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Demons are not taken seriously and it turns into this. The demonic race outbursts should be was acknowledged. There is a worldwide demonic possession and we continue to ignore it
The Samurai prevails
She was on drugs.
Suicide by cop.
I would bet anything that there was some sort of ritual circle set up on the other side of that door.
just saw the video with sound. her voice is so deep it doesn't even sound human. I think she was possessed too.
>sheltered NEET wizards haven't experienced uninhibited violent niggerdom firsthand
I am envious.
That death rattle straight up sound like a demon escaping her. Notice how the officer’s behavior completely changes right after.
Yeah let’s just ignore that she was chanting a demons name the entire time.
Thats just a black woman anon
>All niggers are demonspawn
Ok I'll compromise with that.
It changed because he started feeling the large wounds her knife left on him you retard
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>niggers arent a demonic race
Guys... read the thread.
Could have been. Listen to the gurgle when the officer approaches her body. The officer got treated pretty badly by his colleagues multiple douchebags came up to him and asked him “are you bleeding?” Nobody helped him for like 10 minutes while blood was dripping down his face like a DBZ character.
Great now his partners in here running damage control
>Yeah let’s just ignore that she was chanting a demons name the entire time.
She's saying "oh yea". Is that a demon's name? If it is your mom chants that shit constantly.
>Fairfax County, Virginia
Is it just me or is this place like Polk County Florida where some weird shit makes the rounds every month?
drugs, mental illness. stop making memes of this woman, it's not good for your soul. you stray further from god. respect the dead. doesn't matter the race.
Nigger—demonic race.
Women—demonic gender.

Two strikes.

Plenty of body cam footage of bipolar bitches, this one was just possessed enough to be merked and be double the gooks size.
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Thw Chrigger is here to suck the toes of his heavenly neighbours.
Look at that wrist, she's the man
>low IQ stormfag thinks souls retain the curse of ham when given glorified bodies in heaven
back to your containment board
once again his honor is protected for one more sunrise
true stay vigilant they just work there mouths mostly but be prepared for worse encounters these coming years.
Not content with spamming this story a dozen times per hour on pol, the glowie decides to take it over to /x/.
Now if only there was a way to incorporate food into the story, you could post in on /ck/ too! Ahhh.
Probably not gonna work
Higher rates of drug use
An incredibly typical and not in anyway
that has in no way shown any signs of abnormality from the rest of them.
With ingredients it's a surprise it didn't get itself gunned down sooner.
Kek you chriggers just weave this bait when you feel lonely on slow nights don't you. It's entirely political theatre as one of you said to me.
kek. you must be new here.
Seriously, back to >>>/pol/
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Samurai majo slayer witchguard, mid edo period, colorised.
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>defends Africans
>not a chrigger

Show us your rap chrigger, we all want to see

been doing a pretty job at it haven't i Jermaine

Just a nog being a nog.
Jewish supremacist pedophile claws wrote these posts.
It's low hanging fruit to just say "mental illness", I think a lot of it was caused by the fact that she was 6'6 black and single. If you think you have it rough as a sub 5'10 male imagine her situation. She probably felt like she was going to die alone so she decided to die from suicide by cop instead. The slashing was probably her trying to get him to kill her, she could have easily just grabbed him with her massive reach and stabbed him in the neck
>It's low hanging fruit to just say "mental illness"
hmm let us see your arguments for why it's not a mental disturbance
>I think a lot of it was caused by the fact that she was 6'6 black and single
a lot of what? mental illness?
>She probably felt like she was going to die alone so she decided to die from suicide by cop instead
sounds like mentally ill behaviour to me
>What was this other than demonic possession
>She's a black nigger
Lmao I think this answers itself
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at last, I truly see
>Voice was unnaturally deep
I think anons never met a nigger
Same bro I was getting grilled by my negro baby momma by how I'm a piece of shit, when everything that's wrong with our situation is her fault, obviously trying to cause me to crash out so she can get violent...and so I fell for it and tried explaining the facts to her honestly and the fat bitch stabbed me.
To be fair head wounds tend to normally bleed a lot and he'll probably be fine I got hit in the head with a golf ball once as a kid and only needed a couple stitches but it still bled profusely. From the looks of it she didn't really hit him that hard barely knows how to hold a knife and it's probably dull as shit since niggers don't know how to properly take care of anything.
There’s no demonic races there’s just channels that thing like chronic stress align people with
Why do niggers always have such exaggerated proportions? Giant mouth big jew nose giant forehead giant ass mishaped heads it's like god wants them to suffer or created them as a joke
Still better than just calling it "mental illness" blanket statements like that are for cowards and Jews and it's fucking gay you make retards look bad.
This isn't demonic possession. It's called "chimping out" and it's a very common behavior among blacks.

These "people" have basically zero impulse control and it causes them to have extreme violent outburst.
Apartment number 322
I just checked the video again and holy shit...your fucking right. Thats trippy.
What's the significance of this number?
Not sure but the skull and bones society at yale uses it. George w bush, john kerry, and barak obama were members of it.
...which as a gateway for demonic possession, something every fuken magician throughout history has written about.
Creative joke.
That's...not a good sign.
I have a theory about niggers and demons, hell in particular.
So you guys know how pretty much all NGOs in the world both exploit and breed niggers via aid to Africa, gibs in civilized nations, etc.
And as we all know niggers are impulsive, retarded and violent so assuming niggers have a Soul and again, assuming their Soul is not corrupt since its conception, the vast majority of niggers would end up in Hell since they pretty much always commit murder, rape, etc, in much greater numbers than other races, they breed and die fast, essentially saturating Hell with nigger souls, could this be a form of Jews/Satanists to present tribute to their god? Esentially feeding their god a vast amount of souls for reasons unknown beyond the obvious veneration.

Honestly surprised how materialistic whites on /x/ are while we have literally nigger haitian voodoo hordes roaming.

>a gender or race can't be possessed by a spirit, as nordics, aryan indians, egyptians, and greeks have identified.
>we must believe in the chrigger delusion! nevermind the epics with various demonic possesd races that apply directly to our current times for failing the very teachings they warned
sigh. nevermind...

/x/ is one of the most materialist boards.
It's funny an actual nigger is calling white people materialistic lmao calling the kettle black I see
Also see
>You shouldn't be surprised
Not possession. Just a little trolling while some glowie assumed direct control through the smart grid for some stress Delta testing on the mRNA subject. She was probably already an acceptable loss. Not much profit margin to harvest from say individual who's living in an obsolete class/hardware storage.
I can't wait for the massive Omega format on the subjects who stop being profitable for Pfizer and the Shareholder lords.
Remember, most of "humanity" are an easy to Crack and hack carbon machine.
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>Not possession.
>heres how she got possessed

What's the difference if it's from the 7th plane of tartarus or a pentagonigger? same titanic scum.
Have you considered some people are fucked up and don't need a mental illness or drugs to be that way?
She kept screaming “obeah”, so yeah, I think you’re correct. This is why black Americans should be weary of the ATR psy-op.
It's the lack of a pre-frontal cortex giving her zero impulse control.

The assumption is that the cop is at fault until weeks of investigating to determine otherwise. Thank liberals.
I heard that she was mumbling some vodoo shit while charging the officer. Her teeth looks too clean to be a druggie.
Don't bring a knife to a gun fight
She learned her lesson
But it was the last lesson she would ever learn
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What is /x/’s retarded take on Bitcoin?
she was literally just repeating "oh yeah" in ebonics you fucking retards lmao
That you can take your shitcoin talk to /biz/ and then jump in a river
It's crazy how youtube rivals liveleak in terms of seeing people get killed now

He doesn’t know Ebonics is their voodoo demons speaking through them.
I think you're onto something here. There's a huge dichotomy between what the western establishment preaches to it's middle classes about over population and what it's policies bring into fruition in the second and third world.
>Why are features exaggerated in an ai-generated photo
Georgia Guidestones opened on March 22 1980
2016 Brussels bombings March 22 2016
2017 Westminster attack March 22 2017
Crocus City Hall attack March 22 2024
because that's retarded. this type of behavior is low IQ, mental illness, hard drugs, or all three together
.... how much coping and pathetic delusion on race do you have to have?
this isn't demonic possession.
the person in this video is part of a certain racial demographic of people prone to this violent and savage behavior.
this is purely racial.
that's it.
where ever her people go, there is violence, criminality, and parasitism.
this is what multi racialism provides in the west.
you corrupt this fucking website with these captchas and then you exploit people by paying to remove it.
it's greedy and it's fucking disgusting.
and everyone knows it
>What was this other than demonic possession?
Simple. She was under the influence of niggardry and bitchcraft. Many a negro are affected by this influence, but it goes very undiagnosed because it's rayciss, it's dey cultcha, or whatever.

The nice policeman tried to cure both, but niggardry can only be cured with time (incarcerated) and bitchcraft can only be cured via the swiftest and strongest of the backhand (only by the most pimpest of brothers, I might add). He had to put her down, as he had neither solution at hand.

>The Samurai prevails
His scars are going to make him look a lot scarier from now on.
>ny post comments
>normies overwhelmingly support the cop
>many a sarcastic /pol/ack and boomerwaffen
>occasional race cuck who blames institutions
>only one common denominator
>there is no nigger fatigue
>only nigger exhaustion
There's no spinning this one in any other angle than validated police self-defense against a crazy black woman.
Yea, why/how in the fuck is digital money even a thing? Like whats it backed by? The dollar used to be backed by gold but now its nothing. Is that what it is? Gold is vaulable because you can hold in your hand unlike digital bullshit.
Sorry but as someone who grew up hood adjacent, she’s not saying “oh yeah”. But you can stay ignorant to the world of the spiritual at your own peril.
Any human soul can fall victim to their own set of vices and sins. In this world it is entirely possible for you to be one day as insane and unattached to reality as her. Perhaps thinking that their is a race of people who are inherently worse than another for differences beyond their control is bad for you, and only conjures up more and more racist thoughts. You should be compassionate for her and all who also end of in her situation.
Idk anon. I've known some blacks and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do this.
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>nig life flashing before your eyes
Useless to me. No one I care about accepts it, so it's worthless to me. It's not worth converting cash into data.
you're right, but you should extend your empathetic analysis to realize that people's sadistic jeering is a response to the extreme contrast between this recorded incident and dominant anti-police narratives on police shootings.

their evil is a delayed reaction to an institutional evil that was forced on them and used to justify antisocial, and anti-LE political aims in recent years.

people have a lot of pent up anger toward those who pretended cops don't encounter things like this daily in favor of bad faith, media-fabricated narratives of cops hunting blacks for sport.
That's not a demon, it's worse, a nigger.
Never relax
There's no evidence for that, as yet. In any case, she clearly intended to be the victor in that combat she initiated
You're only young but you're gonna die

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