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Redpill me on the Kundalini awakening. I had something happen to me over a year ago on psychedelics that felt just like effects described. My life has not been the same since I feel constantly tormented by things I do not understand and every time I try and do something hedonistic or egotistic I feel immense spiritual pain. How do I undo this? Is it possible to seal it away?
It might sound crazy but eat more orange foods.
Carrots, oranges, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds.
youd invite the serpent of shit into the temple of the crown?
Kundalini awakens the serpent like a snake charmer. I was guided through this shit by a satanist when I was only 9yo and it fucked my whole life up.
You can't undo it but you'll feel less sensitive as time goes on. On the other hand you're now on a spiritual path you can't avoid and will eventually see the futility of chasing desires.
It's way easier now than it was a year ago it doesnt bother me as much. I used to have terrifying nightmares and sleep paralysis. I can barely describe the kinds of things I kept imagining it was like my entire previous life was a dream and I had suddenly woken up permanently. it's better nowadays but I still panic occasionally
It's the subconscious mind. You've unlocked it and will have to work through all the stuff buried in there, will take time but you'll be in a much better clearer place afterwards. Some spiritual practice will help you.
Nightmares are good and healthy
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Thanks anon
Np brother.
I just try to ignore everything. Every fucking thing. My own world, because i need it.. sometimes, ignorance is better for eveyone..
Joseph Campbell has a great 6 part series on YT worth watching where he talks about the journey through the subconscious.

Solid answer.
Awakening is merely the ticket to somewhere, you gotta learn to let go of the steering wheel and have the Self take over.
If you think about how much control you really have over your senses, emotions and basic bodily functions, you start to realize you are not the driver of the bus.
Breath is a powerful tool as it's probably the only part of the subconscious that you can consciously control, at least in the beginning. Explore it.
Congratulations on your freedom anon, just know that with freedom comes responsibility, the more free you are the more responsible for everything that happens. Be strong, together we will live forever
Yes, this is valuable to remember when things get tough but don't worry too much about it right now.
Kundalini is part of the spirituality scam created by Satan to misguide people so they don’t find Jesus Christ.
so obvious, when you deny the truth there is one option- delusion, but the truth is so boring :(
imagine a circle above your head, if you can feel it then you won, if not then your are still in the lower chakras. When woman have a certain spiritual sex and you see their eyes rolling it means they are way deep in that circle, seeing things beyond ignorant mortals
Oh brother, how do you think he awakened his spiritual powers?

Death is inherent in all compound things. Work relentlessly for your salvation.

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