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>Manifesting is real
Then riddle me this, if Person A fights Person B in a professional boxing fight or whatever other sport like tennis or what have you, they both "manifested" victory in whatever way you schizos claim to work, only one can be victorious, therefore one of them even though manifested a victory/being victorious, will simply not win because it's not possible. Therefore manifesting cannot be real because Life is a zero-sum game, there can only be 1 winner, for there to be winners, there have to be losers and regardless of those losers "manifesting" to win or be winners, it isn't happening. Explain this, i know you cannot because it would shatter your delusions of being able to manipulate reality or manifest things into being just because.
It doesn't work like that i'm afraid.
They both win in their timelines if they manifested correctly
That's a good way to cope but we both know it's simply not true. You don't just switch timelines assuming this is even true which i don't believe so but i'll play along. You're essentially saying if both manifest, one of them goes into a different timeline, do you see how batshit crazy you sound?


Law of Attraction
A type of morphological travel typically (outside of group efforts or some atypically proactive methods) limited to the scope of an individual is the law of attraction which loosely stated is: what you put out into the universe is what you get back. While not precisely inaccurate, this definition understates what is happening in the process. The law of attraction is based from the perspective of an individual more upon the "expectations" (not so much the conscious expectations) of the physical structure of the brain. As described in other sections there is a probability distribution of vectors associated with moments linked across time, as a result the law of attraction isn't so much about what is being put out into the universe, as what is happening within the internal structure of the brain of an individual as they attempt to use the law of attraction and expect it to work.
First you people claim that you didn't "manifest" correctly if someone tries to manifest and nothing happens or it doesn't work, then you claim you shift timelines just so what you tried to manifest comes true. No, just no, you need to be locked up, all of you. Not because you claim this insane schizo shit is true but because you give people false hope only for them to go through the tunnel and realize there is no light at the end of the tunnel and it was all for nothing and not true.
that is a domain expansion
What if the unsuccessful people you're seeing are p zombies
Shit is wack. That's all you need to know
The one with the highest willpower win. Simple as that.
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Oh shits wild bro, you're probably not gonna believe this, but sometimes people agree upon believing entire lies to sway outcomes a certain way. Sounds crazy, I know, but apparently ideas have causal effects on reality and its more likely than you think.
The other one wanted to win harder, simple as.
so what is the thing that loses?
Probably this desu
Regardless, the simplest answer is that the "how?" is NOT our concern.

Any attempt to conceptualize infinity or to restrain it will always fall short.

Both fighters manifested a win in a fight they both participate in? If they did it successfully, they both will win. How? Don't know, don't really care.
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Gojo should've won but whatever
That or this anon >>39068112 is correct. LOA is limited (in the relative term), as there are winners and losers, and LOA is not an all-powerful realization of metaphysics and the nature of reality, but only an extremely powerful form of influencing reality where you wield your SC mind and your general consciousness to influence and change the world.
One where, I should add, others can out-influence and override your manifestations in situations where there has to (quantitatively speaking) be a "winner" and "loser".

Hence the whoever "wanted to win harder"
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a loser
a bunch of words that mean nothing, literally what is being said here? explain it in simpler terms because to me it just sounds like total nonsense trying to explain something that just isn't.
That zoomer got cucked by the evil chad
what do you mean? that wasn't my point, it wasn't about loser vs winner, it was about two people both manifesting victory but only one being victorious due to the nature of what they're doing which effectively disproves manifestation.
So now you claim willpower is brought into manifestation? what if both have very strong willpower and want to win more than anything?
>coping this hard
it's alright, growing up is understanding manifestation and all this sother mumbo jumbo is pure cope.
Again, if both guys have very strong willpower and want to win more than anything, you can't just claim one wants to win harder and therefore the other guy loses even though he manifested victory, and since when does this have anything to do with manifestation anyways? trying to texplain a glaring loophole in your theory of manifestation.
That's basically what i'm saying, they both manifested a win but only one will win. How can you explain it? the only explanation is that manifestation simply isn't real. It goes against the zero-sum nature of life.
Wrong, Sukuna has always been stronger/smarter.
But again, what if both wanted victory more than anything and manifested it as such yet still only one wins? how can you explain the loser? or do you just cope and say reality/destiny or whatever simply decided, a 3rd party/force of nature or whatever was the deciding factor.
>Manifesting is real
>Life is a zero-sum game
I think I manifested your post 1/2
>> in a professional boxing fight
Look at the time in the screenshot, I watched the YT videos one after the other just a few hours ago. 2/2.
there is a study that said sports teams that visualize but didn't train consistently beat teams that trained but didn't visualize
basically proves manifestation is real
This. OP is either a glowie or a gay faggot.
Science follows truth, believe it or not.
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A person as a person doesn't have complete power, in the end souls decide.
So both win against an NPC opponent because the person can't be there to lose.

Expand this to all the people who know about the result but see it differently, they can't meet each others and talk about the victory because their realities would disagree.
If manifesting works then child-me would have gotten everything he wanted

I was an extremely optimistic person who believed everything will work out

Obviously manifesting is bullshit confirmation bias
What a disgusting idea. What's the point of existence if you control everything in "your reality" and everyone else is a drone? How can anyone find fulfillment if it's all so hollow? Makes me sick in the stomach. LOA is simultaneously an inhibitor to true spiritual attainment and a tool to justify the status quo, because apparently nothing is wrong you're just not manifesting hard enough sweaty.
How retarded can you be? it's the exact opposite of science.
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Riddle me this; why are psyops, propaganda, 'head games', intimidation, demoralization, etc. so often a part of every combatants strategy? Why I'd it so important to make the other guy believe he will lose?
Same for me until life gave me a reality check.
Either the one with the stronger will power wins or this happens if they are matched perfectly even:
We're all just one God though and different timelines are just our flesh brains way of reconciling faster than light speed travel across an infinite universe where everything that could possibly happen is happening, has happened, and will happen an infinite number of times.
Believing something can happen and willing it to happen are two different things.
Trying to see this in third person never works, because you always experience reality in first person.
So, which one of the boxers is you? That's the one that wins.
Manifesting is not real But Law of Assumption is. in that case the law of assumption says that this world is a dream and you are the operant power all the things you imagine and your conscious and subconscious deems real and assume are real you feel in this reality. So by that logic only one boxer is real and is assuming he is winning. The other is just a part of EIYPO
It is not. Atomic causality is real and the “conscious mind” is some sort of strange evolutionary sidetrack that functions slower than the biochemical reactions that control your actions. “You” are basically a narrator witnessing and experiencing your electro-biochemical journey through space and time. So sit back, relax and let the Robot do the driving.
Fulfillment? Bro, there's no such thing for the like of you. You're a cow trapped in your milking station. You'll give until you can't, then be disposed of.
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Why didn't the prisoners from Auschwitz just manifest themselves out of being killed?
The one with the most ‘energy’ or spiritual power in this contest wins, and magick does not take away physical dimensions from a scenario. If both wrestlers were equally competent magicians, and they both had used equally powerful spirits and put in equally powerful spiritual energy in the fight with the essence of Mars or something then it just cancels it out and it’s like they might as well haven’t used magic at all. Maybe the one who wins wins because the magic they use gives them right technique at the right moment, but it’s an equal fight

It’s probability manipulation m8
Again Law of Attraction is actually pretty weak and marginal by itself, without any proper spiritual practices etc.
Also can’t discount astrology, or what the fighters have done before to gain favour with the spirits or God
Winning is a relative term, they could have both won because to the sheer effort and dedication it took to get to that boxing league. But to answer your question when multiple planes are brought into combat the power and refinement of energy on the mental and terrestrial plane decides the victor. So if both fighters are attempting to manifest victory, victory leans towards the one most skilled in using their willpower.
Another deluded narcissist turned solipsist
each of the boxers goes into their own alternate realities where they win
and actually the chances of them being in the same reality is low. they prob weren't even in the same reality to begin with
and both of them prolly never existed at least not to you and me cause we're so far from the reality where they're conscious
i read a book about that, but they also made a theory that the 'veto' is free will. meaning you dont have free will to do things but you do have free will not to do things. they did a study on it. basically you can stop the process from continuing
i think theres truth to this, in the bible it says god hates magicians the most. which is kinda weird to think about but it makes sense. because a single person can't comprehend everything by definition. the mind can't even comprehend non-linear effects. so how can a person possibly be responsible for his own life? the only way is to have faith in god because nothing else makes sense. you need something from a higher perspective than can see how it all fits together
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they're the same person, idiot
and existence is intrinsically good
Still not a single good explanation, the most ridiculous statement so far has been "they go into different timelines/realities", what a cop out.
I think the person that has more spiritual power overrides the weaker one is a good explanation
>ekhm actually let me just point to this hypothetical situation in which you cannot win haha chekem
retard. One manifested stronger simple as that.
pool was comfy
IDK anon, why didn't they?
I'm not a loafag but the answer that seems the most obvious to me is synthesis at a higher level, hegelian dialectic or whatever.
A draw as a result of <insert reason eg. weather conditions> that scores them both a point each.
>talking about “manifesting”
>thinks everything is local and only one reality
>doesn’t understand basic mechanics of manifestation ie “everything is done you just have to step into your desire”
Source god hates magicians? I can provide verses upon verses supporting manifestation (not magic btw)
I'm Manifesting that I don't feel any smarter seeing a stupid thread like that and that I don't feel annoyed and want to respond.
Its unreliable. You cant just speak and make something happen unless another person agrees with you and you both do a thing.
Deuteronomy 18:11–12 condemns anyone who "casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you", and Exodus 22:18 states "Do not allow a sorceress to live" (or in the King James Bible "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"). It has also been suggested that the word "witch" (Heb. מְכַשֵּׁפָ֖ה məḵaššêp̄āh) might be a mistranslation of "poisoner."[1]

i'm not sure that exactly applies to manifestation but i think the overall idea is the same, because you're supposed to submit to God's will and not your own
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2. These are just the surface level verses. Then there are the verses that say the kingdom of heaven is within, that our higher power is God, that we are like Jesus and can perform miracles etc. I’d read some Neville Goddard before deciding if this is witchcraft or whatever. It’s totally biblical
this presupposes you are a believer in god and follower of the commandments and a righteous person. I think a lot of people get the wrong idea that you can be a degenerate and pray for a big tiddy goth gf or something and not be a decent person.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7: 7-11
Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job
I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God." Luke 18:27
Everything is possible for the one who believes Mark 9:23
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew
Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea, and it will be done. Matthew 21:21
I said, "You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.
Psalm 82:6 We walk in faith, not by sight Il Corinthians 5:7
Do not be afraid, only believe. Mark 5:36
will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 16:19

Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." Mark 11: 23-26
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works | have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14: 12-14
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7: 7-11
Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be establis unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
>batshit crazy
It's not crazy, it's an application of the many worlds theory
Both boxers win, but it's not two "timelines" it's a nearly infinite/possibly infinite number of timelines expanding outwards from the present
however these worlds seem to collapse together into areas of high probability, I don't know if it's true but the Mandela effect seems to be evidence that timelines collapse and shift.
You can, why wouldn’t you. People do it all the time. The law is the truth, the Bible is just another religion that explains this in parables for those who seek to find. There is universal truth in almost all religions to convey this. “I shall appear to them in whatever form is needed”
>1. Hinduism

• Karma and the Law of Attraction: Hindu philosophy often emphasizes the power of thought and intention, especially through the concept of karma. The law of karma teaches that thoughts, words, and actions all have consequences. Assuming positive outcomes and engaging in positive thoughts and behaviors align with the belief that your internal state shapes your external reality.
• Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 17:3) – “A man’s faith is according to his nature; whatever his faith is, that verily he is.” This reflects the idea that one’s beliefs shape who they become, a core concept of the Law of Assumption.
2. Buddhism

• The Power of Mind and Intention: In Buddhism, the mind is considered a powerful tool that shapes one’s experiences. The belief that “what you think, you become” is deeply ingrained in Buddhist teachings. Right thought and intention are part of the Noble Eightfold Path, emphasizing that internal beliefs and assumptions shape one’s reality.
• The Dhammapada (Verse 1) – “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts.” This verse strongly supports the idea that the mind and its assumptions shape experience.
3. Islam
Power of Dua (Supplication) and Belief: In Islam, there is an emphasis on tawakkul (trust in God) and niyyah (intention). When making dua (prayer or supplication), Muslims are encouraged to have full faith that God will answer their prayers. Belief and trust in God’s ability to grant what is asked align with the Law of Assumption’s principle of assuming the desired outcome
4. Judaism

• Emunah (Faith) and Bitachon (Trust): In Jewish thought, faith (emunah) and trust (bitachon) in God are essential. The belief that God provides and will take care of a person’s needs when one trusts in Him aligns with the idea that assuming the best outcome will manifest it. There is an emphasis on the power of thoughts and belief in the divine plan.
• Proverbs 4:23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” This highlights the importance of internal beliefs and assumptions in shaping external reality.

5. New Thought / Metaphysical Traditions

• Law of Attraction: In modern metaphysical traditions, especially within the New Thought movement, the Law of Assumption is closely related to the Law of Attraction. These teachings emphasize that what you focus on, believe, and assume will manifest in your life.

6. Taoism
Harmony and Intent: Taoist philosophy teaches that aligning one’s thoughts, actions, and intentions with the natural flow of the universe (the Tao) leads to harmony and success. The idea of effortlessly manifesting desires through alignment with universal forces is similar to the Law of Assumption, where one’s assumptions create outcomes in accordance with a larger cosmic order. Tao Te Ching (Chapter 23) – “He who has faith in others shall find that others have faith in him.” This reflects the reciprocal nature of belief and assumption, a principle found in Taoist thought.
7. Indigenous Spiritualities
Belief and Ritual in Manifestation: Many indigenous spiritualities emphasize the importance of intention, belief, and thought in shaping reality. Ceremonies, rituals, and prayers are often performed with the belief that they will manifest specific outcomes. The power of assumption, belief, and focused intention are deeply embedded in the spiritual practices of many indigenous
7. Indigenous Spiritualities

• Belief and Ritual in Manifestation: Many indigenous spiritualities emphasize the importance of intention, belief, and thought in shaping reality. Ceremonies, rituals, and prayers are often performed with the belief that they will manifest specific outcomes. The power of assumption, belief, and focused intention are deeply embedded in the spiritual practices of many indigenous cultures.

8. Gnosticism

• Inner Knowledge and Divine Power: Gnostic teachings often emphasize that individuals possess divine knowledge and power within themselves. This inner divinity allows them to create their reality through belief and knowledge of their true nature. The concept of manifesting reality through the recognition of inner truth aligns with the Law of Assumption.

Across these diverse traditions, the core principle that thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions shape one’s reality is evident. Whether through faith, prayer, intention, or mindset, many religious and spiritual systems teach that assuming positive outcomes and maintaining faith in desired results is key to manifesting those results.
you have it backwards
the christians touched upon something real
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>but we both know
If you only let it go full science, normiecore, no timelines, no chance to doing it wrong, "tik tok witchy crystals just be happy wishful thinking is doing it right, etc., the one that is more powerful, skillful, fast, strong, gifted, lucky, etc. of them will win because you're outside the scope of LoA and playing clownworld games.
It's like pulling the legs from a spider and asking why the spider can't walk without telling you removed its legs.

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