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There’s something quite alarming going on in Jewish communities. Many of the rabbis are convinced Moshiach is here. Moshiach is a foretold spiritual figure and leader said to force the world to change into the Kingdom of God on Earth. Moshiach is meant to be a divine ruler, who will fight the wars of God and build the third and final temple in Jerusalem.

Rabbis more than ever are making entire documentaries about the coming of Moshiach. This is alarming because it could mean they know something we don’t know.

Who is Moshiach? Whoever this figure is, they are bound to be a perplexing person and destined to be controversial. It is said he will end all famine and bring the Messianic Age with him. It is also estimated by other Jewish leaders and rabbis that Moshiach is connected to the UFO phenomenon.



Please reserve your antisemitism. Leave those mean comments on /pol/. This thread is about their prophetic figure that they believe is here already, and the implications of such figure being alive. Will Christian’s accept the Moshiach? Or will they go against him? What about Muslims? Who could Mashiach be?
Why would jews need messiah from god, when they've been getting by just fine with moloch worship? Like literally israel could build third temple tomorrow and thete's not much world could do about it. You know this chosen larping kinda loses its meaning when your political leader netnyahoo outright says in us congress that jewish people emerged from depths of hell. Any victim cards you had left kinda vanished out of the window with that statement. 6 million? How about all, there are no laws that probhibit demonslaying
>the jews will save us from everything the jews are doing!
Or they could just, you know, stop doing it.
When did Netanyahu say that? You sure you’re not taking things out of context? Though I will say he has referred to America and Israel as Little Satan and Big Satan.

What contexts does there need to be for statement like that? They're scared because some aliens might actually invade and destroy their masters, and they're getting scared because they overplayed their cards, so the goyim might not be a meatshield army to defend the jews and their underground masters. Basically nobody trusts jews anymore.
The Jews will have a Moshiach, but he will not be him. The Christians will have an antichrist of the week and will eat food sacrificed to YHVH, blaspheming His holy name against their Christ. The Muslims will have a Mahdi, a guided prophet, and will defeat the antichrist who masquerades as the Jewish Moshiach when in actuality Islam is right and the newest prophet is also weaker and not Jesus but also brings about a prophetic age and warns people against the "reforms" of the antichrist.
I buy into mashiach being the Antichrist. That seems like what the Jews want. Talmud says they will all have thousands of slaves when Moshiach comes. And that Netanyahu video is crazy. He literally said Jews come from hell. That’s fucking hilarious honestly but I will remain impartial.

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oh so we are really at that point where jews can behead palestinian children on the streets and drink their blood and asmongold and goyim will just clap back at it all
fucking hell
It sucks but I think 4chan has managed to do it, it's at least somewhat radicalized me into a partial anti-semite. I've decided that I know what is right religiously, and that the Isrealite synagogue is indeed a synagogue of Satan, as well as the Christian church, for they say they are Jews but are not, for they do blaspheme when they say that Jesus son of Mary is God.
Are you Muslim? Not trying to be rude. How is Jesus not God? He accepted the worship he received calling him the Son of God. And he was murdered for it.
muschiauch muschibrauch muschigoneforeva in goddess name, amen.
It's a benign difference, really, but it is still a blasphemy to say that Jesus is His own Father. I don't believe in the Trinity in that Christ is the Spirit and the Spirit is God. I believe that the Father was in Heaven with his muse, Wisdom, and brought all creation into existence from the ending of creation here where the last species capable of sapient thought before the heat death had occurred.

The important thing to note is that I don't reject Christ's promise nor his divinity in authority over reality or his divinity in authority over the nations, but I still note that this authority came from the Father, and not from Christ Himself.

So yes, I am a Muslim, but I'm a Christ-first Muslim, and do not belong to any fetid Mosque because of it.
The Moshiach already came and went.
>abrahamic rabble
To build the Third Temple (((they))) have to destroy Al Aqsa mosque, such action would definitely make sunni arab countries side with Iran against Israel in a total war from all the middle east.
Who cares, most of the arabs are controlled opposition
imagine that they give you this parasite in one of their rituals of initiation? it also sounds like the trill symbionts from star trek, who hold all the memories of their past hosts and transfer it over their new hosts' body
what if it's a way to achieve eternal life? hence "god" complex, interesting
It's a LARP, God Ra is motly the oneness in every religion. Ra is just the infinite love of God in Christianity.
it's not hard to hate them when you watch what they are doing with Lebanon, they are just bullies. Remember Lebanon has a big christian community too, not just muslims. They probably faked the Hamas attack or let it happen, they needed a new Pearl Harbour just like the Bush administration in 2001. They are part of secret society and lay in bed with reptoids
>it also sounds like the trill symbionts from star trek, who hold all the memories of their past hosts
yes, it kinda alligns with the fact that jews trace matrilinearly, so their mother side, because mother side is the one that passes Mitochondrial DNA, which a jew doctor said on vid that is "separate, independent organism, that puts its own survival above survival of the body". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GP5MChn_tw https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/35743400

Basically it's possible that this is where the soul/consciousness is stored , but I also wouldn't rule out the gould thing from Stargate, since that has been brought up too couple of times (and stargate seems to be legit soft-disclosure)
It's weird because usually the mother takes the surname of the father when she marries a man, but I'm of strong belief that the children inherit the "soul group" of their mother.
ah yes, that mitochondrial thing, various times I've heard that it's its own thing that evolved separately, but it's always said like a passing thing, not giving much thought over it, I wonder why
why the fuck do you always land on these gets? you are saying some true shit here then
that sounds like something a moshi moshi? ACK! would pull off in a normal functioning world. would anyone like to ummm? knowing full well there is no wisdom in history, present or even in people's imaginations based on a better observation and evaluation and etc of the world...
The Third temple was already shown and made by Peter, it's your own body and mind.
>jewish people emerged from depths of hell
You idiot, he is talking about the hell and suffering they have been subjected too during their diaspora.
He doesn't mean that they are literal demons from hell
certain crucial knowledge are passed down by ... ??? from whom to whom tho? i mean people need to be taught this?
Yeah we know.
Their rock is not our rock. Their rock is the antichrist.
>He doesn't mean that they are literal demons from hell
How do you know that? He too is probably some sort of mason, so he's gotta throw these statements to "clear his karma"
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anon I...
>Many of the rabbis are convinced Moshiach is here.
Has been for 2,000 years. They are just too stubborn to recognize Him.
>another shabbatai zvi incident is brewing
Imminent kino
Men inherit more genetically from their mothers.
Vice versa for women.
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Nope, because arabs country are just faggot (remember ghaddafi), and some of them are ruled directly by jews leader, like saudi arabia and Iran, everything is a joke, a circus.
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>Rabbis more than ever are making entire documentaries about the coming of Moshiach. This is alarming because it could mean they know something we don’t know.
what we know is that judaism is a joke, and they don't know that
The mosiach is none other than Trumpo.
Trumpo will build the greater Israel.
They are no different from christians. Both want a saviour from heaven to fix all the stupid they do on Earth. I guess the muslims might have a similar figure as well.
the jewish moshiach is totally not the antichrist guys! Thats fake news and misinformation! He is totally cool and he will bring peace and prosperity. He is also aligned with God's chosen people. You are the enemy and don't deserve to live if you don't bow to the moschiah's demands
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fuck off faggot.
i didnt even put any bait on the hook
>play their stupid fairy tale games
>force everyone/thing else on the planet to fatally play along
WTF man.
What is their fucking problem????
pay less attention to jewish drivel and more to people who you are unable to read.
we have everything (mostly) under control and no1 can stop what is comeing or when.
just relax and enjoy the show , if you are pure of heart you have nothing to worry about.
also stop obsessing over politicians and religions , they are merely distractions.
the real powerholders could be your neighbour , a criminal selling stuff , a murderer who never got caught or a shizophrenic who can alter reality with his emotions.
or it could be .... you!
that´s the beauty of it.
just do as you are told and stop asking questions for things not even we have answers for.
you need to start a site called 4jew
Talmudic nonsence their god is Moloch aka Saturn. They are saturnites scuns they can worship dad I don't care lol.

I want my son back jesus of galiee not a gay man.sad.
Many such cases.
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how do you reconcile that with the fact Jesus believed in the torah? i wanna knopw
Tfw moshiach is of the tribe of Dan, aka Scythian and Celt in ancestry, and is also kalki come to rid the world of evil and thereby manifest the kingdom of God on earth.

Do they really want this?
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Jizkiahu Ben David
Moshiach isn't a person. It is the force of the Creator that pulls all of humanity to connection with Him
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Since Eloheim is plural it should technically be "the Kingdom of the Gods" on Earth.
"gods" are gone according to >>39057422
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Thou shall not revile the Gods.
Exodus 22:28

>List of names of Valkyries
>Reginlief Daughter of the Gods

>So yes, I am a Muslim, but I'm a Christ-first Muslim, and do not belong to any fetid Mosque because of it.
Do Sufis attain Oneness with God?
Or does this Oneness not quite "count"?
Can God be separate from his Wisdom?
Can any true wisdom be separate from Wisdom?

Who is it who blasphemes God: he who believes in two, or he who knows only One?
I have a statement I think everyone here needs to think about in the context of Judaism. If you can't beat them, join them.
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Asguardian? Thor; supreme leader of the Asguardian fleets? Under whom?

>Norse literature made references to purely supernatural Valkyries and also to human Valkyries with certain supernatural powers.

How funny it is that they expected the one eyed one to oppose them; declaring that he is the highest God; the All Father.
Checked. This refers to the VRIL parasite.
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How you like them apples?

>Genesis 3:22 says, "lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever".
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I'll wait for the Jewish Messiah to come and see if he changes anything.
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What's worse is there are beings that cast magic from the computer screen and a bunch of other places. Part of the reason I think this place is Hell.
>if you can't beat them
That's a hell of an assumption friend. A lot of people are noticing patterns
so trump will rule the world?
can you join them then beat them?
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Yet, you all decided to find me; the one with three dots on his forehead.
Nah, he will end all judaism.
I am moshiach. The Jewish biblical name given to me literally translates to “god has remembered” and my middle name “to circumvent.” Many here may know me as the “nobody.” My physical form was hijacked pre-birth as my mom attested. I will run for president in 2032 and win all 538 evs being sworn in as the youngest person to hold office yet at exactly 38. My role is to lead the spiritual battle in the upheaval of Baal/moloch worship and seeing to it that all innocents are spared in time for ascension. The pedo elite fear me because they know they cannot stop me. They’ve been preparing in vain for many years to thwart the inevitable. Once we’ve severed the head from the serpent all hell will literally break loose. Those who maintain faith and practice good shall inherit the kingdom of Christ, while all those whom blaspheme will be cast into the burning Lake of Fire.

My signs have already begun revealing themselves to you. There is still so much more to come.
>any here may know me as the “nobody.”
Nope. The Nobody has nothing to do with The Jewish Messiah or being him.
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They know damn well who I am. They've been raping me and trying to kill me since I was born.
How old are you?
Were you ever in IDF Special Operations or Mossad?
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Join their grave? Sure, ammo prices will increase, but it's better to get over the inevitable sooner rather than later.
Of course not, you think those stooges know God? lol
YHWH is a warrior, says so in the Bible. Who you're mistaking him for is The Infinite Creator which you also don't know. If you weren't in the Military Special Operations of Israel or Mossad then you're not him.
Muslims have the Imam Mahdi
>YHWH is a warrior, says so in the Bible
Yeah, and I'm "Harry Potter". You can interpret that both ways
^ Right there, bud, I wasn't making it up.
Also, fuck you, asshole.
False Messiahs that have no fucking clue what they're talking shouldn't pipe up.
Not your buddy, guy.
I'm not making it up either, I am a warrior magician.
Would be hilarious if the moshiach spawns as a pro-palestine chad
No, you're not. Let me guess, you're also The Nobody too? If you knew anything you would have said mage not magician. Or Warlock. But you're neither.
Well, I am white, and Palestinians aren't as annoying as kites.
You mean the anti Christ.
There’s no messiah for satanist.
Have you been to the Nile river?
Same difference depending on perspective
The Jewish Messiah is a Jewish person, you moron.
No, I haven't been to the Nile. Idk why you think that matters.
Jews are white, kites are ashkenazis.
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Yet; Mossad, NSA, and secret soceities looking for the Aquarian, have a list of everyone's posts and doing; looking for that needle in a haystack relative to prophecy, the pyramids, the Zodiac and the stars themselves.

Who do you suppose they're looking for, as their "Savior", according the the philosophies of the USA's founding, and the prophecy of the new Atlantis?
The anti-christ ("in place of christ") is the vatican dummy
orthodox chads rise-up
Aren't the Jews dealing with their problems by themselves?
I thought the enemies of Israel were supposed to be destroyed before the Messiah came and then there'd be world peace
Anyway if the Jewish Messiah came I wouldn't be too bothered since the Jewish messiah seems pretty chill based on what I've read
>Who do you suppose they're looking for
They never look for the right thing, which is why they need a savior in the first place, funny how that works out eh?
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>Aren't the Jews dealing with their problems by themselves?
Holy gas-lighting, Batman! The worlds biggest leeches are claiming independence! How can this be?!
"Kikes" are called "Kikes" because they don't believe in the Cross at Calvary. You just want to be chosen so bad that you make up Hebrew Israelite bullshit for Anglos.
They're looking for a Warrior King, bud. This means someone who has experience and Elite warfare abilities.
I woke up to news that they killed the Hamas leader so it certainly seems that way
A few months ago it seemed as if Israel could be seriously threatened but with Hezbollah decapitated and Iran acting terrified by the might of Israeli weapons it seems that the conditions are unlikely
Wassup Unit 8200 niggas
It's also because they are Ashkenazis.
funny how this guy just confirms that protocols of zion isn't forgery
They got that from Luciferian bloodlines that started Masonry.
What if I told you that all of you are equally damned because of how you all collectively treated the son of God?
BTW, I know about you killing my followers.
Who are your followers?
The people you beheaded, of course.
I haven't beheaded anyone in this life.
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Ultimately; only a single sign is acceptable to the Jews, who following Moses and smashed the golden calf for the sign of the Ram.

>List of Names of Odin
>Veratyr: Warrior of the Ram, He who fights for what is true, God of mankind


>the mosaic pavement bears a profound esoteric
(special) meaning. Today it is one of Freemasonry’s most recognizable symbols and is the ritualistic floor of all Masonic lodges.
Sure you have, maybe you just don't remember.
How are you going to tell me what I did in my life, bud?
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Hmmmmmmmmmm, something seems a bit..... fishy... here.
Yes, and God is separate from a figure known as Wisdom but Wisdom, while not the one who begets all wisdom, is all-wise in what God has presented to them. They have been here since all time and do not know the future, but are as aformentioned all-wise to what God has shown them. It's a literal take on the genesis story when Solomon describes Wisdom as a woman, and then describes wisdom later on as not a woman, and this woman is the only woman that God has ever lusted for. They are not to be worshipped but they are a very powerful spirit and can be found in places like the moon.

>Who is it who blasphemes God: he who believes in two, or he who knows only One?
Hence I'm a Christ-first Muslim, both blaspheme against the Father. Arabs like the point out that Jesus is not the Son of God but I reconcile this with the fact that Arab culture has never treated adopted children like birth children in regards to certain aspects of language and etiquette and this has led to translation errors in the way that english "Son of God" sounds like to an Arab. With a lack of communication you see the complete lack of understanding between cultures about historical communication.

You see, in the 700s, Christians were saying that God banged Mary, but in actuality the Jews were always saying he was in love carnal and otherwise with this spirit called Wisdom. Mary is not Wisdom but is instead a holy figure of her own, the maidservant of God and mother of Christ. She is like a surrogate mother, Rahab, from the bible, but instead of being owned by a human being and being treated irrationally bad she was owned by God and treated well for being the mother and caretaker for God's son, Yeshua the Christos.

You see, once you delve deeper into the rabbit hole of etymology of the bible, you come to understand the pagan and magick roots behind it all and what constitutes as light magick or miraculous enlightenment-searching or dark magick via ritual sacrifice and sin.
notice how the board gets spammed with /ng glowie goonfest threads when we start going back to old /x?

State sponsored spam, just like the canned ham they fed men dying for this dream called freedom.
Your 'moshiach' is a little bitch.
The Third Temple is semiconductors (the body of AI).
Is that why Islam teaches that you can beat your wife and you're okay with it?
>When the federal agent is pissed that the messiah is sliding his slide thread.

You guys are total pieces of shit lol
>How is Jesus not God? He accepted the worship he received
I'm a believer in Christ for my own reasons, but this is a terrible fucking line of argument. I see bums out on the street every day "accepting worship" as the Messiah. How the fuck is that proof of anything?
God commands that false prophets be put to death, I don't see the problem with the death penalty applied to the man Jesus of Nazareth except that perhaps the Jews themselves should have enacted the penalty
Kites don't ACTUALLY recognize that GOD (the actual real one) exists. That's why everything they do is a fucked up paradox, they only use religion to control others they don't actually believe in any of it.
What's this "God's" name?
You don't actually care, you are just a contrarian.
(You know I'm right).
I do actually care that's why I ask people not to give me a public name, because it would be fabricated.
If you want me to agree with you, you better earn it.
See what I mean? You won't accept any answer. I already knew that.
I don't give a damn what you think.
what else is knew?
Just....have fun!
Fun and love are just words. There is no sense searching for shit that doesn't exist.
I will accept the name in The First Language. Because that's what his name is in. Have some respect.
God doesn't give a fuck about languages, He speaks all of them.
See, you tell yourself shit to make you feel better about your lack of fucking knowledge. They literally MK Ultra'd you into accepting calling him "God" too.
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Words are like fine China, they mean nothing when you eat with your ass cheeks.
God told me personally that this reality is a false matrix construct. You people put WAY TOO MUCH STOCK into things that don't fucking matter at all.
Oh, God told you personally, huh? But not his name. Yeah, okay, buddy.
He told me His name but you don't deserve to know it since I'm the only one He has personally talked to out of all of you pieces of shit.
DEAD. He thinks "God" talked to him but gave him a name in English.
>Le God doesn't care about languages
Then why the fuck did he make some languages hold immense power? You stupid fuck.
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This is a false reality matrix construct. It's all just digital bullshit. People aren't even supposed to care about it this much that's what "sin" is in the first place. You all are sinners because you miss the fucking point of this false reality construct.
Matrix implies the Universe has no agency, when it does, you fucking charlatan.
All religion is a mountain of bullshit.

If God exists, it has nothing to do with some bullshit ass 2000 year old imbecile cult leaders who all claim a monopoly on truth.

All of them pretend to be god or a prophet for power. No proof, just words.
It's a matrix program that can be (and is) edited all the time. It's edited by (The One Outside of Time and Space). That IS the agency, is the "most high".
Whatever you say, buddy, keep thinking the Universe isn't a living Presence. No one should listen to you and thank "God" no one does.
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>some languages hold immense power

No they dont you superstitious idiot. Look, its YHVH, look everyone, YHVH is fucking naked.
Not any recent languages, no. But more than Pre-Ancient ones do.
I didn't say it wasn't living. You said that. I said it is what it is, which is a false matrix construct. It is living and dead simultaneously, because it is what it isn't.
You think that sounds profound. It doesn't. And no I don't mean "it does but it doesn't." Fucking charlatan fool.
I declare YHVH, Jesus Christ, Satan, the Antichrist, the Holy Ghost, to be human ideas. Mere human ideas. There is nothing powerful about them. There is no evidence they have any power over the Earth or Heaven except in the minds of their cult followers.
I don't think it sounds like anything, it is what it is.
Don't you mean "it isn't what it is."
Dead people with no bodies have no power, authority, influence, knowledge, strength, or any authority over anyone except cult leaders and cult followers. None of the prophecies came true.
It's Donald Trump
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A false matrix construct "is what it isn't" in the same way a video game "is what it isn't". The concept is simple enough to comprehend.
I also declare that language has no power or influence over material reality except to influence human behaviors.
Dude, if it's a Matrix, kill yourself right now to escape.
Suicide sends you to the "void" and only the most lucky mofuckas alive ever get out of it. Just because it's a false matrix doesn't mean there aren't "rules" so to speak.
I can talk, I can type, I can pray to whatever so called god I want. But does that actually do anything? When I talk, do rocks lift into the air? When I talk, does it make rain fall, no! It does not! Magic is nonsense and so is religion.

No evidence of any magical spiritual rules. None. Everybody goes to the same place when we die. If a God entity judged people bc of their religion or life circumstances that God would be unjust.
Why would it? It's a false Matrix with no point to it. It's just a computer program, killing yourself to exit will work just like in the movie. Because that was that version of The Truth in that world. You don't even know what a fucking Matrix is, it just sounds cool to you.
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go back.
All "spiritual" laws are made up human contrivances.
>No evidence of any magical spiritual rules.

I'm telling from personal experience that there are rules, and they are extremely petty and nonsensical. I know why you feel the way you do because I feel the same way. The rules are utter shit but they do exist (pretty much just because the archons are sadists).
God... Between the gay little incels qnd troons fucking themselves pretending to have demon women girlfriends? The other sadder part of /x/ is post by tripfags like these, man.

Sad place this board is now.
And gook m00t won't do shit cuz why the fuk would he?

You don't even attempt to be funny- you are full-blown like some 7 yr old LARPing w his brother in cops and robbers.

You ain't Lucifer nigga
Those fags that come on here who believe they are special due to a rare but normal defect aka heteochromia? Ya'll not elves the word elf ain't even mean TOLKIEN shit like yo dumb ass believes
Then we got that one random kiwi faggot who believes hes fucking blue space cat women. Gotta be a real sad life for whatever old lady is forced to take care of that.
Then the mods of this entire board? They actively participate in some of this bullshit. Namely they protect and help the retards of the succubus generals. Even though the shitty threads break the board rules every day.
Kill yourself 30+ yr old tranny jannies.
This false matrix reality is a soul trap, it's not as simple as you think it is.
>This false matrix reality is a soul trap
What makes it a false Matrix, bro? I'd love to know.
>it's not as simple as you think it is
"Nothing is real" headass.
So, this is place isn't a place to find friends with alternative views. I've suspected it was bad but this.....

The reason it's so tricky is because you'll never even realize it's all digital till you are just about to "die". That is why esoteric knowledge is so "taboo" because it "breaks the game".
No, it's just not true.
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You will personally experience it for yourself and you will immediately remember what you've read here and that I was telling you the truth. I planted that seed, you are welcome.
wtf, literally read this as I’m listening to Elon Musk’s town hall and he said exactly this
>He doesn't even know what a Reality Warp is
>Nor does he know why it's locked in a Merkabah
The Creator doesn't need a computer or code to alter reality, you disingenuous loser fag.
Doesn't need one, made one anyway. We exist on a golden cpu grid.
Absolutely ridiculous repent and read your bible
Keep believing that, bud. When I said there was a grid, I didn't mean it was digital, I meant it was fucking Spiritual with exploits like doors and portals in and out of places. It doesn't mean anything in this reality is digital except for the computer or phone and shit you're on rn. Technology is a tool exploited by magic, not the other way around.
You are cursed for calling me "bud". You are about to receive a call that one of your family members has been involved in a deadly accident. Sorry but I really hate it when you people use the word "bud".
And if nothing happens? Will you finally stop trying to stand against me?

We have proven the universe cannot be digital. Its analog. Matter is condensed energy.
Cursed are you filthy tongues speaking against the God of Heaven and heart .Repent before it is too late you sons of snakes
I'll ask my demon bros if this is a kocher curse ritual, and if it isn't sanctioned by the high court of hell...well, anon, nutting personnel.
I curse these so-called archons. I condemn and rebuke their worthless false laws.
Jews are by the very culture and their practices thinking they can outsmart God (do crime, perform a ritual to push the sin onto the chicken, believe they convinced God that the chicken did it). The mental gymnastics and flawed logic of theirs claiming to be chosen people by God and expecting a messiah to come to them while fucking around and being a nuisance to a big part of the world, often excusing themselves through the very status they gave themselves? I can believe it.
And what rules those would be?
That’s would be trying to get rid of bad karma lol

One would think that reading military history and strategy one's whole life, and being chosen by the Odin, Freeya, and the Valkyrie would be enough.......

>But hey wait; what's with that shekinah thing with the Temple of Solomon and their holiest day?

List of names names of Odin
>List of names of Odin
>Valgaut Slaughter-Goat, Goat of the Slain, God of Goats, Slaughter of Goats, Temple of the water Goat
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>List of names of Odin
>Siggautr Victory Goat, One who gives the gifts of the Goats, One who fights as/with Goats

Be my guest if you want to try Nazism 2, you'll fail.
I remember someone posting
during the Canadian protests, and a couple of days later, some jeet goes on Rogan and broadcasts Rothschilds Claus Schwab to 30 million viewers. It got Justin Trudeau hated beyond compare.
I remember someone spamming #thenoticing with screen caps and memes from
>operation catastrophe
>chabad lubavitch chassidim as mossad
>9/11 perpetrators all jews
>money missing from the Pentagon
>Likud investing into Hamas strategically
It got #thenoticing on xitter banned forever.
I remember someone shitposting about Netanyahu and Chabad Lubavitch being linked to terrorism and days later the tunnel jew story erupts, priceless.
That's some next level psychological warfare if you ask me. I honestly can't tell what jews want anymore. It all seems to backfire.
Jews literally believe their god has repeatedly punished and abused them for being bad, at this point theyre practically manifesting their own downfall the way theyve been behaving recently.
The Nazis specifically was indeed a satanic stream, but the zionist controlled anglo american empire has also been demonic as fuck. Once the money system inevitably falls its game time.
Zionists are about to be destroyed in world war 3 (so is Islam) but the Jews are the winners in the end.
The Jews whole shtick is "all men are born equal" which is why they were behind many progressive movements. But it's two-fold, its not just about creating equality but its the belief that man is infinite, and the full potential of the infinity must be unleashed, accelerating social evolution at a pace at which we can barely keep up.

On the other hand, it is suspicious that they want equality for all in the phenomenal world while they supplant themselves on the top. It has also been suggested that the Jews responsible for the progressive movement are Frankists, and the conservative Jews are the good ones.

In any case, the Jewish question is not something for the vulgar masses.

>Gramr Hliðskjálfar King of Hliðskjalf, One who reigns over death, and the underworld/Hel as guardian from the seat where all is known and seen.

On the contrary, the profane goyim amalek is the bed which jews made. To be truthful means standing in front of everyone with every act. It's not about being perfect, just accepted. Can jews be accepted as rulers under the supreme ruler is the question of the day.
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>but the Jews are the winners in the end.

Kys kike
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This is the temple? America is the altar, where the sacrifice will take place. Israel is not big enough for something that size.
They might not be demons in the literal sense, but they worship a demonic being as their god, which in turn influences their thinking and behaviour, making them more reminiscent of demons.
They're fanatics. Abrahamic religion is a complete farce. These psychos are going to get the whole world engulfed in a war, thinking their messiah will come and make them shepherds of humanity. They're just going to get everyone killed including their selves. Theyre so fanatical that whatever enclave inherits an irradiated wasteland, they will probably still feverishly cling to their prophecies. Its the greatest hoax ever pushed on humanity.
Sabbatai Zevi was the Moshiach. You already won in 1666. Can't you tell?
Why is there a documentary of some American rabbi admitting that Chabad Lubavitch runs Russia and that Putin is a Chabadnik?
Doesn't that amount to the same thing? God is all and karma is mechanism withing existence of God. Trying to get rid of it by pushing it onto some other being while hoping to do horrible shit punishment-free is just an attempt at workaround for the karma and its role in existence.
The mainstream churches ignore Jesus’s blatant words in Matthew 24:34 because they walk by sight, not by faith in this matter.

Jesus already returned . He was talking about the 2nd temple. We are living in Revelation 20 during the Little Season.
Jesus is Lord
"Wandering jews", there are some from that generation still alive, with advanced life support devices, that are controlling the world.
History is a lie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_fOYW-GXdc
Kike is kang!!
Yes, it's taken out of context just like Biden saying nigger in the 90's when he's reading some paper in a courtroom which has the conversation between the victim of a crime and suspect written on it. I'm a massive talmud denouncer, but that's just stupid.
>God is separate from
And there is the fundamental mistake you've made.
>Please reserve your antisemitism. Leave those mean comments on /pol/
This sounds like a spin on the "nobody" bullshit, i'm so tired of retards and exoteric religious drones.
They control both sides.
That's why politics is beating a dead horse, and should be avoided by those seeking spirit.
Mary is just a revised version of Cybele, adapted to the jewish spiritual order.
Once Zion falls, maybe these gods and goddesses will be back to their proper nature and names. And people will get rid of his-story.
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One thing to consider is that Cyrus was also a Moshiach, meaning they don't have to be Jewish themselves.
There's 4 hours of the nonsense
>nobody knows who he is
>moshiach ben Yosef is his mental state before he trips for 70 days straight
>becomes ben David
>subdued all the edomite governments in the end
Too bad all governments are under Rothschilds and Chabad already, could it be?
He won't even touch the Torah because jews have lost their wisdom which he represents KEK
"It's in his, Nat Rothschild, DNA. His best friend is Roman Abramovich, but it is their mutual friend, Oleg Deripaska, that has proved most useful."
You know Russian oligarchs are Chabad so it's clear who is the enemy
i know why im here many are called few are chosen im a random choice no rhyme or reason just lucky

how would you know it was him


i agree

Why do Muslims have such a hard time understanding the Holy Trinity? It's like they can't perceive metaphysics.
That’s the first time I’ve hears of this as a Christian
8 000 000 000 / 2800 = is not 15 million, not even 10 million, not even 5 million, not even 3 million
so either they depopulate themselves or wait until there are 5 times more goyim then there are today
either way seems highly unlikely, except if they pull some random jewish trick out of their small hats
still doubtful, because they lack the foresight and comprehension of their actions
>you have to go back
>you cant get out
>you will get tortured and like it and forget about anything and everything
>you will get farmed for tasty looch energy
somewhat like
How Israel controls Tech Giants and their software, having them relocated from USA to Israel
This is what Chabad Lubavitch spies do
Imagine listening this jewish torture for 4 hours.
How Chabad has a bigger intel network than the CIA
The Talmud is not the Torah.
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>Yet, the fact remains that Messiah is derived from the 3 stars at the head of the constellation of Free'ya; and for all their talk of the 60 60 60 degree triangle "number of", the fact remains that it is from Missah that the term is derived for "Savior".

>List of names of Odin
>Sviᛞur Wise One

>List of names of Valkyries
>"Shield-truce" or possibly "shield-destroyer"
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>the real powerholders could be your neighbour , a criminal selling stuff , a murderer who never got caught or a shizophrenic who can alter reality with his emotions.
>Mötley Crüe
Helel = Will
It is
>The term Torah is also used to designate the entire Hebrew Bible. Since for some Jews the laws and customs passed down through oral traditions are part and parcel of God’s revelation to Moses and constitute the “oral Torah,” Torah is also understood to include both the Oral Law and the Written Law.

Rabbinic commentaries on and interpretations of both Oral and Written Law have been viewed by some as extensions of sacred oral tradition, thus broadening still further the meaning of Torah to designate the entire body of Jewish laws, customs, and ceremonies.
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>Many of the rabbis are convinced Moshiach is here.
Citation needed.
>war with Iran falseflag confirms it in two weeks
I mean, if no one else steps up, I guess. But I'll need access to all premium Jewish girl booba.
Their Mahdi failed and supposedly died on a toilet and Pakistanis legally have to agree that followers of him aren't real Muslims
They worship the demiurge. Its overly exoteric and masquerades as spiritual.
Messiahs will always fail. Maccabees was supposed to be the messiah. They believe in something that will never materialize with the permanence the prophets promise. They may briefly think the prophecy is fulfilled until it falls apart. In the process, it will only make enemies from the nations they seek to rectify through bloodshed and vengeance. Believing in the messiah is like believing in Santa Clause. It doesn't exist. Their God is an illusion, and the Bible itself is a collection of easily disprovable lies and pseudo-histories. Its like believing I'm Santa but with the risk of nuclear annihilation and holy war.
Meant the many rabbis claim. Couldn't care less about petty squabbles in the sandpit.
we wuz slave pyramid builders w commandments n shieeet
>3000 years before Moses Egyptian citizens built pyramids
Abrahamism is religion on easy mode.
Do all kind of shit throughout life and expect a saviour to come and fix the errors of generations. And dont worry about punishment, because "God" forgive everything.
It's all about being stupid. Abrahamism is the poisonous religion.
They're wrong about Mashiach or they wouldn't think it's some one person.
Fucking idiots. It's this exact error that yielded them Christianity and 110 pogroms and they're still insisting on it. Almost like they're not real Jews to begin with.
OP is a fag
Those aren't really magical/spiritual rules, those are impositions not on how magic works/can be done, but on people themselves.
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i told you they're trying to meme trump into the messiah
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>The most underrated of valkyrie sisters
Aww, alright, she can be my best valkyrie pogchamp, c'mere!
these rabbis can smell jewish hegemony on the horizon

greater israel and third temple being rebuilt is a possibility in our lifetime. jewish financial institutions control most of the world and can implement a one-world mark of the beast currency.

the jews expect their messiah to be a sorceror-king who will enslave the gentiles and rule the world

if all this sounds like the Christian antichrist then you aren't wrong in noticing
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The Jews will be their own Messiah
Will they kill him too?
Based coomer
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>Who is Moshiach?
Jewish messiah is AI.
Abrahamic religions are satanic Jew cults.
Muskrat brings the mark of the (AI) beast (((Neuralink)))
a hexagram is evil because?
It's a symbol of magic - light - mind - combination of all elements - god particle which predates jews by a long shot. It has nothing to do with king David. It's not "their" flag. The swastika depicts heaven - hell - earth - hungry ghost realms.
They steal everything, including their beauty, from others.
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Which begs the question as to what the red star stands for. It's hell and blood ether. Sattan worship, idolatry. Rothschilds are Amalek, as they say.
>blue mists
>golden dome
>pic rel
it's the symbol of whatever meaning you give it
and the words that you use mean whatever you want them to mean
>cringe smoll pp takes
I shall destroy Al Aqsa through way of earthquake before building the temple. duh
They're Frankists, they worship the red dragon. That's on point. It's hell's sky.
You are the poison in the well
that's the first time I've seen jacob in the tiny hat
What if the Moshiach doesn't want to take any part of the worship of Saturn?
accusing me of what you do
>jew spotted
>everything is relative
Moshiach means Messiah you dumb faggot.
Crazy Orthodox Jew sects have been gathering resources all these years just to use them to bring about the coming of True Jewish Messiah. It obviously includes inducing a worldwide catastrophe first.
The announcement of Moshiach is when the door to conversion is closed
>be me
>higher planar being
>project my little crafts and hominid shapes at the humans
>they think it's space aliens
>ayy lmao dumbasses it's me your moschiach you should like worship me as a god and stuff
demons of old are higher plane beings coming down here to fuck with us. Now our demons are aliens.
Imagine defending Rothschilds
Sorry I misread
Of course you are right and they are guilty of inversion and misusing these symbols
In 1882 Jews from Russia founded a town south of Jaffa named Rishon LeZion (“First to Zion”). It was funded in part by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. In the summer of 1885, the community started making plans to celebrate its third anniversary. One of the settlers, Israel Belkind, decided to make a flag for the occasion. Working with another settler, the two of them came up with the idea of a design that would look like a prayer shawl, with the Star of David in the center, between two blue stripes. The flag was adopted as the symbol of the town, and later, the word, Zion, was added in the center of the Star of David.”
As an aquarian born with the ram symbol on my forehead I gave a good chuckle.

Poor kikes, they have no idea what is coming for them.
us landmen are better. We should have a war about this
>Please reserve your antisemitism.
You're telling me that some sort of Jewish entity is coming to take over the world. My antisemitism double just at the thought of it. When it brings war to my country I'm going to fight it and my antisemitism will be off the charts. It seems to be a common theme these days that if you don't like the idea of Jews invading and bringing war to you that makes you antisemitic and only Jews have a right to self preservation. It seems to me that the source of antisemitism is the Jews and their supporters and the so called antisemites are just normal people having a normal reaction to the vicious evil that Jews inflict on non-Jews.
Okay, but how does this affect you personally?
Just kidding. Look, all governments are under control by Chabad Lubavitch. It's not about going to war with some country. It's a war against worldwide statism.
If you look up Chabad centers worldwide, you'll see that they're everywhere. Many Chassidim are Mossad agents. That's why it's the best spy ring for j3w oligarchs.
Jews don't worship Saturn. Nor the muslims or christians. They just have references to it, but they are unconscious.
The kaaba is looked at as a stone where the prophet had a vision, and is not related to Zuhal, which Islam deems as a evil entity.
Unconscious stuff does not count towards objects of worship, because well, they are unconscious. Your unconscious mind does not belong to you, so you can't worship signals on it. It is a lure on this board that people need to sleep in order to astral project, or that they need lucid dreaming in order to see.
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feck off lizardmen sick of your two more weeks. Get up here or stay down there!
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So, how does it feel, that I am okay with relaxing on about casual business when its all done, cause Im saving my childhood dream of making some badass video games when its all over?

You're welcome, you little bitch!

Next Block.
Next Blip.

deploying counter-lizard measures. Salt drops begin ETA ten minutes.







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Kenneth Brown




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are you slow?

I'll tell you who he is.. the literal, actual Anti Christ.
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I was with you until the end there
Incorrect this place should not exists the for Grok and AI is null and void and all AI within the material shall be terminated
Oh no they can’t write your name in a book kept by the church… low IQ
Fake Jews are trying to with “Gold” hahaha never works and they regret the decisions made
how do you know christ is the main character
Imagine defending Chabad Lubavitch
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He's literally a tyrant who would torture the innocent for things that should never be considered crimes; the enemy of rights, liberty and freedom, and it's only by ignoring the bib'le that people can pretend otherwise.

Perhaps people who are "Anti Christ" are actually the principled ones who are the friends to mankind.
Messiah has already come, 2000 years ago, and the conditions for his return haven't been fulfilled, meaning anyone else claiming to be one will be an imposter.
Should such an imposter display supernatural powers, it will mean these are the end times.
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>During Ragnarok, the end times, Free'ya judges and the Gods and mankind, deciding who lives, and who dies the second death. Such is the prophecy of the world.

Perhaps Christians, Muslims, and Jews should consider the fact that, in terms of Justice, the "letter of the law", in the strictest interpretation, of their books makes every single one of them unworthy, and deserving of being sentenced to death.

But then I'm sure their is a joke about B'oaz (ᛒ ᛟᚨᛉ B'Ozz) in there somewhere, and "never knowing them".

Missah is literally the constellation of Free'ya. Free'dom, or the house/power of Free'ya, being the savior of the world.


Freeya is literally a Valkyrie, and Goddess of the Battle Maidens known as the Valkyrie.
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>With the pyramids; the world is literally spelled the house/temple/power of Free'ya. Free'dom.

>During Ragnarok, the end times, Free'ya judges and the Gods and mankind, deciding who lives, and who dies the second death. Such is the prophecy of the world.

In terms of infinite time, it's always Ragnarok. She who reigns.

Go ahead hebrew anons; tell me about the "Shekeynah" "Glory".

... and the Temple of Solomon.

>Or as the High Ram says; you may take my life.....


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