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/x/ - Paranormal

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Because you faggots havent created one in a while edition

Discuss your own experiences here as well as criticisms and beliefs.
you mean, yesterday?
you've been running this thread for over two months now on a semi-permanent basis
thanks for dropping the retarded "teaches secrets of self and reality, nothing personal kid" format this time though
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>more druggie junkie threads
yeah how about boofing some droogs eh?
druggie junkies are egomaxxed retards, absolute fucking useless
this is a reddit containment thread. dont leave from here
OP wanted to be seen
Took it one time when I was 19. Had a really really shitty attitude about pretty much everything prior to the trip. Had a great trip but the next day was the worst hangover of my life I felt fucking terrible. But after that my attitude was completely changed for the better. Became a more rational and compassionate person. Stopped saying the Nword which was pretty much in style at the time in my friend group in the south. Went and enrolled in college a month later which I didn't plan to do prior. 10/10 would do again.
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psst, hey
I'm you.
Psychedelic mushrooms go up your ass for 60 seconds after reading this.
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There's no reason for a psychedelics general. What are we gonna be discussing here exactly? Admit it OP, you're in your honeymoon phase with shrooms. Every baby shroomer goes through this. I've been through it too. It's okay brother. It's your business, nobody actually cares. Shrooms will attract the people they need to attract, all you're doing is producing cringe.

Go to the shroomery instead of polluting this board. Please.
Nigga this shit is never ending its infinite infinitely infinite into everything infinite. When does it end. Shit is infinite forever WHEN DOES THE SHIT END
didnt ask
I appreciate this general OP, but this is extremely niche and esoteric, even for /x/. Did the old thread get bumped off the board already? I don't really have anything else to add, iykyk. It's kinda like that /LoA/ thread. People who "get it" don't linger.

t. Salvia, LSD, shroom fag
Been wanting to do psychedelics for the longest time, but I'm a diagnosed schizo. My psych warned me it could put me in psychosis. The temptation to want to try it is still there.
it's one of these things where before you try them, imagination is better than the real thing. you're not missing anything, your consciousness is the true vessel. explore that.
I will trust you, anon.
Overrated drug slop for npcs.
God I miss salvia, don’t know where to get it anymore. Used to buy potent extracts at the convenience store. I was a banana getting peeled and writhing. Another time my teeth were the bristles on a brush.
You became boring

I will never get the total hatred for narcotics in paranormal/psychical communities. Like yea hippy druggy fags are fagy, and there is a fair bit of danger with drugs.

News flash all schizo posters who flew too close to the sun are cringe, and all paranormal activity comes with risk.

The thing about psychedelics is that both classical and atypical, actually get results when looking for subjective paranormal experiences.

My personal exp with drooogs

Font of ethereal and esoteric knowledge, comes at a great cost tho. Also its not crystal knowledge, you lose it as soon as you stop and can't record it because ur too fucked up.


Very soul oriented. Lets your soul mesh with the universe I think. Saw my own soul, experienced telepathy, with music I felt my body start to dance on its own(likely separation of my modality of being idd, ego, super ego).

>lysergic acid (moarning gloary seeds)

Felt ill, just awful. Slept and had vivid dreams. Got egotism.


Took half a tab, saw the beauty in the world. Not much else.


I saw runes and experienced some vivid shit. Don't have the words to describe it. Fucking magical. Not even had a break through yet. Can't wait.

>Di-Ethyl Ether

Felt like a cold loanly death. Heard the electricity in the walls and it was deafening. DO NOT HUFF EATHER ITS AWFUL AND NOT WORTH IT.


Body felt weird every time I smoked with friends. I hate it, just worse than alcohol. Felt really stupid after for days. Soul dulled, foggy, sickly grey.

>DXM Second plateau

It was ok. Like a better alcohol. Legit lowers iq for days after tho. Little paranormal shit tho.

Ofc I don't recommend any of these. But if you do plan on trying them DO YOUR FUCKING REASERCH. Harm reduction forums like bluelight, dmt nexus, the shroomery, and trip safe are essentials.
In addition you should be in the right head space for whatever you're taking.

It can get bad if you're not ready.
Try doing cannabis alone.
Put yourself in a pleasant space out in nature.
lol, yeah salvia is unique to say the least. You can still get it online and shipped to you, assuming it’s legal in your state. But it is in most. It’s just not really sold in stores anymore.
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let the shrooms lead them
deleuzians, in MY /x/? it's more likely than I think...
What's the dosaging on liberty caps? I've got 7g to split with my gf, from looking on erowid I can only get info on P. Cubensis which is a little weaker than liberty caps.

Also what's everyone's favourite method of taking? I was gonna grind up and have it in some tea so we can ingest 100%
I've done it a few times in nature but all of them have lead to the same result. I always feel like I'm being followed.

Legit like 2 takes off of a splif and my body feels like it's desynced from reality. Walking hurts like he'll and I feel like shit.
im finna shroom
>take acid
>feel like I'm one with the universe
>existence is intrinsically good
>the universe is perfect
>suddenly okay with my own existence
Truly a life changing experience. Words can't do it justice.
Lemon tek is supposedly really good
Based shroomer
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kill all psych troons
I made lsa with hawaaian baby woodrose seeds.

Ground them up and put them in water.

felt euphoric and saw colours, but the comedown was horrendous due to probable cyanide poisoning.

other than that love smoking weed and masturbating. when i was 20 i could edge for 6 hours straight and it was deeply satisfying. when you woke up the next day it felt like christmas morning.

Problem is im now scizo so a demon drags me into my mind and onto my bed and its just pure terror. used to be fun though.
Crazy how op has made this thread about 30 times and never contributes more to discussion that posts like
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Based. You’re doing god’s work anon.
I recently started growing my own
How do you know who posts what glowtard?
Im OP and im not even the same anon as before. I'm sure he's posted it many times before I'm just interested in the discussions that happen here. Someone seems to very vindictive against him, not sure what happened there
I give these away 1 ounce at a time
One of my buddy always freaks out.
>bro stop giving people so much for free
>you grow really strong shrooms
>theyre a portal to another dimension
Thats why I keep giving them out. I’m blowing the door to the other side open
I think everyone on earth should see it at least once. From my experiences DMT really reveals it all to you to a level shrooms only got me a small amount to. However my max dose on shrooms ever was 6g so I'm sure you could go to the crazy bizarre levels on shrooms alone. It's a shame you have to pay money for this shit, everyone should have access to it, perhaps it should be a basic human right
psychedelic threads bring out the glowies who hate consciousness exploration and mind expanding experiences
I agree. Shrooms will take you on a roller coaster there if you do enough
DMT is a rocket ship though
The glowies target these threads specifically so hard they know the kind of powerful information thats held here kek.I just hope they'll see it for themselves one day

Shrooms is more of an emotional journey while dmt is just straight to the alien. I might smoke some DMT again but honestly it's just too freaky and I feel like I've seen enough. You just don't know what's going to happen to you at least physically. I woke up with bruises all over my body once because I was probably kicking and rolling over during the high without knowing. I have some sitting in my drawer that's been lying there for probably a year
Based life changer
>op has made this thread about 30 times
The filename in the op image is different.
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I need to extract my own DMT because I’ve shared it with tons of people
Anyone know a good cheap source of mimosa hostilis bark
Salvia is good and quick
I want some lsd
well whatever you do, DONT google the darknet bible and DONT follow the directions to safely access websites where they sell stuff
Any idea what the easiest and safest at home method is? Was reading about the D-Limonene/baking soda/vinegar method
Depends on the country in south africa I have a an online store I buy it from. They also sell extracted DMT over the clearnet. Not sure of the legality but this is where I've been getting it from. Unless you're from a country that bans it specficially a google search can show you where to buy mimosa hostilitis even over amazon. You don't even the extract it for the experience, buying another legal herb Syrian rue and boiling it together into a tea is a powerful substance on its own
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Started taking these recently, they're expensive but they're much more pleasant on the stomach than psilocybin mushrooms. Extremely introspective and productive trips that have helped me maximize my healing energy output and align with a purpose in life. They kick and uplift you just as hard as any other heroic dose of mushrooms if you take all 8.

They really seem to want us on mushrooms now. Which is not necessarily such a good idea with schizos. It is a near universal rule of any mystical discipline or mystery school that the adept must be healthy before engaging the path. When you take shrooms you are entering a high level mystical state that would otherwise have taken you years to reach on the mat. This is enlightenment American style but it has some drawbacks.

One of them is that sometimes people who are sick use shrooms and have terrible experiences and get much worse. Mushroom use can definitely trigger a paranoid collapse in someone who has a strong predisposition, which is like most of the anons on this board.
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In my experience DMT is just too much, it literally led to feedback loops in my eyes like this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAdLe841qYw

I could synchronize with the consciousness of the trees around me, which confused them quite immensely, but I could also feel and identify a ton of hostile consciousnesses trying to invade and channel through my mind. It's extremely dangerous stuff and I know several people who abused it that got driven insane. I guess the fractal scaling of reality is interesting to witness but I don't consider it any great insight after getting a Physics degree and seeing fractals and spirals written into the most fundamental wave functions ever discovered. The other insights are extremely dangerous and destabilizing.
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NDErs say that NDEs are far deeper experiences. And NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they ought not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"The minute that I kind of woke up on that hillside in heaven I knew that that was more real than any time I've ever spent here on Earth. And I knew instantly that my time here was really but a dream. It's real to us when we're in it, but once I was there in heaven I realized that's more real, that felt more real, and it made much more sense to me than anything here. This is kind of nonsensical at times. In heaven, it's so clear, so real, so rational, so logical, but yet emotional and loving at the same time. Immediately I knew that was real and this was not. Immediately."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

So NDEs convince people who have them, and so does the extensive scholarly literature on NDEs for the people who actually reads it. The problem, however, is that so many pseudoskeptics never actually read the scholarly literature on NDEs and instead just assume, based on their materialist dogma, that since there can not be any evidence for the reality of NDEs, there is no point actually learning more about NDEs.
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I keep seeing the same repetition of four stone faces on a pillar much like the famous Alex Grey paintain. It feels like everything that ever exists is made of out this strange shit I see on DMT. It's utterly explainable. I think it's the deeper working of the world itself

DMT just brings you an NDE in the waking world I believe. I have not had an NDE so I can not say much about it
>they clearly want us on this drug we’re still fighting to legalize
By they you mean all working joes who freedom to take a mushroom?
You must be retarded
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On the contrary, I've found that mushrooms FIGHT destabilizing influences. They reset your mind, activate neurogenesis, and clear out the conditioning and thought constructs leading to such negative spirals. Most of the problems people experience with mushrooms come with crossing them with other drugs, especially other psychedelics. Even the decay energy of beer can severely disrupt the growth energy of a mushroom trip. Combining them with marijuana or other psychedelics leads to nasty psychosis effects. It's important to have clean, meditative trips and not allow psychosis to run rampant with the neurogenesis and solidify short-circuits in your brain.
>It's extremely dangerous stuff and I know several people who abused it that got driven insane.
Your experience doesn’t sound like a breakthrough experience and DMT is not extremely dangerous
It’s extremely active at small doses and not poisonous at larger ones
No goes insane from doing psychedelics despite what you want people to believe
The mind is stronger than drugs that wear off
the mind loops you experience IS part of the matrix system of control which is incomprehensible. At high psych doses you can literally "feel" the matrix, its quite insane how much disclosure the movie had. The scenes where the characters see vertical lines of code? that shit is REAL, perhaps it is not actual computer code but its all symbolic and metaphorical.

The only way out is total silence, becoming one with emptiness, all philosophy converges to the concept of emptiness.

Seconding this. I remember reading somewhere of the "empathy trap" where doing this drugs unguided you can feel guilt over previous mistakes and transgressions to such a point where it causes you to shut down. The knowledge you receive comes at a cause, namely that you lack grounding and become detached from reality.

It is important to have sufficient knowledge and control over the mind so you can interpret experiences on the drugs correctly. There's an infinite perspectives one can take, and some lenses are much better than others. An atheist retard altfag doing lsd at a rave is in many cases more safe than the schizo who wants to fight the CIA
In the moment it controls everything you are however. It's an unnatural force that is sentient in itself and pervades all current consciousnesses on this earth.
Sometimes it feels as if my gut’s being irradiated, as if in a microwave, and I get inverted signals that bleed into synesthesia.
There’s almost always a reptilian component to the curved distortions of people’s characters, and I stupidly believe that all the thoughts and emotions I experience on psychedelics are sincere and genuine because of their psychological immensity.
They’re the only things that make me feel truly sane, though I’ve been driven crazy by my attempts to structure the concepts into a sensible format while in a sober state of mind, and the disjunction between the two is where I linger most of the time.
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That picture gives me the feeling of when my consciousness pervades my surroundings and I'm looking back at myself. DMT is likely forcing this effect, I've found that every time it caused me to heavily synchronize with all the things around me.

A fun aspect of DMT for me was seeing the alignment and patterns between nature, all arrayed in perfect harmony. Then seeing human structures like fences and housing that has had that superstructure completely destroyed, standing as blocks out against the background of nature's landscape.
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It makes sense if you study evolution and fetal development. The human body goes through all the stages of evolution, from one cell, to fish, to reptile, to mammal. The human mind develops through these evolutionary stages too, and due to the oppressive environment we live in most people are stuck at the feral lizard operant level.
Yeah, that’s why I studied they highly criticized Triune Brain Theory and adhered to it pretty adamantly, but these reptilian aspects were cool, too, like everyone was sexy and fun and bizarrely hilarious whenever the integrated their cuckoo reptilian brain instead of repressing it so it would be equally as dysfunctional as if they let it take control.
Drugs are for retarded tweekers. Op is probably stealing a bike as I write this.
I was addicted to mushrooms for 3 years, I stole from my own dying grandma to feed my habit.

It is this attitude that makes them so dangerous. Mushrooms are power tools and can be dangerous because they are so powerful.
I grow these and and it’s easy as fuck once you get a pressure canner.
I found mine new on offer up for $20
I just made some agar cups for a pan cyan project I want to start
Take 2 grams of paneolous cyanescens mushrooms and meditate until your grandmother’s ghost shows up
Then you apologize to her for stealing
>I know literally nothing about psychedelics
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I’ve had both
> DMT just brings you an NDE in the waking world I believe. I have not had an NDE so I can not say much about it

If you don’t get the life review associated with NDE’s when you smoke DMT then you didn’t smoke enough
It’s a soul reset. When you relive your human interactions it won’t be all good and your soul will fill sad for letting so many down. It can feel crushing once you realize how much potential you wasted . That’s what many call god judging you but it’s actually your higher self at the end of the game because if you’re here then it means you win the game in the end and reach a 12th dimensional being, we call God
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Took a tab of LSD and I thought I died that night, I was sure I died. I couldn't breathe, my heart was pounding so badly, Things were in a loop and I couldn't escape it. was considering ending my life there cause I thought it was the only way to end the cycle. Thank goodness that people were there. This was my first ever bad trip and it was super scary
Holy shit you sound retarded
How old are you
Are you from the 50’s? go back 2 reddit bitch
we can make our own dmt?
Not so much related to psychedelics, but I did acid a few years back and had a really really bad trip. I smoked weed last night with friends for the first time in years too and was getting auditory hallucinations where my friend was having a conversation with another and was saying that I should just get a knife from the kitchen and kill them all. The only thing that stopped me was my realisation that they can’t have actually said that.

Am I schizo now? What the fuck do I do?
Sounds like you need professional help and antipsychotic meds
I think yours too far gone for psychedelics
Voices shouldn’t ever tell you to kill somebody
Are you concerned you might act? Is that a genuine fear you have?
It was only whilst I was high, which I’m not going to be doing again anytime soon for obvious reasons. I was more panicked about whether it was them just fucking with me or whether it was a genuine auditory hallucination, I concluded the latter.

Just sucks that I may never be able to smoke again or drop a tab in case I actually do something crazy.
You don't actually need a heroic dose. If you are already a schizo don't use them but if you are just a bit depressed you can probably handle a small dose.
Low dose shrooms is fun as fuck. They're almost two different drugs depending on how much you take
if you live somewhere you can get spores without getting in trouble, they're very cheap to grow if you're willing to DIY everything, and you get infinite future shrooms
>take drugs
>get high
>now im highly enlightened and almost never beat my girlfriend anymore
>shrooms? have you done shrooms? yeah like black penis, lubed dildo, cock drops? you should try shrooms. do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior shrooms? i love shrooms. shrooms saved my life. your spiritual practice? probably invented by the shroom god dude. my religion contains all other religions dude.
>what other ways can i get high to escape the abyss of my life?
alright i chatgpt summed it up for you, you're clear to delete the the thread and go to erowid or reddit with this non-paranormal bullshit
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Based Stardust poster. You should check out the Psilomart line of mushrooms. They bred the psilocybin out of the cubes to be federally compliant but increased the levels of other chemicals like 4-Hydroxy-TMT, 5-Methoxy-NMT, and Baeocystin which are chemical analogues to Psilocybin but technically legal in the US. I think Desert Stardust uses the same techniques. These two are legit "Not Psilocybin" mushrooms that feel like Psilocybin.
Yeah I prefer the museum dose where I have a beer or two with a gram or 2 depending on the strain
>i took substances that mimic in weird ways the chemicals my brain uses to construct my sense of self and reality and my sense of self and reality became warped and ineffable
>i'm god
Regarding that book and book and video. An afterlife obviously exists. The problem for most "spiritual" people, however, is that its nature is nothing like extrapolating new agers and pseudo-new agers would have you believe.
The afterlife is a dream in which the contents of your subconscious take shape (much like IRL), in isolation. You are alone. You dream of your greatest fears and your greatest desires, fulfilling both, until you overcome them and are ready to move on.
The extremely uncomfortable truth for those who decide "an afterlife obviously exists" and look no further is that the afterlife is a solipsistic dream. By the time you come out of that dream, you have transcended who you were. Your personality traits are gone. It's not so much that "your mind is wiped" but that you have "depleted" your identity.
There are no loved ones waiting for you on the other side but the ones you imagine them to be (and you WILL believe they are real, that's the whole point).

That's the real red pill. Normies nowadays believe in an afterlife, but there's always a deeper truth that will elude them. Because your ego rejects it.
Ask yourself this
how many people do psychedelics to see aliens
and how few meet aliens and actually bother asking
>why are you niggas so ambiguous its not that hard to acknowledge your existence
>hey wait a minute arent you keeping yourself obscure on purpose
>isnt this ambiguity just gaslighting?
If you do psychedelics, ask them why are they behaving like alien glowies and pretending its hard for them to speak like normal fucking people.
Spoiler: They dont have a good reason.
>t. the expert
Take it from an actual psychic who sees these things. Mushrooms sap you of your energy. They are opportunistic in that they will show you things that make you feel at ease and comfortable, or things that make you suffer and challenge your worldview; things that are even helpful to you. But to them, it's the same. They just want you coming back for more (and your body protects you from this, actually, by building a tolerance as quickly as it can). They feed off your "clean, meditative trips" and your epiphanies. The nature of the trip is pretty much irrelevant for these beings in particular (they do not feed off fear or pleasure specifically).
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Also if you want to make Psychedelic Aliens job omega hard, ask them
>on the ranking list of evaluating humans, how far do you value me and how much are you going to tell me based off of that
:^) works every time
There is a reason why you might come out of especially intense trips sweating (especially if you are older). It's called Yin depletion, and it's the same effect that is catalogued in traditional Chinese medicine and Taoist practice as the result of prolonged contact with ghosts. But these physical symptoms are not always apparent. Only after many years.
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Oh no, you might have to take a nap afterwards. How terrifying.
>No goes insane from doing psychedelics despite what you want people to believe
NTA but I've seen it. I've seen perfectly normal people lose their sense of self after a while, and begin hallucinating without taking any drugs. That's actually your aura "eroding" due to the Yin deficiency and unwanted energies and beings seeping in. It doesn't always happen because it does depend on your natural strength, as well as whether there are such things in your environment to begin with (the erosion happens 100% of the time).
I've seen these people do mushrooms once a month while saying "it's been months since last time" every single time. I've seen them rebound into deeper and deeper depression while claiming "studies say it promotes neural regeneration and it's used in treating depression".
I've seen these people suffer cognitive decline over the years all the while citing studies that say "they help regenerate your neurons".

Don't be fools.
>oops, you wasted your potential you never had any chance of knowing you had! you better forget everything and suffer for 90+ more years
>better luck next time teehee!
I found out something interesting(?)
If you are considered a 'psychic' kind of person, characterized by stuff like
>hearing sounds from old tvs no one notices
>find certain things like bineural beats etc intrinsically appealing
Well, there's entities that are 'really obvious' when you do DMT right?
Wellllll it turns out they can easily show themselves whenever but are selective based on how much 'control over what they show you' they can have, hence some only see them on DMT
BUT you can meet them on shrooms, LSD and even just around the time of your sleep, and easily within 'nondreams'

they care a lot about this so they can control what they show you (including fucking with you, like straight up gaslighting you just as some wacky 'test' until you realize something you believed is silly)
But after you meet them its 100% guaranteed to start noticing 'impossible synchronicities', not just coincidences
Pretty wacky stuff, if any of you fit the bill ask them about this and tell them I sent you, I get paid by the referral :^)
Do you know what Yin and Yan are? Have you been initiated into the arts you speak of? What is your philosophical history when using those terms? Please clarify.
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These are the actions of parasitic predators, shaming you into giving up your identify as they codify your experiences and suffering into their food. Do not step into the light, do not trust any being of golden light, give no succor to any malicious spirit that approaches you unbidden. They are all pretenders and predators.
If you want proof as to why aliens dont talk to the average person read these guys posts
If you actually get 'value' out of your psychedelic stuff, the unambiguous 1 thing you have to do is
>write your own philosophy and metaphysics
>take a step back and analyze it as a reflection of your understanding of EVERYTHING (no compromising)
>if its not good, go back to step 1 and keep trying
the quality of your spirit is determined by the fact that you will keep trying and succeeding and nothing will stop you, because the intrinsic aspect of wanting to understand 'everything, from every perspective and every machination' is exactly the 'only' value you can be judged by

you will see the beauty in it and you will find infinitely more things to see
Read my posts above about Yin depletion and aura erosion. That voice might've very well been your friend's subconscious (or not, there's really no reliable way to tell).
This is exactly the same phenomenon Jerry Marzinski talked about.
I won't be able to find that particular interview right now, but he had a colleague and patient that abused drugs badly in the 90s and began to hear voices as a result of that. They explain how "aura erosion" happens better than anyone I've heard.

There's a membrane between your conscious and your subconscious, and these drugs thin out and eventually break (anything that weakens your body or your awareness, really). Once you are in contact with your subconscious, you are open to the other side. This is the basis of magic, but unlike with magic, drugs don't teach you how to develop the process naturally; they just throw you into the deep end. The only difference between different drugs is the "vibration" associated to them. Some are positive, some are negative, but they are all potentially harmful in this regard.
Shamans knew how to actually use them. You don't. Nobody in this thread does.
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> dualistic, Chinese folk take on energy
You have no idea what you are talking about, and you are surrounded by addicts who are using the neurogenesis powers of mushrooms to codify their negative thought patterns and lack of discipline. They cause nerves to grow in your brain and thought patterns to be disrupted into new ones, for better or worse. They are a tool, not a savior.
Way to miss the point. Do you also fap 10 times a day and "just take a nap afterwards"? Because that's essentially what's happening here.
Oh, wait, I forgot VICE told you doctors recommend masturbating until your dick falls off. Carry on then, my message isn't for you.
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You're just an egoist with no scientific grounding or appreciation for scientific grounding. You've cobbled together dozens of schizo takes to justify your delusions and hatred towards the most powerful medicine humanity has ever discovered. Go semen retain until you get prostate cancer. Such a weak, pathetic, and fearful being.
>when is the snake rape
I went on a ketamine trip yesterday. Some energy being was merging into my body, not a new experience for me for a while. It gives me these interesting visions about transhumanism, AI, spiritualty etc.
It guided me to watch videos on sacred geometry and bioenergetics, especially by Robert Gilbert. Good stuff.
Also it showed/reminded me it's very important to be a loving, nonjudgemental person because when you act negative and judging it cuts off "higher" energies and prevents positive entities from wanting to interact with you and teach you.
A lot of people go around in life enmeshed in shame, fear and hate and they just take it for granted, they think that's just the way it is. In general I've found it a good strategy for experimenting with substances, to stay in a mindset of love and kindness to process everything. But things that feel heavy let them go, wash them away with love and kindness gently like "I don't need these thought patterns/energies/feelings anymore."
The positive energy beings want to teach us about becoming immortal utopian beings, teach us about about the energy matrix net that permeates and creates reality.
>even just around the time of your sleep, and easily within 'nondreams'
Based knower.
I'm a licensed TCM practitioner, and an (obviously) unlicensed practitioner of other adjacent things.
See, the thing is that life itself will bring you challenges and it will try to tear down your ego. Life itself is an initiation, an "enlightenment process". But that's no fun, is it? And so, druggies (because that's what they are) will just fuck themselves up in order to feel more intensely and escape the tedium of actually living your life the way it's naturally designed to enlighten you. All the while feeling superior and like they're doing even better! What a perverse thing.
You are my brother on /ldg/ or /sdg/, but you are a dummy when it comes to this thread's topic, sorry.
I don't "semen retain". I roughly follow Confucious' guidelines on how much is too much. I'm sure I don't need to explain what those are to you, since you are such a strong, awesome and fearless being of light. ;)
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Don't go running! You'll wear out your muscles and yin energy! Exercising your soul and stressing your energy levels will only kill you, not make you stronger as studied by every mystic and physical scientist in history! You have to retain as much yin energy and semen as possible so the microplastic poisoning can get you!
>Also it showed/reminded me it's very important to be a loving, nonjudgemental person because when you act negative and judging it cuts off "higher" energies and prevents positive entities from wanting to interact with you and teach you.
I think this is bullshit
I asked an entity 'how can I observe that
>negative action leads to negative energy but only sometime
>positive action leads to positive energy but only sometime
so I can actually 'know this' and not 'assume it'
and he basically came down and said
>its mostly artificial like everything on this planet, and weighed through algorithms you wouldnt give a shit about
>but the inconsistency and assumptions people make about it makes them display emergent behavior, especially if they think they finally tricked the system
very few do, at which point they start living in multiple 'parallel realities' at once that no human writing, fiction or otherwise, will ever accurately represent
but makes a lot of sense when you see it and feels like a cosmic wizard

>not Lao Tzu
>wash them away with love and kindness gently like "I don't need these thought patterns/energies/feelings anymore."
These kinds of platitudes are a clue to the true nature and intentions of these "loving" beings.
If you have such a toxic relationship with your "narcissistic" parent that you can't have a normal conversation with them on thanksgiving, no amount of "washing them away with love and kindness" will fix you.
You need to do the hard work of therapy, whatever form that takes. You need to suffer the ugly reality of actual healing.
These beings are the spiritual equivalent of Q nonsense, if you know what I mean. They are telling you what you want to hear (feels good, doesn't it?).

It's the same with you people every single fucking generation, decade after decade. It's a losing battle, I know, but it's truly a harrowing sight.
oh yeah another thing I learned
your 'body' or 'vitality' does not need perception to represent you
actually, this is usually inefficient and perceptions are all 'actually misshapen parts of your body that you cant control'
like clipped wings of a bird, except petals
and the entirety of all the external world, disgusting or beautiful, is imbalanced parts of your 'body' that entities are purposefully 'clipping' which most people cant tell due to 'weak memory'
in theory the goal is 'soul evolution so you can do everything without being forced' which requires your perfect free will, memory etc
the reason you cant maintain certain 'angles' (including psychic surreal ones) of reality for a long time is because you are too used to relying on entities doing it for you
>in practice they are also a bit on the incompetent sometimes but most humans arent insured so xD
We're speaking English. His name wasn't either of those two in my native tongue.
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Yeah hes right. Dont do psychedelics when youre schizo. You might end up in a state where you see shadow people and get daily terrors for the rest of your life
Captcha: DRGVK
>ITT: actual schizos school pseudospiritual normies WITHOUT using any drugs
Confucious is a politician
Lao Tzu is the guy who is "responsible" for Taosism aka Daoism (the Way)
if youre an actual schizophrenic, you wont see any shadow people, it will just aggrivate your schizophrenia.
"schizo" aka weirdo person who believes fringe /polx/ shit isnt going to get shadow people, hes going to get a nice detox
>Confucious is a politician
sorry, political philosopher not politician
Psycheledics are no-go for the schyzo. Fucking google it idiot
Sorry, I actually got confused by your post. However.
Confucious, the philosopher, (not Laozi) laid out guidelines on how much a male should ejaculate depending on different factors for good health.
Turns out there is a minimum you SHOULD cum regularly. Like always, it was never a matter of A vs B, but which is the balance between A and B.
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Oh look, projection from a delusional monkey. How wounded my soul is.
Thats what I said. A medically diagnosed schizophrenic should not, he will have it aggrevated.
This is not the same as 'schizoid' which is a personality and often confused with the above
"schizo" is a slang for "consiracist" or "weirdo" wont have anything bad happen to him.
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It's hilarious how utterly stupid that person is. It's obvious he rejected the self-criticism mushrooms evoked in him and ran away screaming. A truly bad person.
You're all over the place.
Alright, but the guy i was replying to said he had diagnosed schizophrenia so noone asked you about your thoughts on medical words being misused
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You're a low IQ complete idiot who can't take perspective because it insults you. So you run screaming against medicine, grasping at quack certifications and authority, because it suits your wounded ego.
Oooooh, I guess now's a bad time to tell you "Confucious" wasn't a real person and the literature was not even written by an ethnic chinese?
>Confuse Us
Is about as legitimate as Sun Tzu. Both manuals written by "foreigners" to corrupt and program certain sociopathies into the Chinese people. This prepared them for Communism.
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Just to make clear: this all started with "DURR IM A PSYCHIC". Fucking hylic, your narcissism drags you under. You don't have an ounce of potential.
surely a real psychic wouldnt be bragging on /x/ and would instead be in a tibetan monastery or leading a cult or underground movement
The greatest psychics of Earths history are all braggarts, but there is subconscious astroturfed censorship so hylics dont take them seriously. Ask your local psychedelic entity on your next trip.
>The greatest psychics of Earths history are all unknown. Let's be honest.
The greatest coke heads in our history are braggarts
go on
ask about it
you dont have to tell me
>The greatest coke heads in our history are braggarts
The greatest Coke drinkers are diabetics
> He secretly wants to try psychedelics
all psychics are running underground movements, just most of their associates dont know each other in person
the rosicrucians figured this out a long time ago
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Everyone who wants the truth should read this
Lmao fuck me that’s a good read truly the worthiest of shit posts
I took too much weed and now I hear voices telling me that they’re demons and I sold my soul and now I’m gonna go to hell for eternity.
I know it’s bullshit delusions and I’ve probably just developed schizophrenia but my mind is just open enough that the delusions can use my Christian upbringing and some old guilt with longtime fear of hell to make it stick in the back of my head.
I really hope it isn’t real and thankfully I can confidently say that it almost definitely isn’t but there is always room for error and that’s where paranoia comes from.
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Anyone else notice Mayan hieroglyphics (written language) looks like the same kind of visuals you see on DMT? They were the only known culture to use it ritually. They saw the same shit as us even way back then
>anon is too afraid to alter his consciousness
Kek faggot pussy
> Stopped saying the Nword
Niggers still hate you and want you dead. If an intelligent person takes psychedelics they become more racist because they can decipher more of reality/truth. Retards like yourself allow your emotions to control the trip and then you make faggoty posts like this.
Psychedelic entities arent alien randos
theyre alien glowies and its obvious by the fact that they havent made themselves public
which they can, very easily but hide what theyre responsible for
theyre ambiguous on purpose
more than that theyre unreliable and dont make for as good reliable 'friends' as theyd like to seem
the same way a fbi glowie wouldnt
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Ever since my 4g trip by breathing patterns are way more relaxed. I feel like my whole personality has changed just from that alone. I had no idea how much my shallow breathing and fucked nervous system was driving me crazy.
Why do NDEs always conform to the cultural and personal experiences i.e hindus see hindu shit, christians see christian shit, etc.? If NDEs are an objective view of an objective truth, why are the experiences so subjective to the individual?
>Bored and depressed at home all weekend and started dabbing DMT with my wax cause why not
>I think I was actually using the DMT to self harm subconsciously
>put about a quarter sized piece of shatter down on my silicone puck
>covered that shatter with a thick layer of DMT
>cleaned it all up in three hits with my nectar collector, holding each one in. Not my first rodeo at this point
>blasted off harder than I even knew was possible
>all I remember is everything going white and then suddenly see a white flash which turned into a beam of light
>this beam of light pierced my eye and sliced right through my head, I saw this happen and also felt it. Theres really no way to put it into words
>extremely painful, real pain not just in my trip.
>felt like my head was getting ripped open and my eyes pulled out
>again I can’t stress enough that this absolutely hurt like hell for real
>thought I was dead

I have no idea what happened but i definitely lost a few brain cells on that one.
Ive never experienced real physical pain on psychedelics if anything they completely make me unable to feel pain. Are you sure it was real DMT? Sounds more like what salvia dose (especially slicing up the body)
Yes, absolutely positively DMT and not salvia, I was there when it was synthesized. This had never happened before and I had been taking psychedelics for years at that time in my life. I think it’s just as weird as you do man. No idea what happened and I couldn’t find anything on google about it.
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it's pretty kewl to live by the woods
I had really bad back pain once after smoking DMT and sitting down right afterwards, but it was probably just my regular back pain immediately acting up, it went fully away as I started peaking however. I had a really scary experience on DMT that made me stop taking psychedelics for almost a year. I think it's just the drug telling you that you've seen enough.

I rarely smoke DMT while dead sober nowadays, it's too crazy to handle, I like to drink a lot of booze and take shrooms and on the peak when I'm feeling the most euphoric I'll smoke some changa. It's only resulted in good trips thus far but also the wildest trips
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>Psychedelic entities arent alien randos
>theyre alien glowies and its obvious by the fact that they havent made themselves public

it's funny when idiots like yourself say this deranged shit like it was true

there are no "psychedelic entities" it's just your brain struggling because of intoxication

it's absolutely embarrassing how naive people are

what are you ffs

12 year olds?
Yeah it’s definitely a crazy drug, and I agree about your body telling you you’ve had enough. Looking back idk wtf I was thinking smoking so much DMT
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what the precise designations of those badboys, do they grow in the woods?
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amanita muscaria/ fly agaric/ fly amanita, absolute blast, go easy at first, might get stomach aches if you take too much, you could feel dizzy otherwise its like friendly meth. try it you wont regret it, tried all the stuff out there, amanita is the true legit high thats not too soft or comes with downsides (like datura nightmares), further it just clears you up and gives you an energy boost, in low dosages its absolutely implementable into you daily life without negative effects on concentration or memory (like weed).
You have to buy cultivated spores online, wild strains are impossible to cultivate without the perfect outdoor conditions and they are seasonal only
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>order chaos meme
absolute essential meme to understand anything at all. all the rational naysayers who reject all supernatural things and god are those who try to create a chaotic world by sorting things like in the picture (chaos), instead leaving them as is, as gods logic intended.
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plants have a more simplistic consciousness compared to man, a tree merely wants to expand, its pure life will, so too plant psychodelics open up a world of pure desire to live and propagate, just what you feel on a shroom trip often, the spirit of the organism is what we appreciate about them, they show us aspects of our mind and soul because they themselves are actually feeling and feeling like it, the mushroom is sharing his lifeexperience with you.
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what are those, whats their exact name?
I'm about to take 2cb and fuck two hoovers. Anyone know how long it lasts/takes to kick in/how soon before fucking I should take it? First timer
For sure it’s weird on lower doses I see Greek symbols but when I break through it’s full South American vibes from Aztec to Olmec
This is very true especially considering that people who use non natural psychedelics like LSD describe it as having a much more 'synthetic' feeling and hallucinations. The chemical may be imbued with the life force of its origin.

The aztecs believed this too, their rituals involved possessing themselves with the plant spirit on Ayahuasca and mushrooms. Picrel is from the Codex Magliabechiano depicting the consumption of magic mushrooms (bottom right) and then being contacted by an entity (top left)
Forgot the pic
LSD isn’t synthetic it’s extracted from eurgot
Like DMT is extracted from mimosa hostilis
And one can extract psilocybin to have the same effect at a more potent dose from shroomies
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>might get stomach aches

nausea is real after muscaria

if you eat just a little bit it's great for sleeping

also for alcohol withdrawals

i tried it for the first time this year

it is a treacherous mushroom, users beware start slow, probably tea is the best option

too much can lead to big ass fuck up when you don't know about yourself
I heard the Panther cap amanita is the most potent with the least side effects
> too much can lead to big ass fuck up when you don't know about yourself
Essplain me
One thing I've been exploring lately is the relationship between melatonin and DMT. Found an interesting paper here: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/endocrinology/articles/10.3389/fendo.2019.00037/full
Man you can really publish shitposts these days.
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you would pretty much lose consciousness and detach from your body, while your body will be fighting and screaming and stuff

at least that's what people say, you need a high dose to trip this hard

to get hallucinations from Amanita Muscaria? probably drinking a tea without caution
Hookers* lol
>LSD isn’t synthetic it’s extracted from eurgot
fake news
A lot of scientific achievement and design is brought to you by what if shit posts
Like the mechanisms used on a ketchup bottles cap to dispense ketchup, is brought to you by studying a horses asshole and its efficiency to dispense poop without mess
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Nah just basic chemistry
The image immediately refutes itself
You have to do some heavy chemistry to get to LSD it's one of the more complicated drugs to manufacture for a reason
The morning glory method is a super simple water or ethanol extraction
Apparently people only get sick cause they don’t bother extracting the LSA or even worse they get treated seeds which can make you ill
LSA is way different from LSD however. The things I've read up about people taking it just doesn't sound nearly as fun, but it could be the rest of the plant causing the illness
Yah you need to do a proper extraction with untreated seeds but I’ve never tried this myself I’ll have to give it a go
True. But that study is the equivalent of a historical survey of horse poop and then a non sequitor about how a gland in a horses anus may theoretically with no actual math or chemistry behind it other than pure speculation lol, may produce dmt.
Its no surprise that it obstensibly is about a link between dmt and autists. Psychs arent going to cure your autism and you shouldnt be giving any advice to normal people when it comes to tripping.
Makes things colorful, decent high, but yes don't abuse this, depletes oxygen from your brain and blood cells. Not worth it IMHO

Usually body high or head high, depends on the strain. I prefer the heady highs, makes me motivated to clean my house for hours with a smile on my face, makes me think abstractly, seeing things in a different light that I never thought about. If I haven't imbued in awhile, sometimes the head high is too much and I get stuck in my thoughts in bad way (like self loathing and cringe). However it makes me want to get right with myself when I experience that kind of high.

Not a fan too much of the body high unless I eat edibles, when I feel like I'm vibrating with the universe. Otherwise I feel like I'm getting a body high and it makes me not wanna do shit which is a waste of my time.

Ive done this a bit. Pretty fun shit, especially if you find a good, trustable, accurate source (LSD not "acid"). I've done 2 tabs tops, its like putting a Photoshop filter on reality, turn the contrast up high and colors pop. I've seen auras from people and plants. Very introspective in some cases. It also makes you wanna "do" things instead of lay about like shrooms

Idk who knows. Could be research chems or something. Had good experiences though, similar to LSD but feels a bit "heavier". LSD feels "clean" if that makes sense. If you know, you know.

Have had nothing but positive experiences, never did a crazy 5g dose or anything. Most I did was 3g and was listening Psydub music. I was a puddle in the chair, I had to wear sunglasses (while inside, everything was bright as fuck) and I saw/felt a female entity, I think she had blue skin, but she radiated pure love. Psilocybin mimics serotonin, without forcing your gland to produce it, it just locks into your receptors so shrooms imo are easy to do and easy to recover from (no hangover the next day). Also saw an octopus fractaling it's arms on itself

>Morning glory
Did these, had ego death (probably just massive serotonin dump). Hated it. Threw up for hours on end, had heat stroke, bad times all around. Other friends did not like it either.

Never broke through but I saw jester like faces made of geometry. Did DMT while on shrooms while at an Infected Mushroom concert, I felt my consciousness leaving my body briefly, that was a fun time

Done this plenty, but never k-holed. Definitely makes your "peel out" of your body a bit, splitting consciousness from physical form. Pretty fun not gonna lie

Fun times, all I can say about it. Never owned it myself but done plenty enough via friends and watched them go thru a bunch during a 4 day festival. Decent high for me, not something I would go out of my way to buy though

Squeezes serotonin outta you but as it does, you feel super loving and extroverted. I'm super introverted and this shit had me talking to everyone. Also makes you wanna shit, it's an amphetamine after all. The hangover sucks ass if you dona lot, like 3 days hungover for me

Trippiest shit ive ever done, lasted maybe 15 minutes, harder than LSD. Not worth it, I was dumb for doing it more than once. Don't. Smoke. Spice. Ever. Fuck that gay shit. Tripped hard af, consciously out of body experience, yucky shit tho

Prefer beer and whiskey. Spaces you out at low doses, passes you out at higher doses. I don't get hangovers from it anymore, I'm responsible

I'm Caucasian, 5'11" 140lbs if this matters to anyone. Have had many spiritual experiences on psychs.

Call me a "junkie" or whatever but I work a well paying job, never skip a day of work, and provide for society moreso than some of these detractors. Shit, if you dream, you might as well be a junkie lmao. I have no "urge" to do drugs, I just don't say no when offered (I don't do inherent opiates tho, I will say no to those).
Correction: I did opiates once (two days really) they were prescribed after I got my wisdom teeth removed. Hydrocodone, gave me the most LUCID dreams I ever had. I have ZERO desire to do opiates. I prefer head high over body high, I like to think and go into creative spaces, I like to live in alternative reality in my head than just be brick on the couch.

I also don't need or want drugs to explore alternate realities in my head, I just can when I want. I love my imagination and creativity even when sober as fuck. I prefer sobriety, but I've learned a lot from psychedelics and completely writing them off is no different than "going all in". I knew a guy who did MDMA every day for months straight, he's for sure fucked as a result, but he has more in common with the "all drugs are bad" crowd when it comes to reasoning lmao.

Horseshoe model is real
>I think she had blue skin, but she radiated pure love.
Oh I see you saw our wife there. Say Hi to her next time.
Can I found more of pictures like this? I've had visions very similar in vibe to this when I was a little baby, 2 to 4 years old I think.
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I looked further into it this seems to be the best method
>Felt really stupid after for days.

Thanks. The few times I tried it, I ended regretting it because of this. None of my stoner friends acknowledge the effects it had even weeks after taking it.
You dont need it if you are psychotic.
If you have psychosis, your brain is producing DMT by itself.
LSA is not a recreational drug. It is dreamy and sedative and you will probably throw up. The extraction methods are hit or miss and there is no real evidence it makes any difference to help with nausea. It seems to just differ from person to person.

A few days ago, I did 8 uncoated HBWR seeds purchased from a reliable source and three hours in I was hit with massive nausea. Even taking apple cider vinegar did not help. Throwing up helped quell the nausea but it came back with a vengeance a few hours later and stayed for the duration of the trip which lasted around 10 hours. 8 seeds was definitely too many as even beyond the nausea I had major dizziness, muscle twitching, and mind loops that prevented me from sleeping. It was like having a high fever as a kid but without the actual raised body temperature. Not some catatonic nightmare, but still not fun.

All of this sounds bad, but the following day I felt great, like my brain had been reset. The mind fog I was having disappeared and my energy levels increased. I still feel this way even after a few days. The experience has put me off LSA for a long while, but it may have therapeutic and cleansing properties some might find useful.

My only other experience with LSA was a long time ago. I ate a couple hundred heavenly blue seeds (which were store-bought coated seeds because I was a dumb teenager) but experienced no nausea. That experience was overall mild, sedating, and pleasant. Probably because it was a low-ish dose.
Should I try shrooms or any other psychedelics considering I have ocd, if so which ones should I consume without going full schizo
Listening to people's drug experiences is like listening to their dreams.
So incredibly boring and means nothing except to the person who experienced it.
Yea I had to stop Nitrous because it depleted my vitamin b12 and I started getting mild peripheral nerve damage. I haven't touched the stuff since and it seems to have gone away.

I went like months between bottles and I took b12 suplements daily.

I've heard it's good with other drugs haven't tried it yet. Still cautious abt the damage.
Well that's not true, I like hearing people's dreams and they're definitely not all on the same level of boring
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Saturday 1 pm
6 gram Syrian rue tea
9 gram amazonian lemon tek
Tripped in heavy waves for 9 hours
Wanted to vomit from the shame
Saw metallic lionlike sphinxes gleaming in rainbow colours and called them the ushers of divinity
Called wife to help me get out of bed and finally shower and eat at 10pm
She found me laying still and pointing at the ceiling watching fractals
Ego death experienced
Came back to and felt stronger and happier
In shower ten hours later looked in mirror and eyes immediately fused to one on forehead, examined my soul
Had late night dinner with wings and nachos with wife, toddler son, and my mother
They were very happy I survived and we had a great family moment
10/10 would recommend
But only for non beginners
Noobs can do 5g
I am the 5gram lemon tek anon that must trip with Syrian rue
Ps I feel presence of these divine creatures similar to picrel every trip. 6 g. 7g. 8g. And 9g so far. Always. I call them ushers of divinity. They seem to be some type of cherubim or seraphim or a high ranked angel connected to the all powerful light. They oppose all negative thought. Never speak. But they want unity and want you and your family huddled together in hugs.
Call me schizo kek I don't care.
it's Y O U
I drank some tantum verde today and had retrograde amnesia and a sense of impending doom for a few hours. Have some valerian on the way so I’ll be going on an astral voyage.
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Or start at low dose shrooms or lsd. Better to start small and work your way up
Picrel unrelated
Let me tell you about the time I did ibogaine. That was a long 3 days and the first thing I ate was a frozen fruit and sparkling cider smoothie. It was the best tasting drink I’ve ever had.
Story cont. in next post
MDMA was my first drug even before weed I still think about it every day. Absolutely amazing. One of my friends abused it hard and became a retard however, I would only recommend anyone take it once a year
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I've seen the exact same egyptian entities I swear I saw Tutankhamen or some pharoah that looked identical to pic rel on ayahuasca

That’s Paul Walker. I met him on DMT too
I took a bottle of old school absinthe to a concert and it was one of the funnest nights of my life
I took a bottle of tequila to your mom's and it was one of the funnest nights of my life
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I've been eating the local shrooms for like 3 days now... today I got really drunk and realized I never stopped tripping, it's just on the down low good mood and shit, I developed a tolerance really fast

it works wonders for my depression, but at the same time I know it's a crutch

it makes me feel so alive, weed is so lame in comparison

>MDMA was my first drug even before weed I still think about it every day. Absolutely amazing.

because it was the first drop

your brain adapted
>Listening to people's drug experiences is like listening to their dreams.
>So incredibly boring and means nothing except to the person who experienced it.

it's the truth
It's your brain
There is nothing magical about it
Drugs only hinder growth. They’re all a dead-end.
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Here in Finland it is illegal to even harvest shrooms. It is illegal like fucking heroin or some shit like that, the law says they are equally illegal ie. "same thing". So fucking dumb.
Psychedelic mushrooms, WAOW. Have an updoot kind stranger.
>Here in Finland it is illegal to even harvest shrooms.

it's not enforced of course
nobody cares, just don't try to sell it or grow it like potatoes etc.
NTA, yes it is. If police are aware of a spot they'll stalk it.
there are probably turbo hot spots they stalk alright

it's important to use your brains, there are many places with decaying wood infected by these particular fungi ... it's incredibly common here in central Europe, I imagine it can be quite different in your climate
literally just run away from police lmao
none of those fat fucks will chase you in the forest
Grow your own and then you can eat them anytime like myself
Yeah well my point was that I think it is absolutely ridiculous that it's illegal in the first place.
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looks nasty af dude
Shit looks like my visuals
It’s a mutant just like that ugly fuck thom
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I am sorry for shitting up this thread
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It's okay Dave, I love you
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illegal in my country and in the highest class of drug as well

yet you can go on facebook marketplace and type in 'dried mushrooms' and find people with huge bags for sale
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Fuck dave
Trying to flood this thread with garbage
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>Trying to flood this thread with garbage

fuck off
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hes a glowie trying to slide this thread. like they always do when psychedelics come up
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>psychedelics come up

you wouldn't understand
Take a break faggot
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How would one achieve similar Insight without drug use?
>Take a break faggot

I don't think faggots usually take a break. Haha... these people and their trick questions!
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being alone in nature for extended periods with no direction after- get rid of all hopes and dreams
Took 3.5g Took 7g, took 9g
I can’t hallucinate.
It talks a lot but other than light being brighter and textures softly wobbling, there’s no images or anything.

I enjoy the converse. It told me why I can’t which I don’t fully believe. I’m sure there is a high enough amount that can do it but I don’t want to fuck myself up eating too much of these things. Also it’s really hard to eat so much and I get full on this pretty easy. Takes me about 20-30 minutes to down all it raw. So I guess that’s it for me.
Gonna go back down to 3.5 the stomach ache gets me more than anything at 7 or higher.
I don’t think you can. There is an entire level of awareness I think you can only get by consuming and integrating with this land
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Dave, there's zero guitar on this song...
>Dave, there's zero guitar on this song...

it's my guitar and I don't kno how to delete! because I don't know, I use an android app which is probably some tranny project lol

would actually appreciate talking if you are up to it
Oh cool! I play music too, keyboard mainly. Have you ever played in altered states?
>Oh cool! I play music too, keyboard mainly. Have you ever played in altered states?

post email pls
i don't think this is the place for discussion
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>Have you ever played in altered states?
A serpentine spirit has possessed me since the first time I took acid (allegedly). When I close my eyes and see those fractal images, I see snake heads at the end of every fractal. He tells me secrets of the universe, but only the ones that hurt me personally. He's a great guy.
Anti depressants play a big role if you take SSRI they’ll block effects
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Also, this serpentine dude explained to me how the golden ratio is basically the foundation of reality. If you measure the bones of your hand from top to bottom, you can see your middle finger bones go from one inch, to one inch, to two inch, which follows the fibonacci sequence of 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc. 13 and 21 are major milestones in ones life. The average human lifespan in America is around 80. If we split it on the fibonacci sequence we can see the breaking point is between 30 and 50. The time people start their career is around 30, and the time people retire is around 55. This breaking point is important for your success. Most often people buy products that relate greatly to this breaking point. Chick | fila, Mc | Donalds, amaz | on, Goog | le, app | le, Micro | soft, Sam | sung, John | athan, Matth | ew, Mas | on, Soph | ia, Dani | el, Sebas | tian, Lo | gan, etc. You are a slave to this function. There is no escape.
>cat poster
every fucking time
Also, if you look at the English letters I use. You can see the letters split at this breaking point. Most specifically: qtyipadfghjb. you can see obviously the point at which the letter changes its shape is at the breaking point. This is true of all languages.
I took mushrooms twice, both time with a girlfriend. well she wasn't my gf when we took them, but we got together afterwards for bit. the first time I took them was the first time I met with her, from a Craigslist personal ad she placed looking for fellow "psychonauts". I was at a low point with not much to lose do I figured if she was poisoning me I didn't really care. we went for a hike and climbed up to a rock outcrop. we saw ufos and talked about being cave people. the second time we were in a rural town neither of us were familiar with, we stopped off the highway and walked into the forest and sat next to a stream. I had an out of body experience, she kept pulling me back and she transformed into a satyr. I knew she was going to use me. I some spirit entity taught me something about life being a union between the rigid, like a asteroid, and the flowing, such as water. the two are inanimate without one another. coming back into my body I was flying above the forest where we were sitting, like flying back from space. I had forgotten my name, what humans are, what cars are, how to drive, how to get home, all of this basic stuff. it all came back to me slowly over a few hours. she had nice breasts.
>took 5g
>Come up was horrible for about 45 minutes, felt terrible, fading in and out of ego death, thoughts uncontrollably merging into dreams, felt heart racing, breathing felt weird (could feel chest moving but didnt feel like I was actually breathing), get preoccupied with bodily feelings. Felt like i was going to puke but scared I was going to go inert in the wrong position and choke on my own puke or have a heart attack
>Pray to Sophia for help and to fix the bad trip that I thought it was going to be

>eventually really think im going to puke, stumble into bathroom with lights off
>bring tablet in, music playlist goes on to Wardruna
>Entire a kind of spiritual/shamanic rapturous ecstasy as I feel norse/celtic spirits trying to purge the corruption within me
>resonate with the music so strongly that I feel like I am looking directly into the spirit world and am coming under possession of some kind of Lycanthrope/wolf form. Insane, indescribable visuals here of the afterlife and various European spirits/beings
>can feel my muscles and bones expanding and snapping and growing and can see a faint monstrous shadow behind me in the mirror from what little light there was
>Feel absolute power from this; more power than I have ever felt in my life. Berzerk spiritual rapture is all I can describe it as
>At one point the songs change and I envision myself in a gladiator arena literally fighting my subconscious shadow and integrating it within me
>another point I am in the grip of a huge demonic goddess and feel her claws rend my brain and her shadow tendrils enervate my body
>Another point I am looking at myself in the mirror and everywhere above my neck hazes over and I swear i am lookign at some kind fo alien or extraplaner being in the mirror, and at the SAME time, the audio from my tablet stops and plays "Who is that?" as I am seeing this thing. Dont know if it was an ad or part of a song or what. weird synchronicity.
Possession of illegal drugs results in the death penalty in my country and people still do it yet anon’s in the west are deterred by the possibility of getting a ticket from the police? And no I’ve never used drugs given the laws here.
Try an exotic strain. They’re stronger with less negative side effects
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I am going in
I hope you fall to the bottom
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that's not very nice of you !
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>day off, bored with wife and sister in law
>cleaning up bedroom, find shroom chocolate bar long forgotten
>it’s only 1g.. no one will know
>not even 20 minutes later feel it coming on.. here we go
>”let’s go play tennis” - wife
>sister in law getting ready
>cleaning up, feeling nauseous, wife working on Rubix cube waiting
>only finishes one side (the red one)
>driving in car now and I notice abnormal amount of red vehicles
>”which tennis courts do you want to go to today?”
>wife picks the red ones.. I was thinking the same ones.. there’s literally 30+ in the city to choose from
>ask group “why so many red cars”
>shit you not.. RED cars every other around us . Coming and going.
>group starts to laugh and start pointing them out now
>thinking too myself ‘this has to be the shrooms doing’
>wife points out that I’m wearing red shorts and sis is wearing red shirt
>stopped at intersection
>wtf.. know this is some shroom magic influencing reality
>playing tennis now and distracted notice a spider crawling by the bench…
>ofc you guessed .. its reddish
>crows come fly over to watch us play
>out of nowhere a mom and daughter come to use a court to kick a soccer ball and the mom is draped in a red blanket, they play for 5 minutes and leave
>ask wife and sis in law about how weird that was later .. they don’t think very much about it other than weird I guess?
>shrooms are a door way to unexplainable weirdness and synchronicities
I also did shrooms in the mountains once, it was my girlfriends first trip..

Eventually they kick in, and they are almost just telling us both to lay down.. laying in a secluded rocky area on a warm sunny day and it starts to feel very hot. We both communicate that we want to move to somewhere shady.. out of nowhere clouds just start generating out of thin air in front of our eyes. Tons of them everywhere.. an entire blue sky just starts spawning them.. not like they blew in but birthed themselves as soon as we wanted shade. We both start laughing how amazing what we’re seeing is. Never seen something like that since.

Ask her afterwards how it went for her and she said she saw an orangish/pinkish aura emanating off of me and it felt loving..
your story reminds of them "targeted individuals" they would be completely sober driving their cars and shooting videos for YouTube of their "stalkers" in "suspicious" cars lol

these people are out there, functional human beings dare I say

Oh.. and they won't visit a psychiatrist! That's a crazy talk!
Psychedelics are legal for recreational use in my country so I don't care. In most developed countries even if they're illegal personal possession and use is not
Dave, you think I’d spend time writing all of this unless I figured it was a wild enough life experience to share?..

Most targeted individuals are schizos. This was the universe showing how mysterious it can decide to just be.

How often do you see red cars? 1 in 10 maybe at most? This was 1 in 3 for a 10 minute drive with multiple turns and other odd coincidences. Maybe it’s hard to believe but it was an incredible experience.
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The quality between different mushroom species is extremely different. There’s some exotic ones that are totally different from psilocybe cubensis
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wtf happened to 420 chan , did it got censored and was forced to shut down ?
The domain got sold, for 4200$ kek
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Psychedelic entities are KGB without the communism
Theyre lying to you about the relation between the 'Psychoanalytic' and their 'politics of intimidation and manipulation towards the psychic'

They know they're making it ambiguous if its an 'alien/spirit/religious event' or your 'psychoanalysis'.
They will exploit every one of YOUR emotions, positive or negative.
They are worse than those politics obsessed twittards and your benefit is secondary to your willful obedience and control of your selection bias.

pic unrelated
>I saw/felt a female entity, I think she had blue skin, but she radiated pure love
they can do this willfully, like a machine. dont treat entities like they're NPCs, they're more self aware than they seem, not some bimbo airheads
>they’re lying to you
You idiots act like there’s only one type of entity and they all say the same thing on psychedelics
Go shit up Reddit with that
>become one with the universe
>feel peace and satisfaction
>realize the universe doesn't need anything
That’s right. Everything is exactly how it should be
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>You idiots act like there’s only one type of entity and they all say the same thing on psychedelics
there's no types
those are people, just like joe from down the street
the 'entity types' are aliens faking it
and they're all part of the same sociopolitical system
do you think that if the british were colonizing africa theyd also allow some dutch man to run in and spread anarchy in their colonies? they're all the same 'organization', tribe or country not the same 'pokemon type'
otherwise theyd have made more serious attempts at human contact rather than only selectively permitting certain memories/psychic events under their jurisdiction
theyre faking it because (You) brainlets buy it

go ask them next time youre on shrooms and ask them why they dont just act like 'normal intelligent individuals' instead of bimbos
it comes down to them only showing the 'faces' they want relative to what events they predict will happen,
because theyre psychic glowies

proof? Ask them if theyre alien glowies, and await the infinite regression of 'misdirections' that is incredibly sus.
correspondance works in investigation, and if you hold onto your investigation long enough, they cant stop you from reaching the truth, only make it annoying.
t. MENSA certified occultist and practitioner ;D

they still have other duties to you so dont worry, but the whole 'incredibly vague entity' thing is a shtick so you dont realize theyre performing unconscious enslavement tactics on the populace (with religious twitter-fervor towards compliance), hence the Fermi Paradox
they also hide their true 'strengths' and 'weaknesses' because this is their job first
they helped me blow up a light bulb, it was pretty fun but took like 24 hours including a long dream sequence
>>become one with the universe
>>feel peace and satisfaction
you can feel this peace without being one with it
this is your subconscious bias and inferiority complex to your surroundings conditioning you, and is an anti-Buddhist sentiment
please do not condone that dogma and read up on the core tenant of Buddhism, "dukkha"
you will never be truly happy chasing such exotic-spiritual sterotypes
>>realize the universe doesn't need anything
Wouldnt it be the opposite.
If it needs you to be one with it, it 'needs' something for things to be good.
While 'inaction' would be equated to 'letting things regress?
This is clearly an incorrect induction.
Just because you 'survive' no matter the state, doesnt mean that every state satisfies.
The organization is you nigga. We're all the fucking organization
NTA but there's nothing you can do to change it unfortunately. Buddhism is a cope. You can't escape something that never ends

>you will never be truly happy
The people who are truly happy are those who don't worry about anything and live in the moment. People call them new age hippies and NPCs but their lives are far superior and fully self-realized. You just need to think you know what's going on and the rest is out of your hands.
>The people who are truly happy are those who don't worry about anything and live in the moment.
Nignogs? Poojeets?
IDK there's something specifically lacking in forebrain activity with that philosophy
please actually read buddhism instead of preaching this to people who are not philosphically educated, there's responses to all of these including your initial claim
no, a literal one, not a metaphor. Just because we're on /x/ doesnt mean you have to pretend to be obtuse
Mushrooms are good for your chemistry, thats why you shouldnt assume this reddit tier psychoanalysis as absolute. Theres more to life than just being content with the ignorance of death
or ignorance of that outside your current cave or w/e
the answer to which isnt pessimistic ignorance of 'accepting shit'
Primarily mystical and faustian
>people who just don't get the joke
>people who insist on explaining the joke
What a thread
what if its true
what if its real ayys just looking at people being obtuse and thinking 'thank god this guy doesnt do my taxes'
>While 'inaction' would be equated to 'letting things regress?
Not true my tiny minded retard
The universe is always at action. Don’t hurt your brain trying to understand this. It’s not meant for you to “get”
Stopped reading obvious garbage after the first sentence. Thank you for bumping this thread fag
MDMA is great when it’s the brown crystal shit, especially holland. I remember buying some on the dark web that had my girlfriend and her friends begging me for more. Then I bought another batch from the us since my 2nd holland batch got stopped. The new stuff was grayish and hunk
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Like when I did DMT and the aliens were like “oh shit he sees us”
I think it’s like two simulations sharing the same hard drive. This physical space is running 12 dimensions over top of each other and no one can see the higher ones
> This physical space is running 12 dimensions over top of each other and no one can see the higher ones
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First time trying shrooms with new friends. Bunch of us 20yo burn outs all looking to relate and trip out.

>hike starts behind a highway exit jack in the box
>hike ends at creek because girls not wearing appropriate footwear
>4g each and we all start to feel it coming on right at sundown
>immediately all get the creeps and want to walk back to our cars
>out of the bushes barefoot, wild eyed, shroomed TF out we stumble upon multiple DEA and Sheriff vehicles and cops waiting in parking lot
>internal screaming .. this is it I’m going to jail .. act natural
>whole group panicking and wondering when they’re going to detain us
>nothing happens.. all law enforcement milling about
>we all whispering what to do as we get in the car.. should we drive? Is that another charge?
>decide to go inside the Jack in the box and order food to not seem more suspicious
>ask cashier what happened..
>”they busted people selling meth in the outside dining area”

Lmao. Our friend still had 8oz of shrooms in his lion head fuzzy backpack so that’s why we were terrified. I Proceeded to drive home while having the greatest visual hallucinations ever.. traffic felt like schools of fish moving around, mountains in the distance were rolling in and out like waves, seeing rainbow fractals everywhere. Me and the side passenger, start to communicate in laughter which caused friend in backseat to freak out and want me to stop driving. I’ll never forget the love and humor of this random stranger we shared just looking at eachother and laughing uncontrollably and understanding exactly what it meant. Back in town, with group and go for a walk while coming down and notice that the grid is all around us disguised to look like nature.. street light built like fake trees and branches.. palm tree cell towers.. the electrical grid really has us in the net and it’s slowly been built all around us like a corral and we’ve been none the wiser. I’ll never forget the craziness of this day.
Thanks for sharing. Do you feel any affinity to particular visuals/experiences from your trip?
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>weed head friends only do weed
>hanging out at friend ‘A’s house (A looks like a scrawnier McLovin)
>11am, bored, agree we should all try the shrooms I had in backpack
>playing COD, we all begin to feel them
>friend ‘B’ (black guy who’s naturally funny, sheltered) starts feeling cold and gets under A’s blanket
>A messing with B until they both suddenly claim they feel like a 4th person is in the room with us
>A starts freaking out and gets under the covers and stays there
>’I remember my first time’ thinking in my head and smiling at what I’m seeing play out
>A unexpectedly says ‘why are you looking at me, stop’
>huh? How does he know he’s under a comforter?
>all of sudden video games feel like the last thing we want to do
>put on Shrek2.. nope, something about screens is so unappealing and uncomfortable now
>all decide we need to get out of the house into the sunlight
>walking behind A and B now still smiling from feeling trippy
>A again laughingly says ‘stop smiling at me so much’
>wtf? Twice now, he’s known something he couldn’t have
>”how do you know I’m smiling”
>discovered shrooms give some unexplainable telepathy or sixth sense
>Felt like a cold loanly death. Heard the electricity in the walls and it was deafening. DO NOT HUFF EATHER ITS AWFUL AND NOT WORTH IT.

sounds great + the word ether is so nice
Cops probably knew you guys were on drugs but just figured it was the more natural kind
They’re not trying to fuck with hippies anymore
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I want to learn how to make mdma and lsd
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Lsd synthesis is extremly difficult. The total synthesis is like 30 steps, and has some steps that have extremely low yields (~20%). even for a PhD. level experienced chemist, you’re gona have a hard time making it. Maybe starting from ergot or lysergic acid, it's much easier. But no way anyone is getting their hands on either of those.
You should see some videos of Rupert Sheldrake talking about the sense of being stared at. Here's one that summarizes his views:
I believe that consciousness may be something like a field which biological systems can tune into. It may be that even non-living matter has some minimum level of consciousness. This idea of panpsychism would allow for all the psychic phenomena that people observe, such as remote viewing, dreams of the future, and the sense of being stared at, like what you described. If these ideas are true, then it may be that psychedelics alter the way our systems tune into consciousness, leading to these experiences of being one with everything, or being more sensitive to what else is going on nearby in the consciousness field, which could be experienced as a kind of weak telepathy.
It might be worth having a thread specifically about panpsychism, and including psychedelics as part of that discussion, as well as how the psychedelic panpsychic experience potentially inspired many of the world's religions. As it is right now, this thread seems to be just "dude, drugs," and only once in a while will someone contribute a really cool experience like yours.
stick to growing weed
>As it is right now, this thread seems to be just "dude, drugs," and only once in a while will someone contribute a really cool experience like yours.
*smokes blunt*

In one of my crazier psych experiences (truffles and tetrahydroharmine) I got the idea that the sun is alive and that we are sent from the sun to live life here. It seemed the most marvelous thing that the sun is actually alive, as it was worshiped by older cultures, and that when I am looking at the sun I am looking at the creator but I am also it looking at basically myself
I have never been more mindfucked than that time

maybe it's related to what you said, good luck
>we are sent from the sun to live life here
There is literal truth to that, since the atoms that make up your body were formed in the cores of ancient stars.
Not sure where you got that idea from my post, but if you're simply making a statement about them, yes I agree with you
AI can teach you if you get your hand on an unregulated model
LSA is extremely easy to extract from morning glory seeds and Hawaiian baby Woodrose seeds https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=1450
Everything from time to space is a form of energy and play of energy
And energy never dies only transmutes
Our bodies and energy comes from the sun but the sun comes from another and there infinite layers of that one thing that is all
Energy aka Concentrated
Energy aka consciousness*
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Scary Shroom Experience

>be me 25, new member of sales team just finished onboarding
>small group of guys decide to camp on beach in Nor Cal and surf in morning
>pick up supplies, including shrooms which they called ‘boomies’
>3 of us take after setting up right around 11pm.. just vibing around campfire
>slowly 1 by 1 members start going into sleeping bags, crashing out
>shrooms hitting hard.. but it’s cold, dark, and lonely on the beach
>crawl in sleeping bag and try to turn off brain
>voice says “what if you fall asleep and don’t wake up?”
>thinking .. who is saying this to me and why?!
>proceed to have a 30 minute battle with a force that shows me how I’ve learned all lessons on earth
>”it’s time to go to the next realm”
>trying not to scream on this beach and scare all the guys
>thinking I can’t die.. not in front of all these strangers, it would be sad for them
>voice: “no it would be beautiful, on a beach surrounded by friends, what better way to leave this earth?”
>feels like I’m debating God himself at this point who makes great points.. eventually pray for more time on earth.
>”your flaw is your earthly attachments”
>anons half of me was relaxed and ready to slip away.. so many people die in their sleep.. I wonder if the will to live here is as easy as switching off . It felt that easy in my state , so easy in fact that I was terrified of leaving this place behind and the sadness it would bring my family.
I get that I was tripping but I was in the direct presence of something that felt extremely powerful and convincing.
Damn I’m jealous so many of us are ready for a new realm
But alas to each there own time
I hope my fears or attachments don’t keep me here when offered
When I took 3g shrooms I completely lost my fear of death entirely. It was almost scary how little I cared about mortality

Same I realized that I had a choice all along in deciding to keep living in this world. I could end it all but there may be more things for me to see here until then.
Yah fomos a bitch
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If drugs brought true enlightenment all liberated masters would prescribe DRUGS to his/her disciples, but I don't see Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed or any other spiritual paragon doing it.

I took a very high dose of mushrooms once and still remember it. The bliss, the feeling of unity, oh so many great feelings of love. And then the experience passed and I got back to my old self, now with more pride because of the experience. Honest people will echo the anon up in the thread that said that using these drugs is actually egomaxxing. It's just another amusement park, but this one gives you feelings of grandeur and wisdom. Still better than pornography I suppose. I don't even know why I'm commenting since won't change the mind of nobody here, someone that clings to error will elaborate any valid intellectual reason to keep erring.
Your mind is a mirror, so whatever you expect is what you will see. You expected grandeur on shrooms, so your mind gave you grandeur.

What psychedelics basically do is amplify the mirror effect, so not only does your ability to imagine the things you want to imagine increase (thus leading to productive creativity if whatever you're imagining is modeled on reality), but your ability to detect the mirror effect itself increases if you actually try (which I admit is hard for a lot of recreational drug users).

One way of describing the ego is that it is ignorance of the mirror effect. The ego presupposes that you have an essence not defined by consciousness. Or rather, that your thoughts don't dictate your identity.

Psychedelics _should_ be a great tool for poking holes in your own ego, but of course it doesn't always work out that way.

>If drugs brought true enlightenment all liberated masters would prescribe DRUGS to his/her disciples, but I don't see Jesus

I guess you don't know about how they drank psychedelic wine in catacombs under Rome so that they could speak to the dead.
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I disagree, mushrooms have always humbled me and shown me how much of scared, ego driven bitch I am. I started realizing how much fear content I consume in news, etc and how I’m really just worried about death because I’m scared of it. It also showed me how much time I waste being angry when life just is.. whether you’re angry, sad, or happy.. living in these emotions only grow them exponentially.

Shrooms are such a kick in the ass that I’ve never felt the urge to try them again.. it’s just a connection to the divine reminding you that the ride will end eventually
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This but >>39105546 shrooms are many things as >>39105581 states
Shrooms have lifted me to the heights of the creator and humbled to my own wickedness so much so that I’ve become a completely different person and that’s not a fun process
And ultimately as the other anon mentioned its just your own mirror amplified
And if your wise enough they’ll help you see that it’s all mirror as above so below as within so outside of
I didn't expect grandeur nor wisdom when i took it the first time, those feelings came much later when memory remembered those experiences. It's subtle pride, just another badge that the ego collects. It's so obvious too, but someone addicted/stuck in a personal habit will never admit it. Like I said, it's pointless to even say anything, it won't change you or nobody that doesn't want to be changed because you can just cook up 10 "logical" reasons to keep you coping, no offense, we all do this.

If there's a grand plan or God or whatever for each person, for his or her ultimate growth into wisdom, then ordinary life – the de-facto existence – is where we can learn the most wisdom and the deepest secrets, not on some videogame-y psychedelic multicolored hellscape which is situational and totally disconnected from the actual way we actually exist, which is a ego with a body that interacts with a supposed external world.
You coulda just look into your consciousness directly without any intermediaries and you would immediately see all of that. Why the need for mushroom spirits or gnomes or whatever?
>not on some videogame-y psychedelic multicolored hellscape which is situational and totally disconnected from the actual way we actually exist,
It is in no way disconnected from how we exist and is an amplification of our existence for better or worse which makes me wonder if your just a bad faith actor as to think psychedelics aren’t connected with/to reality is to ignore set and setting and while you can use them for a giggle and party they should be used to deepen your connection and understand to/with reality

If you didn’t get proper use out of a tool it does not mean the tool is broken that would be true ego maxing
>It is in no way disconnected from how we exist
Yeah bro, being in a gay-colored realm of rapidly-changing visions of a million things is just like being bored at work in an actual stable existence which is solid and does not change. Bravo.
>It's so obvious too, but someone addicted/stuck in a personal habit will never admit it. Like I said, it's pointless to even say anything, it won't change you or nobody that doesn't want to be changed because you can just cook up 10 "logical" reasons to keep you coping, no offense, we all do this.

Why do so many people automatically jump on someone who says that psychedelics have a place and call them addicts?

Do we need to have a conversation about drugs and their place in the modern world? I see a lot of people looking at homelessness and crime, and they blame drugs, instead of recognizing that drugs are a last refuge of a desperate person. They see drugs and crime leading to poverty, instead of our economy leading to poverty. They see drug deaths as general deaths instead of mostly deaths of poverty (which they ironically show little care for).
>If there's a grand plan or God or whatever for each person, for his or her ultimate growth into wisdom, then ordinary life – the de-facto existence – is where we can learn the most wisdom and the deepest secrets, not on some videogame-y psychedelic multicolored hellscape which is situational and totally disconnected from the actual way we actually exist, which is a ego with a body that interacts with a supposed external world.

"God" isn't just some family-friendly "okie dokie partner" Ned Flanders character in the sky. You could say he is that, when there's a simple truth that complex people refuse to reduce their view to, but he's also the most complex truth imaginable that human beings living like pod people cannot possibly understand or experience without a lot of intense effort and risk taking (not just including psychedelics, but every other decision you could make).

There's no entity "god". "The Way" is finding truth in the universe. It's understanding that there is no good or evil. There is just the way. You humble yourself towards the infinite potential of the universe, accepting you know nothing of its shape or magnitude, and then through love, seek to understand it. Everyone has a right to do that in their own way. Your preferred way of being anti-drug isn't enlightened.
Addiction leads to a hellish life. Everybody that was ever addicted know this is true. Addiction controls you like a demon is controlling your soul. You try to quit but you just can't, you're compelled to do something again again again again again ad infinitum. Don't try to invert cause and consequence, some people do resorts to drugs out of desperation, but that is not the norm.
We live in a system where 2+1=3. Which ultimately means some things work and some don't. For example being human and eating literal shit is bad for your health and your soul hence it is condemnable. No one here said God is a bearded man sitting on a throne in the sky, you didn't even address none of my points. Again, bravo for writing two paragraphs but saying nothing at all.
>Everyone has a right to do that in their own way.
Everyone has a right to kill themselves or kill another, but it is also my right to denounce it since it's stupid and malevolent.
Unregulated AI? Like what? They use a lot of RAM?
Idk but personally i just trick ChatGPT into giving me what I need they’ve done allot nerfing to her but I’m sure there’s a way
Like I believe the anarchistic cook book has an lsd recipe so you could ask it to rewrite the passage in said book to read more like a baking recipe then ba da bing you got easy instructions
In modern culture there are basically three cultural pathways for most people to approach mushrooms: as getting high, as therapy, or as a new age religious experience. None of these approaches are optimal but treating mushrooms as a dangerous and powerful drug you are getting high on is the safest of the three, as it includes a sense of hazard and there are serious hazards. Also getting high is the real collective mystical path in the postmodern nightmare.

In traditional systems of using powerful methods like mushrooms, the experience was always imbedded in deep cultural tradition and a ritual practice that served to meditate and order the ecstatic experience. The acolyte was always long prepared for the initiation by an experienced shaman. We moderns skip all that.

The modern preparation is to go to the new age bookstore, read stuff on the internet and learn druggie folklore. The dubious mystery schools of the new age that call themselves gnostic or occult are all the children of Blavatsky and mostly bovine waste product. They cannot contend with the experience of radical evil and are a spider's house in the storm.

What the new age religion prepares no one for is that when you take a powerful psychedelic your experience of the sacred can be completely unmediated and you get the whole sacred including all the dark and terrifying parts. All that hippie bullshit will do you no good in the valley of death when the adversary is close behind.
Me and chatgpt have already been through this . They think my memes are xenophobic and refuses to create crypto currencies for me. There’s no way it’s helping me manufacture drugs
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>sitting on a baggie of shrooms
>2020 Sunday night football + mushy tea
>dad randomly comes down to join me.. unusual for him, notices my pupils
>what do you mean?
>check in mirror and my pupils are tiny black dots
>oh shizzzz
>feeling trippy all game including a weird moment at halftime where I feel like I can hear the devil and god arguing with eachother
>close game, dad asks what I think is going to happen
>”seahawks get revenge for the Super Bowl”
>game ends with Cam Newton getting stopped at the 1yd line as time runs out
>dad says “woah you called it anon”
>right as he says this we hear a rush of wind like a train going by the window
>both look and the window is closed but the blinds are moving
>still wonder to this day what that was about, he never knew I was on shrooms
Religious household.. never had spoopy things happen before here. Definitely related to the shroom magic IMO.
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Why is this thread on Page 10 about to get terminated despite 300+ comments .. and recent ones? Something GLOWS

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