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Tonight and tomorrow night we have a full moon. What is /x/ doing for it?
Meditating and reading books as usual.
I gave up jerking off 5 months ago, so I have a lot of free time.
Honoring the Ese. In the morning I'll offer to Freyr and Frouwa, the Alfr and the ancestors. In the evening after dark, an offering to Wuotan.
I warned anons Sunday on pol moon general. do not stare at the full moon for prolonged amounts of time
I'll be honoring Baal!

for seasonable reasons.
Munching on pumpkin seeds
Then strong wormwood tea right before bedtime
Mephisto is easier to negotiate with
No no. I agree. He has a silver tongue and totally know how to communicate. He is good at it too. I will still be chanting to Baal. Mephisto handles some different subset of things. I'm sure of it.
Everyone in this thread is fucking based
>What is /x/ doing for it?
took some film photographs of the moon, then the usual reverie of homemade wine and cider in the woods
White rabbit given to the local elves. Hoping they bring chaos to my home.
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honor in silence
Hunter's Moon and Supermoon. Should be cool. Planning to stare up at it and contemplate the ayyy bases on the dark side.
Leveraging the energies to break a pattern.
White Moon Selene's brilliant for benevolent magic.
Probably just gather a few nica vistas to send mind images to a select few gentlemen in the stars
That's good, similar situation here, but not as long yet. Ever since I gave up fapping and porn I've become a voracious reader.
Going to the lake and meditating. I've been doing that the past 2 nights and the water has never been calmer.
Videos on the spiritual aspects of the Moon, Water and the Void:

Would tonight be a good night to perform a hunting ritual?
The Full Moon last night into today is in the sign of Aries. According to Damien Echols' "Angels and Archangels", Malkidael is the Archangel of Aries. On the page where it lists affinities of this particular Archangel, hunting is one of the things they specialize in providing help with.
I'm planning on going on a rifle hunt this weekend. Leaving Friday night. I've been retaining all week. Seems like tonight may be a good night for me to perform a ritual to purify my rifle and such and give offerings to Aries. Last time I did this I gave offerings to artemis and was successful on my bow hunt for deer.
What kind of bow you using, compound or recurve?
I used a compound bow for my deer hunt. But I will be using a rifle for my elk hunt this weekend.
>ayyy bases on the other side
i guess summoning
I left for work this morning and it was still 'dark' out. I put dark in quotes because the moon was so fucking bright I thought my neighbor left their outdoor lights on. Revered.
Same. Just a desire to learn and grow in general.
The catalyst wasn't really the semen retention nonsense as much as how I didn't like the time it consumed or the places my mind would go. Does that make sense?
It's really weird because it never bothered me before at any point in my life, but suddenly I just felt kind of gross thinking about certain things and realized the huge amounts of time being wasted from it.
It was more a quality of life change than anything. Strangely, I also found that I can get much deeper in my meditation when I abstain as opposed to after getting off, which was another reason. It's a really weird connection.
Think about how much energy it takes to render vivid sexual imagery in the mind's eye. You never really expend anywhere near that amount of energy visualising anything else.
So when you stop doing this habitually, you've suddenly got a lot more energy reserves to spend in your imagination factory.
Someone make a /BMG/ - Bright Moon General
Going to fuck my wife and focus my intentions on our health and success at the moment of climax.
but its at eye level and so bright even though its still quite light out
Looking at the moon with my telescope and slightly blinding myself in the process
no im keyed
enjoy being gay bro. the whole "don't look at the sun" is a psyop. at least wear polarized shades
I saw the moon both today or yesterday and it was insane, like way larger then it has ever been. Is it getting closer to the earth? It was like 10x larger than I remember it being just a few years ago.
Hunter's moon
It's like that every year around this time.
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Heil the Wild Hunt.
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rippin dabs
>What is /x/ doing for it?
sleeping poorly
This, Wæs Hæl!

I took my dog outside and let her run wild until we were both exhausted. She's feeling the season, she went nuts as the moon rose last night.
Experienced some very interesting delusions and allegories. Noticed the boss fight LOTHRIC VS LORIAN is very similar to Lucifer and Belial. Lothric being Lucifer and Belial being lorian
silly and stupid thats what I am and I give 0 fucks to it, let me live my life disrupting the peace of people I find interesting. They all love some scorpio moment in their lives. They all love ME. Well maybe not always
I'm moon bathing ny anus straight to the moon.
getting high and eating bread
a tab of acid appeared out of nowhere on the passenger seat of my car this morning, idk though... magic acid on a full moon...
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Many such cases when gazes upon Wuotan's Hidden Eye.
Funny enough I have a legit friend who's done this before.
>Hunter's moon in New Orleans
Never fucking again.
Give the story anon, don't be a vague fag
Never fails does it? Always something with those types down there in the French quarters and the moon...
Into the Night

God works in mysterious ways—
a phrase worn thin,
yet holding truth unseen.

The man stepped out
into the tropical winter night,
his feet finding rhythm
as he ran through the shadows.

His mind had been a glitch,
caught in loops of imagined fears,
worrying over dangers
that never truly were.

But no harm could reach him.
The threats dissolved like mist,
for in God’s care,
they were only shadows—
empty and powerless.
I know a couple who are friends of mine who've fucked outside during full moons and felt the power of the moonlight
big winds and lightning came last night. I went outside to observe it.
This morning I put out some blueberries on the ground for insects and on a birdfeeder for the birbs
no plans for tonight
I'd like another night of storming to increase the humidity in my area
>I'd like another night of storming
How much does that cost?
are you trying to summon a storm?
Nice poem bro.
Using magic, breaking and entering into the local zoo, and your ketamine to summon ketamine ape under the full moon!
I tried applying for something. I'm so tired of losing everything.
Im gonna take shrooms and just look at it and ponder
Dope bro

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