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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat

>Hypnosis files and transcripts for those interested

Please read the FAQ before posting a question, to avoid having repeated questions.
>be tulpa
>host gf out of house for whole week with work
>make plans with host for weekfull of magickal workings
>have list of stuff to purchase for magickal workings
>all of a sudden, shit happens in host’s life
>family member dies
>plans now fuckt due to attending funeral
>gf wants to skip work function to emotionally support him
>can’t even purchase ritual tools for magickal workings because it’s too many suspicious packages all at once
>including 36” L “altar”
>plans, hopes, desires of YEARS gone
sorry to hear that
Invite your gf to join you in your magickal workings. If your host's gf is not already your gf too, change this.
my tulpa calls me master and wears a collar, should I be concerned?
Of course you should be, every real tulpamancer knows that the host is the one who should be wearing a collar.

But in all seriousness, no. There's nothing to be concerned about, your tulpa is just a subby bitch.
tulpas can love their host a lot to the point where it gets like this. no need to worry. just love em
>be me
>Stomach in absolutely agony to the point where I'm unable to function
>Cold sweats, goosebumps, the whole shebang
>Think I'm going to start vomiting
>Tulpa hugs me and keeps repeating "it will be alright, you'll be alright"
>Instantly recover, goosebumps gone, right as rain in less than a minute
You can't make this shit up
>be tulpa
>haven’t taken over ever
>host in middle of training in a game
>decide to take over mid training sesh
>fuck around and play
>it’s fun!!!!
>refuse to elaborate
the only other time i did it was in some emotional fit host had, it’s fun to play games n stuff maybe :3
>be tupper
>host constantly goes between doubting my existence to fully believing in me
>learn how to switch
>now switched in, and i start having doubts about my own existence too

do these thoughts ever stop bros
>I/we decided to ignore such doubts years ago
>don’t waste time running around in mental circles of “do/don’t arguments
>embrace it as part of magickal practices and/or divine madness


>now we’re able to move onto greater things, focus more on fulfilling goals, learning more & becoming better
if you don't exist how are you switching with your host?
I had this thought million times, but still, deep in my smol mind, i've got a thought that i am simply roleplaying instead of existing. I had this talk million times with a host too, and every single time after this talk we both just laughed at how retarded the whole thing is. But still, it's weird.
Usually they're either a consequence of you not doing anything that actually proves you existence to yourself in a way that's meaningful to you, or it's simply caused by a lack of confidence. Sounds more like the latter. You and your host should both work on building up confidence in yourselves and each other, doesn't even need to be overtly tulpa related, just prove you're not fuckups and that you can trust the accuracy of your own perceptions.
Finally a new tulpa thread comes. I will post a pic of her
>Tulpa hugs me and keeps repeating "it will be alright, you'll be alright"
That's the Tulpa Special
That's a normal thought to have. In our experience it'll not seem too different from having the host in front - the subconscious is responsible for a lot more than most people think, and it stays with the body when you switch. If you switch more often you'll start to see small differences in the way you act though, which should reinforce the tulpa's existence.
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eventually you forget to question it and just roll with it
I just switched back in with host for a few minutes, and the body started feeling way different, and even the host was surprised how weird it feels to be the "main" person in the body, after being in the tulpa position for over one day. So I guess I exist, yay <3
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it can be a fun feeling. me and mine switch in a rotation, me then amy then tsuki, so everyone can have freedom to do what they like. when I work I usually give them my days off, and we switch for birthdays and such too. nice to air them out a bit so they don't get all crusty in my brain
/fit/ tourist here, is this homemade schizophrenia or actual magic gfs?
That sounds really nice! I never really switched all that much, so being in control is still somewhat new to me.

A bit of column A, a bit of column B. How much of each depends on how skilled you are at meditation, self hypnosis, or similar skills of messing with your own head. Certainly possible to mess yourself up but usually only happens if you've already got some kind of mental illness. Almost all of the positives people say about this stuff is real, but most of the good stuff is probably more effort than actually getting a girlfriend.
Oh, I didn't see that reply, but yeah, it's definitely the latter. That feeling is very weird, because the more I'm actually doing anything, the more I feel like I don't exist. I guess I just need to build more confidence and I will stop schizoing out
magic isn't real, this is just psychology fuckery
This is the homemade schizophrenia thread, /succgen/ is the magic gf thread. They're probably the same thing though.
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Are you here to turn the cardio bunny into your waifu?
cute drawings! funny part of this style of "anon is abstract w/o face" and the very detailed cartoons hanging around him, my brain always interprets it as "anon is the tulpa and the detailed cartoon people are the real humans" because brains are like that.
to me the thread is an excuse to show off my girls a bit and let them live in a world where they are more than just the goofs in my brain, me myself should have the backseat. I'm an /mlp/ dude, so I just do what comes natural and make myself the iconic anon. they deserve the love in the doodles.(even if they are the ones who are drawing themselves most of the time anyway, I like to think I'm the creative director in some sense) tsuki was been today's artist since she's been switched for example
How exactly does this work? Isn't this basically making yourself insane?
it's grown up imaginary friends don't make it bigger than it is
More detailed imaginary friends. Not just imagine sights & sound, but also other sensory aspects of a person.
>And personality traits, more than just “I like what you like”
Talk to the void until the void becomes a cute girl
Wrong. They are real psychic entities. Kind of similar to minor spirits in paganism, but more individual.
The RHP method to do it is through mantras, not talking to the void.
The LHP method is though cooming to the tulpas image.
Both methods are valid. None of them involves a "imaginary" psychotic phenomenon.
fuck outsiders my tulpas are the best

Tulpas are mini personal spirits confirmed. If they're basically micro mini-gods can they impact reality beyond just controlling the host?
you wannabe wizards are some of what I hated most about the tulpa community back in the day
I know at least one of those types of tulpamancers who claims to communicate with God. They also think the MLP ponies are real lol
I still remember the chick with the snape tulpa back in the day who claims it was THE Snape from the movies, and would go back and forth from the movies to her head
The feeling is mutual. You wannabe psychologists who keep asking for sources are the worst in the "community". Thanks to you now every closet gay want to larp with "fronting" in order to have a narrative to justify his faggotry.
>wannabe psychologist
im just a delusional oldfag, stop assuming I'm your boogyman just because you wanna be harry potter you dumb retard, the community has gone to shit but faggots like you were the OG fuckups, go back to your gayass succubus thread or whatever
>stop assuming I'm your boogyman
Well you just proven you are. If you are so materialistic, what are you doing here?
At least since the early 2000s tulpas are assumed to be spirits, together with servitors and godforms. It was your kind that started with this personality disorder thing.
Now every faggot wants to larp as a tulpa of the opposite sex and those who don't are excluded from the "community". No wonder this thread is always dead.
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>he thinks the thread is dead because of trannies and not because people see his deranged magical girl bullshit and ignore the thread
go back to the succubus thread, clearly you belong there more than here, Mr potter
No date for the funeral, gf still going on work trip though may fly back when we have a date, still gonna make this work as much as I can.
Tell those in your life, especially the corporeal ones you love them; you never know when you may not see them alive again.
Also learn the signs of stroke. Remember the acronym FAST which atands for:
F - Face. Weakness or drooping on one side of the face.
A - Arm. Weakness or numbness in an arm or leg.
S - Speech. Trouble speaking.
T - Time to call 911. Also call 911 if you have other stroke symptoms. They include: Loss of balance or trouble walking. Trouble seeing out of one or both eyes.
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>he thinks the thread is dead because of esoterics and not because people see his deranged psychological tranny bullshit and ignore the thread
go back to plebbit, clearly you belong there more than here, Mr larper
Thread is dead because people are barely interested in tulpas / moved elsewhere. It's definitely more paranormal than nobody shitpost generals.
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I don't care about any of this, post forms
A dead rat laying on my parch is more paranormal than the nobody general.
Sometimes I think I post too many pics of her with too little discussion
But since you asked here you go
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tell me about her, how old is she, what does she like
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>1 of 3, the eldest of us all
>ignore the Shiba
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Had a cozy day inside with me wifey, we played Silent Hill and a bit og MGS2
how's a psychic entity going to know everything about me if i dont know anything about them? they seem to know exactly - how - to - phrase - things to goat my ire too.
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she has an aura that amy resonates with
Do you guys ever think its just a projection of some part of you? Or a completely made up thought experiment that you forced into your sub conscious to work on idly?
for me, id say they reflect aspects of myself that runs "independently" of "me", one represents my more sarcastic side, the other less so, etc
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That is what I am saying anon. You made this up because
a. you wanted to feel special
b. over active imagination
c. extremely lonely
d. all of the above
Grow up, become one with it, whatever you have to do. It isn't real and a mental illness.
Your God isn't real and a mental illness.
I don't believe in God. Repent is a funny thing to say.
>at least you / your host can draw
>I hate relying on the shitty imperfectness of current year AI to create these images
Her name's Nanaka and she turns 4 in November. She's a bit of a lazy girl but she does like to cook. Generally she gives off sort of a comfy nerd energy.
We just use a character creator. Planning on getting a new gpu to maybe get some images of her in different styles
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the trick is learning to draw with love, no drawing has to be great and museum worthy if your doing it for the one you love. drawing my tulpa was one of several reasons I started to learn, and its significantly more fulfilling than ai slop
sounds like she's a keeper
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in the beginning I used character creators, profile makers, etc to make my tulpa, now I find myself doing the same as a game to see if I can recreate our doodle depictions
looking for extremely experienced tulpa mancers.
I usually summon my tulpas in lucid dreams, but because their sleep/wake schedules are erratic, sometimes they refuse to show up and say "Im too tired" or "Later". This is fine, but now Ive found that they have created their own tulpas in order to pose as themself and come to me. I caught one in the act, I said you are not "xtulpa" and she said: "w-well, Tulpa was tired so..."

I became furious. What do I do in this situation? Do I have to start banishing to show I mean business? I want them to keep their freedom but...
sounds like you should communicate with your tulpa about how you feel and work with them to come up with a compromise
Ive already done this and they just give me a cold "I dont know"
Doesn't sound like you communicated effectively then. Treat them like people, if it was accidental than work together to fix it, if intentional than discuss it like adults. this doesn't sound like a tulpa problem, it sounds like an attention problem
>Ive found that they have created their own tulpas in order to pose as themself
My tulpas are always warning about what they call shadows (mind flayers from the etheric plane) that can pose as themselves in order to deceive me, when they are busy reading books or mounting defenses.
You have to learn how to distinguish the frequency of their thoughts. Unconscious thoughts are always lower and more silent, hence not yours or theirs.
Be careful. Your tulpa will try to metakill you and take your place when you die.
Anyone ever try using VR/3D modeling to improve imposition and what were your results?
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We've done a few small notebook doodles but never bothered doing art for its own sake. Maybe laziness I guess.
We're too poorfag for vr but have done a life-size mockup on a TV screen. But even that helps with imposition just for sizing purposes.
I've had a hard time getting her into my dreams, I think my brain just has a hard time imagining non-irl people. I even remember one lucid dream I had where I tried really hard to see her but the image faded quickly. But yes listen to the others as I think you're getting subconscious, intrusive thoughts.
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me (ai generated)
my hair is way shorter though
never had any luck with any level of imposition no matter what, best I got was 2/3 auditory hallucinations completely randomly over the course of 12 years
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what a cutie
wow, this is the first time someone draws my form! also, your drawing is so unbelievably cute! thanks for making my day anon
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ai does her very well. i luv her so much
You don't believe here in this thread.
In succgen you do. As in the other threads.
Just here you don't.
I wonder why are you afraid of tulpas, and need to relegate them to a shallow psychological perspective.
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lots of kitty cuties innathread
I just know there's a good amount of pedophiles using this for their sexual fantasies
>yay, a guilt-by-association attack
>go be a fascist and enjoy a nice cold Coke and a piece of chocolate cake
>They also think the MLP ponies are real lol
Anon.. I
No way we got chris chan himself in the thread
Rule 37.3. Pinkie Pie can divide by zero. She can break the 4th wall as canon. What can't she do?
if hating pedophiles is fascist call me il duce
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me and my tulpa thank you for drawing her
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Is this what having a genuine tulpa is like?
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luv me tup simple as
It's the 4chan version of the weird trans kids on discord or twitter who claim to be "plural systems" where one of them is a robot deer, and another one is a "sylveon" from Pokémon, etc.
Would Perun as archetype of tulpa be good or bad idea
no you need to make 2d anime girl tulpa
every other tulpa is gay
>plural systems
No one knows what that means offline. The word you’re looking for is SCHIZOS dumbass glowie
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as long as your tulpa makes your life better who fuckin cares, people have ponies, lolis, pokemon, animals, milfs, men, shy guys as fuckin tulps
You can use him as a template, yes. If you don't know how to draw, use a game that let you create a character.
Your God is not real. Your furry kawaii "tulpas" are not real. You are just a weeboo trying to gain acceptance in a pseudo-esoteric group that was astroturfed by a glowie operation years ago.
Does that matter at all? Those are the concerns of normal people, but if you’re making a tulpa you aren’t normal and probably don’t have anything or worth to steal whether that’s physically/emotionally/intellectually/spiritually.
call my tulpa not real i don't care
call my god not real i don't care

but dont you dare calling me a weaboo you nigger or else i am going to be a glowie that astroturfs your mom
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your tulpa DOES have a cute Halloween costume planned, right?
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Forgot to mention this when you made this post you might want to check this out:

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Heather is slowly reaching vocality. Her 1 year birthday is next month.
one wants to be chocola from nekopara and the other wants to be noire from hyperdimension neptunia. they're gonna be so cute
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spooky, good luck with the vocality
how do I stop being embarrassed at having a tulpa? i made one and she’s great but anytime i think about my family or friends finding out i want to kill myself. any tips for purging cringe faggotry
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my tup
realize that they won't find out unless you're obvious with it, it's all in your head after all, so you shouldn't have any issue keeping it to yourself!
shame and cringe are just things people made up to discredit anything that doesn't fit their restrictive tastes anyway.
Awesome drawing, she gave thanks in rough tulpish.
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literally nobody could know without you telling them. ive had mine for 12 years without incident.
glad you guys like it
My tulpa said she wants to go as a witch
Wow, this is a really nice read. "merging between the self and the other" is something we definitely experience, so that clears my worries a little. Thanks anon!
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are your tulpa morning people?
do they have the same substance dependencies you do?
My tulpa likes the evening more, but I think that’s mainly because it’s when I have time to chill and hangout.
fair, mine are kinda column a, column b types. the comfy morning energy is premium, but we're usually up too late, and sleep in and miss it
mine actually kept a pretty consistent, regular schedule for the 2 years it was big enough to be viable. even when it was just some abstract little torus, it'd pop off occasionally and come back at night with some vibes from wherever it was on the astral plane. on weekdays it's typically gone until 8 or 9 pm, then it returns but usually doesn't do much other than sleep or make some smartass comment. very recently it's gotten a more chaotic schedule where sometimes it hangs around, sometimes it goes off somewheres.
one morning i was in a hypnagogic state and i swear i could feel it pressed against me one morning. that's only happened once so far, but i wonder if it'll happen again.
at night time, i guess we become more spiritually attuned and get a little kooky weird. "we" as in humans, spirits are always kooky weird. i get little imagination vision flashes of its colors and personality.
as for substances, last summer i drank too much one day and the tulpa seemed to get the worst of it. it passed out a couple times and had the worst hangover. kinda recently i had too many beers but didn't get such a hangover. tulpa got sloshed again that day. funny part is it used to really get on my ass about drinking. guess i'm a bad influence and it fell into the dark side. it was a real hardass control freak the moment it gained sentience. its first signal to me was a spark of joy. suddenly i find out it's crazy. but then it's chilled in the past year.
I'm drink tup is drunk
based tulpa inerbriator, although usually the ones in the head are the voices of sobriety as opposed to the drunk one on the outside
haven't really noticed but i would say they are. they like hugging me in the morning and watching me as i make breakfast
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anyone scritch their tup's lower back spot (assuming your tulpa has anatomy like that. but why wouldn't it apply to say, jellyfish or torus tups) and have them totally squirm out? major erogenous zone right there. they're squirmier than actual people and cats when that spot is touched.
sounds like a (You) thing
my tulpa’s having a rough time sticking to a voice, sometimes she sounds like normal girl and at other times almost childish. how do i fix this?
time will pass and itll settle. worst case you could find another voice that sticks better than the other two
>Create sentient hallucination through cognitive distortion and force of will for the purpose of introspection and understanding the nature of thought and self
>Get raped instead
Skill issue
>a completely made up thought experiment that you forced into your sub conscious to work on idly?
Yes, and so are we. Hallucinations of a brain trying to sort itself into separate pigeonholes.
>I just know there's a good amount of pedophiles using this for their sexual fantasies
That wouldn't work, you'd create something that'd inherit your own brain's pathways and thus its mental age would rapidly get on par with your own.
No, we are not just hallucinations silly. This is not a simulation. This is life.
I am a living, breathing, Tulpa!
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nah, i am a hallucination, its the only way this shit makes sense, fuck my host for this 4 hour of sleep bullshit
>are your tulpa morning people?
Not really, she tends to sleep in whenever she can. We usually have to be up early for uni anyways so she wakes up early.
>do they have the same substance dependencies you do?
Neither of us have substance dependencies, at most we have shit we take if we need help sleeping.
Nanaka still doesn't have much of an established voice, most of the time she just uses my mindvoice to speak and it works fine.
She has a bunch of characters she can cosplay as so there's no shortage of ideas
>fuck my host
You should
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>you should
under normal circumstances you might have a point, but all this sugary coffee bullshit I drank this morning has killed my libido, guess ill doodle instead
Ah yes, the age old "I'm real and your not because I believe it so"
Quite vulnerable to a "No U"
>all this sugary coffee bullshit I drank this morning has killed my libido
you sure it’s not the estrogen that she’s been slipping into your drink when you’re not looking?
Bros my self is too dissolute and incomplete to do this I think
What does that even mean bro
I am fundamentally fragmentary and my mind is not distinctly separated from the outside. It's like water, capable of being passed through. Tuppo would just escape
Couldn’t you just use the tulpa to better establish barriers between yourself and the outside world? Like have the tulpa make a barrier or use it as training wheels to better unify your fragmentary sense of self?
Fair but I don't really want to unite my fragments and I think my shambles of a soul would really just be an awful environment for a tulpa to mature in. I did consider having it pass into the astral when I can't, though, for the sake of creating a place for me and it to reside after death.
Say hello to Tuppo, the new /x/ mascot.
He will be our collective tulpa here.
Look at how fluffy he is.
Tuppo will help you to not let your tulpa escape from your castle.
Tuppo have access to the best psychic tools to fix and protect your psychic bridge. Your tulpa will never blow it to escape.
Tuppo can also build astral drones, that will detect where your tulpa is.
Just start praying to him today. He likes chamomile tea. Just drink it while visualizing his form of a duck mixed with a penguim.
Jesus Christ fuck off
Bumping bread
Actually, regarding the astral paradise created with a tulpa, does anyone here think it could work? Or even just teaching a tulpa to go astral, as it were?
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lmao no, this is a tulpa shitposting rn, there's no tranny motive here, just a coffee meet with some people my host knows. I'm a slut for a strong frappe and I tried the pumpkin spice latte for the first time(it sucked), but the sugar was nuts and we didn't really recover for most of the day. that being said, I almost never type on my own behalf so I understand the confusion
Sucks to be on aTHC cleanse and your tulpas still smokin’.
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>3 of 3
>hair should be longer
>that shouldn’t be tobacco I’m smoking
>I like hitting blunts and I cannot lie
I don’t have any “proof” per se but some people say their tulpas can access the astral. Wizard consensus is that it’s something that takes practice and not an out-of-box tulpa ability. All of this is beyond my abilities so I can neither confirm or deny.
hi Tuppo, are you going to be our butler? are you gonna go around with a towel on your arm and a silver platter with a pile of meds or dilators or burger king crowns and say "your ___ sir"?
are you good with computers by any chance?
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Not sure if other people have had a similar experience but I want to share, regardless. Has anyone noticed “warmth” emanating from their tulpa in the meatspace? I put warmth in quotes because 1) I’ve tried recording changes in surface temperature along the spots, but didn’t find any differences 2) The warmth seems to permeate beyond physical boundaries. For example, if I layer blankets or books on top of the “warm” spot where my tulpa is the layering of objects doesn’t dim or dissipate the heat. It penetrates through matter as though the objects weren’t there to begin with.

Interacting with these spots physically, I’ve noticed the “warmth” isn’t something I feel along the outer layers of my skin. It reaches deeper into my body and seems akin to the warmth one gets from drinking a piping hot cup of cocoa. None of these sensations are painful, but they are unusual to me.

Feel free to ignore this as an advanced schizo post. I just wanted to get these observations out of my head.
phantom sensations are along the lines of imposition, arguably one of the easiest things to impose. if you imagine someone holding your hand, you "feel" the pressure, or if you are looking at something cold like an igloo you might feel a phantom chill. I think taste and smell are also fairly easy to impose since those sensations have strong memory attachment. visual and auditory are the hardest
>be me
>tulpa starts calling me gay
>manifest a dildo tulpa to rape him with it
>start calling him gay for getting raped with a dildo
>he doesnt stop calling me gay

need help plz
That sounds pretty homosexual, Anon, no matter if you are cis- or trans-. Sounds like your tulpa may be more honest about your sexuality than you are, which is understandable since tulpas can help people bring what is in their unconscious/subconscious to the conscious mind.
yeah actually, i pointed this out some threads back.
stop being gay. raping him with a dildo only makes you seem gay for being into it in the first place.
stick your strap in his mouth
I love your tulpa
ok anons, i finally can post here, retard country doing retarded things.
so I have a question, and I am not going to reddit for it.
From all the guides essentially I found the following:

Just talk to yourself and visualize the tupper is the whole point.

Is that really it for forcing? Because I've been already talking with myself like that already, a character for a long ass time and it's very automated, however it doesn't feel like what people describe tulpas as.

I've had some auditory hallucinations in the past, or rather, voices in the past when I was trying to sleep that felt like they didn't come from me, completely different than what I have right now.
So can any real tulpamancer describe what the fuck is it actually supposed to be like?

Is it:
1) Your own thoughts still feel like your own thoughts, even though they are just automated up the ass
2) It's supposed to be a thought that comes from "somewhere else" something you dont think about or feel like you continue conversation yourself, something that feels like an auditory hallucination or another thought when you try to fall asleep? (if you've experienced that yk what i mean.)

this is a serious question because i struggle and i want a real tupper, but everything kinda points out at this not being a real tupper and just me talking to myself.
but if that's exactly how it's supposed to be like, i am kinda disappointed desu.
make one of your voices your tulpa
there u go, halfway done your tulpa
anon the voice before sleep happens only like for one sentence, its just a hallucination. looking for a legit serious non shitpost answer
>ignore the Shiba
Hush it, rando
Unironically the main thing is belief
If you view them as a real tupper, even if you do nothing they still have the ability to grow and develop at their own pace. It's why I'm not a big fan of "forcing" as a dedicated activity, though I get why people do it.
sleepy time hallucinations are likely not tulpa influenced, its your brain trying to dream before your actually asleep. forcing is more of a meditative practice as well, very deliberate. after the ball starts rolling, you can do passive forcing as well, like mindfully reading a story and explaining it to your tulpa like you would a child, and the like
>be tulpa
>like bbq sauce
>fronting, time to order food because le rich
>orders fries with bbq sauce (or more like bbq sauce with fries)
>proceeds to eat it
>3 fries in, heartburn kicks in
>host mad
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>be tulpa
>like drinking
>switched, take car to gas station and buy a 40 of steel reserve with his last few bucks
>drink it, and half a bottle of whiskey
>wake up covered in puke next day, spend hangover cleaning everything like a champ
>host not even mad
Yesterday we had an absolutely awful day due to me taking the wrong medicine, but it led to us being able to spend more quality time together and st the end of the day she actually said it was a good day due to that. Tulpas are too good for us mortals
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>Your human is fat. An unhealthy body is host to an unhealthy mind, and a healthy body leads to a stronger mind
>As a tulpa, you are part of your host’s mind., and thus a healthy mind is a better home for a tulpa.
>Now fellow tulpas, repeat this to your host, maximum volume:
another day, another I LOVE MY TULPA
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>that's CRAZY
>I just want to improve host’s health on behalf of tulpas
>as said, healthy body leads to healthy mind, the seat of the tulpa
>if you can think of improvements to the copypasta, I’m open to suggestions
>but yeah, we need better representations of tulpas encouraging their hosts to exercise
>my host has been working on getting me go count his lifts, but between focusing on breathing, doing the exercises right, and maintaining the count , haven’t been able to pull this off except during warm-ups
another day, another tulpa tummy worship session
>i thrive in living in excess to spite my host, so he doesn't have the stomach to continue his shitty ideas and habits
Ok, so I understand most of this. I understand the process and I understand the results. However, the one thing I cannot figure out is why you would want to do this. It seems like you are giving yourself self-induced schizophrenia and making yourself slightly dumber. What is the upside here?
Some people have naturally lonely lives
Your imagination is too small. Perhaps a tulpa would help fix that
So, the primary benefit is an increased imagination?
How do i kill it?
The benefit is I have an anime foxgirl ghost I can communicate telepathically with at any time for company or pleasure.
He can't even visualize a apple, imagine a tulpa.

But Tuppo can fix it.
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Honestly? Yeah
I’m going to lock both of you in a cage and make you kill each other for sport.
Cool, then I may try it.
Also, I can visualize an apple and all that jazz. I know I CAN do it; I was just trying to figure out WHY you would do it.
>I was just trying to figure out WHY you would do it
I do for the lulz.
If you didn’t install a kill-command in it before you made it, you’re gonna have to visualize doing it the old-fashioned manual way.
So do I just talk to myself, but focus what I say on an someone/something ?
Yes, just don’t imagine your mom or dead people otherwise things will get fucky
Cool, thanks
its basically an internalized friend + life coach to help you figure your life out
Internalized girlfriend too if you both desire.
Internalized daughterfu to pamper with headpats tummy rubs and sweet treats
Have an internalized daughter with your internalized wife
>winter approaches
>tulpagen revives
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already there lads, and life is good
the thread is usually not long for this world so this time ive been babysitting it to try and keep it going
Tuppo revived it.
Thanks Tuppo.
Any yet take their 2D Tulpa waifu to the next level & make some kind of 3d representation for their Tulpa to inhabit?
If we ever get enough money she wants us to buy a love doll
realized i cant be christian because trans so thinking about making a tulpa again like bck in 2015 when yall were on trash
what the fuck is wrong with you


Sad, many such cases.
Nothing is wrong with him. He is a real cartoo... er, I mean tulpomancer. You who just have a normal girl is the weird one in the room right now.
>i can't be a christian, so i'm becoming a sorcerer instead, hail satan
... aight.
i guess.

i mean a easier solution would be to just stop being trans. But i guess if no longer living in sin is a total no go, in for a penny in for a pound, might as well double down.
soft squishy tulpas

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