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Post the books that are so vital to who you are and your practice that you usually don't even tell people about them. GO!
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But unironically.
48 laws of power, and basically any other book by Robert Greene
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the most metaphysical book in all of existence.
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The Secret of the Runes
Rune Magic
Holy Rune Might
The Eddas
Saga of the Volsungs
The Wodenist Handbook
Red Dragon
The works of Cormac McCarthy
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this one fucked me up.
just learned about this a couple of weeks ago, is this really what angloids teach their children? that's not even supposed to be a criticism, but yeah, way darker and existential than I expected from you
i never read it as a child. someone else told me that it was their favorite children's book from their childhood.
i did not expect it either.
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now that I think of it, this is what I had as a kid, some of the images and stories are definetly still burned into my brain. again, not really in a bad way, it's just kinda bizarre
For me it was Sam and the Firefly and I'll Always be Your Friend.
Book of Chuang Tzu
1. Cure Your Fatigue — Iron overload and copper deficiency is draining your metabolic battery to failure and death.
Countermeasure it. Clean your liver, support your bile function, and eat the whole grass-pastured animal like your ancestors.
2. The Trivium by Sister Mary Joseph, except the order is Grammar, Logic then rhetoric.
3. Theory of Constraints books by Eliyahu Goldratt.
4. Toyota KATA.
5. Thank You for Arguing.
6. The Inner Circle Trader books (not out yet) and his Youtube Channel.
7. Learn the logical fallacies.
8. Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill — but ignire the vegan agenda and focus on the toxicity of seed oils. Your ancestors never ate that toxic crap.
9. Your Erroneous Zones
10. The Calcium Lie.
11. The Toxic Tooth.
12. The Bible — but believe it, not all the lies promoted about it. Eternal Agape is the answer. Everything else will be extinguished.
> the most metaphysical book in all of existence.

There is sooooo much wisdom in these long-standing stories.

I’m literally Gulliver strapped down on the ‘beach’ by an army of Lilliputian shit tying me down!
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I'm partial to The Daemon
>I’m literally Gulliver strapped down on the ‘beach’ by an army of Lilliputian shit tying me down!
Go on
Learn the secrets of Homer, learn the secret nature of the Gods.
Holy Bible
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One piece. I can’t be free if others are not free like me.
>the bible
This one is hard to believe due to the original text being burnt by a Jew.

Which version you talking about?
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Tip of the iceberg!
Trauma and the Soul
Thank you
Everything by Tom of Finland
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the larp.
Love is the larp, love under wimp.
sell me this book. I have it in my library but hadn't had the time to start it yet.
Thats the one right there.
Ra Material / L/L Research's Channeling archive.
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not the best story but the elves were an excellent manifestation for catalyzing early meditative spiritual practice.
"Young people wonder how the adult world can be so boring. The secret is that it is not boring to adults because they have learnt to enjoy simple things like covert malice at one another’s expense.
This is why they talk so much about the value of human understanding and sympathy. It has a certain rarity value in their world."
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Worried about the 5G nanobots from the vax, the morgellons from the chemtrails and the ropeworm eggs they put in your school cafeteria lunches to make you grow up into a matrix slave?
Worry no more!
The Ropeworm Protocol has the solution.
It's called the Ascension Diet (or something)

Download this schizo book here:
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Bros I found out that enlightenment is something you can just do in a few years. There are step-by-step manuals for it and everything

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