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> Certainly, for external life, for our work and activities, for humanity's outer progress, the waking hours are of primary consideration. But for the configuration and the development of man's inner being, the rich experiences of the state of sleep are of the first importance. Even though man remains unconscious of them, these experiences are real, and their after-effects play into waking life. Man's general mood of soul during his waking hours is permeated by the after-effects of sleep. - Rudolf Steiner, 1922.
This is a thread for discussing and reporting our dreams. What happened in yours last night? Here is mine:

I was in a bathhouse of green water. There was nobody else but me and my dog. The green water was great but I had to leave suddenly because I knew the building was collapsing. I took my dog and left the bathhouse naked. When I left I was surrounded by firemen and normal strangers looking at me and laughing. I was in shock from nearly escaping death and didn’t feel like my existence was taken seriously by those around me. My dog was having a stress attack and I started crying. A fireman took my dog away to help it but he came back to me with a malicious smile on his face and told me the dog died. He had blood on his hands. I attacked the fireman but the other crew surrounded me and one of them restrained me. After that I was taken to a castle and told to wait. I had clothes on in the dungeon room they locked me in. I heard a rumble and woke up when I saw the door shake.

My dream was terrible but feel free to share your dreams. Good or bad.
I dreamt I was wine tasting but one of my glass stems broke and everyone there noticed but pretended it didn’t happen. I tried to fix the glass but it was kaput.
this past two nights i had a payment-themed dream and one in which i built the trains i use every day.

i'm a newfag so idk anything but i thought they could mean i have to pay a spiritual debt with one of the people i ride the train with each weekday (which is something [paying a spiritual] i may have to do but i'm not sure)

any advice anons?
before you had a fully developed mind, man dealt mostly with images, matching images to draw conclusions. When a certain image is shown to you, your body automatically releases a hormone corresponding to the "feeling" happy, scared, angry, you are a slave to this system. When you have strong feelings, hormones released into the blood, this causes dreams. In the dream a scenario is made (outlandish fanciful dreeamy) that produces the same feeling. I think it is a way for the body to think about the image/hormone release, processing it.
Why did I dream my moms car would explode 2 times in 1 night?
Had a dream kali made up about my bf last night she hijacks me and wont let me dream normally right now... I'm from a glowie family I think she likes me cause im aya breas cousin but theres a "chinese guy in a restaurant" I messed with for years was ruthless with that little dude but it was personal
the car represents your mom's life situation, you are afraid part of it will fail (work, something she is doing)
I feel kinda bad I'm trying to be nice now but they were into cults and all I knew about kali was this little burzum album looking field in my neighborhood from my old torn down house that I go to sometimes we saw a coyote there I bought the burzum shirt with the rock that reminds me of that
I mean she is talking about taking out a loan to buy a house, so maybe. I probably shouldn't tell her I dreamt about it then if thats all it means, cause she takes dreams literally.
what would her response be if she doesn't get the loan?
you cannot interpret a dream literally, there is a story about birds flying into a camp and the people were so hungry some of them ate the birds raw and got sick, this means every dream or vision needs to be cooked- interpreted.
>talking to someone in my dream
>telling them about how trannies ruined society
>out of nowhere my keyboard flies up the wall on it's own
>look at each other did you see that
>the whole atmosphere begins crushing me like someone is angry about the tranny stuff
>I start laughing but I can't physically laugh because I'm being crushed
>this is the first time anything related to ghosts has happened to me in a dream
What does it mean?
won't be a big deal if she doesn't.
>meet blue-white kitsune
>he's still a fox instead of being in a disguise
>obviously male and pretty young
>air of smug confidence and assertiveness
>interaction with him is pretty short
>seems to notice I have some concerns with the upcoming future
>he quickly exploits those emotions
>I'm quickly taken to a hotel room and see the bill for $360 for a single night
>why on earth would I even take such a room
>I'm mildly concerned at the expense
I'm familiar with things like this. He got me. On the other hand, checking the local prices for the area, it'll be impossible for me to spend anywhere close to that amount. He was helpful in the end, so that is appreciated.

I'll probably buy some bedbug spray just in case. Too many third worlders bringing in hitchhikers these days.
>trannies have infested the metaphysical planes through kys
>they seethe and mald even in the afterlife
Keep doing what you're doing and put them in their place, which is six feet under no matter where they are. They will never be women even if the spirit planes allow for transformation. They lack feminine essence.

Remember this, you don't need air to lol, or roflmao even.
>you cannot interpret a dream literally
I oftentimes do. I staunchly refuse to interpret dreams that are too nonsensical or incomprehensible, and for some reason the dreams have become much less metaphorical for it. Whoever is sending messages understands.
>long journey on foot made more cumbersome through adverse weather and rough terrain, it's a colossal waste of time as the burden on foot and back is increasingly heavier as weariness grows
>the road is long and I'm being passed by the wayside by those who have mechanized their legs
>someone makes an offer I shouldn't refuse to do the same
>how about no
>the bicycle you wanted for 3 years is on sale for half off in a few days, go buy it idiot
>sure thing boss
I'm a simple guy.
>Dream about winning lottery:Nothing happens
>dream about a tiger trying to kill me bit i killed him:nothing happens
>dream about fucking my sister:nothing happens
>dream about fucking my cousin:nothing happens
>dream about getting struck by lightning:nothing happens
>dream aboyt fucking my mom:nothing happens
>dream about getting shot at and dying:nothing happens
Dreams are dream they mean nothing to me
>My dream was terrible but feel free to share your dreams.
Do you distrust authority in general?
>t. chris-chan
I quit smoking weed so they’ve been intense

Saturday night
>strange building that’s somehow triangular outside but rectangular inside
>I feel that it’s some kind of mental institution but inside its a dilapidated dollar store
>the staff chases me throughout the store and when I try to leave I somehow end up back when I was
>the location is burned into my waking memory but no such place exists where this was I'm sure of it
>just a weird twin peaks vibe to everything in the dream, I’d probably freak out if I passed this building irl

Probably meaningless but it’s been on my mind for two days now
Dreams are not real anon
You've got lots of personal problems you're not addressing, and you're running from them instead of facing and fixing them. It causes a big mismatch between the identity you perceive yourself as and the one you actually have/are, and what you want to become. None of the major problems caught up to you yet but they're gaining ground and you notice it.
I lucid dream a lot and is it strange if I have trouble climaxing during dream sex? It feels good but I want to release. Any experienced lucid dreamers here that can help me out?
I had a dream where s man with long black hair was sitting on a bleeding corpse and called me a monster tamer.
Man I always remember my dream if I wake up in the middle of the night and then go back to sleep again. But if I get a full night's sleep I don't remember shit.
Or if i don't sleep till very late and only get 2-3 hours of sleep.
I remember being lucid once and I asked to see a spirit guide amd suddenly all the dream npcs came to a standstill and then started mobbing me. Any idea why this happened?
>Any idea why this happened?
You ruined the fun, simple as. Don't worry, they weren't entitled to your involvement.
I remember a long time ago I asked "to see my guardian angel" and was transported to this fractal type place where there was a lone woman. She wasn't particularly beautiful but not ugly either, I think she was wearing robes. All I remember asking her was "what is the true form of my soul?" and she said "hunter". Thinking about it, they might have been right. If I could go back in time and pick a career to get into that I think I'd be suited for it would be detective, and if I could have any fantasy job it would be assassin. Both are types of hunters. I wonder why asking for "guardian angel" didn't make the dream sperg out but "spirit guide" did.
Dreamt of a lizard like creature evolving and morphing into a ferret like mammal in real time. It was really cool and it became my pet.
This is such a middle aged thing to say but recently I've found just the right combination of pillows and posture to make sleeping not hurt my neck so much.
Started lucid dreaming again, after 10 years. It feels awesome knowing I still have it in me. I got my wizard powers back.
when I had lucid dream sex i basically looked at the guy's penis, realized it was a dream and just let him passionately love me. when i was approached and saw it presented to me i was surprised and then looked at him in his eyes/face as a way to confirm consent in the dream where it made sense it me. fully let go and let that lover take care of you. relax the mind.

also have you ever gone on dates or met a dream family of their's in your other dreams? build up that sacred connection and have a heartfelt time.
I want to lucid dream any advice
I was running around a grocery store in search of icecream

I ran into the back searching for it

Miles of hallways and freezers with recently moved icecream

All the workers were friendly front of store and back in the freezer maze, they were all swamped with duties and apologeticly could not assist me getting my free icecream

I very rarely eat icecream, like once or twice a year, i was running about the place knocking over barricades and breaking down doors in my search. Everyone was still friendly, just couldn’t help at the moment
Your ferret took the non-taxpayer route. 1000 IQ move.
>I wonder why asking for "guardian angel" didn't make the dream sperg out but "spirit guide" did.
Guardian angels imply a compartmentalization to a Christian belief system. Spirit guides imply no guarantee to belief system compartmentalization, and present an elevated risk to those that exploit it.
>wake-induced-lucid dreaming
Get one full sleep cycle in (60-90 minutes), and then cycle in naps that are 15-30 minutes. You will begin to dream more frequently as you fall into REM without cycling through full sleep cycles. Setting an alarm with your phone set to those snooze cycles helps.

>belief system
Your beliefs set the hard barriers on what you can do. If you do not believe in lucidity and a continuum of consciousness while dreaming you simply will not do so. Your internal parameters prohibit such actions. As the Peter Pan rhyme goes, "Faith, trust and pixie dust."

>dream journaling
Your physical mind remembers recorded events better than otherwise. Even if you do not remember anything, write it down. Here is an example categorization I use.
>Don't remember anything
01.JAN.1900 - No recall.
>Remember number of dreams
02.JAN.1900 - 5 dreams, no recall.
>Partial recall of dreams
03.JAN.1900 - 1. [Who] did [what] at [where], at [when], utilizing [how] for this motive [why], [no recall beyond this point]
>Moderate/high recall of dreams
04.JAN.1900 - 1. [Who] did [what] at [where], at [when], utilizing [how] for this motive [why], complete the summary of dream to best of your recall.
>Hyperaware, extremely high recall of dreams
05.JAN.1900 - 1. [Who] did [what] at [where], at [when], utilizing [how] for this motive [why], complete the summary of dream with as much detail as possible, hyperawareness is the best way to develop dream recall.

>physical health
A healthy body sleeps healthy too. Many people are now overweight and obese. Obstructive sleep apnea and other comorbidities negatively affect sleep to the point where many of them do not dream at all. Blacking out is the norm for many of them. Why introduce more problems into your life willingly when you can just not introduce them?

>sleep hygiene
Keep consistent sleep habits to avoid insomnia and daytime drowsiness.

A quiet mind sinks the body into unconsciousness faster, saves time.
>refrain from intoxicant use
This means severely limit smoking, drinking or drugs. I state this primarily because Generation Z consumes recreational drugs at a rate that is higher and at a higher potency than of prior generations. No more weed, no more edibles, no more vape, and to hell with those pouches too. If you somehow end up progressing from lucid dreaming to a genuine spiritual development, those substances will either make you very physically ill or you will build up a mysterious tolerance that renders intoxication ineffective, or maybe both.
Marijuana is a strong dream suppressant. Despite claims to the contrary, it's inadvisable to believe you are the exception to the rule, even if you are.
Alcohol disrupts your sleep cycles due to its depressant and disinhibitory effects. There's a reason why "blacking out" is called the way it is. The crash to unconsciousness is sudden and hard to control.
Caffeine disrupts your sleep cycles due to its stimulant effects. It will also build up adenosine tolerance to the point where you'll crash so hard that you drop directly into unconsciousness. It's purported to cause etheric tears in the chest and heart due to the additional strain.
Similar neurological effects to caffeine, but with much stronger physiological dependency effects. Don't commit to decisions that you are not okay with doing for the rest of your life.
>psychoactive substances
I bundle these together. It could be LSD, DMT, ayahuasca, etc. Although an EZPZ way to induce out-of-body-experiences, it's a shortcut. People become reliant on it and refuse to develop the capability to induce OBE on their own. In practice it's very effective at killing spiritual development because it places laziness at the forefront of the experience rather than willful effort.
This is an increasing problem in the western world. It numbs away the pain of worldly living, leading to physiological addiction close to death.
>neck pain
Ummm. Can you QDR me on your pillow setup? I think I’m going through something similar that’s killing my neck. What did you change?
Are you female? From the way you write I'm assuming such so maybe it's not the best advice for a dude. From my research on LD forums ot seems easier for girls to reach orgasm during dream sex. And yes, I do go on dream dates with my preferred lady and hug/kiss/cuddle etc but I want full sexual intimacy too.
>it's inadvisable to believe you are the exception to the rule, even if you are
Nta but I am. My dreams are more vivid if I abstain but I can still dream recall and get lucid even after smoking.
obama and i are hanging out in the back of our cargo van. its dark outside, and the dull orange glow of a streetlight comes through the windshield. he sits cross-legged and tall.

someone is communicating with him via scribbles on pieces of crumpled-up trash that materialize inside his suit jacket. he’s taking them out and reading the messages to me, and he says “they should make the next one play some techno.” the next piece of crumpled-up trash plays a beat as he unravels it.
It was my old countryside home, but there was a tower build instead of my house. The neighbour house was also replaced but with a broken windmill. The sun was red and the whole dream was tinted bloody red.
I talk to a guy who replaced me on my previous work, who i taught everything. He is in a dream so i can tell him, what's going on and my thoughts. Like in a bad writer's script.
Also there was a prostitute who wants to suck my dick, but i refused. The sun is settling. If i didn't go to sleep before the night comes, something terrible is going to happen. Thats why there was a prostitute, she was hired to help me to fall asleep.
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some dreams i had a bit ago
I had a dream of a French general riding an ostrich
>tasked with collecting a bounty on some rich fat man
>he's on the top floor penthouse of a tower
>of course he is
>elevator is locked so i end up taking the stairs
>those are way too many stairs
>knock him out while he's taking a bath
>he needs to come back alive
>the way down is really long
>the elevator is still locked so i have to haul his fat ass down
>tear the bathtub out and break off the legs
>use the tub to slide down each flight of stairs
>it's still as tedious as ever, albeit faster
>reach ground floor and exit the building
>meet the client
>woman and man, plus another that's behind them
>fat man wakes up
>he recognizes the woman and says something snide
>she suddenly gets enraged and blows up his building with her mind somehow
>couldn't give a shit after that trip up and down the tower
>fuck that building
>makes me wonder why if she's this powerful that she hired out someone to extract him
>guess with her power, the only way she would've been able to extract him was as a dead man
Your subconscious just wants you to feel good sir.
> be me
>dream inside a dream
>hanging out with my best friend
>hear screaming outside, probably his mom
>wake up, still in the dream
>in the kitchen where me, dad, and mom used to sleep in the same bed
>mom has some kind of issue give my phone to another lady for light
>they both go to the other side of the wall
>suddenly hear more screaming
>look outside the window
>see this human-like statue hanging by its neck from a power line
long, smooth cylindrical head with no face
>statue starts screaming, getting louder and louder
>as it screams, it becomes more human, flesh starts showing
face starts moving
>dad clings to me in bed like he’s trying to protect me
>screaming gets worse, statue more human
>wake up terrified
My dreams are being fucked with
Stayed up late last night and caught a recording of the audible voice they hit me with while I'm asleep
Hit with recurring dreams about being on the run for killing and not remembering doing it and yet still feeling all of the guilt
Or being in a relationship with a woman who actually loves me and I love her
Or having degenerate sex older women

I mean if you dream the same thing 2 days straight better check the car just for curiosity
Had a lucid sex dream about a big titty goth girl. Squeezed her big tits and fucked her till she squirted all over but I couldn't get to climax myself because lucid dream. Ffs, this is getting annoying. At least the cuddling afterwards was nice, I had my head in her lap and we were watching something on TV and I kind of drifted off into waking up.
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It's a shaped pillow + a small blanket on top that helps create the perfect height. The most important part of the pillow shape is that it dips a bit in the middle. I don't need the blanket when sleeping supine but when on my side I bunch it up a bit and place it centered behind my ear. I also drape the small blanket over the arm that's under the head to keep it warm when sideways.
The pillow is foam that isn't too soft. If it's too soft, I will fall asleep in a comfortable position but the pillow innards will shift at night without waking me up and fuck up my neck in the morning.
I have a somewhat rigid bed. It's a metal riser + wooden boards + futon on top. Soft mattresses hurt my back.

I got my neck issues (c5, c6) from slouching down on my chair at work in my 20s. I also have a mild forward head tilt and forward/back muscle imbalance where my stronger front muscles pull my weaker back muscles resulting in hunched and forward rolled shoulders. This led to pain in the traps, rhomboids, pecs near the armpits, and upper back near the armpits. I have an adjustable height desk + forward tilting herman miller at home. It also helps greatly if you feet are planted on the floor while sitting since it helps push the back up against the chair. This combined with strengthening my back muscles through face pulls and rows help keep the condition from getting worse.
is this your dream or are you a schizo?
>story about birds flying into a camp and the people were so hungry some of them ate the birds raw and got sick
how does this mean:
>every dream or vision needs to be cooked- interpreted
just because you tell us so?
what do dreams mean to you? how are they like birds? or rather about killing birds out of desperation?
it just seems like a big leap.
Thanks, I'll be sir to try these.
A couple nights ago I had an intense nightmare I can't stop thinking about
I was walking through the middle of an empty street when I came upon what looked like a traffic accident, with a car stopped in the middle of the road
There was a small goblin looking creature examining the car, as if it was looking for something. It was short like a child, completely black as in covered in sooth and was wearing black, dirty leather clothes
I was completely paralyzed and stood there for a while, until a voice that came from me (but wasn't mine) asked it what it was
The creature didn't pay much attention and after mumbling to itself it finally answered and said 'I too, am a child of God'
Then it turned, looked directly at me and I felt intense fear, and then I woke up
Your dream reminds me of the general theme of mine OP, namely being Kafkaesque and laden with inhuman torments. I especially relate to
>but I had to leave suddenly because I knew the building was collapsing
My dreams are so often in inbetween places, uncomfortable liminal spaces. Often there is either a nagging or imminent feeling of "needing to go", as if I can never find my footing in any particular setting. Honestly my dreams depress me, I think they reflect poorly on me and my being. Mundane, unimaginative, repetitive, shackled.
>Dreams always have people from my highschool in them
>Even if the dream itself isn't really related to highschool its always them
>Not just the ones i was friends with but anyone from that time despite it being ages ago
>I have a job and know other people but never dream of them
I just don't get it, I'm sick of seeing them. Is it because I don't really know any other people that well that my brain is struggling to find background characters for my dreams? I can't stand it why can't I dream of strangers or anything else. I didn't even have a bad or unpleasant time in highschool, its just so annoying knowing I could be dreaming of anything but its always those losers every time
You could try SATS i did that and i dreamed of what i imagined before falling asleep
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had a dream today
>me & some people were in a car
>we stopped at what looked like a classic farm
>there was a cow surrounded by a bunch of young women dressed in white
>the girls all looked the same, and seemed like they were in a trance
>the cow looked cartoony, like a 3d avatar, but it was covered in boils & pustulent wounds
>when i saw the scene, i immediately knew something was wrong, and became enraged
>the girls ran over, then past me, almost as if the spell the "cow" had over them was broken by me noticing it
>the cow then seemed both angry, but fearful, as if it hated me, but knew it had no ability to stop me
>it was hard, walking to the cow, like trying to fight a terrible wind, but i still made my way to it
>i had a club in hand, and began to hit the cow, it would then run around away from me, in a circle
>it was, in a way, telepathically saying that it was "writhing in pain" & "dead", all as it was running
>the people i was with would then say "the things dead, lets just go", but i could still see it, just there
>to everyone, it was dead, immobile, but to me it was still moving, and as it was saying that it was "dead" to me, i felt that it was both telling the truth & lying
>not truly a trick, but not the reality before me, more so a corruption of what is
>as i repeatedly beat it, time seemed to be instantly going by every hit, its as if to everyone, every time it would "writhe", it gone on for many minutes, but to me, it was only a single strike, i could feel that time was different in a multitude of ways there
>eventually, i myself got tired, i knew i couldn't "kill" it, but i thought i did a good enough job
>the "cow" was angered, but it also couldn't do anything, and seemed to also know its all done with
>i left
>then i woke up
felt a bit spooked when i woke up, but i passed it off quickly
what do you anons think?
OP here. My dreams can be that way too. Constant changes that my mind is forcing me through. One room becomes a forest, my bedroom turns into an unfamiliar place. The feeling of needing to leave isn’t usual and was unnerving. That bathhouse collapsed and I knew it wasn’t safe to be in it before it happened. I’m trying to leave these kinds of dreams behind and lucid dream and control where I go and how long I stay in a setting. I hope you can have better dreams too.
I had a dream that I was outside. Some field trip was going on nearby, lots of kids from some foreign country. African kids. IDK why. I was on the train tracks. Just minding my own business, I knew a train might never come. I saw some kid on the tracks, and I walked over to him. Some African kid from the field trip I think. Too distracted to see the risk he was taking. I was on this bridge, which wasn't finished. The kid was at the end of the bridge. I heard some rumbling in the distance, train was coming. I thought for a moment "I can't just leave this kid here, even if I don't know him." I ran to the kid, grabbed his hand, told him to come with me. He acted confused but he cooperated. I ran with him, I felt the warmth of his hand. The train was barreling towards us now, and we almost got hit. I jumped off, just in time. And the kid thanked me, and walked off like it never happened.

No idea why the kid was African when I'm Anglo. Only recent happening with me is work stress and of course the inevitable doom that comes with wagie life and not ever feeling fulfilled professionally.
I just want help with the final part of this dream, I still feel like I am missing something in my interpretation. I will quickly cover the rest of the dream.
>Started in a semi lucid state, I knew I was dreaming but wanted to go along with the dream. I recognized that within the dream I have absolute power.
>First scene I am in a super market and I heal a woman in a wheelchair, She didn't thank me and this annoyed me.
I interpreted the first scene as symbolizing the childish view of love I had as a child. Doing things for praise, rather then out of love.
>Second scene I departed the super market annoyed and decided to simply be a bystander and watch the dream npcs go about their lives.
I think this was the point in my life where I lived life as a silent observer.
>I grew tired of this and decided once again to seek love. I literally passed through a mountain and crossed a bridge.
Pretty obvious what this symbolizes, but it represented the mental struggles I had to overcome to find love. Still a past event.
>I overcame that journey and reach the Temple of Love, but my love was not there.
The first and only woman I confessed my feelings to, rejected me, thus she was not within the temple.
>I searched deeper into the temple, literally descending a dark spiral staircase that circled a dark pit. The extremely obvious symbolism was pissing me off in the dream.
Hurr I got my fee fees hurt and literally spiraled into darkness, not hard to interpret.
>I reached the bottom of the stairs, but not the bottom of the pit. I had to leap into the darkness to descend further, but I could not see the bottom.
I don't quite know this part. I don't feel like I metaphorically took a dark leap of faith in life, but I know I must have.
>I jumped in desperate to find love, only to be met with a massive serpent which devoured me.
>Eventually it spit me out and my actual love was there to pick me up and take me away to paradise.
What does that last part mean? Why did it spit me up?
My best interpretation took me years to arrive at and required knowledge I did not have when I received the dream. First thing is I know now the snakes are not always symbols of evil, but also wisdom and renewal. Despite this I still think the snake was evil in the dream. Second I know now that snakes can vomit up food when they are threatened by a predator, but what chased it away? Did that sweet woman who picked me up off the ground and carried me away scare the snake? Did it represent my death and eventual renewal? Love comes to me after death?

I don't know Its the best I have been able to come up with after years of thinking about it. Its a bit frightening though because I would rather avoid being taken by evil like that.
>semi lucid dream
I got a thank you note in during a nap from someone here. Don't remember the whole thing because it was all of 3 minutes long. Here's a summary of the 400-500 word note.
>one message
>receive order
>"Yo, it's [name redacted]"
>"thanks for taking time to talk"
>"your advice really helps"
>"it really helps me understand what's going on in my life"
>"brings me closer to what matters to me"
Your thanks is appreciated. Unfortunately I don't remember the note very well. It smelled of unbridled enthusiasm and gratefulness.
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just behind a busy main road, there’s an abandoned concrete shell of a little building. it’s overgrown with thick vegetation and in the darkness a single bright white streetlight illuminates its flat roof. plants grow up and around its walls and out from inside its empty windows.

here i am hanging out with a girl i knew in high school. her and i are collecting poisonous plants and storing them in my backpack. we clip them with shears and place them inside until my backpack is swollen and secreting milk.

at some point it’s day again, and my parents arrive to pick me up. when i get into the back seat of their car my dad scolds me and says that i smell like semen. this upsets me and i get out of their car to walk up the street, angry.

the street is wide with many lanes and the intersection’s lights dangle from long, sagging wires. i cross the street to come across some sort of subway terminal with a wide hallway entrance that opens right onto to the sidewalk. walking inside i immediately pick up a putrid smell. to my right, along the wall is a quadriplegic homeless man sitting in an open little cardboard box, in a pool of his own refuse.

now im in a long, winding empty queue. it sits in a square of concrete walls, with a tin roof above. along the walls are posters of jimi hendrix and other rock stars. a big fat bouncer lets me through the door at the end, and i step inside of a dusty old house, belonging to some old woman.

the house has a somber, dull sepia tone as the light from outside comes through the blinds. there’s a plastic covering over the couch, and a glass-paned coffee table in front of it. the house has been lived in recently. all of a sudden my vision is taken over by brown and grey static, and a little pink cartoon fairy phases in and out of it. i understand that in this house there lived a little girl who became an inter-dimensional fairy somehow.
all of a sudden i’m inside of an extremely high apartment, with the wall blasted out, revealing a lush, green mountain rising out of the mist, and a couple other high rise buildings. the room is large and empty, and i sit cross-legged and alone. i look out and can’t see the ground.

a tiny u.f.o. is zipping around the air just outside. when i notice this i look down, averting my eyes in fear. when i look back up the tiny u.f.o. is directly in front of me. its chrome surface is like a front facing i-phone camera, with the little yellow square that detects your face. my own face is reflected right in front of mine, distorted by the shape of the craft.

i had this dream on the military base in colorado springs. later this night i had more dreams where i was visited by different aliens. i only remember seeing a small, fat infant-like bronze skinned one with a square head. classic dark, almond eyes
bro is mad that he cant escape his role in creation. you cant play god
you cant destroy idols, things of refuse and waste. because others wont cease to worship them or even understand why you would want to, or what theyre giving power to. interesting how you can land blows in a dream. whenever i try to strike something my blows just dont land, as if wind resistance just pushes my fists away. kind of like how when you were approaching the thing
recently i had a dream that was just an ai-generated xxxtentacion song and music video. i dont even listen to that shit
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I had a very vivid dream tonight, it was in many segments but a theme that i see often in them.

Be me in my old hometown, near my school there was a event that had biden and trump talk or something, they ware at least there and both talked about kamala. when i suddenly notice a aircraft coming down on the other side of the hill. followed by a mass panic and a sense of apocalypse with lots of weird shit going on in the sky i cant really recollect. Agents evacuate trump and biden and for some reason trump invited me along the way. After a while the crowd disappeard and in the end trump was just walking down a hill street with me, greeting shop owners along the way. He thanked me for coming with him but said its okay for me to go, because i knew its already really dark and i already was worried to not find my way home.

Im from germany so the us politics dont bother me that much, other then us getting fucked over if trump gets elected. I always saw the guy as a clown but maybe the Theo von podcast episode with him humanized him a bit for me.
>Thanks, I'll be sir to try these.
I'm sir you will do you're best.
>I was in a bathhouse of green water.
Sorry, I didn't see our thread before.
I did have a dream which had actual information that I didn't know before which I could later verify:
What makes you think I was trying to play God? This is in the context of a lucid dream, so in my mind using your powers to manipulate the dream isn't wrong. No I surely do not want to be God, that would be a tremendous amount of responsibility. My part in creation is whatever God wills it to be, but it would be nice to know what that role is.
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I had a Warhammer 40k dream. I was an astartes and I fought against the enemies of the God Emperor. I got yelled at by my superior officer for missing a bolter shot and failing to kill and orc. I had to go back to my ship and do fire training for the next 10 years. I was unhappy because I wasn’t going to get my promotion to Sargent. The God Emperor didn’t give me a promotion and I started wondering if it was even worth it. I woke up when a chaplain asked me if I was alright.
Should have converted to chaos.
I need ideas for things to do next time I'm lucid.
I hope I have cool dreams tonight.
"Reality" sucks.
Last night I had an unusual dream about being investigated for being an immigrant. I'm not an immigrant so I don't understand what that was about.
>lucid dreaming
Various images.
>open up a new set of eyes that I've rarely used
>it's somewhat difficult but get the hang of it
>there is a third eye too
>why not open that too
>various images of locals and settings pop up
>feels like remote viewing

>I got yelled at by my superior officer for missing a bolter shot and failing to kill and orc. I had to go back to my ship and do fire training for the next 10 years.
Think of it this way. You can either get yelled at for missing a shot, or yell in pain after that or rips your supernumerary spleen out of your eye socket. Failure is not an option.
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Hey what do these mean?
>Walking through a formless black void with only an old concrete floor.
>Can see a small white shape in a pillar of light, go pick it up.
>It turns out to be a sick, dying, two-headed white mouse with very red eyes laying on its side
>For some reason I ask it who it is, it responds with "Lucifer"
>I ask it why it's talking to me, it responds "The flower of civilization is about to bloom."
>Black void is suddenly filled with premonitions of riots, fires, cannibalism, filth sex and violence in the street, etc.
>Wake up

>Walking through an abandoned city; i've never been there but it looks like somewhere in europe.
>Food is left to rot on plates, cars and bikes are alone on the street, like everyone suddenly vanished in the middle of whatever they were last doing
>Go into some coffee shop and meet a man dressed in Bishop's robes with the head of a locust. It's holding a sphere of water with a small malicious fire burning in the center
>It calls itself 'Abaddon' and thanks me for showing up, speaks at length about something but i forget everything when I wake up

There's been others but they're either less impressive or forgotten by now. Skyscrapers with black holes filled with eyeballs that call themselves the names of devils i never heard of, one time i met something that called itself Mammon but i was lucid and so frustrated by having another dream like this I did something to attack it and woke up in the middle of the night. I'm not into demonology and probably only ever heard these names in passing in the first place to have them appear in my dreams, but i have friends that say they're bad voodoo.
Okay here's mine
I was with my family in our car going back home from a restaurant, it was foggy and there was a little bit of rain. Once we arrived home i saw that our roof and some of the walls from our house were missing and i saw the fire department next to my house, i quickly got out of the car and i fell to my knees screaming like a retard, then as soon as i got up i saw this one neighbour i had with a family sized pint of ice cream, i roundhouse kicked her ice cream to the ground, she called me an asshole and i went straight up to where my room was. Turns out there was a fire that burned down my house but there was no burn marks or smoke or whatever it was as if the walls and roof were deleted. Woke up from my dream (or so i thought, i was still asleep and still dreaming, dreamception if you will) to myself screaming in the middle of a lecture (i'm still in college). I told some of my friends in college about my house burning down and they were kinda making fun of me for it. I should also add that in the dream even though i was in college, the college was a mix of my highschool and primary school. I got out of campus and i met one of my irl female friends who i consider to be really close to me yet i have no romantic feelings towards. I told her about my house burning down and she laughed at me and then proceeded to kiss me and hug me and shit, we went to this store that would only sell christmas presents and the cashier was a gypsy woman, by this point i was drifting in and out of sleep and i could have kept it going but it was creeping me out so i opted to wake up.
>didn't witness the dream cops
Veer too far away from the normal stuff and you'll get chased all night long.

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