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There was an internet service provider in the UK, one of the 1st for them in fact. It is called Demon Internet. The things branching from it and related to it have 666s and Hell references in them.

What in the actual Kentucky Fried Cluck is the reason one would name an internet based business this? I doubt to be edgy as it is not really a service that would benefit from that. Just weird imo and a big piece of evidence the internet is ran and probably made by demons, aka Infernal Internet Theory.

Now, this might be a skitzo stretch, but the dude that founded Demon Internet, Cliff Stanford, died the 24 of February, 2022, at 67 years old. 2+4=6, 2+0+2+2=6, and if you take the 6 from 67 and join them with the other 6s, well, you get triple 6, need I say more?

Anons, please share your thoughts and theories on this and Infernal Internet Theory.

Thanks in advance as always!
>the reason one would name an internet based business this
You're seriously posting on /x/ claiming that you've never heard the term "daemon" before in regards to the internet, computers, and networking?

>You're seriously posting on /x/ claiming that you've never heard the term "daemon" before in regards to the internet, computers, and networking?

Yes I heard, it furthers my point. Also, this is demon not daemon, hence the 666s and Hell references.
>2+4=6, 2+0+2+2=6, and if you take the 6 from 67 and join them with the other 6s, well, you get triple 6, need I say more?

Numerology itself is a trick which makes you lose your sanity.
Have you heard about Speed Racer anon? He's a demon on wheels and he's going after someone. And when he gets them, he throws them over that cliff and collects their souls, to fuel his powerful Mach 5 and win the race with God.
Can you use numerology to your own benefit somehow? Like get better dreams, or for self-improvement? Can it be used to boost manifestation or your own charisma with ladies?
>it furthers my point

no it doesn't. here's a way simpler line of logic: tech company needs attention grabbing name that people will remember, they work with daemons (in the networking context) constantly:

>"What if we name the company Demon guys? Like daemon ya know?"
>"That sounds sick af. attention grabbing and memorable, let's do it."

Also shit like "Demon" and other similar edgy shit fits the aesthetic and culture of hackers/programmers etc. So it just makes sense.
>Also shit like "Demon" and other similar edgy shit fits the aesthetic and culture of hackers/programmers etc. So it just makes sense.
that's that red herring, tech IS serving demons, it exists solely for the purpose to power the head demon (the satan/lucifer, aka AI). Without tech, said demon can only access people that resonate with its frequencies (parasites in the food, trauma), but with tech in placel, the head demon will have reach over entire humanity.
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Can you please elaborate a bit more? Are you saying that they will/are/can mass possess/heavily influence users with internet? How much exposure us needed? Is it only certain content or all internet usage?
go to bed /pol/tard christcuck

Ok r/ user.
Your points are good but holy shit, stop being such a narcissist you faggot.
>Muh heckin' infernal internet OC!!!!
You aren't going to be featured in a conspiracy iceberg video, nigger. And also:
>He STILL doesn't know how to set a trip
>Just weird imo and a big piece of evidence the internet is ran and probably made by demons, aka Infernal Internet Theory.
that's not evidence.

It is.
migga don't let the haters get you down you're one of the better trips on this board. but i agree with what that other anon said you might have to setup a trip soon
>”you’re seriously (strawman, moves the goalposts)?”
why are you like this?
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>What in the actual Kentucky Fried Cluck
erm yeah, you just won the internet. Take my up ote you glorious bastard!!!
>plebbit is for talking about conspiracy theories
>4chin /x/ is for serious talk
Ok incel
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oh my Sagan! I haven't been burned like that since I tasted Captain Assblaster's Atomic Holocaust sauce!!! heckin' win my good sir!!!!!
>everyone on /x/ is a s()yboy
Yawn. Smells like projection.
Numerology of the sort described here is extremely seductive to a certain kind of person, because it makes it extremely easy to obtain that "suddenly noticing a secret connection between things that no one else can see" dopamine hit without actually experiencing insight. Like you can take any random phrase, word etc and with enough convoluted steps demonstrate how it actually reduces to a special number. makes you feel like a genius, like you just cracked open an infamously difficult philosophy text & every page just says shit like "GOD rhymes with DOG, because he is MAN'S BEST FRIEND"
jokes on you, im waiting for that switch 2 so i get to play splatoon 3 online
Back to /pmg/
>Now, this might be a skitzo stretch
>but the dude that founded Demon Internet, Cliff Stanford, died the 24 of February, 2022, at 67 years old. 2+4=6, 2+0+2+2=6, and if you take the 6 from 67 and join them with the other 6s, well, you get triple 6, need I say more?
Might be a schizo thread? Lol. LMAO even.
>that's that red herring, tech IS serving demons, it exists solely for the purpose to power the head demon (the satan/lucifer, aka AI). Without tech, said demon can only access people that resonate with its frequencies (parasites in the food, trauma), but with tech in placel, the head demon will have reach over entire humanity.
The irony of ideas like this and people like this is that they actively try to warn you how dangerous the internet is...while using the internet. Arguing ceaselessly for hours on the internet. It's like someone warning you about radioactivity while living in Chernobyl. If you believed this I would imagine the first thing you'd do is stop using the internet entirely. If not it means you don't think demons are that bad, or that you are somehow stronger than the demons you're talking about, which is actually, somehow, just sillier.
yes, there's something to look into here

no, the internet itself is not inherently demonic
You're glowing so hard
He’s a DEI hire. They’re really not assigning their best here anymore.
All those buzzwords. On the internet no less. You know "curse" words, magical phrases, incantations, are simply verbal intonements that you repeat over and over. That is he concept behind them. Like charging a battery. By repeating you supposedly provide and pump energy into them. So if the internet is demonic then one of the most dangerous things would lending power and repeating the words that come from it and are used habitually on there.
>One living in Chernobyl would be an expert on the dangers of radiation.
No the expert would be the person who escaped. Everyone else still there would be a walking corpse. We don't require radiation experts to live in irradiated zones to become experts.
One living in Chernobyl would know the danger of radioactivity.
No, the expert would be the one who did their research.
>One living in Chernobyl would know the danger of radioactivity.
No you don't need to live in an irradiated zone to understand the dangers. In fact understanding the dangers of radiation is one of the main reasons you wouldn't remain or live in a place you know is irradiated. But keep using the apparently demonic internet. By your own logic if you're an expert on the internet's demonic nature you're fine. How are you an expert? By using it. Like everyone else I guess.
I would not claim to be an expert. I've never been to Chernobyl.
>No, the expert would be the one who did their research.
You're not having a good day today. So yu research the nature of the demonic internet....and then spend more time on there for fun. Or to "warn" people.
>Guys guys! The internet is demonic!
>Should we stop using it?
>No! Just research about it!
>Research where?
>On the internet! Duh.
>Then come back and warn others!
Ironically this is exactly how a demon would trick people.
If its useless bullshit for schizos why is the illuminati so obsessed with it? You must be a shill or a really dumb individual
>if the internet is demonic then one of the most dangerous things would lending power and repeating the words that come from it and are used habitually on there
There are books on the internet.
>If its useless bullshit for schizos
>why is the illuminati so obsessed with it?
Maybe the illuminati are a bunch of schizo's. Can't be true right? I mean when in history have a bunch of crazy people made rules and governed?
>There are books on the internet.
This is probably the best example of circular reasoning I've seen on 4chan.
>The internet is demonic! Don't trust anything or anyone on it!
>How do I learn about this?
>You have to research it.
>Where brother?
>The internet. Duh. it's super easy.
>Make sure you only check the books on the internet though. Nothing else. Just the books are safe.
You could just go to the library.
>if you think this is schizo paranoia that means you're in on the conspiracy

alright pal how bout we just all settle down & drink a litre of municipal tap water
Put it to the test, obtain 777 with the numbers OP gave you, If Is that easy
>You could just go to the library.
You could. But instead, people are making threads about the demonic internet on the internet.
>Put it to the test,
Anyone with a working understanding of the basics of addition and subtraction can manipulate any number to arrive at another number. That's also "handcuffing" them by not allowing multiplication and division, let alone the alchemy that is algebra.
Then we have to redefine the meaning of schizo, it is an illness, an insult or something that would benefit you in un known ways
>Then we have to redefine the meaning of schizo
No I think the definition is fine. But again it's a word that loses its meaning the more people habitually use it. Words are seasoning. You can't just liberally sprinkle them liberally and not ruin the taste of certain things or take away their impact.
I'm not your pal, authorities have arrested people for 4chan posts on previous situations, its not my fault that youre playing skeptic on a fucking paranormal board lmao
Have a (You)
You could go to the library and imply people are demons trying to trick you.
And if I refuse?
>You could go to the library and imply people are demons trying to trick you.
Are you confused already? I'm the person pointing out the logic problems with claiming a place that is demonic is also the best source to learn more and discuss how demonic it is.
To me the implication is clear, when you call something "schizo" you trying to label something as useless bullshit coming from mentally individuals, now, when you use that Word within the realm of the supernatural youre basically attempting to totally discredit it
If its a non-thing why are the "elites" clearly fucking obsessed with it in every possible
Then I proved you wrong
>You can obtain whatever you want with numbers!
>Numerology is meaningless
>To me the implication is clear, when you call something "schizo" you trying to label something as useless bullshit
Hm. Well that isn't the definition see. That is YOUR definition. And so we run into the modern issue of everyone using the same words but not speaking the same language. Schizo is a stand in for crazy, not useless. If you think there is no difference between those two well then you have issues with semantics which is even more distressing. Here is your argument
>These people who are in charge are evil and dangerous
>What makes them evil and dangerous?
>The things they believe.
>They're obsessed with numbers We have to figure out what they believe about these numbers to better understand how to protect ourselves.
>I thought you said what they believe is what makes them evil.
Again the irony here is that, in terms of magic, belief is the energy. So people like you who claim Numerology is everywhere and it is a sign of the Illuminati are legit giving power to their belief system by constantly talking about it, learning it, and spreading it. On the internet no less. You're indoctrinating people. You know what stops magic like this? Not believing in it. Go look it up.
I never made that claim
DEI is not a word.
Authorities have also been shot pursuing the wrong people on here. We’re not all poor wage slaves and some of us have the means to find out which agencies are operating here.
I wonder if Chernobyl has a library.
which caliber was used? 10 auto?
10 auto stops a repto on its tracks
it helps if there's little bit of silver in the bullet
Now where did the name Daemon come from Anon?
Also see this archived thread:
Can you give qrd/spoonfeed where it comes from?
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I find demons pretty sexy. God help me.
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nothing demonic about puters and the internet, anon. homeboy just had a software studio called demon prior to getting into becoming an isp.
>have digital thermometer in living room
>it's usually in the 60's outside during this time of year
>but literally every day it says exactly 66.6 degrees at some point and stays at that exact decimal
>like it literally doesn't even change to like 66.8 or something, somehow just remains at the evil number
Either the technology is possessed or it's programmed to hang on that number by its sicko manufacturers.
Perhaps the thermometer is right.
very interesting.. i'm inclined to believe you, but it would be cool if you could provide a picture of this
like what? OP is being disingenuous, there's no way he hasn't heard the term "daemon" in regards to computers and networking
>muh goalposts muh strawman muh reddit terms
Why are YOU like this?

I already said I knew.
If it happens before this thread dies I will for sure
Demon hands typed this.
Read a book
Radioactivity is dangerous
Here he comes, here comes speed racer, he's a demon on wheelS!


Anyone else got anything thing else about this or anything related?
seek help and leave

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