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I found a stack of my Dad's freemason news letters/magazines. Does anyone want a peek inside these?
Yeah sure why not
I bet there’s so much men paddling other men
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Look like my Rosicrucian magazines
post em
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They're pretty small and to be honest not that interesting. I also found a huge stack of 1960's UFO newsletters. I'll bring those into work on Tuesday.

I'm at work and it's starting to get busy out of nowhere. I'll keep posting as I can.
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> I'll keep posting as I can.
thanks homie, make sure to keep it on the downlow though. if there's a secret freemason in the office, he might get upset at what you're doing and try to cause trouble (no illuminati will try to kill you but some old man might act like a bitch)

I'm just noticing the double-headed eagle used in their symbolism. It's the O in the magazine title. A retard-minimum of research shows the same same symbol used by the byzantine, then various slavs and the holy roman empire and then finally freemasons. the last one seems like the odd one out. does anybody know more about this?
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Thank you for spicing up my shitty thread. Unforunately I am working part time nights with mostly retards and mongoloids. I would doubt very much that any of these people know what a Freemason is. I also found my Dad's documents from becoming a 32nd degree mason. He took it very seriously and never told me shit about it. So finding these buried away while cleaning out my parents house was very exciting until I got a look at them. I saw a thing that showed some of the older Magazine covers I'll snag a picture of that next.
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Worshipers of the Archangel of Music, Lucifer.
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Tell me more about it fren. I don't know enough and I need to real deal. I wouldn't be surprised if my Dad was into Lucifer. I've found a lot of gross shit in his office. Several books about witchfraft I also found disgusting 60's and 70's style porn under the guise of sexual development books. But the full color photo of the jewish woman getting pissed on and the other gal licking ass made me think that all them words were just a front for printing smut.
Show us the books, a lot of Freemasons are into the occult, well it’s more like a lot of occultists are into freemasonry since most Freemasons are pretty normie

But maybe he was just into these books for research, so I would like to know. Again if he practiced magic, it would help to know what type of magical books he had, very unlikely to be a luciferian either way
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I also can't wait to tear into the 1960's style UFO newsletters. If I had more time tonight I would have grabbed those instead. My Mom recently landed in a nursing home and I have the grim task of cleaning out my parents house, my childhood home. There's over 50 years of secrets squirelled away in there. The most interesting mystery is an excel spreadsheet titled "Man with wives" that is password protected. I also found out my Dad had a secret PO box about 25 miles north of where we lived in the town where his job was. He also had a PO box that we did know about. So that's definitely suspicious.
I only took two pictures of the occult books. There's another one I took from the house years ago that's down in my basement. I can try to get a pic of that later tonight when I get back home. I would love an opinion on these books.
So far this is the grossest stuff I've found
If these were the only books he had than I think it was only for research and probably an interest in the esoteric roots of masonry without wanting to practice, or just an interest in the subject as many Freemasons (again) are without necessarily becoming practitioners. The first does include genuine magical instructions, but it’s a compilation of historical sources and it’s not the only book a genuine practitioner would have, since they would have more modern books on magic or at least a bunch of traditional grimoires, secondary sources analysing those grimoires for practical use and practical tools. The book would be useful to a more advanced practitioner, but they aren’t the primary audience - researchers and even normal curious people are. Second is more about the culture around witchcraft which confirms it
I think you should be grateful that that’s the grossest thing you found in your dads attic, there’s worse and this is pretty tame in comparison
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When my dad died and I was going through his stuff I found CD-R after CD-R after CD-R labelled like "music" "music 2" "software" "anti-virus" etc etc and it was all CP
what some of you yungings don;t know is that the largest erogenous zone is ... the mind! Sometimes an old man needs to read about interviews of women who got off with dogs to get his own jollies off.
Please try to remove your generational curse.
It really fucks with those down the line.
It is the least you can do.
All Freemason books are ciphered, with the ciphers being one of the few things they’ve actually been able to keep secret.

You can still read them, but you won’t be getting the “true” message from them.

I doubt the pamphlets are ciphered, they’re probably just boring updates on lodge activity.
Is this a real thing? I come from a long line of masons and have one of the largest granite obelisks in America dedicated to a direct ancestor of mine.
How fucked am I?
That's unfortunate. I've found the nudes of my mom. He's also printed out tons of shit. Like scam emails labeled scam, printed huge lists of urls. He has books and info on how to steal identities. I'll post some of the ufo stuff later tonight if I cam make the time for it.
Masons are degenerate luciferians.
This is ultimately the thing about freemasons, even IF it isn't satanists eating kids, it provides secret oath gateways and networking for evil people who will then springboard into other secret meetings under the guise of masonry.
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>it was ALL cp
how did you know. did you literally look at it all and get excited the entire time, weirdo freak
Don Webb took over the temple of set after aquino retired.
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Wtf. So it wasn’t a meme?
That one is just a classic, anyone with a passing academic interest in the occult has read it.
Are you yaknin my chain m8? I might out it in the reading queue if it's worth my time.
Not at all. Colin Wilson, on the whole, is a good author who's worthy of your time. The Mind Parasites is, in my opinion, his best work. Fact wrapped in philosophy wrapped in fiction. Very interesting stuff.
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I've got a book this guy signed for a girl he liked
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There's also a ton of this kind of unhinged stuff. What would posses a man to save a Pepsi lable.
Literally autism, not even joking
Scan them and upload them to libgen.
Will do when times available. I've got a huge box of family photos and boxes and boxes of genealogy stuff I'm going to scan also. But first I need to empty the house out by the end of November.
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This is a copy of hand written notes made with a home scanner/printer tucked in his portfolio.
>it's actually "Build-A-Berg-ers"
the lore thickens
cool thread, thanks
I'm glad someone has enjoyed it.

He has tons of PDAs also. This Casio Casiopeia still has all the contact info on it. It's where I found his secret po box in the town he worked in. The notebook says "Davinchy' notebook. Enormous penis." I'm disappointed he didn't spell DaVinci correctly.
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Forgot pic related.
This one is hilarious I think your dad was a retard
this post is mental illness in action
>I'll post some of the ufo stuff later
ok post it now
I posted a bit earlier. Right now I'm on a hayride with my kids waiting for our wagon to pull up to the exit steps.
posted where? i don't see no ufo posted in here
News letters from a brunch/book club, riveting.
UfO magazine from the 60s or 70s.
ah ok, sorry i was speedreading, thought there was actual photos of ufos lol
The next photo was out of the same magazine but its witch stuff. I'll try to getmore UfO centric stuff when I land back home.
i wish my local rosicrucians paid so much attention to stuff
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I want to see the article on schizophrenia please
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No problem.
holy fuck, im like five minutes from where fulmer used to be. you tryna sell those books op?
You know memes are older than the internet, right?
Nah man these were my Dad's. That's crazy though I grew up in Huber Heights not too far from ya.
Do you hate your dad? I kind of get the impression that you don’t think too highly of him by the way you talk about him
both of these are sensationalist books for plebs
or the publishers thought so at least
>with the ciphers being one of the few things they’ve actually been able to keep secret.
learned it in elementary school
No I loved him but he definitely had some OCD tendencies and was hardtop get along with. He had a habit of winding me up which isn't cool. Why push someone's buttons for your own amusement? He wasn't a bad guy but definitely had some issues.
Post a photo of the ad section at the back where they're selling kids.
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Just a reminder, that the slain and worthy Master Mason, can be patroned by the Valkyrie, choosers of the worthy slain.

>Valkyrie, any of a group of battle maidens who served the gods Odin, the All Father, and Freeya and were sent by them to the battlefields to choose the slain who were worthy of a place in the afterlife. Old Norse literature made references to purely supernatural Valkyries and also to human Valkyries with certain supernatural powers.


>List of names of Valkyrie
>Reginleaf: Daughter of the Gods
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>The ancient spear of and legendary weapon of Odin.... "Judge Near".

>List of names of Odin
>Auðun friend of wealth
>Bileyg 'the one with poor sight"; the one who sees as/what the poor see
>Hangagud: God of the Noose and Hangings and Executions


One little fact more for the Masons with their "cabel tow"'; the Runes to spell Odin's name give step by step instructions on how to make a Hangman's noose.
Excel passwords are very easy to break
I was hoping that was the case. I have a pin in that project. I have to spend all of my free time cleaning out the house. None of my family lives nearby so it's all on me but I prefer it that way. If you have any tips or advice though I'm all ears.
>Why push someone's buttons for your own amusement?
read the Bible in that light and you'll probably find understanding
>It's just gay porn
if you guys are into reading more obscure old occult stuff you should check out the International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals aka IAPSOP
important to note!
maybe there's something written on the back? but in all likelihood he probably began a hobby of collecting labels and then quit it shortly afterwards

what a nice thread we got going on here. thanks for delivering OP.
this is probably the coziest thread on /x/ in 2024
thank u OP & anons, appreciate you all <3
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>tfw i know what's in that book
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you should learn things.
but be advised, you are not obliged to make an oath, don´t do oath if you don´t wanna.
once make an oath it persists even after death.
also let me quick tell you, what you have yourself into.

i also come from a lineage of masonic people.
chakras are responsible for the 3rd eye opening.
3rd opened people have "abilities"
masons sell their souls to satan and are slaves to cain nannites(modern jews)
they rise their kundalini chakras activation by sodomy
sodomy can only rise to the 6 chakra,
this chakra is inverted chakra
the more evil you do the more inverted chakra rises down.
the more evil you do, the more you can talk and comune with evil spirits
use evil spirits to acquire knowledge of evil

If you rise your kundalini naturaly by meditation and doing good
you can get to 7 chakra and acquire Christ state or Christ consciouness
doing good can see good angels
the total chakras are 7 only rising kundalini in good deeds can get to the higher kundalini
higher kundalini also gives "abilities"
at the 7 chakra activated you can have the same abilities of Christ and soldier of God
your souls is God and you follow Jesus Christ
you can use your power to change the world to the better
you are a warrior of God and is from Adamic lineage
woman naturaly will love you than cain nanite lineage.

they( evil) try to find adamic lineage and corrupt it to their favor or either poisons them with heavy metals and poisons to block their pineal from ascending or opening, this is why a lot of people lost their spiritualy and become atheists.
Post it all to a MEGA!
whoa 32 degree is very high level.
most probably your father will not teach you, because if your parent teaches you, the most probable you reject his knowledge as bogus, got it? so they either will make some people or soma rosacrucian kids at your age, to aproach you, be friends of you, take you to places, to try to "corrupt" you into good old satan´s life, like bitches, rock and roll, drugs, and obscure places, little by little they will instruct you into luciferianism without you even noticing, they will make blood libels common to you by playing vampire the mascarade from the white wolf, they will teach you books on how to deal with bitches, to fuck bitches easily, on how woman minds work, things will occur like this.
you will find people with daggers, swords... and they will teach you quiromancy, a lot of wicca stuff and luciferian stuff, like 93, thelema.
little by little you will be instructed, they will even tell you about grimoire, about rotary club...all little by little, you will se one of your friends brothers fucking a dog(this shit triggered me a lot, other friend told me i didnt knew so a stayed hidden and saw it).
you will understand that no matter you do, your family is strange.
if you are good like me, shit will be shit, you family will never get you, and you will be like "mentaly tortured" until you realize the dark truth only years later, that the people you call father and mother, never was your father and mother by blood!
in my case they grown kids(adamic lineage) kidnapped from their parents to grown them into satanists when those kids are very shinned with abilities, they wanna use the blessed by God against God.

the best thing you can, do is be smart, you are being monitored everytime, and also very probably you have a hidden gps chip into your body, so your family will avoid hospitals to do checkup exams to not find the chip.
also do a DNA, my parents refused to do DNA tests to comprove paternity.
if living in 2020's doesn't make you slurp up 80s 90s 00s magazines you are probably gay, and not in a good way
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My Dad would never tell me about it. He died in 2019 so no threat of him corrupting me now. I recently had am encounter with God and am a believer.
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When I get a chance I'll make the effort to scan it. It'll probably be months from now.
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Thank you fren. I usually only lurl online and have never made a good thread.
>I recently had am encounter with God and am a believer.
God bless you, i also had an encounter with Christ, but that´s when i was an hero, and during my near death experience, i called Jesus 3 times, and he appeared to me.
after talking to him about my stuff, he gave me a second chance to come back if i wanted.
now here we are.
>My Dad would never tell me about it. He died in 2019.

did you dad die, normally?
it´s pretty strange when those people high level people die.
He was in a nursing home for his last few years. He had some complications and I was there with my Mom when he passed.
He was 79, diabetic and did not take care of himself at all.
So I asked God to reveal Himself to me while messing around with a set of six sided dice. I've been leaning more and more towards not being a heathen and was asking for a direct in my face revelation.

So I asked God to reveal himself by rolling something obvioisly unlikely. I rolled the six dice and got 1, 1, 2, 2, 6, 6. A series of dubs, He had my attention. Which is honestly pretty unlikely. So I asked for an absolute sign and asked for the roll to be specifically 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I rolled my six dice again no shit I rolled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The odds of rolling that exact roll is 0.00214%. So this was a few weeks ago and I'm still not sure what to make of it other than an actual honest interaction with our Lord God. I feel too insignificant to be responded to directly let one twice exactly as requested but I can't ignore how insanely unlikely it was to get those results. But I believe now which was a big step for me.

Honestly what had me open to God has been seeing the forces of evil doing their works. This was just the final leap. It's not as intense as your journey but I'm glad we made it here brother. God bless you too fren.
>There's also a ton of this kind of unhinged stuff. What would posses a man to save a Pepsi lable.
those are the secrets...
i will share those to you, i know what is happening to you, but from the way you talk, i think you are young, not ready to take the full truth yet.

Hot dogs, are made with the worst of worst, rest of all shit in the butcher industry, they place all chemicals to make it "edible" but if you eat hot dogs, you will poison your body for 30 years. every time i eat hot dogs(it´s been 5 years i discovered this) i got acne in the next day, and i will surelly get sick.

Pepsi, it´s the same thing, but with a more nefarious meaning, "aborted fetuses" "spice", "holiday spice" because holidays are where people very often do sacrifices to the evil.
real holy days, are not celebrated in this world calendar.

so hot dogs and pepsi have this in common, they are "impure" both in organic level and spiritual level.

and i am not even talking about the symbolism that is embembed into those propaganda.
autism is caused by poisoned kids at birth by injections...
Scan 'em all and put 'em up on the internet archive for posterity, anon.
>So I asked God to reveal himself
i did the same thing, but in a diferent way.
but is not everyone who actually believes when he shows up, we have to be careful to not anger him, but he is very understanding, he know us better than anyone.

what i did was, that i was feeling very unaturally angry and "opressed", when i was alone driving in the street, no one was with me, the car was empty, i prayed and asked God to reveal to me if there was a evil spirit, that is aflicting me, and that he made me see it, in this world as something real.
the exact moment, i finished this saying after the prayer.
i start hearing a frog coachar, i looked back and saw no one, i keep hearing it, i park the car in the street in the next moment i could, i go back and in the backseats, in the mat where people put their foot, there it is a frog is there! a very greenish frog!
i take it and place it outside.
then i remembered the verse in the bible.

Revelation 16:13-14
King James Version
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

there is not even the possibility of me having a frog by chance, because where i live there is no frogs, i live in a area like desert.
i forgot to say that this happened before i was an hero.
very surelly, i was an hero, because of other evil spirit that was affecting me, i have been in a spiritual war.
after my encounter with Christ, my faith didn´t waver one bit, but we have to do good in this world, to make things change.
be it by making people more understanding or by doing good itself.
i was very revolted during younghood, but until i realized that the evil forces since my childhood really wanted me to joing the dark forces, but they never could corrupt me entirely.
i may have sinned because i was a fool but never did follow their ways.
the more light you have the more evil will attack you.
Faith without acts is death. Yes we do have to do good in this world. I'll be praying for you.
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Jesus fucking Christ
while looking through the list of scholarships for my school, I noticed one paid for by the freemasons. it said something like "only for those of high moral character"
Freemasonry is just a more picky meeting place for gay men
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I snagged a working win98 laptop and will check these out when I get some time tomorrow.
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"Enormous Penis" is a comedy song by the a capella comedy group, Da Vinci's Notebook. He probably heard it on the Bob and Tom Radio Show.
t.51yro Bob and Tom fan
That and the Dog N Suds pretty reliably locates where he lived. Glory to the orange barrels, and the Masons who plant them
Read this OP
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Please stop using the singular when referring to the specific deity you decided to worship; it's insulting to every polytheist and Buddhist brother in the fraternity.

>Don't you know that stats are irrelevant when you hold Excalibur? As it only imparts it's invisible gifts upon the worthy...... Masons.
Checked and kekked
B&T is nationwide syndicated, as well as worldwide online.
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Nah man he's right, we're in Dayton OH. My Mom and therefore my 6 year old daughter love the orange barrels song.
That's very interesting.
Is it possible to remove oaths?
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Through the saving grace of Christ, any chain of the wicked can be broken
Moar about Roamer and the cat, please.
>Does anyone want a peek inside these?
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>"white witchcraft"
>gain power over people, destroy your enemies, bind someone with a love spell
i once did an oath, that later i told God that i feel ashamed and felt tricked to do it, because i did that oath, without real knowledge of what it was, and pledged God to purify it.
>what happened after it?
actually i didn´t remembered it initialy but my academic oath, that i took, was an oath to the death, it was that oath you do when you finish university and say aliance to antique fake gods and shit until you die.
i felt ashamed that i did it, and asked for forgiveness from the real God, and pledge for him to help me.
what he did, i think my destiny was changed so that i die, and came back, so that way the oath was fullfiled and actually God liberated me, because he allowed me to came back, if i told people that i actually died, people will mock me and say that i am mocking Jesus Christ death, that he was the only one who died and came back, so to prevent that i say that i had a "near death experience" but in reality i really did die, i saw my dead body in the ICU on hospital, while floating in the air, after i talked to Jesus, he moved his hand very calmly and a gold light encompassed my body in the ICU, then i was sucked back to my body, it literaly was like in the movies.
this is why i strongly advise to not do oath, if you are sure on what you are saying and i advise to do oath that follow up post death.

this is my experience, i think i can varies depending on how you do your oath.
but i never sold my soul also.i don´t know if you sell your soul you can talk to God still.
>i advise to DONT DO AN oath that follow up post death.
i don´t know why they keep changing my words in the most critical sentences.
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Will do when I get downstairs.
>I also found a huge stack of 1960's UFO newsletters.
now that sounds good
>Archangel of Music, Lucifer.
Since when was he that?
in the bible.
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Literally widely known that Lucifer she is the Archangel of Pride and Music.



But then, few people actually choose to understand why it is that Masons can worship Lucifer.

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>Lucifer the deity, archangel of music and pride is a deity, and a deity that can be prayed to and worshiped by Masons.
>Signed, the Free Masons
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>The height of Earned Pride, in Free Masonry, is Perfection in One's craft; which manifests both love and beauty as the result.

The heavens declare the glory of the Gods, and the firmament showeth their handiwork........

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son/daughter of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High
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>but why can Lucifer, Archangel of Music and Pride, be worshiped and loved by Free Masons?
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Because it's literally suppose to be the "other ethical"; or more specifically, looking at the monsterous crimes of christianity, mohamedism, and jeudism, it's suppose to be the "actual ethical" where you reject the false doctrines of christianity, with it's history of enslaving hundreds of millions of people, and literally torturing, before either burning at the stake or literally scraping the flesh off the bones with seashells, of scientists, philosophers, metaphysicans, and those who seek to learn the art of the Gods, of magic and sorcery.

The joke of course, on "satanists", is that the ones who look to the criminal/"evil" side of things still have to operate within the context of Jupiter and Hades ruling over Earth from the heavens; so they watch as idiots swear themselves to evil, commit murder, and damn themselves.

Thus the joke of being one of the "Lords of Hell"; administered just punishment upon the damned; under the auspices of the Gods in the Heavens.

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>Pluto/Hades, the brother of Zeus/Juptier lord of Justice and Government, being one of the Supreme Gods ruling over the Helheim/the hells/the underworld.

Hades/Pluto, of course ruling from the heavens, despite being in the depth of the underworld/helheim/hells.
You shouldn't dishonor your father by sharing his private papers
>look guise i profaned the name am i cool now

here's what eliphas levi wrote about the unfinished or broken pentagram:
>when broken or incorrectly drawn, it represents astral intoxication, abnormal and ill-regulated projections of Astral Light and therefore bewitchments, perversity, madness-all that, in a word, which the Magi term the Signature of Lucifer.
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sooo..... freemasons are pretty much just dudes that like good looking buildings? am i missing something here?
Read a book or 15, smarty-pants! xp
ok im reading books right now.
it says its just dude who like pretty buildings.
what am i missing here?
This just convinced me that the world is one big lodge, and generation by generation we are ascending the ranks. Thank you for posting.
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Thank you! Next page, too, when you have the time?
It's hilarious watching the Freemasons slowly cripple themselves to a quarter of their membership to the point they have to daily advertise on 4chan. I bet about 80% of the leftover million are geriatric, as well. Good luck, skull & bones. You'll never win now that worldwide, individual enlightenment is here.
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Who gives a fuck what he has to say; it isn't even slightly related to Hermetics, and he isn't a Mason, and has nothing to do with Lucifer being the Light Bringer; and everything to do with idiots damning themselves to hel.


>The ultimate implication of Lucifer being put in charge of helping to managing hel being.... that Pride is of the heavens...... unless you listen to a bunch of bigoted piscean who torture scientists, philosophers, polytheists, magicians, and sorcerers who refuse to kneel to a tyranny.
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>The highest ArchAngel of the Heavens, chosen by the Gods, being Lucifer; archangel of Pride and Music....
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>Lucifer defender is an anime slop poster
That's art by the Austrian artist Franz von Bayros. I really like his jugend-esque style, but then again he also made lots of works like these... A bit like Felicien Rops
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>Contrarian Crusader is a Sam Hyde poster
The masons try to claim they are the continuation of The Knights Templar, which is false, so I'm not interested in them
who else would be that easily impressionable by titles and words
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Probably retarded Christians who bow to a tyrant,with a beard and long hair, because of the "halo effect". who threatens to torture people for things that aren't crimes.
what tyranny? to love your neighbor as yourself? damn, that's evil
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My neighbors are assholes who threaten to, and have, burned people at the stake such as myself, for thinking for myself, reading the "wrong books", and learning the divine arts of magic and sorcery; and they literally cover their crimes with that platitude, before threatening to torture me forever.

They're literally unjust, so concerning the logos, they cannot possibly rule the heavens.


maybe because they worship lucifer instead of following the teaching of christ
Are you a time traveler from Salem Massachusetts in the 1620's?
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The letter of the law destroys christians attempt to seem just; they are unjust; thus in terms of the logos, they cannot and will never rule the heavens or helheim/the hells/hades/the underworld.
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>Lucifer is a losing move; I knew that a decade ago; whoever I am, it isn't the archangel of music and pride, as I wasn't there for those events. The posts were an attempt to help people and masons.....
yes if christians followed the teaching of christ then this world would transform over night
but most of them just care about being saved and going to heaven
even tho it's written "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it"

The works of Venus are what they are; however, in terms of "the letter of the law" of what is written, in terms of the logos, they are unjust; , thus they cannot and will never rule the heavens or helheim/the hells/hades/the underworld.

The abrahamics will never rule in the next world.

Such is the logos, the divine name, and the divine will which put the heavens in their orbits.

what's that "the letter of the law" you keep going on about

Jews will stop their car on Friday nights because of the "letter of the law" and the "strictest interpretation"; due to their insistence, looking at the Bible one must do the same in terms of Justice, and read what is written as what is written; thus their injustice cannot simply be washed away with a wave of the hand; and must be interpreted in the strictest sense of what is written; making all of their texts unjust, meaning due to the supernal rule of Jupiter and Pluto in the Heavens; that they, the Abrahamics, cannot possibly ever rule in the afterlife.

Such is the nature of the logos; which put the Earth at the center of creation, and put the spheres in their revolution; including Venus.

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>Literally widely known that Lucifer she
Hey, we will all take you so much more seriously, if you didn't post pictures of an anime bitch repeatedly. Anyways can you go back to talking about the devil or is the fan fic hitting different tonight.
Please don't enochian my tires.
>It's in the bible
>Source: Couldn't be less fucked to provide
eliphas levi was right about madness being the signature of lucifer
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This is from collected news clippings.
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You do realise that people can read outside of highlighting? Like you just need to read the stuff that came before and after to disprove the narrative you creating
what are you getting out of it?
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Odin, of course, being known as the "Lord of Hel", Masons; that Anubis himself can also enter the hel and command with divine authority, is also true; the joke of couse being that Odin's heir would be known as "Odin's Arf Tag I".

dope vibe
now I have to delete the photo of this anon's dad's notebook that just says "davinchy's notebook enormous penis" from my funnies folder
doesn't work if its not fully connected
this is like shitposting here except a printed publication. do you think your dad knew about /x/?
What you're posting here is the equivalent to somebody sharing publications/tracts for Jehovah's witnesses by "The watchtower"..
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got a minute?
Wow, all these stories but Masons are a Benevolent Order.
Basically, yes
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Letter head and envelopes from hotels for revenge plots
That’s the symbol of the Scottish rite
Tons of identity theft and revenge materials.
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Handwritten Astral projection notes
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Come on in, I was about to read "the new living translation" bible for my daily 5 hr devotional in my bunker!
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>Tell me more about it fren
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Was your dad really a mason or just someone curious about them who collected masonic related items?
He has a framed plague certificate thing for becoming a 32nd degree Scottish rite mason.
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It is curious Christian Bernard stepped down from AMORC the same period when hundred of other CEOs did the same across the globe after Trump was elected
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>doesn't work if its not fully connected
have them scanned for semen & other bio-hazards...

Masons are some of the worst FREAKS... Jack-The-Ripper, Dr Jekyl, Frankenstein shit...
True. But why did the Scotts adopt a symbol that Slavs and Germans were using. Seems a bit far for a natural connection.
Some of this is probably worth a lot of money.
My local AMORC is under Italian jurisdiction but yeah I get what you mean
Oh wait lol yes hope Trump comes back ^__^
I will be using this as insurance in holy matrimony
I know this stuff all sounds kinda cool to you guys and whatnot, but

The truth is far from glamorous.

Whoever this dude is, he's so low on the rank in the order that he's being disseminated literal psyops.

I mean that, too.

All this junk that the lower initiates read is intended ONLY to condition them into being willing pawns in either their own sacrifice or another ritual that their moral conscience would otherwise refuse.

And nothing else.

You're better off reading CNN than this garbage.

Let this be a warning to you.

From, let's say a dear friend of yours.

I'm sure you know who I am.
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Masonry is entry-level Rosicrucianism.
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