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How can I worship the old gods? Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, etc?
step 1: get a lobotomy
step 2: lose all your friends to be completely isolated
step 3: be a virgin. if you're not then its too bad you cant be a pagan
step 4: you're now ready!
wow that image completely encapsulates my theology!
PS dont worship the old gods faggot
Looks like your a candidate to be a pagan
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What if it's funny? Did people really worship this? My life goal is to create a cult that worships a gay man's ass. It may seem impossible but look at how Masons get people worship penises, like the Washington monument. We use that to get people to the ass.

And it's not a clean woman's ass no. It's a hairy man's ass with cum leaking and a nice pair of balls underneath.
Are you willing to move to Greece? Old gods are local entities with little to no power outside of their physical domains.
This is only true of nonwhite people's gods. White people and our gods (or rather, white gods and their people) are unbound by geography which is why there are white people living in luxury and abundance on every continent. Odin (a.k.a. God) doesn't live in Scandinavia, he's everywhere.
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bottom right this version of Eris...... would
Orphic hymns work like a charm and you’ll be theurgying in no time
I'm sure it does, Christcuck!
>My life goal is to create a cult that worships a gay man's ass.
You mean the LGBTs, like the other poster I'm linking?

I once had a dream where Eris commanded I do oral sex on her and this is what she looked like

No she didn't reciprocate, and I do not mind, the taste of Her golden apple is a pleasure unto itself
altar, fire, etc.
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The people that worship these Gods are either in the elite top 0.1% population, enlightened righteous geniuses translating Homeric hymns and following rituals from millenia-old papyri, or they are tumblr-brainrotten schizo nugender faggots drawing pictures of a negrito-Dionysus in their high school English class. There seems to be no in between.

The most interesting thing about them though: they appear to be the only Gods to actually exist, or at least the only ones with any interest in humans, and only a few humans at that.
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They are all planets Anon.....
See this whole thread:
Oh I've never looked at it this way. They do worship the gay man's ass. Ty
Jesus was a lover of men.
Mark 14:51-52
New International Version
51 A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, 52 he fled naked, leaving his garment behind.
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Just remember; there's nothing wrong with believing that the beings responsible for this planet are wretched disgusting beings who leave billions to wallow in suffering and poverty, and that the world should be instantly destroyed and remade anew into a utopia, without the worship of the disgusting pieces of trash responsible for this world full of monstrous levels of suffering.


>Grand Lodge of Texas FreeMason Monitor
>The Scythe

>Is an emblem of time, which cuts the brittle thread of life and launches us into eternity.
Behold! what havoc the scythe of Time makes among the human race; if, by chance, we
should escape the numerous evils incident to childhood and youth, and with health and vigor
arrive to the years of manhood; yet, withal, we must soon be cut down by the all-
devouring scythe......
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They are worshipped because planets emit certain energies which they manipulate.
spiritual LARPing is the gayest thing you can do. signs of the "old gods" are all over the modern world and alchemical texts but they're just representative of greater concepts. there's nothing you get out of using silly names and acting like a literal autist

you simply do not understand the meaning of what the illustration depicts, it has nothing to do being able to worship gay man ass or whatever. if you don't want to take spirituality seriously then go ahead but don't think it's all just to say "you can do anything"
Is Eris Kek’s wife / Female half “Kauket”?
I know the association of Eris with a more primordial form of “Chaos” is more of a modern day Discordian thing… But the fact all of Eris’s Children are produced by herself implies she is Hermaphroditic.

Could she be Both Kauket AND KEK?

Just my skitzo thoughts.
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>you simply do not understand the meaning of what the illustration depicts
IDC it's the absurdly of it that matters. You just don't get it.
what i'm saying is that it isn't absurdity, you just don't possess the means to decode it. "absurdity" is a weed larp
>discovering irrationality for the first time

Buckle up buttercup, it's all downhill from here and the pit actually has no bottom.
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He is risen?
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im seeing what u doing here
Kys christcuck>>39080134
U too
if you wanna worship hermes and aphrodite you could troon out to emulate a hermaphrodite and call yourself rebecca?
>angel of the bottomless pit

Apollo isnt Satan u retards. Satan is the god of the Rabbinical Jews.
Yes and the religion founded upon a covenant with the same Jewish god therefore casts him as Satan enemy of Israel.
Talk to them. Seriously.
This. Dionysus spoke to me in a dream.
Salty christcuck lmao
I did all of this and it didn't work
Worst Apollo did to me was spamming me about buying a lyre, learning how to play it and play beautiful songs for him and women. I just said I wasn't interested, that it didn't resonate with me at this moment in time and he just left. If he's Satan, then he can't be that bad desu. Makes sense that Trump would also relate to him, he is also divinely protected as shown by the recent happenings.
Why would you be pagan when the truth is right in front of you? God exists and He is a white man. This isn't politically correct to say in this woke era but this was common sense a hundred years ago.
That Eris hnghhh
Meditation and divine pride or manifestation. You can call up the gods in yourself. I have manifested Baldr, Thor and Ganesha.
I mean, no one's stopping you.

God exists and he's me, bitch
>I have manifested
Hermes is a good one to begin with if you're starting a practice from scratch. As Messenger he can act as a liaison. You can begin by meditating on his Orphic hymn.
Ask for signs, dreams. And do research. Let your rituals grow from there.
>not a clean woman's ass
Who's going to tell this dumbass incel that women poop too. Women also have pubic hair. Shocker! I know.
Some are, some aren't. Unlike Christcuckery, One Size Does NOT fit All! You don't have to visit Greece, just invite them here (wherever here is)! Find what they like through a correspondence book, set up an altar, and then invite them into your ritual! They aren't treated like Christcucks treat their demons, so Ask, not Command, or Invoke. It's their decision whether to attend. (That just blew up a great percentage of Western {Christcuck} "magick"!)

they are all tired old gods

most of them don't give a fuck about us anymore

but I heard


are still kicking around

so if you wanna worship pagan gods pick one of those
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my yellow nigga manchusri
What experiences have you had?
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>the Egyptian and Greek gods are represented by Age of Mythology character sprites
fuckin' love that game
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You're doing a terrible job of selling us on men's asses.
Sort of, but there's more to it than this. It may be a decent summation though.
Kauket is more like "Light to Darkness". Like Eris, this means conjuring Chaos our of Order, the opposite of the Apollonian dynamic. This means Kek, Kekui, Kekuit, is actually a Lucifer, a Light-Bringer, an Apollonian figure (I understand the liberty I'm taking here, but just cut me slack for the explanation). His name or story is instead more like the transition of Darkness to Light (see the reference?), Chaos to Order.
Kekui and Kauket are actually Apollo and Artemis or Mithras and Anahita. It's Jesus and Mary, Adonis and Aphrodite, Osiris(Horus) and Isis, Ba'el and Astarte and so on.
>But the fact all of Eris’s Children are produced by herself implies she is Hermaphroditic.
This isn't quite true either. You're familiar with the Queen Bee (also King Bee, ie. Osiris or Jesus) motif, right? The Queen Bee self-reproduces. This is Artemis, Mary, Isis and so on. The "Queen Bee" is actually not just a virgin, but also born of a virgin, just like Jesus or Horus.
You're right to point to a union of opposites here, though. That is the overarching story, the point of the metaphor and what you should be taking away. It's the Jungian practice, the Yoga, of "Shadow Work". It's resurrecting the Bridegroom and marrying Him. It's summoning Sophia and marrying Her.
It's both Consort and Twin. Lover and Sister. The trick is it's not actually physical.
The Frog god was a symbol of Fertility, for more. You'll find that the dying and coming back to life thing is Venusian at least to some degree; dying and coming back to life every year actually isn't a Solar celebration like some tend to think. I'm not saying Apollo is Venus all of a sudden, but I am elucidating their relationship. See, Apollo (as Dionysus) dies and comes back to life, just like Kek(uit) does (see the cycle I described before, where Light to Dark and Dark to Light flip back and forth) and just like the stories we've all heard of Jesus, Mithras, Adonis, Osiris and so on.
They're actually twins in most cases, like with Apollo and Artemis especially, not just lovers.
>The Frog god was a symbol of Fertility
I didn't mean to mention "god" here.
studying the hermetic teachings . The divine pymander
Hermes is the one worth investing in learning
seems you ought to be 'called' towards him though
all hail Thoth hermes thrice greatest

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