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1. Post your nativity (use astroseek's natal chart generator if nothing else)
2. Ask your question
3. I answer it
If you have no question then ask nothing and I'll give you a reading of some random factors. Don't ask questions you may not want the answer to.
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am i the king of the world
I use whole sign.
Sorry anon but I cannot in good conscious do a reading when you don't know your birth time. It's very unlikely you were born exactly at or around noon.
Yet another time but at least this one is more likely (I assume your mother said something akin to "you were born around 2AM...")

Chart ruler is in the anaretic degree of his detriment, in the 7th house. Pluto is (roughly) near the ASC. One could say you deal with a lot of power struggles with others - and you see the behavior of many as "faggy"/uncompromising/childish.
>Moon (on the IC), conjoined Venus, square Pluto
Turbulent emotions, likely has power issues with women both young and old.
>Sun conjunct domicile Saturn conjunct North Node
Very nice. You tend to adopt conservative, resilient behavior. Someone others look up to. An old soul, but you have trouble expressing this - especially before you were ~30. In time you grew into your own shoes so to speak.
>He hid his time of birth
Mmm yes, very wise. Also tells me you probably have a more accurate nativity than the other two.
>Mercury ASC in Leo
Loves to show off his/her mental prowess, chatty, quickthinking, needed to be humbled in intellectual matters as he matured.
>Chart ruler in the 12th house conjunct fallen Mars; domicile Moon applies
There's a gap between what your ego wants and how you express it. When given opportunities to advance socially you may shy away or find difficulties. The key here is not to shy away (as you've probably figured out) but to put your driver here to good use. You tend to fight behind others backs and/or have many enemies who do the same. Likely women.
>Chiron conjunct Venus opposite Uranus
Not going to assign too much importance to an asteroid, however, I find this interesting. My instincts are telling me you had some sort of trauma related to love around 16.5 years of age?

>taking a shot in the dark on the last one, really, I'd like you to share more if you can
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Posting Natal and Transit Chart.

Usually I'm a rambler and post as much detail as I can provide, but I'm going just keep this short and brief(ish), because I don't have the energy anymore.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Was I cursed, or destined to be hopeless and useless, and incapable of just doing the most basic normal things that everybody else seems to be able to do? I have been suicidal since I can remember since puberty, but the past 4 years it has come in waves, with the closest I've ever been being last year, and I'm quickly reaching that high point again. I'm just so ready to end it. I'm tired. I'm beyond tired. I'm beyond exhausted. I'm just...done.

My mental health issues forbid me from doing what I know needs to be done. And with my Saturn Return coming right around the corner, I thought I was making strides to have a successful return, but now I'm in the stygian pits of despair again, and everything seems to be collapsing around me yet again.The emotional pain is becoming unbearable for me. I don't want to keep doing this. I just want to rest. But I'm also too much of a coward to really do it. Best I can hope for is getting hooked on opiates or something and ODing peacefully.

I just want it to end.

Official question - Am I specifically in a hard time right now for a purpose, where all my past failures are culminating into a giant crescendo with the greatest failure of all?
What is my purpose
What are my strengths
What should I focus on in the future
Any tips to get through life?
What's the next step I can take for maximum success?
I don't need a transit chart to see what you're going through right now.
>Mars return in fall right around the corner
You're struggling with your impulses. Especially since Mars is in 12th - it feels like such an energy is mostly invisible to you.
>Mars opposite Uranus
Uranus is sudden insight/genius ideas, your Martial impulses are opposite your Uranian ideas, in other words, you struggle to act out what you intuitively know to be true.
>Saturn in fall in 9th
You have a tendency to plan so much for yourself but before the foundation is even solid you're trying to build a mansion on it.

You need to work with Venus and her themes to make progress. Luna as well. This is how you will find rebirth and growth, as well as structure.
>You have Regulus on your ascendant, anon
You have great power within you. Act like it.
>and everything seems to be collapsing around me yet again.The emotional pain is becoming unbearable for me. I don't want to keep doing this. I just want to rest. But I'm also too much of a coward to really do it.
I encourage you to search up what a Regulus conjunction to the ascendant means.
>I just want to rest
This is good. Allow yourself to rest but don't kill yourself.
>zaurak on the MC
Stop taking life seriously - it don't matter, nunadisshit matters.
My mother said I was born at lunch time, close to noon.
What are my strengths
Lunch time could be 11-2PM. I really want to read your chart but my intuition is screaming at me not to due to the time. If you ask your mom for something more specific (better yet, ask for the time on your birth chart and CENSOR IT) then I'll happily read it.
Gotcha, appreciate it.
Someone said that I was born at the wrong time and I am just waiting for the universe to catch up. Don't know what that means. So I guess I want to know about my career since I'm in AI. Should I pursue that or go into something a lot more stable like reading hospital xrays? Also what did that other person mean.
Whoops. Heres astroseek. Also not sure if I put the time in this one.
Appreciate the response, Anon. Really.

Some of what you said resonates. I can elaborate.

>You're struggling with your impulses. Especially since Mars is in 12th - it feels like such an energy is mostly invisible to you.
Yes, my impulses of my BPD urge to lash out when I get wounded over perceived abandonment. I've been actively working to combat those impulses, but they still leak out at times. Other than those impulses, I can't think of any others. I'm not an addict, per se. Part time alcoholic, but I'm not dependent.

>Uranus is sudden insight/genius ideas, your Martial impulses are opposite your Uranian ideas, in other words, you struggle to act out what you intuitively know to be true.
I know what I have to do, but I'm constantly bombarded with decision paralysis because of x y and z reason because I can't see past the dark fog encompassing me. I feel no light anymore.

>You have a tendency to plan so much for yourself but before the foundation is even solid you're trying to build a mansion on it.
Well well well. Yes, to a degree. I wanted to kickstart a musical direction in my life, but I wanted to start small. But I have an impossibly frustrating tendency to ideate, and create entire worlds in my head about where my goal will lead me, and then it never does lead me there. Currently my dream collapsed again, for reasons too long to get into. Though there's still hope if I meet the right person or people, but I'm not counting on it anymore.

>You have great power within you. Act like it.
Funny thing to say, as incidentally, another /x/anon I'm speaking to right now said the same thing about me. Or rather, similar words, but same meaning. But I have no clue what it means. I'm nobody. (not that Nobody).

As for the rest, I will look it up, I expect I'm supposed to glean some insight here. And I don't really take life seriously. I just want to be happy, but it seems everything works against me in that capacity, myself included.
Reminder that I don't read Placidus
What you want to be remembered for is the MC; what your soul moves towards is the north node. Your MC is in Leo conjunct Mercury and Venus, present with a domicile Sun, and Mars.
>MC is ~8* Leo
Some sort of authority or renowned person for Mercurial work. Especially with women or the arts.
>MC is trine NN in the 6th, Jupiter lies in the 6th as well
North Node in Aries, in the 6th, means you're willing to punch your dreams into reality with some sort of fervor. Your career and your day-to-day work should be intertwined. You use your mercurial skills to bring these efforts to life, You want some sort of recognition when it comes to your career and would do well with diplomatic aims.
>Pluto ascending, opposite PoF
You feel compelled to personal transformation and can often be domineering, or even bullshit others to stroke your own ego, and this works for you - but find that fortune is found in balancing diplomacy and tact ontop of that. The key here is to claim your own personal power and authority without having to resort to underhanded behaviors

>what are my strengths?
Your Sun, even being weighed down by Saturn is in excellent position.
>You do well in 6th house matters. I leave this up to the reader to research if they're actually so curious.

Learn to balance your martial impulses with your emotions. Focus on regulating those and you would find yourself quite good at manifesting your desires.
>If I had to leave you with one piece of advice:
Balance is key.
>If I had to leave you with two pieces
Sometimes being the boss means doing nothing.
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I prescribe you to start making music. Anything. Doesn't matter if you're on your own. Remixes, shitty music, memes, do something creative with your time. Doesn't matter if you're good. Doesn't matter what you do. Make some shit and share it.

Thank you for the details and feedback anon. I wish you the best of luck. You've got this.
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will i ever get a good woman to have a romantic relationship with?
Just something I noticed guys is that the astroseek file names contain your b day even if you hide it in the image.
Can you check my stats and tell me why I'm a weird fuck? Thanks
>What are the next steps I can take for maximum success
You haven't gone through your Saturn return yet but there's no time like the present. Especially with where your MC is placed.
>Learn to improve your EQ (emotional intelligence)
>Basically, mature. Learn to take things slow. Learn to say no, especially to your emotions.
>You have a solidly placed Mars.
>Jupiter with the MC, albeit weakly
>Sun conjunct Sagittarius A*
You're in tune with that which connects us all together. Shine and use it.
>uranus on the IC
Avoid drugs. Is there a family history of drug abuse?
Maybe, I'm in a state of despondency akin to Goebbels right now. I guess I just need some more time.

One question tho, regarding the Regulus-asc conjunct, where did you see that on the chart? I don't see it.
Thank you :)
>Chiron ascendant with an exalted Jupiter
You have great power to heal others through your own pain. Use it. There's some pain points related to your appearance, your self (could be physical wounds but with an exalted Jupiter there I'm reticent to say as such). This pain point could be related to you being fat, for example.
>Moon in fall
You need to learn to
A. cool your shit regardless of how you're feeling
B. Learn to just beee urself and be proud of it. When you get that nagging feeling, that's the key to stop worrying.
>I guess I just need some more time.
You do.
>Where do you see that?
Regulus is at 29* Leo.
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What is the next step in my journey to freedom?

What should I be cautious of?
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What kind of person should i avoid romantically?
What kind of work should i avoid professionally?
Oh, I see. You know the star positions for the houses. Ok, that makes sense. I'll look into it shortly.
>This pain point could be related to you being fat, for example.
Jupiter in first house moment, I am actually a fat ass yeah! I used to care much more than I do now, but I'm kind of apathetic about it now. Started to bust myself and lose some weight too. Being down about it while doing nothing got old.

I wonder if this has to do with me being trans though. I've become something of a fairy godparent to a lot of closeted people because of it. When people approach and ask to talk in private it is 100% about that 100% of the time.

>You need to learn to cool your shit regardless of how you're feeling
CALLED OUT. Gotten a bit better about it after my Saturn's return kicked me in the shins. That definitely didn't help the situation.
>What are my strengths
You have a strong Venus, domicile in the 7th, commanding over your Sun and Mercury. She is opposite your Pluto and ASC - we'll get to that. You do well in social settings and may even be overly friendly (a little fake). You can be needy when it comes to affection and may have multiple partners at once or switch between relationships. With the Sun in the 7th you have a tendency to self sabotage, although Venus eases this a bit.
>Saturn Aquarius in the 4th
A strong Saturn to be sure, although you may have had some trouble with your mother (she could have been absent, for example)
>Regulus MC (+ wide orb to out of sign Jupiter)
Impressive, very nice. You do well with bosses/authority figures, you may be kind of a chad, but you always feel like your fortunes are just out of reach timing-wise. You would do well to take advantage of your connections and status. While you may do well in martial matters (e.g., fighting), avoid undertakings that could lead to your downfall.

Thus we are lead back to Pluto: You have a tendency to be controlling. You need to deal with this (although you've probably dealt with this a lot already). Learn to set boundaries without being unreasonable. Learn to walk away. Learn to take Ls. Learn to be diplomatic. If you were to use your Venusian qualities for good, especially the benefit of others, you would find great fortune; but whatsoever you try to control, will control you.
Best of luck to you, anon.
anything about vocational success? I feel sort of stalled out in my work (which I consider to me my true calling). I feel like I don't have the success commesurate with the amount of work I put into it.

Other than that, my life is pretty good at the moment. Unless... ???...
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whole sign
Thanks anon. But I thought my Venus was 6th house and Saturn 3rd. I know there are different ways of calculating it.
Will i get a gf this year?
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Hi there,

See anything interesting? It is hard to find information on certain aspects of my chart.

How significant is the influence Capricorn stellium in my chart?

Any insight into why it is so difficult for me to "move up" in social status, so to speak?

Thank you!
>Born at the wrong time
FUT! You should have been as you are.
2, 6, 10, MC:
2nd has Mercury domicile and exalted, Venus (fall), Sun, and Mars.
6th has Neptune - did you have trouble maintaining a regular job when you were younger (or even with the concept of work?)
10th has the part of fortune. So we'd read this as good fortune in 10th house matters (although the 'timing' of things may feel off as Jupiter is in the 9th and a ways away from the MC).
MC is in the 9th house copresent Jupiter.

You want money badly, you feel like you're radiant when you have money, you acquire value of both the self, monetarily, and so forth through your Mind... and my intuition says women. Perhaps arts but I'm leaning towards women for some reason.

I can see why you'd be involved in AI with a strong Mercury - among other reasons. I say go for it.
>Hospital Xrays
>Uranus trine MC
>Uranus lords over radioactive materials and Jupiter can represent healthcare
Neat. You could do that but I don't see AI as a negative for you. Stop being afraid to be yourself, things will work out. Saturn is square your natal Saturn, it's OK to take some time with career decisions and weigh things out.
>What did that other person mean
Hard to say for certain. If you had been born a little bit later this reading would've changed significantly... but you weren't born 20 minutes later. You should have been as you are.

I ignore Placidus and instead read whole sign. This is what the ancients did.
What am I meant to do?
Who would be the best romantic partner for me?
Other important things.
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Apologies astro anon, here's a seek chart w/ aspects.
Next year is your 7th house profection year. Currently you're in a 6th house profection year and going through your Saturn return. Be patient.
>No Leo Placements
No. Strong Jupiter in the third though, you might become a mayor of your local community (Intuition says County level would be good for you).
My mom said there is something dark apparently when she checked it. I hoping could you tell me about it and tell me some random facts as well
How can I correct a seemingly hopeless life course?
Okay thanks for letting me know.
Decline to answer because I can't answer that. I am not God, I just read his clock. You have the ability to change your future and express your nativity at its best. Go to the /loa/ threads. You'll find wisdom there.
Ok, well if you cant answer that, would you mind giving me a reading on what you see in my chart?
How's the astrology business treating you, OP? Any interesting clients or charts you've encountered?
I'm more interested in the pros of /x/ than my natal chart.
Taking a short break. I'll return in 30. I'll get to everyone - if I skipped you please tell me and you'll be the first I get to when I get back.
You might of skipped me but who gives a shit. I'd like to hear the answer to >>39063052 and I'd like to hear why you believe in this stuff and why should I. I feel like I shouldn't really care about this stuff, like I shouldn't make decisions with this knowledge in mind but I'm still intrigued by its plausibility / synchronicity.
you maybe skipped mine or just didnt get to it yet, which is No.39062918, but no rush thanks man
Hows it hangin?
No. >39062995 if you get the chance!
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see anything interesting? found my purpose, i think, but where do i find the energy/courage/direction that i seem to lack to work for it. really interested in just general advice as well
>Learn to improve EQ
>Learn to say no
Hitting the nail on the head, it's hard for me to say no most of the time
Glad I got a job where I pretty much get paid to work out
Other than my uncle smoking cigarettes, I don't really know anyone in my family who has done any drugs. However last year I had half of a 25 mg thc edible and I did the classic "these edibles ain't shit" and then took the other half. Genuinely one of the worst nights of my life. I didn't learn my lesson either, because soon after I was drunk while smoking a cigar and then hit a joint of weed on top of that. Blacked out and woke up completely numb and out of it for a while. Definitely have to control myself there.
Check this one if you can! Thanks
Once again reminding everyone that I use whole sign.
>No query provided; doing a random read
Jupiter as chart ruler in the 6th squares a fallen Moon in trine to the ascendant. Very emotional, almost "wears one's emotions on their sleeve," other people can see it. Moon's ruler s in Gemini, square the asc, so this may switch on/off. With Jupiter in square to your emotions, they may be big, but you have trouble getting them out in a healthy way. Your emotions may be grandiose and turbulent, and although Pluto is with the moon as well I don't see this being a result of negative thoughts, just too much to control. Especially with Venus in sextile to Pluto (albeit, she is in her fall - but she is with her ruler, Mercury). With Mercury in an applying sextile to Pluto I see you having more destructive or controlling in your conscious faculties.

Given the placement of your Sun, I would suggest you turn inwards and do the right thing. Always. Turn those dark thoughts into powerful expressions of wholesomeness or your compulsiveness may eat at your sense of self.

You're coming up soon anon! There's a few people ahead of you, don't worry. :)
I know you guys are excited and I that's awesome! I'll get to you after I finish up some other anons ahead of you.
Romantically: Avoid people who are too young or those that can't respect your boundaries.
Professionally: Avoid people who won't allow you to express yourself, environments that want you to "turn inside out," or those that "drain" you.
Interesting question. Uranus, primarily, represents liberation/freedom, and Saturn represents constriction. The vedics would say that the 4th house is where one experiences "divine liberation," however I note that I am not experienced with vedic astrology. Taking that into account:
>Uranus on your descendant trines your natal Moon (she is placed in the 11th), so you would do wise to focus on friendgroups, communities, charities, etc. Especially places where you can give to others or substantially improve other's lives.
>Saturn in Taurus conjunct the MC
Saturn does well in Venus ruled signs. However, he is square your natal Uranus (and he lords over your Uranus as well). If you want "liberation/freedom" you're going to have to balance these two energies. I really think you would do well to help those you see as downtrodden.
>4th house
Lorded by Mars, who resides in the 12th in his sign of fall. It's also your Mars return, so with that in context it makes sense you'd be seeking liberation! Interesting how that works out. Protect yourself from hidden enemies, learn to handle endings with grace and forgive others (learn to let go). Furthermore, when we look to your 4th house placements, we see Chiron and the IC. Once again there is the indication of using one's own sufferings to heal others.

A little astrologer's tip: inconjunctions can make wild things happen. You have Moon inconjunct your IC. Provide security for others, e.g., your mother, your pets, your neighborhood, etc, and watch the magic happen.
Freedom anon here, this very much resonates with me and I greatly appreciate your time and effort. Thank you
>No query provided, doing a random reading
>Saturn 1st house, in Virgo
Somewhat short I'd imagine. Always late to everything. Others see you as either slow or an authority of some sort. Also I imagine there's conflicts with doctors.
>Venus domicile in the 2nd house with Moon, sextile Jupiter and Pluto
You have a good sense of self-worth, especially so when you put in a little bit of effort to overcome your hidden subconscious insecurities. Which should generally be easy for you due to Jupiter's closeness to Pluto.
>Sun on the IC
You might become a landlord, although I have an inking it would be to misfits (e.g., a halfway house)
>Jupiter-Pluto conjunct the galactic center
I'll leave you to figure this one out yourself. Some hints:
>You are able to use your wisdom to tap into those things that every human knows to be true, you're able to see the wisdom in every person
>You're also able to see the darkness in everyone and this can often upset you deeply.
So I looked into Regulus-Ascendent conjunct, and honestly none of that really applies or appeals to me. Unless it's more like a "this is what you will get" kind of thing.

But yeah, for whatever reason, it's not resonating in me at all. Maybe some deeply buried blood memory or something, or genetic amnesia, but it doesn't feel like me at all.
>However last year I had half of a 25 mg thc edible and I did the classic "these edibles ain't shit" and then took the other half. Genuinely one of the worst nights of my life.
Holy shit Anon, literally same thing happened to me just about a week ago when at a friend's house, which incidentally led to an implosion of my relationship with my parents and now I'm living in my car on a spirit quest or some shit.

I took half a gummy, was fine not super drunk, took the other half, was fine for like half an hour, and then out of nowhere just hit me like a semi. Had to spend the night cause I was incapacitated from driving.
>Vocational success
2, 6, 10, MC. Your MC could either be in the 10th or 11th, hard to say since even hospitals don't have perfect timing. I will assume 10th house MC for this reading.
>2nd house
South node is here. Learn to separate your impulses and high-self worth from your actual destiny (8H matters). You have Jupiter and the Part of Fortune with your NN in the 8th, albeit not conjunct. You would do well in something dealing with other's money, other's wisdom, other people's resources. You may also be well versed in occult matters.
Lorded by Venus, who is placed in the 9th. Your day-to-day work should involve using your head. Ideally you would be someone who is well-versed in philosophy or some kind of teacher; you would also do well to travel and explore the world to find your day to day purpose. You want to be showey, you want to shine, so do it, but don't forget to be humble or you will be humbled
>10th and MC
Your 10th is lorded by Mercury, who is placed in the 11th. Your Sun is in the 10th. You want renown, you want your career to satisfy your ego. Mercury is in the house of groups, friends, organizations, etc.
>Consider something involving the arts, with Mercury lording the 10th, and Venus in the 9th, you could do well in some sort of creative writing position
>Could also be a group effort, you would do well to work with many people
Learn to mingle with others. Your MC is square your Mars, this tells me your actions and your public acknowledgement are in tension. You need to learn when and where to apply your energy or you'll sputter out spending it everywhere. Look up spoon theory.
>You may use Venus to access your personal power
>Capricorn stellium
Two of those planets are outer planets. Not to say there won't be an affect but it's going to be hard to consciously access two of those planets. Consider meditation if you must.
>You're going through your Saturn return right now, so it's a good time to begin accessing those energies and unlocking them

Something inspired me to look for your husband/wife. Lord of the 7th house (Saturn) in the 8th, Leo rising indicates one who will marry an older partner, a dedicated person - but maybe not the most caring. They might take care of the finances. They would likely be older than you and a guide of sorts, imparting their wisdom. You may be married later than your peers.
>Chart ruler sextile MC in the 7th
With the Sun in the 7th, in detriment, I would expect you to see others as egotistical. When egos start flaring up, you either check out or start showing off yourself. This may lead to conflicts (Sun in detriment opposite Mars retrograde under the Sun's rulership). A little bit of effort goes a long way when it comes to your vitality and sense of self.

>Total aside: why are the coords marked as 0, and the date set to 1BC? Your chart isn't egregiously wrong/is valid, I'm just curious why you chose to censor as such instead of blacking it out? Never seen that.
Yeah, I think I see what she meant. I also think I understand why she didn't tell you.
>Pluto-trine-ascendant in the fifth
>Uranus and Neptune in the 7th
Ignoring that the time is listed as "3am," because I'm assuming your mom is competent enough to know when you were born and is confident in the relative accuracy of this chart since she gave it a read. Otherwise I would probably ask you for a more accurate time.

This is the chart of someone who has power issues in sex/relationships (pluto 5th), someone who manipulates others (possibly accidentally; Neptune conjunct DSC weakly), someone who's emotions are suppressed, they're not sure how to handle them, or are wicked at times (Moon conjunct Saturn 12th). I had the inkling of this is someone who had sexual trauma, so I popped your chart into some software and added the arabic lot of rape.
>Rape is exactly conjunct the IC
Now, this doesn't necessarily mean you've been raped - but it does mean something involving 4h matters has been raped. 4h deals with one's subconscious, and also their homeland. I think the symbolism is obvious here given where you're located.
>Lilith conjunct north node
Ostensibly this could be someone who demands to chose their own destiny or demands to do things their own way.
You need to avoid partying and drugs, especially getting others drunk. You also need to go inward and really understand your emotions. Learn to manage those sudden aggressive impulses you have.
>Life course
MC. MC is in the 10th, lorded by the Moon, who is in Aries with Jupiter. Luna can be quite ferocious in Aries but Jupiter heals most of these wounds. Make others feel good, find something that fulfills you emotionally.
>Chiron conjunct Pluto
You won't move forward until you confront your deep inner wounds. You have some sort of wound related to 3rd house matters, i.e., neighborhood, siblings, pets, elementary/lower education, intelligence. You need to deal with this, and the best way is via working with the ruler of your 3rd house.
>Mars conjunct descendant
Learn that not every desire or want is necessarily good for you - and also learn how to deal with other people being dicks. Mars lords over your 7th house from the 6th, a job you don't give a fuck about/can quit any time, that deals with the public would be wise.
Im not sure, I didn't do anything but draw up the chart! Maybe I hit something to hide them, Im not sure. Does this impact readings?
>What do I see in your chart
First off, happy belayed birthday. Second off, good luck with your Saturn return, third off:
>Pluto on the descendant
Other people tend to be quite manipulative of you, domineering, etc. Learn to stand up for yourself without being a prick.
>Alcyone on the ascendant
Careful about being overly bougie, especially with your chart lord (Venus) being in the 6th house with Jupiter. Jupiter expands and makes Venus want to go all out, but - especially with her being in detriment, and alcyone on the ascendant - you may have a tendency to take things too far.
>Jupiter-Venus-North-Node-Conjunction in the 7th (whole sign).z
>Infact, a big ass stellium in the 7th including a fallen moon
Learn that not every emotion needs to be paid attention to, learn how to be extravagant in moderation, you'll probably have a wife/husband that you had to compete for but fights for you, religion would be good for you, so would diplomacy and tact. You have a tendency to get yourself into social situations that are more than you can chew. Learn how to be nice to others without being fake.
>You would do well to work with your natal Mercury
IDK if you can tell but I'm getting tired. If I look back at this tomorrow I'll probably decide to give it an update. I kinda wanna look for your alumuten figuris
If the time you selected was for the mid 90s, where the planets would be have been roughly then, you're good and it's probably a JS error.
Yep, 1995. Thanks anon! My own aside here...any ideas as how exactly "millionaires/billionaires" are using astrological knowledge to make money?
I'd like to respond to this when I get up. I'm quickly running out of energy.
There's plenty of interesting charts - even in this thread I've seen some charts that make me say "Ooooh." You'll find clients in the oddest places, e.g., the otherwise grounded businessman may appreciate a reading more than you'd initially give him credit. Natal chart readings aren't the most fun but they help you grow the most as an astrologer. Plus, it's nice to be able to provide some insight to frens they may be blind to.

As for why I believe in it? Ha, that's a story I don't feel like telling right now. As for why you should believe it? Ignoring anything else - post your nativity and I'll show you why you should believe :).
>any ideas as how exactly "millionaires/billionaires" are using astrological knowledge to make money?
Picrel. More than you'd think.
Your ascendant may simply be in Virgo in actuality.

Fellas I gotta get some rest. If I haven't got to you, I will when I wake up
>And all the other people that post in my sleep
If the thread dies by then, I'll make another one, so check back tomorrow regardless. For now, peace.
ok sleep well op
>Your ascendant may simply be in Virgo in actuality.
Will look into it tomorrow.

Thank you though. Your generosity is remembered.
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Please indulge me.
What was Picrel, OP? Thanks again!
Thank you for the happy bday wish and I appreciate your reading! A lot of what youve said is exactly what I've been battling;
learning to stand up for myself without being a prick, trying to diminish emotional states that aren't beneficial for me to pay attention to, I'm also trying to grow my faith in Christ although I have a hard time putting all my faith into the Bible as I believe churches/religions/TPTB have corrupted the truth to maintain control over us.
Also have struggled with conversations with people due to feeling like I have to fake niceness to keep the peace with coworkers. Anyways, thank you again and hope you rest well.
what's the formula for the lot of rape?
Could I expand my query to what you see in my chart?
Or a general reading
I need guidance, I’m living in an abusive household. And I’m looking forward for a job interview and hopefully I can get it. It’s either that or homelessness.
What are my strengths/weaknesses?

Career prospects - What thing(s) could I possibly excel at?

Love life - Is it a fortunate chart in regards to love, when can I expect more activity in this facet of my life?

Transit - What am I currently going through, and what can I expect in the near future; how can I navigate all of this properly?

Saturn return - Similarly, what can I expect and how to best navigate? Apparently Neptune will also be conjunct my Saturn, Uranus entering Gemini at that same time.

Anything else worth noting/exploring?

Thanks in advance.
Will I ever stop being a hiki-neet, also do I have any natural talents, and in which direction should I take my life?
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do i have what it takes to become a successful (not necessarily famous) actor/writer/filmmaker in the entertainment industry? will it interrupt my spiritual progress?
Goooooooooood morning thread! Alright let's get back to readings.
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"Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do" - JP Morgan
Thanks for the reply. Did I have trouble maintaining a job? No never. Work is just work. And I was premature actually. About 11 weeks. But I don't mention that during readings because I would think it would be in my chart
No such thing as a premature birth from an astrological perspective. You were born when you should've been.
>No trouble maintaining a job
Noted, ty for the feedback.
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Sort of correct. I have emotions but almost never show them to the world. It's gotten me in trouble from time to time because I mostly come across as emotionless or angry. I have had some pretty dark thoughts since childhood, but I try to do the right thing or nothing at all if I can't handle it.
>Life path: MC and NN
Your MC is at 2 degrees Cancer in the 10th.
Your NN is at 2 degrees Leo in the 11th
ASC: 2 degrees libra
Sun: 21* Aquarius, 5th house
Moon: 27 degrees Aries, 7th house

The ruler of your MC is in the 7th house, so one might do well to choose a career that involves partnerships, dealing with others, contracts, diplomacy, etc; especially those partnerships that involve men.
>The southnode represents where we started in this life, the northnode, where we're going. With Neptune conjunct your south node, there's a lot of tension at play regarding your destiny. Neptune dissolves, confused, or makes unclear - meaning you have no idea how to move forward without leaving something nebulous behind. The key with this aspect is learn to harness that wonderful creative power you had as a childhood, that "delusion," and use it to push yourself towards your destiny. It's still within you, trine your ascendant. Learn to harness this. Spirituality may be good for you.
>MC in the 10th
Your lifepath relates to your career. Work, day-to-day activities are indicated by the 6th house, lorded by Jupiter. All the more reason to harness your natal Moon/Jupiter to access those energies.
>Potentially, you have to learn to work with your natal Mars, which is at the anarectic degree in his decan of rulership. The anarectic degree is best described as the "been there, done that degree." Uncompromising, unmoving; you've seen it all, looking at one's mistakes in the rearview mirror yet unwilling to change. Planets in these degrees are tough to work with; fate forces you into situations to deal with a behavior your soul clings to. I don't know if "correct" is the right word here, since that aspect is still a part of you, but you must learn to be flexible with your Mars.
>Mars: impulses, beginnings, desires, masculinity, aggression, anger, where we assert ourselves.
You may access your natal Mars with the assistance of Mercury. I leave further research to reader.
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sorry, ignore >>39064912
I appreciate the feedback. Best of luck to you anon!
Just like that Elon Musk quote "I didn't go to Harvard, but the people that work for me did"
Opposite energy, same vibe
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Any insight on my struggle in relationships and how I can improve in that aspect of friends and love? It’s all I want and consumes me. I know Scorpio Venus is a difficult placement and I do struggle with trust, keeping people around. I’m just tired of being loved by everyone and still feeling alone.
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Thanks for the response, appreciate your time.

>Learn to separate your impulses and high-self worth from your actual destiny (8H matters).
>You want to be showey, you want to shine, so do it, but don't forget to be humble or you will be humbled
It's good that I'm trying to follow the little way of st therese, then. it's been clear to me for just a while that humility is the path. though it's the scariest one.
>Part of Fortune with your NN in the 8th, albeit not conjunct.
Would it also have to do with other's health? I'm currently trying to get into med school.
>You may also be well versed in occult matters.
>Your day-to-day work should involve using your head. Ideally you would be someone who is well-versed in philosophy or some kind of teacher
Former math major who concentrated on humanities in high school, so it checks out.
>You want renown, you want your career to satisfy your ego.
Deep down, and as much I try to consciously deny it, its's a big part of why I chose medicine.
>You could do well in some sort of creative writing position
It really scares me to think about pursuing an artistic career. It sounds so unstable, though I am a musician.
>Your actions and your public acknowledgement are in tension
Definitely. I have difficulty following through with my promises due to repressed emotions that give me functional freeze and make me fall back on avoidant coping strategies.
>Learn to mingle with others.
slowly starting to realize people don't actually hate me automatically.
>Learn when and where to apply your energy or you'll sputter out spending it everywhere.
Yeah I gotta stop frying my brain with dopamine and actually use my energy for what I *want*.
>You may use Venus to access your personal power
Any resources I could use to look into this? Again, I appreciate your time.
>See anything interesting
Sun domicile tightly conjunct Mars could read as one big ball of energy.
>Venus domicile exactly conjunct fixed star Zaniah.
You may be overly devoted to the service of others. Popular (especially among women), well-liked, good for artistic skill and many friends.
>How do I find the energy/courage/direction that I seem to lack to work for [your destiny]
Your Sun and Mars. You feel compelled away from your destiny because you have southnode 1st conjunct Pluto. You are compelled to deal with bad childhood habits and power struggles before advancing. Work through your Sun and Mars to accomplish this (9H = higher education, philosophy, learning, travel). You could work with your Moon, who is sextile the south node and trine your north node. The easiest access to your NN would be through your Moon and her ruler, Venus. The arts would be good for you, any kind of art, especially groups/communities of artists.
>Learn to meditate, that would provide you excellence in strides.

Alternatively, you have Mercury square both nodes, domicile. Ordinarily squares may be seen as a "negative," although here Mercury stands in balance of both the SN and NN. This is perfect, hermes allows you to bridge the gap between both energies but it won't be as easy as doing so through your Moon.
>You have many options to work with, anon

>General advice
Be bold. Think big. You have great courage inside of you, use it.
What happens to me?
Who am I?
What is my path?
Will I get a girlfriend?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
>Would it also have to do with other's health? I'm currently trying to get into med school.
>Jupiter in Cancer (exalted) in the house of other people's resources
Yes, that's one interpretation I hadn't considered. Well done ^_^
>Deep down, and as much I try to consciously deny it, its's a big part of why I chose medicine.
If you suppress your ego it will simply bottle up and explode. You need recognition, you need some sort of release. That's OK. It's who you are.
>It really scares me to think about pursuing an artistic career. It sounds so unstable, though I am a musician.
It could be a side hustle or a hobby. Don't discount the ability to build something slowly over time on the side - e.g. with a youtube channel. If you find the energy to be a doctor and a musician though, good on you.
>Any resources I could use to look into this? Again, I appreciate your time.
From an mundane perspective: those things which are her themes; that is, the arts, gaiety, pleasures of all kinds, love, relaxation;, and that which relates to women both beautiful and young, socialization, sex, beauty, and so forth.
>From an occult perspective: prayers to Venus, ask a Hellenist how to get started.

Truly wishing the best of luck to you.
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Is Success as inevitable as it feels sometimes?
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What all this planets in the same sign mean? Thx astrobro
Fellas as you can tell I only got like 4 hours of sleep, so I'm headed back to bed. I'll try to get to everyone in the order they replied after I wake up.
Thanks man, much appreciated
Anything interesting?
thank you based astrologer
I was severely wounded in early childhood, and generally fear getting close to people emotionally because of this. It has held me back from love - I have not even tried. Recently, I have been able to admit myself I do want love, and family and children of my own. I need to make my move soon, or it will be too late and I will not have a chance getting what I want. Anything related to this in near future? What should I look for in a partner?
>and if there's anything else in general that pops out to you
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Sorry, no specific question, just want general read
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I'm trying to kickstart a magazine, and my dream is to work in fashion. What do you see? Thank you in advance.
thank you and wish you all the best
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What does this say about me?
Strengths and weaknesses?
Any advice?
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How should I treat money/investments in the short term and what should I look out for in general?
Gm friends my sleep schedule is fucked
Have to power through a day, my guy.
What would my "destiny", or calling be?
>Virgo ascendant
>Mercury MC
>Lord of these two is placed in 5th with the Sun
>Both lorded by Saturn who's in the 10th with the MC
This could be a gambler, or someone who makes money off of art (especially when younger), someone who makes money off investments, particularly benefiting from their father or other male figures. I can't shake the idea of alcohol being involved for whatever reason.
>Pluto IC trine 8h Moon
Extremely troubled or abusive home/family life. Especially relating to the mother or women in some way. Could be sexual trauma. Dark subconscious patterns of behavior. Is generally remembered by others for this behavior even when s/he wants to be remembered for their own authority and career.
>Jupiter 11th
Great benefits given to you from organizations/groups/collectives
>Mars-lilith weakly conjunct DSC
A lack of self-confidence leads to manipulative behaviors, either from others or subconsciously from yourself.
>Moon 8H sextile MC
Does well with other's money or resources in some way. Could be money or ideas.

This reading gave me an odd feeling. Are you deeply religious, or deeply involved in a religious community, by any chance?
Yes but I'd have to get to you after I do the other people who've been waiting - not fair to give someone two different readings when others wait.
Saturn is transiting your 4th house (whole sign). Happens. He's going to be transiting there for another year and a half. You know what changes are needed but are resisting. Let go and it will be easier.
>My advice: go to the LoA threads and do the ladder experiment
>Then you'll know what to do from there
I'm not skipping you but I need to come back to this one. This is going to be quite a lengthy, intense reading. Thank you for your patience.
No specific questions, in general just feel aimless, unable to connect with others, loads of regret. What do you think?
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Will I ever lose my virginity? If so, at what age?
Will I find true love?
>Will I ever stop being a hiki neet
Yeah, the moment you decide to stop.
>Do I have any natural talents
Mercury (in fall) and Venus conjunct the MC in the 10th, when you can manage both the big and small pictures you do well to charm others
>Of course you also have to deal with the wounds that caused you to shun a career in the first place
You have Sun-Pluto trine the asc, but you need to use it.
>Moon conjunct North node
You need to work on emotional management. I'm prescribing you meditation. DO IT.
>Also this is gonna come across as rude but you should probably get a job. Any job. Doesn't matter so long as you don't rely on the money.
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Nobody has ever read my chart, unless you count calling me a fag or ignoring me as reading my chart?
Please use astroseek's chart generator as I said in the OP. I'm not reading that chart as it was given because it's unreadable.
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>>39068309 (me again)
My question is, will I ever find a new path? I feel so lost, I wasted my youth on a career that I now hate (medfag)
See >>39068317
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At least you replied, thank you I will go do that. >>39068318 My question and chart.
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Simple question, how do I free my mind from thoughts? My mind is a cancer and it has spread for far too long. All I want is peace and I have never find a hint of it, and it keeps getting worse....

I swear that if I find the demiurge I'm going to behead that motherfucker with a butter knife
>more accurate nativity
indeed. down to the very minute.
>needed to be humbled in intellectual matters as he matured
absolutely. those humblings have also lead to some of the most growth for me and also some complexes as well. now i'm more of a bullshit artist (not lying but more about the ability to riff) and tend to stick to my wheelhouses.
>gap between what your ego wants and how you express it.
very true of a younger me. it turns out that being honest and straight-forward about who you are and what you're about leads to more fulfilling and "easier" relationships (friends, family, etc)
>or have many enemies who do the same. Likely women.
very correct. not so much women as it is people that do not enjoy "direct confrontation" (most people today). i'm not sure why since generally speaking 12th house mars/mars in cancers are known to "sidestep" confrontation but in my case it turns out to be people being indirect with me.
>had some sort of trauma related to love around 16.5 years of age
i think the years of 15-20 were nothing more than relationship trauma stacking. poor choices in relationships.

all in all, you're incredibly accurate and one of the most skilled (at least in terms of my chart) that i've seen here. the only real question i have for you is how the venus (10th gemini) trine jupiter (6th aquarius) would/should/could present for me. sorry for the late response.
I do make money from being given seed capital by my dad and others, yeah. As for alcohol, my dad consumes it in excess. I make tinctures of ginseng vodka, if it helps.

Yeah, bad family life. My mom is more than likely a munchausens esque cunt, nearly killed her on several occasions for shit testing me. Was nearly coerced into sodomy as a child by an older teen, didn’t happen. Similar occurrences have happened, thankfully without actually harming me. Lots of violence, as a result of foolish idiots trying to shit test. They always end up afraid and respectful.

Yes, I almost always get lots of aid from groups that I help and support, almost always becoming a boss of some sort.

That is true, until recently. Others have helped me to be aware of this, and to prevent others from manipulating me. I’ve been building my own inner strength very well as of late.

Again, yes. Investments I make from seed money and helping others randomly helps them profit as well. More of a force multiplier in human form.

I’m not necessarily religious, but I do believe in much things and practices like Chi Gong, for one. I’m somewhat involved, as I used to interact with religious based charity groups and I go to certain locations for research material. Lots of people assume and ask if I’m a guru or some other kind of teacher. I recall being constantly taken out for dining with a pastor and my sister as a child. Lots of similar things have happened, mainly as a kind of coercion to get me to join a church organization, group study etc. Most just came off as nefarious and dishonest.

If it helps, something in Chaldean is 23/5 and 11/2 for me. Represents my life pretty well.
Am I as good a person as those around me seem to think I am? I am often plagued by self-accusation and regret over things I did in the past. Even though there were mitigating circumstances, I still doubt I'm a "good guy". It makes me squirm when I am praised.
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I had something written up which got baleetd on accident. So I'll try again:
>Yes, you will stop being a hiki the moment you decide to.
>Your natural talents:
You're great at charming other people once you can keep in mind both the big and small pictures (Venus-and-Mercury conjunct MC).
You have great personal power that you continually deny because it makes you feel "icky."You're a well-learned person who could've risen to the top of academia but dropped out (I suspect).

Your ascendant is lorded by Jupiter, in the 6th house, who is placed inconjunct the ascendant. Inconjunctions are typically balanced around middle aged - unless someone is aware of them earlier. A job you don't give a fuck about would do wonders for you.
>You have wounds dealing with the way you put yourself out into the world and related to love. You need to deal with these.
Your Jupiter is placed close to the lot of fortune. You have, essentially, two fortunes in the 6th house. To access this energy, work from the Moon. Luna is tightly trine your natal Jupiter and is closely conjunct your north node.
>I'm prescribing you meditation.
Work on your emotions and everything will fall into place. Run away from them and you'll face the same issues.
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Will I be wealthy? By what means? Will I be married multiple times?
Whoops, meant for >>3906469, mb
>Do I have what it takes to become successful
2nd house has Mercury and Pluto. Mercury is in detrimen, opposite your vertex.
>Saturn in fall trine the MC and Mercury; Saturn is lorded by an exalted Mars
Mars and Saturn have mutual reception here. Ordinarily I'd call Saturn-Aries negative placement but this is an exception. Not a total exception, but an exception worth noting. You'll be going through your Saturn return in a few years so now is a good time to learn his lessons.

Saturn-Aries individuals tend to build up a lot of things quickly on a weak foundation and then give up. The key to overcome this is to work slowly, and use your passion to make your position solid. I've seen incredibly disciplined Saturn Aries individuals, it can be done, you just have to try.
>Saturn-Aries 6h with an exalted Mars, as chart ruler, in the 3rd tells me you tend to have conflicts or issues when it comes to day-to-day employment but tend to come out on top due to your communication skills
Furthermore, you have Jupiter in sextile to both Saturn and Mercury supporting the whole thing. Your spiritual progress will assist you in your success.
>You probably had/have a decent, albeit erratic and unusual homelife (Jupiter IC with Uranus in the same house).
Don't be afraid to ask for help from the people who brought you up. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your brothers and or sisters, but be careful of those that would manipulate you.

Work on your emotional regulation skills, travel might be good for you, as would higher education.
>Chiron ascendant
>NN in virgo copresent lilith, lilith sextile Sun
Don't be afraid to be your authentic self either.
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Here you go Astrologer Anon, whatchu think
Hey Anon,

I have a very specific question. I'm going to have orthognathic surgery to fix my retrusive jaw and breathing problems, which will greatly improve both my aesthetics and quality of life.

I once had my astrological chart analyzed by chatGPT, and it mentioned a conjunction that indicated a predisposition for bone issues or something. I'd like you to comment on that if possible. Also, if you notice anything noteworthy in my chart, please let me know as well.

All the blessings
>no query, doing a random read
Mars in Leo on the ascendant, prone to assert his authority.
Often takes things too far
>Moon conjunct lilith in the 10th
Unsettled emotions, particularly when the native's freedom to chose their own destiny is restricted; tendency to deal with bratty women
>SN 9th house, NN 3rd house
As a kid, tended to focus on their intelligence, as an adult, focuses more on communication and what's hidden beneath the surface.
>Neptune 6h trine the MC with the vertex
A tendency towards manipulative communication at that. May not be intentional.
>Neptune with Venus in the 6th; Venus lords MC
Does well in artistic matters.
>Jupiter 5H square Saturn 8th
Fond of gambling, partying, and so forth - not fond of stopping. May have had sex later than his peers; alternatively, isn't fond of one-night-stands.
>Neptune 6H inconjunct Mars (1st house)
Health problems that appear out of nowhere, by any chance?
5H, 8H, 1H & 7H (there's a reason I'm including the first house for you); a lesser extent 10H and MC
Mercury-conjunct-Chiron and a fallen Sun lorded by Venus in her sign of detriment - albeit, her ruler (Mars) joins her in his domicile

You have wounds relating to relationships and sex you must deal with. These wounds may also relate to children or activities you enjoy.
>Mercury conjunct fixed star Zaniah
Popular, many friends, social success, a great talker, a wonderful artist or writer (I get the impression you may not be an artist, more of a writer). Something happened here that wounded you (Chiron). That wound isn't going to heal, you just get better at carrying that weight.
>Sun conjunct fixed star Seginus
Many friends who come to his aid in times of need
Uranus and Neptune trine Moon in the 12H. This native may subconsciously feel as if an alien who doesn't belong; social situations provide a sense of disorientation. Probably does better at sexual relationships when drugs or alcohol are involved.
Fixed star Aldebaran is conjunct your ascendant. It is said of these natives that they are renowned, receive many benefits from women, are held in high esteem. Their wife is rich and distinguished in her own right but such marriages do not last because...
Antares is conjunct the descendant. Antares is, literally, 'not Mars' - but like him. It's a deep rage, wanting to stomp someone's head in because they misspoke kind of rage. This energy may often be reflected back to you from others subconsciously. However, you have the descendant closely applying to Jupiter, which significantly heals this issue. I'd say a lasting marriage is possible for you if you stay wise.
>Learn how to embrace your own wisdom and be HONEST about it
>Other people hold you in high regard but you have trouble integrating this with yourself. That's OK - you're allowed to go as easy on yourself as you do with others.
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i totally don't want to sound like a dick bc i appreciate what you're doing, but i think you skipped mine from last night (it was >>39062918 ), but maybe the chart wasn't in the right form, so here's the chart in the astroseek format instead

do you have any career/work advice or insights? i feel like I work very hard at my chosen field which I consider to be my true calling/passion/etc but I feel like I should have more success to show for it.

or if there's anything else glaring, any insights or whatever. thanks brother!
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Saturn is here, lorded by and square your natal Jupiter (weakly). You're going through your Saturn return right now, although there's currently a period of letting go slightly as Saturn moves away from your natal Saturn. You're due for at least one more conjunction this return.

Saturn in the 10H is great for business, but not so good for social relationships. You have a tendency to be too reserved, to close yourself off, and isolate. Others (7H) encourage you but there's a discrepancy between what Jupiter commands and what Saturn thinks is best.
>Saturn inconjunct your Sun
If you learn how to be your best self you'll see substantial growth. Focus on being the best you, you can be. Be as generous with yourself as you are with others. Be honest, be upright, and most importantly: be GOOD.
>You can do it anon! You WILL get there eventually. :)
You're right, I did, my bad. I'll get to you next.
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Any advice on recovering lost glory due to long depression? Currently starting my life again, too much resistance & having small progress right now. And any other crucial advice/warnings? Thank you astro anon.
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hello anon, i would appreciate a general reading but also if you could make some references about money (lack of) and career (arts)
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How lucky can I get?
What are my money making prospects like?
What kind of women am I into?
so tired of getting ignored in these threads
If you're the person that just complained: I'm working on it
If you're someone else: Tell me who you are (there's probably people in front of you).
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It wasn't me (>>39069119) dude take your time you're doing the lord's work here
Career: 10H
Your 10th house is lorded by the Sun (who is placed with Sirius and Venus in the 9th). Your work should be something that shows off your skills, something that allows you to be a leader/authority. With the lord of your 10H placed in the 9th, what you do should involve some sot of higher education, knowledge, or travel.

With the Sun (conjunct Sirius) in the 9H, we also have a conjunction to Venus and Mercury. To me, this reads as extra emphasis on Mercurial qualities, especially your knowledge. It could involve groups of people, but at the end of the day you'd want to be looked up to, something easy, something that you love, and something that uses your mind. Your Sun is in sextile to your MC, a little bit of effort here goes a long way.
>Especially regarding something you love, you're not willing to give up that. You can be even a little (emphasis on a little) narcissistic in this regard.

Work: 6H
Your house of work is empty, so we'll look to the ruler of the 6th instead: Mars. Mars is placed in the first and domicile, conjunct Saturn. Mars is excellently placed in Scorpio, and as chart ruler+final depositor, he has the final say on pretty much everything. That said, he is still required to take care of Saturn's needs, and Saturn needs maturity, stillness, dedication, quiteness, reservation, practice, and mastery. This is, I suspect, the source of your complaints.

Metaphorically, Mars wants to charge ahead and Saturn says "no, slow down." Mars demands valor now, and Saturn says "in time." Mars tries to start things headfirst and Saturn needs planning. You can ease this by working with your solar and Mercurial qualities.
Your MC is in the 11th, so what you want to be remembered for, the way you navigate life, isn't tied to your career. It's tied to the friends you make, the communities you're a part of, the organizations you build. MC in the 11th is all about "the friends we make along the way."
Good news: You have MC trine Jupiter, so I do forsee success in your career. Leverage your wisdom in communication and the close connections to those around you.
>You have Moon conjunct hasta. Careful of little white lies. Telling the truth, even when a lie seems best, is wise. Emotionally you know this but may ignore these impulses as they can be upsetting.
Oooo I can’t wait for you to read mines OP, keep up the work ~
thanks bromine, you're really spot on in a lot of things, it's crazy.
thank you

i love you <3
>Who am I
I can't answer this.
>What happens to me
>What is my path
Are you asking for your destiny? SN in the 2nd house, NN in the 8th. Learn to use your resources wisely and don't be afraid to make friends or acquire the resources of others. Both of these exist simultaneously, it's not a yes/no thing.
>Will I get a girlfriend?
I can't answer that. I can say you have placements that suggests manifestation of your wife/sexual goals (Uranus 8th and Neptune 7th). Visit LoA threads to learn more.
>Your wife may come from a troubled background and you may be older than her
Strengths: Diplomacy, tact, probably goodlooking and charming. You're likely emotionally psychic.
Weaknesses: Shy, doesn't know when to stand up for himself or be mature, can be fixated on recognition or valor when it comes to friendships and communities. Powerful emotions that are intensely hard to control.
How tf did I miss this one?
>No query, doing random
>Saturn in detriment in the 5h with lillith
May have had a bad homelife growing up, with one parent absent. They could've seen their parent as someone evil and manipulative. Delays in sexual relationships, may see the behavior of others regarding partiesand sex as disgusting.
>Sun conjunct Mercury domicile 6H
A busybody, lives for work or knowledge.
>Venus in detriment in the 8th square MC.
Could be problems with women, or issues in sexual relationships. Trouble asking for help from others?
>Venus trine Uranus in the 11th
Has many odd friends, unique friends. These people could be geniuses of some kind.
>Mars in detriment in 2h
Trouble with self-value, may have had money issues.
>SN conjunct Hasta, NN conjunct Moon in Aries in the 1st
Started life as a people pleaser, is moving to a position of boldness and overcoming emotional obstacles.
Thanks anon. It's good to know that when I stop being a pussy I can finally quit being a hiki-neet. And you're pretty spot on about the dropping out part. Well, I didn’t exactly drop out. I just started shutting myself in towards the end of high school and didn’t pursue further education because of it. Any particular reason why a job I don't give a fuck about would do wonders for me? Also, could you explain what you mean by "work from the Moon", I'd appreciate it.
>Why would a job do wonders for me?
Because you're suffocating your natal Jupiter without one, essentially. Get a job for a month and see what happens, I'd be willing to bet you come into good fortune
>Also, could you explain what you mean by "work from the Moon", I'd appreciate it.
The Moon lords over emotions, intuition, meditation, and childhood, pyschicism, etc. You should learn to dive into your emotions. Meditation is an easy way to do this, it's sitting around and feeling things.
>I'd be willing to bet you come into good fortune
I’ll give it a try. I worked as a security guard for about 3 weeks once, and during that time my crypto portfolio shot up from 2k to around 30k, so you might be onto something.
>You should learn to dive into your emotions. Meditation is an easy way to do this.
I’ll give it a shot and see what comes of it. Thanks again for the advice anon, I appreciate it!
Time is hidden but correct to the minute.
Would appreciate anything that seems remarkable or of general interest, but I suppose I'm curious if you have any insight into why no one has ever had my back like I always have theirs.
Thanks for all your time and effort here.
Time for rest again. This thread was surprisingly popular :)
>I'll get to everyone, chipping away at it until its done
Thanks for your patience everyone!
Now we wait...
My first and last complaint friend, I apologize.
test. my posts aren't appearing for some reason.
Rest up baby gorl …
Why are you complaining and he did not get up to you yet ? LOL
Thank you, I appreciate this. Unsettling how much of this is true. Any insight into relationships/love/family life? Have dated a very nice lady for 2 years, and things are moving well, discussing marriage and kids. We have not put a strict timeline on it but are thinking sometime in the next 3-5 years
Also curious about the artistic matters; I have really enjoyed these and found them calming but I have always been terrible at painting, drawing, writing, acting
>tendency to deal with bratty women
meaning I am attracted to bratty women, or just end up coping with bratty women?
>As a kid, tended to focus on their intelligence, as an adult, focuses more on communication and what's hidden beneath the surface.
>A tendency towards manipulative communication at that. May not be intentional.
shit you are right
>Fond of gambling, partying, and so forth - not fond of stopping.
>May have had sex later than his peers;
definitely yes
>alternatively, isn't fond of one-night-stands.
yes, while fun (see gambling, partying, so forth) it was quite spiritually/mentally draining
>Health problems that appear out of nowhere, by any chance?
yes, diagnosed w hypothyroid when about 17yrs old. Have struggled with sleep since then
i expected low quality memebait out of this thread and was honestly surprised by your accuracy and your skills. how long has it taken you to hone them to this point?
you absolutely deserve all of the popularity you've garnered.
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Random reading plz
You missed another in this thread, OP
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Here's my ex's chart, tell me everything that's wrong with him?
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Unironically, teach me your ways. Honestly, just using your readings as a tool to see if I can read into the same thing on someone's chart as you has been immensely helpful, thank you. As far as chart reading goes, I don't think I have a particular question. I've read my chart a million times over, but only in the most basic of terms. Perhaps there's some more erudite aspects, that I wouldn't see as a tyro, that you might be able elucidate? Thank you!
does having a scorpio moon mean You experience the most intense emotions?
>if so that would explain a lot
and also how the fuck do I heal my scorpio moon?????
cause I really feel the pain constant and sharp every single fucking day

Thank you for your work and time OP.

Can you please tell me anything about my career? I am pursuing a new direction and want to know if I will achieve success.
Gm, getting ready for the day then gonna do some readings
Thanks bud
Alr done with my daily necessities, readings incoming
answer me one question please. Chiron is strictly a bad thing, right?
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House system is whole sign. Requesting a general reading, thanks brother.
Would really appreciate a reading - practice astrology myself but there could easily be things I'm missing in my own chart. There are some random questions I have and things I want to know more about.

Mars square Saturn being so close to exact seems like a major L

Is it weird that I have no personal planets in water signs? Aside from NN in Cancer

Moon opposition Venus - does this mean I'll never be satisfied in relationships? Or is it not that bad?

Also what explains me being so lost when it comes to career - other than a feeling that I don't want a typical job and just want to be a mother lol
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I hope you are still there OP! And thanks for this thread.
My question is, how do I "optimize" my study and practice of magic? If that makes sense...otherwise, I'd also greatly appreciate a general reading from (you).
looking forward to the reading. thanks OP
I don't know much about horoscopes. I've been looking into mine a bit lately, and a lot of the things it says make sense. As for a question, I don't have anything specific, but I am curious if you can see something "dark" in the horizon. I've ruined my life by being inactive, partly because of laziness and fear, and partly because I was certain that if I moved forward I would turn into something uncontrollable. Is there something to my fears, or is it just schizo justifications to mask my complete and utter cowardice and inability to face life as is?

I'm a Cancer, I was born on a Monday, which is the Moon's Day, it's got to mean something, right? Do I have any magical potential? Or am I looking too much into it? I cannot find a balance myself. I feel spread too thin. I oscillate from one extreme to the other, and there's never a moment of respite. None of it feels real, as if it's all just illusory phases. Am I a non-entity? What am I supposed to do with my life?

I went into Physics because I wanted to learn how it all works. I wanted to be a true Renaissance Man. But I screwed it up. I was too scared to move. I did almost nothing. I'm getting kicked out next year, unless I pull off a miracle. Was I paralysed because I couldn't hack it? Was I in the wrong place? I honestly do not have anything left in me to live a "normal" life. I cannot see myself ever losing my V-Card. I cannot imagine myself working a 9-to-5. I thought I could've been the wise hermit, but I felt this presence around me, that I was destined for much darker things, so I shut down. And now I cannot handle reality. I pray for death most days.

Half of me still feels a presence, but I cannot tell if it's God/Fate telling me to move, or testing my resolve to stay still. Should I try to pull off the impossible, or should I give up? I always give up. Should I move on, or should I stop myself dead in my tracks for the sake of everyone?

Anyway, thanks OP, I needed something like this.
>No query, doing random
MC is conjunct Spica - VERY nice!
Spica is said to be the most fortunate star in the heavens. Spica culminating confers upon the native popularity and success, riches, preferment from religious institutions; it renders one amicable and pleasurable to interact with, however, there is the warning that greedy individuals, those unwilling to put work in, or those unwilling to share their riches, e.g., those that do not embody Venus' balanced characteristics, suffer a fall from grace.

>Venus domicile in Taurus, 5h, with Mercury; Mercury trine the ascendant + is sextile Jupiter
Enjoys parties, gambling; particularly good at interacting with children from the time they talk until they hit puberty, good at gambling (especially when the mind is involved, e.g., stocks). Could be an artist who makes great use of their hands, or movement of some kind (e.g, dance). These natives are likely to have had many relationships and even multiple partners at once.
>However, you may have pushed things too far on occasion, especially when alcohol is involved + your narcissistic tendencies were triggered. I suspect you know what I'm talking about.

>Chiron 1st house conjunct ascendant
Has wounds regarding their appearance; these wounds could also be physical in nature.
(Separate matter: You are also quite narcissistic about your appearance and don't take kindly to even perceived slights)
>Lilith conjunct IC with an exalted Sun
Shot in the dark: trouble with the mother, or some woman, primarily because of your father? E.g., your father was taken care of before you and you resented that?
>Pluto conjunct south node in the 12th,
A violent little shit as a child, as you've matured you've grown to be a hard(er) worker, but on some level you resent having to work at all and have difficulties at work that stem from your anger, other irrational behavior, or manipulation. You tend to be quite manipulative about money, but others can see this in your communication when you get mad.
>Jupiter conjunct Moon in the 7th,
Your wife or husband would be very caring. I suspect you're a man based on instinct. You tend to attract motherly, sensitive, nurturing figures. Your spouse may be in health care or is a pubic servant. All your wife's needs would ideally be taken care of and they may be rich. Your spouse would teach you about your emotions and soothe your emotional wounds.
>May prefer partners bigger than them in some way (could be height, could be weight, could even be emotionality, or religious, but there is the sense of wanting something 'big')
The wound may never heal but that doesn't mean you can't heal others. Think of it like growing pains: growing pains are painful, yes, but you get taller because of them.
>Is success as inevitable as it feels sometimes
Jupiter conjunct the ascendant, above the horizon, in trine to Uranus and Neptune in the 5th
>Jupiter: great success, good fortune, wealth, health
>Uranus: Sudden insight, radical changes, all things unexpected
>Neptune: dissolution, delusion, delirium, psychic instincts you can't quite put your finger on, drugs, etc
>Part of Fortune in the 1th with the MC
>Moon in the 8H sextile the MC and PoF
>Saturn domicile Aquarius in the 6H
Yes, yes it is, and you should keep feeling that. Allow yourself to be "deluded." I've recommended many anons visit the LoA thread but you, especially, really really should. Your chart reeks of success but you're going to have to get a job or do some sort of daily work to unlock it. Saturn is the final depositor in your chart (only planet domicile) and lords over your natal chart ruler. There is the warning that Jupiter is retrograde and in detriment, however, I believe working with your natal Saturn and Mercury will be able to overcome this.
>Set new boundaries for yourself in your work life, expand your horizons, use your brain, be ferocious, you got this anon!
How am I looking? I've got ADHD supposedly, and I was categorized as a INFP-T on the MBTI. I have had genuinely poor mental health most of my life, and I have struggled with addiction. Despite this, the average normie considers me wise beyond my years. I want to do something to help others, and I am going back to college next semester after failing the first 3 years due to addiction/trauma. Will I ever heal, or will I be the wounded healer forever? I am leaning heavily towards engineering for my major due to the freedom it would grant.
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Forgot image.
hey brother where does one get an honest education in how to read these sorts of charts? I know there are various systems and degrees of understanding but not sure what is exactly considered a reputable source in this world. Thanks for your help!
>What all this planets in the same sign mean?
1. Woah that's a big stellium!
2. It means a lot of the focus on that house.
You have what is called a bucket chart (Planets are all grouped around the bottom, form the bucket, with one or two at the top forming the handle.
The challenge with these charts is the opposition aspect: you have to learn to integrate your natal Jupiter and Mars in opposition. That said, of all the "bad" aspects, Mars opposite Jupiter is one of the best. You also have Moon conjunct Jupiter, but out of sign. I'd say you have mildly turbulent emotions and feel good enough about yourself, for the most part, but always feel like some 'connection' is missing.

There is a near-exact sesquinquadrate between your Sun and Jupiter. There is something eating at you inside that you continually ignore related to your sense of self, your ego, and your wisdom, religion, or fortunes. You're constantly suppressing this. If you can find a way to keep this aspect in balance (won't be easy, sesquinquadrates are hard to even note let alone balance) then miracles can happen
>If I had any advice, it'd be to work with your natal Saturn. That's your sense of maturity, discipline and hard work.
I have provided a reading without mentioning houses - I suspect you were born a few minutes later than what's listed on your nativity. I have others to attend to, but if you would like a private reading after I have handled everyone else, you are invited to request one.
>Anything interesting
Sun in exaltation in the second house; you have an overly-inflated sense of self-worth but nobody really challenges you on this. With Mercury present (and in mutual reception with your natal Mars), this ties into your mental capacity and suggests you know your ego can cause problems at times but these issues are not overwhelmingly bad.
Luna is in her degree of exaltation in the third with Venus and the northnode. You're a truly excellent communicator, you love those close to you very much. If you had sisters, their needs were always taken care of.
>Mercury trine Pluto
Mental aberrations of some kind, "schizo thoughts," a quick, racing mind; however, a genius who sucks up knowledge.
>Pluto in the 10th in Sagittarius
Wants power and is willing to force their way to it
>Mars and Lilith in the 4th, although both are well away from the IC
Could indicate a moderately difficult homelife or otherwise feisty mother. In gemini, any issues would be off-and-on-again.
>Saturn in detriment in the 5th
Delays regarding relationships, particularly because of problems with women or female caregivers. These don't have to be your mother, it could be a teacher (authority figure) or it could be a babysitter
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Thanks for the thread and readings.
Can you tell me about making relationships? Not just opposite sex but connecting on a basis of common interest.
>overly-inflated sense and ego
Heh sounds like this is me, sometimes I think I’m better than others. But I’m getting rid of that mindset.
>truly excellent communicator
I am? I’m a bit shy towards new people and trying to breakout of that. I do have a sister and I do tend to her
>Mental aberrations
I tend to overthink a lot and talk to myself.
> Wants power and is willing to force their way
I guess I’m anpretty determined person.
> Could indicate a moderately difficult homelife or otherwise feisty mother.
My family has money problems but it’s not that bad. Like homeless bad. My mom is feisty lol.
>Delays regarding relationships
Is this regarding about romantic relationships? I am a woman by the way. But I never been in a relationship before. I don’t get this one…
>Is this regarding romanic relationships
Yes, 5h is romantic relationships with 8h is sexual relationships, but 5h placements can prevent the latter ofc, all things depending.
>I am?
NN in the 2nd means you're "reaching" towards that throughout your life.
>Severe wounds in early childhood
Somewhere between 4 and 5 years of age?
>Anything related to this in the near future
Your future is up to you. You have to stop being afraid of yourself. Especially since (I suspect) you're a woman.
>What should I look for in a partner
5H, 7H, 8H
5H lorded by Jupiter, who is in the 1st trine your natal Mercury. You'd want an intelligent man who's bold and understands the kind of communication most men are blind to. He should be an agile communicator
>7H lorded by Saturn
You're looking for someone who's older than you. You would probably be in the same career, he would be a stern man who works his ass off, is responsible, and doesn't take shit.
>You have the indications of someone who gets married late, and that's OK
Deal with your emotional wounds. When you get sudden insights, listen to them. Work your ass off. Learn to be grounded in your dealings with others, without being shy. It's going to take work but you can and will do it.
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Hit me with all you have, what do the heavens have to say? I can’t shake off the feeling that my life is full of contradictions… I am a walking contradiction.
I forgot to ask, but is there the presence of curses? I’m aware of the struggles relating to my life being repped on the charts, but not so sure of how it would actively relate to my family’s past.
>General read
Pluto on the ascendant and Mars on the MC in detriment, conjunct Jupiter and Mercury. I read this as someone who is manipulative as fuck, doesn't want to take no for an answer, can lash out wantonly. Passive aggressive communicator, tries to be balanced but just comes across wrong. This particularly involves your friendgroups or any organizations you're a part of. Loves to be appreciated by their friends.
>Another read: knows exactly what to say to fuck with your friend's heads
Still, relatively successful in spite of these characteristics.
>Saturn and Lilith in 8H
Secretly wants things from others but doesn't come out and ask
>Trying to kickstart a magazine
Mercury in 11h with the Sun: yeah that checks out
>Dream is to work in fashion
Career goals: 10H
>Venus and Neptune in the 10th... Yep. That lines up.
>6H lorded by Venus
I think you should do it. Don't be afraid to dream.

Word to the wise: you have Saturn conjunct fixed star Capella in he 2nd. You need to manage your finances well, when you make money, keep it instead of spending on those luxuries you crave. Be more open with others, stop being so negative and closed off. You need to do full body stretches - if you must, get one massage a month, but bear in mind what I said about saving your money. Spend wisely, always. You should cut unnecessary expenses over the next year.
>You and I would do well to work together. If you need a writer or someone to do other mercurial work, ask.
Like some sort of family curse? I'm not going to say yes or no. Contact someone experienced in dealing with curses if you feel the need to.
>Scorpio moon
>Full moon 2 days ago
It's almost over my brother, soon the typical monthly catharsis will pass, and next month you will curse the moon again
Understood, thanks. By the way, what was ‘odd’ about the chart? Gut feeling? Or too much Saturn? On a final note, are there some useful sites that you’d recommend for research into astrology that isn’t posted on the General threads?
>romantic relationships
Oh yeah I’ve never been in a relationship before. I don’t know why though. I can’t figure out the women problem, maybe because of an insecurity thing? I’m not sure. My mom always wanted me to be in a relationship lol.
>”reaching” towards that throughout your life
Haha that’s true, I started talking to new people and learning not to care about other people’s opinions.
Give a rough guess of my current condition, and the near future if possible, let's say two years.
Why does my life suck so much? Should I kill myself already?
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Deeply religious people are sometimes harder to read because their fates are more liberated.
>are there some useful sites that you’d recommend for research into astrology
Many sites on the internet aren't going to be helpful and there are pitfalls to avoid. What one needs is books and practice; particularly older books, however, I find the occasional new book to be worth the investment. It also depends on what kind of astrology you're interested in.

Multiple anons in the thread are asking how to learn or become as good as I have... Practice will benefit you more than reading about astro. I'm tempted to offer my services as an instructor because frens keep asking; on the other hand, I've taken on some students before but many don't make it more than a few lessons in. It takes work and patience to get this good.
>I want to keep this thread focused on giving away readings, however, if anyone is interested in learning from a professional, reply to this post and I'll consider it.
Back to readings
The career change is in the arts btw. In case the context helps
Astrologer is right, Saturn 5th house in a water sign doesn't bode well for that sort of relationships, may be delayed. I personally have Saturn also in 5th but in pisces and I have always been haunted by the concept of romantic love.
And I was unconsciously true to the concept, for that 'love' never materialised as to be expected, as well as the misery and suffering it brings.

What I can simply tell you is to ignore completely what your mother thinks or wants you to do, she can't help it, just forgive her and stop that subject next to her.
Besides that, consider what I wrote about romantic 'love'. How it's not love but gnostic passion that has poisoned our culture since ever. Passion is a state of being, love entails action, very different concepts. We all have that idea of the magical other, that one person that somehow would solve all our problems, that would sublimate us into an unending sort of heroin fueled mental state, that would free us from the pain of reality. But that magical other is nothing but a myth that brings us misery.
This suddenly became an outside the subject rant against that dangerous word called romantic, and what is hidden underneath. Just wanted to make you consider what you really want from relationships and how they relate to the poison of 'romantic love'.
>I want to keep this thread focused on giving away readings, however, if anyone is interested in learning from a professional, reply to this post and I'll consider it.
I am
>mars square saturn
most based placement
I am
Oh thanks for the advice! lol my mom meant it in a teasing way. The astrologer described her as feisty and she wanted me to be like that. My parents are very critical of getting into a relationship soon. And wanted me to focus on my education and soon later my career. Then that I’m successful, I’ll get a boyfriend. This is basically my parents’ advice.
I am
>No query, doing a random read
>Venus conjunct Deneb Algedi, weakly culminating
"Some secret desire than is never fulfilled." This secret desire relates to 9H themes like travel, philosophy, or higher education, as well as your love life. Good at setting boundaries but may suffer problems in the home. Venus in aquarius can also indicate a unique sense of fashion. Does Valentine's day hold any importance to you?
>Venus is trine the ASC
Attractive but doesn't feel like it, especially with the moon opposite your natal Venus and your ascendant being in Gemini.
>Mars in Aries in the 11h, Mars is trine Pluto and sextile the MC.
Woah, don't piss this anon off! This person may get into frequent fights with their friends over their passions. If someone (or something, like an organizatio) you care about is threatened you will courageously charge into battle.
>Mars is also trine Luna (3h)
Headstrong, may get upset easily. Loves their community. Siblings and neighborhood are important to them.
>Moon and Mars trine Pluto
Emotional problems. Hates being manipulated by those close to them on a deep, visceral level.
>Pluto 7H conjunct descendant (weakly)
>Descendant is conjunct Mercury (Mercury is detrimented)
Manipulative communication from others that they may not have recognized when young. Struggles to express themselves properly. May also indicate issues with contracts (particularly regarding wording). Pluto 7H also indicates power struggles.
>Lilith conjunct ASC
Tends to manipulate others when they're uncomfortable in their own skin
>Chiron conjunct Sun
Something inside of you is broken when it comes to your psyche and/or sex. This is particularly the case regarding your sense of self or identity, you may be somewhat narcissistic in 8H matters
Astrology explains how the position of planetary bodies relates to events or the physical and psychological imprinted on birth of humans. The purpose of it is reportedly to help us overcome the limitations imprinted on us.
How are we supposed to reconcile this determinism with the concept of free will? I've read different answers from astrologers.

I feel like fighting these limitations is exhausting and some reflection shows that even though there is more awareness now than before, the inside hasn't changed at all. Again I reiterate that I'm going to get that demiurge's head with a butter knife for making me come here and be aware of it.

Let's keep this thread regarding readings. For those interested in learning, I've provided a server link.
>How are we supposed to reconcile this determinism with the concept of free will?
>I've read different answers from astrologers.
My take: God gives you the ability to choose your destiny; this does not mean it has to be easy to do so. The planets have an effect, but how you respond to that effect is up to you. Just because one is filled with rage, for example, does not mean they are obligated to beat the shit out of another person. That said, to some extent fate is a thing, but I see that as waypoints; markers placed here and there that shape us.
This is an interesting chart.
>Strengths and weaknesses
You have fixed star Vega exactly conjunct the MC. Charming, successful, well known in one's hometown (can be good or bad), good for honorable behavior, as well as favors from women.
>Ascendant is conjunct Alpheratz
You leave an impression on everyone.
Saturn, 5H matters (romance, gambling, art). Saturn hates being in Leo, plain and simple. Here Saturn delays or restricts your access to these energies; you probably have trouble with self-actualization, lack spontaneity - you aren't a party person. You may not lack sex (Jupiter 8H in scorpio) but have troubles with commitment. Avoid drugs, avoid partying, definitely avoid gambling. At the same time, stop taking things so seriously.

Balance is key: don't be hard on yourself (Sun) but moderate your destructive behavior (Saturn). You should be able to ease some of your saturnian woes through the Moon (Moon in sextile). Pay attention to the emotions of others; EIYPO.
>Mercury in detriment+fall, retrograde, 12h
>Sun in the 12H
First and foremost, issues with those things under Mercury's domain. The 12H being fully unconscious renders them almost invisible to you. For example, there is the tendency to speak without thinking; thoughts may pop up from the ether. Jupiter, being in an exact trine and lording over Mercury is the saving grace. Trouble with the sense of self, may hate "the spotlight," so to speak.
>Venus-Chiron conjunction in the 11th with Neptune
Natives with chrion in the 11th prefer friendgroups where everyone is a misfit or an outcast in some way. Venus eases some of the chironic wounding process, providing you with a decent social circle and ability to make connections. However, with Neptune - particularly being square Jupiter, and trine your descendant - there is the warning to avoid manipulation from such friends. You may find others manipulate you without thinking.
any thoughts?
2H, 5H (gambling), Mercury
Lorded by Jupiter, contains the The Sun, Pluto, Chrion, Lilith
Sun-Pluto aspects can give one a dreadful sense of self. You may have problems with self-value or money in general. However, 2H Pluto represents one who finds hidden wealth (in some cases, literally out of the ground, like oil).

With Chiron here, first and foremost, you need to acknolwedge the wounds you have surrounding money.In fact, you are compelled to do this and it may be the reason you seek investment. With 4H Mars in sextile, I question if the wound was caused by one of your parents growing up.
Lorded by Jupiter, the ruler of the 5th, Jupiter, is in the 6th and in trine to the midheaven. Jupiter is ruled by Mars.
You would do well as an investor of some kind, especially one dealing with other people's money.
Joyed in the 1st house. Definitely an investor, someone who likes to find hidden bargains. Mercury lords your 8th and 11th houses, so you would do well to invest other's money through some kind of organization.

Your MC is in the 10th, ruled by the Sun. You should, at some point, move towards investing your own resources or building your own organization; step into your own power. Short term contracts (7H) would generally not be beneficial for you, as Saturn is placed there, or would require much effort. Be careful with them regardless and especially avoid contracts or investments that involve the money of loved ones (Moon trine Saturn)

Given Saturn in your 7H of contracts, lording over your 4H containing Mars and Uranus, and Neptune, I would say to avoid real estate investments. At a minimum, be weary of investments that involve repairing+flipping homes.With a Saturn-ruled Moon in the third, you need to be extra clear and precise in how you communicate when it comes to anything official.
>Furthermore, Saturn opposes his ruler, who is in detriment
Avoid contracts with women
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Why issues with relationships?
>Charming, successful
I don't think I'm either of those, also never received any favors lol. And I couldn't say what impression I leave on people
>have trouble with self-actualization, lack spontaneity - you aren't a party person
Yup pretty much, all seems accurate minus the sex part
>tendency to speak without thinking
Mmm maybe
>Trouble with the sense of self, may hate "the spotlight," so to speak.
Yes, 100%
>friendgroups where everyone is a misfit or an outcast in some way.
Can't really say, never had a lot of friends, maybe I would fit that description

Thanks for the reading and advice, most of it seems correct
How can I get a more private reading from you, OP?
See >>39075399
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I'd like you to point out whatever you like, but as someone who's interested in astrology himself and has been studying, I'd like to ask about something particular as well.

When a planet is in another's domicile, it's said that it's reliant on planet rules it. I wanted to ask about what it means when there's a sort of loop going on like you can see in my chart. Venus is reliant on mars, which is reliant on the sun, which is reliant on Venus. It's like a trinity of sorts. I'd like a generalized answer, as I've read a lot of charts myself and I'm in the process of reading through Chris Brennan's book finally. Should have gotten to it first, but I had other books interesting me.
What are my romantic prospects with a woman I’ve known and been attracted to for decades (almost my entire life)? A part of me strongly dislikes her, and my better judgement tells me to avoid her, and yet at the same time I’ve never had stronger feelings for a woman in my life.

Second question is what do you speculate my fate will be in general, what kind of life will I lead and what kind of death will I have?

If two questions are too much, then please just answer the first. Thanks a lot for the thread, will have a look at the server link you posted.
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Is this truly a “yod” and if so, what does this pattern in my chart seem to imply specifically? Any general outstanding factors you would like to point out would also be so helpful… I have faced a lot of struggle. I am not highly well socially adjusted although I am trying very hard.
Thank you for the answer. If I wanted to nitpick like a skeptic, I would call you a fraud because who doesn't have some sort of wound from a parent. But the entire answer is so well put and thorough that doing so, would only be ungrateful and arrogant.

Let me make another question if I may, how did you become good at your art and what were the steps you took to reach this level of mastery?
I have a strong interest in the field and I have found a great amount of books and information, but I have no clue on how to filter it.
I said that was not me complaining you jagov.
>Somewhere between 4 and 5 years of age?
3 to 4, about.
Otherwise, very accurate. Thank you.
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Rough year but manageable and notable progress. Shitty month. Hoping for a better last few months of the year.
>What would my destiny/calling be?
>Destiny: SN/NN Axis, calling = MC, Sun
Of the nodes it is said that the tail (SN) is "full," that planets conjunct it will find no more advancement, everything that could be done, has been done. Planets conjunct the NN are starving; eating as much as they can but never feel satiated. Both of the nodes are malefic, the key is to balance these energies without leaving the south node behind.
>SN is in Gemini, in the 9th, with Mars and the Moon.
The south node is where we start life, "where we're coming from," in a sense. These are habits we may fall back on when pressured.
Let's start with your Moon:
>Gemini Moons tend to systematize their emotions, have somewhat face-paced emotions (in your case, turbulent due to the presence of Mars - more on that in a moment), emotional but they tend to move on quickly. Can be chatty cathies one minute and silent the next. In the 9th, this shows a fondness for philosophy, education, and travel.
Now, your Mars:
>Mars conjunct Moon and fixed star Rigel
As a child you were an unruly little shit, clever and determined, but not unwilling to change your mind. You were probably more violent in your youth due to the presence of such turbulent emotions. Where Mars is placed, we find drive, and in the 9th I would say the native has drive to self-educate and travel. There is, however, the note of discomfort - for example, college probably wasn't a smooth ride. You may have quit and restart on more than one occasion or retook classes. If you graduated, there would be deep pride in your alma mater. You are sensitive towards loved ones, and expect commitment from them, through-and-through. You dislike disloyalty from yourself or others.
As the Moon lords over your MC, I shall place this section here. If the ascendant is the ship one navigates life's waters with, then the MC is the sails, determining the direction. The MC is what we want remembered for and where we put our energy out into the world. With the Lord of the 10th in 9H Gemini, you'd want a career that involves communication, that emphasizes your mind, that allows you to expand your horizons both mental and physical. You would do well in business, marketing;, also a career related to spirituality and culture. However, you have so much going on in your mind that picking one direction is hard. Listen to your dreams and trust your intuition.
>Total shot in the dark: may have the same career as their brother
>NN is in the 3rd house.
The north node is where we end life, what we're moving towards. This is what our soul reaches for. Your third house is empty of planets, so we shall look to its ruler, Jupiter, in the 12th.

This is... Interesting in your chart, to say the least. Jupiter is in detriment, Venus is in fall, both are conjunct and hate being where they are for different reason. Venus wants to be outwardly loving but must turn inward, none of her needs are being taken care of. Jupiter wants to be big and bold, but in Virgo must focus on the small stuff. Both are providing for Mercury in the 11H, and Jupiter is healing Venus' wounds.
You're very analytical when it comes to love. Oftentimes you don't know why you're attracted to someone, just can't put your finger on it, because it's totally unconscious. Yet you may obsess in many ways - including your expectations you have for partners. Are there karmic qualities to the relationships you form? At the same time, your fortune, health, and wisdom are grounded - both in the sense of practicality and feeling like you can't "take off." You may have the tendency to exhaust yourself helping others in hidden ways. Simultaneously, you suppress your wisdom and keep it inside. There's often a deeply religious aspect here that is perplexing. you grow spiritually through practical channels. You find pleasure in solitude.
>Jupiter 12H Natal - and only natal - is said to be like "Jupiter having your back." Miracles come from unknown places.
As you grow, you will find a need to build a community, yearning close relationships to loved ones, with many channels to support others. You must learn to express your wisdom and communicate it effectively to support others without draining yourself. You will come to find there is great impact in practical, real-world application of things.
You have an exact, a precise, a to-the-minute Sun-Regulus conjunction. Kinda excited to see this desu

Sun-conjunct-Regulus renders a man the spirit of a king; you have great influence over your friends and those you associate with; you have authority and seek power. You may seek out and befriend powerful people. HOWEVER, you act high and mighty, and because of this are subject to disgrace and the ruination of benefits. If you can find a way to integrate your Sun, most of these troubles can be avoided. It benefits you to act magnanimous rather than sniffing your own farts; and while walking around like royalty may satisfy your ego, it is better to be humble. Power whispers, weakness yells. When you act in a self-aggrandizing way, it screams.
Your sun trines your NN, so I would assume communication, community, and close relationships are a key focus. You have the potential to become a leader in your community

Due to your chart, your reading is probably going to be a full-length reading, at least this long (I'm expecting 2-3x more desu - we'll see). This is why I said I'd come back to you. If I do you're reading now I'll just get behind on the others.
>Will I ever lose my virginity
That's up to you, as I've told everyone else who asks. Everyone can - I can take a crack at guessing when. You are currently in a 10H protection year and are moving into an 11H protection year. You're going to be dealing with wounds arising from friendships between 22-23. This will open up opportunities for you. Take advantage of these opportunities, keep working on yourself. At the latest, I see you losing your virginity at 28, during your next 5h profection year or 31, during your next 8H profection year..

HOWEVER - I cannot stress this enough, please pay attention before going full doomer - with a little bit of drive, it can happen any time. You have the ability to change your fate. I'm going to say that again: you have the ability to change your fate.
>You have Mars in the 8th, which indicates difficulty in sexual relationships
Mars is in detriment, yes. However, his ruler, Venus, is also in detriment! This is called mutual reception. In this alignment, Mars and Venus have a great capacity to work together. However, they are in an aspect called "semi-sextile," which is invisible, and cause trouble to bubble up until the native deals with the underlying issue. This is a hard aspect to work with - but - you have a Venus-Sun conjunction, and the Sun under Jupiter's rulership.

You may ease the pains of your Venus (and, by extension, Mars) by working with your Sun, and becoming the best man you can be. Your Moon and Jupiter supports your Sun in the 6th. Find a job you don't give a fuck about and focus on interacting with other people every day. Get some sort of daily routine. You can do this anon!
>You have power over your mind, realize this and you will find strength
>Nobody has ever read anon's chart
>Anon's question: Will I ever find a new path? (wants career advice)
>Career: 2, 6, 10 - your MC is in the 11th so I will ignore it for this query
2nd house in Aquarius is lorded by Saturn. Saturn deals with value of all kinds. Saturn is restrictive, cold, slow, and mandates structure. You have the PoF in your 2nd house, conjunct Lilith. So you will experience both misfortune and fortunes in these areas. Part of the reason for your troubles is that you suppress what you really want, and feel the need to lie to yourself. Stop that and embrace who you really are and you will find fortune.

Lorded by Mercury, who is placed in the 5H. Within the 6H is your NN, meaning that, as you grow, you will focus on work, skills, and health. Mercury lorded by Venus in Cancer isn't a bad placement by any means, although he is retrograde, and Mars is there, marring things with Chrion. You would do well as an artist or investor, but there's something that happened in your life regarding leisure (parties, relaxation), romance, children, self expression - something of a 5H nature. You're not dealing with it because it makes you very uncomfortable. This could be a physical accident (Mars causes accidents, Chiron is the wounded healer)...
>Complete aside, yeah, this is kind of a "gay" aspect
Mars is constantly showing you that you can be better, practically demanding it - as a result, you get uncomfortable and retreat away. Instead, the key is to charge into your insecurities. Stop being afraid of yourself. Stop letting your insecurities win. Tell them to go fuck themselves.You have problems with courage, your impulses, if a man, your sexuality. There is something warped here.

You have an exalted Moon. Work with your emotions. Listen to them, nurture them like a child. In fact, nurture your inner child. It's OK to do that. Just beee urself except unironically.
>Meanwhile, in the 10H
Saturn is exalted. Great!
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Mars as a ruler of the 4th being in 12th house is definitely problems in family (childhood trauma stuff). I usually see a planet in 12 and assume mental ill of some sort. Ruler of the 12th definitely indicates something in the family.
>He's at the anaretic degree, retrograde, with Pluto
Not so great. Pluto compels you to behave in a certain way, but Saturn delays. So there's a push-pull here. Pluto is compelling you to mature, work hard, be a man - you could be someone who matured extremely quickly. However, after you meet these demands, you're once again faced with another delay, another thing you're forced to do. Your career is a good example: you were forced to work hard, put in a shitload of effort, and then were effectively told "No, try again."
>Anaretic degree
This is the fated degree. Planets here are entirely inflexible - not that Saturn is a paragon of flexibility to begin with. So not only are your forced into certain situations, you feel like you're forced to deal with them in a certain way. However, Saturn is exalted, and all of his needs must be provided for by Venus; Venus is well placed in Cancer, in mutual reception with the Moon. I once again stress the importance of working with your emotions. Chase your dreams, force them into reality.

Pluto 10H is someone who wants to be powerful, notorious, he wants achievements under his belt. You would do well as an artist (as discussed prior, but you would also do well in government. You need to slow down and actually set up the foundation for your dreams.
Astute observation :)
>ruler of the ascendant & sun in 12th
are you ok?

>ruler of the ascendant in 7th house
yeah, I see how you're invested/see yourself mostly in a relationship with other.

>moon conjunct saturn in the 1st
I assume you're cold with your emotions, don't show them, hold things to yourself, which might explain why you're either not approaching her or if you did approach why she'd feel like you're distant or not open/attractive in an emotional sense (if she prefers that type). I'm banking on that she might not even know you feel anything towards her. Mb a friend you never confessed your love towards?
Since the ruler of the 7th (of a partner) is in the 11th house (of friends) that might be an indication of that.

>Jupiter in 12th
Though in his domicile I still almost always assume mental illness of something related. Have you left your house/usual rhythm of life, like, ever? Are you under house arrest?

>Mercury, ruler of the 6th almost on MC in 10th house and the ruler of the 10th is in 1st
Are you a medic or a manager (both)? Working from home?

For your questions - prospects might be better if you open up to her.
As for your life in general - you'll spend your money on friends mostly, on non job related public activities, you also might find meaning there (and thus spend your money there), since the Sun is there and it is the ruler of the 5th (joys, arts, sex and children). I might be stretching a definition here, but have your sex life been mostly either with friends or of a casual type? Like one night stands, hookups, that sort of stuff?

For the job I already asked for a confirmation of a profession.

For other questions I'd need to have exact date, time and place of birth to perform timing techniques.

You could use moon and venus talismans made with proper elections to improve both your emotional openness and love life.

haha yes but also no

Life is simultaneously great and terrible. I'd say I'm the group healer, but the sentiment isn't exactly reciprocated. I've spent a lot time doing things for other people and it hasn't exactly brought me any happiness. It helps to see the act itself as a sort of reward, but that only goes so far when the very people you help also hurt you.
>yeah, I see how you're invested/see yourself mostly in a relationship with other.
I feel like I've been rebelling against that to an extreme extent lately. Its like I'm madly trying to carve out my own individuality by just blindly lashing out against everything that's held me in check before.

Yes I am generally cold and people always tell me they can't tell what I'm thinking about or why I'm so spaced out all the time. But I'm extremely sentimental and have been struggling with uncontrollable emotions the past few years. I have tried to approach her but I could not read a reaction from her. Now that I think about it, even when approaching her I do tend to be a bit reserved about it. She is a childhood friend, and she has told me that I'm one of her favorite people in the world, but I don't know if she sees me as a romantic prospect. I only see her 2-3 times a year nowadays.

>Though in his domicile I still almost always assume mental illness of something related. Have you left your house/usual rhythm of life, like, ever? Are you under house arrest?
I've struggled with anxiety, obsessive disorders, derealization, etc. but it has never been debilitating and my life has been conventionally functional thus far. I'm a homebody generally but I do go outside to the field all the time for work (construction engineering). When I was in highschool I got in a rebellious phase when I'd skip school all the time, I was a straight and boring child but wanted to turn into a badass for the girls after puberty hit.

I never shy away from friends asking for money and offer it all the time, and I have no sex life at all, when frustrated I mastrubate to my imagination.

In what kind of manner would you advise me I should open up to her? Should I just bluntly tell her all my feelings or should I still try to retain some subtlety?
>ruler of ascendant and of 4th in 12th house
Also mental illness from family? Childhood trauma?
Remedy - therapy and Sun talisman made at proper time to both improve your physical (since it is the ruler of ascendant) and mental health, your spirit (since it is what Sun about).
You might want to wait until spring equinox at least, since that's when Sun will be exalted (will enter Aries) but the problem is mercury will be retrograde at this time, until last degrees of Aries and moon will be waning. The fucker will be retrograde when Sun enters Leo too, and same with moon. So you will have to wait until the 2026 with this one.

>ruler of 11th and 2nd in the 1st
Seems like friends and money find their way towards you (from your friends/benefactors?). So not everything is that bad.
>In what kind of manner would you advise me I should open up to her? Should I just bluntly tell her all my feelings or should I still try to retain some subtlety?

I am not a relationship expert but I think the best move would be, like I said, to do therapy. You can't force yourself to be vulnerable without risking a backfire. First you should find a resolution of this stuff inside, otherwise you'll just bring all the insecurity into the relationship and your opening up will feel fake to you.

Mars, even though it is the ruler of the ascendant is still in the 7th, so it is easy and comfortable to keep intimate people at bay or to rashly separate. (I have mars in 7th so I know what it feels like)

Also I forgot to notice that Mars is in detriment in libra, which further explains both how you (Mars) might feel overwhelmed by others and why you don't have much success with intimate partners.

So besides therapy (I'd recommend doing trauma/cptsd therapy, since it focuses on bringing out your authentic self and vulnerability, also - self compassion you can do yourself, here's a good video (he has more on that topic, but this one both gives a layout and a practical method that you can follow in the video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTFN8t9SXiQ ).

Also talismans - moon and venus can help. Also the sun. But doing sun talisman might have to wait until 2026, which I assume you don't want to. For moon and venus you can either elect time yourself following youtube guides or find somebody who does elections.

I'm planning on doing a lunar talisman on November 15th, half an hour before midnight, but it is a bit risky (Mars and Saturn aspects), plus works for my location, I don't know whether it will work for yours. If you're in the US the relatively similar position will be at 00:27 for Texas.

For california I don't think the talisman will work at all - times are too off.
Thanks a lot for the advice anon. I'll take my time to digest it all.
>Also mental illness from family? Childhood trauma?
Yes to both
>Sun talisman made at proper time
Any advice how to make one? I've never looked into it
Lol fucked up the trip, here's a new one :)

>Will I be wealthy
>Jupiter with the ascendant
>Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars all in their sign of fall
It's possible but you're gonna have to put hard work in, consistently, for a long time. Your fortune may come to you suddenly.
>Will I be married multiple times
>7H Ruler in 6H (Gemini)
Possibly but this placement could also mean you meet your wife through your work and that you work together.
>Mars 7H
Could indicate relationship troubles but Venus is providing easement here. I'd imagine fights die out as quickly as they flare up.
There is an opportunity for a Sun talisman in 2025.
>Moon Talisman, November 15, 23:30, Moon conjunct Uranus and Algol and is closely trine Pluto (for most of the US)
I'm going to assume you meant the 14th, since you mentioned a Saturn aspect.
Talismans are not something that can be described how to make in 2000 characters. You can hurt yourself if you don't know what you're doing. I am happy to provide guidance on talismanic construction & conscecration but it is outside the purview of this thread, especially for a beginner.
Going to be distinguishing myself via trip in this thread going forward to avoid confusion as other people are doing readings now. If the thread hits the bump limit by the time I wake up, I'll make another and finish off all readings there.

>How to free my mind from thoughts
It is not mental quiet which you seek, but mental ease. Scorpio Moon is indeed something difficult - no less in the first with Jupiter, NN, and Pluto! Especially with the Moon in sextile to Uranus.

The best advice I can give to Scorpio Moons, is thus: Ask yourself if what is bothering you, is going to be a problem in 20 minutes.
If yes > give it some, but not all, of your energy.
If no > let it go.
Scorpio is Luna's place of fall, it is where none of her needs are taken care of by her ruler, whom she must serve. Her ruler, Mars, is in the 6th, which isn't a happy house, speaking frankly.
>In the same way one may ignore thoughts they find unwise, you may ignore emotions you find unwise.
Because Mars loves to spearhead things, Scorpio Moons love to react without thinking. Thus they wind themselves up subconsciously.

You should spend 30 minutes a day, in meditation, on the feeling of mental peace. I would suggest it first in the morning, or late at night, when your subconscious is most impressionable (and thus, the most healing can happen). Most excellent would be morning, noon, and night - but this is unnecessary. You won't be great at first. Give it time. You must do this daily; however, you will find yourself in a much better place in just 30 days.
Readings are closed. Come back next month or go to the astro thread
To answer your question though you should be fine. For agoraphobia, use antagonistic thinking and do exactly what your brain doesn't want you to do.
Thank you, sorry, didn't realise it was closed
All good brother, I'm not the reader. Just didn't want you waiting in hopes of getting a reading.
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You still there, anon?
I'd like tips about jobs and my love life.
New readings are closed for this month; I've got a backlog to attend to. You may wait until next month for a free reading.
Will you still go over the posts other anons did reads for?
Of course! There's more than one way to read a chart.
Okay, thanks :)
If you're looking for astrological talismans I'd recommend Christopher Warnock and his website called Renaissance astrology.
He sells talismans and also has courses on how to make them, his YouTube channel is quite good and may help you with those questions you have in your mind
OP based beyond belief, if you have a kofi or something of the sort I'll happily send you some dollars for a pizza.
Any words on my Saturn return?
Thank you astrosister. Yes, i sure would like to request a private reading. You nailed everything, its pretty amazing. My document says i was born 20:30 but my mother said it was 20:35. My only doubt is because the focus on 5th house fits so much more then what 6th would be, but who knows, times change. Thank you again
>There is an opportunity for a Sun talisman in 2025
When in aries I am worried about retrograde, and then still slow mercury. And doing it exactly in exhaltation degree in 19th degree is when mercury is stationary.
Plus when sun is in MC where I'm at the moon is void of course. I have no idea whether it or stationary mercury can influence the talisman.

It does seem good that the ruler of the ascendant is the Sun in MC in 19th degree aries, making a sextile to Jupiter and a trine by sign to Moon.

But still undecided.

As for when it will be in leo - the mercury is retrograde and when it is not the moon is waning.

Could you tell what you meant for such opportunity? I would really like to make in 2025, but am just conflicted about it.

As for the Moon talisman I am planning to do it when ascendant is in exact conjunct Regulus, when Moon is just past the MC (4.5 degrees away) and is in perfect opposition to the Sun.

I thought about doing it when the Moon is in exhaltation degree, and locally it would be perfect if not for the fact that it is in second house JUST below the horizon and not close to ascendant. It is in 4.06 degree on exact ascendant degree, so idk. Do you have any thoughts/considerations on those? I'd really appreciate feedback.

I'm in Ukraine so you can check these in exact location if you want to.
>Due to your chart, your reading is probably going to be a full-length reading
hmm, may I ask what it is about my chart that requires a full length reading?
(not that I'm opposed to a full-length reading btw, just genuinely curious)
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Anon… How do I figure out where the moons of the Gas Giants were in my Chart when I was born? Io, Europa, Titan, Umbriel etc… I’ve never seen a site that can tell me this…

Who can help?
thank you for the reading and for the detail! aries saturn, to me is actually me favorite placement in my chart. i’ve had bouts of not being disciplined in my past but it’s what’s gotten me so strong in my atheltic endeavors with lifting, wrestling, climbing, tennis etc and also what got me to foreman at a construction company and as lead bouncer as a part time job. but its true, i do tend to i think overshoot my abilities sometimes and get dissapointed in the process. which is why i wanna transition back to acting and writing and working in film. it’s the thing i have the most natural talent at besides personal training and bartending. i can see myself doing it for decades and being happy. i’m happy to hear abour the spiritual thing. with my siblings, i’m slowly getting back in touch with them. they’re all my half siblings from my dad. you’re right about my childhood and home, it was chaos. i was abused alot but spoiled in financial ways. i actually went overseas for the first time and it totally transformed me it was amazing. thank you again!
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And this is my chart for whoever wants to share their insights.
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Hi, dunno if you’re still doing readings, but i’ve been curious about my chart for a really long time. Could you tell me a bit about mine?
If not a general overview, could someone tell me about what career I may find myself in and what my love life may shape up to be?
You'll probably have better luck in the astro thread
Is there one? I didn’t find anything when I searched “astrology” nor when I scrolled the catalog.
Hello, I would like to know about finances and relationships, if possible.
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things to take into consideration? Many thanks in advance anon.
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idk but someone said i won't have any success in life and my career would be nonexistent, and that the good part in my chart are overshadowed by troubled aspects so no good also. Also some bs that I would die in my 40-50s. It means I will ngmi?
I've tried to post this for 2 hours, horrible site
Thank you for your reply, I have been recommended to start meditation by more than one person, I look forward to actually start it for good.
The moons of the gas giants orbit quite close to their planets in cosmological context. Assume the moons are where the planet is, anon. Unless a planet is right at the cusp of another house/sign... then you might be into something.
My Saturn is at 0 Degrees in between Aquarius + Pisces… so I’m curious if any of the Moons would be conjunct with Fomalhaut.

Sucks there’s not any apps that show their locations.
Never is a strong word. How is this year treating you? You have a bunch of placements in Gemini, which Jupiter is transiting to as we speak.
What kind of struggles and hardships am I in for? Will I make it?
Just keeping the thread alive so OP can finish their work
It sucks.
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Based fren
Sun conjunct Venus (Chart ruler), 9H in Capricorn culminating: Good for beauty (especially bone structure or those things which require Good for putting in work for their appearance and good for self-care); good for wisdom, education, and travel, especially when planned out.
>Moon square ascendant lorded by Saturn, Luna is conjunct Uranus and sextile pluto.
Moody, flippantly changing emotions, trouble hiding one's emotions and at the same time, trouble expressing their inner world, difficulties in reading others. Feels like an emotional alien, perhaps.
>Lilith and Mars in the 11th house
Fights with friends and communities as a result of their own stubbornness. Attracted to strong-willed individuals and outcasts - because they feel like an outsider themselves; simultaneously fears rejection on a primal level. All of this is tied up in strong impulses to connect with others because they want to belong. Needs to learn how to balance this without losing their own identity, which is the cause of their flare ups.
>Pluto 8H
Disturbed subconscious, trouble in sexual relationships (Pluto sextile Moon = especially with women) that changes you. Needed to be isolated to learn how much other people really mean to them. Sex is about power and control.
Hmm sounds about right. What would be a good career path for me in your opinion? Any insight?
Sorry anon, I still have like 30 readings to get to. I have to draw the line somewhere or else I'll be doing these readings into the next month XD. If you need, you may ask at the astro threads, wait and ask me next month, or get a private reading.
No worries
Tell me my future u fools. I have battled every demon and won on my own merits. Youd never believe who I was. I am concealed from you.
I think you skipped me, OP
>I have battled every demon and won on my own merits.
I can believed that actually, with that Capricorn 9th house super stellium. Basically everything in your chart revolves around the 3rd-9th house axis.
I think you will.
Seems like you will do well with family, home and career. You might be a bit of a tough guy, with a sharp tongue. Most notable difficulties exist in the field of art and offspring.
The thing I like most in your chart is your Mars ascendant ruler in a tight trine to Jupiter. As I said, tough guy.
Career might not be good but the other shit sounds like bullshit.
Don't become a gangster.
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tell me about my chart anon, and kek why does this thread have a quite a bit of Scorpio ascendants?
I appreciate the kind words. I'm curious about doing well with family, but difficulties with offspring
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I just have this urge to know if I am going down the right path and how to avoid ending up like others around me.
Hi OP.
I'm in the same position as this anon with similar questions. Like now what? I just want out I almost diedon oct.6thbut i revived. Now what? I'm so done, so angry and alone...thx
I meant im in the same position as this anon >>39062393
Yeah... I was asking for my destiny. My... fate if you will.

>Who am I?
I didn't mean my name. I meant who do you think I'm meant to be based on my chart.
>I can believed that actually, with that Capricorn 9th house super stellium. Basically everything in your chart revolves around the 3rd-9th house axis.

Explain this further to me. I have a bizarre suspicion that I cant die. Ive had multiple NDEs. I felt so close to God once it hurt and had to start cursing and blaspheming.
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>I have a bizarre suspicion that I cant die. Ive had multiple NDEs

No one can, you're not unique in that regard. Few are consciously aware of it, though.
I would appreciate the reading of random factors, OP!
its depressing to believe that we have no contrl about who we are but what are some good things about me ? anything i should watch out for
>I'm curious about doing well with family, but difficulties with offspring
Apologies. I meant doing well with home life, having a pleasant home life. Also property.
3rd-9th house is very much about spirituality. It makes sense to have more out there experiences. I don't know about anything beyond that. Obviously every physical body can die but as for the soul, everyone's soul is immortal.
Watch your mental health, avoid losing hope, becoming too asocial, becoming withdrawn. Do not let low self esteem set in. Keep working on your goals, stay on target, believe in yourself, and be absolutely inflexible in adhering to your mission. Hopelessness, fear, and despair have nothing to offer you. Focus on the work. Let God sort out the reward at whatever time he pleases.
Maybe don't get too crazy though. I have to say this now since you have an Aquarius Sun and maybe in the domain of personality and sociability, extra tolerance might be good for you. When I say be inflexible, I mean don't give up.
>Watchu think
>Pluto on the IC in the 4th, lorded by Jupiter in the 8th with the Sun.
>Chiron is present as well
An incredibly troubled homelife, likely caused by a man. As a result you have deep-seated wounds here and a deeply troubled subconscious. You are prone to violent impulses surrounding your "trigger." Did the issues begin between 3-4 years of age?
>Lord of the 1st at the anaretic degree in his fall+detriment. Mercury is conjunct the fixed star Scheat
Stubborn in his communication with others; demands others change instead. Many accidents and misfortunes in writing; particularly arising from your behavior, although this is not always intentional - your intention often doesn't matter to others. Furthermore, you insist on getting the last word in conflicts (especially with women(?) - Moon is exalted in a very wide sextile) which exacerbates these conflicts further. This native may be clumsy in motion and bumps into others. This native should avoid drugs as they will completely delude themselves - their thinking is often ungrounded to begin with.
>Shot in the dark: Do you have any fungal issues on your feet?
Fortunately, Venus culminates under Mercury's rulership, so you may have learned to bite your tongue as you've gotten older. You will likely learn to do this better as Venus matures, between 25-26. However well being diplomatic goes for you, there is always the sense that being charming in disputes is "beneath you" because it makes you feel icky. Consciously, you know it's wise to let go, but subconsciously you hate it.
>Venus square ascedant
You feel that you're uglier than your public image / than others treat you
>Venus opposite Pluto and Chiron
Your inner wounds push you to work through your trauma by focusing on your relationships with others. Tends to overly please or charm others. Needs to listen to his intuition to learn when to stop because the mind is deluded.
>Neptune (6h) trine Venus + the MC, Neptune is conjunct the Vertex
A wonderful artist, however, deluded and manipulative. As much as they're manipulative, rarely gets called out for it because they're so focused on charming others. Gets lost in their own imagination; loves spending time there.
May have sudden health problems (Neptune and Uranus 6H).
thanks :) but all that could really apply to anyone, either way thanks for the reading
You don't know your time of birth so I can't read this in good conscience.
Worthless when it comes to astrology. It saw Chiron in Capricorn and applied wounds to something Saturnine. Were it in the 1st house, maybe. In the 7th I'd argue that
>breathing problems and orthognathic surgery
Mouth is Mercury, the teeth and jaw are Saturn. Sure enough, you have Saturn under Mercury's rulership, and Mercury is rx conjunct the Sun - both are lorded by Venus, who is in detriment. Yeah, that checks out.

You say that it'll improve your quality of life. Probably. But your aesthetics? Anon, there's no surgery for your personality. That's an ill-dignified Venus, conjoined to your MC, and square your natal Chiron speaking. You're going to get that surgery and realize that your over-emotional nature and trauma regarding partnerships are still present. By all means, get the surgery - I can't commentate on how it would go without a chart, and even then I am weary to say either way - but know that this won't be the end to your perceived mistreatment, nor is it going to fix your relationship problems. You need to sit down for 30 minutes, with a pen and paper, and acknowledge what's really bothering you deep inside.Write down what it could be, what really hurts deep inside. At some point you're going to get to a topic you want to glaze over because it hurts, there it is, start investigating that. Just acknowledge it.

Best of luck to you fren,and know that you are loved.
>Random read
>Uranus and Jupiter in the first, both weakly conjoined to the ASC
An odd appearance, is seen as a weird, albeit wise visionary. Offensive, impulsive, and cannot stand being constrained. Big in some way, my intuition says tall.
>Saturn is lord of the 1st house, in fall, in the 3rd house
Subpar communication skills, needs to be careful with how they word things to prevent confusion or disruption. Should slow down when speaking instead of flailing about on instinct. Potential misfortune with siblings or pets.
>Moon is exalted in the 4th, trine Mercury
Was treated well in childhood and up to their teens. Unlike many anons in this thread, you probably have a decent relationship with your mother, but she didn't approve of your rebellious behavior.
>Lord of the 4H in the 12th
There's something hidden or unseen related to your mother - you may have seen her infrequently (i.e., due to work or other obligations; she may simply have not been present). Your mother kept secrets from you.
>Pluto conjunct MC in the 11th, with the Sun
You're an intense person, prone to controlling, especially of you're perceived. If you're part of a community, you want the power to shape it. If you have friends, you're domineering.
>>39080636 here, what does love life look like?
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i had couple of rough years, is it going to be better
It's beyond the bump limit. OP will have to make a new thread if he wishes to read the rest of the charts, as this one will die soon

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