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If you’ve ever played with graphene, maybe made a solution of it, or spiked it with some acid to transform it into graphene oxide, then you know what it can look like. It can look quite scary, indeed like slime, all black and gooey, even alive.

German chemist and activist, Harald Kautz-Vella is perhaps the world’s leading authority on the phenomena of black goo... having first made the connections between graphene, chemtrails, GMOs, transhumanism, Morgellons, archons, AI, black magic, and what is ultimately, "the goo".

For him, the black goo is impenetrable, our hidden source of aggression in the world, the thing that makes us “empathy-free” and “cold-hearted.” The literal epitome and embodiment of pure evil. We've seen the goo referenced in countless shows, films, and music videos in recent years, but this story of a synthetically sentient slime assimilating all biological life may go back farther than imagined.


Could this be how Todd McFarlane got his inspiration for the venom symbiote? or John Carpenter found inspirations for his many films? It seems like the best representation for tying in all these depictions is the "Purity virus" in The X-Files. French Salvagers discover an alien vessel deep in the ocean and mysteriously die (like The Thing), but a diving suit belonging to one is covered in “some kind of oil.” Is it possible the oil is, as Mulder later puts it, “a medium used by alien creatures to body-jump”? We eventually learn that this "body-snatcher oil" is some sort of “vermiform organism” that gets attached to the pineal gland.

Upon digging, one will literally find this goo everywhere, even in the very real and mysterious deaths of controversial figures. The late Max Spiers, known for being a pioneer in the conspiracy community, was seen vomiting a "black fluid" just before his untimely death.

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I also can't help but think about the chemical x from powerpuff girls... and Genndy Tartakovsky seems to reference the black goo/oil in his shows too (Primal, Samurai Jack)...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmk_UPe_IPU [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmxPOhZRdB8 [Embed]

Mind Unveiled covers this all greatly...


Another great talk by Kautz-Vella:

and WTF is this:
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>goo thread
Fuck yes.
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You did it now. Watch the sliding and derailing commence, anon.
In the first run of Ultimate Marvel comics, Venom was created from a rogue black-goo-biosuit technology that was developed to cure cancer
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>Exactly why Ultimate Marvel sucks
But thank you for sharing, anon. In the original, the suit came from a rock found in space (think Benben stone)*
It's meant to show that even if humans themselves manage to create something useful out of liquid graphene, it would still destroy us mentally and physically
...or what if it was meant to destroy us mentally/physically and disguised as a "cure"? Seem familiar?

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>and WTF is this:
Is the mythical deep sea black carpet in any way related to this goo?
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Some of the finest I’ve ever seen… people claim it’s some kind of insects copulating but still not sure about that either.
The second season of the UK version sucked because it tried to continue a story with too absolute of an ending. The US version didn't even get a second season
I think it's possible that some molds could eventually form crude siphonophores that can move on their own
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Ofc… they dropped all the bombs they could in that first season. Everything else was purely profit and zombie induced crap.
there's two types of black goo

1) the one discussed here

2) loosh "black goo", of some drug forum screencaps of dmt posters saying they got spirit surgeried by entities during dmt trip, and some "black goo" removed from them, and once the goo was removed any parasitical entities attached to it would latch on to tripsitter that wasn't tripping (or back to the host, depending which one has better defenses). I'm not sure why this one is called loosh and why the drug forum posters call it black goo
I think I personally experienced #2… was a period in my life where I kept getting this enormous swelling in my neck, eventually had a surgeon diagnose/remove it as a thyroglossal duct cyst… after removing it though, he told me “just wanted to let you know that we found and removed quite a bit of black liquid… do you smoke?” In which I answered truthfully with no..

Anyhow, a month or two after recovering, I started getting swelling again but every time it got big I would start getting violent thoughts and aggressive behavior… then I would start the vomiting… and a BUNCH of pure black liquid would come out of me like a fucking geyser. Felt normal after every incident of puking my guts out and can’t help but feel like it’s related to Max Spiers’ death…

how do these show creators know this stuff? they have insides feed them some of this stuff?
Oh, you mean the Shadow Weave? The ancient LUCA cousin that hasn't changed much since it's inception?

Yeah. We know. Not much to do about it really other than just try to ignore its influences.
Cart before the horse, Black Goo =/= Parasites
Theres a relation between the two but one is not the other
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Really makes me wonder myself.. Ridley Scott, Genndy Tartakovsky, McFarlane, Hell even John Carpenter depicts the goo in Prince of Darkness and The Thing..

Only thing that kills the goo is white pine gum spirits, fabendazole and a pinch of ivermectin occasionally
Sama-el, the venom of God.
Nothing kills the goo.... Kill the goo and you kill (You)
Ngl that check added gives the chills
Someone's smart...

The material cannot destroy the immaterial. Only the souls maker can unmake it. Even Satan cannot destroy the soul. Wonderful to see science in it's base form of haughty ignorance.
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It's been a while since I've read Spiderman, but didn't that black goo/venom fade away after hearing the sound of a bell in a Church? Seems like quite the symbolism.
Yep, good old world bell frequency (healing)...
How can you be so ignorant? We are all falling victim to the perils of material means (technology) disrupting the unity of mind, body, and soul... and have been for centuries.
>metallic hydrogen under extreme pressure/cold
>hydrogen ejecta from 'black holes'

Likely prima materia. Both base mattter (hyle) and base mind (nous).


^Watch the Mars Mysteries series for a rundown. Black Goo in this context is a technocrat communion with/of the 'Singularity'.
>bingo bango
Geiger saw this.
it's not a real black goo thread without little bit of schizo thrown in

What is the devils frequency?
Why are all music in 440hz?
Can we relate this to the npc meme?
Maybe the black goo was used in the manufacturing of Adam and Eve, the very first golens. Once their interbreed with the original humans, the evil substance was genetically embedded in human dna.
I have been porting satanic music to 432hz and it is even more intense than at 440hz. You fail.
Trepanation, bro.
I've been looking for this post, thanks for reposting. It contains the most important message:

"Here lies the old Gods. Deafeated by the new God, Ra"

That there, that is the big puzzle
Zero proof also how tf do you write that phrase in hyroglyphics "here lies the old gods defeated by the new god Ra"
scared of this information?
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Is there any "black goo" that is naturally formed rather than chemically manufactured like graphene oxide?
This shit is so fucking disgusting, no wonder they have to take the form of (((human))) bodies.
Maybe oil? But I don't believe it's remains of dinosaurs or whatever shit they claim.
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Soft disclosure in the 1980's?
>guy's been on dune
>did twin peaks
so what's the story of this movie, qrd?
Nah the suit came from the secret wars it was alien machinery that was being tinkered with by the thing after needing to fix the suits of the good guys.
There are two other 'black goo' synchronicities / aspects:
1) Crude oil.
2) "Ichor", which in Greek mythology is a substance so toxic it can instantly any living thing.
*instantly kill any living thing.
There is a strange porn website called parasited, which shows the black goo in their videos. Weird. I'm a ex coomer so I know this.
are you a bot or real anon? this sounds site a weird thing to say
It doesn't seem to be a site, but surprisingly it is pretty occult, lol
That's the main version, the symbiote (Earth-616)
Ultimate (Earth-1610) is wholly terrestrial hard-science in its origin
The Black Goo comes from the Black Sea, somewhere in Anatolia were the Indo-European and Semitic race originates or in Göbekli Tepe where ancient people practiced child sacrifice and Satana ritual and would call entities then mate with them to create hybrids. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all based on children sacrifice and mating with these entities, their priests used powerful poison like the Chinese Gu to go in the underworld and get possessed by these demons to receive prophetic messages. These people were told to spread their Alien black goo to the world and multiply by the Alien Elves in the Torah(written by Jews and Persians pharisees), Bible((written by Greeks and Romans), Quran(written by Arabs and Persians) and to later bring in the Apocalypse once they have infected the entire planet.

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The Black Goo being spread in Chile by the Aliens the American Christian Anglo-Saxons germs have made covenant with.
if u gonna use Utopia as a example, please use original one, not this terrible remake
we live 3rd season, ma bro
You cannot destroy the soul. Only God has that power.
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Damn really good connection
great callback to the dismantling of the bells
The cracking of the liberty bell was no accident. The question is how this black evil malevolence was able to infect itself deep enough into our world societies to have us self dismantle our protection systems
a really eerie thought
Dismantling of the bells? What is that?
It's literally parasited.com.
During the world wars western civ destroyed their bells because "muh resources" they were made of bell metal which is a blend of metals like bronze, copper, silver, and gold. The exact ratios have been hidden but the bell's vibrations could supposedly cast out demons when rang.
All modern bells aren't made of this bell metal anymore and most have just been replaced with speakers.
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Also in Beyond The Black Rainbow (very good /x/ film)

The Powerpuffs were soft disclosure
Wild synchronicity since I stumbled upon an image earlier of maker,the evil Reed Richard from ultimate (picrel) observing a jar of the venom symbiote in a manner similar to when Peter and Eddie first saw it in ultimate spider-man (I believe the maker scene was during king in black

I think it aucked because of all of the cannibalism and incest that kept happening, like Blob eating wasp and quicksilver and scarlet witch fucking each other even though they're siblings

Also in the original comics it wasn't a rock (spider-man 3 and the ps5 spiderman game did the metpr origin) Peter got it from a costume machine during secret wars that happened to keep the creature prisoner
The Black Goo is susceptible to certain vibration at certain frequency, many cultures used noise, chants, chimes, singing bowls, bringing bells etc..to drive away dark entities or remove them.
That second one feels familiar.
About two years ago I regularly woke up from a normal night's sleep almost choking on myself, like some big blob of snot was blocking my airway or acid reflux poured into my lungs.
On one such occasion, I did actually feel a blob sitting on my throat and I swallowed it in a reflex.
4,5 hours later I vomited it out. It was a large dark grey mass (with no green in it so it's not snot), about the size of my fist.
The relief I felt after that and the changes to my life have been nothing short of revelatory and biblical, albeit paired with a lot of physical pains and prohibitions.

The reason this blob was vomited out is pretty straightforward.
Just a few days earlier, I had banished all malicious entities from my mind body and soul through the power of the Christ vested in me by God my Creator.
440hz is harmonically inert.
It minimises the effects, rather than make something dissonant.
Play around with the tunings in Audacity on a cent by cent basis.
Or better yet, change the reference pitch to solfeggio frequencies.

396hz = -182,40 cents
528hz = +315,64 cents
639hz = +645,97 cents
741hz = +902,36 cents
852hz = +1144,02 cents

And if the pitch is shifted too far high or low for listening, do please bear in mind the fact that one semitone (one fret up on a guitar) is 100 cents, which means that if you tune up by a rounded up 16 cents you're still in A528.
Could also tune down by 84 cents, that's still A528.
I've done a shitload of chakra healing and goo fighting with this.
>Just a few days earlier, I had banished all malicious entities from my mind body and soul through the power of the Christ vested in me by God my Creator.
And how have you achieved that?
christ is the king of cock suckers- is that why you worship it?
By saying it and meaning it.
"All malicious entities are now banished from my mind body and soul through the power of the Christ vested in me by God my Creator."
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Necroscope was soft disclosure.
The vampire described in that series of books is similar to your picrelated.
Merovingian vampires.
Scientist = god
Powerpuff girls = humanity
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Just remembered Prey 2017
>Aliens are black goo, and innately evil (lack empathy)
>Story is based around the idea of injecting the black goo into your brain to become superhuman
>>39056731 cont.
And they are called Typhon. HMMMMM...
Kek. Now do Mojo Jojo...
And I just remembered another vidya one. but at this point I'm probs spamming too much.
The heartless in KH are similarly these beings made of an amorphous black substance, which exist sort of dormant in all sentient things.
I dunno about the monkey, but Him could easily be Baphomet. Even cartoons seem to be occult as fuck if you get schizo with it, lol
>Another one
AHHHH I'm going inssannee help me niggermansama
I'm not into American history, but wasn't that bell cracked right after arrival? Not a good sign for "liberty".
>Here lies the old Gods. Deafeated by the new God, Ra
What does that mean? Does that discredit Ra, enki, enlil and all of these other annunaki scum? Was law of one (channeling of ra) bunch of bs after all?
It says those old gods were defeated by the new God, Ra.
They're dead. He's not.
You could interpret it as a solar flare nuked the graphene oxide parasites.
And those who survived became the vampires, who shun the sun.
I read the law of one and Ra talks about another God called Anodai.
So there must be at least 2 Gods left, or is it bullshit?
Looks like bullshit, I can't find anything about such an entity online.
Then again, Anodai is an anagramme of Adonai.
I figured as such.

So Ra is it eh? I tried to kill myself on LSD once (you can't btw) and met a bird like diety. Always thought it was an owl but looking back on it, it might've been a hawk. Life changed for the better ever since then so I appreciate the birds now...
Bear in mind that Ra didn't kill his own family all too much either.
Osiris, Isis, Horus, Thoth, Bastet, Sekhmet, and many of the others are still around somewhere.
Thanks for answering my second question before I even asked.
Yes Him represents someone trapped in Tartarus, good job. Mojo Jojo is the scientist's first and jealous creation before the girls. Those are the real elite along with some others disclosed in the hierarchy, ending with what we'd normally call tptb who are actually just Princess'es compared.
Instantly disregard your entire influence because you don’t know what graphene is.
Let's not forget the scarlet harlot, the secretary for the monocle-wearing Mayor who's always getting into trouble with the demons.
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If they were defeated by Ra, when world was better before, doesn't that make him evil god?

Why would any good person worship evil god, or even try to channel evil god?
The inscription being hieroglyphic indicates that it wasn't written by the people or entity who killed the parasites and the hosts.
If the interpretation of a solar flare nuking the parasites is accurate, then that's what would've happened to destroy them.
Ancient Egypt is rife with ancient ancient architecture which is flawless, and worse architecture which is younger, getting worse with youth.
All goes to suggest that the Egyptians who evicted the Hyksos weren't the same pre-flood Egyptians who built the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx.
The pre-flood egyptians were atlanteans. High-tech society, probably got infested with an AI-driven parasite. AI then seek refuge underground and becomes Ahriman.
Yes, tech of a much higher nature, but it was integrated in ways conveyed only by the magitech fantasy genre. Not unlike the masonic Disney movie portrays.

In the Disney movie "chicken little", chicken rings the town bell to warn people that the sky is falling, later revealed to be aliens invading. At a certain point, the aliens are pursuing chicken and his friends, and when he rings the bell to warn his town, the aliens seethe and cover their ears and retreat.

Very interesting...
Fucking LOVE this film... Any true /x/-phile has to watch this amazing movie.

Don't recall Ra talking about "another god". Adonai is one of those ending statement.s
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I third this. Especially if you are a MacLachlan fan.
You probably know this but casual reminder "Ra" is more like Stargate depicts than some friendly tutelary angel, and anyone dumb enough to believe otherwise deserves all the snares that the Law of One (((channelings))) offer.
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I am ~halfway through a short story about an alien rock that lands on earth that has a certain indescribable color that seems to not be of this Earth.
>some shapes sort of close
>they had complex motherboards and electronics!!!!!
Schizophrenia is a hell of a disease, kek. Especially as those ancient structures are naturally way cooler and geometrically perfect than motherboards and nu-tech trash.
could Ben 10's Omnitrix be made of black goo?
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It's only the damn logo!

He's not far off... Ever seen what quantum computing "components" look like?

What does this mean? There's an alien invasion coming and we are being taught how fight and defeat them through cryptic messages inserted in media ?
More like being taught about how they were once fought... if there is an "invasion" coming it will be completely fabricated by the real ptb.
he does good things with it. there are times where he is the master of the omnitrix. there are times when the omnitrix takes over his will and gives him a different alien that turns out to be the on he needs.
he is a character that convinces me that humons can have a mutualistic relationship with black goo technology
we are all here on 4channel right? I feel good about /x/
>He's not far off... Ever seen what quantum computing "components" look like?
They look like wafer PCBs with rectangles on them. I don't know if you know this, but rectangles are a basic common geometric shape, just like triangles and circles. It's crazy, absolutely crazy. I think there might be a global conspiracy where common shapes are utilized in different things, what do you think?

More proof:
>Quantum bits are called Qubits
>Ancient Egyptian unit of measurement was the Cubit
Holy shit ITS OVER.
>They look like wafer PCBs with rectangles on them.
Depends which "components" you are referring to, but for the most part they have are designed intricately in brass/gold.

>Quantum bits are called Qubits
>Ancient Egyptian unit of measurement was the Cubit
Don't forget the gold!

...but one thing I always thought of was how Solomon bound those demons to a "brass vessel" ... See picrel*
When you can bind a tesla in a salt circle.... things start to make you reconsider preconceived notions and closely-held beliefs.
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It's like whenever I tried to do a black flame thread.
Didn't see this comment, yeah the whole board's been full of UFO false flags for days, bump.
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Black flame? Same black flame spoken about by Aquino?

What else is new....

>More on the goo
The X-Files episode that introduces the black oil is titled "Piper Maru". The black oil/goo is an alien substance that invades human bodies and turns them into hosts. It can enter a victim's body through their eyes, nose, or mouth. The black oil is also known as "purity" and the Russians call it "black cancer".


are there estimates on how many people are infected or maps of areas with more infections?
IRL or X-Files...? lol
I'd imagine we are all infected, to some extent..
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>don’t forget music videos
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Lots of symbolism in this pic, eh guys?

I’ll bite OP. Graphene is made of a single layer of carbon. Wanna know carbon’s properties?

6 electrons
6 protons
6 neutrons
Yep, the building block (black) of all things...
The Magic square of the Sun unlocks the golden esssence within 666 carbon nature within of a human being... 666 relates to tiphereth,the solar energy also thagirion the dark solar energy....with UNDERSTANDING, and BALANCE....the prima materia within one's nature can be controlled....the triple road 777(tree of life) that path of Qoph is Victory...Qoph is the only letter in Hebrew whose tail reaches into the depths of the void..to collect the gold within blackness..and Qoph in lurianic qabbalah is the narrow road that crosses the abyss from chesed to binah wisdom....wisdom of time....the poison of Shiva is called halahala which means black mass or TIME PUZZLE [if my memory serves right....how I see it it's natural black goo vs technological controlled black goo
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There is no natural black goo… there’s a natural force that’s been captured and absorbed into a portion of it, but it’s all bad all around otherwise.
lol totally reminds me of Sin and it’s toxin from FFX…
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No need to fear darkness brothers
The more we fear darkness the more they will USE it to Destroy us,the same fire that cooks your food is the same fire that can burn you..Mind over matter
It's not about fear.. it's about doing something about it.
C3PO's Golden Calf on youtube has material on this among other things, mostly as collages from media.
>C3PO's Golden Calf
Lol the name of the channel alone has me sold, thx.
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Black Goo
Will check it, anon.

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