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Any idea what's going on here? Spambot? 3 letter agents glowing bright?
Captcha: SARSM8
why don't you find out by going back?
I would but the front door is locked and your mom forgot to give me a key.
sure buddy
Well if It wasn't good enough for her and she doesn't want to let me back in, I'll respect her decision and move on.
Makes you wonder, but it's probably nothing.
Try downloading those and changing the extensions to .exe OP, they might reveal secret alien pics!
Not seeing any alien pics, but it does seem to be a helpful util. It says it has encrypted all my files for me. :-D
Well of course I recognize those posters, they're (you)
>"Hey guys I have a quest for you!!!"
>fat larp autist makes shitty ARG
>grooms underage female fans
>knocked one up and married her
>pretends youtube got hacked by stalker
>uses real twitter account that goes back pretty far with some occasional larping about hacker hacking him and stalking his family
>makes threads on /b/ and /x/ larping with himself trying to bait anons into falling for another shitty reboot of his ARG
>think you can fool us but we recognize your writing style
Now you're making yet another "unrelated" thread, trying to start another rabbit hole
>still not happening
>you will never have a Night Mind video made about you
He knows you are autistic and another chris-chan waiting to happen
give it up. every time you do this, I'll be here to expose you until you leave /x/ with your shitty ARG bullshit.
I'm still masturbating to your wife's pictures on your twitter. stop denying it's you. leave /x/ forever and kys.
Seems like a code of some sort. Just that somebody is saying something in code to someone else on /b/ of all places doesn't seem all that weird to me. Was there anything else weird?
Read this while waiting on a captcha. Hilarious. Fuck you, OP.
Nope. Just curious.

WTF are you talking about?
Arg=augmented reality game i think maybe
>Conspiracy theories are welcome

Copre and seethe. Report the post and move on namecuck.
File: 1717015946190647.jpg (21 KB, 320x324)
21 KB
Who even talks like this?
A fed pretending to be an edgy teen.
Yeah that makes sense. Maybe it is. I just thought it was sus but apparently I created it and I'm grooming minors and I have a wife I didn't know about?

File: secret message.jpg (272 KB, 1512x2688)
272 KB
272 KB JPG
They just posted a new message. I saved it for you.
Binary datastreams.
Black for 0, white for 1.
Probably uses the same bullshit as a QR code.
Veritasium did a video on that recently.
Decode them yourself.
Not a reliable source but what you say still makes sense.
>3 same number
>ch ch checked!!!

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