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File: IMG_2763.jpg (18 KB, 211x238)
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Swiggity swoogity click on this thread and you’ll lose your bitches!!
I'm immune tho
No ones immune not even the caster
Purposely responding to thread for the help
Damn man she that bad?
Hmm, not necessarily that.
It doesn't rhyme...
Uhhh I am tho
I'm not no one, I'm not nobody, I'm someone lol
This, true spells only work if you rhyme

ALAKAZAAM...OP will be pooping tonight for a really long time
Immune, lmao desu I always do that, and it’s always awful QwQ, maybe curse me with perpetual logs instead?
i don't have any bitches to lose, jokes on you.
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1.19 MB PNG
Home free
Haha I got off on a technicality
I have no bitches to lose thoughever
I haven't talked to a woman outside of daily business in 14 years
this can't be!
>you’ll lose your bitches!

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