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/x/ - Paranormal

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When were you when Tiamat created us? Why haven't you take this ultimate Law of One pill yet?

This sound like some repto pill
RA material or Edgar Cayce?
It seems to be RA material
Where do people get the bits of information to piece these stories together? Not even a debunker, just genuinely curious.
from what I gather this seems to originate from some kind of channeling work https://www.lawofone.info
Interesting, thanks anon
LARP of One
If you want an actual "history of the multiverse", or the closest thing to it we can get on this level of reality and understand, read "cosmic history" here:
There's also some very interesting stuff at the end in the misc sections. All of it is full of interesting stuff, really. But it can be a bit dense sometimes.
nta, but is there a youtube video that covers this stuff?

also checked!
I read those articles, anon, and there seems to be a fair amount of archonic propaganda and inaccuracies...

Here are some different articles which I personally think are more accurate, even though I have been told by some trusted spirits that it is "somewhat trustful", not fully: https://old.reddit.com/r/HeimdallsWisdom/comments/quiwc0/lessons_from_heimdall/
Is this same stuff as posted on >>39079999 ?

Also is there something in particular you found inaccurate, assuming you're referring to material OP posted?
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How so?
No, the frezoneearth.org website seems to be scientologic. I briefly read some stuff in there, and it does not vibe with me.

About the inaccuracies - I would have to write multiple long posts on the topic... but anon mentioned Tiamat, so...

the articles on medium.com claim she got the rulership of the Orion empire after the war of Federation (humans) vs Empire (reptilians and some humans). But Heimdall claims she actually ruled it from the beginning, and she (Orion empire) and other forces (such as Sirius empire) fought against a reptilian faction (controlled by the demiurge/archons) together.

For most of its existence, Orion seemed like a good and a peaceful place.

Considering other posts here - when it comes to lawofone.info, I would personally ignore it. Ra is an archon, and some of his claims, such as "law of confusion" is entirely artificial and imposed by force. Non-interference is bullshit - open contact is being blocked by negative entities.
>open contact is being blocked by negative entities
yeah this seems to make ton of sense actually
also what's your understand on urmah/lyrans? is vega good place to go?
Ufos are a glow psyop. Aliens dont exist. They are creations of the human imagination. They may exist in the future but only bc humans build them in labs.
What makes you certain aliens aren't real?
Honestly, my knowledge on Urmah is not good. The Lyra system seems to be the origin of humanity in this universe in this kalpa (cosmic cycle, with one Brahman entity). Before the inhabitants got fucked in the war.

But what is happening there right now, I dont know.

To my discernment, Lyrans seem to be good and benevolent.
Ra or the law of one is an experiment led by non other than dr pujaris using methods to convince people of things like abductings and other such things.

and on the subject of lies monroe institute was roberts way of seeing things while high on drugs

it's also worth mentioning that the CIA has been invested in it since day one and not for the reasons you think.
Jewsus told him lol
but didn't monroe institute research/invent the way for people to astral project and remote view? didn't they get the idea rolling, and then they released those psyop tapes to get you into dealings with demons?
No they did not they have refined methods of remote viewing but that's it. They can't astral travel. No one in these boards can astral travel, people assume they can because of dreams they had.
based feline ayys
What's up with the tapes? Why do they get praise from some anons, when they are obviously psyop?
Tapes are brainrot.. people praising them are not real anon
amount of disinfo?
>anything other than the original channelings
no thanks
-Hey just for you as I help others. Most info here is either lies or plain misinformation.

-Have you ever had a thought or said something out loud jokingly to a friend or to yourself that X is going to happen to Y

-And then it does happen.

-You brush it off, laugh and think nothing of it

-just being aware of this is a good start to get know yourself better


-when you feel this tightness in your stomach or heart and that feeling is followed by a thought like "He is lying or this is a bad idea"

-trust it, always.

-You've had all the answers right under your nose

-It's time that you cut through the lies with only this knowledge on you at all times.

-And you'll just know

-We start helping others not because we care but because we have no care.

-nuff said

-no savior is coming

-you don't wish away the fat or wish on muscles

-you work out and when you work out you gain

-same goes with our awareness

-it gets to a point where you just know

-when you know you don't speak of what you see

-other things become visible that otherwise would be invisible
>-when you feel this tightness in your stomach or heart and that feeling is followed by a thought like "He is lying or this is a bad idea"
>-trust it, always.
not the anon you're replying to, but what does this mean? why trust a "bad feeling", when gut's trying to warn?
>-when you know you don't speak of what you see
>-other things become visible that otherwise would be invisible
what does this mean?
-the tapes are also just cap it was EMF that worked not just audio

-PEMF sequence that cancels the binding frequency in the brain

-this device makes it so you are basically in tune(psychic) for a week or so

-doesn't do anything that you can't yourself that's the kicker

-once you learn to become aware you don´t need it
- just put in the work and you won't need the rush of new stories on 4chan if you so please
-trust what it's saying

-if you have a bad feeling about going to the left then go to the right

-trust your gut
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-work for it

-become aware of what I said

-really think about it

-train yourself to become aware of when it happens because it happens everyday

-once you understand you start seeing the why to all your questions

-I am being cryptic for a very good reason

-this awareness exercise got me 2 where I am today
being too cryptic is just stroking your ego. this isn't helping
Because project blue beam
I don’t think you understand those words
They couldn’t fake something if it isn’t based in reality
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>RA material or Edgar Cayce?
both are classics who make the glowtards seethe
>They couldn’t fake something if it isn’t based in reality
Why not? Why does a lie need to be based on reality? If the liar or lie is good enough, could it not be based entirely on falsehood/no truth at all?
is this some new bot being experimented on, or what's up with this writing style?
It's best material we've got. I've yet to see the Nobody project conjure up anything that could be of use
Quo channel stuff is really good
The idiots in this thread getting on RA and Cayce or other channelers will never understand
>oh it could be fake
No dhit take it all with a grain a salt but listen to the message. If these people made this stuff up about the galactic history and Atlantis then these people are the greatest fiction authors of all time
why fake it when the content would be hits if they changed everything to Star Wars
with all the larping and circlejerk generals on this board, it's remarkable none of the anons have been working to try verify any of the law of one stuff with their own channeling or guides. it's not a good look when some old boomers of the past managed to get more done than the new kids
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Is it true that Jesus was half lyran?
That’s why I mentioned quo retard
It’s still on going. Also your whole statement is some retarded strawman. There’s tons of shit on here corroborating law of one. The stuff in this book is similar to many other books I read. There’s tons of people on YouTube doing the same shit too. I like watching Debbie Solaris but there’s young pretty girls channeling the same shit
I thought he was an Orion starseed but I’m probably remembering wrong
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>Ufos are a glow psyop. Aliens dont exist. They are creations of the human imagination. They may exist in the future but only bc humans build them in labs.
Tastefully accusing him of being a Project Blue Book bot?

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This is a black woman
you will always be a sh88tskin Jesus Christ
keep telling yourself furry
i like the arcturians better then you guys anyway
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a home tree
X is going crazy right now with wild threads. Jannies on duty in Jizzrael.
You're retarded
that's a man
What exactly are you trying to say here?
>law of one "le bad"
>but it's ok when a channel i like says it
I'm not understanding what your stance is or what you're saying, since you're automatically trying to shill people to watch it from some channel (which you have vested interest in?). I was literally saying, with the amount of time xanons spend on larping and circlejerking those glowie generals, they could be using that time to figuring something /new/ out, confirming or debunking theories. How is that a wrong thing to say? There must be something wrong in you to think like this.
>a home tree
according to a post i saw on reddit yes https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/n360zg/comment/gwpwk2c/
>it was revealed in a dream
Go back and reread my message and maybe you’ll understand me better faggot
Maybe if you worded things better it would be easier to understand what it is you're trying to say.
- I do it this way so I am not to be confused with other people
Why not just put a trip like the other trip faggots?
-There is no such thing as a starseed

-jesus and moses alike never existed

-these are only stories created by men

-Dr pujaris the man I mentioned before was one of many pioneers behind this so called "psy op"

-the only two real contactee people that you'll ever find on the internet one hides is name so you can't find him the other well his name is chris bledsoe

-even though chris is legit it doesn't not mean that you should take his info for gold

-He experiences "Them" like he does

-And most people here on 4chan pretend all day instead of actually going out there and build a relationship with "Them"

-all and I mean all pictures here are fake

-not a single uap picture here is real

-"they" know when you see them well in advance. And they let you, not the other way around.

-only three crop circles are real ONLY 3 and they convey the same message

-no this is not a prison planet, no demons and ghost don't exist. No you are not a starseed, No the Gov does not have crazy tech gadgets and No you have no proof for any of the stuff you say.

-they can take you and they shrink and you will never comprehend them because we are limited by our own environment. Try explaining your day to day life to a gold fish!

-does it understand? NO

-No there are no reptilians

-If you specifically remember three figures from your childhood question it!

-If you are starting to see that something moves before you get the chance to perceive it

-you can't astral travel

-you have never seen ghosts

-you need or something needs to go someplace when you sleep

-when you leave the body you don't have eyes or a body you are behind the light

-aliens did not build the pyramid

-disclosure is a front and fake

-cia is indeed involved in many of the biggest companies in the world and it's not only cia

- there are no archons feeding on you

-the story of archons was something robert dreamed up while sniffing glue(drugs)

-everything is a lie

only trust your gut
>-And most people here on 4chan pretend all day instead of actually going out there and build a relationship with "Them"
im willing to bet there are people on /x/ that do have discussion with some entities, but problem is these individuals haven't build-up a reliable framework/worldview to reference things on, since as is often the case with "new age", they often go by with their feelings alone, and feelings can be easily deceived (yes, even that warm feeling of "love" some have gotten to feel.. that too could be temporary, and not from the "real" source).
which farm you from? are you india?
Fuck off back 2 Reddit fag
Your spacing it’s gross
I never said anything about the law of one being bad
you probably have me confused with others
you schizos are horrible at following along on this board
scientology is channeled horseshit by a crowleyite.
its juden peterpuffer on a xanny fit.
>Dr pujaris
you just know
>none of the anons have been working to try verify any of the law of one stuff
That is very common, I have done it myself too. New channelers usually stumble into the law of one and talk with Ra.
why would you think it's channeled?
lrh himself claimed it was channeled.
Why would you mix the law of one with this? The same tiamat story is found on all glowie wikies.
According to some law of one, it was actually plsedians whom had the bright idea to install the 3d soul mayrix on our planet, probably with an "OK"/agreement from the Federation. Can someone please remind me, why are there anons who trust plaedians or nordics, if they both part of federation? Curious how the runners of this slave farm made several media/propaganda where the federation is portrayed in a good light.
Why is it that I never see any threads or anons discussing their channelling results and cross-referencing with other anons?
I would enjoy that, anon. I am the person who wrote >>39080768

I already spent a while analyzing and cross-referencing channelings in few private groups (mostly Discord), but the environment here is not conductive to a good in-depth discussion.

Too many people polluting the threads with "aliens dont exist", "aliens are demons", "worship my skydaddy" and so on...

If you have any ideas how to solve this, I would like to hear them.
Uncommon threads, used to be a more popular topic before the nth downfall of /x/.
Comparing results isn't so necessary, clear channels like me live the life of knowing, how much I have toothpaste left, baking unknown recipes step by step, studying complicated motives that might later reveal themselves showing the accuracy.
The internet is filled with quality material and beginner attempts, using other anons simply isn't needed. It takes time to clearly describe the perspectives and definitions, guidance and intuition lead to these anyways.

discord ative_
new age mumbo jumbo the thread
oh yea because >>39103248 glowie thread is much better?
this and that both glowie threads
you don't like tiamat? she's the only good reptilian/orionite
xannies make ralph pig holler
Because you need to murk loar
also because zoomies have taken over the board
There needs to be more threads here. Discord sucks
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>Tiamat the Whore created what Enki the Based actually created
You should diversify your reading.
enki is the slaver, but tiamat is the one who created our world. the movie i saw said this planet used to be named after her
Movie name?
you guys should read the channelings from the crimson circle. they actually talk about the purpose of atlantis etc instead of skirting around the purpose of it like RA material does.
>Law of One
>When were you when Tiamat created us?
You mean when I created us? We're all one after all, so I'm also the supreme creator :)
It was these 3 vids I watched on youtube

link? is there audiobook of it on youtube?
gejirin dot com slash spirit slash channel_index.htm
or you can use crimson circles website
Enki and Ninhursag created mankind!
idk, maybe, but they didn't create the planet.
Tiamat became the planet when Marduk defeated Her and Kingu.
I thought the planet was called Tiamat even before she was defeated?
Enki created Adapa, the figure who became Adam in the stories told centuries later.
He's the image and likeness of the Perfect Man and is designed to be in every way superior to the other races, which according to that myth already existed before Adapa was created.
Yeah but the problem is I have literally 0 faith in these annunaki guys, like they're worse scum than Orion and Sirius combined, they made a mess in here then escaped to some place in universe where sun doesn't shine. That's how embarrassed they got that they had to go into hiding from source itself. Maybe I'm biased because I'm comparing them directly to "best of Orion" Tiamat, somehow her offspring turned out to be much worse than her.. maybe the hybridization of sirius/orion wasn't such a good idea? Sirius has been a big mistake.
I disbelieve the ancient astronaut theory.
It's too convenient.
I also distrust all the channelers who have been talking with all kinds of entities from all kinds of places not knowing if their own personal bias and the bias of those entities affects the information in any way whatsoever.
From my own channeling, the constellation of Orion is a bit of a warzone now. Used to be good, the bad came in with a bang and fought, and it's being beaten out again.
Sirius is good as well, in the same way that Earth is good. "But we've got evil Jews here"... Exactly. The same. Way.
It's why we're not talking with our sister star right now.

The TV shows do an awful lot to inspire the imagination, it's what encourages people to tune in and watch the show.
A show is all it is though.
And in the case of the History Channel, a lot of that shit is programmed to promote fear.
It's why I said, Tiamat is the best to come out of Orion. And Sirius is metropolis for rapefugees of lyrans and other races, that have completely forgotten what their identity is, same as big cities here on earth. That's why if there are Lyrans or Urmah on Vega, those are the only ones with any identity.
kinda gay
RA material is the best alien books by far
Someone answer this anon
Aliens speak up or lose your case
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I’ve been channeling all kinds of goodies and will publish my findings soon. Goooood luck with that buckeroo.
Pretty dope
it really is not
>so and so are better sources
yet nothing gets posted.. typical

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