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At what age did you realize that Lucifer actually looks like this?
At one point. Definitely not anymore.
For one he doesn’t even have that green gem in his crown anymore, he lost it on the way down.
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Weird theory Lucifer was the last of the fallen, killed an angel in the war, got illuminated, left apologized and is still not in the pit until he falls as the dragon and take 1/3 of stars with him. The first guy, the leader, is actually another foul name. He just got released from the pit as the 6th head and boy is he mad. Oh geez oh boy
no age because he doesn't. wtf is this post even about
Lucifer is supposed to be a female but abrahamism is a sausage fest that seeks to remove all divine relevance from the feminine
>original form

He still looks like an angel of light according to the bible
> At what age did you realize that Lucifer actually looks like this?
Totally wrong, his skin has slight colbalt blue undertones and the gem in the center is Chartreuse green.
I imagine him with a cowl, a little worse for wear.
Lucifer looks like a tranny

Its why baphomet has a dick and tits

Its the corruption of spirit into matter

I will rape a tranny anally one day as revenge against Lucifer
It must be understood that God is completely insane and unable to do anything but love. He even loves trannies. God loves everything that exists. Hes also completely uncaring about death. Its like a joke.
Imagine interacting with post fall and not pre fall Lucifer. What a waste of a summon
Hey Lucifer if ur listening, ur a faggot. Worship me u little punk ass bitch.

and that is okay the trannies deserve love too jokes are funny so why not let the literal creator meme u
Lucifer is just some idea that came from myths about Venus rising and falling and got mixed up w Christianity and then they conflated Lucifer w Satan.
It's about a higher principle, not fucking planets or mere ritual.

>divine feminine
Uber gay portrayal of a psychological concept. Gender should be left out.

He does sometimes.

While normie conservatives dipping their toes into esotericism tend to view Lucifer as "bad guy who leads to degeneracy", the larger archetype is about the fact that the human spirit cannot be held down in perpetuity, so it fundamentally represents the power principle in all of us, which may be ordinarily chained in our subconscious but can be awakened for the purposes of spiritual enlightenment.

The "chained Lucifer" motif is where christian-adjacent demonology goes off the rails. This is the rational, mechanistic, vaguely "evil" demiurge idea. Lucifer is unchained when it is educated, which makes its creations better, which leads to more freedom and happiness for the individual. This unchaining process is the cyclical revolution that astrologers believed happened every 2000 years or so. While the relation between our cognition and the alignment of the planets and stars is loose at best (maybe solar flares could affect mental state, although we have no reason to believe solar activity aligns with a 2000 year cycle or any cycle observed in completely separate systems such as the stars and their alignment with earth (stars don't affect solar activity).

In any case, it seems the ritual was put in place by the ancients to give great thought to this revolutionary dogma every 2000 years or so because it is the salve against some sort of despotic regime that seeks to stamp out all individualistic thought and thus human spirit.
A good quote that I saved on here:

>What, you think neoplatonism was invented wholesale? It's all a lineage --- a golden thread stretching back through history. The bastardizations and inversions are part of the story too. There are several themes in the history of religion and culture, but the one that seems relevant here is how spiritual traditions get crystallized into orthodoxy and hierarchical religions as social control mechanisms, but there's also always a subterranean stream of non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian mystical spirituality present as well. Babylon tries to stamp it out (and sometimes seemingly succeeds, for a time) but it always surfaces again. like a wellspring of living water at an oasis in the desert.

Lucifer is the subterranean wellspring of non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian mysticism. How you react to that statement will say a lot about your ego.

Human history is a summarized by a series of times that the rational mind tried to stomp out the irrational, subconscious, intuition and power principle, and it ultimately failed every time. Orthodoxy always comes for the mystics. The mystics never barge into an orthodoxy gathering.

So, collectively, the way forward is to understand that both of these practices have value. You shouldn't become anti-rationality just because some rationalists did some bad things. This would misunderstand the whole purpose of this conflict. It's not between good and evil. It's between rationality and intuition. "Evil" is the higher level force that temporarily captures either your rationality or your intuition and attempts to use it to stamp out the other part of the self, but even this sort of "evil" is only really so bad, because the separation process is necessary for the thriving of both processes. The mature viewpoint is that streams of thought ought to be pursued to their fullest, and smart risks should be taken to discover higher wisdom, but one ought not to risk the whole nest egg on a hunch.
This but with tits, because he is a she.
Fuck off with gender. Everything isn't one big sex ritual.
I heard he used goat skull as symbol because his favorite goat in heaven was slaughtered during the betrayal/rebellion. The goat's severed head along with his fallen (dead) angel followers and sympathizer got dumped out of heaven after he did. He saw all of them falling on him/in front if him like rain. It was brutal and sad.
I have sex with spirits, and Lucifer is an epiteth for Venus (both planet and goddess).
Feels so good to be a incel. Tulpas waifus anime kawaii furries fatfucks living in basements. All of that is spirituality nowadays.
it's not 'gender' it's form

There is a time and a place. Too much light and the earth burns up. To little light and all life dies. Light is knowledge, insight. There are many steps from mortality to godhood. In the darkest of times a new light will appear. Everything has a reason. Have faith, despite it all, about what is to happen
Incels are the new priesthood. Today spirituality is intimately connected to sex. If you don't have sex with hylic women, you will have with spirits and goddesses.
Abrahamism have its days numbered. It is a dead view that belongs to a bygone era. Humans adapt and so do spirits.
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When I realized Yahweh looked like this
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More cunt for me to pump and dump.
Vaxxed cunt full of STDs and telegonized.
STDs are a myth. I dont believe in them and Ive smashed dozens of women including prostitutes raw dog w/o a sniffle.
Cool story, bro.
But you never touched a goddess, did you?
Only meatbags. And now they are vaxxed with mRNA as well.
I touched a "goddess" once. Had a dissociative episode on my 33rd birthday, fucked the Queen of the Damned and blipped out of existence for a microsecond.
How do you feel knowing half of young males are incels, and the future of religion lies in inceldom?
And that your god will be replaced by a plethora of goddesses, most of them made out of anime characters?
I do not care. I will get paid, get laid, enjoy life, and go to space, while u jerk off to anime AI waifus.
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Mine is not anime, nor made with AI.
But the others are. Just go to /tup/ and see for yourself.
In any case, it is over for your god. Imagine all those rites, theology and dogma, all carefully built for centuries, being replaced by a plethora of colorful cartoons, with no rite, no theology, no dogmatic body.
Those magnificent temples built with the sweat of generations, with the luxurious ornamentation, the careful architecture, the attention to detail, being replaced by smelly basements.
Just imagine all of that, gone, because you let your women vote.
Might feel bad for your god. The angels are just crying by seeing the ridicule generations of cuckdom have caused. It is over for Christ and his legion of jewish bootlickers.
Yes have sex w ur imaginary psychosis as a cope, Id rather have sex with flesh and blood women.
You are seething and it shows.
But I feel your frustration. Imagine hours posting threads with prayers, all for nothing, as the youth is not interested in your god, they want the waifus instead.
Imagine being replaced by cartoons. You can only resort to the flesh now. That's the only thing left, the meat.
And like a dog, you cling to it, because there is no more god. Your god is dead, and only the animal remains.
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you just stole that from william blakes watercolor painting of satan. im sick of pseuds on /x/ acting like they have access to some sacred knowledge or something cause they know something that is common knowledge
He is a Seraph Anon. In no way is he anywhere near human. "The Most Beautiful One." To God is likely terrifying to a mere mortal.

I don't know if it as Lucifer himself, but I used to terrorized by a very powerful entity in dreams that seemed way more powerful than a demon, pretty sure it was a fallen angel and it kinda looked like Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7, but with black hair.
Bruuuuhh.... Too much text
Lucifer = Chaos/Freedom/Entropy
GOD = Order/Obligation/Gravity (I guess w last one)
That is the real deal
When I read Numbers 22:22
nah it's a stolen name from Roman myth repurposed to firstly keep the cattle in line and then later give the elites a way to excuse their ritual torture and programming of children
>original Lucifer is son of Aurora
>original Lucifer has a brother named Vesper
>original Lucifer has two sons
Keep thinking that.
*Callin him a penis stroker *
He wants to be god so his wife is stroking penises of gods
If you keep abstracting it away until you're left with positive vs negative, you've lost all of the original meaning.
There is a power struggle in trying to take Lucifer's spot, they are saying the winner is not a coward. No Lucifer wanted god's power, who is almighty and ruler of Heaven and Earth. He is the almighty creator of the universe. Lesser Demon will disintegrate on God's throne.
God an immortal being, Something demons have strived for so they worship they're creator for guidance.
The gods have shown they have restricted all earthly desires, thus bringing them to gods and revoking all earthly materials of pleasure
This is shown gods lie literally lie in the heavens and see this as their actual facts. Thus gods have
transcend earthly activities whom they rely in heaven with other gods. This bringing them to the death of their physical form that feeds in their body form because they feed in the form of the heavens same as other gods.
I don't believe in fairytales. Big boys use logic and reason, not being placated by symbols.
That's not a good explanation either. "Lucifer" is Jesus' Anima. It's Athena piercing the veil, Shakti ringing the Bell. It's Sophia, anon. "Lucifer" played the role of Sophia, just like in the Garden when the Apple offered Binah to "Eve" (Adam's Anima).
Adam was "kicked out of the Garden" because he was ready: Man had become One with the Mental faculties and with the Spirit. Through eating the Apple and Eve coming alive, Adam became the Satyr and was then able to traverse the Earth, Malkuth. He fell.
If I poop at work, and lucifer drinks a coffee and has to go in there after I've pooped, does that mean lucifer has to sit in my poop smell after if he wants to poop too?
>How many bottles?
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>At what age did you realize that Lucifer actually looks like this?

lol no he didnt
simple question: what kind/rank of angel is lucifer even suposed to be, with sources please..

For example Samael (satan) who IS NOT lucifer was something more like "god original son/god special project
highest tier of angels/most powerful created were Seraphims and they used to have 6 wings
meanwhile Satan use to have TWELVE (12) wings, thats why Satan is in msot sources only single angel that was powerful enough to even thinks of "challenging God" (btw angels falls left and right anyway, most often for geting lewd with humans)

> One of Samael's most significant roles in Jewish lore is that of the main angel of death and the head of satans
Samael/Satan/Devil is angel of death and sort of Gods "lawyer/accuser" -see whole Job case
Satan is associated with *War of Wrath* (war in heaven to usurp God position) and later ruling hell/Earth
whole different question you're using to muddy the waters
answered here btw:
only real answer to OP's bait itt:
lucifer is not even really "biblical" or hebraic.. its greek
Lucifer, angel asociated with Light (and music), known of beauty and supposedly fall in War of pride (when he refused to bow to humans)
Pride and Freedom is his most characteristic traits
Lucifer is also heavilly asociated with Planet Venus, and as a result also with Goddes Venus (and Ishtar etc) >>39081766

Is often writen that Lucifer was achually a cherubim (so not TOP powerful) but all sources on Lucifer are not biblical

Cherubim have 4 wings

Lucifer as alsio comonly asociated with "anarchism" free thinking, and fighting against unjust power, a promethean figure

btw one of most know clear Luciferian occult sect is "Order of Phosphorus"

>The tradition usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a guardian, liberator light bringer or guiding spirit to darkness
>According to Ethan Doyle White of the Britannica, among those who "called themselves Satanists or Luciferians", some insist that Lucifer is an entity separate from Satan

So in short:
Lucifer is diffrent entity from Samael/satan
They are associated with diffrent things, they look diffrent - yes lucifer is "beautiful", emanciated and all that, maybe even hermafroditic/androgyne. Satan is a "dragon of wrath/angel of death" not preaty boye
That nigga will bend reality around you and make you feel stupid.
Satan doesn’t have a gender or an appearance.
Bump. Mars vs. Venus, their balance is integral to the Fixed cross.
>Samael is Satan
Saturn is not your enemy, dude. Antagonizing him is very highly not advised.
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isnt Saturn just Jahveh?
and Samael is satan, its literal baby first biblicaly confirmed lore

and btw just a sidenote
angel that is usually associated with Venus in proper hebraic lore is Haniel
Angel of beauty, grace, charm and joy
BUT -while in theory there are no "female" angels (or goetia demons really) haniel is super often quoted in various sourcses as "female angel"
so once again -anything associated with Venus, end with "divine feminine" moniker >>39091802
>lucifer is greek
roman. he had no real cults and wasn't considered a deity.
>can't into cicero
everyone loves making and then watching others chase their tails because they themselves have chased their tails.
this guy deserves more recognition as well as the post he quoted:
go on wikidickypedia and type 'lucifer' and then hit enter. when on the page hit ctrl-f and type in 'attar' and read. wowee.

mars vs venus = cupid which is an interesting rabbit hole.
for instance he carries both a lead and a golden arrow. he is a dirty little honey thief as well. dolphin motifs. amor can also be a palindrome. evola suggested amor is actually 'without death' a + mors (it's amo + or but still neat) aka life everlasting. cupid carries weapons to his mother. let's chase our tails with a wild lucifer chase instead.
cupid is a far more interesting hole to fall into.
a homo twink that takes it up the ass?
You're just repeating deprecated Sethian talking points about anti-materialism. The notion that the Ialdaoboath is "evil" or "the enemy" is ridiculous. Angel of Death doesn't mean "God of Death", the psycopomp, like Osiris does mean "God of Death". There's deeper nuance at play here and reducing Samael to a Satan is pretty ridiculous.
This is the issue with the Abrahamic religions. They don't have psychopomps because the role has been reduced to "the bad guy". It's like how they don't understand that Osiris is the deity of overcoming Samsara, the rebirth cycle, not "God of Death".
Not all Proto-Gnostic sects agreed completely. The anti-materialist Sethian talking points died out within a few short hundred years or so, once Plotinus had his way with Gnosticism, when it synthesized with Neoplatonism as a result.
>isnt Saturn just Jahveh?
All of these gods are unique version of the same thing. It would be wrong to say Yahweh is Saturn, even though they have a lot in common, because Saturn isn't the authoritative version. And on top of that, while symbolism can be similar, the actual content of the myth can differ greatly from culture to culture. The abstract symbol that saturn and yahweh represent could have a very good, very bad, or simply neutral connotation from culture to culture.
Pl*tinus knew nothing about Gnosticism and never argued in good faith
Are you really gay, or just bisexual?
You're a retard and essentially everyone since besides the libertines and retards that tried an heroing disagrees with you because being a whiny pubescent child about the natural condition of living is retarded.
Fuck the natural condition, we should try to defeat it. Anyone who says otherwise is an enabler of evil
By the grace of God, Pl*tinus name is mud
Supposedly Lucifer was a CHAD. It would explain why so many are fascinated with him and become satanist.
One depiction of Lucifer in art!
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>The joke of the multiverse being that it depends on the "Lucifer" in question...... some are unworthy of being worshiped or being elevated to the status of deity and worshiped by the Free Masons. It's like a phonebook.

Case in point.



But then that one isn't even the Archangel of Music and Pride; simply stealing the name.
>Lucifer looks like an AI Marvel tier slop
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Imagine a god, cultivated for centuries, with a wide range of theological literature, heated discussions, egregious architecture and pristine ornament, and also a base of neoplatonic and gnostic teachings, the discipline of semen retention, the promise of a luminous heaven of wonders beyond human comprehension, all of that, the result of the work of millions of men, dedicated souls to a single doctrine of unity, with strong civilizational pillars, all of a sudden, being replaced by...


And all of that because:
You let your women vote.

Just imagine.

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