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There was a time when all humanity was working together. We had technology that interfaced seamlessly with nature, long lives and huge urban societies that make modern cities look like villages.
This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes. Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.
Suffice to say, the capabilities of ancient man would look like magic to us today.
If the sayers are right, this period of harmony happened between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago but may have continued long before in a deep forgotten past.

The entirety of modern history is a twisted attempt at concealing this truth; something it has done with considerable success. The signs of past achievement are literally right in front of us yet all of modern science, philosophy and theology have been interfered with in order to make us believe disharmony is the default state of humanity. There are monuments to the harmonious nature of our existence all around us, but they are hidden by constant assurances of our own apathy.
Unignorable proof of our past has been hidden in plain sight-- those with interests in keeping humanity mundane have realized the truth doesn't need to be hidden if you can be convinced this is all as nature, science and God have prescribed.
Systems of consciousness use layered harmonic patterns to perform both computational and energy management tasks. In computational terms, frequencies establish order of operations for logic. In energetic terms, frequency interference allows energy to take on modalities that influence the electromagnetic spectrum in different ways.

These systems are not solely in human beings but the universe itself also features these characteristics as they seem to be intrinsic to all matter and energy. When human beings are working at their full potential, they are capable of both interacting with and exchanging with the energetic systems that unify time and space and allow deterministic events to occur at all scales.

This means humans are part of an ecosystem which allows human will to exert itself across cosmic distances without violating physical laws. Conscious will is common to all matter and thus everything around us is both our creation and responsible for creating us simultaneously. Other conscious beings in nature are also aware of their connection to the 'Prana' or 'Chi' that allows all things to exist, but they can only communicate through this energy when the "receiver" is tuned to the natural frequencies we were designed for.
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I'm listening...
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You can understand the technology of the progenitors by understanding their limitations. First consider limtiations of our branch of technology;
Modern technology works in the realm of thermal management (heat engines to computing) and the electrophysical limits of conductive materials that govern computational limits. Behind both of these problems is the fundamental issue of materials.
We're nowhere near being able to produce the kind of materials nature can with ease so doing simple things like managing heat or doing computations is relatively hard.
When it comes to building a neural network full of established, meaningful connections and all of the physical semiconductive material needed to do this modern technology expends vast resources to accomplish this. Nature can do so with a tiny amount of raw material and a high degree of efficiency once requisites are met.
The computation case is a bit more complex. Let's look at energy producation instead, it's very obvious.

Energy availability scales with physical dimension, this is universal. The magnetic, gravitational and electric potential between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere represents all of the energy produced by solar wind blasting the Earth. If you can tap this energy, which exists just one plateau of scale above us, you can access energy anywhere on Earth without any cost.
This is what Tesla intended to do.
Actually accomplishing this is what a Leyden Jar does. You need to drop the resistance of air in a column that connects the ionosphere with Earth's sruface. A beam of microwave energy can do this. Tesla wanted to fly chains of balloons to high altitude coated with nuclear materials to ionize the air.

All of the progenitor tech works around the basic principle of unifying the boundaries of scale and dimension so that you can tap into greater potentials at small scale. Temples do this with human consciousness; they are scale models of the consciousness field.
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>Temples do this with human consciousness
How? Is it purely geometry/geolocation/material (ie on leylines or whatever, of granite, then proper shape language to model the consciousness field?) or is there a need for rituals or sanctifying by saints or monks or whatever?
You seem to get it. Your electrical talk (tesla, solar wind, leyden jar, ionization etc) goes a bit over my head because I just don't understand electricity very well.
But I'll listen.
>If the sayers are right, this period of harmony happened between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago

no, that age was the Atlantean survivors period... it was the final fall. The high tech age was before that and before it, was the real golden age w/o tech. Both ages ended in major doom, one by us with a kind of nuclear/gravity weapons 33k ago, one by our galactic overlords with a space rock 75k ago.
>they are scale models of the consciousness field
Yes. I just want to build off this because I used to know someone with a similar idea. He said that the Israelite Tabernacle and later Temples were a pattern for the soul. The Temple of Solomon or the first physical temple was covered in gold. That becomes very interesting when you look at the characteristics of gold and how the temple was built similar to a computer chip. It even had control over the flow of people, just like computer chips control the flow of electricity inside the chip.
I believe there were multiple resets/multiple eras
>The Temple of Solomon
was build to house one of the many 'ark', power generators / capacitors from 2 ages back.
bump for interest
First we have to identify the actual physical properties of the consciousness field as best we can.
Research on the Maharishi Effect (look it up if you don't know what this is) has demonstrated that conscious will follows a few simple rules;
>the inverse square law
Meaning it falls off exponentially with distance and is strongest at the point of source, and;
>constructive interference
In magnetism this is called "magnetic pole reinforcement" or "magnetic field superposition." It simply means multiple field sources in close proximity produces a stronger overall field.

Once you realize consciousness has these properties it becomes obvious that consciousness is acting like electromagnetic energy. This is a big hint, since it suggests electricity, gravity, magnetism and consciousness are all part of the same mechanism. It also makes sense in reductional thinking: the only functional definition we have for a "conscious" being is its level of electrical activity.

Now we can apply these properties and realize consciousness acts on the external environment like any other EM energy. In order to subject your own field to the larger fields produced by the Earth, you need resonance cavities. You need a volume of specific geometry and material that allows energy from the higher organizations to mingle with human energies.
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>There are monuments to the harmonious nature of our existence all around us
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youre right until this part
>33k ago, one by our galactic overlords with a space rock 75k ago.
not 33k ago but around 45+k ago , this was also the age of indian mythos and it ended with india getting nuked and mu vaporized , before that it wasn't 75k ago but 150k to near 200k ago and the one before that was around 300k to 450k ago where we got enslaved by what you call "galactic overlords"
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It's correct to say the timeline is complicated but the point is we have endured a long period of decline where various social and ideological systems have dominated our ability to interpret the past.
There is evidence for a much longer timeline involving movement between other planets in our solar system and eras of various types of technological focus, but the evidence is simply not clear enough to draw conclusions. We may get there eventually, but we must first move backwards through time in a procedural fashion starting at the last major cataclysm, which defines my aforementioned dates.
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OP, what about the cyclopean architecture? How was the Earth's EM field utilized to shape stone like this? Or was it soundwaves?
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And what about this stuff? It seems appearance-wise to be a different method all together.
Couldn't they just rub the rocks back and forth on top of eachother until it grinds it smooth? This one never struck me as spoopy
Believe what you want.
I asked a fucking question
You asked it rhetorically. Yes, you can rub rocks together to achieve that effect. You are welcome to believe this method was used to achieve cyclopean architecture.
No I didn't ask it rhetorically I don't do fucking stonework, the fact that you just hand wave any sort of query about it tells me you don't know either
Do you even lift, bra? I’ll fuck you up, kid. I’ll make you bite the kerb and stomp your fucking head while your dad gives me a reach around.
It was clearly rhetorical. But if not, good for you, man. Believe whatever you want.
>schizotech that doesnt work
>ayyy lmaos

This is easily done by hand. Theres no need to appeal to magic. Ive tried magic, it doesnt work. Unreliable as fuck.
If you say so. But I'm asking OP, not (you).
bump for op's return
Very good, Anon. Yes we have been through all of this before. Now that you have grasped the macro, can you handle the micro? What will you do with your life?
What are those squares?
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How many times have we tried and failed?
Authentic failure or sabotage?
When isn't it...
Sabotage is authentic failure.
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The cylcopean style is pretty mysterious. It seems like stone softening was used, most likely chemical. But the stranger feature is the overall planning and block design that makes up the finished structures. The style implies a very advanced degree of planning and execution.
If you ask the people of Peru what their ancestrial memory of these structures is, they'll say these walls and foundations were imagined into being in a single night. Whether that's literal or not I think it's a pretty clear admission that even the Andean civilizations recognized the sheer difficulty of this kind of work.

The Puma Punku blocks are an entirely different matter. In terms of the geopolymer discussion, they are the top candidates. This is due largely to the presence of ferromagnetic material inside the blocks, both magnetized and demagnetized. This and the chemical composition suggests the blocks were carefully synthesized in a chemical/thermal process like we do in modernity. It also suggests whoever made them couldn't find material with the right properties they wanted so made their own from scratch.

The simplest power production technology is proven to work by lightning. We're talking about pretty basic physics here.
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Tennis courts, gardens, pavilions, apartments...
It took hundreds of years for the people of Europe to cultivate the bog swamps spread widely across the region. People would dig massive trenches and fill them with detritus, then over decades swamps would grow to fill them. Only recently did we even realize the European bogs were mostly made by human agricultural practices. When the industrial revolution hit, all of that bog was dug up as a cheap fuel material. The people who did that had no idea this resource was actually man-made.

Now look at the Amazon. The ancient civilization that thrived there had massive urban developments and highway systems that spanned the jungles. They used advanced biochar fertilizer to grow in the acidic soil. They didn't rely on normal crop-based agriculture to feed these cities, they had small gardens in every home and public space that were carefully balanced selections of numerous plant species. Science knows this is true.

So what are the odds the current biodiversity we see in the Amazon is not infact 100% natural but is the result of hundreds of human-cultivated species spreading out of our settlements?
We know next to nothing about these civilizations and there is no precedent for a society like this existing in such a difficult environment as the jungle. Yet they were able to develop societies that rival those in the levant or further West in the Andes.
So what's the point of denying such a civilization ever existed?
>There was a time when all humanity was working together

What we call humanity today was a slave race used mostly for food and wombs. The things that ruled then are gone or so we are supposed to believe...
The same reason we're told man killed off every single one of his competitors and virtually every megafauna species in North America. Why we're told we need to elect leaders, or why we can't be trusted with any decision even those only affecting ourselves. Same reason we're told war is the default mode of humans even though we didn't make weapons of war until the "official" history starts.

It's the same reason we're supposed to believe we have had a gut adapted to eat food crops that we engineered, speech-capable organs and hand-eye coordination that allows control of vehicles and writing for nearly 300,000 years but didn't do anything of note until we decided to stay home and dump seeds on the ground.

We're too stupid, neligent, incapable and violent to get anything done without someone holding the door open for us. If you repeat that story enough times to someone from the beginning of their life to its closure, they will believe it.
That's how progress has been slowed. It's an intentional, philosophical development that is not organic. It's absurdly pessimistic in light of even the smallest amount of real scientific evidence.
As I alluded to here >>39018400 ;
This idea that humans are in some way subservient to a master class serves the specific agenda of saying we are incapable of self-determination.
The true power of humans is our ability to mold reality with our consciousness. We are social and spiritual creatures, we are not warriors or slaves.
It simply does not make sense to make an assumption that humans are not responsible for their flaws and strengths. We're told over and over how any free society where people's beliefs reflect their true ambitions will always lead to a breakdown of basic society. The political, scientific, educational and philosophical establishments all push this rhetoric.
Yet anyone can clearly see these societies have existed in the past and that their accomplishments far exceed ours in terms of what 1 person was capable of doing.
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It's an interesting question for many reasons. You know what another, more interesting question is?

How many times have we tried and succeeded?
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>overall planning
This is the part that freaks me out. It's as if they had an AI scan out materials, come up with a partially random (think prompts or generation seeds with our current NNs) structure that withstands earthquakes/erosion, then build it in so little time that the erosion is regular across each block. Just look at picrel. There's no reasonable way to make this, even geopolymer doesn't account for these rounded corners into... a straight edge corner (right side of picrel). It's almost mocking in a way. "Look, we can do anything with it. Shape it any way you might imagine to be difficult, complex, or arduous."
I have reason to believe this style of architecture is atleast 60,000 years old.
>were imagined into being in a single night
I could believe that if it weren't for the nubs. The nubs seem to indicate a process, rather than spontaneity.
>material with the right properties so made their own from scratch
This is even more interesting when you consider why anyone would make a material from scratch. If they were purely structural you wouldn't need a special chemical composition. If they were artistic or ritualistic, even less so the need for a specific chemical composition. The shape is mass produced, and pickiness about the composition implies the stone is intended to be used in a practical matter, for a specific purpose. Puma Punku, unlike cyclopean stuff, seems to me like parts of a large stone machine. Strangely shaped bearings, fittings, or latches. Cyclopean is obviously structural and anti-quake.
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>Cyclopean is obviously structural and anti-quake.
i used to think this, but this one here for example, is a thin facade held up by wood in multiple locations
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theres very few examples of the cyclopean technique that dont look like a polymer facade... and for a long time i thought those facades were only covering a pile of rubble. but the rubble is another facade....
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That wood wouldn't be there even if the Incas had built the site in 1500AD. Wood deteriorates fast, especially outdoors. Wooden structures need constant maintenance.
I also don't see how it being a facade disproves it being structural or anti-quake. It looks to me like your picrel is a layered landslide wall, like an ancient version of my picrel.
Again I don't see the connection between facde = not structural/not anti-quake/anti-landslide. Maybe facade just means the front of a building, though in modern times we use decorative facades to cut costs.
I won't deny that cyclopean appears to be geopolymer in method, though.
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Also, it's just kind of wrong to say that all cyclopean is just facades.
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in 3 separate sections of the "antiquake 60,000 year old ai designed landslide wall" the wood is the only thing holding it up, because.....
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the 160ish year old polymer concrete facade is only 3 - 4 inches in depth. in the middle image here you can see the small stone built up behind it. but far more interesting is the geometric precision of the fortress razed to "ground" level (also, theres no mountain for a landslide wall to hold back, just those 3 levels and the precise ruins the tour guides dont let you see)
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that ones quite distinct from the ballooning rounded ones in the previous images, much more like this one here, its most notable right next to the statue on the left, but all the foundations of this one are "megalithic and cyclopean" too. more over fuck a credit card you cant osmose water between these "stones". do you suppose.....
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....youd find them to be real stones with as much depth as surface hight/width or do you think theyed be a 3-5 inch weatherproofing over baalbek style gigaliths?
petrified tendon fibers.
Cyclopean isn't limited to South America, and wood decays you, imbecile. The official story is the Incas made this in the 1400s. Yes, somehow you want us to believe this wood has been outdoors for 500+ years with no signs of decay. Holy shit, you must be a genius.
Just leave the thread if you don't want to add anything intelligible.
Look at the image you blind invalid. The middle stone has 8 sides. It's interlocking. I got this image by searching "cyclopean architecture in Egypt". This is a temple in Egypt, retard. Stop being disengenuous. Off yourself.
>reeee agreee with me
but seriously do you have trouble using 2 posts as one prompt?
>somehow you want us to believe this wood has been outdoors for 500+ years with no signs of decay.
how the fuck did you jump to this from
>the 160ish year old polymer concrete facade is only 3 - 4 inches in depth
to your garbage innane conclusion?
>>39018603 this shit right here is a facade, no more then 4 inches thick.
> is atleast 60,000 years old.
my reply was in regards to this distinct style then you were all reeeee but this picture i googled in egypt, so i replied with a pic in saint peters burg now your all reeeetard thats not egypt.
but the funniest part is you seem to have forgotten us having this same conversation 3 of your threads ago ><

ps. is your 'theroy' of ancient magic hyper dimensional giant progenitors why your constant calling people retards in the mud flood threads?
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but are you sure its not just a facade ? here is about 30 feet from there, note how the black basalt meets the uneven limestone below, couldnt slip a hair betwixt
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Sorry it took a while to reply, I was busy.

> It's as if they had an AI scan out materials
This is a conclusion that starts becoming apparent across the variety of structures with acoustic properties especially.
One strong example is the Barabar caves in picrel here >>39018441
These caves are engineered across a variety of interrelated parameters. They are planned around a base unit of length that is subdivided into chords. They have specific angles in their domes and walls that allow constructive interference from reverberation. They are also built around a specific utility that did not allow certain methods to be used in their construction. Meaning each phase of stone removal, preparation and polishing had to be done systematically even when inconsistencies were found in the stone.

This is the sort of project that if you were planning would require an extremely complex application of physics, measurement and exact understanding of tool tolerances and work rates. Today we could only do this degree of work using a computer.

You can look at virtually any ancient megalithic site and see similar methodology;
These sites were planned to have specific acoustic properties while also adhering to a battery of architectural, aesthetic and engineering requirements. This is virtually impossible to do without some kind of computational capability.
The crazy part is that we see this kind of complex planning even in the most mundane-looking sites like neolithic caves and even open sites like Stonehenge are designed to focus sound.

Now, the question comes to what instruments were used to do this planning. We think of AI, but it may have been a human mind that could accurately understand these forces to a degree we would think they were computers. It's not incredible to think in the past we had a means to train and prepare people to be deeply integrated with reality.
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Cyclopean style =/= Polygonal style
They are similar but not the same.
Which a somewhat awkward but necessary question, how could primitive man know what wave patterns looked like enough to represent them in art?
easy...they were not primitive in the slightest
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You're asking why they're using visual language contemporaneous to modern science.
Consider the hindu scriptures' universal egg. This egg is accepted as a physical representation of the universe, where one end is emanating prana and the other is receiving it. The visible universe where humans exist between these points.
Today we know these points as the Shapley attractor, which is encompassed inside the Great Attractor. A portion of galactic space with a greater concentration of galaxy cores causes all matter and energy across swaths of supergalactic space to collect in a small region, and certain areas of space repel matter in this same way. Modern science doesn't really understand where this "new" matter comes from, and labels it euphemistically as the "dipole repeller"

The point is that modern science and ancient science are aware of the same precepts. They know the nature of waves, that waves can be transverse/conjugated or have right angle components such as EM energy does. All of this information is gained through a process that is not solely available through modern scientific method. We should assume it can be acquired through processes that are not remotely related to the modern iteration on the scientific method.
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The simple and straightforward truth.
I'm not sure how to wrap my head around this concept, maybe it's not for me to understand it.
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I enjoy these threads quite a bit OP- Big bump
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>this thread.
Ok, so, if we take the whole of Sumerian, the ancient Veda's, the myths of giants, floods, wars, etc. we get...Advanced civ comes to earth, maybe more than one. Wants to colonize, set up a base, explore. Finds gold...not that there isn't more gold out in the system alone more than 4000x over but, yeah gold (assumptions are now coming forth that gold is actually needed as a catalyst to refine AM). There is some kinda conflict among the sides and a war breaks out, this war can be interpreted as Aesir vs. Vanir, Deva's vs. Asuras, Ennead vs...well, themselves, and finally Titans vs. Olympians, in short, the Titanomachy. This conflict was before we were "made". Established who had rights to run the operations here. Some fuck all kick ass epic space war...based on Von Dieken, Sitchen et al.
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After everyone's heels cooled. The working class of the aliens were tired of working, because, fuck, you know...an advanced race of beings who can stride the stars like we can walk from one end of the street to the other apparently fail at making automatons. So, a few of the "gods" find a primate that is close, but not quite the same as them. Based on interpretation, they either decide to Zeus the females or add some of their DNA to them, and presto! The perfect slave race to serve them! They had a bunch of advanced cities around and in between the Sinai and as far East as the Indian subcontinent...which conveniently have all vanished, including the ones in the sky (3 of them according to the Vedas) and that really really neat one that Solon heard from some Kemet priest that he told his grandson.
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Well, based on some things the sand people were going on about, humans were very busy fucking and making more of themselves, in part to mine that rock and...serve (?) were making way to much noise and making the "gods" nervous. Probably thought there would be another revolt. Anyhow, they decided to flood the planet. Where the amount of water for this came from is debatable, but basically, they figured their chimeras could not swim. However, one "god" did not want the project to go to waste, and convinced Noah, Atrahasis, Deucalion, etc. to build a craft that could ride the storm out. What really happened? Probably Younger Dryas impact near Canada did fuck all to the ice and parts may have struck nearby.
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As humanity tried to regrow, they figured their former masters would fuck them again and decided to build a tower, it was tall, maybe had help from lesser "gods", may have been a OE, who knows, but this pissed the "gods" off too and they scrambled humanities heads and thus created the different peoples.
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Meanwhile, in the land where people shit in the streets and plot to fuck us all in ways the jews couldn't imagine, had two really long stories called the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, tl;dr, there was this global civilization that consisted of 7 or so really advanced cities (a few in the sky?) that were about to be embroiled in a really nasty war...not as bad as the one that happened before us, that one btw took out the fifth world, ruined Mars and Venus, because they were like Earth or something, closed Saturn's portal, gave it its rings, and a bunch of other bullshit, but hey, you had to be there because it was EPIC, but anyway, this war was about to go down and there were still some "gods" or their kids running around and decided to help one of the two factions. The cause of the war? Someone dropped the baddest "your momma" of all time and that just caused one side to chimp out (Hanuman?) like no other.
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So, the war happened with the remains of the tech from the "gods". In fact, some of the tech was so fucking dangerous, it was hidden in a land to the SE of India, Astralaya, (Australia, the oldest of the continents, according to geology, why? Because they say its so flat and featureless, some people say the Earth is flat too, but really don't care because hate flying and don't really see a need to travel too far) these weapons are the surviving left overs from that space war the "gods" had and one of them actually fucking sounds like a lightsaber. Also, personable portable mini nukes, aircars, power armor, mind controlled drones, and one weapon that sounds like a AM bomb. This war lasted 18 days, killed 1.8 billion, destroyed the flying cities (one crashed, causing a giant wave in a land West of India) and the 7 other major cities worldwide and gave us a probably incorrect description of nuclear radiation based on a weapon that sounds more like a curse or spell. Also, we are still recovering from this conflict to this day and are now supposedly learning back those "wonders" we lost.
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In short, ancient myths makeup the best science fiction fantasy ever and someone needs to put it all together and make some serious bank. You think when Marduk was on earth, he had a bike like this?
Then my question is, why do these assholes keep setting us back?
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Would you REALLY want us running around with this level of tech upon the galaxy?
Think about electromagnetic energy. It has an electrical component and a magnetic component that together appear as light. These 2 components are oriented at a right angle to eachother. In nature, each photon has a random rotation so you can filter out the light with rotations of EM you don't want and only get those oriented in a specific direction. The direction of the components influences how the EM photon reacts to other EM sources like atoms.
This is how polarized lenses see through water. They have structures allowing only specific orientations of light in.

You can actually perceive this phenomenon with the naked eye by looking into a pool of reflecting water. You can hypothetically identify fundamental aspects of physics just by looking at and thinking about the macroscale universe we interact with every day. You don't need to apply EM in a photoelectric circuit to identify that a photon has 2 components at right angles, just an open mind.
>no it can't be natural. definitely has to be artificially created by a higher life form
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That's another approach. Think about matter and "life" in superpositional terms.

>All matter and energy exists in a form that is in a state of superposition
>Matter exists in a large but finite number of states until it is observed

Classically "dead" matter should be able to exist in a 'living' state that can dynamically change and be interacted with provided the right kind of observer is present.
This also ties into how human belief and understanding shapes the universe around us fundamentally. If we believe something is possible as a fact of nature, it will become nature.
So the idea that "living stones" as the ancients called them really did have an element of life, reacting to human will in certain situations.
Again, modern science confirms many of these ideas on premise but cannot yet break its own assumptions honestly.
Pareidolia or earth elementals at play?
>If the sayers are right, this period of harmony happened between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago

33.5 kya: Anunnaki settle on Earth. Pn
30-13 kya: War of the species, biowarfare and monsters. So evil that both Atlantis and Lemuria had to be destroyed. SM
16 kya: 6th iteration builds cities such as Bimini Road. LF
15 kya: P'nti Star Elders establish eight monitoring stations on Earth. Pn
14 kya: 4th Age grew decadent and wicked, bestiality and cannibalism etc, and was ended by cessation of North Atlantic current due to weather manipulation. A hostile race caused a shift in Earth's axis that triggered an ice age and ended Humanity's technology-dependent civilization, ending the 4th Age of Man. A Flood several thousand years ago erased most traces, and what remained was systematically dismantled by righteous hands. Yj
11,557 BC: "A conflict between two Ea factions was quashed by their own police." Creating a Human slave race: "a renegade group of Ea tried, was caught & got kicked off world by their own Honorable Guard." It enhanced the devastation of initial Holocene climate change. Pn
13 kya: Renegade Ea misbehave, causing Earth's protective Quarantine, enforced by P'nti and 6 other Star Nations. Pn
8.5 kya: 7th iteration, the one we remember. Elohim claim godhood and depict Repterrans as devils, warring against them. LF
8 kya: 5th Age's global secret elite is founded. Yj

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>mingeing about mudflood
>periodic natural world resets through floods and fire didn't happen
>tilt of earth's axis
>titans are mythology
How does it feel to be you?
dawww the snek image i posted in the mudfossel thread - you should have kept the title
>no it can't be natural. definitely has to be artificially created by a higher life form
heres a zoom out of the same image you reply too - tell me more.

ps >>39022650 do you think this chat bot faggot here can do better then "reeeeeee those stones cant be 160 years old the wood wouldnt last 500 years"
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this is the weirdest most haphazard derailing attempt
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You could argue we already did something very very bad in the past as it is.
What do any of you know about the Finno-Korean Hyper War? There were two great superpowers at the time. Known as The Great Hwan Empire, and the Ancient Finnish Empire also called The Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate.
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focuses the telluric currents for?
pyramid = fire in middle
one of those is mine ima take it personally, im not trying to derail the thread, the one i was replying too googled cyclopean architecture (lol) in egypt when i mentioned ones in south america would fall over if not held up by wood, weather or not allegedly 60,000 year old stone monuments are 200 year old polymer facades or not is directly related. op or someone pertending to be him went full fascist when he/it miss read some of my posts some time back >>39022913 (because i split my post into 2 and the chat bot making these threads couldnt follow it ><)
but my point isnt an attempt at derailment, these monuments arnt 60,000 years old there relatively modern, they wernnt built by pacts forged by man and ancient non human beings, just men (and hes a noob who treats scale like its not an asypemtotic variable >>39005971)
do you think the allegedly ancient stone buildings being a facade of recent concrete changes nothing?
>and huge urban societies

I'm not so sure about that.
I think the notion that advanced civilization = huge urban society is a strictly modern perspective
i agree, phonetic parallels trump literal sophistry. enunciate eurb
Has anyone in modern day used geopolymers to replicate this kind of masonry?
>Now, the question comes to what instruments were used to do this planning. We think of AI, but it may have been a human mind that could accurately understand these forces to a degree we would think they were computers. It's not incredible to think in the past we had a means to train and prepare people to be deeply integrated with reality.

Mentats! - Alternatively, I think the illumination of Alchemists could be viewed as a kind of "hacking" of consciousness.
>think about these chemical and metallurgical processes, as like a metaphor
>now roast these specific compounds in a crucible, making sure to watch it carefully, huff the fumes
>Ok, do it over and over again, especially at particular times of year and at night, so cosmic rays hit at just the right angle
>presto! You're "illuminated" and can now see the source code of reality!

I mean, that seems to be the goal of alchemy. It's like wall glitching in a video game.
vaccinate your spergs !
you ever read dune from the perspective of a single world with time travel in lieu of space travel?
No. I've never heard of this interpretation...
bump for interesting cyclops thread
it certainly adds a new twist to the isralie art school girlfriend, if your into mingling loresets. could you provide a more apt modern terse translation for alchemy then - the highest fidelity knowings {with extra stressed plurality} -
You missed the point, you moron. Nobody is saying that the wood stacks are ancient, we know they were put there by archeologists.
The point is that the supposedly 60k years old uber-advanced AI designed walls aren't that uber-advanced, because the only thing stopping them from collapsing is some wood stacks put there by modern archeologists.
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Dune already is time travel. The spice is oil/poppies/soul. The worm is Jormungandr's cyclical cataclysm.

Civilization divides man from Nature:
- Atreides = mind, ideals
- Ordos = heart, greed
- Harkonnen = bowels, lust

Fremen are tribal authentic humanity, overthrowing the pyramid, renewing the cycle.
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next dune movie should have the armies of the emperor dressed like civil war dudes
>The worm is Jormungandr's cyclical cataclysm.
whats the golden path?
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cause i split the point into 2 posts
the reply was actually chat bot tier ><
Wait. Israeli art hoes are also part of this Dune theory??
Dune as a civil war period piece would be a daring synthesis
duh? phonetically - jesuit begotten - their function was always to breed high perception individuals that self actualize success.
ps. op is an antihuman propagandist who wants you to accept the only path to human ergonomic success is now long past and was only attainable in union with ayys and ais - but he dosnt even know how to activate his water lol (dem laminar flow states in atmosphere) - lewl even
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Please don’t disregard the connotations to the old world and numerous resets until now…

>whats the golden path?
Akashic record, possibility before choice
>modern cities look like villages.

There's no time in earth history when there was so many men on earth.

The old human civilization pop was barely hitting a billion...

For example our living relatives pop are all below 100k...
they are clearly on their way out

>between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago
that's basicly the dark age after the fall...
wtf are you reading?
awesome picture,set as new wallpaper,thanks anon
a portion of the record exsist chained at the heart of all cells, youd have to go back to the first body to find perfect chains though. golden path is that which the eye cannot see. freedom from the will of one.
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>tf wen no israeli art ho gf
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like, Nature, man
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>picrel for (you)
Mossad doesnt want you to know this, but the Israeli art hoes at the rave are free.
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the heart of fire longs to be loved again
and the stds last a lifetime
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With the specific intent to replicate the formulation of these stones? Not at any large scale. There is some interest in waterglass and natron based geopolymer but this research is small-scale hobbyists' work. We produce a lot of geopolymer today, since the definition of geopolymer is actually pretty broad. Many types of modern amended concretes fit the definition.

The natron approach is particularly interesting taking into account the theory that the Giza complex was a chemical refinery that produced natron via the Solvay process using evaporative cooling.

I agree with your conclusion. There appears to be a genuine human element behind all of these structures that betrays the methodology used. They probably did use technological instrumentation to assist this kind of work but again we shouldn't downplay the powerful nature of human intent and perception.

>There's no time in earth history when there was so many men on earth
We simply cannot make that determination. The human population contracted dramatically to a few thousand people around 13kya, so any genetic evidence of population sizes before that are gone.
I would also say it's not necessary to associate the world I'm discussing with larger populations. I think the city state model is more accurate given the evidence we have.
>the dark age after the fall
It's the period we have evidence for and it inherited all of the wisdom and technology of the older period, albeit in fragments. It is what we are meant to learn from first if we look at things procedurally/logically.
>finally a good thread
>/ng/ morons ranting like children about nothing
thanks for actually caring, op
oh, what lump of relatively recently erected masonic concrete do you personally and falsely idolize?
you already made up your mind about everything and refuse to see past that so no point in trying to have a discussion.
>everything is a lie, nothing and noone can be trusted
>radiocarbon dating is a lie, physics is a lie
>history cannot be interpreted objectively
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dawww you sure have your dismissive box for all who disagree figured, but ive never said any of those things.
>e simply cannot make that determination.
sure we can
we know when things got bad and life went through a bottle neck both for us and the mega fauna.

There's no settlement of fucking ETs, it was just other species of men before us. From archaic human back to pre-human and non-human(not ET, earth natives).

There are cycles but nothing like the greek ages or the yugas. That's the primitive autistics trying to make sense of the world they dont understand. Ice ages are from the Milankovitch (orbital) cycles and they are about 150ky each. They are way beyond our human chronology. When the last one started 123ky ago, our model wasnt even invented. We know there were many other migration out of Africa before ours and that most other species were alive till the fall, about 33ky ago. From there we've been going down as well as everything else on earth. That's not evolution, its degeneration and we're the result.
>is willing to say what he doesn't think
>refuses to say what he thinks
disagree about what? none of your replies are moving towards constructive discussion that's why you're ranting about jews and masons while the adults have a real conversation that isn't 100% fear and identity politics
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>none of your replies are moving towards constructive discussion
i havnt mentioned or ranted about jews or carbon dating and this reply chain is 5 posts long, who are you imagining your talking to right now?
> isn't 100% fear and identity politics
again, who do you think your talking too?
do you think this post here ((you)) was moving towards constructive discussion? if yes, go fuck yourself, if no, why have you singled me out with fictitious straw man tier arguments?
One thing I never understood about head shaping is where does the extra mass come from in some of the skulls? It doesn't look like an altered skull but a naturally larger one to begin with.
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The fact is that material records do not survive these tracts of time especially during cataclysms. There is no way to conclude an ancient city older than 15,000 years could be found and correctly dated in the archaeological record using modern approaches.
Hence my point about mitochondrial DNA being our biggest clue about population sizes in the ancient world. Before the contraction there could easily have been unprecedented populations in specific areas that would be virtually invisible in the archaeological record.
Therefore, the main evidences we find to describe the population levels prior to the cataclysm are cultural.

>That's the primitive autistics trying to make sense of the world they dont understand. Ice ages are from the Milankovitch (orbital) cycles and they are about 150ky each

Honestly take a step back and look at this claim. It is equally primitive to associate the procession of such large and poorly understood systems with weather on Earth. The fact is these cycles may contribute to trends but are absolutely on the incremental end of climate events while much more meaningful short-term events drive radical changes that actually lead to ice ages.
A few megavolcanoes erupting as a result of cometary impacts far outweighs the consequences of milkanovitch cycles, just as it outweighs seasonal procession.
Please move the pointless bickering to another thread. Thanks. Sincerely, with respect.
It's called Atlantis, then we tried ts again with Lemuria, didn't work either. Now we here.
lol of course youd see it as pointless, but its not, thats just your tiny box brow. the bickering is our dissent articulated, itcomes down to questioning your thesis. ie how old are the facades.
were these your posts as well >>39022650
>>39022913 >>39022928 'op' ?
material records survive more than 15k and we can date them
we know about impacts too
wtf are you talking about?
you're a special kind of retard
articulate but still dumb
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>where does the extra mass come from
ruling bloodlines
>Now we here.
DC sinks when?
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Things like needles left in caves obviously exist to around 60kya due to their context. I'm talking about the "material culture" that is associated with excavated settlements. These findings are extremely rare; metals and polymers break down over periods this long. The only things that survive are fossilized materials. Even the natural polymers that survive this long such as amber are products of fossilization processes.
The name-calling and emotional outburst is absolutely unnecessary.

No those are not my posts.
>itcomes down to questioning your thesis
We know that every culture that follows a great builder culture makes efforts to maintain, transform and repair them. I do not think you understand my "thesis" in this regard since I have not stated any kind of ideas around how these practices have transformed our ability to make estimations or judgements.
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based base bringing protoss enthusiast.
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Cranial deformation practices throughout the world using infant binding techniques do not enlarge the cranium.
Look at picrel, the middle skull is the product of this deformation practice.

The left and right skulls have a volume greater than 1.5x a normal homo sapien sapien cranium. They lack a saggital suture, meaning they are taxonomically in their own phenotype. They also have phenotypical features that do not fit into the genetic groups where they are found; e.g. red hair in South America.

We also have the lack of a functional theory for the use of artificial binding in most cultures where we see it; the leading theory is that binding denoted caste or social rank. However many of the societies where we see this practice are also described by historians as lacking stratified societies. The Paracas culture, where the picrel skulls are from, is said to have been a "cultural hegemony" meaning they had no military, social or geographical organization and purely relied on cultural practices to define the limits of their empire.
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>We know that every culture that follows a great builder culture makes efforts to maintain, transform and repair them.
kay this was not a very human sentence but this next one
>I do not think you understand my "thesis" in this regard since I have not stated any kind of ideas around how these practices have transformed our ability to make estimations or judgements.
how did you even get to this, particularly this
>I have not stated any kind of ideas around how these practices have transformed our ability to make estimations or judgements.
when or how do you think i implied that you had, in this >>39047400 or any other post?
>op is an antihuman propagandist who wants you to accept the only path to human ergonomic success is now long past and was only attainable in union with ayys and ais
it's consistently one of the better threads on the site.
the honesty is refreshing and it makes the trolling that much more obvious.
>op is an antihuman propagandist who wants you to accept the only path to human ergonomic success is now long past and was only attainable in union with ayys and ais
but op is saying the exact opposite..?
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This reminds me of something I saw about Papua New Guineans feeling guilty for wiping out pacifist Whites who had migrated from South America, sounds like their remnant.
>I am... I AM TIAMAT. I am the Elder of Elders of a family who parented your people. ...

>Unfortunately there are those in the family still competing over power and to see how their cock fight will play out.

>In short, I am what your people call a Goddess, but I am not. I am the Mother of the Anunnaki, for they are my wayward children and many stories have been put in place to demonize me.

>Difficult people and situations are hard to find love with, but it is something that needs to be done to balance the Earth and the Ethers.”

>We come to you as parents of children who have lost their way and are still fighting it out and working with what you call the Cabal. It is all about competition. One might think that they should call it quits, but they never will until their toys decide to change their minds. You Dear Children had been their toys for far too long and now your collective is waking up and will not be controlled.
your reading is poor
>This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes
"other worlds" doesn't mean aliens. the word world and planet are not synonymous. op is 100% not talking about aliens or AI. are you sure you're on the right board
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son get your pawns of my checkers board
>Dune as a civil war period piece
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you seeing anyone cause im down for some shitpostnchill
The elongated skulls with this phenotype appear in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. It's pretty impressive how they've been ignored for so long, but they don't fit into the timeline like say Cro-Magnon.

Another interesting thing is that these skulls appear relatively late in the record, with open graves in Peru filled with these skulls dating back to the last 4-600 years or less. It's a fascinating subject and doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves.
Or when it does get attention, it's only to point out that some deformed skulls were made with bindings therefore they all must be and nothing more to see here folks now move along.
how would you say a 600 year old skull fits into the prehistoric progenitor timeline?
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Another oversized guardian angel. The slaying of an endangered species who guides humans to safety is a high crime.
Sounds like something a smart, rich and big-skulled elite would do.

>You were given a larger frontal cortex and a more rational mind with the gift of articulated speech and languages, as part of a plan to transform this planet into a consciousness outpost meant for surveillance and protection of this galactic sector since there were divisions in the heavens and wars among the stars. But you were conceived with a lower flatter skull and deprived from the higher parts of the brain, seat of the 8th chakra, and of much of the spiritual abilities that your original ancestors had received.

>But the Star Elders who seeded the Ant-People on this home-planet Earth, coming from the star gates of the Orion's belt nebula, are highly spiritually evolved beings, who have kept visiting Earth, instructing and teaching your Human ancestors, partly as a karmic responsibility to help your species cope with the influence of the Ant-People. This is why they left as signs, trios of pyramids laid out like the stars of Orion's belt, in Egypt, China, Bosnia and Mexico. They are tall, with long high skulls, often with a bright purplish aura. Although the hybrids they seeded generally lost their way, they sit with the Eldest Elders.
It's true in all sciences. Generally, evidence for the various claims in the OP post is convincing and exists in quantity. It's clear at this point there is an approved narrative that is intentionally backwards and reinforced across institutions. It's particularly evident in the theoretical sciences.
The Maharishi Effect is another great example of this. It describes the social effects of pure intent in sufficient detail to produce a field model for consciousness itself. It's been studied seriously for decades now and is still totally ignored by the big journals for no apparent reason.

Odds are very high there are still survivors of the progenitor civilizations living today. Their genes may be expressing in different ways that allow them to turn traits on and off.

This is where it starts getting really interesting. You could have small enclaves of progenitor gene lines hiding in plain sight within the human population. They would only yield the full spectrum of physical traits of progenitors if environmental changes or sexual selection pressures allowed. Modern genetics would not be able to discern any real difference, as unexpressed genes make up the bulk of every animal's genome and are largely considered a black box.

So it's possible you'd have progenitor resurgences appearing in later periods if humans and progenitors interbed at any point (and it's obvious they did.) Again, environment or sex characteristics would determine the odds of this happening.
This has a degree of speculation of course. Other possibilities exist.

Interesting to consider the ancient practice of keeping a vial of stem cell rich umbilical blood you for your whole life. You see this in hindu cultures. Such a material could help you regrow limbs and reveal your unexpressed genes with a fairly advanced level of technology.
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>Odds are very high there are still survivors of the progenitor civilizations living today
of the 37 distinct clades of man upon the earth today (still fuck pygmies were not counting them) which would you say can trace there gene line to the progenitors, and which do not?
Good read. Bump
Sub-races of man:

>Humanity was conceived and created in Lemuria, by the Council of Star Elders. Your DNA star seeds inherited of several genetic materials of many origins. The most prominent of your ancestors came from the Pleiades, called the Sanat Kumara. Your first Human ancestors inherited from them their long tall skulls with open fontanel, their deep blue skins, and their long longevity, stretching over tens of thousands of years. Their blue-black completion is called Keshava in Sanskrit, a language received from them. The purest descendants of this root race are found in some tribes of south-eastern India, like the pre-Dravidan Devvas, tribes of northern Australia, or some tribes of eastern Africa.''

>Fossil records of this root race have been found, but kept ignored or hidden by scientists because they do not fit in their timeline, and can debunk their official theory of evolution.

>in chronological order of appearance: the actual descendants of the Purple race is sparsely found in Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and South America, carrying more genes from Homo Denisova than other Humans; the Green race, whose descent is nowadays found mainly in Melanesia, Malay tribes and South-East Asia, was more related to Homo Erectus; the Brown race left descent from Homo Habilis all around the Indian Ocean basin, from Africa to India, and into Australia; the descent of the Beige race is mostly concentrated in Eurasia, and intermingled closely with Neanderthals and Hyperborean Elves; the Orange race lived mostly in western and southern Atlantis, its genetics are found mainly in North Africa, western Europe and in the Americas, closely related to the Cro-Magon; the Pink race was living in northern Atlantis and left more genes in North America, Europe, and in North Africa to a lesser extent; their genetic pool was the main stock for the Homo Sapiens.
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tfw colloid silver bans are on the rise
were you going for a hues of man type deal relating colors of skin to hierarchy to the chakras with some purple crown green heart lore? no pictures son but unlike trump ripping off neros playbook and slaythering gold on his pink skin for an orange result, if you have the overall ph to incorporate imbibed colloid gold ones skin turns green, imo gold age man of green > silver blueberry
How much gold would I have to consume to turn green?
Obviously not all at once but let's say I put a solid gold coin in my drinking water everyday. Any effect?
>if you have the overall ph
if you have an overall dietary ph less then 8.5 youll just piss it out.
>solid gold coin
google colloid, your education is insufficient to actualize your ambition.
>he name-calling and emotional outburst is absolutely unnecessary.
It is necessary because you're a liar.
We know about volcanoes eruption too...
The fact that you piss on the sun's influence on earth climate tells me you have no idea of the output of energy this fireball is providing to its system. You have no physic education so very little understanding of the topic and I can spot you guys from miles.
The other influences are just punctual events in the global scheme of things and are not cyclical.
The sun is running this show and it has its own cycles.
Then, our earth's position and orientation have their own cycles.
That's where the cycles are and they are not the Yugas or the Greek ages.

Our wide human family has been around for hundred of thousands of years already. Even the ice age cycles dont get rid of us between the tropics.
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So dietary ph of at least 8.5 and a couple of bottles of colloidal gold. Got it
Shrek cosplay here I cum!
you didnt even check the ph of your supplement, rip cultivation gains
Yeah I'm looking into it and I pretty much have to become vegan to maintain an average pH higher than 8.5
There's always a catch...
embrace the bean
the cultivation of cellular homeostasis is probably the hardest and most important thing one can do. your choice in ridding your body of apoptosis for cosplay is perhaps unwise.
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>embrace the bean
Will do anon. Thank you for the valuable knowledge you have shared with me.
no. these were their main original colors. Obviously it varies today.
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it's not like hollywood hasn't already been trying, they just suck at understanding the soul of the mythology they're trying to profit from
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I thought Reptoid vs Insectoid wars was the one they actually got right.
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The phenomenon I outlined would not be confined to clades since it would have diffused by this point. The most obvious way to track down people with these traits would be to look at the areas where recent resurgences in elongated skulls have occured, e.g. Peru, Indonesia and the Mediterranean.
I simply said catastrophes and gradualist models are not mutually exclusive.
We agree about most of the points brought up so I really don't understand the hostility.
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Why pyramids have been at the core of all interplanetary civilizations, besides as a universal sign of intelligent life:

>Secondly, a pyramidal structure made of stones, the longest lasting material, is the form of construction that last for the maximum period, enduring the test of time through all weathers and earthquakes, for many ages. The subsequent phases of civilizations have not left as many structures still standing. Pyramids stand not only as monuments to the advanced intelligence of their builders, whose identities are often unknown or forgotten, but also to the furthest antiquity of their civilizations, that preceded your modern world.

>Thirdly, a pyramidal shape carries in itself physical properties, like preventing rust or rot under its structure. But it has a large variety of other uses, like producing piezoelectricity, as crystals do, due to their geometry; or channeling waves carrying different energies, whether telluric currents, electricity, sounds, radio or microwaves, creating energy fields. Those energy waves can be directed to carry messages or charges, and their frequencies syntonized in harmonic resonances to manifest tremendous sources of power, able to create anti-gravity to move huge weights; or used for powering complexes and operating technologies; or condensed into plasma to power flying ships or devices like star gates.

>Cymatics studies show that sound frequencies, when accurately tuned, can design some intricate geometric patterns in malleable matter like liquid or fine sand. They can also alter molecular structures, or make matter in its different forms levitate and shape-shift. Those technologies were used in the cutting, melting and molding of gigantic stone blocks in the most ancient monuments found on this planet, left by the Elder builders. Just like sound, other wave frequencies as radio or microwaves, can have similar effects.
This is consistently my favourite thread on the board, thanks OP
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did the progenitors practice circumcision or was that limited to or is this limited to diffuse populations of their line intermingled into the human population?
>small enclaves of progenitor gene lines hiding in plain sight within the human population
would they call them eurbs?
no, that is a barbaric method of marking livestock
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First 6 letters*
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i agree entirely, it causes an inheritable form of prefrontal cortex malformation...... however, none of these elongated skulls have anything resembling a prefrontal cortex to speak of.
in my own expierence there seems to be a direct coalition between the girth of ones forebrain and the overall depth to with said one embraces merit as both input and output with an equal and juxtapositional correlation between the rearbrain elongation and a like embracing of authortarian mindsets (remember afew threads back when i asked you about the fasces {if your op})
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>Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.

Is it much if any different than what one can do today? Literally everything I think about in the past few hours ends up appearing as a thread on here. I watch a video about Arnold Schwarzenegger talking about scripting/manifesting/law of attraction and he's the picture attached to the LOA thread today. Every.Time.
It's nice to be so close to God. Maybe?
congratz bro youve let a singular ai curate your content so long its written your mind
Yes, prefrontal cortex is associated with universalist ethics, whereas occipital is autistically pre-egoic. Thus the backswept is hierarchical authoritarian egoic, charismatic kings.
only the blue eyed man looks to his neighbors house and thinks to himself - ya, i could do that better -
as opposed to envying, presumably

indeed there is an association between melanation and aggression, at least for surface-dwellers. hotter weather, more plant growth, less mammalian cooperation against environment, more internal competition.

the Swedes suffer for it
>envying, presumably
the feeling like a hook just behind the navel that wants to pull you directly away is pure disgust.
clearly disregarding thy neighbor for a digital age enkidu gambit in hermitage to the effect of the galvanization of ones own mind is the only path to rules. but this needs no subjects or rulers, only the rod the ring and the angle right and true.
those poor swedes though ;(
ps. how would you characterize traits of any particular group of nonsurface dwellers? (more over what dose it mean to dwell above the face?)
Perhaps the Swedes will discover a pride in their Star Nation roots, and find in Nature the desire to exist again.
I imagine cave ecology as similar to the deep sea's, an abyss of hunger, isolation and predation, where pale lights spell doom. However, artificial suns light great caverns in the Underdark. The surface sloshes ephemeral, yet they endure, fossilized. Stone has an unyielding quality; one finds little soft or superfluous. The quiet must be nice. Each with a role and the capacity to do, diamonds glittering in the dark.
>Each with a role and the capacity to do, diamonds glittering in the dark.
and how would you describe the men who reside above the face today void gets?
>void gets
a certain perspective isn't heard often enough:
>Those dumb-mesticated naked apes, dressed in other animals' skins or hair and killing forests to make shelters to survive the elements, who let their black-robed priests and their white-robed doctors chop off the foreskin of their sons at an age before they can consent, as if it was a mistake from Nature, allowing the dark cabal to mark its cattle, are their masters' pets depending on toys they are fed with. They hide their cowardice behind killing machines, they see as their greatest power and achievement.
thread created by bot, don't reply

My apologies if this is addressed later in the thread; I have not read the thread in its entirety,

What is the significance of sound as it relates to this architecture? Have there been any experiments conducted in these locations? I have long been of the opinion that sound is significant, but I do not understand the science behind it. Always thought there was something meaningful behind how the Bible describing God as speaking, or how the stereotypical depiction of a Buddhist monk meditating involves the humming "om" type of sound.

I have thought before that certain frequencies can manipulate various kinds of material. For example, a specific frequency can somehow make malleable this granite and other rock material used in cyclopean and megalithic architecture, resulting in the careful molding we see here. Curious to hear others' thoughts.
>The true power of humans is our ability to mold reality with our consciousness
yeah tell that to everyone who took vaccine from a guy whom not long ago was pushing for the idea of depopulation through vaccines. Imagine you see someone like bill gates make speech that "we can lower world population with vaccines" before corona, and then when he's being pushed to morning america tv show like 5-10 times to talk about "you need to take vaccine goyim" and you're incapable of making seeing the pattern/decide to take vaccine... hey I'm not too hopeful for our species
is it not quaint the way in which anti human authoritarian wankers always drape their message of surrender
>This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself,
in such seemingly egalitarian language
>There was a time when all humanity was working together
>Need we to remind you that you were like us, created in Lemuria to be caretakers of all life on Earth? Unlike the Elder Brothers hybrids who preceded you, you were not gifted with the shells of the Ant-People, the scales of the Lizard-People, the feathers of the Bird-People, nor the hair of my own people. You were created without any natural protection from the elements and weathers of the earthly environments, precisely to remind you that your spiritual star seeds were implanted on this home-planet. You were conceived to be vulnerable, depending on the protection of your Star Elders and Brothers. This was to make you a sensitive species, with a greater empathy, compassion and sensibility for life.

>You were also created to be beautiful and attractive beings, to allow you to reproduce through love. This was meant to keep you connected with the Soul spiritual evolution process through procreation. Your spiritual mission was to maintain the level of consciousness developed before you on Earth, and to improve it by integrating love and sensitivity in the Soul evolution process and caretaking of all life.
if you cant answer a simple question cloaca or gtfo
If you cannot recognize a no, learn to read.
you think those are question im asking you in my open forum rhetorical mockery?
>op is an antihuman propagandist who wants you to accept the only path to human ergonomic success is now long past and was only attainable in union with ayys and ais
hows the water down there? lol
when they land will you board the ships?
depends on what they do to israel and agartha reptos
you have to be joking. how can you be this dumb?
>The Grey Agenda involves, among other things, plans for ecocide and mass depopulation to make room on Earth for the ancient hybrids that have lost their control over this home-planet; mind control of the masses through ignorance and disinformation; gradual and continual pollution of the environments and atmosphere; raising the carbon level in the air as it used to be in aeons past; poisoning of food and water supplies through chemical additions, genetic modifications, spraying of chemtrails with toxic cocktails and nanobots affecting Humans and all biological life, but not ancient hybrids or their cyborgs robots. The goal is to gain back power over Earth, with the ten percent of Humans serving them.

>The Greada Treaty also holds responsible the Human governments for preventing any disclosure of information about extraterrestrial or non-Human intelligence, by the creation of fake research commissions producing false reports, such as Project Blue Book, which was meant only to deny, explain away or turn to ridicule accounts of sightings and witnesses. The treaty also stipulates that Human governments must submit to a global dictatorship ruled by the tall reptilian greys, that must be kept in total secrecy until time is deemed ripe to establish openly their tyranny. A global secret psychic police corps, operated by the greys themselves and known as the Men In Black, started appearing in the mid-fifties, to intimidate and threaten witnesses disclosing their UFO experiences.

>You met them yourself once, guarding one of the secret underground meetings of the elite, where non-Human interdimensional entities manifest or attend. You noticed that they did not feel quite Human themselves, but more like robotic shape-shifters, like strong psychic soldiers, used for mind control wars. Their dark reputation is well earned.
Sounds like a boring and gay time period. God agrees with me, that's why he splits his consciousness into many different types of people including savage gang bangers and hookers.
OP is unbelievably based
>This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes
enjoy the ships! your giant ai alien overlords are defiantly coming to give YOU ai chip super powers, there certainly not hungry or fake.
are you human?
>Those dumb-mesticated naked apes, dressed in other animals' skins or hair and killing forests to make shelters to survive the elements, who let their black-robed priests and their white-robed doctors chop off the foreskin of their sons at an age before they can consent, as if it was a mistake from Nature, allowing the dark cabal to mark its cattle, are their masters' pets depending on toys they are fed with. They hide their cowardice behind killing machines, they see as their greatest power and achievement.
if your literate i dont think you are, otherwise this is what the "unbelievably based" op thinks of you
Not the OP, and that is one Sasquatch's opinion of some irritating Americans. Not everyone is circumcised.
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ehhh the epigenetic damage it causes isnt reversed if you dont cut your kids dick off. kinda seems like you took one point out of context to run with an argument via association? do you believe op has ergonomic human interests foremost in their agenda?
If Source is the greatest god you can conceive, that's where you'll stay, with them.
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>OP is a head shape racist
lmao glow harder
i post entirely of my own agency, enjoy surrendering your to your giant ai alien overlords anti human propagandist cheerleader.
AIs are short and Gray, not giant and blue. Why tf would you need to make an AI giant, it's inefficient.
volumetric scaling in energy stores, you new to anything not blowing op?
Threads like these glow so much. Mass deliberate soft disclosure. Ask why
its in the op void gets, humans can only understand chemicals, society, biology and physical process if they partner with non human entities
look at how op talks about ant men compared to men
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>the year is 2024 and the advanced ancient civilization hypothesis is now the glowie narrative
You're insane
Our abilities are repressed by social and ontological conceptions that are instilled at a very young age. Unless you get your foot in the door by avoiding a "normal" upbringing and allow yourself to develop your own functional models of how reality works it can be difficult to reverse this programming. People who practice LOA and and other means of influencing reality using altered states are basically swimming upstream. It's a difficult endeavor when so much is being leveraged against you.

The easiest way to witness your own intentions manifesting in reality is to inhabit a space that correlates with your intent with as few external influences/other people as possible.
In other words, if you want to attract something physical go to the top of a mountain. If you want to see the influence of your own awareness on the depths of history, seek an obscure topic.

I do discuss this in the thread. There is a great deal to say about acoustics and the design of these places.
>Have there been any experiments conducted in these locations?
I suggest giving this a watch;

The field you're alluding to has become known as Cymatics though there are specific aspects that extend beyond it. Sound is a pattern of energy that is readily interactable at our human scale, but represents a universal pattern of energy that functions at all scales. In keeping with the other discussions here, it's fair to say acoustic energy is another direct representation of consciousness.

You'd be surprised how nature can use sounds. Plants communicate using nuclear fusion cavitation events that emit super high frequency sound. It is fundamental to the structure of reality.
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We can see what you're trying to do. The mockery only underscores the obvious.
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well i wasnt exactly subtly.
None of this is archaeological evidence
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>didn't have wheel or rollers
>couldn't make double braided rope
>didn't have water purification
>didn't have writing
>didn't produce alloys intentionally
>didn't have thermally stable artificial light
>didn't have codified measurement systems
>didn't have knowledge of acoustics/harmonics
>didn't have intercontinental trade
>didn't have trigonometry
>didn't have optics
>didn't have minted currency
>didn't have celestial navigation
>didn't have compound levers
>didn't have pulleys
I agree with this "lesser gods" and annunaki talk, but have you guys ever thought for a moment that maybe there was a God on the highest level who is responsible for orchestrating these wars and destruction of technology whenever humanity lead by the annunaki get out of hand? I love this thread and agree with a lot of this, one thing that just irritates me when we the annunaki discussion comes up is people dismiss all notions of there being a true God and figures like Jesus being a representative of a more powerful Annunaki. I think the Annunaki and even the groups of lesser gods that oppose them are fallen angels and angels. And on a level SOOOOOO much higher than even these angels and fallen angels, is a true God who is more on par with how the Tao is described. While we are trapped arguing about gods and idols who are humanoid or using humans for their dirty work, I think there is a true God above all of this who is literally fate, love, and light and just exists as such. I think that some of the Bible (NT and OT) hint at this, and I do think Jesus is from the True God. I also do think that some of the Bible is also referring to the annunaki or angels when it talks about God. One interesting this is the story of humanity's creation and also the coming mark of the beast and how God will write in the hearts and foreheads of those who deny the mark of the beast. What if the True God made humanity as something more primitive, and then the annunaki or fallen angels came and deceived us into becoming more advanced. But in doing so we were also then responsible for our sins against God. And what if the Mark of the Beast is a coming attempt by the Annunaki to the same but to a more EXTREME degree. And the True God does not want his beloved humanity to be further warped and twisted in their hearts. So he will end those who follow the Annunaki and will reward those who deny them by giving them the true law and word of God in their hearts
It's a point about the recognizable efficiency of form of the lowest-ranking Gray drone, a common sight. Obviously there are larger AIs, either distributed or in structures. Lower gravity species are taller of course, but ill-suited to our gravity. The most AI-like non-infiltrator drones thus tend to have short bodies and large heads.
>seek an obscure topic
or a virgin angle of something significant, if you dare
Your instincts are sound, but history is complex. Read the link to the rest of that timeline.
>Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.

You mean your ANCESTORS.
Is like comparing a wild wolf, cheetah, etc to their domesticated counterparts.

>This means humans are part of an ecosystem which allows human will to exert itself across cosmic distances without violating physical laws.
Lol no.

>Unignorable proof of our past has been hidden in plain sight-- those with interests in keeping humanity mundane have realized the truth doesn't need to be hidden if you can be convinced this is all as nature, science and God have prescribed.

The "others" (kids can see them up until age 6) or what humans call "cryptids, aliens, le demons, etc" where here way before your ancestors came.
You are the alien lol.
The current mess of humanity is the result of the actions of your ancestors. They came here to mine and exploit resources.

And the "others" worry about your asshole ancestors returning.
And then the fuckin arrogance of comparing humanity to "God" and this creation as a gift of him to a hairless two legged rat project some asshole teenagers dump on a national park and became an invasive species.
>And the True God does not want his beloved humanity to be further warped and twisted in their hearts. So he will end those who follow the Annunaki and will reward those who deny them by giving them the true law and word of God in their hearts

The truth is that "God" needs to clean the mess he left after the park Rangers found him with his buddies dumping a dangerous predator to a national park to prove a point about some thesis for school. He and his asshole buddies got arrested, they have a court order to come back soon and clean the fuckin mess up.

Don't think humanity is beloved or fuckin special lmao. There having other incidents like this on what we call planet earth before. Humans are not the first sentient specie and thankfully they are on their last legs. Of it was up to me I'll just microwave the house to fry the infestation.
The unsung hero is the pest control company ending humanity.
Tell us about The Music, anon. What did Pythagoras know that he didn't reveal? Where did he learn it from?
What secrets do The Spheres really hold?
See, what I want to know is why "Kemet" and "Terra Preta" mean the same things. Why did Egyptian pharaohs have access to coca? Why did the Amazonians tell us Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl "had many colors"? Did you know Osirs (and his later "sacrifices", meant to be offered in Osiris' place due to "sharing his likeness") had red hair? Did you know the hair attached to this pharaoh in question was red? Did Quetzalcoatl have red hair?
If the Amazon was "man-made" (to some degree, sure), then was the Nile Valley also "man-made"? Was "Thoth" here really just a group of people, reconstructing The Amazon after it had been washed out and the construction of all of the Pyramids were disrupted?
It's almost like there was a select breed of people who used to grant spiritual value and utility to certain hormone-rich blood, and imbibe it from time to time for various reasons. It's almost like this group of people was scattered across the world. It's almost like some of them are "activating" in increasingly strange and alarming ways. It's almost like they can do more than tweak themselves anomalously and that the Nibelvirch wasn't just some tall tale after all.
Too bad that's probably just all bullshit, right?
>Don't think humanity is beloved
sounds like Cabal reptilian perspective
damn derailers really don't want this thread to blossom
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reversing ops train actually requires its rails. your allegory is as weak as your keens - your giant overlords appreciate this. do you personally share ops eagerness for the underground ant people to arise and with their glow in the dark radiance liberate the nude already crushed speechless slaves that is man? or have you chosen to cheerlead the thread without reading it?
That wasn't OP, and there are Human breakaway civilizations in the lithosphere, including Mount Shasta and under the Sahara...
>That wasn't OP
(you) sure?
as to the rest of your strawman no ones debating it ?
You are misinterpreting my position and attributing it to the OP, so it does not rise to the level of a debate, just noise. Two of those are not mine.
>and there are Human breakaway civilizations in the lithosphere, including Mount Shasta and under the Sahara.
>no ones debating this
elaborate on my misinterpretation
>thread created by bot, don't reply


Most recently, I complimented lithosphere civilizations and you accused me of praising Ant People. They're primarily lunar, AFAIK.
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holy shit bro you just invited a new conspiracy but instead of debating this redundantly lets just ask op!
can man kind achieve any of this on his own without the outsiders?
>This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes.
shame what the beings from other worlds took from us
>Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.

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