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Why are abrahamic religion so shit and vile?

Everyone touched by these religious books turns into a retarded narcissist that will gladly kill and hurt others. They suddenly believe they are better than you and that you deserve death, enslavement and whatever atrocity they can think up. They think they can sidestep personal responsibility and just ask skydaddy to forgive them then go on being their horrible selves.

Who on earth looks at jews, christians or muslims and goes "these are the people of god"? They're responsible for the worst shit this planet has to offer. They perpetuate the most awful abuse systems without any self-awareness then pretend they are doing you a favor for it.

I'm sick of it

There IS wisdom in the abrahamics , don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The challenge is - the religion side of it was codified in such a way and so poorly that it became an engine of fanaticism for the commoners.

But study the mystics of these traditions and you will realize very quickly that they are the closest things to pure white magic magicians we will likely have. The nature of historical alteration means that the best of their wisdom will be forever coded within the surface level looks like ordinary and boring stories about a bunch of schizos.
The biggest slavers were all pagans/non abrahamaics
The aztecs practiced ritual mass human sacrifice
Remote aboriginal tribal practices can be considered the most grotesquely demonic in all human history
they stole the drugs and now we can't talk to god
Christianity was made to crumble empires such as the romans. Slaves liked it cause it made them feel equal and poor people liked it and believed in it cause it promised them a peaceful rest and a paradise after life. Rich people loved it cause it kept the poor and slaves from revolting.
Islam was created to "cleanse" the middle east from its education remember that doctors started there it was the birth of civilization but Islam made the whole are a war zone through islam it conquered itself and threw all logic away only fanatism and violence were left.
Judaism was made to enslave others and throw morality away
>The biggest slavers were all pagans/non abrahamaics
Christians literally made slaving a global enterprise with the Trans Atlantic slave trade

>The aztecs practiced ritual mass human sacrifice
These same Aztecs were horrified at the behavior of the conquistadors. They sacrificed for a purpose and they didn't waste it.

Meanwhile spanish christians killed every man/woman/child in the cities they invaded. Just senseless bloodshed by the "religion of peace"

>Remote aboriginal tribal practices can be considered the most grotesquely demonic in all human history
Is it more evil than jews and christians installing central banking and capitalist slavery in every country they weasel in?
you got filtered by basic theology in the Bible, good job bot. as IF Christianity is comparable to islam and the edomite filth that is judaism and the talmud. good job buddy
>These same Aztecs were horrified at the behavior of the conquistadors
It was literally the exact opposite lmao.
And sacrificed for a purpose? Bexuase their priests were constantly in high state and possessed by demons who demanded it?
>didn't waste it
It achieved nothing it was literally a waste.
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>killing a few guys every month or some shit

>killing every MAN, WOMAN and CHILD in every city
>rape and slavery on the side as well

You are being disingenuous if you think the christian action is less abhorrent

But then again you are a lying christian who will cover up every atrocity and pretend you are pious. Typical.
half of christianity is literally the torah lol

christianity is so unrecognizable from zionism/judaism you call america judeochristian
Because they were made for npcs, in which the golem blood speaks louder.
Now, everybody have this golem blood, because most families can only be traced to the 19th century. We are all descendants of clones, so this vile gene runs in our veins, even in a small extent.
And this vile gene asks for a "creator" of everything, a skydaddy who is responsible for the universe. To appeal to this gene, these slave religions were created, in order to keep the human cattle in the leash. These religions are probably only 300yo, so they faked history in order to look older and have more "legitimacy", as a feature of the golem gene is the constant appeal to authority.
Now, we dont know from where the golem blood came. We can only speculate about it. But this vile side of current humanity, which should be supressed, is instead stimulated by the abrahamic slave religions, and the result is this world we live in.
not that poster but all the rebuttals you listed were people using the name of religion to justify their selfish desires.

Trans-atlantic -- free money printer
Aztecs -- they wanted all the gold , free money printer for the spanish crown
aboriginals, demonic -- justification by cortes to get more funding from the spanish crown for his invasion.
Did, and when, the Christers abolish slavery? Even the Aztec's neighbors despised them! that's why Cortez won - he had their support! It's time to name some atrocities! Scalping, for instance was invented by the French to make their Indian subjects prove they had killed the English! Christs don't know what ethics and morals are - they only follow orders. Human sacrifice was stopped by the "Pagan" Roman Empire.
Oops, 'Christers'..
>>killing a few guys every month or some shit
Every time a christian talk about pagan sacrifices, just mentions the 30 years war to them. The discussion will automatically end there.

The exoteric form followed by the normies of those traditions is often pretty bad with all the dogmatics, close mindedness, and violence over differing views...certainly a step down from the Neoplatonism of the ancient world.

That said the esoteric forms of those traditions are good, maybe even the best alongside Daoism.
A while ago I realized that only wicked people with ulterior motives say "Abrahamic."
Anybody with half a brain and good faith would specify Christianity, Judaism, or Islam.
Conflating the three is just ignorant.
Of course, OP was saying that aztec mass ritual human sacrifice was "for a purpose", as if to justify it.
>nonsensical argument
Did these religions all originate from Abraham or not?

This person excuses mass genocide by christians but then clutches pearls at ritual sacrifice
the jews seem to want to enslave everyone else
The Muslims seem to want to kill everyone else
The Christians seem to want everyone to get along which is so gay
making shit up is not an argument
Making up what?
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History is fake.
The "crusades" never happened.
Modern war is a hoax. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_fOYW-GXdc
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Catholic = not Christian (well at least for some time)
Angloprot = definitely not Christian, especially the American ones.
Tell me what Orthodox nations have done by comparison? Hardly anything. And no Serbs executing some people during a brutal ethnic war or Russia invading Ukraine is not comparable to a massive scale slave trading operation kek
Very interesting video but the nose in your image has neutrally tilted nostrils. Greta has her nostrils pointed like eyebrows in the color image. it's clearly not her in many spots.
>But the bad thing about all religions is that, instead of being able to confess their allegorical nature, they have to conceal it; accordingly, they parade their doctrine in all seriousness as true sensu proprio, and as absurdities form an essential part of these doctrines, you have the great mischief of a continual fraud.

>And, what is worse, the day arrives when they are no longer true sensu proprio, and then there is an end of them; so that, in that respect, it would be better to admit their allegorical nature at once. But the difficulty is to teach the multitude that something can be both true and untrue at the same time. And as all religions are in a greater or less degree of this nature, we must recognize the fact that mankind cannot get on without a certain amount of absurdity, that absurdity is an element in its existence, and illusion indispensable; as indeed other aspects of life testify.
Can always identify a single braincel faggot when they use the word 'skyddaddy'. So fkin pseudointellectual
cope and seethe
>monotheistic religions that say you're part of the chosen people if you follow it
where the narcissism lays
>monotheistic religions that can't agree on who the messiah is
>also believes anyone who deviates from their religion is filthy
this is where the violence comes from. most other mainstream religions do not have this issue, they respect the beliefs of others, but these religions can not.
i believe there is truth to all religions and i consider myself a spiritual person who wants to know the ultimate "truth" so i do not stick to any one religion, but these in particular i try to avoid as the followers act extremely unreasonable. i apologize for any blasphemy.
Abrahamics literally believe heaven is up in the clouds

Your bible even tells you Jesus went up to the clouds to show he was going back to God

Maybe he's chilling with some satellites right now
Christianity is superior than all of them, because it is the Truth.
The Truth is a competition, and there is only 1 Winner.
satellites are just weather balloons.
It's all politics. Imagine getting your "spirituality" from politicians. Fucking lol
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Move Mt Everest to Washington DC in the next 10 minutes

Someone as faithful as you should be able to do it easy
According to pagan religion like hindu and others, you become like the being you worship
No, they aren't. Earth is round.
Flerfarf is christianity on steroids.
>that will gladly kill and hurt others. They suddenly believe they are better than you and that you deserve death, enslavement and whatever atrocity they can think up. They think they can sidestep personal responsibility and just ask skydaddy to forgive them then go on being their horrible selves.
>turns into a retarded narcissist
>turns into

You have a narrow and sheltered cultural view if you think this isn't just how a lot maybe even most people are to begin with
Haven't you heard? Columbus was a jew
>2 out of 3 of the abrahamic bingo
>one of the worst people who ever lived
The sad truth is a good portion of humans are narcissistic. When was the last time anyone here helped someone you didn’t know, without expecting something in return?
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Most of humanity should be exterminated anyway.
God does not exist.
I wouldn’t care if these cunts didn’t control every major country. America is just Jew controlled, and the Christians suck their dick.
They all share similar roots and prophets. Islam and Christianity are offshoots of Judaism, essentially old Jew tribal rats became mainstream and then there were forks that were successful.
Genesis 1:1
is younger the xtianity

talmud was written centuries after crucifixion
not paranormal

Why are your threads about ABRAHAMIC so dumb?
Religious doctrine warping peoples souls is kinda spooky
What book tells mohels to suck off babies. That has to have come from Babylon.
The spookiest, really. It's magic, plain and simple.
>But study the mystics of these traditions and you will realize very quickly that they are the closest things to pure white magic magicians we will likely have.
Citation fucking needed. Mysticism is usually an obscurantist tool.
Nor is /srg/ and the countless christian prayer threads.
prove im not better than you
Youre right, and we are so much closer to possessing this world as is our command
Very based pattern recognition.
you do realize christianity is centered around a ritual sacrifice? lmfao
>everyone who understands the history and criticizes my dogma is LE BAD

you're in a cult

All three (jews,christians,muslims) think you will inherit the world. So far jews are dabbing on church golems
i don't disagree
i mean SRG is bullshit but it has some esoteric history at least
Because they originate from death. Everything they touch dies. They all worship death. They're called death cults for a reason.
The masses have largely moved onto celebrity, consumption and political worship. The "religions" are just window dressing. Something to larp about as you dance from vice to vice.
Oh so suddenly we are 3 separate people to you?
which is it, one of us is ruining, or all of us are ruining as one?
your fragile Anti-Abrahamism is as frontal lobe as the Anti-Nephites
you're all garbage squabbling amongst yourselves correct

2 more weeks until we find out which one god really loves the most!
Fence sitting troll lol
make up your mind which position to take
>Ure wicked
Says the protagonist of a thread on people considered the epytome of evil
my position is you're all retarded garbage
im so mad
Condemnation of life by the living dead

What a premature judgement, contradiction to the core

How unfortunate I am, forced to spend time on a battle already won
The biggest problem with these three religions is that they aren't vegan and that's why Buddhism, Hinduism or Jainism is superior to them.
Abrahamic religion, has this thing called "light". When "light" enters you, you become a drooling retard who sharts abrahamic drivel from his feces right in the intestines, losing any self aware mind and, most important: self will. You lose free will because you lose your "I". Thus, becoming a "new creation" which means becoming a different you, with different ideas, likes and dislikes. Which you further cover by self denial.

All this confusion yields a retard who fucks a dog in the ass in front of your fucking face while discussing chastity and sexual morality. He never even notices he's right there, screwing a dog in the bum.
The god they worship is shit and vile.
It's literally that simple. You get into some really nasty philosophical territory when your holy book tells you to worship and base your moral compass around a "god" who kills infants. They are narcissists because their god is a self-admitted (and highly insecure) narcissist.

In theory, Christianity should be better than the other Abrahamic religions because Christ was really nothing like Yahweh, being that he practiced compassion and love, but very few modern Christian really give a shit about those things, for most of them its more about giving them an ego boost and the ability to turn their nose up at other people.
It's observable fact jews, christians and muslims are murderous oppressive retards lmao

don't even try to deny it
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All abrahamic religions are the enemy of humanity and must be contained or eradicated before they drive us extinct.
>tl;dr - retarded narcissist cannot into faith
Lol, no.
Christianity was the only thing holding humanity to any sense of decency.
Without it... well, you'd have to be a fucking dullard not to see how awful everything is now.
That, or wilfully ignorant.
The teachings of Christ? Sure. Christianity as an organized political force? A disaster for mankind.
And replace it with what?
If you don't have a positive thesis, you literally have nothing.
Why does it need to be "replaced"? The game is over. Everyone is naked.
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I agree. The average believer of these 3 at least usually sounds and behaves like a fuckwit.
I think it's a common theme in these monotheistic religions, idk why tho.
This is why over the years I've been drawn more to the east and bhuddhism, mostly cause I wasn't able to really connect to christianity. It just felt like a huge copout, like you're saying, they just ask skydaddy for forgiveness and they're all good.
Unlike in eastern traditions where you have karma and it's not something you can pray or ask away, the shit accumulates. It feels more real and important, wtf you're doing with your life.
Monotheism seems kinda simple minded for simple people who don't want to think about a lot. Like I get the fact that it all comes back to "one" right, all of our souls, creation itself and consciousness, but in this seemingly "endless" and "timeless" universe, theres gotta be more than one "god" or deity
I live in an eastern orthodox country and I still do enjoy some of the holidays and traditions but I barely have a connection to it.
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You'll never know because you'll never make it through what's about to happen.
You don't know anything about me.
You could have asked questions.
Or answered my question.
>Christianity was the only thing holding humanity to any sense of decency.

Japan isn't christian and they have lower crime and violence than so-called enlightened christian countries lmao

stop falling for propaganda that christianity is the only thing holding people back from acting like retards. if you need to be threatened with hellfire to act like a good person you were shit sociopath golems to begin with
They only warp you if you accept them into your heart.
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>The "Christians" in question
>Bartolome de las casas
>Probably a converso, outspoken against slavery
>Christopher Columbus
>Aryan spaniard, had a personal native sex slave
>Christians dindu nuffin
kys frogposting twitter immigrant
Islam is far more advanced. Our tools are far better for connecting to the One. Christianity is gay, outdated, and its over for you. And no, the Kundalini codes in the Bible do not make it particularly impressive.
Christian Gnosticism
Avoid the conventual and tread into the path of the true seeker. Have fun.
Have you ever thought that maybe there's a secret cabal of demons trying to make the Abrahamic religions unpalatable by tempting people onto wars and sin?
Paganism > Atheism = Christianity > Islam > Huge gap > Judaism
Jews have been selling slaves for more than a thousand years
confirming OPs point
based schopenhauer posting, keep it up.
I only studied Christianity.
Fact 1: Nobody needs to read the Bible to be a Christian
Fact 2: You are saved forever once you confess Jesus is Lord
Fact 3: You will be transformed
Fact 4: Your sins are unknown. Adam and Eve's sin was eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Do you want to murder your aggressors but refrain? Then that is a clear example of knowing good or evil.
Fact 5: The 10 Commandments cannot be followed and are God's Laws. Human laws need not apply to you once you are saved.
Fact 6: The Devil is real and powerful
Fact 7: The Triune God is justice, love, and power. The Triune God is outside of space and time. However, Earth as we know it now is Satan's. Satan is the Prince of this world with the ability to even tempt the Divine God Human Son of God known as Jesus Christ.
Fact 8: Many humans cannot resist the temptation of eternal life.
Fact 9: The Bible is just words.
Final Fact 10: Many Christians you encounter on this path are capable of violence just the same as you are. Where as you contribute to the violence with your denigration of Christianity or even a spiritual opinion, the war itself is being fought from every direction.
>99% of christians aren't the real christians!

typical copium.
All nonsense excuses and deflections to hide the fact god wants to abuse humanity and blame humanity even though the responsibility rests on the creator

Who created satan?
>Japan isn't christian and they have lower crime and violence than so-called enlightened christian countries lmao

What was the prevailing religion of the nation that civilized Japan after WW2? Fucking weeb.
that was 80 years ago

stop trying to take credit for everything you jew

lets use an inverse example

south america is overwhelmingly devout catholic yet it's full of crime lmao
That's because they're brown
That’s quite an accusation when knowledge of God is from the Bible. Why don’t you try playing Sims 4?

Who created Satan? God did. Your question is very bad.
Who sinned? Adam and Eve. Try again.
>because white american christians fund coups and drug lords every month

You are also a sinner. Try what bro, I just answered your question
>Who created Satan? God did.
Lol that tells you everything you need to know

>Who sinned? Adam and Eve.
Why did god orchestrate events to make them sin?

When the satan came in the garden for his children where was god and his legions of angels? Was he jerking off in the bushes?
Through one man death entered the world. If you haven't even read Paul stop talking to me.
I mean you can run off and live in a world where there is no faith or anything and pure secularism. That’s your decision, no need to frame me as a liar or an enemy. You have a computer right?

Adam and Eve were tricked by Satan. Eve doubted what God said and ate the fruit of her own will. Adam decided to YOLO it and eat it too.
That is incorrect. Satan brought death into the world. Jesus conquered death through his sacrifice and resurrected as a victory over death. Anyways not my problem
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>grovel to god to save you from god
>default state of humankind is going to hell

just narcissist abuser things. wake up from the stockholm syndrome

who created the world? who created man to be sinful? who created death?
God is a merciful being. I am not. Choose your next words carefully because I don’t speak internet unless I’m really having a blast
>he's so merciful your default state is going to hell
>he's so loving he created satan to fuck you over

why do christians all talk like a battered wife lmao
Why are you now speaking to an audience instead of directly to me? Scared? xD
Romans 5:12, heretic.
I don’t see any problem with Adam brining death into our world when Satan tricked Adam and Eve. Why blame a dead person when you can blame The Devil instead, crusader
>he doesn't have an argument so he tries to deflect to other topics

you aren't clever. typical abrahamic snake lol
It says sin entered the world through one man and thus death, sounds like you think God's judgment was WRONG.
I just dumped all over you lmfao. You getting upvotes now?
Well idk then I guess genesis is wrong and (You) are right buddy! I haven’t read Genesis in a while but it’s not like they were teleported out like your stupid video games lmao, God asked them a couple questions about knowing about being naked and kicked them out to do hard labor
So Paul, a person that every Christian must believe was a PROPHET OF JESUS CHRIST, was wrong? Is that what you're saying? Exactly.
>trying to be nonsensical as a smokescreen

you really are a golem. kill yourself
Reaffirming your critique doesn’t make you correct. Idk what it does, personally. But while I have read Romans once or twice, I think Job does a good job of explaining a lot of your questions instead of framing me as a Son of Satan or something lol. Like you would even know what that looks like, kid
Satoshi pulls out and you’ll have a mental breakdown
>faggot is trying so hard

you got clowned on. go away and blame god for your stupid ideology lmao
>Says that God sent Satan to torment mankind and incline them to sin
>Takes accountability away from Adam and Eve
You're describing a sick and twisted deity.
I think I’ll stay haha, I’ve been here for quite some time. It’s funny how you just repeat the same slurs over and over again in hopes of recruiting more children into your little internet ideology and then you keep posting about the celebrity pedophiles that never get sent to jail. Wow, really a unique view on history!
It’s in the Bible but you don’t have to read it. God is an omnipotent being outside of space and time. Our opinions on it are useless.
he's still replying to me like an obsessed puppy lol. sad.

also Jesus called you nonjews dogs btw. stupid gentile scum
More insults hahaha like bro what porn did you watch bro? Nobody gives a shit, it’s a show. Sit back and fap some more to your unknown God
you're a boring NPC stop pretending to be a person lmao

why are you using degen 4chan when you're so pure lmao god won't approve uh oh it's hell for you
See you there :)
You can go there by yourself

I wouldn't be around faggots like you lmao
Now he knows God’s Judgment for his pitiful human life full of the most pleasures virtues
Yawn who are you talking to schizo

Go back to jerking off hentai
Oh my God Chad is displaying his power level.
Please don’t post Stacies tits!
He's copying me because he's a soulless golem :)
He’s copying me because he thinks wearing wings in Roblox pulls the baddies >:)
bye bye
"Tell me you have never read the Bible without telling me you have never read the Bible". The Post.
I've read the whole bible

If you've read it you'd realize it's full of deranged assholes and failed promises
Tools of the satanic demiurge
You did not - I am 100% sure. If you read the OT+NT start to finish, you would understand what this book is about. Or you are just too young, plain ignorant, or worse an NPC with insufficient conciousness to gain understanding.
You hate some old guy who made you feel embarrassed out in public somehow.

And now you're going to link him to the fuvking crusades or some shxt because you found out he had a bible quote on his car's dashboard or something?

Can you stop being an idiot, anon?
What's it about?
Who created satan?
God is satan, genius.
A christian has never embarrassed me lol

Also why are you so combative? Turn the other cheek you fraud
All he can do is accuse and slander, like the devil. He is possessed.
>reminding you with bible verses
>calls me the devil

Careful. Accusing people with an unclean spirit when they're doing God's work might be the Unforgivable Sin.
You're not doing the work of anyone but yourself. False witness is unholy and you know this, the fact that you're quick to accuse and allege sins is a sign you haven't gotten it.
How am I a false witness?

You're the one who is being an accuser with that simple sentence lol

Judge not or ye be judged

Can't believe I'm schooling you lmao
And there you go. I judged you because you judged, Anon. You created a false scenario to slander, discredit, and humiliate the OP. Not just that, then you call him an idiot, which Jesus himself says is a great sin, one worthy of hellfire. How can what is holy dwell in what is impure? You lie, slander, and humiliate like a devil, why should I say that you are in any way approximate to goodness? Because you say so? Because your ego demands that you identify yourself as good? The point of your faith is to show the fruits of a renewed heart with action and restraint.
>calls me a devil
>calls me possessed
>calls me false witness

but I'm the accuser lol. where's your christian restraint there lol

can you quote where I said idiot? I'll wait.

meanwhile consider taking the beam out of your own eye~
You shouldn't lie on the internet. There is archaeological evidence of scalping in the Americas before Europeans.
Western Eastern Orthodoxy is a retarded fad.
Just an "I agree" reply for you OP.
Remember that people can interpret things the way they want, just because a group of people pervert the true meaning of something it doesn't inherently change it, i would recommend not trusting other people to tell you what "religion" or "faith" is, you can easily find it within yourself if you really wanted to.
13, it's okay. You're not an Abrahamist, but I will be soon probably.
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>Everyone touched by these religious books turns into a retarded narcissist that will gladly kill and hurt others. They suddenly believe they are better than you and that you deserve death, enslavement and whatever atrocity they can think up. They think they can sidestep personal responsibility and just ask skydaddy to forgive them then go on being their horrible selves.

Who on earth looks at jews, christians or muslims and goes "these are the people of god"? They're responsible for the worst shit this planet has to offer. They perpetuate the most awful abuse systems without any self-awareness then pretend they are doing you a favor for it.

Have you ever heard about communism, Soviet Union and how Hitler was hate Abrahamic religions?
First: abrahamic region is a fake concept made up by masons and recycled by retarded neopagans, Saint Trinity is God and only Christianity has this revealed truth.
Second: to be forgiven it's not sufficient asking for forgiveness you have to expiate your sins in this life otherwise in purgatory.
Third: Christianity brought peace in the world, before Christianity the world was full of human sacrifice to pagan idols, oppression of the poors, murders of innocents just for fun (colosseum for example), sodomy and other human degenerations. In modern era the most horrific atrocities was made by communists (atheist regime) and nazi (neopagan regime).
Christ is the way, the truth, the life.
Convert and you'll see the light.
Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about or are a disingenuous, pernicious, goblin liar without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about or are a disingenuous, pernicious, goblin liar.
>boring stories about a bunch of schizos.
You have zero understanding of, and therefore zero appreciation for, that which you speak; you’ve gone no further than the surface, and it shows.

Dive deeper.
>religion that glorifies death
>bans suicide as sin
>original sin, fucked from the get go
>highest ideal is being so down with god you would kill your own son without hesitation
>"why does this religion breed violent, stupid douchebags?"
because it literally glorifies that as the standard required to go to heaven, if you're not down with god you ain't getting in and that abraham dude was pretty damn down with god, also no fags allowed
>no argument

bolshevism/communism is jewish in origin
>I'm just gonna allude to a bunch of shit and not actual show anything of substance

typical christ scammer
>Hitler was hate Abrahamic religions

Hitler was an appropriate response to judaistic shitters destroying his country
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Don't care, still loving Jesus.
>practices idolatry by making images of Jesus when you don't know what he looks like

you're probably on his shitlist
i dont need to deny delusions of retards like you
>n-no you're being delusional

>*pastor continues to abuse kids*

>christians cover it up
Ah, "It wasn't true atheism/paganism defese" :D

Antichristianism is massive fagottry.
When pastor abuse kids - "all pastors are like that".

When fedora-atheist abuse kids via Discord and secret dates - "not all atheists ale like that.
Because it's true

When a pastor abuses kids he's using your religious systems and abuse enabling

When some discord predator does it he's just a creep

Golems will never understand nuance
Christianity isn't vile. What is so vile about loving God above everything else (as we all should) and loving your neighbor as your love yourself? How is this two commandments which Jesus gave us vile? Fuck you. Christians are the ones responsable for humanizing the west. Christians were one of the first religions to command people to take care of the women and the children and being polite with the strangers and it was a revolution. People started becoming more loving and public displays of violence where not cool anymore. Now, of course christianity had to be contained and they made sure that people would not be able to read the bible and only the priesthood could read it to the massess. They monopolized the Word of God and this generated evil. Real christianity is not vile. Real christianity is the opposite of vile. Fuck you so very much, man. I'm seething haha.
>he believes the propaganda

Ask the Indigenous, Blacks and entire world how they felt about Christians spreading their benevolence (actually genocide, slavery and oppression)

You are jewish golems.
For the last time. Christ as a person is a good moral "story", Christ as an allegory for spirtual development is also good. Christianity as an organized religion is aids
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>Christ as a person is a good moral "story", Christ as an allegory for spirtual development is also good

>obey me or I'll burn you in hell (that never existed until the new testament)
>my promises don't work either don't expect me to fulfill them
>you're not allowed to question anything
You gotta do some mental gymnastics to get something good out of it I'll admit. Which is probably why retards shouldn't be read it and told to take it at face value
Faggot, I've been cursed worse than Job for things I had zero control over while he persistently rewards satanists and elites who worship demons with power and abundance, yet this psycho deity still thinks he deserves love? Lmao fuck off.
Abrahamics turn you into a golem. Some golems are nice but still a golem. No personality
Research Sikhism
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Jesus had exactly the same influence as the modern media. His job was to weaken people and make them more docile, disarming their survival instinct while directing their instinctive drive for liberation into the dead end of worshiping an external force that you expect to solve all your problems. His teaching that "the meek shall inherit the earth" was about the current agenda of having the 80 IQ masses of the global south overgrow and drown out the higher functioning aspects of humanity, like mold consuming an apple.
Yea, yea
Christianity is so evil that all your morals are derived from it and you appeal to Christian morals when speaking to others
(you) must be 18+ to post here btw
Go back to youtube
>morality comes from christianity

propaganda. you do realize multiple civilizations had laws prior to that? you call greece the birthplace of democracy and they weren't christian lol

also if you were so moral why did you keep doing slavery, racism, genocides throughout history? ask the native americans or any colonial country what they think about christian morality
Every societal construct is just a reflection of how the human psyche operates, it's just more twisted the more it grows in complexity as a construct.

Organized religions tend to have plenty shitty aspects to them, and that simply comes from humans. The Bible is a compendium of eastern esotericism, which makes it a perfect tool to be repurposed for many other functions, since your average joe isn't capable of understanding esoteric information. In other words, people who were initiated into the esoteric framework of the books, repurposed the meaning of said books to manipulate the average people, to in turn gain access to an easily operable political framework, and to maintain power localized and avoid its dispersion, which would be chaotic.

That's it really. Anyone who pertains to a religion and knows how to interpret its esoteric framework will never associate with the organized institution of that religion because they know it's just a twisted proxy for manipulation and control.
They all worship the demon YHWH, what do you expect? Christ tried to liberate them from YHWH, but later on his teachings were forcibly intermingled with exactly what he went against.
yes, you are delusional, thank you for confirming that with your replies
but you are first and foremost retarded, which explains the delusion
yall niggas won't ever be happy just throwing down amongst yourselves
eternally doomed to struggle with themselves; eternally doomed to struggle with God, all of humanity, the human experience - Israel.
>ad hominems
>denial of reality

whatever everyone can see what you narcissistic shitters are.
The Christians fought against and banned slavery which was very Jewish. The new athiest fag mixes anti-Christian propaganda with Muslim and Jewish issues, while giving everyone else a pass and ignoring the human condition. Christianity has a far better track record than anything else out there. Maybe you should be treated badly when you disingenuously shit on Christians, and then have the jewish audacity to blame Christians for poor quality of life after its been eroded.
Christians promoted slavery for millenia lmao

Your book even justifies it

Stop kidding yourself

Christians didn't fight against it. Secular and economic factors made it unfeasible then you took credit.
Galatians 3:28
>“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."

If you're tiny brain is attempting to refer to Ephesians 6:5 - its very consistent with the rest of Jesus' teachings which were to not instigate a revolt or uprising. But to create equality through love and compassion.
>acknowledges Ephesians 6:5 among multiple verses pro slavery
>sweeps it under the rug

ah yes the typical christian cherrypicking. saying christians advocated to end slavery is like saying christians advocated to end racism or feminism or gay rights lmao.

you were dragged kicking and screaming then took credit to cope
>not wanting a bloody revolt of slaves and thousands dead = pro slavery
how many verses do I have to pull saying "were all equal in the eyes of God" and "Jesus wants peace and love" before you realize how retarded your stance is?
>typical christian cherrypicking
The dunning-Krueger effect is strong with this one.
>we're all equal :DD
>you can totally own slaves and beat them a certain way though

lol he almost got it. your book is schizo garbage

>dunning krueger

says the guy ignoring the verses that make him look like a lunatic (you all are)
1 Corinthians 7
>21 Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so. 22 For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave. 23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings. 24 Brothers and sisters, each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.
>don't be bothered about slavery!
>justifying being a slave

golem comprehension
its like you read the first three words, then seethe.
Have you not seen the wicker man? Pagans can do some dumb stuff too.well at least according to known science today. but who knows maybe burning a human alive will make your crops grow next year? Lol
You're retarded

>don't bothered about being slave
>if you're slave you're actually free in your mind!
>if you're free now it's time to be Christ's slave
>don't change your situation

you're dumb as shit.

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