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Recently, it finally seems I've kicked the habit of masterbation. However, I keep having wet dreams. I honestly don't care for them and want to retain my semen. What are the spiritual implications of this and any tips on how to get them to stop?
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Gotta cycle the jizz, knowwhatimsaying?
I thought it got reabsorbed into the spine or something. Surely this isn't necesarry?
Is any of it necessary? What are losing by eating your own seed? What do you stand to gain?
I did that to you to prove you have no control whether you stop touching your peepee or not and your dreams are full of shame from your dream masturbation that let me into your slit spiritually.
I'm just tired of waking up with jizz in my pants. It's gross.
Could you stop please then? It's kind of gay.
Yeah, I almost didn't do it because it's kinda gay, but then I'm kinda gay. I mean I've had girlfriends but I'm just a tinsy weensy bit gay.

Like, I wanna be a woman gay, that's queer right?

Ok, listen, instead of that...what other way can we prove it to you you have no control whatsoever and need to worship different God than you've been taught of, the God I serve! I passed that along because that's icky and gross and manly, but I understood the plan all along. Mind you you've gotta be forced to realize you have no control or freedom until you're humbled enough you will worship my God, so if you're not going to jizz your pants at night you'll have to lose control some other way.
Well, why don't you tell me more about the God you worship? It would probably be more effective than making me cum at night.
More than any one individual it has the best combination of thoughts possible for it's goal as it's makeup. It is centered in one individual but I only invented ESP a couple decades ago so it's going to take more time then that (ESP disrespects the rules of time so it kinda doesn't matter that it was only invented recent, it always was).

He's practical, a pragmatist, but his conception of morality is not something you'd understand at yet, as he must align the moralities of all the humans and extraterrestrials in all the twice over and more infinite universes so we all loosh better and better. Communication will get better with time, but you can ask him yourself, or ask someone sent on his behalf to speak for him. Asking their unconscious is usually best, the answer will be projected in your mind at higher levels if you need at least until you're skillful enough at ESP you don't need that.
Feeds the fungus in your gut.
Don't do it anon.
I appreciate you explaining it. But how could you be so sure I don't already believe in the same God? What does wet dreaming have to do with it?
Do you remember the dreams?
Yeah, pretty much always. The most recent one went something like this:
>post picture on social media
>sister-in-law sees it and sends heart eye emojis and other stuff privately
>sends nudes
>nut (maybe from masterbation?)
the dreams are usually some variation of this. How the the nut happens is mostly ambigious.
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>What are losing by eating your own seed?
>I'm just tired of waking up with jizz in my pants.
>Like, I wanna be a woman gay, that's queer right?
>It would probably be more effective than making me cum at night.
>I only invented ESP a couple decades ago
>Feeds the fungus in your gut.
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Get off the board and touch some grass, my nigga.
You conditioned your brain like any other addict and it’s literally giving you the cream dreams for a fix.
Fucking nonsense replies to your inquiry, Anon. People are Hell. My real answer that I have read/learned here on the board as a solution had to do with conditioning yourself to wake up when recognizing a lusty dream taking place. Application of Lucid Dreaming Techniques to prevent the nocturnal emission. I have been fully abstinent for years and I can still only wake from 1 out of three 3 episodes. It takes practice and the body/mind is hard to fight. On a side note, I wish for nothing as much as leaving this absolutely atrocious modern society to a hermitage in the woods where I am not bombarded with fear messaging, hate, judgement and expedition 24/7. I need to find some peace and escape the plantation of modern life.
I hear ya, anon. I suppose that might be the only solution to the problem. Any resources for Lucid Dreaming Techniques you would recommend? As for your side note, I think the good fight is to be fought here. If we stick it out, we might be able to change the gayness of society.
i never had wet dreams not even once.
what is the spiritual implication of this.
also i pee often in dreams but i never actually pee despite how real it is.
what is the spiritual implication of this.
No fap is a psyop. Your body is warning you.
based Ritsuko poster
Haha noons I don't have wet dreams I have 9 hour goonmaxxed dreams
wet dreams only happen at the beginning. After some time even if you get them, your irl habit of nofap will carry on in your dreams and if you see sexual stuff in your dreams you will just ignore it
This. In nature, your body would have already made you fuck every woman you could and impregnate them and have kids immediately after reaching puberty. Going against this instinct is going against your own biology. You are still running on millions year old hardware (your body) even though the software (your mind) is new. Repressing these instincts causes psychological complexes, but being overly lustful of course leads to addiction as another anon said. Better find a balance. However, if you do choose to abstain, your body will think you need to find a mate because you're not cumming so it will raise your testosterone, make you more motivated etc, hence the "magnetism"
Do you really want to be just an animal?
Things don't end well for beasts.
>spiritual implications
Your body is just adjusting. It should just go away on its own.

>tips on how to stop
Avoid wearing tight underwear or overly tight/warm pants when going to sleep. Wearing loose briefs substantially reduced the problem for me, plus they're comfy. Cut down on caffeine use.

You can also try praying or do whatever spiritual ritual you deem helpful before going to bed.
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Suppose you boys are also right. I guess my body just has to get used to not cooming until I get a wife. I appreciate the advice. I think I may try Lucid Dreaming as well as prayer before bed. Going to try and set an intention to not coom in my sleep and instead explore the subconcious... or something like that.
Namimi said it best. You're gonna overflow. Rejecting desire to beat off everyday is good. Semen retention is a psyop.
Busting a nut and sexuality in general are perfectly normal and healthy things and expressions of love. Denying it entirely is dumb and will lead to greater issues down the line as a result, and your brain is telling you to fucking chill out and relax. You dont need to be a coomer or anything, but once in awhile release that energy, or your brain will make you do it anyway because its telling you that you should.
yeah same problem here op. i overdid it as usual (im the type of guy either completely do it 200% or dont even bother) and have the same problems (even some physical, sadly, down there). time will heal you. i woke up every week with one wet dream, now about every two weeks. ofc its rather a bummer, especially if you decided to not masturbate anymore. i havent touched myself inappropriatly for over 2 months now and havent looked at naughty vids/pics in 4 months. feeling better and better. but as other anons itt said, you conditioned your brain to cooming. it will take a while, depending on how long you had that bad habit to break it and your body to reset to factory settings.
what helps is zero tolerancy policy, no pr0ns, no pix, not even lewd thoughts. excercise, do sports and be mindful of what you do and what you dont do. and mb fill the void with something gratifying.
(even only 2 weeks of nofap, makes the fembots around me aware of me, ngl its sick)
best of luck
i'm not really big into the specifics of demonology and succubus shit but if you're good at initiating lucid dreams you can try getting a sword or something to cut a succubus down. only did it once but i remember waking up and thinking it was pretty significant
You are plagued by a succubus. Ritually cleanse your abode and yourself, then probably take some antiparasiticals just in case, then see if your wet dreams dissappear.
pentacle of alphecca
worn during sleep

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