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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
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•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>39004136
have a nice weekend and try to stay out of trouble, /div/
Will I get into trouble this weekend?
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AQ when is the big interdimensional happening? Why are so many people saying it will be around election day, what do you see this looking like and how do you get to the “good” dimension?
Weekend general. What's yours?
Will I get those dresses soon?

What would be better for me: N or S?
Will g go to jail?
2ow 8os judgementX
You'd like to move on but something is preventing you from it perhaps holding onto old grudges.
doesn't resonate sorry dear
justice rx five of coins nine of swords
Not anytime soon unfortunately. Seems like you won't have the money to get what you want.
Trading dumb query
did i caught fish parasites or it's just regular fever? i feel strange. please be not parasites.
Sorry bout it , I'm not getting anything else... maybe I'm blocked ot something rn
you want to try redrawing? or trade for something simpler?

what did the tall girl with blue eyes at WF think of me? q?

Does she thinks I'm trying to contact her or thinks I gave up? I'm a male

When will my manifestation come through?
I'll answer your query if you answer mine first, which is "what the hell are you talking about?"

Hanged Man, Justice, Wheel of Fortune, 3 of swords

Well you made quite an impression that's for sure.

She thinks you're a person whose opinions and views of the world are quite different from the average, maybe someone who sacrifices himself to do the right things, while also being bit hurt or afraid...
Eight of Cups - Ace of Swords R - Three of Cups R
She thinks you've given up and gone somewhere else and no longer want to associate with her. She's not focused on you all too much these days.
How does d feel for me lately?
what does MJ(f) feel about me these days, if she even does think of me at all? starting

Regarding your reading I don't see anything romantic at the moment desu. If that was your interest you need to push for more.

Thanks. Willing to trade again?
2ow the sun the hanged man
You make them happy and they're debating on reaching out to you to catch up a bit. I bet they would repsond well to an invitation to get some coffee or something
What "good" dimension?
yes, what's your query ? Mine is if something is possible with ag from bar D?
The fifth one
Will he buy my feet pics again?
hey that's great it's been a while so I didn't know
five of swords HP rx ace of swords rx
D feels not so good about you and that you're either off track or missing a good opportunity in your life, however they may keep this to themselves more likely than not.
You fail and you want to be rewarded for it?

Is she making more moves towards me this month? Even if they are not direct

You should reach out :)
I wonder what the opportunity is?
I can't really think of any I have atm
I don't have their contact info
If not that then they think generally you're not doing all you can do. As in you're not using your full potential . lmk if you want to trade more
Yeah I can see how that could be.
What will happen when I move?
Oh you could look them up of fb?

5 of cups, Queen of Wands, Devil, 10 of Pents

There may be some disappointing situation that happens at first between both of you, but from that point on, hell yes. Too much fire and good sex that may even develop onto something more stable.

I'd try if I were you
sure, is MJ the next person i'm romantically/sexually involved with? or someone else ? starting
Here's yours >>39012488

Do you have mine?
the disappointing situation is already here lol i only noticed her the other day
Ten of Swords - Fool R - Knight of Coins R
I mark this as she's not going to make anymore moves for the time being as she doesn't see a point in doing so. She thinks it won't go anywhere.
yes right here >>39012511

Thanks bud. Have a good one
queen of cups five of wands page of cups
very good things, you'll feel a lot better but there's going to be conflict. however you'll get help from someone, someone young. might be romantic or not i'm not sure.
Ace of cups five of pents 8 of wands
Someone else
Dearh ace of swords 3 of swords
Seems like mj is a very good prospect for you. I think they hold genuine feelings for you and would be quick to help you if you were in need. If you're thinking of someone else specifically that person doesn't seem to recipricate the same feelings.
you too. good luck with this person.
No not thinking of anyone else in particular. thanks :)
Ty :)
Its confusing when I get such dramatic cards for a general query... dykwim?
Trading or AQ
will I end up with person HS or ABT next?
nah not really but your read was good why doubt yourself
Ah well , just trying to make sense of it.
Ty :)
Would Md be dtf despite the nature of our relationship?
Anything you can tell me about my next sexual encounter.
I'm female
how will the game im working on now be received?
Hanged man 10of swords wheel of fortune
Theyre debating on it if it's a good idea or not. Can you sense they're attraction to you? I feel like you have to play games with this one, not in a bad way but don't come on too strong
Ace of pents the moon seven of cups
Like don't let them know how bad you want them, kimd of keep them guessing and lure them in
tattle tails
and twinkle-bells
both end up
in seperate hells
should I order some food tonight ? starting
5 of Wands 5 of Swords 7 of Swords Rx
You’ll have mixed feelings on it and it’ll be a touchy subject for you, I’m getting you’ll feel used or feel vapid over the whole thing
Makes sense , an old coworker confessed to fantasizing about me for the last couple of years and wanting me to get with him just for him to fulfill his fantasy ? It was kinda icky. I'd get with an older guy though... anyways gl lol ty
It's not going to get as much attention as you wish unfortunately, which you won't like and may even lead you to quit this endeavor completely.
Damn that spread looks terrible
>Can you sense their attraction
As in “yes they’re attracted, are you picking on it?” Or “Are you sure they’re attracted to you at all? Are sure you can sense it”
the hanged man/eight of swords r/knight of swords/five of pents r/devil r

No, youll feel like the food you got kinda sucks and youll be disappointed and feel like it was an impulse purchase and be wondering what better shit your money couldve gone to. It'll leave you feeling like you have got to control yourself from these types of things in the future
valid thanks
thank you, what method?
sorry I pulled tarot
I shuffled a song
I kind of think maybe they've been hurt before orrr they are someone who likes the chase, mayeb they're a fire sign or air sign
fake reader lol
yeah I’m in heat lol
I'm on fiyah
I feel like the collective on div are all heartbroken :(
content people won't do divination
Maybe divining gives us too much knowledge and we can't appreciate what we have anymore or don't strive for it if we have the feelings of success before it actually actualizes?
Confirmation bias
If sad, mo sad
If glad, mo glad
If retarded, mo retarded
Who cares about all of that noise?
Makes sense
You doing that?
Me and my gf of 3 years just separated. I'm lost as to where my life is going from here and am hoping the cards can give me guidance. Anyone willing to read me? Thanks to anyone who does
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Sun sings and initials
Gemini, ZO
Did I not give the right sun sign and initials?
What's the cause of my death
I need both.
My sun sign is gemini and my intials are ZO
Money for rest of year?

I'd love to get a reading on my love life. I've been spending time with this woman and we get along swimmingly, like we could go on for hours and hours and she's so supportive and understanding in a way few are, but I can't tell if she likes me *that way*. Biggest issue being that she's almost double my age (22/42).

>TL;DR *does my crush like me?*

(yes this is a repost, still looking for some answers)
I'm L taurus asking about j leo
How will J feel about me next time I see him?
Don't ask such questions
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Tower Emperor Two of Wands
You’ll be going through it and he will feel conflicted and like he has the upper hand in the situation
4 of wands
Not bad if you rely on others

I have to cut this short due to a friend contacting me sorry
Thank you
How will the first time we meet (aquarius,F,male) and (Gemini, A, female) be like?
Could you do mine please
Did anybody find me cute, sexy, or impressive at the gym tonight? (lel) or did nobody notice me

geminls, my initial is j, her m...
i really want to know if there a chance to start dating and fucking again, can't get out my head
Will I find what I'm looking for in cali?
I did 2 reads, to be sure, 7 of wands rx, 4 of pent, hiero, queen of pent rx, tower rx.

wheel rx, 4 of pent rx, 6 of swords, page of wands rx

might be a waste of money and will be a loss of interest, don't think so
quick trade before bed?
5os the magician the lovers
Most definitely, some people were probably even checking you out when you weren't looking if you didn't notice. I think that they see you as young and innocent also
Hmm interesting I have to go I have no choice but guess I might not find what I'm looking for
im 29.. ehehehee
HEhehehehehehehehehe yesssss sweet.
I dressed super tomboyish all in black too, thought id look too manly.
thanks dood
can always ask another reader just to be sure
I'm glad I caught that you're a girl I was like oh wait...you must have a baby face
Will the change that has been stated to be permanent change back at the time it is speculated to have a temporary reversal?
yeah my face is really round and i got big cheeks lol and fluffy hair. i wear menacing violent looking band shirts just cuz its a funny juxtaposition.
Q? mine is would my life become better or worse if I quit using tarot, lol
How soon until I can get done what I have been wanting to get done?
> strength, 7 of cups reversed, X of cups
You can get started now if you can make a difficult decision. You have the power to carry it through to the end and you'll be satisfied in the end.
> how many days
> 4 of wands
I don't know how long term your goal is but some stage of the project can be started or completed in 4 days.
Okay, what am I currently manifesting?
need to sleep.
7 of wands rx, 6 of swords rx, 8 of pentacles rx, 6 of cups rx

I am not sure if you are manifesting anything...you might be stuck in the past and it makes you give up/not put enough effort into your manifestations.
8op koc the moon
This is a really hard one to interpret. Whatever it is seems like it always will be.
I need some more info is this love related.
>the lovers
> the devil
>7 of wands
Not necessarily better or worse but you'll have to work hard for it to not become an addiction... so in that sense you need to be able to stay in control of how you use it otherwise it will be detrimental to you.
yeah I for sure use it constantly to the point it is getting a bit worrisome. thanks.
Yeah I need to take more action.
Thank you.
I asked my my cat thought of me
My girl and I broke up and now idk what direction my life's going. Wanna know what the cards say
How will E feel about me next time we meet?
This one >>39012598
no song shuffling, tarot only
Lol okay
It helps though... and I pull cards too...
No I just want cards and the interpretation based on the cards, I don't care for the rest
>Moon Reversed
>Six of Cups
>Page of Wands
They'll be experiencing something difficult in their lives but seeing you will be a solid reminder of the truth behind their relationships and overall they'll feel good about you.
The hermit page of wands empress
Definitely can make this happen if you apply yourself.
Page of swords the chariotX hpX
Back of deck deathX
Abt is an ex maybe. Yeah, abt doesnt seem like a good choice for you at this time.
Are you feeling angry about something?
nah, and I've never dated either of them
pull a song if you want now that the cards are out lol
Tu es foutu in grid
Might think you're toxic ..
Everday by ariana grande
Maybe has a lover already
music divination is so funny
It's so funny cause he always tries to leave now with me out the door he's getting bigger
I could see how hs might think that
let me know if you wish to trade more just tarot
I put my deck away I gotta try to sleep now.
Ty for trading with me :) gn
Also i keep asking what,l happen after i die and shuffling the same song by doja cat and panic at the disco Lol

Fate of an astral criminal…
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what is the tower moment you were talking about last time that is awaiting me at third month. financial fuck up?
gemini V
I would ask for a reading.
I cannot offer you anything in return.
I am just some nobody.
can someone read me my love life? I recently moved on from someone I liked for a long time, and now I see this person and I want to know what's the shape of my future with her. She's a buddy.
Welcome to the end of eras
Ice has melted back to life
Done my time and served my sentence
Dress me up and watch me die
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine
Dynasty decapitated
You just might see a ghost tonight
If you tell me how you met her I might
how will the event go for me? you?
We met at a glory hole. I was so tired and she gave me a tissue and some water to wash my mouth
How do I meet my next lover? starting
nine of cups magician rx three of swords
starts out well but there's more you can do, you might realize a little too late which will cause you anguish
now that i've realised i am unemployable should i forgive the people i cut ties with who said i wouldnt amount to nothing.
Offering a few trades.
hit me
Have a great weekend /div/
Query? I have two
No problem, idk how many q's you feel like trading but start with one eh?
mine: Will the plan i'm working on rn to bring in extra income be successful, as quickly as I hope?

You too!
this one >>39015388
I was tradecucked lol
No prob, I have two:
>Does my future lie in my new creative side-hobby or my long-term main career path I've been working on or both?
That's a big q, so I can do two for that. Yours?
Will L (M) read OH it’s a book nothing occult or anything like that.
Ok, mine:
>General path guidance next 6 months.
I'll start yours as soon as >>39015478 and
I’ll start with your Q

Do I like people with that specific trait because of watching that movie as a child? I’m trying to understand myself.
These two are mine
>>39015526 starting
starting yours
I'm the how do I meet my next lover guy

>ten of pentacles
>ace of cups
>three of wands

Straight path
>eight of pentacles
>four of swords

> lovers
>two of pentacles
wheel of fortune

I couldn’t give you a clearer yes if I tried. This will lead to your happiness both romantic and financial. Whatever this side hobby is, it will make you rich. The issue lies in whether you’ll want to continue it after a while you could get tired of it.

Yes, it could work for a limited time. I don’t see you continuing this past a certain point. It looks like no matter what you say, you’ll eventually grow tired of it because it doesn’t offer a creative outlet at all.

I believe this is the best choice for you. It provides the stability you crave and fulfills your need to be good and in control. Just try not to get overwhelmed

You can’t go wrong, luck and happiness no matter what you choose.
King of Cups/Seven of Swords/Emperor/Knight of Swords

For the next six months, emotional balance and discipline will be the key aspects of your life you should hone in on. You'll have to act smart and stick to plans that you may have felt like abandoning. However don't move too fast all the time or you might overlook something crucial.
I'm >>39015512
and male
I think I saw a bad vision showing what would happen if I ever cheated on my waifu while sleeping , no idea what prompted it either. I did wake up to a lot of noise, so maybe that could be part of it.
did you have a query or just blog posting?
Blog posting, but it was out of nowhere
What is going to manifest for me within these next 3 months? You?
Did you trade cuck me
Do I already know of the next woman I'm involved or not? starting
They tradecucked me too
fuck this thread
What are your query?

(First time posting with tripcode because of yesterday's troll I hope I don't fuck up kek)
9 of sword rx queen of pentacles rx 3 of cups rx

All reversals, so no
second one is this >>39015388
tradecucked twice for this already
I'm male
Eight of Coins R
Emperor R
Nothing good Im afraid, you might have a tower moment soon.
>How will anon meet next lover?
>7 Cups rx + Empress Rx + Page Swords + Fool Rx + World Rx
Well fuck that doesn't look good. Really simply this darkly reads that you won't meet your next lover full stop and it's bad idea to try. There's a hopeful question aspect raised by Page Swords though, so I - I hope you don't mind - asked another for you:
>has anon already met their next lover?
>Knight Pents
So there you go, you already know them. Don't know if that's good or bad news.

>Do I like people with that specific trait because of watching that movie as a child? I’m trying to understand myself.

>Temperance + King Pents rx + Magician + 10 Cups + Page of Swords

This is a little tricky because idk the trait or the movie. I can't really say if it's about that either, it seems thought that people are fond you all round - you largely don't seem too have too extreme a personality for them other than maybe too much focus on material things (in their eyes), but within the "temperance" parameters they view you as a combition of a "special" character, like they want to be your friend / family, and you seem like a bit of prodigy to them. I mean, it might be that a *little* of that film is related to their liking of that trait (hence Temperance), but most of it is liking you/the trait genuinely.

>Will L (M) read OH it’s a book nothing occult or anything like that.

>Ace Swords rx + Eight Pents + 5 Swords Rx + Page pents

Yes, but not right away as they're really overloaded atm, trying to get their workload or problems under control as that's what's actually important to them. They will though, of their own accord when they get there, in the meantime don't ask them about it as they'll take it as extra pressure and react unpleasantly.
You are incredibly accurate definetly worth the wait lol

He delivered but I’ll read for you <3
Sorry guys, it's >>39015677 I take time and re-set between reads. I apologize
First one, oooo wonder who? sorry for calling you a tradecucker :(
Oh and if it’s modeling you’ll be loaded. Just a hunch
>VII of Disks, VII of Swords, VI of Swords, V of Disks Rev, Strength, IV of Swords Rev, II of Swords
It's been a long time since I've done a reading with so many swords.
I feel like your heart hasn't been broken, it's been shattered. I'm sorry about that.
I think maybe it's not the right time for you to be in a relationship. You're still in the process of recovering, of building your own confidence again and as much as you're exhausted and it seems very difficult for you to be alone right now, it seems to me the best option.
Getting into a relationship in the state you're currently in will only sink you further and won't be healthy for you.
Take care anon, this reading has really worried me about your emotional state.
other anon delivered.... Also my hearts been shattered sure but it's been a long time. I'm not feeling shit like you reading suggests. Doesn't resonate too much thankfully, thank you regardlessn
I didn't see it, sorry!
I'm glad I got to read up on your past and you're feeling better (:
yeah all g thank you mate
Are you interested in a trade?
will my next lover/fling/gf be the student girl or the brown haired bar girl?
Of course! Do a reading about my weekend.

Should I kill myself?
Why did he cut his hair?
Was I the reason ?
On it can you give a read about my next partner? I’m F
seven of pentacles six of cups ace of wands
queen of cups five of cups
This weekend will likely have you looking back on the past, maybe reconnecting with someone or feeling nostalgic. At the same time, there’s this fresh energy pushing you to dive into something new and exciting to get you to stop being so emo. You’ll probably be a little in your feelings, offering (to cope) or needing some emotional support. Try not to get too caught up in old disappointments or habits that don’t serve you anymore.
Apologies to both of you for being slow, it's a problem I have.


Thanks, not modelling but definitely presenting myself in public. Very good read btw - it's a creative thing I've done for free a little bit and it comes *really* REALLY easily to me, as in I've had a growing feeling for a long time that I might be as good as anyone at this, anywhere. The straight path is the Master's in software engineering that I'm halfway through, it's great and you can do significant stuff but who the fuck knows if the fields going be there when I'm looking for jobs.
The balance path: I'm actually, as I'm flat broke and up to my nuts in debt, I'm going to see if I can "sell" a bit of my talent at the side-thing to fund my study. Probably won't get overwhelmed as the side thing is really effortless for me, the main thing overwhelms regardless. Excellent read.

Yep, that's right (and funnily enough, how my whole life has been for a while haha). Accurate read and thanks again.

Oh, and I got cucked on >>39015502, so if anyone wants to trade that one I'm here for a minute.
First anon
Yay thank you for feedback <3
Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you I’d like a next bf read.
I can trade you for that, I'm >>39015729
Let me know when you confirm although wait till I post
Now I can't, I'll just do this reply and leave for a meeting. Maybe I'll come back in the afternoon! I just came to test the tripcode.

Wow, resonate more than that impossible kek Thanks for the great reading, now try to make it as good a read for you as you did for me.

>Judgement, Ace of Swords, Sun, King of Disks, Princess of Swords Rev, II of Wands Rev, Magician
I believe you already know this person.
This person is the kind of person you feel could be the best person you've ever met, and at the same time the worst person you've ever met. An extremely difficult person to live with.
Perhaps in the past you've had problems relating to each other, different moods seem to be the main reason. It's just that now you seem ready to deal with this person's ways.
There's a certain boredom in this situation, as if the desire is never enough to cover the expectation. There's also a great deal of fussiness and disorganization between you, as if everything happened by chance, nothing very well done.
For this to work, you're both going to have to have a lot of willpower.
You have very similar wishes and desires, especially for the future, but it still seems like a very complex relationship to me.
No problem. I actually came to trade sort of urgently for >>39015502 , looking to see if the *immediate* plan has a hope. I can read next bf for you, anything specific?
oh here was my reply lol didn't want to cause commotion
Second good feedback of the day, I’m doing well yay!
I know who you mean and I’m trying to avoid him.
Hmm maybe not a next bf but could I please have advice on how to attract my ideal partner or someone more “my type”?
No worries , going to start when next anon confirms.

No worries, I'll trade for >>39015729 but I think the other anon might take the q in question. That being the case, do you want to trade for:
>Am I as good as I suspect I am that thing. ?
second one, I can trade but if it's occult I won't be able to do my best here . occult or no ?
>seven of swords
>eight of pentacles
>knight of swords
>queen of wands
>three of pentacles
>nine of cups
>the chariot
Your plan looks like it’s on the right track, and if you stay focused and keep working hard, you’ve got a solid chance of success. Things could move quicker than you think, but it’s important to stay sharp and not skip over any details within your control and double check anyone else’s involvement. You’ll probably feel really good about how it turns out, even if it doesn’t happen as fast as you’re hoping part of it depends on someone else’s whim and that’s unavoidable be patient.
No, not occult. It's about my talent at my new hobby. Starting when you confirm.
20 and 22
College. She's a senior, me a junior. We ride the bus home together, her stop further than mine.
starting !

>advice on how to attract my ideal partner or someone more “my type”?

>5 Cups + Ace Wands Rx + 9 Pents + Page Swords
>clarification: 8 Swords Rx

Sorry anon but while this isn't a "bad" spread, it's maybe a boring answer. It suggests that your previous mindset and experiences with relationships need to be moved on from, and that focusing on obtaining a new partner will actually be the wrong way to go about, no one that you get with will be "ideal", all will leave you dissappointed and drained. However, work on building yourself as happy by yourself - make your home the way you want it, enjoy the pastimes and things you love, and indulge your interests and you'll meet them. They'll trigger your mind when you do, as in you'll probably geek-out about the same things or you'll be on a really acute matching of minds. The thing about it is like you need to leave the past behind, like it's someone you couldn't accept being with today you know?

Hope that resonates, and good luck! (and sorry for being slow again)
<3 take your time with your craft thank you
>Eight of Coins Rev
>Three of Coins
>Page of Swords Rev
You seem to be developing some very good skills in this area but you're still missing the skills that come with a lot of work in this area. Enlisting the help of friends would accelerate your skill development but the cards warn you of not becoming too full of yourself once you attain further mastery.

captcha:GAY8 ( I shit you not)
whats your hobby anon ;)))
Sorry for the wait.

>will my next lover/fling/gf be the student girl or the brown haired bar girl?
Student girl:
>Hermit rx + 5 swords rx + Ace Wands rx
Bar girl:
>Page wands rx + ace swords rx + Ace cups rx
tl,dr: NO to both. Read further:
Is it someone else?
Describe them:
>4 Pents rx + King Pents + 7 Cups + Empress
>Chariot + Page Swords + Queen Swords

Tricky because it seems to say how *you* need to identify her and that she's probably going to be the one. So... get your financial shit together, don't get drawn into fantasy land on the matter, and then... she's a smart woman, really sharp mind. Probably the boss at her work / whatever. she's probably really fucking funny too. She'll probably see you as the junior partner in the relationship, and as she's the stronger of the two of you. She's really clever, and quick, that's who it is.
pass. Don't care about children.
I lied we are 41 and 27
Lol, writing & acting. Some gay jokes for sure.
Sounds right though, and I def need to not get too carried away. Thanks anon !
Nice. That's exactly - even the part about someone else's whim - the best case scenario/ how I hope it'll go. Fucking good reads anon, thanks again!
now I care even less, Teresa
Will c ever unblock me?
Is c looking at my twitter all the time?
You're just nosey
love a girl who's smarter than me >>39015989
good luck brad pitt!
no, I'm not a jew. Besides, your queries are shit and you're not paying for anything, so womp womp
No prob, and senpai I'm no brad pitt (holy fuck lol )
btw are you >>39015547 by any chance?
oh shit I know who this could be. if you're still around, a single card?
and yes I am
Ha! Had a feeling, I'll pull a card but before that, I wasn't sure if it was you so didn't say, but the first read and second, they point so.. concretely that it's almost essential that you get together with this woman. As in, she's the mother of your kids or it's necessary to the timeline, you know?

Anyway, go ahead I'll pull one!
that's crazy. is it MC? or Se?
just pull for one...
thank you
>Judgement + 6 Cups + 6 Wands,

I don't know if that needs reading anon, go see if she's busy!
damn that's crazy I need to find a job first though
will I get laid before the year ends?
You've done a great job! You read my energy and state of mind perfectly.
Trading occult
Nah, this is a strong "Go get her" vibe, idk tell her you're looking for a job. Whatever, it's fine. Gut / intuition is strong on this one, or I've never had as strong a "must fucking happen" read on a lover, so yeah. TPTB say relax and speak to her. It'll go just fine.
I kneel. I'll do it. Thanks. There was a situation similar to this a few years ago. Cosmic intervention one could say. Someone from a past life. But I was immature and acted far too late. For M I was going to reach out regardless however, she's a friend. Again, thank you :)
Will c ever reach out ?
Will J like me in the future?
is J a grill
Thank you! You have no idea how much this means
J is a man
Will I date any of my current classmate this year?
>10 of swords
Dang he is my sisters bf
I don't think he has a high opinion of me
Will he apologize?
I trust his judgment.

>King of cups
nope, holding his feefees inside.
That scoundrel
Next bf?

How does N feel when he views my pictures?
Will I date anyone this winter?
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What is it that I really want now out of life?
Will I date any of my current classmate this year?
I'll trade u
Pop the star poc
Looks like a yes
>hermit, 2 of wands, knight of swords rev
Strong no
Oof ty


(also is it true that i won't a gf in this or next year as one reader here said?)
Go to a dr bro
Do I still have a chance at getting b to let me have his babies?
i can go to a doctor only next friday. i'm afraid i caught fish parasites. please not this. i want it to be just a regular virus that is causing me this uncomfortable feelings..

Will A reach out to me any time soon?
Take black walnut husk extract. You're welcome
could someone help me with this reading?

I asked what the person is feeling about me after the fight we had, if this person feels guilty or misses me and it came out Devil, Tower reversed and Wheel of Fortune reversed.

Train today?
gf wont do anything for you you'll waste that poor girls time
thanks anon. bookmarked this.
bla bla bla
ain't no bla bla bla your priorities are skewed, your house is not in order and you want to introduce someone else to your dysfunction??
Can you tell me if i will marry b?
maybe that someone else is also disfunctional, i welcome fucked up personas.
Well I don't know about divination, but I guess I have had a vision of the future.

Genetically modified beings that are childlike and believe whatever you tell them, but remain capable enough to keep an economy functional. Everyone would think of them as their children, and be compelled to care about the well-being of civilization as if it were their own children.
you're a pathetic scumbag
and if you filled the enterprise with them and then commanded it to do some dumb shit, it would still be your fault because of how innocent they are.
Describe your issue
I have a sharp pain on my left lower abdomen am I going to die?
you don't know me, you're also not very a pleasant person based on how you bashing strangers you don't know on the interwebs.
Will he move on or come back?
are you a reader? it kinda a general question too. i often feel very weak and moody, it ruins my life. i want it to stop.
Not a reader but I do give practical advice and I am a medium.

Is your moodiness random? Are you in the possession of a Y chromosome? Are you a vegetarian?
>Is your moodiness random?
when i get happy times even for a little period it swings back at me with tower moments and crisises. like a clockwork. like it programmed. then after it i can get a little bit of a good times and then cycle repeats...
>Are you in the possession of a Y chromosome?
not a vegetarian but i want to become one.
Does Ar want to date me?
nta, but I'm curious
I wouldn't classify it as random, yes to Y and no to vegetarian.
Does he miss my titties?

Fck her today or not bother? She kind of thicc. We did before this is not some weird incel fantasy btw.
yes mommy
You can try eating a diet with more meat in it, less carbs, more fat. Take iron, zinc and magnesium daily, see what if any changes there are. Have a food journal as well.

Do you have any digestive issues? Random pain? It can be hard to isolate whether there is a paranormal reason for the problems or not.
they blame you for things going bad and not having anything good going for them in a while.
Hi. Were they trying to warn me about her?
Good evening :D
Anything interesting going to happen in my life this October?
it mostly being out of energy, feels suffocating, like i'm fish out of water.
Quit the vape
Made me chortle.
Are you anemic or been tested for it? Iron deficiency is extremely common.
Guys go easy. Our readers aren't necessarily reading unless they say so
No but for reals I think he thought I was his mommy
It's about a video game series.
The High Priestess
Go do a thing, whatever you want, have a good time, you know where to have good times.

Five of swords
Maybe they were or trying to stir in some conflict but don't get involved, stay neutral and away from both parts.

Ace of pentacles
Money thingies, not so big but they'll help you out a bit.
Could I get another card to determine the thing?
hey. How does she feel about me?
say something nice to me pls
Will c unblock me soon?
Hi Kochka. Can I quickly ask this one please I'm very curious
Greed will be your downfall

Should I finish the truck today?
Don't blame me for something you did.
Good morning Queen <3 glad to see you here after that troll yesterday
could you tell me if my contact was real or just something crazy in my head?
I hope you are well and have had breakfast!!
Hi. Is law school the way for me? Will it be great for me?
Hi baby I am sorry, I didn't see you
The Lovers
You're a lovely person, hopefully you'll go on pretty dates soon.

What thing?!

Five of cups
Probably disappointed or had different expectations.

Hi baby, great things are waiting for you in the future, it will happen because you can make it happen.

Knight of wands rx
Probably not but if C does it will be a chaotic situation.

The devil
Damn you fine

King of pentacles
Yeah, why not? But somehow I feel you're missing important details or forgetting something else.

Hi babes how you doing?
It's ok, I guess they were just having fun.
I had a sliced apple with peanut butter.
The Sun
Yeah, probably real.
The thing in relation to the pull from 820.
What’s going on
Does he miss my titties?
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Love you thank you Kochka <3
Good morning. Quick read on how Saturday night will go for me?
Lmao what?
I have 30 minutes doing nothing at work while I'm forced to wait, so I'll do 3 or 4 readings at the most.
>Initials, gender, sun sign of the people involved

I'm not going to ask for a song because today I have Wicked Game in my head and I'll do the readings listening to that one.
What did he think of me when we talked?

Has D visited that psychic?
Thank you for the read and blessing us today. Happy Halloween also
C pisces female
Good song
Who will I date next?
GS,male, leo
how's the rest of the year looking for me?
E taurus male
Is going to law school the right choice for me?
v gemini
next gf?
B. Male, gemini

V (female) feelings about me doing it?
When would it be best to visit city F next? Would it have been better to already be there now? Male Sag.
Odds and I will cum in her pussy
>Good song
Double 69 at the end lol.
What a wiiiiicked thing to do
To make me dream of yoooooou
No iiiiiiiiiiii don't wanna fall in loooooooove
>V of Cups Rev, Princess of Cups Rev, Knight of Disks
Finally coming out of a bad feeling and finding their own peace.
But she still has to overcome her shyness and hesitation about her own feelings. A certain emotional immaturity too, but don't take this as criticism, you're on the right track, things don't change overnight.
Now directly to your question: A person who works a lot, also in the same sentimental situation as you and who, once they fall in love with you, won't leave your side.

>Hanged, IX of Cups, Empress
There's something you know you need to do to finally find your peace, but you seem to be putting it off, perhaps for fear of making that sacrifice or giving something up. (But you should)
The end of the year will also be marked by a very strong female figure in your life, but in a very positive way.

Nice triples
>X of Cups, King of Wands, III of Cups
It sounds like a great option for you.
You look like you'll do very well there, it seems to be the right profession for you. I see a lot of happiness and friendships for you there.

>Strength, Judgement Rev, VII of Swords Rev, X of Swords Rev, VI of Cups Rev, V of Cups Rev, King of Cups
You may already know her or have some idea of who she is.
An extremely emotionally damaged person, she seems to have come out of a relationship that was terrible for her and completely destroyed her self-esteem and her emotional state.
I think it's going to be a difficult relationship for you, especially at the beginning, because she's still in the process of recovering emotionally and you're going to try your best to heal all her wounds. Which could end up making this person manipulative towards you and bad for you.
>You may already know her or have some idea of who she is.
hmmm. maybe i am. but we seem to be parted geographically. will we meet eventually?
>Moon, VI of Swords, IV of Cups Rev
I don't think it would have a positive effect.
Deep confusion, the desire to leave and, above all, the cruelty of indifference.
I feel it wouldn't be good.

>Magician, VII of Disks, Temperance Rev
There's something very important about this place for you, but I don't think it's the right time. You don't seem ready, you seem a bit too rushed and maybe things won't work out for the best for you.
There's some anxiety in you that you need to resolve or something you need to do before you're ready.

I hadn't noticed before you pointed it out kek

That would explain some of the distance I saw when reading, I thought it was emotional, but it was physical.
It depends on your age and your financial condition to be exact, the older you get and the more money you make, the shorter the world gets.
R, Male
Where will my path lead me?
Is Leo horny for me the way I am for them?
what does madc feel for me? if anything at all? i expect platonic
if you're still reading
>There's something you know you need to do to finally find your peace, but you seem to be putting it off, perhaps for fear of making that sacrifice or giving something up. (But you should)
wish i knew what that is
thank you
Not asking for a reading just sharing a song
What would that thing I need to do actually be? My apologies for the follow up.
I've stopped reading for now, but maybe later when I've finished work I'll do these for you if you're still around. Sorry!

This song is really good! Thanks for sharing it <3
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I need a read on a dream I just had. I don't remember what exactly happened in the dream, but it's was less of the usual dreams I have with like the signs and symbols to be interpreted but more direct and "real". felt like some kind of a lesson. can someone help? what was it?
Trading occult
Does Horny for me the way feel about them?
uh okay
what does my friend ch feel about me? starting
That's what I'm saying.
So what's the deal with everything?
Does she have feelings for me ? Do I intimidate her or is she genuinely interested but scared to approach me ?
I'm a male and I'm talking about a girl from my workplace...
Trading incel Q
is Leo as horny for me as I am for them?
what is you and this Leo genders?
and for my Q: What does my recent ex thinks about me now?
I’m male she’s female
Starting yours
>page of swords, 4 of pents, king of cups
Yes she is, but don't do think about anything besides sex. She is confused with stuff regardes life, and is looking for places where she could slow down and my guess is that she is seeing that opportunity in you
What is going to manifest for me within these next 3 months? You?
will i get along with this Z girl that i was in primary school class?
Starting yours
Nah, she might be a bitch.

Queen of swords rx, 3 of swords, 6 of wands rx, 5 of cups
>10 of pents, ace of pents, knight of swords, knight of wands, 7 of swords
You'll get new good paying job/or be involved in some good cash promising project! Generally speaking, you will have oppurtinities that you don't wan't to let go when you grab them, witch might end with someone that would wan't to use you to do some work for them, so be careful.
Anyway wanna trade again? I think i was tradecucked so if you want, you can do this one >>39018258
What are Du's (male) intentions towards me?
I'm male. I'm straight which I've made clear, he isn't though he seems like a good dude. Do I need to be worried?
for my q would be this one >>39018258
Trading incel Q
ah why not, state it and i give mine in a sec
>the fool, 5 of cups, 3 of pents
he sees in you someone that he hasn't been with before, and bc of that he has some wacky daydreams about you, but he is conscius about potential broken heart so he isn't going to anything about this besides few stupid jokes or suggestions, nothing to worry about
What were that blonde at A.F. (place) impressions of me? I'm a 6 at best, she was way out of my league, she's smoking hot...yet she looked at me differently?
I warned you it's a pathetic Q
>5 of swords, king of swords, 2 of swords, 8 of swords rx
Wow, a whole lot of swords...they're being very logical about you, no feels or intent, just pure thought. They're bitter still about the break up or what caused it etc. They wanna keep you at a clear distance or at least be very curt with you, no bs and no feels. I am leaning towards them wanting to create distance from you, reason being you're still on their mind very much and it's causing them a mental headache, they wanna move away so as to free themselves from the hold you have over them
Wanna trade again?
Nah, its a nice Q!
As for me, any romance until the end of the year?
Yeah, why not!
Where i should look for work

Do it?
>the moon, 6 of wands, ace of cups
She saw in you someone friendly, or even you remindend her of someone from her past, generally positive feelings.
Anyway for the futer, when some hot chick will look into you diffrently, don't think about it but just smile and if she give's it back, go hit it! I know what im saying!
So Du isn't a threat and he seems very well intentioned.
What about W (male)? He wants me to participate in a video for his insta. Nothing weird but he also invited me to a party with his friends. For context he's twice my age and a Paki, I'm a eurofag. Maybe its my trust issues but I wanna be sure u know?
>4 of pents rx, 10 of wands, hermit
No I'm afraid. Sorry. It looks to me like you're considered unavailable to potential dates, at least irl. Like you seem to not have the time or seem distant and maybe reclusive. This energy is heavy, are you feeling down or have a lot to deal with? If so it's visible to others
Trade again?
>knight of wands, knight of swords, ace of swords, 4 of pents, 6 of pents
He sees you more like a buisness partner, you know, someone that you can give a fishin rod and then do what's necessery. He wan't to give connections and have some of yours nothing more
should i go to japan next year?
Will s miss me when I transfer or would she be happier about my transfer

ur q?
>Ace of swords, 2 of swords rev, 9 of wands rev
It's something/somewhere you had in mind already yet the option seemed unappealing to you. Like it came to mind and you dismissed it. It might not be what you like, maybe you had past experience there and didn't enjoy it. I suppose it could mean searching low if you're desperate for work
Well if she had a good impression. Will I meet her again? Likely at the same place I imagine
how will things be for me after this month ends
sure, what does MC feel about me these days? starting
Do what?
>7 of cups, judgement, king of swords
Yeah, matter of a week of two and you meet her but this don't give me good vibes, like she's taken or generaly uninterested in relationship at the moment
>5 of wands (6 of wands), king of wands rx (wheel), Ace of cups
Hmm, this idea has a good outcome but totally not why you'll go there. I think getting to Japan might have its fair share of issues, maybe something visa related or meeting some kind of criteria where you have to really make a case for yourself. It'll go well and you'll get your way yet Japan...it's odd as if you fly there for one reason that seems to underwhelm you yet you come back from there with a totally unexpected shift within you. I think you'll go, and should, you won't find there what you seek, you'll find something better.
>devilrx, 3owrx, aocrx, 5oc
mc feels uncertain about the future, unfulfilled, sense of liberation from toxic/unhealthy patterns, and resentment or dwelling on past grievances
I asked what she feels about me, not how she feels in general. are you new?
Not what these cards mean retard
sorry, that's what I meant but I'll reword it lol and no I'm not.
mc feels a sense of liberation, stagnation, emotional disappointment, and a focus on past losses in relation to you
if you'd like I'll give a new set of cards
i want to know if art is the direction i’ll be most successful in

People are rude today, dang.

With this in particular, you don't know what the spread was. Timing is thrown into the mix, so there could be more to the spread. There have many times when I've read for an anon and gotten more from the spread than what's immediately visible. You're tapping into your intuition here, the cards are just a conduit. If you think they're static, then that's your problem as a reader. You can pick up visual cues based on the deck's design. A guide isn't going to tell you everything you need to know, because sometimes the cards are cheeky. Sometimes they want to take you outside of your comfort zone. You can correct anons, but don't be a dick about it. You never know how they got that information, so be nice.
hey dude, wanna trade?
Post your Q.
I am shedding quite a bit and my hairline's gone back the last 5 years. Should I start using rogaine and propecia now, to stop it, or will my hairloss stabilise?
>emperor r 5oP 10oC r

art could be a fulfilling path, but your success might require overcoming certain obstacles. so no. i mean like it's not a definitive no but it seems like itll be more difficult to achieve.
lol! it be like that. it's a diff world when everyone's anonymous
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I was going to try to lie down for a while, but I couldn't sleep, so I'm going to keep drinking and reading to you all until I get tired.
>Initials, gender and sun sign of the people involved
Mind reading the queries you didn't get to?
Howdy Pardner :)

Taurus sun.
Are these exercises the key I've been looking for?
What does N.C male (don't know his birthday sorry ) feel and/or think about me L.S female (sun in aquarius) ?
For ease.
Of course! I usually give priority to people who are online, let me know which one was yours and I'll give it priority since you asked me earlier (:
F(male and aquarius)
A(female and Gemini)
How will it go when I visit A next month?

How do I have time to focus on hobbies, schoolwork, and socialization?
D, Taurus
Anything good happening to me soon?
E f Taurus will I get either of those jobs and will I have any romance soon
Oh and gemini
N J, male, Aries

I am shedding quite a bit and my hairline's gone back the last 5 years. Should I start using rogaine and propecia now, to stop it, or will my hairloss stabilise?
>Emperor Rev, II of Cups Rev, King of Cups, Devil, III of Wands, Lovers Rev
What a strange moment in your life, anon. Not necessarily bad, but...strange.
You're being a bit too strict with yourself, maybe you're trying to become a less cold person, something really bad seems to have happened to you to make you take a decision like that.
You seem to be forgetting a little that balance and self-control are your best skills for dealing with any situation, you seem to be too focused on proving something to others, which ends up pulling you forward, but won't get you very far.
It's a lonely road, but if it's what you want, you'll succeed. If it's not what you want, then it's best to recalculate your route.

Hello friend! Always good to see you here (:
>V of Disks, VIII of Wands, Wheel Rev
It seems like a quick fix, not exactly the best for the moment, but maybe it's what you need. But there's still something missing for you to take full control of the situation.

>Sun, Justice Rev, VI of Wands Rev
He feels very good around this person, but at the same time it's as if he shouldn't feel this way. He has a certain guilt about feeling this way.
The feeling is probably not reciprocated either.

>VII of Disks, II of Cups, X of Disks
It's not going to be a very easy journey at first, it feels like there's something very important to be resolved, something that should have been resolved a long time ago and which profoundly affects the whole dynamic of your life?
But after that, it's all going to be great, and if it's something romantic, it could be a very positive turning point in your relationship with this person.
hey sorry just got out of the shower.
i want to know if the place i just interviewed at will hire me
ace of pentacles, the chariot, judgment

it looks like new opportunities, possibly new opportunities to make money, will move you out of the rut you’ve been in and push you to make peace with the things you’ve been carrying with you so you can let them go at last. it’ll be a little intense, but i think mostly positive.
how should i build the fortitude to achieve my goals? gc, f, virgo
He is married(to a man so idk if he is gay or bi) so that would make sens but idk why i have this hudge crush on him even tho i know nothing will happen anyway
i just feel this spark when we are together and i can't stop thinking about it
Nice to see you around as well!

Thank you for the read. Yeah, I expect to have to learn more. I'm already feeling immediate benefits, but those are temporary.

Should I be putting more time into studying?

M male aquarius

How will that event go for me?

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