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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread:
I'm doing some readings for free, I'm a beginner so don't expect much from me. Give me the initials and sex of the subjects
L female
G male
Is g still in my city ?
What does e (male) feel and think about me (female)?
what did that girl with the white dog think of me? I'm male, MY
I don't know her initials
Will I get intimate with K (female)?
D, male
10oW, 6oW, KoP
Probably, and if so, you will reconnect.
k, male
Week love general?
Thank you
M Male
Have I met my next lover already?
Will v (m) attempt to reconcile again with me (f)
C male, ? female
what does she think of me?
AoP RX, 8oP, 8oS RX
He thinks the relationship between you two isn't developing as he expected, but he's working to try to make it work out with you. He likes you.
Does it resonate? Please tell

5oS RX, KoW RX, QoS RX
She was possibly unimpressed with your lack of assertiveness and confidence.
Does it resonate? Please tell

KoW, 6oW RX, Magician
Possibly, if you have the initiative. It won't come from her.
Lmk if it resonates

2oC RX, 6oP, 2oP RX, World RX
Stagnation because of unresolved issues with a partner, maybe.
Lmk if it resontes please
Yeah I could see how he would feel that way. Ty!!
second one, I was pretty drunk and her dog was smelling me . maybe? thanks
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noob here. How would you interpret this spread on a feels query:
2 of cups, ace of cups, the world
Gay jew shit
Heil Ođinn
>praising a cum drinking faggot who fucked everyone over
lol ask me how I know you're a friendless incel and clearly a faggot
Now it makes more sense. Knowing this I'll interpret the same cards more bluntly: She was avoiding conflict with you, she had a bad feeling about you. Won't contact you sooner or later.
How and Who should i ask to teach me to ride a bike?
Male, j
>Worshipping a dead rabbi who raped young boys over the gods of your ancestors
This is how I can tell you're brown.
That's okay, thanks. I don't even know who she is I only saw her once
Good morning /div/
I hope you all have a great day

Without many details it's difficult to interpret correctly, but it's extremely positive and romantic.
Them wanna fug ya silly.
Morning fave of mine can I get a read?
If not I hope you are doing okay and have a lovely day
A week of ups and downs, but today in particular I'm fine, thank you dear anon.

Send me your query.
If you also want a read let me know, nursing a broken heart isn’t for the weak.

So I just ended -something- I wouldn’t call it a relationship more like a game of sadomasochistic ping pong that lasted years, it sounds pathetic to ask but I need something to look forward to.
So, next bf?
>nursing a broken heart isn’t for the weak
you people are so dramatic and self-centered lol EVERYONE deals with heartbreak.
> you people are so dramatic and self-centered
Oh nooo did me showing some support towards someone trigger you?
Here’s the (you) you wanted.
L male M female Will we rekindle our love anytime soon?
whats your query
Will I fulfill my fantasy anytime soon?
>so dramatic
what a fag
What flavoring of popcorn should I get?
mine is: would doing tarot readings for college friends be a sustainable side hustle
>Priestess, Judgement Rev, VII of Disks, V of Swords Rev, Queen of Cups
A lot of insecurity on your part, you need to work on it.
There's also some very strong resentment about something from the past, so I imagine it's someone you already know. You must already be attracted to this person in some way, they seem like a very captivating person.
What did my managers manager from that previous company think of me?
are you reading for us peasantes?
I'm full of work today, but I'll do some reading later.
trading feels
Alright, good work
9 of Wands Ace of Pentacles 9 of Pentacles
You’re insecure over doing so and for a reason, there’s 100 different reasons as to why reading for your loved ones is a bad idea but once the cash starts flowing you’ll be very eager to throw those morals away lol, you’ll make very good money out of it but 9 of wands tells me there’s a reason why you’ll be reluctant to do so
You as well.
Will me and MN end up having sex? Shitty Q I know but I really want to lol
Trading scry
it's ok. What does the blodie feel or think about me?
6 of Swords 9 of Cups 6 of Wands Rx
Spread tells me she’s well aware of your attraction to them and wishes to move away from it, you come across as a bit of a player to them, like they’ll get you’re not invested in anything long term and are kind of use them so they’ll just sail away from you
No!!! Don't even try to pursue (her?). Tragic misreading of the signs that's gonna blow up in your face tremendously.

>4 of cups, 8 of cups, the tower
tower rx, aow rx
probably not, but that's mostly on you not doing what it needs to be done to achieve your fantasy, whatever that is. tower rx could mean you're going to have to go thru a drastic change to be able to do what it takes

Thank you for the read, it makes sense
trading the feels
what's your method?
Will me and the older woman end up having sex or will we stay platonic?
I scry or tarot, pick whatever you want. yours?
already got that answered >>39057943
I see, trade again? Is it possible at all we end up together?
tarot for both. Read me the outcome with that person. What is your q?
which one should I spend money on first, the possible lawyer fees or the guitar? starting once you confirm
Odds and I will cum in her pussy
Trade scry for scry?
? Diff anon
sure, query?
Mine is which size amp (for guitars) will I end up purchasing first?
where's my reading? Finish that up before asking other readers for more trades.
you don't get to tell me what to do, where MY reading. how about you do that first instead of bossing people around
>lawyer feels

tower, 3 of coins, page of cups


8 of wands, the moon, queen of wands reversed

Your best bet here is to pay off the lawyer fees. The guitar is just a dumb and awful choice, like something a deluded child would get, in spite of knowing there are other priorities. Besides, in the context that it appears, the tower suggests a massive shake up for your life, but in a good way.
Are you a musician wannabe trying copyright your own songs?

that's just good manners.
Sure, can you scry the appearance of the next woman I have sex with? Starting yours although I don't know anything about guitars so I don't know how accurate I can be here.
8 cups R, 2 pent R, 10 wands
you seem to be stuck on them, is this the only dating option you have. it seems like you'll be stuck multitasking or seeing if its worth your time, ultimately you will decide to keep talking to them or keep them around, maybe out of it being your only option
What are the consequences of me deciding to not go to campus today?
Mine is will me and the white haired lady have sex? Starting
you'll miss the shooting
death rx jumped out

>9 of cups rx, 10 of swords rx, queen of pents rx

Will you have sex? Probably not. Some kind of big energy blockage is preventing it. She might have a commitment issue preventing her from going all the way with you which is why there's a theme of insecurity here. The good news is that even though you're gonna be cockblocked all day it's not like there is a disaster brewing here, you'll just be frustrated. Try again later
its a woman with pale skin and short black hair, her hair is straight and reaches down to her neck. she is quite short and thin, looks young maybe about mid 20's up to mid 30's, its hard to tell her age since she looks relatively the same the whole time...she will like to please you and give you head. a bit of a pushover, she folds under pressure and is lenient when it comes to her inhibitions. not sure what her ethnicity is.
Again I don't know guitars or amps or any of this, but seems like you get a small one, not the smallest size but one or two sizes up from that. Something portable that you'll end up keeping for a long time and quality. May not bring the roof down but it'll do the job.
Thank you, let me know if you want to trade again
thanks man, that's pretty much what I had in mind just wasn't dead set on it. awesome
of course! I'd love to trade more if possible
alright let's go for round 2
how much longer will I remain in this current country?
Where/how do I meet her? The woman from your read? Starting yours
Doing a couple of yes/no readings
Leave initials and a funny picture
Hi everyone, good morning.
Wie gehts
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Will anything romantic happen between me JS and SW before the end of the year?
do you have dating apps or do you travel by bus sometimes? I keep seeing a bus, it seems at some point you go out and see her inside a bus and decide to talk to her once you're outside, the thing is that I'm seeing you kiss like soon after meeting, like the same day you meet her? not sure if you end up meeting online and travel to see her or if you see her WHILE you're going someplace and THEN talk to her. but yeah I see a bus. and two people standing around outside talking afterwards and soon after a kiss. btw it will either happen this fall (soon) or by the time winter gets here, I didn't see heavy snow either so it must be around end oct or nov.
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ate pic related with yoghurt
and some digestive biscuits with nutella knockoff cream
Hallo, mein Schatzi. Gut, wbu?
Two of swords
For the next half of the month stop restricting yourself, take responsibility of your actions and just be an honest adult especially with yourself.
Don't lie to you and expect your mind to believe it and find "proof" of it where there isn't.
So I'm not sure if you're from a warm place or going to a warm place. But I'm feeling it will be summer season in the northern hemisphere. The time of the year where everything is really vibrant and the people are out and about. That's when you'll move, during a season of peak activity. I get the impression of mid next year since it feels like you're not completely organized to leave quite yet and still have some loose ends.
Good morning! What u have for breakfast? I’m gonna eat pancakes
Can I ask if I’ll pass my final exam at the end of the year?
I'm alright, considering.
Hmm, I'll take this advice to heart.
V. R

Should I buy one or two?
Is M ever going to be back in my life?
thanks, are you sure it happens next year? I'm surprised...I wasn't expecting to leave so soon...
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Is charli xcx a medium?
You're a national treasure kochka fren
Good morning.
Woah woah I do take the bus almost every day holy shit. I don't use dating apps however because they're kind of broken in my city. Shit let me know if you want to trade again.
If not next year then the one after but no further than that. During peak activity season is what I'll say though for sure. tough to tell as there is a lot in the air with your query. A lot of loose ends or lack of funds.
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Should I submit my short stories this month?
The sun
I think the next couple days will be rather okay and satisfying if you decide to stay home and chill, go out. You're vibing a bit higher and it will show on whatever plans you come up with.
Go out and have fun.

Oatmeal, thank you for asking.
Ten of wands, page of wands
If you keep asking as in yes or no, you're leaning more towards the no, like already closing yourself to the possibility of passing the exam. A advice says that you should study in a bit more of detail, you'll discover a couple things and tricks to memorize things easier. You haven't studied with the enthusiasm that will take you to a positive answer.
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D. B

Will replacing those parts fix the issue?
>idiot doesn't know what yes/no means


>2 of swords, 2 of cups rev
No, the issue seems to bee deeper.
you meet when its dark out and kiss near a street lamp on the sidewalk, like literally 15-20 mins after meeting, maybe less.

did you see how long my hair was when I left? just to clarify if you saw it
what's your next query? Mine is what will I do with all my belongings when I'm about to leave this country?
Will i learn this, this year?
She's a brat.

Two of wands
You're the treasure, hype and put yourself on a pedestal so the great things you want start looking for you. It's okay to chase as long as it's for fun.

Nine of wands
Hi, good morning, work smarter not harder or you'll end up breaking that head of yours. Be patient.
>funny picture
Hi, hope you have a gratis morning, can i please have a read on Who or how will i learn how to ride a motorcicle? Im desperate
What's for breakfast?
Same problem here?
Could've done a yes no for each one
Is this funny enough
Dude I was just thinking about my ex lol, guess I gotta chaseee
Brat or not, she is talented. I just wanted to know if she's a medium given the lyrics of that song superlove.
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should I pay for another year of my business?
I did not see your hair.
Sorry I'm a little confused. So she'll be coming off the bus or I'll be on the bus? Or we'll talk while waiting for the bus? Did you see anything about the surrounding area? Let me know if this is okay and I'll start yours
fuck off, greedy scum. Only 1 per person.

scummy anon
The fool, reversed
Are you trying to get them back? Reaching out or improving on what distanced you? This seems like no but because you're not doing what would bring them into it
>5 of swords

not really. Maybe wait some time, unplug for a while and come back to it later on.
Sure, okay.
King of swords
A rather serious man, probably older than you. I've learned watching tutorials on youtube and asking former coworkers.

I had oatmeal, do you want a reading friend?

It was a reference to her new album, anon.
How did you know I’m scummy?
You'll be sitting in the bus and see her in there, you'll follow her out to her exit and decide to talk to her, once outside you'll start talking and sometime later you'll kiss her.

I don't think you'll talk to her inside the bus, you'll wait till she's out. the surrounding area is a bunch of houses all stuck together and sidewalk with trees at some distance and street lamps. there will be leaves on the ground and it will be in the evening when the sun has gone down. One of you might wear a hat, a white hat? I think it may be her but someone was wearing a hat. anyways after talking you'll get to make out and hang there until the bus comes back for you. you'll get her number and start dating her. she really likes giving oral anon, so make sure you save up some stock for her to taste on.
Female querent. My initials are GAHC.
Will I acquire financial stability in the future? How?
Good morning bby gorl
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Does he hate me?
Ams C he's G
Good morning! What do I most need to know right now? Thank you!
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Will I c get a really well paying job soon?
Morning, I had tamales for breakfast lol. Anything interesting happening to me this year?
Morning what’s my live life like this week?
>I had oatmeal, do you want a reading friend?
why no protein?
No, I'm good, thanks.
Ain't oats protein brother??
Also, do you guys prefer it sweet or savory? >>39058448
Thank you lmk if you want to trade more
You're going to get rid of a lot of things. Your whole life will be packed into two suitcases/luggage airport type bags. You'll be quite sad getting rid of a lot of things, some things you'll donate or give away or sell or even trash. While you may not believe it now, you'll very much want to distance yourself from your time in your current country and will really dedicate yourself to starting fresh, including getting new things.
>7 of wands
Tolerates you, at best, so...

>4 of cups


nope, carbs. The slow release kind.
Scrambled eggs with cheese and ham in it!!
next query?
how will I be able to sustain myself economically once I begin fresh? Like how will I make my money
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R, male
Will I become stable, financially?
Morning luv
I haven't eaten anything, I'm feeling depressed, hope you're doing well
Sure, what does the woman I marry look like ? starting
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Will I find a better job soon?
Good morning

What should I do about T?
Initials AB
had fruit bowl and some eggs this morning with a coffee, meow
Smarter not harder, gotcha. I'll try to be patient, thanks.
Hi. :)

Eight of cups, strength
Know when to give up because sometimes you leave things undone when you're about to make a change or the situation is turning in your favour. If you really really really want something, you must know it doesn't come for free and you have to be patient and work for it.

What flavor?
Eight of pentacles
Maybe you're efforts will finally give results or you'll start working on new goals and be consistent with them.

The emperor
I do not really like this card, haha, its energy doesn't match with mine but I think you'll be in control of something this week, try to not be pushy or severe, though.

Sweet, always.

Nine of pentacles
Wheel of fortune
Staying might be a slightly safer choice in the near future but if you don't want to stay still forever in the same place, go try your look somewhere else, be careful of scams, though.

Four of cups
Maybe these days, especially the weekend, will be a great time to sit down and reflect on what has happened this month so far, you could do better in the future but you're repeating some patterns without realizing.

Eat, drink water and dance, those always help me out during depressive episodes. You'll be okay, it's your body not you.

Seven of wands
I'd personally stop because you're probably not putting the right efforts on the right place, if you wanna go hard sure go ahead but don't be surprised if you end up hurt by pushing it too much.
I see a small apartment, like a studio in a residential type of area on the outskirts of a city but not too far removed. The apartment doesn't have much, an air mattress food and some electronics. It'll be a while before you get everything you need for it. But in the meanwhile you'll be doing part time and gig jobs during the first few months until you secure an office job. You'll hate that office job because it's your typical 9 to 5 and it's mostly paperwork but it'll make you enough money to get belongings and furniture and such. It'll be hard at first after you first move but within years time you'll be feeling good and established.
Oh I'd swear it had some protein
I just hope he's not scared of me like I'm of him, ig it's oke if he hates me, at least he won't feel powerless
May Want to try flan oats
A bit chewy but it's kinda like Mac and cheese but flan
Hi! Can you tell me if anything will happen between myself and that cute, younger classmate who has a weird eye?
I’ll be fasting tomorrow, I’ll keep it in mind, thanks.
you end up marrying a young short asian chick. she has black straight hair (typical asian). during the wedding she will tie a bunch of bow-ties with her hair making it overly complex and beautiful looking. she will be much younger than you and very pretty. very slender and short like 5'1 type short. she will be in her early 20's or even 19 when you marry. it seems she will be either Christian or non-traditional as she will be in an interracial marriage and doing it inside a church. sounds weird? yeah I wasn't expecting that either lol
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Will I get prettier?
Are the catalytic converters in good condition?
thanks, can I ask you for another trade?
Of course! I was going to ask how I meet her. What's yours ?
Will I end up meeting my wife in this other country that I will move into? how will I meet her. starting
I will pause for now, I am not feeling well and still have to work, but I hope you guys don't mind me around just to chat here.

I feel like I'm not even putting in any effort at all desu
Yeah, but how fast?
Got tradecucked, here it is >>39058181
oh, pass. Sounds unimportant.
Do you live someplace along a beach? No I don't think so, It seemed cold where you lived. You'll be living or visiting a beach, it seems like a vacation, It seems like an Asian country, maybe Japan or somewhere in Asia or maybe even Hawaii. Anyways you will be there walking around in a beach that has a lot of rounded rocks, it will be daytime a hot summer day, this is someplace by the sea as the rocks are all smooth and round from getting hit with the tide and waves over time. You will see her walking around and somehow you will begin talking. That is how you two meet, either you will both be on vacation or you will be living around that area at the time and will run into each other. It's all a manner of being at the right place at the right time. She will be wearing shorts with a T-shirt with some sunglasses.
You do end up meeting her in this new country. You'll meet in her in some sort of religious service or a community event/assembly of some sort. Could even be a more traditional/classical sort of concert or a play. There will be a lot of empty seats but she'll sit basically right next to you and she'll be eyeing you. You take the initiative and really hit it off, she's a sweet woman around your age who dyes her hair blonde sometimes. She leans traditional but she's had to take charge in life sometimes. Take care of her anon she's a great woman you'll have a family with. Although this won't happen for another year or two at least. Leaning towards at least two more years.
did you see what color the ocean was? clear or dark?
>sort of religious service or a community
this is how I know you're legit. it all adds up now. Thanks. I have one (or maybe two) last trade before I head off. You down?
Eggs and beef
the sand was coloured yellow or golden and it was clear water. takes place in a few years from now, at least 3+
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Din forger oop
Yes! what's your query ?
I'd like more detail on this place you mentioned, do I move there or visit and what will my time there be like? Anything you pick up is good. What's your query?
I don't expect to meet her yet so that lines up.
Sure! Will I have a car when I move to this new country, like asap once I get there or it will take sometime before I acquire it?
Depressed anon here could I have a card please

Yeah I do all those already, life feels bleak thanks
Sonic fast
Feel better cat
Zoom zoom
You'll be on vacation. I see you wearing sunglasses and going out to a resort and heading for the beaches (Like I told you) wearing some collared shirts and looking fresh. You'll go to the beach often while you're there to see where this place is when you meet her. it will be a short or medium distance away, not too far but not too long either. If you want to recognize the "look" of the place. the resorts or houses will have houses made up of pic related on rooftops. It seems like a pretty clean and nice place, certainly worth a few thousand to travel. I am not 100% sure if you'll go there alone or with some people but I see you dropping off your bags in your room soon after landing and standing around looking at the resort like "yup, this is it, it's time now". You'll be determined to meet someone...and you'll be glad when it happens.
It's going to take you at least three to four months if you live very frugally. If not, then closer to a year. You're going to get a reliable japanese car, grey and used and a little high mileage but that car is going to run and take you where you need to go. It's going to be a tank even if it's not winning any beauty awards. I see you going into nature, somewhere mountainous with it and forested. You'll like the freedom it gives you. Once you're more set up you'll take day trips to ease your mind off things and go to scenic places.
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Take trip out west this upcoming week?
Great thanks, I got one last query, this is really my last. You in?
I'm in, hit me. Do you see me having a family if so what will it be like? As in kids or no and what are they like ? What's yours ?
Will I go back to my original country to settle things or just to visit once in a while after having moved away? starting
Yes you will have kids, two boys. They will look more like your wife than you, their genes are stronger. They will be one year apart if not two years apart at most, almost like a back to back pregnancies. They will be healthy. Also they will both have a bad boy streak and will like to play pranks or just be a nuisance to deal with at times. Like wanting to hog the TV or wanting to hog the toys when the other wants it etc. But they will both look alike and be obviously brothers. You will have dinner around a square table all 4 of you every day, nice family eating dinners and later watching TV or playing video games or going to play sports.
haha just like me as a kid , did you see my marriage lasting a long time?
You won't visit all that much. When you first move you won't visit for a while, like at least for a year. You'll go every few years to see some people there or familiar places but you won't go back there to live. You'll be too settled in your new place and you'll really grow to love it more than your old country. The life you have will be better and you'll be reminded of that when you go back to visit.
Yes well I saw up to when the boys will be around 6-8 years old. So its safe to say I saw up to the next 12 years or so. I did not see further than that but you seemed quite stable so I'm assuming you'll remain together.
Thanks by the way. lmk if you want to trade again, I am pretty much done w queries for now but if there's something you'd rly like to know I could squeeze in more.
No I'm exhausted scrying takes a lot out of me. If you're here tomorrow we can trade again though. If not thanks for everything :)
yeah it is pretty tiring. Thanks though, I'll see if I'll come back, desu this pretty much settles most of my worries for a good chunk :)
take care anon
same I have no more queries
take care and good luck!
still here?
Trading occult
trading love q
Query? And which reading method are you using?
Am I ready for enochian magick?

I use tarot what's your query?
Mine is if she's looking for something casual or serious?
what will happen between me and her?
starting yours
Starting if ur still here
of course I'm here, we're trading
Got a question about divination in general. Is there a way to figure out a specific word or phrase?
Sorry, had to step away, are you still here? I'd like to know if Hermes would be willing to bless me in my upcoming travels, assuming I pay the proper respects.

I can scry or do tarot, pick what you prefer. Starting when you confirm.
>chariot, strenght, 3 of pentacles
Things are heading towards greater closeness and strengthening of your bond. You two might want to do things together. Going movies, hanging out at eachthers places etc. You have the chance to get along with a lot of things. I think this is likely heading towards friendship or FwB at most, emotion hete isnt too vibrant or passionate. I do think she will be a positive influence on you if you let things take their course.
>5 of wands, queen of wands, the fool

She's for the streets. Purely casual, multiple partners, only a retard would try to keep her.
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What does girl Z think about me, a male
What does SM think of me? You?
In which way? As in, reading about it, or trying to find it out entirely through divination?
What will happen if I go to campus next Thursday? Starting yours
III of Cups, V of Swords, King of Swords, Empress

Overall very good. You will meet friends, fellow students and enjoy their company and overall have a good time socializing. However, beware of arguments because there might be someone who could say something that will hurt you. If you attend a lecture, you will sharpen your intellect and learn something. Moreover, you good present yourself with your wit. You will have a good experience overall.
>high priestess, 3 of pents, 2 of pents

It's a mystery. No, really, they don't know what to make of you. You need to put in more work and balance yourself if you'd like to be viewed favorably by this person. Otherwise, they basically don't think of you period.
Interesting, thank you. I think there's someone (or maybe multiple people) who could say something hurtful to me. I don't seek an argument with them though, I seek reconciliation.
words can be hard because usually you get concepts or pictures.
Any way, really.
Here's an example of what I mean: I had a dream a while ago, and most things pointy to a spirit visiting me in that dream. it mentioned a specific word/phrase that was important in some way, but I can't remember what that was. Would it be possible to use some method of divination to find out what that word/phrase was, or would tracking down and talking to that spirit directly be the only way?
Can we queue the readings?
Tricky one. The easiest thing would be asking again directly, yeah. You could get clues to the topic or message, but the specific sentence is hard.
hit moi
Is my poetry any good?

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hello div
is she interested in me?
Hi anon
>hanged man, 9 of wands, page of cups
Not yet, but the potential is there. FOr now, it's a slog that confuses it's ass with it's head and only hints at missed potential.
fuck off, Teresa you cunt
whos teresa
>Knight of Wands, 9 of Cups, 8 of Swords
>King of Wands

She's mostly oblivious but might be open to the idea if you pursue her. You're gonna have to be the one to awaken her interest.
What’s my future with LSJ like? Is sex in the cards?
Does f enjoy my pictures of me?
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idk if this is the right thread for this but can anyone here do dream interpretation?
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Hi div
Occult AQ, is it a good idea for me to pursue my plans of making thoughtforms and putting them in dolls? I could use them to bring good luck and ward off evil. If I get really good at it, maybe I could get them to move the dolls and sell them to take care of families. Is this a good idea or would this interfere with my other occult plans?
Still here?

Want a simple advice? Forget about her and move on. Men have it harder when it comes to fogetting their loves, not saying women that trully love never forget about their SO either but as far as most people are concerned women are more utilitarian and materialistic with love. It's simple biology.

As for getting readings of any kind here it's a flip of a coin most of the time. Most legit readers get tired from the bullshit while some other idiots just take a dump on everything they can, so we're left with the bottom of the barrel.

Don't take anything from here too seriously, you may ignore my warning and advice if you wish too.
>Want a simple advice? Forget about her and move on.
anon you didn't get to the part where she's an abstract ideal deep within my psyche and not an actual person
Forget about that too. What? Are you gonna chase ghosts?

That's exactly what you're gonna do with your life if you close yourself to your own idea of perfection.
The thing about that is that if someone becomes convinced enough of the doll being making/creepy it could get fucked up. You'd be better off using other kinds of spellwork instead.
Bruh, they asked for an interpretation of a dream. Not to get critiqued by someone that didn't even understand their question
malign* not making, autocorrect
That's true. I'm still interested in the idea even if I make them just for myself. I was just hoping it wouldn't interfere with my other plans.
It may spread you thin, so if it's plans involving energy work you'd be better off trying that out later.
I see thank you. I think I'll hold off for now then
I'm struggglinggg , will I get a job I can stick to ? Or should I try to get money other ways?
I can trade too
I'm all for chasing dreams but keep it real.

If it does nothing for you then it's not worth asking.
Outcome with the woman from J?
Outcome of waiting for f ?
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I have 20 minutes free so I'll do 3 readings now.

>Gender, initials and sun sign of the people involved.
>Some music that's on your mind at the moment.
>If possible feedback, I'm testing a new deck.
Page of Cups Temperance King of Coins
Posting the rest when you reply with mine
E, Gemini, female
Hills have eyes - poorstacy

Who or what may be coming my way next?
What was the meaning behind that dream I had recently?
It was basically me being pursued through some wasteland by this giant woman. I don’t remember clearly if she was attractive, if she wanted to kill me or do the snu snu on me. Plus she might have been anime, which is weird because I’m not a weeb.
I could not outrun her fully (this is often a theme in my dreams), sniper fire would not deter her.
Nope, none of this is a troll. I feel like I should’ve had a boner but I was just terrorized by her.
That’s one of a series of songs I listen to often, they sound apocalyptic to me.
What rest of this year holding for me in terms of romance?
Kochka, f, virgo

Will I achieve progress through this new plan?
Lmk if you have a query of your own. <3
J, male, libra.
I'm thinking of starting a neon dynasty magick the gathering command deck. Do you think I would enjoy it?

The world 9oc koc
Looks good, make your move.
>V of Wands, King of Cups, Justice Rev, Temperance Rev, IX of Disks
A dispute, a situation or someone who will require a lot of self-control on your part and wisdom to deal with. It's going to push you to your limits, mainly because it's going to be something dishonest, something you're not to blame for.
The result tends to be positive, but it will be a pain to deal with.

Drugs anon, the answer is drugs.
>Moon, Princess of Cups Rev, Fool
Some mental confusion on your part, a possible immaturity on your part to deal with some new situation in your life.

>Devil, VII of Cups, Strength, King of Swords, II of Cups
What an intense rest of the year lol
You have to watch out for three things in particular: your excesses, learning to live in reality and not fantasize too much about things, and finally, dealing with your insecurity.
You have to be more rational than emotional when it comes to love, but it seems to me that you're going to end this year with someone and you're going to be very happy.

>IX of Wands, IV of Swords Rev, VI of Wands
It will take a lot of effort and a lot of overcoming your own physical and mental exhaustion, but you have everything you need to succeed in this new plan.

I'm off now friends, I'll see you all (maybe) later. :)
Oh god. Ahhhhh. I know what this is about. I think so anyway.
I have been preparing for it everyday.

Thank you friend you have confirmed it for me!
I guess yeah it’s some kind of fear but not much more than that, my life is just the same. Oh well.
Male S Sag.

Next job offer that I should accept? Monty necessarily job offer overall but what would be the best one?

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Just came back from a magnificent organ concert at church, so I'll read a bit.
Leave your query, sexes and initials + A depiction of either Jesus or the angels (nothing gay/ironic/satanic) ALL IN THE SAME REPLY
No incel or occult
Anyone want a lovey dovey trade?
me me me!
Will the girl in the cream pants become my gf?
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J, male, libra.
I'm thinking of starting a neon dynasty magick the gathering command deck. Do you think I would enjoy it?
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precious moments aka boomer sanrio is actually really cute

F (S) asking about F (C)
Does she ever stalk my socials?

something came up in reading for myself and i wanted to confirm with someone else
Anything exciting happening for me soon?
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V.B, male
Should I go over to L today?
When will I be healthy and wealthy?
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Male WS. What is a thing that will happen to me soon? Or if that’s too vague is there any message the universe wants to tell me?
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Does B (male) know I want to fuck S (female)?
I don't need your interpretation anyway
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R, Male
What can I do to create the life I desire?
well thats tradecucking right there
I need your starsign and hers and a song you like that makes you think of her x
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Female, C
How will I do on my final exam? (Pass or fail)
Fun query!

10 of coins - 6 of coins - 8 of swords

You'll feel like you've struck gold with this deck and reap it's benefits (playing against others, not just building it), but it seems like you'll hit a hard cap and not really know how to improve it or whether you should move to another deck.

ace of wands - queen of cups reversed - knight of cups reversed

yes, as a furious hater

The Magician - 6 of wands - 4 of wands

Yeah, seems like you will manage to score some sort of "victory" and be celebrated for it.

the hermit


Death - wheel of fortune - Fool

Literally become someone else. The you that you are right now is not up to snuff. Change.
Good on you. That incel always pulls that dumb shit on everyone.
>I need
No, you don't.
second, thank you! thats what my cards said too but it was hard to imagine her still caring about my shit.
Ok, do you want to make out or something?
thank you, they have origami battle mechs
Working on it.
No idea what it could be but I'll take it
not with you.
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I got a read that someone was coming my way romantically, they said she was a motherly figure type, a bit older. Can you see anything about them? Like their appearance or where we’ll meet?
Am I tongue wrestling with someone soon?
devastated and sorry to hear that :)
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V, female, query - what is my love life going to look like in the next months? Is it going to work out with the person I‘m going to see tomorrow or is this something without a future?

You people are tiresome. Lear how to read, it obviously says

>No incel
How did everything go friend?
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Male, D

What's something I need to hear?
fantastic! I've been going to every single one for years (they happen once a month) and today there were a lot of young kids (20s), which never happend before!
Thank you for asking! How are you doing?
Male, J
Do i need this external help with S(female) or do i have a chance with her without this little help
Female C
Will the next man I date be a good one?


Strength - King of Cupas- 4 of wands
Endure, keep your feelings in check, but don't forget to celebrate Life. The image is that of a knight in broken armour celebrating with others in the tavern.
Love query=Incel now.
So you’re a retard.
Go cry somewhere else, incel.
Stfu retard
Functionally the end result of the whole "incel" thing is indeed to try and kill love.
Either never use it or become a pile of garbage.
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J, male, general advice for this turning point in my life, please.
>incel rage
always the same with you people. I'm gonna ignore you now. Please stop being such an angry, small person.
Told you to stfu
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)

The Moon - 9 of cups - Death

You have too many fantasies about what you truly wish to achieve/get, a lot of fru-fru wishful thinking that is not rooted in reality. Literally kill those ideas and understand that change is coming, you better keep your feet on the group and stick to your guns.

The image is that of you jumping over a cliff to get the golden cup...Only for it to be nothing but smoke when you touch it and then fall
Only an incel calls another an incel. I don't know anybody that uses that term unironically.
What do I need to prepare for?
Interesting, thank you. I fear you may be right (though my greater fear is that there will be no change at all). I will keep this advice in mind as much as I can.
Can I ask something else?
I'm broke will I have a good job soon?
That's because you're permaonline and have no irl friends. It and cuck are mainstream insults, like alpha and beta. Maybe stop being such an incel, go out and actually interact with others, make some friends, etc.
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R. Male

Does God have any messages for me today?
My query is a solution to ask them out? or encourage them to ask me out?
What's yours?
Incel is not used because nobody I know has a problem with getting laid. Just not something that is a thought.

2 of swords - the star- the Wheel of Fortune
I'd say that not for a while. You're going to have to just pick one and wish for something better while waiting for things to change (which they are).

You and the small sample of people you know do no matter in these matters. You don't use those words? Good on you, you do not represent our generation.
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What will my next workplace be? S. Male. Sag. Thanks.

Something you're gonna pay for.
Thank you!
Is it my fault?
What do you mean by Br?

Are you Brasilian?
Nope, but I think you meant to reply to another post.
Not really. Justice is coming your way.
are we talking sam hyde Brasilian or Brasilian Brasilian?

How much of a communist am I?
Also how evil is 4chan mods?
Vc é br? Still reading?
>Vc é br?
Graças a Deus que não, foda-se. ya, qual o teu query?

favela huehue samba and Carnaval brazuca, not 'tarded jew with no dignity
Meu deus.
That was meant for me? Justice in coming? That could either be ominous or quite positive it depends haha. I think it would likely be positive for me.
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well yeah, you asked the query, didn't you?

4 of coins reversed - king of swords
Doesn't look too good. More like a "strap in and reason away the losses while not letting them get to you too much" kind of thing.
Oh mano dás-me uns reads para mim? É sério.
ya 1 >>39060396
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Kek, seemed like you were, only hues ask if someone is br.
If I wanted to move to another country in a year (no I don't live in Brazil), how would that go?
I scrolled up on the thread. That read was for someone else. I asked a typical run of the mill next job query. The Brazilian/ or Mexican anon may have terrible things coming his way but that was not for me lol.
The lovers - Death- the Empress - Tower

Complex. A real love-hate relationship

caralho um br. ainda da tempo pra ler minha q?
There is this person I feel we can be best bros and I want a friendship with mutual trust and open perspectives of each other.
What should I do to help this person see this for themselves? I have a feeling I need to do something to give a little nudge like it was done to me before qith someone else.
Br não. Tu tem mais país qui fala sa língua. Segue a instrução e faz o q >>39060396
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>organ concert
god i wish that were me. i want to go on a orchestral concert so bad too
I'm f, initial LL
Q: will i pass this test and get accepted in that university i want?
Yet weirdly it makes some sense, though I'm not sure what the main takeaway from those cards is lol (it is partially love/romance related)
Finalmente anão angolano.
Toma paulista kakakaka
anão tua mãe, nengue. Cala a boca e sê simpático
Só falta o cyberpunk anon agora e fechamos o /div/ edição em português.
faz o próximo thread pt, nengue
My father is Brazilian btw, I lived in Rio as a child and in São Paulo for a while.

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>I lived in rio as a child

Mano nasceu com faca na boca e assaltou para comer
Olá amigo (:

Graças a deus não nasci no Rio e não fiquei muito tempo lá, sou muito lerdo eu teria tranquilamente morrido na adolescência
Não ironicamente, há muito muito tempo atrás, eu fiz isso no meu cabelo.
Falaram que eu fiquei parecendo um abacaxi.

Olá! Tudo bem?
Você acha que carioca deveria começar a vida preso e provar que merece ganhar a liberdade?
Obviamente que sim, nada de bom sai do Rio de Janeiro. (Somente as mulheres, minha ex é carioca inclusive kek)
Meu goat
I'm Méxicana
five day general? yours?
Tenho uma também. Ela era boa, porém muito carioca... F.

Fui cria antes de estar na moda ser cria.
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Hey everyone. A lot of stuff has been screwing up for me lately with strings of bad luck. And there's been this huge pressure on me. My in person readings have gotten faster but it feels like something is specifically holding me back when it comes to doing much else. If anyone wants to read what's causing this, please do. For now my reads are open.

My reads are auras and visions mostly. Please keep in mind reads are like puzzle pieces to answers and you have more context about your situation than I.

For today's theme, post music or images of/about people breaking past their old limits to improve their capabilities.
Did you do or were you paid to do black magic on anyone?
no occult
hope things get better for you soon lucario. good vibes and thoughts 2 u
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Can u tell me whatever my guardian spirit needs me to know please, im lost

Anything you think I should know
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Can i have a general reading? Something important i need to know?
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Do i need this external help with S(female) or do i have a chance with her without this little help
What makes you ask that?

Interestingly enough, she also looks like Ganyu but more aesthetically realistic. She says that you trouble yourself too much. You need to change where you prioritize your focus instead of letting everything scatter you.>>39061541
Are you both the same person?
Destruiu minha vida essa ex, fui praticamente o Ricardo Ohara dela. Um dos motivos pelo qual voltei a ler tarot aqui foi para irritar ela porque ela detestava tarot por ser crente. kek

>VIII of Cups, Hanged, Princess of Cups, King of Wands Rev, Tower Rev
Lucario I'll be honest, I've been staring at this reading for two minutes trying to make sense of it and I honestly don't know if I can do a good job, but I'll try.
It seems to me that you may have absorbed a negative energy that wasn't yours, in a heroic attempt to try to help something or someone, even in an unconscious way, and you actually helped that person a lot. But you ended up picking it up for yourself.
Something very negative indeed, dominant, but the good thing is that this energy, since it's not yours, is probably already passing and the “Worst” is over.
Sounds like a boomerang hit ya is all.
Or maybe you had black magic cast on you.
Should I try and contact A? A is a friend from a long time ago. I thought I saw her for a moment the other day and while cleaning out storage I ran into something she made, which also gave me a clue as to how to find her.

Limits? Unsure, but it's a song about fighting for the future.

Cheater :(
I'll tell your wife

Could I just get an Aura read, if you don't mind?
I'd do some cleanses, btw.
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thank you!! you're so right, also interesting she looks like ganyu T_T i love ganyu
here's a pic of her with her younger self, growing older is kinda like powering up, right? may i ask what she feels is best for me to focus on? i do feel very scattered but it's because i just don't know what path is best for me. jack of all trades, master of none
hello, i would like to ask if i should be lessed stressed about accomplishing my magic goals? im under alot of stress and hope things will pan out well but i could use some words of assurance.
>Knight of Pentacles, Four of Cups, Five of Cups
>The Magician Rx, Six of Wands, Eight of Swords
>Shadow Card: High Priestess clarified by Temperance

There's a need to rebalance things. Things appear like they're not working out, but you need to acknowledge the things in your life that have been working out. You feel trapped specifically because of your outlook at the moment. It's hard when things are tough, but you need to appreciate what you do have in order to restore balance. Looking at things objectively may help.

This isn't to say that your situation isn't serious, just that it's taking a toll on you.
Will he cheat on me?
I'll have what this anon had >>39061550
Maybe this will inspire you a bit:
Thank you. It seems pretty hard to narrow down who it was, since that could be a lot of people I met physically and remotely and I'm not fully aware of my seperate bodies in my main one. I'm glad that person is doing better.

Plenty of black magic people around these parts so probably some of that too.

Yes. You want to reconnect from the depths of your chest, just below the center. I can see a chest pulsing with a black hole for a solar plexus. Also of note, that means you are further away from humanity than before.
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Does f think of me like I think of him?
Or am I crazy?
Many thanks
Geez louise, that's a Satanist Green right there in the image for the music video. Had a friend whose favorite band was Linkin Park. Explains a lot about some things. Poor guy was probably targeted since childhood.

Aura colors: black, orange, yellow, dark green. You're drowning out the sound of your problems with lust and lies but you're not solving anything that way. Do things right this time.
Whatever it was has passed and you should start to feel better soon.
Ahh... Yeah. Things have been off balance lately.
Yes. I see a body surrounded by the yellow light of improvement with bits of white here and there. I'll have to phrase this in metaphor but your inspiration is much more divine than you realize.
He is probably cheating on his wife
Pretty damn accurate with your aura reads.
I'll think on this, but I already know the answer.
Thank you.
So sorry for this weeb moment, but this song is just THE song for that!!

Can you do an aura checkup, please?
thank you. it means alot to me. i dont understand what Devine means in that context. perhaps its destiny or pure will. thank you
It's looking as pink and green as a watermelon. A wall of jealousy is inhibiting your higher love.
Who's jealous?
Why are you apologizing? That's one of my favorite Dragon ball songs ever. I use it personally to drag myself through things along with the Team Four Star version of Day of Fate. Also that one SSJ4 Goku song from that old fighting game. Hero, heroooooo!

Aura colors: Brown and orange.
You've burned yourself out but at the same time you are close to a breakthrough. Remove the last bit of self hate you have.
New >>39061736
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