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SRG Semen Retention General
Previous thread >>39011629
>/SRM/ reading list v1
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What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. It originates from various spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions. The idea is that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. While there isn’t a lot of scientific research (hard topic to do studies on) on the topic*, there are tons of personal accounts. Therefore, the only sure way to find out is trying it out for yourself.
Reported benefits include, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy*, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, and more.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%. However it has no data on what happens after week 3-4 and after that.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior. (coom =“numb”androgen receptors = body unable to “register” testosterone as effectively as it should)

How to Practice It?
>No porn – do not watch porn whatsoever.
>Remove triggers from your life.
>Productive acts - clean, cook
>Creative acts: Art/Music/Writing/Crafts. It can be anything that makes you feel like you’re being creative.
>Light meditation. Try minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
>Walk everyday. 10-15 minute walks should be a good start.
>Gym/Sports/Martial Arts
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Kundalini / Christ Consciousness / Holy Spirit / Kindom of Heaven / Awakening Edition.

Let us speak of all thing SR improves beyond the physical body. Such as attitude, thoughts, self esteem, interaction with others, dreams, and spiritual or esoteric achievements.
I automatically just start opening my pants and touching my dick, it's like a deeply ingrained habbit, even without jerking it, but I'll always do it, even when just browsing the web to totally unrelated stuff. any advice how to quit this? I guess just awarness and correction
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Am i the only retard that finds easy to do semen "retention" but has a veeerry hard time doing a Clean Streak?

Go for a clean streak bros. That is where the magic happens.

Keep going guys. You're all going to make it.
I came like 4 times today. One time inside an ass.
I’ve had multiple people tell me that I’m like a whole new person now. It feels like I’m living in a nice dream.

Less than a year ago I was going through serious bouts of depression. I’d wake up every day with one thought: I don’t want to be alive anymore.

That never happens anymore. I like to think that sad person is dead now.
We're gonna make it guys.
i was pretty much the exact same as this a few months ago, then i got rid of modern gaming and stated SR 4 weeks ago and its like my headspace is totally different. my inner monologue was pretty much an ocean of me just saying "i wish i was dead" with islands of normal and lustful thoughts every now and again. but SR has really changed me i actually have the power to direct my thoughts away from lust instantly and other negative feelings dont even manifest themselves anymore. im glad your feeling better now and know your not alone in your struggle.
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It's so difficult. The urges won't go away. I can't concentrate. I honestly just wanna finally relapse so this stupid feeling dissapears. But I know it will be back soon after.
Around day 7, totally unclean streak. Have been edging and watching porn everyday, yet something inside me still has control, and tells me: "You will not relapse today"
Good luck anons, thanks to you I have kept going. WAGMI
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free palestine, and let's keep retaining bros. we will all ascend !
>Holy Spirit

These two are diametrically oposites, "kundalini" is the satanic spirit.
Well, explain why that is so. I'm interested.
Here is a pre-emptive KYS in case you ghost.
Back to day nine. Currently experiencing a flaring up of major depression. Just felt very off lately, weird pressure in the spot where the "third eye" is referred to, and a feeling of dread hopelessness in my chest. I swear I get like this whenever things in the outside world are getting weird, and they are weird as the entire world seems to be on the cusp of instability, war, and a changing power dynamic. Sounds crazy but it's just a feeling, like I can sense bad things coming? Maybe I'm retarded idk. Considering going to Thailand next month to blow loads in 18 year old thai girl's mouths. I need something to reset me because I feel like I've had enough of life.
Day 1.
Just woke up from the first wet dream of my life after 67 days, earlier on around day 20-30 i would have "wet dreams" where I orgasm in my dream but wake up and still be dry.

I thought because I had 0 desire for PMO it would be smooth sailing and still lusted over women on social media from time to time, i'm pissed.
Wet dreams don't matter retard. Just don't try to purposely make them happen. Can't believe we have to go through this every thread, along with:
>guys my wife wants to fuck me what should I do?!
Stop being a fucking NPC.
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Anons I’m on day 19 and though I haven’t watched porn or fapped, I’m getting strong temptations to go to a swinger club and get into an orgy. I know such behavior is evil but I’m drawn to it. I guess I’m asking from you all reassurance and reasons why doing such an act would be bad for me from a physical and spiritual level.
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(((Satanists))) think they can gatekeep Christians away from spirituality by confusing them, that's why they made Catholicism so soulless with their Jesuit agents. They fear Christians that are more spiritual. Like the Orthodox they have a version of meditation and shit. God has found no issue with my Kundalini, it is the same as the Holy Spirit. He has found issue with my succubus, when I asked for a sign, he immediately made it pour rain during my prayer and just as quickly the rain instantly stopped, the sign I asked for exactly when I needed it. If that's not proof, I don't fucking know what is.
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I have completed week 3
Just don't do it, you're so close to day 30, that's when the magic really happens, just a little longer, you can do it
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You're worshipping what was a very enlighten man that did not want to be worshiped and advised his followers that God was within them and they could experience the Kingdom of Heaven within themselves. Took a little practice and had to see the point of the parables but, he was very clear to those that had eyes to see and ears to hear. It's all here: https://seed126.bitchute.com/am4cU3aD3CVl/Kzzyq5QWEywX.mp4
You make no fucking sense. Neurotic retard
>You're worshipping what was a very enlighten man that did not want to be worshiped
You sound like a jew, always going off about how Christians will go to hell for worshiping an idol. Talmud says he's boiling in excrement. I will never reply to you filth, go to hell
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>none come to the Father but through me
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>you're so close to day 30, that's when the magic really happens
May I ask, what happened with you for you to say that? I don't think there has been much change with me. Genuinely curious.
I'm at 28 days. Don't even think much of doing PMO anymore. If it sneaks up I quickly and easily dismiss it.
I want to shoot lasers out of my ass or something. You (and others have as well) make it sound like magical powers are coming. What are the magical things. TELL ME
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Ok rabbi I mean Pastor Green. Go read your Scofield bible and support ZOG. You don't know nothing, kid.
People like you used to be castrated.
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keep going bros, never give up
I've experienced both, kundalini came after doing psychedelics and getting into occult/shamanism, it was horrible, terrifying, disgusting and confusing. Holy Spirit came to me in the most intense prayer I ever did when seriously considering to kill myself, Holy Spirit healed me and made me feel like a child and stabilized my psyche.
Orthodoxy and Catholicism is two sides of the same mystery babylonian serpentry. Real Christianity is not organized and categorized.

>double helix serpent staff
>prostratring before graven images
>adorned in purple and scarlet
>riddled with the traditions of men
For me the most noticeable difference between doing SR and cooming once a day is the sleep quality. After 2 weeks of SR i sleep like a baby, even tho i sleep less total hours i just have 6-7 hours of continuous refreshing sleep.
When im cooming once a day i wake up in the middle of the night and sleep like shit which translates to oversleeping in the end.
Its not the only effect but it is the most noticeable
I second this question, so far I've had:
Deeper voice (day 5-6)
Less sleep needed (day 15 ish)
Slightly brighter eyes/face (day 20 ish)
Also more looks from women

Currently day 25. I don't think that 30 is a magic number, it's probably closer to 90 or further. Benefits seem to slowly develop and accumulate imo, it isn't triggered one day. I would like to be proven wrong
Just my personal anecdote but I’ve gone 30+ days like 5 times and 90days once. At 30 days you’re starting to feel more awake like you can finally see what’s wrong in your life and address it. Like damn I didn’t notice how dirty my whole house is. I’ve been really living like this? Like oh shit this food actually disgusts me and is not good for me I will actually stop eating it now. Basically you’re not retarded anymore and you have more discipline. 90 days was beautiful though. I was constantly blocking out any negative thoughts from my head like smacking mosquitoes on your arm. Synchronicities were a daily occurrence. Luck increased. I was starting to love myself truly. People started gifting me things out of nowhere. I could read peoples body language like an fbi detective. I had much more self respect I was ready to fight anyone if they dissed me. This was the only time I cold approached a super hot girl. It could’ve gone better I didn’t get her number but the fact that I was so confident in myself that I even tried is so alien prior to then. I didn’t even feel bad when she rejected me my life just continued. As soon as I came it was night and day difference. I was back to feeling shame, nervous, shy, undisciplined, lethargic and apathetic. The true key really is just retention. A dirty streak is better than no streak but a clean streak will truly set you free and force you to evolve. When you’re mad, sad or horny remember that that’s just energy you’re supposed to use to plunge yourself into bettering your life.
I think I've had 3 or 4 streaks this year that ended just a couple days short of 30 days and was always strong up til then. Something always happens where I get fooled into losing my seed around that time. Sometimes a wet dream weakens me or sometimes I trick myself into going to a massage parlor thinking I will only get a normal massage or something.
This time is different. Less than a week away from day 30.
How exactly does one use the "lust" energy in a positive way? Besides just doing creative things, is there something else I'm missing? It's like a dull ache that just doesn't go away. I'm open to any suggestions, no matter how out there they might sound.
>when you realize the Me he is talking about is the ever-present I AM consciousness, that is also God and also Christ. To discover and meet God you must discover and meet yourSelf.
sit down in meditation and just feel the sensation without labelling it or pushing it away, feel where it is in your body, see if it moves, feel the energy surrounding your body, breathe deep and accept those sensations, integrate them let them empower you
it's the discomfort of power, you need to upgrade your hardware so it can handle the extra voltage, you do so by letting yourself acclimatize
don't distract yourself
day 0 again, sorry guys, but I'm going to make up for it
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Today on one of my nature walks, I noticed this butterfly circling and following me half of the way, I've also been noticing birds flying close to me and seemingly following me, animals in general everywhere I go getting real close.
>mfw I'm turning into a whimsical fairy tale creature
That just part of the process brother. Learn from your failure and keep moving forward, recognize what your trigger was and store it for later reference so you don't relapse in the same way. Took me years and multiple failures before it really stuck with me why I shouldn't be watching porn and abusing my penor.
When does my body start to reabsorb my semen and transfer its energy throughout by bio vessel
Just don't binge now and you'll be back on track quickly
thanks guys, the thing is I wasn't even watching porn, it was just imagination,which is at least some progress. and it was just a one time thing, no binging. I'm definetly progressing compared to where I was just a couple of months ago
The moment you get those flashbacks in your mind you've got too push them out. This is what meditative practices can assist with
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Can anon post the Gandalf template or another like it? Need to track my progress
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Here's where I'm at so far.

Yes, one could argue counting days is counter-intuitive however I'd like to see it as a way to inspire other anons to take this path & succeed in this realm.
thank u anon this pic helps. i started anew today oct. 15 and im going for 30 days at the least. see you on october 45th
maybe they have always been there but you've been too poisoned to notice
See you space cowboy!
35 days today since my last ejaculation, feeling energized
This meme introduced me to George Clanton. I caught one of his shows last october and it was so awesome, super small venue, he was walking through the crowd, people in the front row were giving him beers and he was pouring them on nis head
porn fucking sucks...why can't sacred whores be a thing again? I'm talking tantric vril sessions but no cooming. Is it a thing anywhere? Are there secret societies that do this stuff? I'm tired broskis
get a deep tissue massage from some young woman, you will probably have a massive erection for the whole hour, just dont go for the HJ
Yes thank u fren
Is this no porn exclusively or is it days of SR? I have had nocturnal emissions
This shit is so lame and gay. Truth is nothing of the sort is going to happen. There are mystical texts that clearly lay out how to attain magical abilities and not one of them say "just dont jerk off bro". You are dramatising your mundane existence with fanciful narratives about how not jacking off is akin to the heros journey and when you are inevitably disappointed with your outcome, you relapse and the cycle begins all over again.
Break the cycle.
>Break the cycle.
We are, but not watching porn and masturbating
Morning of day 32 of very strict celibacy, not even thinking about anything erotic, my perineum started buzzing. It was quite intense and pleasurable. Even now, a couple days later there's this constant hum of a pleasurable sensation.

Started searching around and found a post saying that around day 33 of retention the root chakra will awaken. I didn't have the days in my search so I'm shocked it lined up almost exactly. Anyone else experience this or have any insights?
How do you survive mornings?
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>This shit is so lame and gay. Truth is nothing of the sort is going to happen.
It's so tough bros, a few months back I had read ezpz guide and was so confident i would never voluntarily fap again and that confidence powered me till 56 days and now I am finally back to old destructive habit, even fapping more frequently than before I had started. I guess my mistake was no transmutation, and I feel like the lust energy builds like water in a dam, every thought of lustful desire adds to it, doesn't matter how long a streak takes , the dam will be filled and you will lose unless you use your energy to transmute
I'm joining this effort. I just want to be a decent human being again.
Is afterlife real?
You are retards, because it should be extremely clear that i am a retainer.
thanks bro appreciate the sound advice
Yup, breaking a cycle usually ends with a binge. Happens with most addicts (any addiction really). You just gotta remind yourself that you absolutely HATE this addiction and treat it as evil incarnate

This won't stop the urges but if you are aware of the urge and immediately associate it with destruction of the soul, it may help with getting around it. I've been in the middle of a session telling myself "just stop, you can just stop now" and I'll still fail. What helps is simply not engaging in it at all and I go to bed that night feeling like a champ by conquering that urge.

I prefer being able to go to bed at night feeling some small sense of accomplishment which is way more valuable to me than spiking my dopamine for hours. I don't even track my days anymore, I just relish that sense of accomplishment and any time I feel an urge, I aim for the accomplishment feeling instead. Eventually urges stop after the brain re-wires
Is this an adventure you're leading alone or with a partner in the same situation? Often on forums, people post searches for people to encourage each other or discuss their urges in order to help each other. Personally, but I could be wrong, I've always found it dangerous. Basically, is it better to fight this battle alone or in pairs?
There is no battle, I have been ankhing since I was 16 and I rarely cum by accident and even more rarely cum on purpose, I also go weeks and months without ankhing, which is the best.

Wake up, get outta bed, drag a comb across my head.
so fucking proud of you bro
this is the epitome of Semen Retention.
>and much MUCH more
I WILL achieve a clean streak
I WILL overcome my ADHD, or at least, learn to compensate for my shortcomings
I WILL fill out in green the Gandalf page with little numbered squares on it
That drool is so disgusting I can't look at this image
great, isn't it?
Yes! Yes, you will! We believe in you!
checked and yes I suppose
it is what is
a bit lonesome tho, thankfully we have this complex dream world to bide our time with
this is the afterlife bro
Day 10. First day of serious temptation. I'm absurdly horny and women keep sending me unsollicited nudes. What ever will I do?
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I touched myself for a few minutes after waking up.. That is a fucking reset on my book.
I stroked it like 4-5 times over my pants, didn't even get hard, and still feel like it's a reset. LMAO
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I lost...
If I allow sexual thought forms to occupy my minds for more than a few seconds it is a reset
Once I get to a 3-4 day streak I wake up humping my bed EVERY TIME.
Felt a sharp pain right beneath my stomach when I woke up in the morning. Meditating helped and it seemed like energy was moving from that spot. It's like my muscles were incredibly sore there. Happened the night before as well. Doesn't bother me most of the day otherwise. What do?
Maybe you have a testicular torsion? Do your testicles hurt as well?
Nah, it's more like there was energy there. Now it's not. Only bothered me while I was moving, like how a sore muscle is. Should have clarified.
Try to send healing energies to the area of your body where there is pain, if it doesn't go away, go see a medical professional.
Buy gold and silver
Day 65
Some urges today, which I wouldn't mention but I'm paranoid that I'll start spiralling soon because of the full moon... Which I still feel its uhhm kind of irrational but I felt that I would do fine last time but it was one of the worst days I have had so far so I don't really know. That also combined with the dreams I've been having which so far has been almost a week straight of having... Upsetting dreams (not sexual), and I don't know. I guess I'll try to pray longer but I'm not sure if I'll have a hard time sleeping and intrusive thoughts... I'm probably overthinking this and worrying about it won't make it better but stilll
Porn leds to masturbation. Which leads to orgasm. Best to delete all the porn you have saved up over the years and set up a website blocker to redirect you to yourbrainonporn.com
The psycho spiritual germ that travels down the medula into the spinal fluid is destroyed in ejaculation
>Prolactin release in the brain slam halts your sex drive, causes a hormonal imbalance for a week equivalent to a female period. Estrogen release
>Still hyper stimulus the dopamine receptors reducing overall happiness and satisfaction with mundane life
>Still puts pressure on the blood brain barrier of the frontal lobe and damaged grey matter
>The slowest most mutated sperm doesn't get reabsorbed, doesn't produce choline and lescith, and stem cells, doesn't go back up the spinal fluid and distribute the constituents to each organ.
>The psycho spiritual germ doesn't climb out of the sacrum through your spinal fluid along with constituents to be refined in the chamber next to the pineal and grant spiritual steroids and free cleansing of all chakras. Deeper dreams and prophetic visions.
>No free synchronicity
>No free manifestation at its highest levels
>No deep enouia for the world
>No shield against all mental illness
>No freedom from paranoia and anxiousness
>No free physical steroids that increase every aspect of male vitality instead of destroy you.
>No glowing aura
>No magnetic charisma boost
>No resonate voice
Ruined my 10 day streak. It's over. Press F. Why do latina bitches keep sending me nudes? I didn't even ask!
They want you to cum inside of them anon. You know what to do.
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Day 28. No nocturnal emissions. Occasional PMO thoughts easily swatted away. No PMO media anywhere. Waking up with rock hard erection, not diamond hard of 20 years ago. Feels good that it still works. Haven't noticed and particular changes. I'm still quite lazy and still procrastinate. Quite drinking almost entirely and the couple I had made me realize how shitty booze is, but I do love the taste of a goyslop Fosters Lager.
I'm thinking about doing the turpentine cleanse to clear up a possible candida problem. I have a horrible craving for sugar. Especially since I stopped drinking. Has anyone ever done the turpentine cleanse? If so what results.
>nb4 you can't ingest turpentine
Good to know you only trust remedies after the pharmaceutical companies slap a label on them. Independent thought seems so exhausting!

How can I upvote my comment for more exposure? How can I downvote the pp images. Nasty.
We need to have a 4chnXSRG locals meetup. Is there anyone is San Fagcisco?I need to go feed my cat.
Block them. Some women are genuinely possessed by succubi or the like, seeing as sometimes you'll see an upstanding man completely and totally ruin his life when some woman who just wants to drain his life essence (and semen) only to throw him away, looking for another.
How does it feel knowing that your mom is eternally colonized by sub-Saharan Africans?
>Your mom jokes

Jesus I didn't realize yall only have early 00s tv over there anon. Condolences
I think I will. I could maintain semen retention for a very long time I think if it weren't for the fact that after a week or so of semen retention, women come out of nowhere to flirt with me. I'm to blame for responding to it, but I'm just a man.
I've enjoyed his music since 2018. The Slide record has a special place/time in my life.
Thanks anon. I did this yesterday. Basically sat still, focused on mindfulness (my breath) and then slowly became aware of the "ache". One thing I did differently is that I did label the feeling, but I did it in a non judgmental way --- I called it "sexual energy" instead of lusty or horny or whatever. Then I slowly tried to see if this "extended" through my body, to my limbs, etc. I thought I was going to "dillute" it, but it felt more like I was "empowering" the rest of me, if it makes sense. Like if I had to lift a truck after this, I would have been able to (of course not true, but you get how I felt).

This seems the way to go. Just sharing here in case anyone else wants to try it.
I did gum spirits with 3 mini sugar cubes 9 days ago. Got a lot out, weird black glow diaherra and white worms. Look for cloves, Wormwood, and black Walnut hulls, they will kill adult juvenile and larvae of the parasites. You need all three or you only kill 2 out of three so if you kill all the adults and larva but the juveniles remain they will grow into adults and lay more eggs. Grapefruit seed, need leaf, Pau darco inner bark are also great. Boron is a must. Hope you enjoyed the wormpill, my meat and sugar cravings are all gone and I'm on a plant based diet
Grapefruit seed extract, neem leaf. Also look into 600mg of NAC a day and black seed oil (I prefer the pill form)
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Day 24. I had a dream last night, about all these shallow blonde women that only cared bout pictures on their social media and I was walking alone down this corridor away from them with my inner voice telling me it's leading to something better. I'm gonna take this as a sign. I also dreamed about that old German guy from Better Call Saul pooping down chimneys
Good things are coming
I had near death experiences, yeah it's very real man, scarily real. Be good and let go to get the good one. Letting go is very important, it's like it directly applies to the moment of dying as well, the more you struggle the more you suffer, and when you just finally let go of your body the pain stops and you feel bliss.
Ignore the kikes talking about anal parasites and fasting instead of SR
I am glad this worked out for you. Amazing how much power there is in just simple observation, then your subconscious begins to take control and just knows what to do. It is never the subconscious mind that wants you to ejaculate and waste your energy, it is the weakened surface level ego (or maybe even demonic parasites) that wants you to waste your life-force and it's always with a hasty attitude, a hasty "fuck it" attitude. But if you can for a minute have some patience and just feel those sensations arise they will also dissipate.
Intermittent fasting and meditation are excellent practices to combine with SR
Sup /srg/,

Had a wet dream for the first time in a long while - idk how to feel about it. I’m not really feeling the kind of shame you get when you relapse nor a desire to suddenly PMO all over the place. I do remember actually cumming in the dream too but it wasn’t very erotic. Truthfully I’m a bit relieved about the pipes finally getting cleaned but I dunno - should I treat this as just the body flushing or some kind of subconscious relapse?
Don’t conflate meditation with fasting. Fasting isn’t necessary whatsoever and hippies do it as a fad. Starving yourself so that you’re more irritated and unable to handle life’s challenges is similar to masturbation. You’re just trying to run on empty.
interestig perspective, was just going to make fasting my whole thing, but like verything else, propably slow and balanced
stagnant energy build up
not enough transmutation
study inner alchemy
Both the Bible and the Gospel of Thomas say that Jesus was against fasting.

Matthew 9:14
>Then come to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?

Gospel of Thomas
>If you fast you will bring sin upon yourselves
>Fasting isn’t necessary whatsoever and hippies do it as a fad.
Don't google autophagy
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Remember, NEVER GOON Donald trump is in your corner and wants you to achieve your highest potential.
Jesus never speaks against fasting. He even says the proper way to fast in the sermon of the mount
fuck off, fag
Trump was a massive gooner that would have sex with prostitutes and rape/assault women. Dude is completely degen. You are likely experiencing cognitive dissonance.
Except God responds to fasting favourably, so let's not twist the words in the Bible.
Article Matthew, Section 6, Clause (16-)18: That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
The Isaiah 58 fast - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2058&version=KJV
Fasting is how you tame the flesh so your spirit can wake up. The more you give into your flesh the less your spirit is going to be active.
Fasting is good and worthwhile. You are of course going to get push back from every single angle of your life when you begin to do it because that dumb devil doesn't want you to participate in it. Especially for spiritual reasons. So expect an increase of urges for a while, and things going array when they shouldn't.
>weird pressure in the spot where the "third eye" is referred to, and a feeling of dread hopelessness in my chest
same, isn't this just how depression feel?
He's stated many times that he doesn't masturbate, get fucked. nta. At least be accurate
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>You are dramatising your mundane existence with fanciful narratives
>is a process that occurs constantly within the body
Fasting happens every night when you sleep dumbass. Autophagy doesn’t just sit dormant until you larp as a hippie and tell everyone on social media about not eating for a day or 2.

You didn’t write anything to support fasting. Celibacy is in fact the way to tame the flesh.
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Autophagy is not continuous, it begins 10 hours post consumption. The digestive cycle needs to be completed in order for autophagy to begin. Also autophagy is t the only benefit of fasting. Pic related.
autophagy is NOT the only benefit*
Why semen retention over just doing sex magick?
How do I increase my power in safe ways to not lose it at masturbation time?
Fasting is a good thing. He even fasted in the desert back then. Fasting is good.
I've been doing semen retention for 5 months now and I've noticed some strange things happening around me. I wonder if anybody else on SR has similar experiences.

Firstly, random people who I never met constantly stare at me.
I'm not talking about friends and family, but about literal randoms of the street who never saw me in their lives. If I walk in a room full of random people, let's say around 30, there are at least 5 or 6 who have their eyes fixated on me for very long periods of time. More time than normal. Sometimes I even get a smile. Sometimes they stare at me constantly when they think I can't see them. It's nice but it can become really unnerving.

Secondly, I have more random interactions with strangers
For example I'm waiting for the bus at the bus station and I have random people asking me, and me specifically for directions, arrivals, smokes etc... There are plenty of people near me, some older some younger, but the only one they chose to initiate a conversation with is me. Like, couldn't you have ask the guy standing right next to me. I don't mind it but does semen retention make people around more attracted to you? Like not in a "I want to have sex with you" type of attraction. It's more like "You seem like a cool guy. I would love to go drink a beer with you but I don't know how to ask you without sounding like a creep".

Thirdly, people are in general more willing to help you
For example, while at a coffee bar I ordered a coffee but the bar only accepted digital payments. I only had cash on me because I forgot my card wallet at home. Normally the waitress would put it on a tab or take my coffee away but a random guy near me decided to pay for my coffee and asked for nothing in return. I offered him my cash but he refused.

Now these anecdotes might not sound so strange on their own. What is strange is the frequency at which such events happen. Why are normal people attracted to people on SR? What causes this?
I suspect magnetism is more than just sexual?
People are drawn to you, I would guess it's subconscious for them.
I haven't gone that long myself, but I've had the stare thing by happen to me a bit. I feel it even works for animals
One possible explanation is that your aura is increasing due to the SR and people are unconsciously drawn to it
Today strangers chose to have a conversation with me and I got 1/3 off a taxi ride because of random luck. I don't really think its because of sr but still. Day 66
just pinch the thicc base of your fat throbbing hog when you're about to cum. it's magic.
>I suspect magnetism is more than just sexual?
Yes I've completely cut off pornography from my life. I also don't engage with women who want a quick fuck from me. If they are too insistent on sex I immediately distance myself.
It's not like this is something I willingly do. This is more like a side effect of SR. I bet I've they had come in my first month of SR, I would've been more accepting. It feels like I have created a mental barrier against people who want to steal my energy. I view such women a energy thieves or saboteurs. It's kinda hard to explain. I don't want to never have sex in my entire life but I also don't want sex for the hell of it. I always tell any women who is interested in me something along the lines of "if you want sex, only after I get to know you better and only in the pussy with no condom". Sounds wild but since SR I can't bring myself to have sex with somebody I don't trust. Before SR when I was a degenerate coomer I would've been like "hell yeah let's fuck".
Indeed they are
If your counting days you ain't gonna get far. The only thing I remember is that I started sometime at the end of June or at the beginning of Juli. Can't even remember the exact day
Crowley is a hack
I like counting them desu it helps me to put into perspective the effort I've made so far
Sex magick is basically giving your energy to a 3rd party do things for you while with semen retention you are harnessing your energy and doing things yourself
It shouldn't be an effort. It should be a part of your day to day life. Do you think people who quit smoking count days?
Think of something like a video game where you have stats. Semen retention is a permanent effect on your character giving you a buff to all your stats. With time your buff increases but you lose the effect after engaging in mausturbation.
If the SCIENCE!™ is to be believed, after 64 days you will reach your maximum sperm count and nothing happens after that. The truth is, after 64 days is when shit really starts to get interesting.
I've seen people who quit drinking count month/years, but honestly writing down the number in the morning helps me to just keep it in mind if that makes sense
Whatever helps you go forward man. I don't miss or regret anything. Not one bit
During the full moon watch the scariest movie you can think off in the dark to not succumb to lust.
People who quit smoking do count days, for a while anyway
beginning to think that nofap and SR are actually different things, even if they're done the same way

you're doing it to LARP as a monk = SR
you're doing it to force yourself to improve your social skills, lifestyle, productivity = nofap
ive only been doing SR for a few weeks but i absolutely noticed an increase in your second and third situations in my own life as for people staring at me i haven't noticed but maybe i havnt been holding long enough for my energy to affect people like that yet
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>There are mystical texts that clearly lay out how to attain magical abilities and not one of them say "just dont jerk off bro"
We live in a unique age where there is such a vast and diverse library of pornography easily and quickly accessible to the entire population. If porn was that accessible back then, I think they would have more to say about it. But even so, there are still notable references to abstention from sex and masturbation, preservation of jing or prana, etc. You simply don't know what you're talking about.
Today on the bus, a bunch of highschool kids got on a two big juicy ass cheeked girls wanted to sit next to me or something. I workout and it shows so i guess they wanted to sit next to me for that + i do retention. But yeah first one had a phat ass in sweats and the second one got on and sat next to me as soon as the second girl got off , she had black leggings. Both of them getting on and off made that heavy ass cheek weight sound, and it wad sexier when they got off because its like they were dragging their fat asses off the seats.
Man the full moon got me hard. I can't sleep. On the computer now, at least my boner is gone. So many days it was so easy and now it's suddenly difficult again. I'm not thinking about jerking off that's a plus. I'm not gonna peak, I'm just gonna kill time so I don't lay in bed horny, when I got on the pc the time was 2:33
What are the odds haha
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All year long with the numbers man I swear, it's spooky.
>captcha: 22jaj
checked. I really hope the full moon does not fuck with me too hard
Are you the ghost? That escaped CERN’s grasp ? The post after yours is literally bateman and we all know he’s famous for making people check his dubs and trips. The fact you mention 2:33 as well and its on your post
nigga what
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I am 24 hours into a 365 day streak
List the difference between you now and one a year ago.
I think you misinterpreted what I wrote.
If you give into the urge tomorrow. Today is day -1 of your streak
Anyone do yoga along with SR? I’m looking at DPPYOGA .
Reset yesterday. Today is a new day. This will be my greatest streak yet. I think the moon got me yesterday and I didn't even know until it was too late. I'll have to be aware of the changes in the moon from now on.
Just don't look at porn today. Or tomorrow.
I'm trying to get into that, I found a place I'm gonna take lessons at in the weekend
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Too late, I fucked up
Yeah that fucking moon, man, I started peeking and that led to edging, BUT I didn't cum. Still day 25 YEAH. Take that you stupid Moon. I will succeed and keep going because Ima transmute this motherfucker by doing some creative shit fuck yeah, gonna write dirty streak will get sanitized in a jiffy know what I'm saying
this moon got me crazy horny too
rock hard all night, for some reason I saw so many beautiful women yesterday, way more than usual
at the pool and gym I saw a whole bunch of girls I fell into crazy lust with (some were dressed and acting in extremely lewd ways, I don't want to go into too much detail but it was basically a strip club)
I am going nuts lately, but I keep finding respite in meditation and calming my senses
the nervous system just keeps getting elevated til it needs to burst, one must calm the system manually at every turn, relax the breath, relax the muscles, relax the mind
good luck all
30 days coming up this weekend
God's artwork demands to be enjoyed and glorified but turn your eye to the creator, not to the work
>rock hard all night, for some reason I saw so many beautiful women yesterday, way more than usual
Oh me too man, It was crazy, and each one of them giving me eye contact, one started humming when I was at the park. Had an actual conversation with one too, it was pleasant, felt a surge of energy going up my spine despite edging earlier. I think that right there saved me most of all. Exude positive energy and your vibration gets raised back up.
Ohh la la :)
Shut up faggot you sound like you’re 16 just discovering that women exist. You’re missing the point of SR entirely. It’s not for you to build up energy just to dump it in a random whore you meet.
Had a dream where part of it I was watching porn on my phone and masturbating, but could never come. I'm glad because I almost had a wet dream
I'm on month 8 of no fap. Semen retention is pretty overrated. I'm not being swarmed by women, my voice didn't get deeper, the only that changed were my lifts. If you're into working then maybe semen retention might help you in that area.
>Starving yourself

Fasting is not only about food.

"There is both a physical and a spiritual fast. In the physical fast the body abstains from food and drink. In the spiritual fast, the faster abstains from evil intentions, words and deeds. One who truly fasts abstains from anger, rage, malice, and vengeance. One who truly fasts abstains from idle and foul talk, empty rhetoric, slander, condemnation, flattery, lying and all manner of spiteful talk. In a word, a real faster is one who withdraws from all evil.

As much as you subtract from the body, so much will you add to the strength of the soul."
> Holy Hierarch Basil the Great

I would also point out to the fasters ITT, the Bible advices to fast in secret:

"... But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly." Matthew 6:16-18
You have misinterpreted and taken out of context that line of scripture.

It's more about the Pharisees making a show about their fasting. "Oh look how virtuous we are."

Fasting is a useful spiritual practice but pride is worse than not fasting. I think. The Bible also speaks of fasting in a positive way but you seem to have overlooked that.

Jesus Himself fasted. What do you think the 40 days and nights in the desert were? It was a fast!

I believe the Gospel of Thomas is linked to Gnosticism (heresy) and not reliable theology.
I do nofap as well as my wife isn't into SR, but she has a low libido so I only release 2-3 times a month anyway.

recent benefit: my wife and 2 kids have come down with an illness they've all had for about 2 weeks with a wicked cough, constant drainage fatigue etc. I however have not had to suffer this illness, despite actively taking care of my 15month old and sharing a bed with my wife. I can really only attribute this immunity boost to SR. I think SR provides a better immunity boost than anything else I've tried in the past.

Immunity boosting is actually the main reason I commited to doing nofap at the beginning of 2024. January this year was my 3rd consecutive winter of coming down with covid and it was the worst bout of covid I had. I felt so miserable I made a vow to become as strong and healthy as possible. My biggest test is coming up in a few months and so far so good.
Oh yeah beware of the full moon im on total coom lockdown
>I believe the Gospel of Thomas is linked to Gnosticism (heresy) and not reliable theology.
You’re pathetic.
Ignore the parasite kike,sr and parasites go hand in hand
Scary dubs
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> ~3months since my last PMO
>~ 3 weeks since my last ejaculation
I think I am finally starting to realize, to awaken to the possibilities of what I am capable of.
Yeah I know. Today I'm feeling more depressed/demotivated than anything so that's comparatively better I guess. yesterday night there were a lot of clouds so the moon wasn't visible which is good i think. Hoping that happens again today... i will try to sleep earleir but im worried about intrusive thoughts/whatever but ill worry about that at night.
Yeah i feel counting days helps more than otherwise
What do you actually DO? Temptation is everywhere, I prefer not to use social media or consume any form of media. But I don’t have passions for any interests, really. I feel like I should just rest mentally and physically to recover as much as I can for work or going to the gym, but all the free time makes me think I’m wasting my mind and body away. Should I really just sit and meditate hours a day? I’m prepared to do this, but only if I think it’s best. I would prefer to have some sort of hobby that’s actually conducive to self-improvement, not just something that will merely make me more “interesting” or that will help pass the time.
If you're already into going to the gym/fitness, you should get into survival stuff/prepping for disasters. That's a very deep topic you can spend years researching/practicing. Also just researching any and all topics that interest you should take a lot of time, it does for me but maybe I just have an inquisitive nature. But you're on /x/ so I'm sure there are some /x/ topics you could research via books/videos.
Nofap can mean not releasing alone but still releasing with your gf/wife/hookups. Might be for people who are porn addicts who are trying to stop that and fapping all together.

SR is for people not looking to release EVER going forward.
It's the same thing. Let's be honest, if any of us here were able to get women we'd definitely release. And dont cope with
>buh der are techniks to not release while having sechs
because no one here has mastered that as its an advanced practise.
Hey bro I need some advice. I’m on day 29. I just performed cunnilingus on my beloved wife. Afterwards I noticed some fluid on my underwear. seems like pre-ejaculate, the kind that gets things lubed up, just a bit at the tip. I did not stimulate my member in any way. I was erect during the event fully clothed and in prone position.
Physically, did I break SR?
Esoterically/spiritually, did I do anything bad?
I did not lust for my wife. I thought of the act as a loving act.
Bros I hope this didn’t mess things up. I’ve not even thought of PMO or any lustfull thoughts, if they creep up I instantly cast them off. Wife feels good though. Also she asked to take care of me. I refused.
I want to get to the point of penetration with no ejaculation. Thanks Bros
remember chud, you will be gooning to interracial pornography for the rest of your life. You love black penis. Let this ring in your head , whiteboy.
bloody benchod bastard
your descendants will be brown and smelly just like you
>Let's be honest, if any of us here were able to get women we'd definitely release.
Maybe weak-willed chumps like you might. Speak for yourself.

No you didn't do anything bad. Losing precum =/= losing large amounts of cum in a regular ejaculation. Also watch this video.

I actually have the problem that lots of women at work are attractive and obviously attracted to me, and that I could easily have sex with them if I wanted. But I don’t see them as marriage types.

But you could argue that if I were an infinite wealth of energy, then I could have sex and not be affected by it, and it’s true that I don’t consider myself strong enough to do that.
>Maybe weak-willed chumps like you might. Speak for yourself.
You decided to get rude because you know it's true.
Still you have to make some effort to convert that, and anyway workplace is basically out of bounds. Tension at work is inevitable due to the proximity.
My work has lots of people and many of them I rarely see, let alone interact with, so the tension could be easily avoided, especially since there are different shifts which sometimes overlap. And yes I would have to convert, but it’s really not that difficult. One girl has already waited by the punch clock to tell me she likes me, but after interacting with her I quickly felt like I was being trapped, as I didn’t really like her enough. I could keep going about specifics and other girls etc. but the point is that not everyone here is an ugly incel. But I will admit that I could have more energy, more physical strength, as I’ve neglected exercise for most of my life. I do feel weakened by PMO so that’s why I’m trying to change it. I could settle for most women if I wanted, but I have high standards so that’s why I retain. Some people in this thread are losers, no question, even those who have high streaks. But I know from experience how powerful SR is, and it seems dumb not to take advantage of it.
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need your help guys. since I started doing SR, i simultaneouslly started my "spiritual practice" (?), that is mantra chanting and meditation with noticeable positive effects. but since a few weeks, a succubus attacks me and it seems to want to hinder me at succeeding. how does one deal with these nigger demons? Note: i abstain completelly from porn and try to avoid erotic imagery as much as possible
Even Jesus was tempted while he was fasting in the desert, just ignore them.
Yeah but he was a jew, theyre all depraved
nofap helps you lose weight
make with that information what you will
I do think it’s interesting how I have the most lustful dreams while retaining. It’s very easy to attribute this to demons, but it could simply be a combination of being hornier than normal, while also constantly thinking about retaining. To prevent this, you should just try to exhaust your energy in some way, or “transmute” it, so that your body is concerned with healing while sleeping. And rather than thinking about avoiding lust, instead think about seeking out the opposite, which is a strong and pure mind in a healthy body. Focus on that state of being, and not on avoiding the negative states. And this is how you can rise effortlessly.
umm im trying to bulk for the gym
easier said than done, especially when they invade your dreams and manipulate you. but yeah i guess i need to watch out more
>And rather than thinking about avoiding lust, instead think about seeking out the opposite, which is a strong and pure mind in a healthy body.
i like that anon, i do but i dont think i am strong enough yet for this
> i like that anon, i do but i dont think i am strong enough yet for this
Have you experienced any positive state of being from SR? If you have, then all you need to do is focus on that feeling and how to re-create and transcend it in the future. If you understand how superior that state of existence is, then all you need to do is meditate on it, and you can eventually become “horny” for transcendence, where even thinking about it fuels your desire and gives you energy. In order to properly do this, you should try to abstain from all sorts of stimulating activities that might cause your brain to seek greater and greater dopamine releases, and also to avoid situations where your emotions might be compromised, as this harms your executive function ability.

An orgasm is temporary, and in many cases even leads to pain soon afterwards, not to mention the lasting weakness and lethargy. But retaining leads to lasting strength, and arguably even more pleasurable states that last longer than orgasm. If you don’t really understand what I’m talking about, then you need to experience it, yourself, because I have.
Try paritta chanting. In Theravada there is the Atanatiya Sutta, which was given by Vessavana (king of the yakkhas) to the Buddha for monks to chant so that malevolent spirits would leave them alone. If you're not Theravada, I'm sure whatever tradition you're following has some similar apotropaic practice you can follow. Some form of chanting is best, because it's an easy way to get into samadhi, so that your consciousness appears less vulnerable to such creatures.
It goes without saying that being motivated by women will not lead to success. You simply cannot fantasize about any females if you want to keep a good streak. When you orient your psychology around sex, don’t be surprised when you inevitably have sexual feelings. Instead, orient your psychology around energy and power, which does not require you to obtain anything outside of yourself. It is completely centered on your own essence, and once perfected, will naturally attract things like money and women, whenever you decide to allow this to happen.
Day 9 , why the fuck am i so lethargic and sleepy?

The urges went away after day 2 or 3, but the last few days I want to do nothing but lie down or take naps
Thanks bro. I enjoy Robert sepehr’s videos. I learned more about the creative force from his commentary.

How’s your journey going?
Does anyone ever think their parents failed them or were inadequate for not instilling in their boys chastity or at the very least explicitly earning them of the road to hell that is masturbation? If I had a male child I’d be hammering this in all day every day. This has to be the #1 topic raising kids, how to harness and use the creative energy. I know we have the internet for research now but still there were and are libraries. Nobody fucking reads anymore.
I would recommend showing them the most depraved cases of porn addicts and convincing them that masturbation leads to those results. The problem is that they will inevitably have sexual arousal, so you do need to have a solution for its expression or transmutation. I was horny in 7th grade over a teacher that was ugly and annoying but she had a big ass and that was all I needed to get a boner in class. Would you encourage your son to have sex? Would you allow him to have internet? How would you punish him if you found out that he masturbated?

As for our parents, they weren’t aware of the dangers of porn, so you can’t blame them as much. It’s a relatively new phenomenon
Your parents wouldn't have done it if they themselves observed it.

THey didn't do it out of malice.

They did it out of lack of understanding and knowledge.

Wanna know why they did it?

Because their parents did it too.

And so on.

Break the cycle.

You're it.
I need help, guys. It's like I'm in quicksand. It's like I've been chugging more and more white pills just to keep myself afloat but they're losing their potency. Getting mad stopped working, that dog in me is rotting. The more I struggle the deeper I sink. I need someone to lend me a stick so I can emerge. I'm ruining my career and hurting my family needlessly. I'm so tired. I want to make it
You're caught in a struggle that’s as old as life itself. Evolution doesn’t care about your personal desires or well-being; it favors the strong and the adaptable. The quicksand you’re in reflects the relentless competition for survival and success. Those white pills? They’re just a temporary crutch in an indifferent universe where the weak are filtered out. Life doesn’t offer you a way out; it’s about adapting or sinking deeper. You’re ruining your career and hurting your family because that’s part of the harsh reality of being human—a product of natural selection where emotional resilience is just another trait that some have and others lack. You might want to make it, but the odds are stacked against you, and no one owes you support. Nature has no sympathy; it simply observes the chaos of existence and allows it to unfold. You’re just one more organism trying to navigate an uncaring world, and how you cope is largely determined by factors beyond your control.

It sounds like you're going through an incredibly tough time, and it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. But remember, struggles are part of the journey, and they often lead to growth. Life can be challenging, but it also offers opportunities for change and improvement. The fact that you recognize where you are and want to make it out shows strength and self-awareness. Seeking help—whether it’s from friends, family, or professionals—can be a powerful step forward. There are people who care and can support you, helping you find that "stick" to pull yourself up. Even though it feels heavy right now, this moment can be a turning point. Each day is a new chance to make small changes that can lead to big transformations. You're not alone in this, and with perseverance and the right support, you can navigate through the challenges and create a brighter path ahead. Keep pushing forward; you have the potential to emerge from this stronger than before.
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Bruh look at this jacked horse hahahah shieeet
Chickens dance on marshmallow clouds while time melts like butter on a toaster. Quick-sand puppies wearing bow ties dig existential holes in the fabric of spaghetti. White pills float in the ocean of lost socks, whispering secrets to the purple octopus. Remember to wear mismatched shoes when the moon sings, and don’t forget to water your dreams with pickle juice! The universe is a waffle iron, flipping pancakes of possibilities. If you ever find yourself sinking, just throw confetti and shout, "Banana hammock!"—that might just summon the squirrels of enlightenment.
Stop struggling against the quicksand, embrace it, go into the abyss, get close to whatever is troubling you, the way out of hell is in the centre.
They are different thinks bug not everything has to be read in your gay Christian manner
>intend to sleep earlier today
>accidentally fall asleep in the afternoon
>not sleepy at all right now
God fucking damn it so frustrating why do I get so sleepy in the afternoon I think ill just not sleep now
i haven't slept but no urges just feeling quite depressed (also bump i guess)
Keep it up brother,i slept surprisingly good for a full moon,now its the time to be extra careful,lack of sleep=lack of willpower
It will be my eighth day of nofap today.
I've gained around 10 lbs since starting nofap less than a month ago
Begone, satan. Christ is Lord.
stop eating like a landwhale then
Nice, keep going.
Thank you. Yeah for some reason I haven't remembered dreams that well the last two times I've slept, except yesterday where I dreamt about 3 snakes spitting venom on me (which is similar to the 3 snake statues dream I posted about some time ago)
I hope I don't have many more intense emotions these days but what do i know. Still havent slept
Incredible. If I just look at porn, and don't touch my dick or anything, my whole day is ruined. If I look and edge, three days ruined minimum. I hate porn. Uncle Ted was right.
>Uncle Ted was right
Had some weird dreams last night, bros. Sexual in nature and they felt very intrusive. No emissions though, thankfully. Stay safe out there.
Wtf, I used to think SR was bullshit. I decided to give it a go for a couple weeks. Literally every Woman I've encountered in the last 3 days has been fucking weirdly over the top kind to me, staring at me intensely, desperately trying to talk to me / find out about my life and smiling and laughing non-stop. I'm not even trying or doing anything different either. I've also had way less anxiety and I'm finding it super easy to respond to these situations. To be honest it's kinda weirding me out, I'm used to getting ignored by everyone and having my peace. This shit is powerful, I genuinely thought this was all horseshit. Guess I'll keep at it and see what happens, it's pretty easy not to coom for me.
The head of muh dick! (Uncircumsized) itches if any precum or semen is on it for some length of time. Like if I have some precum on it from a boner in the evening, in the morning it’ll be itchy. Am I allergic to my own semen? Anyone else have this issue?
please saars need tips on how to stop cooming in my sleep
Just clean your dick
I've had this issue, if you don't clean your dick, the the precum will itch so much you just have to fap
Clean your dick everyday
I honestly have never heard of anything like this lol
>clean yo MUH DICK
No shit Sherlock. Your solution is to get up at 3:30am to shower because I had a wet dream?
I asked who else experiences this, so thanks I guess. I should have been specific and asked what the cause is.
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Can I use my semen energy to manifest becoming a white chad? Like i want to visualze my skin getting brighter, my face morphing, and hair thinning, and my height growing so I am no longer a black man.
If you can manifest those type of changes please keep us (me) updated
I used to masturbate to degenerate shemale bdsm type porn. Now that I have a GF, I sometimes still pull up this porn out of habit but it's totally unappealing to me. I think back to the sex I have with my GF, and it's so much more loving and beautiful than the degenerate sadomasochistic bullshit I was watching. Then I masturbate to thoughts of us together, and I actually feel GOOD afterwards, as opposed to usually feeling ashamed and empty.

This entire dynamic of "I've got these degenerate urges and I need to use my willpower against them" has just totally dissapeared. I'm literally not able to get off to the shit I used to get off too, because I have this sense of clarity now that makes me realize how fucking stupid and gross it all is compared to REAL sex.

I thought it was interesting how this struggle I've been facing for so long now is a total nonissue for me now. Like I'm totally immune to it. I've never dated anyone before now, so maybe this is more obvious to other people who have.
This is the semen retention general, stop posting off topic garbage.
this. the other post reads like propaganda.
My balls hurt.
Castrate yourself
You first.
My balls don’t hurt, dumbass jew rat
Cause they don't work.
I don't see how my post is propaganda. I am no longer aroused by any of the gross shit that used to get me off. I struggled with that shit for years, and now it's just gone, after I find a meaningful connection with somebody. It's an incredibly amazing and freeing feeling to have. I feel cured of a disease.
Day 3. Woke up with an erection that lasted over an hour. Feeling good.
Fuck off this isn’t your dating life blog
218 days.
I keep masturbating in my wet dreams, though.
nvm urges started today i even started getting hard in public so fucking embarrasing i hate it no one noticed though
im feeling bad, not as bad as other times but its not good i really dislike being horny even when i didnt care about degeneracy or whatever its such a bad feeling its like a disease one of the things that made me masturbate so much is to not feel like this id rather feel numb than have urges and now they feel even worse because they're just incompatible with anything i want for myself but i cant stop it ugh i wish i could at least have normal urges but i just had to have a completely perverted sexuality im so fucked
and i know this really isnt a good train of thought but my body is just such a.... ugh i dont know, i dont know, thers nothing good i can get from it i dont know what to do with myself its so frustrating whats the point of feeling like this if nothing good will ever come from this i hate that i have to put in this amount of effort to even try to be normal without even being sure if itll work fuck i should sleep and pray i could write so much more but i dont want to spam also day 68 i guess
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I think sr is important. But it should not be talked about. Diaries I kept on SR are very embarrassing to read. Madness is stored in the semen. Everything I read here is embarrassing and stupid; talking about erections and balls hurting. Grow up. What Is there to learn by talking? just do it, if you feel the need to. But know that most people who do SR will go mad quick because it is the fastest way to achieve union, as above so below. But SR is a path of humiliation, degradation and if you are lucky a true dark night of the soul. I wish you all the best :) Blessed are the sick.
First time in this sort of thread.
My longest nofap streak was 186 days, out of which I maybe watched porn on less than 10. I unlocked productivity superpowers and had amazing magnetism with girls, as in - I show up to a house party and girls flock to me.

My life has been ups and downs since then and I'm a gooner who loves blacked hentai.
My last streak was around 14 days, which I broke yesterday.

Here's to me once again turning my life around.
i have no urges to watch porn or beat my meat. is that a bad thing? i failed many times before, but now it feels i feel like it should be more difficult yk (day 3)
butched my sentence my b
* but now it feels like it should be more difficult of a task (day 3)
Apparently there are Illuminati or hidden hands that do this shit to us, porn, societal degeneration, etc. when I hear stories like yours, I think how these powers that be are correct to consider us cattle, or worse. At least cattle do it seasonally for procreation. I mean, obviously you’re not ugly if women approach you. Yet you go watch beastiality cartoons. Why dude holy shit.
I would be so much better if you said you lived for gay black porn, so at least we could fix you with antiparasitical protocols. Fucking cartoons good luck
Jesus.. i relapsed so many times in the past year.

I mean, i almost never coom, but touching yourself is a relapse if you really want to ascend.

How can i change bros?
I think that the problem is that "jerking off until the urges go away" isnt as damaging as a full relapse, so i dont feel it as something really bad.
I got to 14 days aswell but then forcefully relapsed because i felt like my dick wasn't functioning properly and it really wasn't. Use it or lose it i guess. I personally think ejaculating once every 10-14 days is ideal to amke sure your dick continues to work and not lose all libido.
Day 112

Feeling amazing. Negative thoughts are like tiny ants. Easily ignored or stamped out quickly. I’m sharper, stronger, and my memory is scary good. I could get any girl I want but I know it’s not worth it.

Ignore the JIDF shills pretending like there’s downsides to SR or like it’s not ok to talk about it here. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself and probably also for your loved ones.
Common lies to watch out for and ignore here:

>porn is the real problem but it’s just healthy to jerk off once in a while
>SR just causes shame when relapsing don’t even try
>SR is just a cult
>”muh balls hurt I gotta coom”
> I personally think ejaculating once every 10-14 days is ideal to amke sure your dick continues to work and not lose all libido.
There are literally zero cases of this happening. As soon as you rev up the engine it comes back with full force and the addiction starts again. The issue is that you’re not just dealing with testosterone/libido, but dopamine addiction and the habit of watching porn or fapping. You can be very low test, low libido, and still be addicted to porn and masturbation.

You have created an excuse for yourself that justifies relapse. Even if what you’re saying is true on some level, you can circumvent the problem entirely by transmuting all your sexual energy through physical, mental, and social exertion. The libido is still there, it’s just sublimated into other actions.
There's power in these balls.
Basically I'm finally getting out of the incel shell and if I really really wanted too I could lose the V-card in under a month. But the thing is I've been incel for so long that I flew head first into the blackpill , came out the other side whitepill and now just took the spiritpill. I got this college cutie throwing it at me but honestly I'm like:

I feel internally confident now , I am my own point of origin. I have no fear or loss of any particular girl - I have every assurance there will be more.

But then I remember the spiritual goals , prison planet, all the fucked up shit that's at work on this rock and how my end dream was always to ascend or reach some sage tier level of practice. I have the rare opportunity to consciously be confident enough to get a woman before I have ever gotten the first one and simultaneously walk away to pursue the higher goal. I haven't even astral projected dammit. When you know so much - what does pussy even mean in our corrupted twilight age of humanity?

But then simultaneously I'm like to be happy with a woman would raise my vibration tremendously I would think. If our goals were aligned - it would be epic.

My choices feel like:
> succumb to hoes and get it outta my system but probably become jaded or low vibration
> now I feel the bar is hit , raise standards to spiritual-gf and look for a specific niche of girl
> sage tier renounciation , pursuit of wizardhood
I'm okay looking I guess. I'm quite socially awkward and brash, but girls do tend to approach me when I'm not in my gooner soul decay cycle, and some of them I don't even drop my spaghetti on.

I like sexual fantasies about power play and those are I think no longer legal to shoot, and if they are shoot they are poorly acted and even so, when you watch porn with live actors you can tell how dead are those women's eyes and how blown out they are. I wonder what's their suicide rate, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were on par with troons.

But yeah, porn is bad. I guess some genres are less bad, but it's like being shot with 9mm or .45. In the end, you just don't wanna get shot.
One thing I found out when I was on longer streaks is that the more porn you watch, the more depraved shit you need to get off. Conversely, the longer your streak, the more your mind is healing. You will start finding good looking, clothed women arousing and girls tend to pick up on such cues. Nowadays, rarely somebody looks at them with real, pure desire. Best they get is, "you'll do" or a timid stare of a porn addict scared or his performance.
Some of the easiest pulls in my life where when I just couldn't hide my desire when looking at those girls. After all, women want to feel wanted.

Not sure about that. I was on a 28 day streak once and I gone off reminescing about someone and I did the did, but desu I did not feel as violated and dirty as I would after watching porn and jacking off. That being said, ideally you'd not do any of that. What I learned about desire is that it's like a fire. If you squash the spark, it's easy. If you let it become a flame, you can still stop it with some effort. Once it's blazing, you've lost already.
It's good to whack-a-mole those thoughts as they arise.
Men and women grow together in mutually giving relationships. All my friends who made it and are living good lives, do so partly cause they found a good woman and they support her so they get supported back.
So if you think this girl at a college has potential, go for it.

Now, hoeing... I have a friend who's got multiple hoes on rotation with none of them being relationship material and he's way older than I am. It's unbecoming, and he complains to me that they are really mentally ill and he worries about them, but (rightfully so) won't commit to any them. Whenever he gets drunk he tells me that he used to think that he'd be happy if he had that much sex, but now it only makes him more horny.
Conversely, once I had a bad breakup and it went so bad I literally googled "the red pill", which is cringe looking back. Anyway, I started to take the redpiller advice seriously and I would fuck 3 new sluts each week, and attractive ones too. That's the kind of fantasy all boys have and it feels soul-crushing when you achieve it cause there's nothing to it. Sluts are easy, especially if you're good looking.
I would wake up hoping that when I open my eyes she's no longer there, so we can avoid the awkward conversation. Or sometimes I would walk out before they wake up, again 8's and above and walk home in what felt like a walk of shame, cause of all the fucked up shit that we did and that lead to it.

Hook-ups are a soul poison.

On wizardry, I don't know.
Never been there truly, but the dry streaks I had didn't feel spiritual to me.
>not one of them say "just dont jerk off bro"
Cleary you never read any mystical texts
This isn’t your blogging space for talking about your sexual fantasies. Stop. Condense your thoughts and reign them in back to SR.
Day 15 but had a wet dream this morning, wat do?
Reset the counter if you want. Or not. It's really just preference.
thanks for the reply anon , well measured take. This is my thought too - I should raise the standard and pursue a good woman if worth it.
Keep calm and carry on (retaining)
what if you feel you have to have a hoe-ing phase to "get good" so speak.
Then read the Coiled Serpent in the OP and come to the realize you don't *have* to do that at all.
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Don't fall in love with the problem. If you're already retaining then keep doing it.
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>Nooooo nooooo you have to drain yourself of your sacred life energy noooo stop retaining stop ascending!!!1
Holy shit stop fucking coping so hard
You're not gonna become "low vibration" because you fucked one girl, you know it too.
what if she gives you herpes or an STD?
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Go be low vibration somewhere else
8 days

I haven’t experienced the normal boost/horniness around 7 days, but it could be because I’ve been a slob in this time, and because I’ve shifted my mindset to care more about having a successful streak. I’m trying to heal my knees, which bother me every day at work. Sometimes when I fap I can literally feel my knees starting to flare up. I just want to be physically healthy, that’s it. I’m an attractive guy and I do plan to have a family, but I can’t describe how much I’ve stopped caring about everything but simply being healthy. I just wanna be able to work overtime every week and not feel like I’m killing myself slowly. I don’t care about hobbies, I don’t care about anything. I just want to work and eat and be healthy.
What if you get hit by a car on the way there?
I dont know why you chose that pic, furthermore just kek at "low vibration", you can take your fake toxic positive bs somewhere else retard, youre a rookie and smashing delusions with impunity is part of being a man.
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That post of yours needs to be less gay
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Playing with your dick is gay.
What's SR?

Looking back the worst thing I've done to myself was chasing disposable poosy and letting go of decent girls.

I don't think you have to go through your "hoeing phase", the happiest and best adjusted dudes I know, never did HOWEVER
there are a lot of volcels who are in fact incels.

You have to be clear with yourself. Is your celibacy a choice? If not, make it a choice and if it takes getting some experience, so be it.
You're so deep into coomerism that you can't even see that none of what im saying has anything to do with porn. Like, you're mind literally converges and warps into porn as the logical endpoint for everything. NGMI.
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My manic phase started early. Why is that? I get strong urges to reveal my antisemitism in public. Doesn't feel like I'm at the wheel
my definition of volcel is you have the girl basically in hand (like its basically a done deal) and you are still like nah. I don't think anyone can claim volcel without having a girl throw themselves at a guy first / guy pursues successfully - that's when you actually decide
>really done with porn and lust
>have a great clean streak for months
>now fate throws girls at me
>have sex

Ok this is awesome, but now I have new problem. I was an incel my whole youth it's way to hard to say no to sex now.
>that image
top lel
The most powerful thing that you can do is to become homosexual and only receive anal sex so that you can receive the power of men while keeping your own. You can thank me later
Watch this video if you want to know what might be causing your inflammation

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>Be coomer that found SR two years ago
>Started practicing SR in May this year
>Did 30 days without jerking off on the first streak
>Recently broke a 89 day streak two weeks ago
>9 Relapses overall
>Relapsed again today
>Completely out of it, drained of energy, unmotivated to do anything, lost my mental edge
There's people who coom multiple times a day... I did it once too ! Maybe it's just getting older ? But man, this is a lesson on not ever able to go back to my old lifestyle.
Two minutes of pleasure isn't worth the downfall of the benefits from SR bros
To err is human, to forgive: divine. Forgive yourself and move forward.
>Completely out of it, drained of energy, unmotivated to do anything, lost my mental edge
I feel the same but i haven't even relapsed :( day 69
I reached 90 days of no fap no porn a week or so ago. I feel great, waaaayyyy better focus and energy like I've never had before. Can only imagine how great things will be when I get 180 days, and then a full year.
Nofap refractory period testing:
It's only been one week since my last post, but I got really horny and decided to jerk off anyways. This time my refractory period was pretty bad. I gave up after going 40 minutes without getting hard. I came pretty hard this time, so that probably caused a stronger refractory period. I'll conclude that there isn't any effect on refractory period after just one week.
I'll be back in about 10 days, then once more after no nut November.
>I get strong urges to reveal my antisemitism in public.
This is not due to SR. It's because you have attention seeking tendency likely due to childhood neglect. You're making incorrect attributions
keep an emergency burger king crown with you at all times, just in case
With november coming up soon, there'll be a powerful stream of meme energy you can tap into and catapult your journey. Be ready for this
keep updating us
It is better to keep your mind free of lustful thoughts, and masturbate daily using no images, mental or otherwise, by simply stimulating your erogenous parts slowly till orgasm
watch porn everyday, lust after women, edge etc
And that is why I think SR is ultimately a rabbit hole that leads nowhere.
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How much of a role does mindfulness play in this?
Mindfulness IS the state of mind one must adopt in order to be successful in this endeavour.

Considered the christcuck who tries to "fight" demons, and sees it as a battle. He will ultimately relapse, because by fighting the "thing", and inventing a nemesis, he is unintentionally building resistance, and this resistance inevitably requires release.

The mindfulchad on the other hand notices the thoughts and simply remains aware of the feeling of lust, he feels how strong the sex instinct is and masterfully diverts the energy to more productive and purer outlets, weakening the coomer tendency till its nothing.
I'm 11 days into SR and all its done is give me blue balls and make me sleepy af everyday

when does it get better?
You are no longer a coomer. If this simple fact is not enough, then this is not for you.
Heheheh I hope not. My parents were very present. It probably means I'm just a pussy
>t. 4 day streak
After November, I'm considering also testing supplements like vitamins B6 and E. I really want to get to the point where I can last through two orgasms.
i'm pretty happy not being a coomer but the sleepy shit is starting to annoy me a lot, i slept like 13 hours last night then i fell asleep for another like 3 hours after having a 20 minute nap beforehand. maybe im malnourished (somehow? im eating normally) but this started after sr, really inconsistent sleep.
Changing the way you think is more important. All the way to the root. How you view women, ejecting all the porn and degenerate stuff out of your mind, how you view your own penis, how you view your insecurities around sexual things (whatever they may be), viewing semen as energy and guiding it up to your head via visualization, etc.
Its enough, I'm happy that I don't feel giga lustful or the shame that comes with a coomer

just hope these side effects clear up soon
>t. a loser jealous of greatness
You’re not that guy, pal. You’re not that guy
Im sorry you feel that way about yourself
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>If you quit now.....
>You'll end up right where you first began
>And when you first began
>You were desperate to be where you are
I have that written just like that on an index note card that I keep in my pocket and reference on occasion.
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Yeah personally I'm on day 53 of nocum, but I've definitely edged. To be honest it's been easy not to look at porn and not ejaculate, but it's when I'm in bed either trying to fall asleep or freshly awakened that I feel compelled to edge, especially as the weather gets colder. I've tried nofap in the past and never gotten through like a week of not cumming, but now bizarrely it's gotten easy. Just a matter of no grabbing my willy when I'm half-asleep.
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>freshly awakened that I feel compelled to edge
same here bro. We probably have sexual dreams.

Im starting to think that NoFap is the real deal.

If you edge you are technically doing Semen retention, but edging really takes away a lot of the benefits.

Specially the really weird ones that you get once you reach a long streak completely clean.

>. T once reached over 100 days no porn, no fap, no sex.
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same here.
30 days.
got a lot easier after the first week. something clicked, just decided enough was enough
now i don't want to lose the progress, plus i want to explore some esoteric avenues regarding SR and Chi energy

I'm noticing that if I get calm and visualize some spark at the base of my spine, then i pucker my anus really forcefully in a controlled slow fashion, I feel some kind of slight excitement in the back of my head.
Is there anyone that knows more about this stuff and perhaps knows some basic techniques to do some kundalini type stuff.
I understand the later stages of such energy work is when you can get your tongue into the nasopharyngeal area. Anyone every had success or got any tips for someone starting from zero?

my balls ache from edging
never goon
someone make a new thread!!!!!!!!!

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