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What is the point of the humilation rituals that the rich elites perform on themselves and us? Why do they try doing this stuff to themselves and us?
You think that's humiliating?
Kind of. It was more of an example image. And this event is where the term got popular too
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䷾䷖ = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82cdnAUvsw8
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Can you re-word this I can't get it
bro Cena is built like a fucking marble statue I *am* mirin
whoah they made a second song?
Yeah it is pretty incredible to maintain that absolutely perfect physique nearing 50, even on gear.
it's a test to see if they are willing to be bent
You think anyone could convince Evelyn de Rothschild to appear onstage like that?

Free Masons.

>Naked.... before the great white throne....
He's dead so probably not.
For the gay modern freemasons of today, the throne is black and the naked is white
I love showering in cum
If he was ripped as fuck he wouldn't have bothered with holding up a sign.
People with 8 packs don't need clothing to look fantastic--it's the disgusting fatties that have to ply themselves with expensive fabrics and elite designers to hide their disgusting bodies and pretend they're not physically repulsive to look at.
the demons think it's funny
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Would. He can humiliate me all day.
Most people do the bare minimum even with drugs.
>And this event is where the term got popular too
The term has existed for decades now, nigger cattle
Do women even like those types of roid hunks, or is it just a gay male thing?

The female equivalent of that is a bimbo with fake boobs and a ton of plastic jobs, and most normal (old normal, not modern amerimutt obesity normal) women are way hotter than them.
>Do women even like those types of roid hunks
sometimes I forget just how little people here know about the outside world
Anon do you even go outside? Yes some women like more masculine men and some women like men who look passive and conservative...because sexual preference is a spectrum between pure masculinity and femininity and not purely bound by laws related to reproductive strategies. This applies to men too. Yes there is a zeitgeist that makes women swoon automatically over faggy K-pop boyband types but that is only proof that women are gullible and vulnerable to social programming. Please listen to people other than Dr. Chud.
BF Skinner's Classical Conditioning. Psychological torment meant to ensure compliance and create a reward/punishment dichotomy to instill a lack of rebellion.
Humiliation is great, it feels awful espceially when you are a reclusive IB addict, but it makes you FREE!
Sexual fetishes are one thing but how does humiliation make you free? How am I free when tyrants and fallen stars drunk on dopamine are trying to enslave our minds? I'd rather rip the cuffs off and spite those tyrants with the fire of justice.
John Cena is not an “elite” and “elite” is making him do this to show power over him.
You rip off the cuffs by not giving them your attention (energy) and that means even your negative energy. I see it all the time in the political sphere. Blue followers see something a red follower said or did so they retweet it, repost it and add their 2 cents, write an article about it and so on and vice versa. With no energy they cannot grow in influence.
I would humbly disagree, part of the reason the Illuminati has so much power is that the masses percieve their representatives and media in a "positive" manner in some abstract sense of the word. If the Illuminati started to have a negative perception towards them, the dopamine loops and reward/punishment dichotomy would be void and they would not have as much spiritual control over the masses.
I don't know why you guys are so mad. I just asked a valid question on whether female preference tends to go for oversized fake muscle or not.

From all of my observations it's mostly men (gay men, at that) which are overly obsessed with hyper muscular bodies built off HGH+anabolics, which is often projected onto female preference.
Fine, you do it then
Correct but some women (trashy women mostly from what I've seen) do go for the roid bro aesthetic.
unironically touch grass and go outside for a day moron
Ok, I did and the vast majority of people I see (inc high class) aren't on anabolics with comical inhuman joke proportions. They're all slim, beautiful, and don't inject themselves with random shit from a lab.

U mad that your homoerotic world view isn't common?
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Faggots don't find this humiliating. Straight men would because it's just not something we do.
Cena seems to be a little fruity.
For guys on this spectrum they'll just liken it to when women were revealing dresses like picrel. The idea that men possess dignity and that's a spiritual power is alien to them. They just do what women do in a superficially masculine way. They judge and shame men in the same way, but again, with a superficially masculine bent.
So I would suggest that humiliation rituals are designed to feminize men
>What is the point of the humilation rituals that the rich elites perform on themselves and us? Why do they try doing this stuff to themselves and us?
It's called PSYOPS. The objective is basically to mind control you. Then can't do that like you are thinking, but they can do these PSYOPS hoping to influence your perception of the world and reality and misleading you to be part of their agenda. It all comes down to human control. They don't like the fact that we have our own will and most of the time we don't like being told what to do so they want to control us. They need us, but they hate us. So they must control us and they do that through their mind games and PSYOPS. It's just another form of sorcery. It's a good sign that you are able to see this. Most people can't see this shit even if it shoved in their faces because of cognitive dissonance. They know this shit and they use against us.
It is a kike tradition, and since the kikes believe and practice magic more than any other, they believe this will get them to not only take a piece of a person's soul, but their body and fate.

Typical magic worthless sacks of shit would use and abuse.

Who even knows if they're even capable of holding much magic these days.
>What is the point of the humilation rituals that the rich elites perform on themselves and us?
the elites don´t do it on themselves;
>Why do they try doing this stuff to themselves and us?
they do it, on their slaves when they behave badly.
also they do it on some of the aspiracional masters, so that they learn to deal with adversities. they purposidely make a fall on some of their pupets on purpose, so that they can either fall to the botton and never recover or be strong enough to stand still or either rise up in sometimes. this is used as trial.
for cattle goy it will be perceived as ritualistic humiliation ritual, but for them it´s a test, to see if they will flee to Jesus for help or if they will keep their loyalty to satan.
Ok Terry Davis
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Keep telling yourself that.
Sexual black mail and mind controll, and energy vampirism.

Legit is the only reasonable explanation for why all of the people in power do thus shit constantly.
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That's not a humiliation ritual. But picrel is. Quoting another, this branding is done upon birth because we are not welcome here. It is a permanent reminder that we are lesser than females not intact as intended
Trauma is the foremost method of "mind" control
And no one is easier to control than an emasculated coward
I prly bench your squat, ironically.
I ain't mad anon. Besides it is strange and a waste of time to be emotionally invested towards an anonymous random on the internet. I just wanted to tell you that while personal observation is useful, it alone does not suffice in the pursuit of truth because of its subjective nature. So it's nice to look at things from another person's perspective every now and then. Please forgive, I was distraught from arguing with a schizo back then.
my take,
imagine if around you, me, and everyone we know has a field of dominance/ willpower.
Lets not scale this up beyond the collective minds of humons, but all together humons believe in certain rules and laws to this universe. That collective agreement is kinda like the contracts citizens have with govts (supposedly but birth certificates imply you are owned and should be profited off of). The citizens should benefit from society for being a part of that.
Some humons have a very powerful field of dominance and when they are in proximity to others, their field dominates others. That field of dominance can act like a suppression field that it simply makes it so people around him instinctively act more passively. If you learn to express your emotions with planned words rather than instant reactions, you can even do things like make them feel your fervor and emotion when that excitement doesnt actually exist in them.
People don't care or want to live. They don't care if their ancestors lived.

I think what CoP is saying is that Code Geass is at least somewhat real.
what >>39031847 said sounds right to me
Found the chud, guys.
Classic 115-125 post.
It's like a fetish thing. It's all hedonistic, self-serving, impulsive, and mostly random because consequence is an alien concept to the rich.
t. never looked out his back door
It's obvious

Ashut the fuck up Its John Cena nigga
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No, they couldn't.
Honestly, Im not even shocked you're too retarded to understand that women men might be attracted to these things considering how fucking stupid you're acting
odd future wolf gang kill them all
Best answer but I had to read it twice
It's all a way of showing who is in charge... that's it.
Literally and exactly this…

As well this.

Think about it and you’ll understand who you’re dealing with… or what.
60 posts and no ones said humility......
>a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness...............
Lol what lvl are you, fine traveler?
They aren't called entertainers for nothing. This doesn't mean that some of the humiliating shit they do is spontaneous and genuine, it is obviously orchestrated, but they're clown tools used as a proxy to poke the general public into shapes. I don't agree with the idea of entertainers that perform humiliating acts being "hazed", i just see it as a purposeful act with intention, the specific intention, only the labels and companies involved know, but it's probably related to social engineering and marketing.
too logical, needs 50 layers of conspiracy and satanic undertones

and don't forget the Jews
uninitiated (unless we count the trials of providence) reprobate tier
to see how far you would go to obtain dumb earthly shit
If the people one is humbling themselves to are tyrants drunk on power then what is that humility worth?
individually personifying the mob is irrelevant, only their witness matters in this ritual
literally just blackmail material
the guys on top require new recruits to put themselves into incriminating positions in exchange for wealth, fame or power
if the new guy decides to do something that's detrimental to the order he gets cut down with said blackmail and ends up serving as an example for everyone else
classic cult behavior
Women are just as degenerate as gays, they just hide it better. Androphiliacs are inherently mentally ill.
Do you even know what normal boobs and enhanced boobs feel like?
Did you fall for the orthojew scam? Almost all braces are for cosmetics, but you don't refer to brace faces with a slur
Braces aren't augmentations, but rather enhancement and correction.

Orthopedics manipulates the body to look better.

That other slop you are defending does not.
Based. Fuck hook noses
Orthodontics. Fucking fat thumbed my keyboard
I thought this was a blood sacrifice to moloch
I'd do it without the card
I'd be swangin my sack all over that stage
The real humiliation ritual would be forcing you to watch my balls bounce
you got hard seeing it :)
Demons feed on the energy and emotions generated from humiliation rituals.
>If I define things a certain way, then I won't be a hypocrite
>I support body modification when orthojews make thousands per kid they sucker
>I don't support other women getting body mods that make them more attractive than me
That's what you actually mean, roastie
>Completely ignores that the entire cosmetic industry is a jew psyop

At least orthodontics provides an actual health benefit in the form of easier to maintain oral hygiene.
>easier to maintain oral hygiene.
Keep defending jews trying to fuck over you and everyone you care about.
That girl over there with bigger boobs than you; is the real enemy.
Lol, women shouldn't vote
Someone's mad because they have no teeth and never learned the nuances of daily oral hygiene.

It's ok friendo. Gummy blowjobs are still respectable
He's not a living, breathing Greek statue. What does John Cena have to be humiliated over by showing his body off? He also made a living off of pretend fighting while half naked for 25 years before this
How is this humiliating? He looks hot as fuck.
That's because you live in redneck retard bumfuck nowhere, Cena is peak but everyone who lives in an australian coastal city is going for that physique.
>Gym bro
>Muh squat
LOL, stay mad fag. I'll have a 6 pack until I'm 80 and you'll have bad knees by the time your 60.
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Both of those men look absolutely disgusting without clothing on.

he's a fucking specimen, looks like he's chiseled out of marble. not sure how that's humilating. you should have gone with that picture of him in heels and a miniskirt.
>look what we can do to someone who is rich, famous and powerful
imagine what they could do to someone like you

that is another purpose for the rituals

thing is people don't realise theirs heaps of other rituals like death rituals and shit like that
would, would so bad
Control. Anyone willing to sell out their dignity or self respect can be assumed to be made do anything.
>"Dogs show their belly to things as a sign of submission and trust."
Humiliation rituals subconsciously make you a lot less likely to resist authority. Its supposed to fuck with the population on a psychological level. Think about all the psychological effects from wearing a mask for 2+ years. Children who lived through covid have developmental issues and everyone is calling themselves an "undiagnosed autistic" online now. It does something to us....
duuuude he was so humiliated showing off his chiseled perfect fucking body, this had so many lasting effects! he still doesn't show is face and absolutely is not still a public figure!

If anyone humiliation ritual'd Cena, it was having him play Fred's dad in those old Nick movies. If I was 47 and looked like that I'd go nude in public too.

If you consider nudity to be humiliating then you are mainstream media and religion's target audience.

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