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Is he right? Is he wrong? Discuss the paranormal implications and if we are all going to make it (or not)
try writing up a qrd with a few pertinent facts, claims and the source for them, if you would so kind. not spending time extracting a few minutes worth of info from one of these long rambling videos.
>Get YOUR Penis washing Creme NOW. Sponsored by MANSHAVE!
kys danny jones shill
imagine posting something like this and then not caring enough about your own subject to bother posting anything other than a video. lol. buy an ad.
By the looks of it, the only thing that this fucking goatee seems to be an expert in is fucking Metallica lore, fucking his cousin and chugging monster energy drinks.
He looks like a pharisee lol. Just strap one of the those gay cubes to his head lol
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Dude I had no idea there were so many mouth breathing satanist talking heads out there until danny jones came along.
The biblical canon was like a snowball, slowly accumulating more content. First there was just the Deuteronomic Code of king Josiah, then the first five books (Pentateuch/torah) with the rest of the Old Testament considered to be just useful books. Later the early Christians considered only the Jewish Bible to be scripture and the New Testament to be basically apocrypha. This snowball effect have religions in general form. Still there may be bits and pieces of truth in them.
*is how religions in general form
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How many has he had on his show?
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Does he believe in ancient Israel?
I'm not gonna watch 2 hours of this creepy looking dude lol

Just give me a summary OP
he does not look like an enlightened person
He did not like the debate with Ammon Hillman.
He needed to do a 4 hour I'm still right video about what was first
Good on him For the Nobel prize for saying DSS are fake tho
As the face of à démon fuck this tard
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It's seems to be his show's purpose. A lame attempt to drive people away from Christ. Notice his slick production, lightning bolts in his logo and trident's leaning against his back wall.
judging from the Hillman content and the quality of the evidence given (basically nothing) you're probably right
Who the fock is that guy?
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on the shelf behind him
He basically calls Jesus fake and gay
He’s says this guy is only the 2nd non Christian theologian on his show after Ammon
This dude shits on Hillman’s theories of Greek Bible being older than Hebrew anyway
He became a theologian and found out it’s mostly made up stories to teach us about personal enlightenment and hates religion now
He also hates aliens and psychedelics and is basically a Reddit atheist forever
it's the DRUGS, MANE!
>Kipp Davis
>Ammon Hillman
>Gnostic Informant
>Jason Jorjani
All these guys are Satanists including Danny Jones.
So you believe the Jewish god of the Old Testament is the good guy?
Do you believe Jesus Christ is the good guy?
>answers question with another question
why would I engage your retardedness moishe
no one here is worshipping your Jewish aliens
most of these guys attack jews, and point out how they stole from the greeks
you guys are trying to make them anti Christian because they’re anti abrahamic bullshit
>Do you believe Dionysus is the good guy?
Fixed it for you
>most of these guys attack jews
care to provide some examples?
Thanks for showing your cards kike.
Gnostic informant pointing out that Yahweh was another form of Greek gods co-opted by hebrews.
The mention of letters showing the early Christians were copying the Greek pagan churches.
Pointing out that the ancient Israelites were pagan worship Canaanites like everyone else in that time
All this stuff is being said by many different people for decades or sometimes millennia
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Fuck you Jew lover. I probably like the story of Jesus more than you and I’ve read more than these silly interpretations about him
>Kipp Davis
>Ammon Hillman
>Gnostic Informant
>Jason Jorjani
Thanks for the list. This gnostic informant guys not bad. I thought he’d be hard to watch like Ammon but he’s actually easy to understand and doesn’t come off like a douche
Thanks for playing kike.
Hebrews went extinct, you said they attack Jews. What do they say about the people today calling themselves Jews.
These guys keep saying that Jesus was against the Jewish elites and didn’t worship EL/YAHWEH.
I actually agree. Does this make me a satanist?
I've never heard any of these guys mention Jesus, except for Ammon.
Go back and listen to the 3 hour interviews you dumbfuck
Ammon says the worst things about Jesus out of the group and differs from all the rest
All of these guys are recycling gnostic interpretations I’ve heard a million times.
XD legit thought it was gonna be a troll post and the dude was gonna talk about how shit metallica was in the early 2000's
No. Provide links/examples or fuck off.
You’re on 4chan bitch you can click the Danny jones link a listen
Do you expect people to believe biblical experts talked for 3 hours and never mentioned Jesus? You’re fuvking retarded
transcript mentions Jesus 15 times and not once does he say anything about Jesus being against the Jewish elites and didn’t worship EL/YAHWEH.
Glad I didn't waste my time listening to this or you, lying moron.
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>Physiognomy test, failed.

something about danny jones just pisses me the fuck off. his stupid fucking logo face. he seems like a lifelong butthurt seether or something.
I know right? I see that face and I am instantly repelled. Nice .gif
Now go listen to the the gnostic informant one I was referring to specifically
You said they didn’t mention Jesus. I told you all three did. Holy fuck you’re retarded. The op posted interview is tame as fuck he pretty much agrees with you Christcucks 100%
I heard nothing he says that would even offend the Christians here. He’s not at all like Ammon Hillman but you idiots just want to paint those two as exactly the same
They’re not dumbfuck. This is all recycled gnostic ideas. Nothing these guys are saying is new except Hillman calling Jesus a pedo.
You guys come in these threads and give it much more attention than it would get.
I literally went and watched all the interviews because you guys keep talking shit on it. Then you went through and counted how many times he said Jesus and included context.
That shit is hilarious because you’re his best advertisement.
>something about danny jones just pisses me the fuck off. his stupid fucking logo face. he seems like a lifelong butthurt seether or something.

he reminds me of the kind kid who had ADHD and liked skateboarding but couldn't ever focus in school
this was basically my take away.
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>These guys keep saying that Jesus was against the Jewish elites and didn’t worship EL/YAHWEH.

look up "jesus the phoenician" there is compelling evidence that Jesus wasn't a jew and a Phoenician that hated kikes. El was a Phoenician god.
>he reminds me of the kind kid who had ADHD and liked skateboarding but couldn't ever focus in school

yeah, he puts out that vibe.
I believe it. It’s obvious the Jews have changed the interpretation of scripture to make themselves look monotheistic
The Old Testament god is clearly evil
Jesus rebelled against the Jewish religious establishment most of all.
These 3 facts are enough for me to side with the gnostic against the church that stomped them out. These guys are making similar statements.
the entire Bible is very clear that there is only one creator God and that all other so called gods are nothing but figments of mans imagination or, perhaps, an evil spirit.
No. It doesn’t say that Jew boy. It says el is a singular god from the Elohim, a group of gods.
Come let us make man in our image
Read the book before you talk to me faggot
im is used of many things which are clearly not plural
our image may refer to the image that God exists in, which He also made the angels in. Cant rule out plural of majesty either.
Clearly later revelation makes it clear that God exists as triune being, so the plural can well be understood as an indication of that.
seconding this, Danny Jones is a horrible interviewer. He was interested in like kennedy assassination tier shit then took a step off the deep end and now cuts off every interesting guest he has. Impossible.
>these are the people that worship jews on sticks
If they're still falling for a century old hoax by Russoids of all people, they deserve the kike they worship.
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>It’s obvious the Jews have changed the interpretation of scripture to make themselves look monotheistic

yeah, you should really google "jesus the phoenician" it's a book and the author has some videos on youtube. he accuses the jews of being rootless people ejected from babylon that just stole stories from around the area to create a religion around. Jesus being called Emanuel has all sorts of meaning for the phoenician religion. He talks about how Joeseph was probably a ship builder, and that's why jesus was tight was the fishermen

> side with the gnostic against the church that stomped them out

is there a good gnostic book, and the history of the gnostics? I feel like too much in misinfo and don't bother studying it a lot.
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Prove your picrel claim. Post a link with a timestamp. You won't because you can't.
I agree with these guys and not the jews
I’m tired of them stealing white culture and calling it arab
It’s all just stolen from the Greeks anyways
I had the same feeling about gnostic informant at first, especially with the cartoonishly demonic thumbnails he likes to use, but I really don't know.
Guy does research a lot of stuff and has some good videos.
In the end, I am very skeptical of the motivations of a lot of these recent truther individuals who I feel have a bias against anything resembling mainstream Christianity to the extent that they overlook lots of interesting things that even appear in Hollywood plots (think Palm Springs).
>i agree with the Hollywood Jews about religion
I know his scummy cousins who sell drugs and commit tax fraud the hard way with used cars. his utter bullshit about being connected at the highest tiers of iranian resistance was hilarious. all his people are indistinguishable from armernians. 5'4 at the tallest.
Gnostic shit triggers you?
Why are you on 4chan? Just go hang with your people on Facebook
bullshit sold as straight truth bothers me, an Danny jones and his glowniggers are utterly full of shit. go be a credulous mouthbreathing faggot on reddit.
Fuck you christcuck
No one here cares about what makes you angry
Imagine thinking you’re not obvious in your overacting
Real people don’t care about podcasts this much
Danny Jones is literal Billy Carson tier shit
Why are people so upset in this thread? Doesn’t make sense
>Real people don’t care about podcasts this much
says the glownigger apologist throwing a pissfit about a glownigger podcast.
Chill out my dude
You cannot reason with jew worshippers
Fear and hate is what makes people unreasonable, not reverence.
something about this guy's face strikes me as looking kind of retarded
They didn’t pick a great still shot either
I think jones hated him based on the interview
He was basically yawning and telling him he couldn’t understand at the end
jesus without OT sound like hippie redittor, do you guys like weak gods or something?
Jesus is the only cool part of the Bible
Most of it is silly merchant stories about pagan gods
I went into listening to this with skepticism and only 44 minutes in so far but desu it's a preddy interesting discussion
would be interested in the solid facts and evidence the idea is based on. for the sake of the thread and discussion, perhaps you could post relevant sections of transcript, or take notes?
He passed. His nose is straight, hebe. I know that counts as a "fail" according to your "people" but I don't care.
well the main point of contention people seem to have is regarding his statement early on about the Protocols being a forgery, which granted is the consensus opinion and quite frankly does seem to be most likely to me as well, despite it ringing true, there isn't exactly any evidence to the contrary. please, someone correct me if I am wrong about that. a lot of the "leaked documents" presented in Cooper's Behold a pale horse, though captivating and with an air of "sounds right", upon closer examination and scrutiny seem like fakes as well to me.

I don't like this guy Kipp too much, he seems a bit weak in his convictions to be honest, but his studies analyzing the actual Dead Sea scrolls are interesting. His main point is that a lot of these documents have been tampered with and aren't nearly as old as they are claimed to be. he says this is backed up by multiple forms of dating techniques.
im much more interested in the DSS. I've seen nothing to oppose the accepted dating ranges though - did he actually cite those 'multiple forms of dating' or merely mention them without being specific?

ive noticed these guys do this all the time.
so basically a newer fabricated lie is better than old fabricated lie? funny how both the gnostic text and (((dead sea scrolls))) were discovered at mysterious time.. during WW2 and slightly after WW2... like they couldn't have been discovered at any other time, but only after jews had complete control over the world already? Yeah..
danny tried hard to derail Jack Kruse and was not happy when Jack said Mossad killed JFK, but danny is such a poor interviewer that it all got through.
> if we are all going to make it
We make it in the end
So he’s pro Israel?
So you believe the traditional narrative set forth by the Catholic Church? They’re literally controlled by rothschilds and Rockefellers, their bankers
Every single time someone posts a YouTuber. The thread is filled with attacks by obvious glowbots. They don’t even care about keeping their ratio believable. I hate Danny jones but the idiots in here acting like you’re a Jew for questioning the Bible is nuts.
except Phoenicians were semetic.
He has a podcast being pushed hard without any grass roots support, like lex fridman. what do you think?
I don't believe in anything abrahamic that we have today. I hope that answers your question
This. There's no bible without Jesus. I don't care what a kike burning in hell has to say, but that's the truth.
I'm not saying it's related but isn't it interesting the discovery happened around the time of the Babylon Working, Bell Lab's transistor coming out, and the CIA and NATO being established.
That’s right fren
Coincidence? I doubt it
Literally not true. Zealotry makes people unreasonable like any other form of tribalism.
Wise words anon
love and desire are just as able to make someone unreasonable. Many are the ones who allow their hearts to lead them into relationships with those they would previously think unsuitable.
While he does state this, he says the reason for is that there's no evidence to support the authenticity, but he doesn't get further into it than that. I haven't finished the whole thing but he does shit on Judaism quite a bit.
>coincidentally the dead sea scrolls were "discovered" at the almost exact same time that the state of israel was created.
>dead sea scrolls are now the pillar of evidence for the authenticity of Judaism.
>unfortunately his analysis reveals they are all fake.
>Moses likely never existed and is a mythological figure.
>Jews were never imprisoned in egypt
>Jews always existed in canaan, the did not emigrate to that region.
And I am only an hour into the episode. He certainly does not have a pro-jew agenda. He comes off as very reasonable and just unpacks the information as well as providing insight into the implications of that information.
Why lie?
>A 2004 study (by Shen et al.) comparing Samaritans to several Jewish populations (including Ashkenazi Jews, Iraqi Jews, Libyan Jews, Moroccan Jews, and Yemenite Jews) found that "the principal components analysis suggested a common ancestry of Samaritan and Jewish patrilineages. Most of the former may be traced back to a common ancestor in what is today identified as the paternally inherited Israelite high priesthood (Cohanim), with a common ancestor projected to the time of the Assyrian conquest of the kingdom of Israel."
It's not a lie, kike. If the people today calling themselves "Jews" could prove they were Hebrews they would show us their genetic marker via DNA evidence and we'd never hear the end of it.
>be jesus
>long day of pissing the pharisees off
>get home, roll up a couple of kids
>toke the times away
>but he doesn't get further into it than that.
>>unfortunately his analysis reveals they are all fake.
any evidence yet or just the claim repeated over and over in slightly different ways. thats the usual MO
According to him, writing styles do not match the writing style of the period of time they were supposedly written, the intact written scrolls did not naturally decay but the ink was written over top of already damaged cracked animal skins, and the salt residue on top of the scrolls are from processed table salt, not natural occurring salt from the Dead Sea.
ok thanks, so those are the main claims regarding the DSS i guess. has he written any of this up and published, because ive never heard anyone in Biblical textual criticism say anything like this. They are universally accepted even by secular scholars.
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>Jesus the Phoenician
Absolutely fascinating. I can see how this worked. It would explain a ton. Jews were scum, Jesus did try to save them too.
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and this is the one further left. haven't identified the one left of it yet though.

but yeah, this guy's book shelf just SCREAMS blue beam glowie agent.
>Jesus being called Emanuel has all sorts of meaning for the phoenician religion.
It has a meaning for hebrew too.

Emmanuel literally means "God [is] with us"

It's even name dropped in Isaiah.
Was this not glaringly obvious? He literally lived more and entire country further north. He only came down to jewsville for the 3 annual pilgrimage festivals and for 2 years worth of preaching before they killed him.
Holy shit you’re right
>breakfast paradigm tier response.
Stop being an NPC and answer the question
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1 minute in
>protocols of zion are a forgery goy, remember, all that is happening today and aligns perfectly with what is stated in the documents is pure ((coincidence)).
> Is he right?
No u
on the contrary, no u
At least he’s reading about it, even if through limited hangouts
Anybody who listens to this weird looking fuck deserves getting bilked of whatever they put up. Who would trust a man goatee? Fuckin’ Wayne Static’s retard grandpa.
I took one look at this dude and knew he was a retard. I almost doubt that he can read any language but english and maybe his native language if he's is european or something. My phrenology expertise is rarely wrong.
I turned the vid off about 1 minute in after hearing "antisemitic.'

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