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Anyone else been to this town? It gave me some very unpleasant and sinister vibes, even compared to the rest of Rust Belt.
Like the place's entire psychic gestalt has been infected by an oppressive, soul-rotting malaise.
The State is a nexus for a lot of terrible institutions, but obscured by corn and chirches.
Fairly certain a good portion of the small towns with a train station has a lodge nearby.
Hell, they had an orgasm research place that tested on every age you can think of.
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Yea I just drove through there, Gary and Southside Chicago. The whole area is like hundreds of miles of empty soulless space and groid zombie gollums
Yeah, it reminds me to Smallwood.
Some shitty larp
I grew up in Indiana but not in Indianapolis. I always hated Indy. It's huge, yet it somehow has the vibe of a much smaller city. I hate cities in general, but some of them have cool things. Not Indy.
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We love our masons here. Mirth is King .
>city planned by a nephew of a banker and a man who helped design Washington DC and was involved with the Burr Conspiracy
>masons all over the place
It's unpleasant for a reason, and the reason has infested the entire state
I've lived in Indianapolis for most of my life, and something about the air there just feels *off*. It's not so much apparent in an explicitly sinister sense, it's like the place never left the 90s behind and is locked in a state of either stasis and decay, depending on where you are in the city. Other anons are right to point out that it's a huge masonic hub, and there's a lot of history with fraternal orders like the Klan if you go further back.
>it's like the place never left the 90s behind
Exactly this. The entire town could easily pass as the backdrop of a Clinton-era CBS sitcom.
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EVERY age I can think of?
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Beech grove bros how we doing?
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Indy is like some form of Purgatory. If you stay in it for some time, you're never getting out.
Doesn't help that the place is never-endingly enormous (360 sq miles) and covers an entire county.
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Why is it so grey and seemingly perpetually overcast?
that's what happens when you steal a football team.
What an odd group. I’m looking into them now and gotta say they seem quite peculiar, even compared to other secret societies.
Indiana isn’t hell, just absent of gods love
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Poor places suck, more at 11.

>Mound Builders Mystery
>Tecumseh Curse
>Indianapolis Masonic planned city, mostly constructed of limestone
>Richmond Hauntings
>Crawfordsville Monster
>Phantom Airship Sightings
>1946/47 UFO flap
>NSC Crane Crash/Shoot down Incident
>Grissom AFB Nuclear Incident
>1952 UFO flap
>Jim Jones
>Elizaville Monster
>Marjorie Jackson Murder
>1973 UFO Flap
>1978 UFO Flap
>Roachdale Monster
>Bedford Indiana Pyramid
>Oil Pit Squid
>Copley Woods Abductions
>1980s Hudson Institute Study into UFO intent for Reagan Administration
>Soviet Accusations of Biowarfare capabilities Lily/Covance
>666 Infant Blood Boxes
>Indianapolis alternative National Capital
>Martinsville Vortex
>Lucky Point UFO Hotspot
>Kokomo UFO Crash Retrival
The people there are like a prediction of Idiocracy, all dumb and auto-accepting of everything
This is incredibly weird because I grew up in Indianapolis and went to a jesuit school there in HS and it's always just felt wrong. Hard to really put a finger on it but everything from the school to the actual city itself just felt oppressive, wrong, and twisted. Like things happened that weren't supposed to happen, but they weren't obvious. Evil and maliciousness seemed to run rampant and disguised itself as good. It was a really confusing energy and feeling and I never really quite understood it until I moved out of the state. I still have family back there but the other places I live feel nourishing to my soul, whereas Indiana feels like this weird vortex that slowly decays and erodes you. It's a very peculiar place in the country - but I always assumed that it was just a me issue - this is the first time I've ever felt validated in having those wary feelings about it.

If anyone else is interested in sharing more, please do.
It’s probably gone to shit and become a “sundown town” and no, not in any racial reference… it now means a town that you should leave before sun sets. Many are falling to this across the US, thanks to their controlled demolition/reset.
Schizo city. Lots of serial killers per capita.
It’s an “art exhibit” by some weird fucker.. reverse search the image via 4plebs or yandex for more.
indiana is the most haunted state in the country
I can see my house from here!
I heard city incorporated a bunch of neighboring suburbs at some point and as a result it can barely be recognized as a major city in most parts.
I'm not sure how strange that really is because I havent been to every major city in the US, but it did kind of shock me how rural it seemed.
I have felt like this about Indianapolis my entire life and I’ve never even been there. I just look at a map and see if they’re and instinctually something feels off about it. For such a large city you never hear about it. I don’t feel this way about other large Midwest cities like Columbus, Cleveland, or Pittsburgh. Only Indy.
thread reminded me of this show
Eerie Indiana, my beloved.
indianapolis is /x/
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St. Louis is even worse. Literally the most violent and murderous city in America (and one of the worst in the world) for no describable reason.

It's not the blackest, poorest, most drug-addled or lead-polluted or gang-infested city in the Midwest. It seems pretty run-of-the-mill, by all accounts. And yet, people seem to leave their homes for work and never come back at rate that puts NOLA, Detroit and Baltimore to shame. The area seems to produce a lot of serial killers too.

At some point, the mass Indian burial grounds across the river at Cahokia start looking mighty suspect.
I've lived in St. Louis for a long time- almost all of the murders are black-on-black, in the worst parts of the city. St. Louis has a weird layout due to white flight and real estate redlining- the northern half of the entire city is half-depopulated, black and poor. That's where the violent crime happens at an alarming rate, because now that area is 60-80 years into a total slump, with almost no businesses still open- it'll never get successfully gentrified.
Other than that, St. Louis is essentially a rust-belt city where all wealth is in the suburbs. which are a separate county. It's not a place with a lot of hope, and I tend to view any big new development with a degree of cynicism, since they often fail.
could she not, like, swing her weight to trip him off his feet? wwyd
Fall in love
I grew up around there. I visited a few months ago. I get what you mean. I wonder if Demoines Iowa is similar.
I lived in south bend from 2010-12 and moved back home to Michigan and it was basically the nexus point and both states have gone in completely different directions. I live by Detroit and you could find 1000 places like the pics here, but it's pretty sweet here I think. Stuffs happening, they're fixing shit and building new shit all over some stuff I like some I don't. We got good weed, good food, gun crime is down 20% from last year. I've got plenty of things I wish were different but when I look around the country and world I feel pretty good about Michigan.
Des moines is pretty normal comparatively. There's definitely places like it in dm though. It's weird that it's the capital because it seems like there's not very many people but idk i try not to spend time there because I'm from a really small town and that place is aids trying to drive around and stuff.
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It's the catacombs.
It's just niggers.
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>Des moines is pretty normal comparatively.
Nowadays it is because they’ve decimated the core of the city. It used to be full of buildings like picrel up until the late 1900s. Des Moines was 100% part of the “old world”.
You went to a nigger hole
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I hear cancer rates as significantly higher in this place compared to the national average, with no apparent root cause. Could this be a side-effect of the malgin psychic gestalt OP mentioned?
It's from a movie called Cremaster 3. It's a fun watch if you like artsy bullshit.
Subconsciously, they're still grieving the loss of Tartaria, which America was no doubt part of
The rust belt really is the Eastern Europe of the US much like Minnesota is the Sweden/Finnland
It looks like a normal American non-major city.
St Louis is comfy desu. Like you said all the niggers slaughter each other in a tiny area. Then there is a small downtown that is nice, and then a ton of nice comfy suburbs. As always anywhere blacks gather turns into a tribal conflict zone where they use white man magic (blocks with extended mags) to paint the walls with each other's frontal lobeless brains.
>southernmost point of the American south
>city planned by masons
>net cultural importer despite being very large, has nothing unique going for it, even a city like Louisville exports more culture
>>net cultural importer despite being very large, has nothing unique going for it, even a city like Louisville exports more culture
Indy cutlure peaked with Kurt Vonnegut
Why am I getting regionally targeted threads, glowies do better in your entrapment PLEASE
>southernmost place in the american south
We're still talking about IN right?
Unless he’s being really schizo he probably meant to type northernmost instead of southernmost
>city in decline full of abandoned buildings, unwanted citizens, and the few actually bad drugs
Real mystery why it's a shithole. Next you'll ask what's up with Detroit.
Give specific examples. Vague emotional feelings provide no info.
Indy is not in decline though. It has a stable economy and job market due its function as a state capital and all the government institutions based there and it's one of the few Midwest/Rust Belt cities that have actually been gaining population, if at a slow rate.
It’s growing through growing pains associated with gentrification+crime is up, the people who report bad vibes are understandable.
I went through the bus station there and the sky made the place look empty and cold to me every time. Much of that area does though, Dayton Ohio as well.
I like it there
It'd say 'stagnant' is the word that best describes Indy. It's neither growing nor declining, just perpetually static.
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>Bob Hickman
been in Bedford several times with an ex and that pyramid is wack. also a national guard spot nearby
>cities don't make anything unique anymore
>cities all have same big global chain businesses with faceless franchise location identified as store number
>zero real local culture at best some professional sports team with made up mascot/logos all funded by foreign money
>architecture is non existent just whatever is efficient to move around and cities are mixed bag of broke and decaying and rich areas with ugly plastic soul less buildings
>surveillance systems everywhere running on some far away data center cloud servers

Dont all modern western cities give unpleasant vibes? Like all reason for them to exist ended in the 70s.
>growing pains associated with gentrification
And how it looks is funny, there's several major roads where you can see every major socio-economic demographic in the city, to get to downtown on any of the main roads you have to pass by what used to be cornfields 40+ years ago, houses inhabited by those people, industrial areas, shithole small businesses, and inexplicable apartment complexes that exist for professionals who specifically don't want to live in a neighborhood. The entire east side of the city has the same 'bad vibes' I generally only get in the poorer parts of New Jersey, there's parts of Speedway that reminds me of chunks of eastern KY while Broad Ripple has the worst vibes of any nightlife zone I have been in the within the continental USA except for chunks of Memphis, people say that Indianapolis is a sleepy city but as it turns out if you concentrate all the seedy non-ethnic nightlife in one area you have angry prospectless drunks who can't afford to be in the actual downtown area fighting each other.
Born in the Beech Grove St. Francis they just tore down.
Some things not mentioned yet:
>Stranger Things
>New Harmony and the Smithsonian
>Crossroads/Heartland of America
Everything flows through here.
This guy has some good Indiana videos.
Be careful in Indy or God will enter your body like a body your same size
God entered my body like a body my same size
Always has been
I will join these niggas one day
I always figured that Indianapolis was in a similar position as St. Louis was, in terms of the spiritual rot present, they were both hubs of the Klan lol
did not like that town, literally human shit on the sidewalks downtown. disgusting place
You guys must be poor or something. Try going to the nice parts of town.
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My favorite part of Indianapolis is that there's no direction you can drive if you start out from the middle of the city where you wouldn't eventually hit some kind of slum except for Greenwood, which is a large collection of suburbs and nearly rural areas.
Not Indianapolis but still creepy






>implying Greenwood is not a slum
Kind of seems like Winnipeg in Canada
Literal black hole of a city
>New Harmony
You are absolutely right about this. That place is nuts.
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>honk honk
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Always figured that it’s cute that Vonnegut and other serious writers are claimed first by the city, but the biggest collection of Ray Bradbury’s works are in the city and make up probably the most important literary archive there.
Greenwood is just full of old people who have their house as their primary asset who will croak eventually, it's not a slum just full of typical 'bought the house after working three summers at the county fair'-style stories.
Winnipeg is full of Injun soul

The city proper is too big, I know that's how the "rest of the world " operates but it's uncanny as an American to see essentially the entire metro area within "city limits".
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>but it's uncanny as an American to see essentially the entire metro area within "city limits".
You'd be surprised.
I think it's because the city is a net cultural importer, despite it's size, it's not a place that has a distinct scene outside of sports, as far as the arts go, and the city is so sprawling and suburban that there's been little to generate anything culturally

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