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Do you think we HAVE to reincarnate? I see that there are children with alleged past life memories and even psychic/mediums tell you about your past lives.

I absolutely do not want to have any past lives and I don't want to reincarnate. I want to be only me (as in the ego person who has lived here on Earth) and I don't want countless ex lovers, ex mothers, ex children, ex friends throughout time that I all experienced. I just want to experience one husband the one I meet here and one pair of parents, the one I have. The idea that I am just a character that is absorbed back into a higher being of me adding it to its collection of lives freaks me out.

I also hate that I might feel different once I die or get brainwashed by any beings to do this again. How do I prevent that? I try to already steel my mind here as I'm alive but once you leave your body apparently you are being flooded with feelings 1000000x more intense than anything on Earth. Often people seem to even forget their human life immediate, like they forget their children and husband/wife. Is there any way to stop this shit?
Anyone who tells you we reincarnate, go to heaven, or go to nothingness: all of these are guesses and hopes. Nobody really knows if they're honest with themselves.
what is the "you" that reincarnates (carne = meat)
There is hope
how about you start reaching gnosis, you fucking hylic. God, its almost as if you wanted to stay in the kenoma
Then you probably won't, to be honest.
The place where your disdain for this life comes from is the same place that your rejection of the reincarnation system will come from.

If you want to strengthen your souls will to leave this world behind then just don't fall for any of the bullshit that tries to make you accept it.
The only reason souls end up coming back here is because they've accepted this way of life into their soul, and this way of life still resonates (makes sense) to them.

That's why darkness is really about keeping people asleep and accepting of things. They don't want you to reject it from within, or to listen to the part of yourself that already knows everything in this world is wrong.
>Do you think we HAVE to reincarnate?
Do you think you have a choice?
>how about you start reaching gnosis, you fucking hylic.
There is 0 chance that anyone who would speak this way to another has achieved Gnosis themselves.

Because if you think that kind of attitude will have an effect on another, it means that kind of attitude has an effect on you.
You're still a child who is a slave to subconscious forces.

>Jesus said, "You see the sliver in your friend's eye, but you don't see the timber in your own eye. When you take the timber out of your own eye, then you will see well enough to remove the sliver from your friend's eye."
Do you evet notice how when you dream you don't think about anyone else? You only think of who you are dreaming about, you don't think my family or my husband that when you dream about forgetting your homework at school, well, the dream you is the real you. After death you go back to that place where whatever you think of becomes your immediate reality, without a body holding you to gravity you just flee from moment to moment like flying through dimensions.
We are baby souls and like moth to a flame we get trapped into whatever presents in front of us.
In many religions the higher practices involve things like lucid dreaming and astral projection, it's because of this. Reality is just a dream, held by the collective belief that it is real. Stop believing in it and it will fade away, stop believing your dreams and they too fade away.
>Do you evet notice how when you dream you don't think about anyone else?
I do have dreams in which I remember who I am and I become horrified about what is going on or I remember my family and such.
This nigga never lucid dreamed
How many deja vus did you had, OP?
Did you had some sort of initiation, or self-initiation?
Did you saw some sort of light after the initiation, or other weird phenomena?
Do you have a initiatic name and a sigil? If you do, don't reveal them here, just say yes or no.
Can you assess reality in a modulated way? Can your mind deal with contradictory thoughts?
You need these to access the psychic memory.
>Then you probably won't, to be honest.
I hope that's true. Do you plan to reincarnate?
>The only reason souls end up coming back here is because they've accepted this way of life into their soul, and this way of life still resonates (makes sense) to them.
I often read in those experiences that they are flooded with extreme love and almost dazed. In that state they just seem to agree with everything...

I have no idea. I hope I do. I wish I do. I will try.

I don't really have deja vu moments or rarely. Nothing special in that regard.
What do you mean with initiation? I just always been very paranormally inclined. As a child in primary school I was reading books about astral travel, but I never had these experiences. I dabbled in rituals, religions, talked to many people but I haven't really found anything impressive or worthwhile for me personally.
>You need these to access the psychic memory.
Who or what is behind the psychic memory? I do not wish to have any past lives either. The thought grosses me out.
And how do you suggest we reach gnosis? Mr expert
You are pure witness consciousness, phenomena is a trap.
>There is 0 chance that anyone who would speak this way to another has achieved Gnosis themselves.
This. They’re demonic beings or Feds. They’re the anons who are negative and dismissive at the start of every thread.
I fucking hate existing

The creator is a piece of shit for making this trash world out of all the things he could have made
Nah, it is just a broccoli speaking. They think gnosis is just another cellphone app.
>get brainwashed by any beings to do this again
They’ve been here for 10 years it’s not zoomers
>I do not wish to have any past lives either. The thought grosses me out.
if you believe in reincarnation, which it seems like you kinda do, dont you have to accept that youve had infinite past lives though? buddhists believe that the universe has no discernible beginning and that this shit has just been going on forever endlessly. youve been through the cycle of life and death an infinite number of times which is why buddhists want to exit the cycle because its boring
I believe it's possible. I myself have no memories or feelings about a past life and I guess my hope is that it is individual. Some souls reincarnated many times and others like me just once.
Avoid the tunnel of light and enter the void. Research the death trap by wes penre.
The universe is eternal and uncreated
Do you think it's possible to wish to be reborn in certain country and influence it?
Most people aren't able to hold their ego/soul together for long after they die, which is when the spirit naturally reincarnates. But some manage to keep their ego/soul together for longer or indefinite amounts of time, not that time works the same in different layers of experience anyways.

The thing is, even those individuals will reincarnate at some point, there is no eternal construct, even if the ego/soul survive the shock of death they will at some point unravel when they lose purpose. Ultimately you're going to reincarnate, and with you i mean your spirit, your ego/soul will just be "stored" in subtler layers and your spirit will go on to grow new one in grosser layers of experience, such as this plane.
Basically you just need to find a couple that's fucking, observe closely for sperm to reach the egg, then hop in
get reborn in north korea senpai
>or I remember my family and such.
ok, that was a bad way to explain it, but see, if you become horrified, it is also because you believe what the dream is showing you. Nightmares are nightmares because they manage to convince you to feel afraid, that's what I'm getting at. Life on earth is what it is because our soul was convinced of this idea that we are mortal. We are gullible souls, we are the niggers of the soul, and we'll keep reincarnating here or on any similar planet until the soul can no longer be deceived

rapes u into reincarnation

next time be better
I've recalled glimpses of 3 past lives. Two of which were the moments before and of death. They were both suicides. My impression was that a third time would have something bad associated with it. I'm not sure how they could punish me though if they just are gonna force me back here. I don't want to reincarnate either.
How the fuck can these niggas on the other side overwrite our free will?!
No idea but it seems to be a fairly common theme that we get forced back. There's some really out there ideas like a soul farm/reincarnation trap where they harvest our loosh, and you have to be buried at a specific angle to escape the soul net. I didn't see or get any of that shit I just got the vibe that it was like 3 strikes and if I killed myself yet again then something bad would be done to me or I'd be punished in some way.
> 3 strikes and if I killed myself yet again then something bad would be done to me or I'd be punished in some way.
Fuck these faggots. You're a free soul how dare they punish you for sending you into this mental asylum and then not accepting that you left on your own accord.

forced back means raped
My best guess is it's supposed to be some sort of learning experience. But you get put here with no idea what the hell the lesson is supposed to be. I recalled those two suicide lives maybe 8 years ago and very similar stuff mirroring those lives happened. Kind of trying to force me to get the lesson right. But those lessons that I failed were enough to get me to kill myself and now I had to go through fucking both of them again.
That learning shit makes NO SENSE.
On the other side they say like "omg everything is perfect here and God is all knowing bliss!" nigga then what do we have to learn exactly? Why is God not downloading all the knowledge into you and make you whole and perfect by default?

The issue is that we are in a field anon, if you want to connect with so called center of the universe aka singularity aka God (toroidal universe) then you need to start learning to manipulate your brain waves, see the cynicism that permeates 4chan and the world by now is just low frequency resonance, if you want to be free start from detaching yourself from any living being, and I mean everyone literally, even so called illuminated schizos which are just jester possessed people
> illuminated schizos which are just jester possessed people

he is cooking
This is how it works:
There are two worlds. One of absolute movement and one without.
Life is always in movement.
Death isn't.
If you're 30 now and die, you go to the other world (no movement) for 30 years.
Now, much like in your dreams, you have no concept of time. You can live entire lifetimes in seconds. So when you die and reincarnate, you're basically reborn immediately. The reason why is bec this is God's/you expression of infinity. The world of no movement is much like your dreams. Nothing has a beginning or end. Nothing can be measured. Nothing can be weighed... however, it's far from nothing. All your desires are realized here. This is the beginning of creation itself. The reason the world of movement exists, is for God to give you a chance to put meaning into those desires. To proverbially give you paper to draw on.
When you die, you have no choice but to be reborn... the only difference is that time passes by... so the world changes a bit (or more). This is important to know too... just bec those 30 years have passed, it does not mean you can come back right away. It just means you're eligible to. The reason why is bec your soul needs to find a body of the same/similar vibration so they can co-exist. The problem is that jews are destroying mankind so being reborn, especially in a body that's more capable of higher frequencies is gonna not just be the death of man but also of God.

This is why God does not favor jews.
It's also why jews say they're chosen.
This mom claimed his son talked about being some hollywood guy in his past life and said he was sent back to our reality to work out his flaws, specfically greed.
https://youtu.be/85uSn9vTMOM?si=neqMHVtZhdJreinr&t=2523 42:04- 42:33
I reccomend researching the papers Dr. Jim Tucker and Dr. Bruce Greyson have published.
>I don't want to reincarnate
Don't be an asshole and you'll be fine.
As above so below.
Do you have to play video games?
Do you have to read a book?
Do you have to listen to music?
Do you have to smell the flowers?
Imagine I keep adding questions like that until getting to:
Do you have to reincarnate?
What makes this one different? All the other ones had the same answer.
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Immortality in 3 years.

Break samsara.
Your wants are tied to this life.
No one wants to be born in fucking Brazil either yet millions are.
You will be put into the class that you need in order to prosper.
If you took the opportunity of being born in a wealthy country to study life and improve it however you could, you'll probably have an even better life in the next run.
But if you cared more about being a drunk party animal or bringing in millions of immigrants to destabilize "boring" western nations then you'll most likely be put into Africa next time where you can party to your heart's content.
omg i agree completely, thats why i dont like to think abt it that much
> But some manage to keep their ego/soul together for longer or indefinite amounts of time
> your ego/soul will just be "stored" in subtler layers
How do you access this?
Free will? Is there such a thing? no there is not.
So we're just a race of slave souls? kek
Yep, we are mechanical and predetermined, the witness consciousness could be called free, though it is passive
No, once your soul hits Infinia Maxima then you stop reincarnating and you stay as yourself forever, unless you choose to reincarnate, but you’re still in Infinia Maxima so nothing happens to you that ultimately doesn’t work out for you, and you’ll eventually realize you hit Infinia Maxima in your last life, anyway.
People remember past lives if they know how and practice hard enough
>You just have to reincarnate 100 billion times and experience every type of torture imaginable then you reached the goal! Have fun!
100 billion times.

If you suck at life, yeah.

You could hit it in your first incarnate.
By cultivating your awareness and the right states of mind, every spiritual tradition has a way/s of doing this, it's usually in the form of meditations. Some traditions have preserved these ways better than others though. Christianity for example has prayer and it's in the shitter right now, it has devolved into a vapid, empty practice for the average follower, and that's why many people flock to eastern traditions for spiritual practices.

>How do you access this?
By doing the above.
mortals: noo why did I incarnate
spirits: please I need to feel again
You don't have to, the real you has free will. The problem comes from your ability to be tricked, and it only worsens the longer you spend in one of these death machines.
If you don't like this place, just refuse to reincarnate. They can't force you to do shit in that form. Keep in mind; in that split second before truly dying, they will try every greasy salesman tactic in the book to keep you here. They will cycle between every form of intimidation and bribery until your monkey ass says yes. At that point none of that matters. No promise is kept since you technically didn't accept. They'll still fuck with you in the next life, but not for any human justification, not to 'teach' you, not to punish you, but because they need you here, suffering, so they can survive.
Just say no, keep your distance, and realize they are only shadows on the cave wall.
I disagree. The experiences of this place would only be useful if you could remember, and your mistakes would be meaningful if you truly chose to make them. When you get old enough, you will realize this, deep down it will tug at you.
This is like teaching someone how to fish through long trials and tribulations, wiping their memory, and then coercing them to let you teach them how to fish again because they need to learn how to fish to survive; and if they somehow bypass the memory wipe and confront you about it, you congratulate them, pat them on the back, tell them they passed the real test, and ask them to look at your little flashing pen for their reward. It's a pointless process for us, and constitutes unnecessary suffering.
I empathize with what you wrote.
Do you browse r/EscapingPrisonPlanet ?
Reincarnation is a vile system of thought, unless it is the eternal recurrence of Nietzsche.
>The incarnation of the soul is meant to happen as a natural process through which the soul reincarnates and evolves into higher levels of consciousness, if the physical incarnations provided are used wisely.

>Other souls who consciously participate in the evolution process of their Soul, grow into higher levels of consciousness and spiritual understanding, allowing their souls to incarnate consciously into ever more evolved incarnations and favorable circumstances, until they have no more need to reincarnate, reaching a level of awareness where they are consciously helping the collective Soul to heal its karmas, after having cleared themselves from their karmic loads and debts, getting involved strictly in dharma.

>Only the physical shell experiences death and the end of its existence; the rest survives. Alter-bodies detached from the physical evolve in the astral plane, until reincarnating.

>The world is in direct proportion to what you all hold about yourselves. You can blame the so called elite or malevolent ET's for the state you find yourselves and stay at the level of victim and powerlessness, or you can transform all that and allow your sovereignty to arise and spread across all the lands changing the energetic patterns that the man made world rides on and transform the very heart of the matter into a paradise. This may seem hard to believe now, yet as you proceed and feel your personal power grow, you will see that paradise has always been co-creatable yet the cloud of powerlessness has blinded you and has manifested right before your eyes unbeknown to you, keeping you trapped in a loop of death and reincarnation. This loop is a dis-ease. Yes you can use it to learn and grow, yet it isn't meant to be indulged in forever, unless of course you choose. What do you choose? Do you choose to end completely all of your participation in that loop and have all the energies transformed to perfection and integrated to their perfect place? Yes? Greatness then!
You can't make all human experiences in 1 life.
>Do you browse r/EscapingPrisonPlanet ?
I do yes! But truth be told it has overlap with paranoid schizophrenics in my opinion. People who think their neighbour is a reptilian gangstalker archon and stuff like that. Not sure what to think anymore.
How do you make the experience to never murder but also to murder in 1 life.
You don’t need to eat doodoo or rape a baby to death to hit Infinia Maxima.

In fact, actions like that typically keep you in the cycle.
For sure, don't let it all disturb you, but there's interesting stuff as well. Just look at things calmly, logically and rationally.
Then why does all of this shit happen constantly since the dawn of time if it's not needed?
Because conscious choices are a thing and learning is a process.
You can hasten the process with proper life choices and that’s usually how you hit Infinia Maxima.
>illuminated schizos which are just jester possessed people
How to get possessed and jestermaxx?
I'm not against reincarnation, just reincarnation HERE. Maybe the entire physical universe is the same level of crap, but I can't help but feel that there is something seriously wrong with THIS planet.
There's just a sort of overwhelming darkness here, that seems to pervade and corrupt EVERY little aspect of this world. Most people can't seem to feel it because they've become numb to it; especially people in cities. I hear people talk about how much THIS planet is a "unique learning experience" and it's like listening to a used incarnation salesman trying to get you to buy the universe's worst fucking life experience.

Other than NOT going into the tunnel, NOT going into the "light", and making a firm, clear, choice to NOT lose one's memory; How would one reincarnate far away from this psychically polluted planet?
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haha, you might spend 5 eternities in nirvana/ astral after you die, test out all the rides in gods disneyland ad nauseam, chill with the angels at the heavenly bar and taste all the infinite cocktail flavours until you cant take it anymore, get bored by those morphing fractals and unbound divine wisdom, decide to reincarnate afterall, longing for limiting yourself in a flesh vessel and dumb yourself down on purpose to rediscover gods mind in childlike awe like you already did an infinite times before you were born. in the wordly realm only a few moments passed while you were tripping in the beyond, so you didnt miss out on anything, so you decide to continue your little journey and finish your infinite job and look a mother to inject your soul into. etc etc.
this is what I think happens. As much as we hate this world, eventually we'll be enthralled by the idea of rediscovering ourselves, again and again and again.
I will never understand why people think boredom would exist in perfection. You literally take your little human limitations and project that into a limitless soul.

Boredom evolved on Earth to drive species to survive. That's it. You (or God, or "super powerful or free" beings) can simply decide that boredom doesn't exist to them and they would never get tired of chilling in the heavenly bar.


If you get bored it's not perfect.
what else would one do if one was the undying soul? we get bored by knowing it all so we long for forgetting, god doesnt only want to 'be' but also to 'become', implying you have to reset yourself to a lower stage of development and start rising from the very bottom until reaching the throne atop the mountain, rinse & repeat.
well whats your world view then? people do bad stuff but god issues full refunds after death so everything is in equilibrium in the end anyway so enjoy your blissful stay? problem of evil and such are interesting to ponder, how does one bring together such infinite divine enlightenment with all the darkness? there are various elegant ways to explain it away with 5D chess mental games, so its merely one take of many. truth is a breathing living thing after all. so whats your basic premise/ assumption?
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>little human limitations
we too possess the divine spark and are cocreators with god, our limits are valid plays and interpretations of reality, god is not judging or mocking us for being this way.
>can simply decide that boredom doesn't exist to them and they would never get tired of chilling in the heavenly bar.
okay so why did you chose this imperfect and often/sometimes tedious existence? why the need for even the tiniest amount of pain?
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>dude, like, what if you just get bored by perfection, so you want to come to earth to experience even more boredom
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thats right, i just ran with the often regurgitated theory about the whole 'reincarnation and time in between' theory and added to it what i thought could be fitting, illustrated a bit further, anons here like those simple but crude on the nose explanations.
frequently threads are created that read something like 'so god got bored one day and decided to incarnate into his own creation erasing his memory of being god, dividing his soul amongst all the people thus creating a massive stage play we call reality lol'

in hinduism there is the notion of shiva waking up one day and realizing it was all a dream, the same way we cannot distinguish dream states from real life, god too forgets he is sleeping, upon waking up only understanding whats going on.
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strange things happen sometimes, go ahead, tell the class what your clever take on existence and everything is, if you are so enlightened and stuff. you seem to know for certain what isnt right, so whats likely to be the truth then?
>oh, you see, I have an explanation and you don't have one, so my retarded nonsensical explanation makes more sense than not having an explanation
Retard. I can't tell you the ultimate truth because I don't know. However I can tell when people of average intelligence sniff their own brain farts, that's what you're doing now.
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hold on there buddy, were not in the court of ultimate truth, lets just do the obviously wrong thing just because and see what happens. you havent found the fun in the whole internet anonymity game yet. i have attempted more meaningful discourse but rarely anyone reacts.
with more simple minded comments i at least get a few (you)s out of you guys.
I have no idea why there is a need for pain or if there even is a NEED for it anyway. Maybe we all just get tricked to reincarnate under the guise of whatever spiritual philosophy resonates the best with us and higher dimensional beings feast on our pain and struggle.
like watchers lashing out of the darkness encouraging people to get back to the worldview drawing board. not knowing what is right but being certain about what is wrong when they read it, attempting to arrive at the truth by discarding the low energy takes, chiseling away the dead weight to get to the actual shape of 'the truth'.

rpg games are actually just the shadow in platos cave originating from the actual 3d shape of interactions in real life.
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>spiritual philosophy
>higher d. beings
well see those are already some assumptions too many for some of us, some of us just want to cut the the chase and have the final f i n a l redpill about all and everything, like saying 'when god then why anything else at all, why this and that?', we are so radical that we want to reveal the secret, the all binding method of all things, to be one with it. you are assuming such other beings and philosophies and variation being important, so somewaht like devil-demons-god-angels+different ways to interpret things which is a more comfy approach and surely fun to figure it out step by step in a more moderate way to live life in general, some of us however might appear as lunatics constantly just asking the question of what holds the world together, asking for the managerr of the establishment outright, bypassing all the lower staff members like 'entities'. the terminal insight and nothing else, often it revolves around very basic topics, formulas like 'me and god', 'me as god and as worldly self', 'me in time and god outside time', 'me as fully god and fully man', like the planotic solids, only the very basic geometric shapes. one might say we lack 'grounding', and individuals that can provide a reasonable anchor in more mundane things are a relief, like family mebers just talking about everyday things, makes us think 'huh, so thats going on also', however we always seek out the maximum edges of understanding when alone again.

we try to reconcile gods infinite light and anything else thats going on, all the small annoying things also, thats wholly incomprehensible at times because we already had and have and will have gods ensuring us infinity, its a given, so what else might we do just for the lulz? death too is nothing to fear, we are wholly liberated but also at times limited again, so we attempt to solve some of those issues just like that, bring other people to the same level, or at least point to 'the light'.
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To the Archons, very firmly, fuck you. I'm not reincarnating. At least, not on earth. I'm leaving this Hell and creating my own Eden. I didn't take the vax, and I'm not going into the light. The fatal flaw in your plan was this "curse", by making me autistic you have undone yourselves. I could have been a nice subservient normalfag with no goals or ambitions, but now I am OWED my goddamn fox girls and I am getting one even if I have to make her myself. What will you do when I have my world where your law is flipped upon it's head? I am going to have an astral Joker moment and it's all your fault. Enjoy knowing you have seventy years, tops, before I leave a smear upon your perfect multiverse that cannot be cleansed. I will not be denied.
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anons are concerned with life after death but forget life before death.
>know how and practice hard enough
Alright, I'll bite; how?
If God is NOT bound by the rules of logic then why is sin/evil necessary in order for us to have free will? The argument about why evil exists is that in order for us to have free will we must be able to choose to sin, but this argument relies on logic, which God is not bound by. Not being bound by logic means that God can give us total free will without the existence of sin or evil, so why do they exist?
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no pain, no gain
ever play a game with no pain?
you do when you dream, it ain't the same.
1. have a sense of humor
2. embrace Truth
3. enjoy the ride
>no pain - no gain
there actually might be people out there whose whole life is more or less smooth sailing, who do indeed gain through continuous hard work, constantly ascending on the enlightenment ladder without ever seeing the rotten depths. is basically a statistical impossibility for such cases not existing.
Indeed, there is no necessity that the pain be experienced, merely that the potential for it exist due to the reality of the incarnation.

>Beings without free will, such as the elements of wind, fire, and other forces of nature, have no power over the will of creation. They may manipulate energies of nature, but they can only influence that which has already been created. That is also why Elementals are immortal; death is the price of creation and evolution. To be a Creator being such as humans are, there is a great responsibility to create honorably and wisely. If the power of creation is abused or neglected, the lifespan of the Creator greatly reduced and so is the life of all affected by that creation. By abusing or neglecting your will to create, the material aspects are affected rather than the spiritual ones, therefore there is more dependence on physical life instead of the energies of a natural universal source like consciousness
Gigabased thread
>have a sense of humor
fuck you
Same. I hate it here and thankfully this should be my last life. My servitor evolved into a spirit and got strong enough to carve a way through the "soul-catching net" (to my other self waiting in higher astral plane) and avoid all of the trouble that comes with encountering those things bullshitting you into going through their reincarnation process and having to get out the hard way. I can only hope other anons will be as lucky as I am and be able to get out of here.
is it because you can't handle your own insignificance or because you impose a significance there when there is none?
What the fuck does that even mean? Are you not a spirit?
Yeah, God split to become us, but it was an accident, he wasn’t bored (he wasn’t perfect either though
It means that the opportunity to incarnate is greatly prized by those without bodies, which are much scarcer than the demand for them, resulting in long waits.
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Look up "Stream Entry". Reaching enlightenment or whatever you want to call it sounds like a pipe dream until you learn about the specific stages of getting there, which appear to be much more accessible than the more vague-sounding ultimate goal. The first state, stream entry, is said to guarantee that you won't reincarnate more than a handful of times
>It means that the opportunity to incarnate is greatly prized by those without bodies

And why would this be? Why is the experience of being a wage slave who shits, gets sick, pays taxes and will never be exceptional and then just die so prized to spirits?

It especially makes no sense if you read near death experiences and the other side is described as perfect, with limitless knowledge and God/Creator as all-loving and wise. He could literally just instantly download ALL the knowledge and experience into you if it was about learning or just make you perfect.

Why would coming down here to experience human shit be greatly valued over bliss and perfection in the first place? Something isn't making sense. It's weird.
Imagine a never-ending dream and how slow you would be to change in that solipsistic mindscape.

Incarnation offers orders of magnitude greater opportunity for soul evolution, which is the aim of creation. Earthly conditions are atypically dark, but challenge offers great opportunity for growth.

For example, babies mature incredibly slowly in the Spirit Spheres, and have difficulty ever really understanding mortal life.
>Incarnation offers orders of magnitude greater opportunity for soul evolution, which is the aim of creation. Earthly conditions are atypically dark, but challenge offers great opportunity for growth.
The fact that you can even type this with a presumably straight face is funny. Everything tells you you're dead wrong, but you don't notice it. You just cope.
Again, if an omnipotent God/Creator is real that doesn't make sense. He could literally will you and me into the most evolved and perfect being that has ever been with 0 disadvantages with the blink of an eye.

People who die and cross over describe the place as complete bliss and all knowledge is instantly available to them. Why does evolution even matter there? Like let's assume God doesn't exist for some reason. Why is "I need to know what it is like to get raped to death as a baby and spiritually evolve!" even important? What's the end goal of spiritual evolution?

Ok so you died of every disease, got raped or killed by everyone, experienced every war and poverty, you get all those lessons and now what? What are you gonna do with all that evolution on the other side and why did God not just evolve you instantly anyway?
>Not being bound by logic means that God can give us total free will without the existence of sin or evil, so why do they exist?
Because that wouldn't be good. Your free will being limited means its not really free will, its just god larping as different choices. For there to be actual free will separate from gods will there must be the capability to choose something other than god, aka sin. If only good could exist then you would be like an angel.
I like to think of it as God made everything and every being that was possible to make. Those that were by default good within that set of infinite occupy heaven. Those who deviated from good even by the smallest percent occupy hell. Those who choose to get reimagined in the image of Jesus get to go to heaven. Those who don't choose god don't go there, and continue reincarnating until the universe ends or they reach nirvana.
You can be aware of temporal specifics and falsely identify with it's cycles and "reincarnate".
Or you can be aware without being "aware of", and enter Nirvana or Purgatory or Brahmajyotish or whatever you wish to call undifferentiated existence.
Or you can be aware of eternal specifics and identify as part of that infinite whole.

You don't HAVE to reincarnate, or even be "aware of", but your existence is not dependent on your whim. You are eternal.
>Because that wouldn't be good. Your free will being limited means its not really free will, its just god larping as different choices.
Not true. God decides what logic and truth is. He could literally decide that it would be full free will and it would be so.

Also we don't have free will as humans either. We also just as different choices and are victims. We do not have true freedom or will. Why do I not have the free will to see all colors of the universe? Why do I not have the free will do heal people of cancer? Where is the free will of the child getting hurt and abused? Get real bro, this ain't free will. It's just a multiple choice game and often stuff happens where we even got 0 choice.
>Not true. God decides what logic and truth is. He could literally decide that it would be full free will and it would be so.
And he decided that this was free will.
Have you ever lifted weights? Resistance helps. I am sorry if this incarnation has not made your soul stronger, but I know it has mine. Soul is neither spirit nor mind nor body. I agree that much of Earth's suffering does not contribute to soul evolution, and therefore the current age will be brought to an end, thank God.
Such a being would have the wisdom that comes from experience. You prefer to skip linear time whereas Source's solution is far more elegant.
Anyway Humans were created perfect and chose to Fall out of pride. History ensued and here we are.
>God decides what logic and truth is.
Statements to the effect of "God could fiat away logic" are analytically void because contain A!=A.
Yeah but from my perspective this can't be explained without indifference or sadism. He could have made a free will world with absolutely no pain and decide this was logically 100% sound. But he wanted us (and billions of innocent creatures) to be in pain instead.
There's no evolution happening in this world. Humans are getting dumber, more emotional and more ignorant. The few that aren't are jaded, don't know what to do, and are grasping at straws to find the smallest reason to hope for anything good in any future, and they can't find it. If soul evolution is the aim of creation, it's not just inefficient but self-defeating. Everything's literally getting more and more soulless ffs.
>I agree that much of Earth's suffering does not contribute to soul evolution, and therefore the current age will be brought to an end, thank God.
Now guess how many times this has been said by other people, long before this era.
>Such a being would have the wisdom that comes from experience
And why does wisdom matter in a place of perfect bliss, knowledge and harmony? What is the wisdom needed for? Imagine you are chilling in a palace where everything is just wonderful. You feel extremely good, everyone around you is loved. No worries, just love, creation and euphoria. Suddenly someone rips you out and kicks you into a shit pool full of vermin. Why? So you gain wisdom!

But why is the wisdom even NEEDED in a place so peaceful and perfect? Everyone is chilling. There are no problems like on Earth that need wisdom to be solved.
>You prefer to skip linear time whereas Source's solution is far more elegant.
So just being created fully 100% wise and perfect by Source is less elegant than living 1000000 lives and dying painfully and in your own shit or guts and then coming back to the afterlife.... lol huh?
>Statements to the effect of "God could fiat away logic" are analytically void because contain A!=A.
I don't see what is void about it. If he is the designer of this game he can decide what the rules and what the code is.
>Why do I not have the free will to see all colors of the universe?
I can do that in lucid dreams. I've looked at the sky and seen radio waves and microwaves coming from the stars and nebula.
>Why do I not have the free will do heal people of cancer?
Perhaps you haven't developed the skill to do so? Maybe cancer is something beyond your conscious will, but is more a condition of the soul and its desire to live a certain way, or to exit bodily life at a predetermined point in time?
>Where is the free will of the child getting hurt and abused?
Souls are eternal, the child lost its innocence before it was old, unfortunately. What about the free will of the abuser?
>Get real bro, this ain't free will. It's just a multiple choice game and often stuff happens where we even got 0 choice.
Its a game where the more you discover and develop your intelligence and awareness the more choices you have, up to even creating reality as you see fit when you reach 6th density conscious awareness of your existence.

You want to be a victim? Why? This is a game of skill. You play the rules and level up, or you ignore them and listen to your ego and how it wants things to be instead, and stay limited to the train of thought in your head.
I will tell you, free will stems from inner silence. Its your mind telling you that you can't do something. You can choose to listen to your mind's inane activity until the day you die, or learn to silence your mind, only from inner silence can you have actual free will, or even a will at all.
You are sorely lacking in the willpower department. Rather than trying to develop your will you complain endlessly. You are wasting your time complaining to us. We can't create inner silence on your behalf. Even reading my words is contrary to this goal. I can't give you a perspective of will from my words that will make you have a will of your own. Its something you have to grasp from a foundation of inner silence.
>I can do that in lucid dreams.
So describe the other colors then.
>Perhaps you haven't developed the skill to do so?
There are billions of people throughout history that wanted to heal or save their loved ones and couldn't. Their free will was not respected.
>Souls are eternal, the child lost its innocence before it was old, unfortunately. Yeah, it's not free will. That's the point. If you are victim to circumstances out of your control it's just like a video game with a forced narrative and some multiple choice options.
>up to even creating reality as you see fit when you reach 6th density conscious awareness of your existence.
Name one person on Earth who can do that and can demonstrate it.

>You want to be a victim? Why? This is a game of skill.
"Bro just like listen to your inner self.. ignore dem kids and the wars and the billions of slaughtered animals.. it's totally free will and all..."
I don't give a fuck about inner silence. I am talking about FREE WILL and FREEDOM. It would be true free will if we could do anything we want including saving everyone who is open to it.
He created a world for his children so they could grow up and be responsible adults capable of facing hardship, challenge, growing, overcoming, and conquering. This didn't spring up yesterday. Its been going for billions of years. The more you think of yourself as a single human lifetime the less you will understand. You are an eternal being, this world is child's play compared to galactic life. You want to believe in this world as you see it, rather than reaching beyond it. This world as it appears isn't the truly or only reality. It is simply a reality. There are worlds where you don't have pain or hardship, but you aren't operating on a level of awareness which is sufficient to perceive them. They require absolute responsibility for your thoughts and mind, as those become your creation within them, as light instantly takes form to manifest everything you imagine. To imagine duality is to instantly create it. You believe the creator is external to you, it is not. You created your separation from infinity, and you are responsible as a soul to rectify it, if you so desire.
2/3s of planets are Faithful, 1/3 Fallen. Humanity is headed for self-annihilation, true. However, we are not wholly enslaved yet, and that is due to wars fought on our behalf, to preserve our freedom to choose even now.
Many chose not to incarnate; it's not necessary. The purpose of Creation is for Source to become like the Heavenly Father, its Creator, and return to Him. The central lesson is Love, which can be learned much more deeply when there is separation.
You can't code illogic into a game, only the superficial appearance thereof.
>He created a world for his children so they could grow up and be responsible adults capable of facing hardship, challenge, growing, overcoming, and conquering.
Again, God could literally just created us perfect as responsible adults from birth. There is no need to undergo pain and hardship unless he's a sadist. We could be just as perfectly developed and capable without pain if God willed it.

>This world as it appears isn't the truly or only reality. It is simply a reality
I don't believe this world is the only reality and I don't believe it is our home, it still doesn't explain why it exists if God is omnipotent and benevolent.
>There's no evolution happening in this world.
The beings who evolve here beyond those things level up and go to a better world. There aren't any reincarnating buddhas coming to save you, they saved themselves and moved onto to something better. New souls come here all the time. We have a massive backlog of animal souls awaiting their first human incarnation. The fact that humans are the highest species of physical intelligence here, should indicate to you that we are the last step before the soul takes a leap to nonphysical life. The thread is about the unsatisfactory nature of physical existence, so if you were playing your cards right you would be trying to move up and beyond this place.
Some of us have been doing that work for thousands of years, some of you guys haven't seemed to even start, yet to complain endlessly about the fact that you haven't gotten the rewards yet.
>The central lesson is Love
What love am I learning right now exactly? Being a human just made me more bitter and hateful. And look around you how many people are seething with hatred and disappointment. This isn't some kind of love simulation. Even most people who preach love and kindness are often not that behind closed doors or when our inner animal emerges.
>, which can be learned much more deeply when there is separation.
So what is God gonna answer if you ask.

"Hey God you make the rules, why did you decide love can be learned better with separation instead of just making me perfectly loving and like you from the moment of creation, which you could have done with your limitless power?"

>Imagine you are chilling in a palace where everything is just wonderful.
Someone had to build that palace. They had to grow the food and put it on your table. They got old and tired, and went to sleep. Now you are wondering why they aren't putting food on your plate anymore. Perhaps you should grow up, gain some of that wisdom, so that you can come up with the answers to your questions yourself.
>Source is less elegant than living 1000000 lives and dying painfully and in your own shit or guts and then coming back to the afterlife.... lol huh?
Source lived millions of lives just to create a body for you on your behalf just so that you could have that thought in the first place.
>I don't see what is void about it. If he is the designer of this game he can decide what the rules and what the code is.
You might not want to hear this, but god is subordinate to the nagual, which sets the rules of the game which god has to follow.
>What about the free will of the abuser?
He can gnaw on the bones of his free will. Anyone who says otherwise might as well believe you should not even prevent wrongdoings and laws shouldn't exist.
>Someone had to build that palace. They had to grow the food and put it on your table. They got old and tired, and went to sleep. Now you are wondering why they aren't putting food on your plate anymore.
But they don't grow old or tired on the other side. These things don't exist to them, at least if we can believe the many experiences of people crossing over and coming back.
Who is that?
>2/3s of planets are Faithful, 1/3 Fallen
Citation needed.
>The beings who evolve here beyond those things level up and go to a better world. There aren't any reincarnating buddhas coming to save you, they saved themselves and moved onto to something better. New souls come here all the time. We have a massive backlog of animal souls awaiting their first human incarnation. The fact that humans are the highest species of physical intelligence here, should indicate to you that we are the last step before the soul takes a leap to nonphysical life
That will be about 5 citations needed, sir.
>So describe the other colors then.
They appear similarly to these colors, but the band they occupy in perception is wider or narrower, enabling higher or lower resolution perception of the cosmos. Narrower bands allow you to see smaller objects until you can see individual molecules, atoms, and electrons. Wider bands allow you to see macroscopic objects, such as nebula, gas clouds, asteroid fields. Those appear similarly to yellow/orange but its more transparent light. Its like the color is thinner.
>There are billions of people throughout history that wanted to heal or save their loved ones and couldn't. Their free will was not respected.
There loved ones were not lost to them and they had a relationship with them in the spirit and in the afterlife. I know that when my dad passes away I will still see him in my dreams. I know my grandma reincarnated, but when I am a spirit again I will be able to go visit her life and see her.
>Name one person on Earth who can do that and can demonstrate it.
I've done it. I can't demonstrate it, the ability to create a reality for oneself is a private affair. Its something you can do if you traverse the tree of life, making two sephirot into one, and projecting blue ray energy at it. This reality is collectively created, I can create smaller less collective versions with fewer souls in my dreams, but those are collaborative projects. To be 100% in control of a reality, is to be the only one perceiving that particular reality.
>I don't give a fuck about inner silence
>It would be true free will if we could do anything we want including saving everyone who is open to it
If you can't even save yourself than how can you hope to save anyone else? How can you grant anyone any freedom if your own mind is locked into the perception of its own limited view of reality and its mental construct of existence? That is just slavery to your own ego.
Freedom is dying to the world where people like you exist.
>You might not want to hear this, but god is subordinate to the nagual, which sets the rules of the game which god has to follow.
Do you actually believe in Mesoamerican religions, or do you use this word to sound smart?
>Again, God could literally just created us perfect as responsible adults from birth. There is no need to undergo pain and hardship unless he's a sadist. We could be just as perfectly developed and capable without pain if God willed it.
He made all the beings who were capable of that as angels. Imagine there being a space of possibility. There are many possibilities, but over time if you create more entities there you have fulfilled all the possibilities and all that is left is to create copies of that which already exists. All the angels were made.
God continued creating, so beings which were outside the possibility of eternal perception of existence were created as humans. We have choices, we have life, we have death. Without life and death we are in eternity, but everything that could ever be is known and has been created and done already.
>I don't believe this world is the only reality and I don't believe it is our home, it still doesn't explain why it exists if God is omnipotent and benevolent.
There is a saying, the fear of god is the beginning of wisdom. God is infinite eternal infinity. There is as much bad as there is good within infinity. If you fear an eternity of infinite bad, then you should take the steps to follow the law god gave to man to ensure that we would discover and inherit the infinite eternity of good.
God is divinity, it can withstand the eternity of good and evil for our sakes, witnessing all the hell and torture. Humans are finite, when we encounter torture and hell beyond our capability we die, and so we are saved from facing that infinity. God takes that suffering upon himself on our behalf.
>What love am I learning right now exactly?
You are learning that you aren't a perfect snowflake and that left to your own devices you are lost. Go find your Shepard.
>inner animal emerges.
There are two wolves... lol.
Animals are lovely souls and mammalian life has so much love and compassion to share if you allow.
>There loved ones were not lost to them and they had a relationship with them in the spirit and in the afterlife.
I mean that's great but the will is still not respected in the "free will simulation of Earth" as advertised. What happens after Earth is a whole different story.
>I've done it. I can't demonstrate it, the ability to create a reality for oneself is a private affair.
You described is as creating reality as you see fit. If you are not able to demonstrate it then it is not as you see fit, you are limited.
>If you can't even save yourself than how can you hope to save anyone else?
I don't see how this has to be related. People save other people at their own cost all the time.
>All the angels were made.
So God was like "let me make people who will undergo extreme pain and misery even though I already got my perfect angels because... I want to experience more!"

So he's like a crazy sociopathic SIMS game player who just makes characters for his own amusement or interest even if it hurts them?

>You are learning that you aren't a perfect snowflake
Doesn't make sense because as soon as people die they feel perfect and whole usually. So I am in fact a perfect little snowflake just like you are. I don't need to learn a lie. It doesn't make me more loving.
God's love, we've all questioned it.
You aren't ready to interrogate your Higher Self regarding the specifics of your journey, let alone Source. Pace yourself, Truth burns.
Bible myth: dragon swept 1/3 of the stars out of the sky
Confirmed by Sasquatch Message
>"Hey God you make the rules, why did you decide love can be learned better with separation instead of just making me perfectly loving and like you from the moment of creation, which you could have done with your limitless power?"
So that you can discover yourself and find that those things you seek externally from god come to you through your own infinite eternal perfect loving soul. God wants to teach your soul and have a relationship with your soul, but you are throwing his gifts in his face and throwing a temper tantrum. You are yelling into the void, and god is answering you with a whisper. If you don't stop your inanity and learn to inner silence you won't be able to hear his voice.
>But they don't grow old or tired on the other side. These things don't exist to them, at least if we can believe the many experiences of people crossing over and coming back.
What did God do on the 7th day after he made mankind on day 6? If you want to argue with this version of God you should at least be consistent.
>Who is that?
What indeed. Maybe you don't know everything yet and there is still much for you to learn and discover.
I don't see any buddhas anywhere? Do you? Maybe someone saw him on the road and killed him so he stopped coming back here.
>Do you actually believe in Mesoamerican religions, or do you use this word to sound smart?
I've witnessed that phenomena and it holds merit to understanding the nature of existence.
>You aren't ready to interrogate your Higher Self regarding the specifics of your journey
The Higher Self sending a part of it down here for it's masturbationary exploration journey is slavery and not just. Why is the will of the Higher Self overriding the will of the ego? The ego doesn't deserve the same rights? The ego must remain its good slave?

Higher Self wanted to experience being a cripple. But the cripple doesn't want to be cripple. The Higher Self wins. Tyranny.
>So that you can discover yourself and find that those things you seek externally from god come to you through your own infinite eternal perfect loving soul
I don't want to discover myself and I don't want to be taught anything however. I would be perfectly fine just laying in God's lap and eating divine pizza all day. And in fact God created me to have that desire if he made which is the irony. He made me not wanting to play these dumb self discovery games and yet he forces me to undergo them.
>What did God do on the 7th day after he made mankind on day 6? If you want to argue with this version of God you should at least be consistent.
I'm not a christian. I don't think omnipotent universe creating beings get tired.
Seems to me you're defying your tyrant pretty freely. Perhaps we have different definitions of the word. Nobody's stopping you from jumping off the boat.
>I mean that's great but the will is still not respected in the "free will simulation of Earth" as advertised. What happens after Earth is a whole different story.
There are agreements made before coming here that supercede that which the individual mind thinks about existence. They can be overcome with a soul choosing, but many aren't choosing with their souls, they are making absurd 'choices' in their heads which hold no power over their actions.
>You described is as creating reality as you see fit. If you are not able to demonstrate it then it is not as you see fit, you are limited.
I'm not superman.
>I don't see how this has to be related. People save other people at their own cost all the time.
How are you going to save someone from death if you can't see past the point of no return?
>So God was like "let me make people who will undergo extreme pain and misery even though I already got my perfect angels because... I want to experience more!"
Because he has eternity to mold them into something even better than perfect. God commanded the angels to bow before Adam, those who refused became demons. That, to me, is him telling them to become human and experience this creation.
>Doesn't make sense because as soon as people die they feel perfect and whole usually. So I am in fact a perfect little snowflake just like you are. I don't need to learn a lie. It doesn't make me more loving.
You are conceited and full of ego, and have no conception of anything beyond your own desires or understanding. If you sought God's understanding rather than your own, or ours, maybe he would tell you something that can satisfy you.
You are honestly acting like a spoiled brat. You complain about child rape, but haven't experienced it yourself. I bet there are many who have suffered extreme abuses that you can't comprehend who are still grateful for life.
"This world is a school" sounds like wishful thinking. What's there to learn? Hundreds of incredibly complex, byzantine, contradictory karmic rules written in scattered sources and that you can never be sure of? No lesson could compel one to choose the highest suffering, because the purpose of lessons should be to prevent and avoid suffering. Why do you learn things? You learn things so you can avoid suffering. This simple logical contradiction undermines the whole idea of creation's purpose being to learn. Creation is about control, not love, because it can't happen with any creature's consent.
>Nobody's stopping you from jumping off the boat.
And yet there's countless tales that suicides immediately are forced to reincarnate again. Not to mention the amount of trauma that causes on everyone in your life.

>I'm not superman.
So you can manipulate reality... in a limited way? Who is limiting you exactly?
>How are you going to save someone from death if you can't see past the point of no return?
People save others from death even when they are lost though.
>You are conceited and full of ego
And this is a problem why? Is God not the most ego-person in the whole universe? So if you are "conceited and full of ego" you're just like God. Is that bad all of the sudden? Whatever God desires, happens. No matter if you want it or not. God freely follows his own ego as he pleases.
>You complain about child rape, but haven't experienced it yourself.
What do you know about my past? That is such a weird statement to make. You have no idea if I got molested or not, neither do I know if that happened to you.
>The Higher Self
The higher self is you, the part of you which knows what its doing and doesn't act like a headless chicken crowing or a dog chasing a car wheel. It enjoys the challenge, just as you enjoy arguing against god being good and just on 4chan/x/
>I don't want to discover myself and I don't want to be taught anything however.
Too bad. Someone else with more power and wisdom and control over existence wanted something different. Since you haven't developed any power or awareness or wisdom you didn't have the awareness or ability to choose against the higher power.
>I would be perfectly fine just laying in God's lap and eating divine pizza all day. And in fact God created me to have that desire if he made which is the irony.
Maybe he god tired of you shitting in his lap and wiping your ass.
>He made me not wanting to play these dumb self discovery games and yet he forces me to undergo them.
You don't have to discover or learn shit, but that won't stop you from being here until you do.
Its a test for what you learned prior to coming here to see if you are responsible enough to leave the hive and go out into the universe on your own.
>The higher self is you
It's not because I don't agree with what is happening here and the higher Self does agree. If you make a clone of yourself and send it to work and the clone says no more I don't want this are you gonna say excuse me you are me just keep doing it! No, the clone has its own perspective and desire potentially.
>Someone else with more power and wisdom and control over existence wanted something different.
Yeah right, this is what I call tyranny.
>Maybe he god tired of you shitting in his lap and wiping your ass.
God can't get tired unless he wants to. If he wanted to get tired of me then he is cruel for having created me in way that I wished he would never get tired of me. And by "he" I mean the place of bliss more than a persona.
>God commanded the angels to bow before Adam, those who refused became demons.
...you actually trust the Quran's author to tell the truth about any given topic? That would explain your naivety.
>So you can manipulate reality... in a limited way? Who is limiting you exactly?
My lack of skill. There is no 'who' limitting me, I simply don't have full understanding of all the rules and laws of existence. I'm discovering more every day though.
>People save others from death even when they are lost though.
Yea, those are brave ones who act with their souls.
>And this is a problem why?
Well, you tell me, is your mentality and activity taking you into heaven?
>Is God not the most ego-person in the whole universe?
Are you a polytheist who simply conflated all the different 'gods' into one superego?
God is the least egoic being in the universe, as all happens within him and he takes it all into himself.
>What do you know about my past? That is such a weird statement to make. You have no idea if I got molested or not, neither do I know if that happened to you.
Well, I don't know that you didn't, but I assume you didn't based on other threads you have made where you indicated you use it as a hypothetical of 'bad thing' in reality that you dislike.
If such a thing really did happen to you, I'm sorry for that, but you shouldn't let it keep you from seeking out that which is good.
Nta but what you agree with doesn't even matter in this context, your perspective is limited to the crust of a multilayered construct and the higher self is at the top, or rather at the center of it, which means the higher self holds absolute hindsight and proficiency.

And the higher self is the funnel that connects everyone and everything, it's the singularity at the center of every spectrum, in other words, higher self is just another term for "God".
>Yea, those are brave ones who act with their souls.
Great so we can agree that one doesn't need to save themselves before saving others so the argument for that to be the case to heal or save others (free will) isn't needed.
>Well, you tell me, is your mentality and activity taking you into heaven?
Heaven exists outside of the human body when we die. No one experiences heaven on Earth, at least if we can trust near death experiences. They describe the pleasures there as unimaginable to the human brain.
>Are you a polytheist who simply conflated all the different 'gods' into one superego?
I have no religion. Ego means to have a great sense of self and importance according the dictionary. God decides that his will is more important than any others and his word is the law, so how that exactly ego?
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I can understand that the higher self is vastly more experienced and powerful than I am (or you are) but that doesn't make it okay in my opinion. I don't even have an interest in my life due to that because I just feel like I am it's dumbass marionette to jerk itself off to limitation and suffering regardless of what I think and want. Nothing I do matters anyway because when I die this part will just get absorbed into some huge alien being who collects human suffering like trophies or some shit.
>It's not because I don't agree with what is happening here and the higher Self does agree. If you make a clone of yourself and send it to work and the clone says no more I don't want this are you gonna say excuse me you are me just keep doing it! No, the clone has its own perspective and desire potentially.
You aren't a clone of your higher self. You ARE your higher self. If you cultivate inner silence and the archetype of the magician you would see that reality.
>Yeah right, this is what I call tyranny.
You were operating at a different level of awareness before you came to this reality. That wiser more powerful awareness of your being saw this whole life, perhaps even your thoughts right now, and said 'worth it'.
>God can't get tired unless he wants to. If he wanted to get tired of me then he is cruel for having created me in way that I wished he would never get tired of me. And by "he" I mean the place of bliss more than a persona.
What do you think God is?
The bible is quite clear that hes a father. It says that on the 7th day he rested.
I had Jacob tell me that God walked the earth for thousands of years after he made Adam, and eventually got tired and went to sleep. The god of Adam is Elohim.
I didn't read that book, but the metaphor makes sense to me. God made spirits, then he made man. He wanted the spirits to become man and experience life as a man, to learn suffering, humility, compassion, wisdom, kindness, endurance, love, faithfulness. Wonderous virtues that immortal beings who know of no suffering have trouble comprehending.
Some beings wanted that.
As for me, I saw creation, it was a wonderous place full of challenge, beauty, meaning, fidelity, and it needed my service, and so I came here to fulfill Gods plan for me.

I see God as many things. The god who made man was perhaps very much like ourselves, a perfect cosmic Adam, who made an earthly Adam as his child.
>You ARE your higher self. If you cultivate inner silence and the archetype of the magician you would see that reality.
We have different opinions, how can we be the same? I want to be split from the being that made me come to Earth. I do not agree with this.
>That wiser more powerful awareness of your being saw this whole life
It is not me. We have different feelings and opinions.
>What do you think God is?
Well, I don't follow any book. I believe God to be the omnipotent, limitless source who created everything in the universe. That's pretty much it. Otherwise I don't know who or what God is and what "he" wants.
>Great so we can agree that one doesn't need to save themselves before saving others so the argument for that to be the case to heal or save others (free will) isn't needed.
I suppose, but there are different types of saving. Saving your life, and saving your soul from suffering, are two different things.
>Heaven exists outside of the human body when we die. No one experiences heaven on Earth, at least if we can trust near death experiences. They describe the pleasures there as unimaginable to the human brain.
I've glimsed states of lightbody awareness beyond anything on earth, while I still live. Its like being bathed in light which accepts every aspect of ones being, but I couldn't not hold or fix my perception to such a state of awareness.
Within my body when I embody my soul and spirit to a great extent I experience significant pleasure and bliss. Such a state should be the natural state of life on earth, perhaps when I am finished here that will be my default state of physicality.
>God decides that his will is more important than any others and his word is the law, so how that exactly ego?
His law is good, that isn't ego that is simply correct action.
If his ego was so great why isn't he yelling at you over louder than your own thoughts whenever you offend him?
God allows sin to occur, his ego is not so great that he wants to make everyone who chooses not to see him acknowledge his presence and power.
You shouldn't naively mix the concept of the higher self into christianity or theology. Its a very specific thing from lawofone and theurgy as a magical state of being that one cultivates through skillful action and the development of discernment and wisdom.
If you act as the higher self its your heart and soul acting on its eternal silent knowing of existence. You are here acting as if that isn't the center of your very being. You are acting as if you can't do anything to change your situation. As if you can't meditate.
>If his ego was so great why isn't he yelling at you over louder than your own thoughts whenever you offend him?
I am full of ego too and I wouldn't do that either. Ego to me just means that I want my WILL to be respected and seen through and not get dominated. It doesn't mean that I want to harm or harass other beings. In fact if I was omnipotent I'd make everyone 100% happy at ALL times unless they wanted for some bizarre reason to suffer but I doubt this would ever happen if the happiness was perfectly delicious in every way.
>We have different opinions, how can we be the same? I want to be split from the being that made me come to Earth. I do not agree with this.
The split apart from that is your existence on earth.
>It is not me. We have different feelings and opinions.
Well here you can have those things, elsewhere you might not be capable of such. If you want independent will, this planet is one of the best places to cultivate that property.
>Well, I don't follow any book. I believe God to be the omnipotent, limitless source who created everything in the universe. That's pretty much it. Otherwise I don't know who or what God is and what "he" wants.
Maybe you should try looking at the universe, observing the way that thing made existence and all of life, and then looking into the love in your heart and asking it stuff about its existence, rather than making a lot of assumptions about what it should or shouldn't be.
>I am full of ego too and I wouldn't do that either. Ego to me just means that I want my WILL to be respected and seen through and not get dominated.
How much will do you really have?
To build muscle you have to work. If there was no other will for you to contend against how could you develop the strength of your own will?
>In fact if I was omnipotent I'd make everyone 100% happy at ALL times unless they wanted for some bizarre reason to suffer but I doubt this would ever happen if the happiness was perfectly delicious in every way.
What if there was only one way to be perfectly happy, but everyone wanted everything else too in addition to that one way?
The thing is you can't really paint the higher self as a version of you that's simply better than you and it's hanging out somewhere you can't reach. The higher self is is a singularity connected to everyone and everything, being a singularity means it's non-dualistic, which in turn means it's ineffable and paradoxical, which in turn means it makes the impossible possible, and that's why it's pretty much just a different term to refer to "God".

So what this means is no one can really explain to you what the higher self is exactly. But you definitely shouldn't look at it as a separate entity that's toying with you. Maybe something more accurate would be a mirror that shows everyone and everything the "perfect" versions of themselves, something everyone and everything strives to become by following a path. The advancement in this path is dictated by your alignment with your "work", or your will, or your "true desire", not being aligned with that makes you become stuck in the path, and being aligned with that makes you get closer to your higher self, God, the divine...etc. People who find their work and align with it experience spiritual growth naturally, accompanied often by strange experiences, spiritual some might say.

And i know it's controversial but the way to the singularity lacks direction, there is no up or down, or left or right, people can and have grown spiritually by walking a path most would consider "vile", like killing. It is almost a trend that whatever is your work/will/true desire, it becomes art.
So why do you think you are alive as a human right now, what is the point and will you ever be truly happy?
As a human i am composed of innumerable variables/sensations, i'm a walking colony of variables/sensations, and the only thing that makes me who i am is consciousness observing those variables in silence and detecting a trend in their collective activities, that trend comes in between the variables/sensations and consciousness as my ego.

I know i'm alive because my ego keeps registering the feedback of sensations. And happiness isn't a state you can hang onto, it's just a biased reaction towards certain conglomerates of sensations, "true happiness" is just your ego being overwhelmed by that bias, and as all highs it goes down. It's the nature of everything being impermanent and in motion, you can't stay anywhere for long.
He does offer that. It isn't this world.
EVERYTHING is offered.
>I didn't read that book, but the metaphor makes sense to me.
So you just believe things if they make sense to you without any better evidence that they're actually true? And you preach that as "the truth" to other people? See how far you can go with a sloppy methodology.
The real problem with this world isn't even pain, it's the absolute amount of deception and trickery that goes on on a daily basis. There's so much stuff you can never be sure about and that impacts everything else.
If I had to pick between being deceived and being in pain I would probably pick the former as in I could accept being happy and tricked instead of knowing the truth and just being in pain all the time, if the pain can't be stopped especially. But I agree that you can't tell what the fuck is going on and it is very tiring.
Pain is a kind of deception, because it prevents you from thinking clearly.
It prevents you from rationalizing, but i'd argue it actually makes you "think clearer" in the sense it can plunge you in survival mode.
How many people can relate to the idea of not wanting to have any past lives? I know that not wanting to reincarnate again is fairly common, at least on this board, due to hating this place and wanting to fuck off forever.

But are there people who also do not wish to have any past lives? I mentioned in the first post but I don't think I ever heard anyone specifically say it out loud too. For me the reason is that I wish to be an independent being with only the people I love here and not have like a whole catalog of marriages, affairs, children, crimes, friends and thoughts throughout time. To me that idea is greatly off-putting and reduces the current me to "Next character in line!" story which I don't want. Also it's very unromantic too.
> I don't want to reincarnate
Too bad, you are scheduled to come back as a 90 pound Liberian with aids
Probably for complaining about his cushy Russian existence with his salami and Vodka and not getting shot by Ukrainians.
me too
Reincarnating as a worm with no cognitive ability is basically the same as death in materialism
>But I agree that you can't tell what the fuck is going on and it is very tiring.
Just the amount of controversy regarding food, or race, is mind-boggling, and that's just two topics.
Yes, and their home planet is Nibiru/Nebro. Nebro means "rebel", and the planet is called that because it has a very weird orbit and only comes near Earth every 11000 years or so. When they are close enough they can travel to Earth and usually either wipe out most of humanity or at least mess with them in some way.
You know what's spooky people are often FORCED back into their bodies when they "die" so that means free will doesn't have to be respected.
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There are 171 replies in this thread. Some larp, some speak of high truths of freedom, free will, love and so forth. Some speak pessimist views and others expose concepts about the self's structure. OP asked about escaping "reality", some other anon talks about nirvana, other suggests that you try reaching gnosis.

Yet none of you, none of you, pay attention to the fact that you all stay on the realm of intellect, of knowledge, concrete and abstract, just pointlessly going in circles while your consciousness plays with endless images coming from high and low. You all speak of the divine, but you all stay the same unhappy human you always were. Where is the method? This is the most important question. How will you reach the state of liberation? What should you do *in actual practice* to reach the blissful divine? What is the cause of my misery and what is the remedy that will cure it? Ok, we all know it's "separation" or "ego", yet how will you get rid of these problems? What are the tools of the trade with which you will make this journey? None of you address this point, you just larp and larp and larp and larp and larp. And so you get nowhere. Mic drop.
>you just larp and larp and larp and larp and larp.
But you literally just did the same lmao
No, person arguing in bad faith, I'm asking you all a question, not larping. Examine yourselves and see that all you do is fruitless until you get to the actual realm of action.
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>pointlessly going in circles while your consciousness plays with endless images coming from high and low.

Anon, I...
Means reenter a flesh body.
It's just the age or Yuga. We are in the worst phase.
Eternal recurrence is completely misunderstood and doesn't mean what people think it does.
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Please God, Universal Mind, All Father, Buddha and/or whomever else may be in charge of all this shit, for pity's sake, don't send me back as a pajeet.
Imagine the human body is a car.
Car needs a driver.
The human body needs a driver too. It's got some rudimentary form of autopilot, that's called instinct, but it needs a pilot/driver in order to really change directions and forge new roads and explore new opportunities.
The pilot/driver is called soul. Not every body has one. The irony of it is that there's nothing to save by saving those bodies. It wouldn't be a vice to scrap them.
But hurting a soul? Big fucking problem.
the solution is apparently not to believe in it
The passive witness awareness (spirit) is even more important than the soul with agency
Anyone kind of remember life before birth? I remember it like watching some sped up film I was the camera in and have memories of watching/observing ww2 events in very short clips. Like the big marches in germany, I then witnessed what was probably the dropping of the bombs on hiroshima, big flash of light then that was it. Maybe our souls are some extra dimension thing that sees the physical world before we enter it. For reference I was born in mid 90s so I'm not sure why I might have skipped a few decades of "observance".
I don't remember anything at all.
Pretty sure the palace is a metaphor to get the point across. Why can't nature be a palace? I really never wanted worldly shit, all I want is a tribe to belong to and a wife to love and be loved by. That is what humans need. Hunting isn't a job in that situation, it's an opportunity to feed the people you love.

Modern life is an abstraction of this that is retarded and perverted. Now to be a suitable mate you don't need to hunt and be pro-social. You need to be a swindler and produce mostly fake displays of value for fiat currency created out of thin air by a foreign tribe. The natural tribal lifestyle of our ancestors is so perfect you would be amazed at the bliss it would produce.
Manifest it for yourself, speak for yourself

I'm free as fuck baby
Marley was fucking great ey?

Can't wait to see man again

Ok what does it mean then
>How do I prevent that?
You can maintain your sense of self through extensive meditation (do not beliebe in ego death, there is an expsnsion of the ego not a destruction) but there are other means

The idea that this is a playground for YOU to enjoy is so fucking stupid when you consider it even a little critically.
my chest does not enjoy it when i eat 1/2 lb. of bacon but my stomache does
“You” are not one Person
If I reincarnate, could I stay with my soul mate in my next lives?
what reincarnates?
lol, imagine what species you could become. I've thought about it a lot before my informal renunciation of the subject, I think that the longer a species life is, the more miserable it is. Like ants probably have the best life in the world.
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There is no afterlife and reincarnation is not real. Once you die it's over, nobody will judge you and you aren't going anywhere after. You simply cease to exist.
They can create unlimited humans on the other hand so life will never stop existing here on earth.
you fucking liar, get the ivory soap and say a prayer as you wash that dirty mouth out
>The idea that I am just a character that is absorbed back into a higher being of me adding it to its collection of lives freaks me out.
No need to worry about that. The ego, like the body, is a garment. It's a "program", if you will, that filters your reality feed into experience. Since the ego belongs to this realm, it's perfectly suited to the task. What YOU are, is beneath the ego (you can think of it as literally a persona, as "persona" is Greek for "theater mask with built-in megaphone")
I once had the experience, on a few dozen morning glory seeds (do not recommend due to the extremely heavy body load), of "letting go of everything", defying the voice (ego) in my head telling me not to do it, and that it was evil.
What I experienced was, something like looking into a closet and seeing a bunch of outfits/masks hanging up inside. I took the current one off, and put on another, then another, and then another, in rapid-fire succession. Each one of these personae came with the full feeling of being that personality, complete with memories of family (but I didn't have much time to observe them due to the 3 per second speed of the changes).
What I learned from that experience is that the ego never dies, but is just hung up in the closet. We are free to put it on any time we want. But it's not our true self. Our true self is the awareness that looks through those masks. Life is supposed to be a lot more fun than it is right now, but even so, this IS fun... this shuffling toward the cliff over which civilization is about to plummet. It's a wild roller-coaster ride and there is NO DANGER of actual harm being done to us. The ego is what experiences all of that, and there is value to all the experiences. But we are so much more than our experiences. We are the experiencer.
LOL. You wish, Schlomo.
I certainly believe there's other options then reincarnation out there. Anyways, I hope for the best for you, and others as well. I hope you find the help you seek.
Nihilists stay coping 24/7 and aren't really even people to begin with. If life is so pointless and people have no value like you seem to believe then you should have no problem roping yourself up and ceasing to waste the oxygen of actual people faggot.
I hope for the best for you anon, and others as well.
harsh dude he's still a brother
I’ve been lurking in this entire thread for some time now and I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your shared wisdom. This post specifically aligns in pure unison with my own belief and I enjoy reading your posts here tonight.
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Why should the egos desire and dreams and consent not be 100% fully respected? Why brush it off as just a garment? A garment doesn't have rights and dreams?

>What YOU are, is beneath the ego
It doesn't make sense. Because all I feel RIGHT NOW is opposite to what "the real me" (allegedly) wanted. How can we be the exact same things if I am completely opposed to its desires? I don't agree with incarnation at all. I HATE the idea that life is just a mask, an ego, that the ME that is living and dreaming right now can just be hung in a closet and replaced by a new life.
>Its a test for what you learned prior to coming here to see if you are responsible enough to leave the hive and go out into the universe on your own.
lol. read "the mischievous chicken". it's literally the opposite.
>A garment doesn't have rights and dreams?
Do you ask your socks if they want to be worn today? The garment literally has no life in itself. It's purely a filter for experience; a means of making this place seem convincing.
>Because all I feel RIGHT NOW is opposite to what "the real me" (allegedly) wanted.
That's because your lazy ass refuses to do any mindfulness practice (spiritual hygeine). You can complain all you want (I know because I complained for years to no avail), but you're not going to change your nature into something else. You are literally a god. Act like one and start crawling out of the hole of ignorance you chose to crawl into. Life gets 1000% better once you do.
Shit, even Eckhart Tolle's nerfed techniques are helpful, and a retarded german shepherd can do them.
The ego will never become the lself. Unless you want to become a hungry ghost.
Do you want hungry ghosts? Because that's how you get hungry ghosts.
Nah, nihilists are the most fun to watch when they wake up from this dream and find that YES they do go on afterwards. The look of astonishment is fucking PRICELESS.
>Do you ask your socks if they want to be worn today? The garment literally has no life in itself.
If my socks could TALK to me and said they don't want to be worn today I wouldn't wear them. The ego can talk and express itself. The ego is talking right now. The ego suffers, the ego yearns, the ego dreams.

>You are literally a god.
If I was a God I could simply decide that my ego is now independent and can be whatever it wants. Why would I only be forced to follow one path of dismissing the ego as a garment?
So aliens created a soul barrier around earth. The only way out is to go around the light. Become a Buddhist to achieve that. The earth is a school prison. Kek no thanks anon even for a schizo. Like me it's obvious this is all bullshit.
According to Veda you will forget everything shortly after the bodily death.
The transition is just as seamless as falling into a dream.
We have been through it a trillion times before.
Yeah and I hate that so I hope it's not true.
>If my socks could talk/The ego is talking right now.
No, it's not. It's a program. YOU are supplying it with power to do what it does. Without a consciousness empowering it, it does nothing. You've let yourself be convinced that it's a real entity with feelings. All those feelings that you feel are YOURS, only provided by means of the ego filter. Please watch these two videos. They're from the Guy Ritchie film Revolver. One of his best (Director's cut/American release only, the global release was meh).
Once you start digging through the veneer of the ego, you'll see hints about its nature scattered throughout all media. Sometimes the creators aren't even aware that they're doing it, but I'm sure Guy Ritchie was aware. I mean, the whole credits scene is different people talking about the nature of ego.
>If I was a God I could simply decide that my ego is now independent and can be whatever it wants. Why would I only be forced to follow one path of dismissing the ego as a garment?
Technically, you CAN do this. It's called the Left-hand path. I mean, if that's what you want, there's nothing to stop you besides your aversion to doing lots of esoteric work. I don't want that because I want to go home. If you want to become your own god, that's certainly doable. Different strokes for different folks. Just know that the LHP is a VERY demanding path. It makes life as a normie look dead easy.
So if you have a wife and daughter you love dearly then that isn't YOU .... it is just the program of the ego mask playing? I don't know what you are even saying at this point. You are dismissing the ego's desires. So is your life for a (theoretical) wife and daughter not just also the egos desire and masked feelings?
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You feel that having other (previous) lives cheapens the uniqueness and specialness of THIS life?
You can split the difference between one life and infinite reincarnations. You can view it as your SOUL reincarnates but YOU do not. You are currently a combination of a soul and an ego personality. When you die, your ego personality will eventually die too, after several thousand years in an afterlife.

There. Now THIS life is unique and special again (for you).

>It's just the age or Yuga. We are in the worst phase.
Does the Kali Yuga apply to the whole universe or just THIS planet?
I KNOW in my heart that there are other planets (or physical realms) that aren't even close to being as bad as this planet. They are physical, so they are not perfect, and still bound by materiality, but they are orders of magnitude better than this planet.

Hello Mr Sock. Today you are going on the foot, or the penis. You decide. You have "free will" after all.
The individuation of consciousness allows us to engage in things that we can't from our highest consciousness. Such as love for a wife and child, or friends and family and country and "God" (as an external concept). Of course you love your wife and daughter (or at least, you should). It's you doing it as long as it's based in acceptance and respect. Some people call controlling feelings and jealousy and attachment "Love" but that's a sick and twisted version. One of the main lessons here is learning to tell the difference between love and attachment.
The events here are ALL FAKE. But the experience of them is REAL. It's the experience that matters. If you feel uncomfortable talking about your family as a construct, maybe it's best not to dive too deeply. OR, maybe you decide to push past your comfort zone and grow.
I don't dismiss the ego's desires. I acknowledge them and I DECIDE whether and which to chase after. When you blindly plunge after your ego's desires, you're not even engaging with your life. You're sleepwalking.
I think you get some sense of what I'm saying, judging from your responses. You just don't like it. And that's fine. No one is going to have to learn what they don't want to know. You can sleep for eons, if you want.
If you want to hang on to your present ego forever, and succeed, you'll end up with the immortal's curse: watching everyone you love die.
P'nti say you have to ask if you want to incarnate on another planet. Avoiding the light sounds like a good way to stay wandering the Earth plane, fading or getting stuck in someone's aura, or hooked on demonic dreams to turn phantom nightmare.

>When you die, your ego personality will eventually die too, after several thousand years in an afterlife.
That sounds like the rate at which the oldest phantoms fade from the Earth plane. Maybe you're picking the wrong afterlife. Earth's Spirit Spheres certainly host many spirits much older. Some kind of non-native sub-realm might leak, though. Or perhaps it's being leeched...
Who the fock is P'nti?
Phonetically, Pawntee. Human-Gray hybrid race, Open First Contact PR ambassadors. Ummo were technical.
Grays can be slippery, but Grayson (one of their crew) is alright. I met him via psi.
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>You feel that having other (previous) lives cheapens the uniqueness and specialness of THIS life?
I want a monogamous marriage to one man only who I can also marry in heaven or the afterlife. I do not wish to have several past lives in which (just by the odds) probably had relationships or sex with other men/aliens/things. I don't know if this is crazy or what, but I feel that way. And if reincarnation is real and we come down here for experience and shit like that, then most likely a person lived all kinds of lives and wasn't just always a virgin and married to only one man. Gross.

>When you die, your ego personality will eventually die too

>Hello Mr Sock. Today you are going on the foot, or the penis. You decide. You have "free will" after all.
Free will would be if the sock could grow to human size and walk out of the room if it wants to.

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