth that it's moving faster than the speed of light.
This actually has happened and continues happening as galaxies keep moving out of our visible universe as they accelerate beyond this horizon.
That's why it only makes sense to talk about the visible universe and ignore everything outside it, because even if you moved at the speed of light this horizon moves away from you faster than that.
>an infinitely larger and more powerful vaccuum cleaner that supposedly exists doesn't work
See this is my problem with flerfs. You have absolutely no idea how anything works, you then project your misunderstanding onto everyone else, point at it and laugh. Not knowing you're laughing at your own stupidity.
Gasses in our atmosphere has weight, thus they are affected by gravity. The higher you go up (up being away from the planet and thus further from its gravitational pull) the less gasses there are. Space isn't a complete vacuum, nor does it "suck" anything. It's just a mostly absent void. Mostly but not entirely.
I'm amazed by your lack of understanding of gravity. Something children can easily grasp. Either you're actually retarded or you refuse to accept gravity exists because if it does the entire heliocentric spherical globe model works perfectly and explains everything we understand and can observe. So you MUST deny it at all costs. Attempting desperately to find flaws in it and projecting your own ignorance onto everyone around you.
Your life and enire ideology is built out of straws and clown cum. Why would anyone want to live like that? Jesus my dude.
Idiots still can't understand that pressure pushes.
ZERO pressure means ZERO force.
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to all the schizo retards in this thread, let me educate you:
>Earth is a globe, the flight path of the ISS proves this, you can verify it with your own eyes
>Earth isnt hollow, either, the fact that china can detect earthquakes in California proves this

The moon landings also happened and are 100% possible and real, there is nothing to prove its impossible to go to the moon.

There, all these valuable lessons were for free, too!

Feel free to ask me if you have any further questions.
>jews said this and that so it must be true
who are you quoting?
You nigger
RIP Globe. NASA Shills unemployed.
who are you quoting? there is nothing jewish in it.
Unless you are implying that your eyes are jewish?
did you know you evolved from a pig? its all verifiable and proven by super serious jew data. oink oink said you
>you can prove the earth is a globe with your own eyes
are you saying your eyes are jewish?
My eyes see a flat world. Yours see jewish propaganda. We are not the same
what makes you think its jewish propaganda?
>my eyes see a flat world
no, your eyes see the globe.
>i use my eyes and see the ISS go straight
your eyes just proved you see a globe.
Good job.
Your own eyes just proved it.
if you see ISS go straight in a video game do you think you proved round earth in the video game? idiot
we're not talking about a video game, idiot.
the same principle applies
no, it doesnt, idiot.
when you can see it you are using your own eyes
when you can't see it you are trusting jews
what you see proves its a globe.
it proves jews
please post in english.
if you keep believing jew lies you are going to end up believing the dumbest things like your soul is a chemical reaction. stop slurping the jew
are you capable of responding without crying about the jews faking everything?
>Completely didn't understand the points made, because of sub-50 IQ
Your propaganda is boring btw, didn't read.
are you capable of responding without slurping jew cum?
>no i cant respond without crying about jews
i accept your concession : )
actually its a stalemate since you couldn't stop slurping jew cum
just ask the flatties for a map, it makes them shit themselves and they always run away.
Even Jews should be able to understand its flat, if they take their own book seriously.
>OP is literally a map
Are you reallly this retarded or are you just a bot?
anon this is a map from Lord of the Rings, i drew it in MS Paint when i was bored.
You post like you're high on drugs. You should quit.
just admit you like my Lord of the Rings map.
Not a flattie but even globbies use different map projections for varying purpose. Aircraft use Lambert and seafarers use Mercator for example generally.
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you can pick whichever model of the globe map you want - they all work, proving that the earth is indeed a globe.
Flatties dont even have 1 model that works, while globies have like fucking 50, and all of them work and make sense.
imagine having map autism
>autism is the next step in human evolution
>high IQ autists use the globe maps to prove the earth is a globe
autists are a God send.
What happened to Mister Paint?
are you having fun playing the video game jews made for you? awww so sweet he believes the maps do something
This. So many flerf "researchers", for years, still no working map.
Every flerf has their own map, none of them work. If they want us to take them even slightly seriously they can start by just creating a universal, functional map.
the schizo spamming about jew cum seems to be completely mindbroken, too.
its so easy to make them completely lose their minds.
I wish i knew that i can win against flatties just by asking them for a map years ago, the amount of butthurt i wouldve caused them would be incredible.
>The map doesn't work because I say so! I have no brain and I must post!

Hey Bozo the Clown, the map is still in OP's post.
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he was here yesterday, all his posts are about jew cum, completely mindbroken.
lagrange model seems to look the best, imo, but yeah mercator is the easiest to follow.
>do you think you proved round earth in the video game?
If the video game is simulating the ISS's path as we observe, that means the video
game is rendering the Earth as a globe.
>The single most busted of the globetard map projections is "easiest to follow"
Still wondering if these are bots or just NPCs (not much of a difference).
its a map from a video game.
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Autograph map is best projection!
All land masses and relative positions are preserved and accurate.
All distortion placed into the seas.
The ability to tesselate and create any map center you wish.

All should move to the Authagraph projection.
>Flatties dont even have 1 model that works
i saw 1 model they had, it had the sun working like a laser pointer, i laughed my ass off when i saw it.
>Hand-drawn map is from a video game
Name the game or stop taking meth.
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looks like its from elden ring or morrowind.
there are no video games that have an entire globe
>flatties think the sun is a laser pointer
they cant seriusly be THAT retarded.
Microsoft Flight Simulator does.
And Star Citizen.
And Mario Galaxy.
All sorts of video games use a globe.
>mario galaxy
ingenuine response
Try Populous 3 (Populous : The Beginning). Fucking game is ABOUT globes.
ELITE DANGEROUS you fucking idiot.
Fucking Freelancer.
God damn Starfield.
Holy shit there's a thousand games that have the whole fuckin' globe.
I bet if you lived in one of these games you would believe it was real kek
I'd rather playthrough Skyrim for a third time than touch that shit.
Tbh Skyrim might be fun to do again if with mods.
stop ruining this thread with your video game simulation dogshit - go make a thread about it.
>>>/vrpg/ is a great board.
That is all.
Ok but send the map autist to /r/maps and the flight trajectory autist to /r/trans
No it isnt. It is a video game. It uses spherical topography.
You can believe it is real or not. What you cant believe without being fucking stupid and very wrong is that it is flat.
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Very stupid and very wrong you say?
Don’t you trust the science vaxxie?
Try reading that again, with a native speaker's ability.
science proves 100% that the earth is a globe : )
if you want to prove it yourself, just look at the ISS go by at night - it goes in a straight line, proving its a globe : )
the maps of the globe also prove we are on a globe.


>Planes which do not fly in straight lines can appear to go in a straight line overhead from the perspective of someone on earth viewing a small section of the sky

Also flattards:
>if you don't believe Earth is a pizza, you are vaxxed
Very good, tryharder.
Post more.
And take the jab. We don't want you kind sticking around, preaching this murderous kike religion of yours.
lol, i used to say flatties think its a DVD, but a pizza is also funny, if you see somebody use that term here, its me.
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Back again to remind you degenerates to better your self. Always a fun watch
Again, ignore the shill agents from the Flat Earth Society poising the well
https://ifers.forumotion.com/f1-the-international-flat-earth-research-society again, the stickies and the FAQ, best of luck anon
>Looks like every zoomer is into it.
flat earthers are mostly mentally ill so it's understandable
>have absolutely no idea how anything works, you then project your misunderstanding onto everyone else, point at it and laugh. Not knowing you're laughing at your own stupidity.
its exactly like that. thats basically the whole of flat earth explained in one sentence.
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the earth might not be flat but one thing i know for certain is nasa is fake and gay, fuck you glowies and fuck your gay ass nasa
shame you've got no evidence of that either but you repeat it all the time anyway. strange really.
Are you saying that isn't true? You can literally see planes flying in a straight line, then look them up on Flight Radar and see whatever curved path they have taken.
>nasa is fake
no anon im pretty damn sure NASA actually exists and isnt fake.
>Flat earth model just dropped
out of your ass and we all know what thats called
looks so heckin' flat and valid
This is /x/. We're as schizo as /pol/.
Very few anons here went for the clot shot. Saying the Earth is a sphere isn't an attempt to "defend science", fuck science. It's a call to common sense.
Something you have absolutely fuckall of.
You keep repeating "science" and "vaccines" and "NASA" when humanity has known the shape of the Earth for thousands of years. You just keep sprouting nonsense while screaming and shitting all over yourself while we just look on in confusion and horror.
Again, I'm going to repeat, if you want us to even acknowledge any possiblity of a debate about Flat Earth give us a working model, and a map.
Start there?
You seem to be unable to even do that but you want us to start questioning our existence?

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