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Somebody just tell me the secret. I'm so tired at this point
>>The secret is to let go of everything
>>It's to accept that life wether in this realm or in the higher dimensions was just a 'beautiful accident', that it has no definite meaning or goal,
>> you can enjoy your time or waste it, it's
upto you this is your experience your life to dictate , you are the scriptwriter
>>use harness or pour your energy into anything you can.
If any one of you tells me the secret, I'll share the most valuable info I have. It's stuff related to magic. I know someone who has the secret won't necessarily need to know what I have, but they might find it interesting at least.
Why do you think there is a secret?
It’s literally just some guy.
Good advice, thanks. Don't feel like it's the secret, though (please don't get mad at me). I'm looking for something more fundamental. Something simple that can really help me unify all of it. Something that can produce results reliably.
It's not possible to comprehend. There's an entity reading our thoughts with Taoist magical technology.
PGP keys are secret. There is a secret.
Treat religion, history, and spiritual teachings as an all you can eat buffet. Stuff yourself like the fat ass you are, then shake it around like you're making a cocktail tailored specifically for (you). Do weed and shrooms for extra fun. Then you just have to survive the psychosis and you're golden
Focus your awareness on your awareness.
Hm, because I've found a lot of info that matches up with what I've independently discovered. I don't think most people know about the secret, even on this place, but I'm just hoping that someone knows and is willing to share it. In particular I found this document on here:
and it has so much information that makes perfect sense in light of concepts like remote viewing, chakras, psi, etc. It really felt like a game changer, I read it from beginning to end and did the procedure to manifest an object out of thin air... And failed. I did not manifest any object at all. Which was disappointing as hell, this felt like the perfect fusion of the ideas of Carroll, Crowley etc and really felt like *the* thing I needed.
However, I got the vibe from the document that it's just the spirit model of magick disguised as quantum science (just look at how it asks you to literally coax and persuade energy and "quanta" to work for you). I don't know if the spirit model is accurate. I don't know if spirits are real, becuase I've never managed to see or communicate with one.

Just what am I missing? What is the thing that will allow me to do the kind of Magick I want to do?
the secret is to delude yourself into the life that you want to live. delulumancy is goated.
The secret is that the secret can't be told, that's why you can't find it anywhere online.

It can only be experienced.
The real conspiracy is Pharaoh royal bloodlines. "The Illuminati" is what we often attribute their symbolism and influence to, and the Masons are Pharaonic in origin. Makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
Moses was acting as an Agent of Pharaoh, exodus was a masked expulsion of the Israelites, a trick. It was simple for powerful governing entities to stage small events back then, which they did with ease.
When they merged with the Greeks, they became the deepstate of the Roman Empire. Apollonius of Tyana, or as you know him Jesus, a Greek philosopher and holy man, was another agent of Pharaoh, sent to rectify/destabilize what the Jewish religion (that they were responsible for) had become, and now conflicted with them at the border of their Roman Empire. Christianity also offered them an extremely powerful theological foothold and means to spread their influence across Europe. They were stuck with the Mesopotamian creation myth and the deity Yahweh as a basis, but they often adapted pagan beliefs or practices to fit or vice-versa, because to them it was bullshit anyway they didn't care.
They have always been way behind the curtain. Many people think Jews control everything, but I believe the Jews we think of are firmly under their control, an entire underclass of Jews who they already had a decent rein on.
I also don't think they are human. Idk what they are. They have some kind of power they can lean back on, that has allowed them to always treat humanity like cattle. They just likely aren't human. Anunakki perhaps, aliens or precursors or something. If you find that one out let me know.
pee is stored in the balls
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Depends which secret. I genuinely think I may have pieced together part of the Freemasons “secret knowledge”.
Everything is being created based off expectation. The only losing move you can make is to believe in anything at all. The more you believe something the more you lost the game.
The real secret is that there is no secret at all. The secret is a masquerade so older, mature men can get their rocks off draining the balls of younger, usually more attractive men. It's why all the cults and mystery schools used phalluses as their idols, and why young men crossdressed for the female roles in these rituals. The women weren't putting out enough then either.

If a sagging old man asked you to get naked with him, most people in here would refuse. But pretend like there's a secret and it's part of something to bring real change in idealistic youngins who feel confined to their lots in life? Well that's more reasonable to the ears of a young man even if it's logically more offensive.
The secret is so simple, so fundamental, so insanely obvious, that you already know it. You already know it anon, but you psyop yourself into thinking there has to be more to it
No anon, it really is that simple
The secret is that this thing we experience is not as complicated as many make it out to be. Christ is real and loves you. The Devil and Synagogue of Satan are real and hate you. You will face many trials, and have. You will overcome many, and fail on occasion. The purpose of life is to get through these trials, with love for righteousness and God in your heart. Even when you fail, to get back on your feet and try again; to never give up.
Freemasons believe we’re in Hell.
>must be a monotheist to join
>must believe in reincarnation to join
>strong emphasis on charity and bettering yourself as a person
>leaked video from former 33rd degree teaching the Masons solar system beliefs
>The Summerland (Heaven) depicted as beneath us in video
>”As Above So Below” stressed in video
>If the “Below” side of Earth depicted in the video is Heaven, wouldn’t that make our side Hell?

My general theory is that they believe we’re in a layer of Hell and are collectively trying to force an ascension towards heaven in their next life using charity and rituals in this life. Their inversion of Above and Below depicted in the video could also be why some former members say the high degrees “worship Satan”.
Astral projection and various other siddhis are real and has been scientifically proven by the Monroe Institute and other Parapsychology research institutes.
Existence is consciousness that has both a pure witness aspect and a manifesting aspect. Through the veiling power of maya (illusion) and avidya (ignorance) it can create within itself what appears to be individuals such as you and I for the purpose of evolution through involution. It controls them both within (while ignorant) and without (as God)
Some may try to argue me, those are simply the gatekeepers of this, the real secret.
what's simple? none of this shit makes sense
Is this a good idea?
It's a good idea if you want to achieve very refined states of samadhi, up to nirvakalpa samadhi, where you separate the pure witness aspect from the manifesting aspect and basically exist beyond experience of anything, as there is nothing you can experience that is itself the pure witness of all experiences. Followers of Advaita Vedanta believe this is the true form of God/your true self (same thing) underlying all experiences in the phenomenal realms that are the result of the manifesting ability of that same God
You don't want to know the secret. Trust me. Your life as it is , is perfect
The secret is love
>He doesn't know
The 'secret' is to not become schizophrenics like us, to be blissfully unaware of the world around you and live with nothing but love for your friends and family.
The secret is that we are small fish in a big pond and have the ability to grow into something with a bigger view with the right spiritual practice. Eventually you can't be human to get a bigger view and must reunite with the source, thus give up who you are as an induvial. Or you can continue to operate as a human or something a little bigger but low vibrational similar to a demon. It's up to you right now.
Try to find stability in your life, by finding friends or ppl who care for you. Sometimes you can find just some quiet place, even if it's not that good as what you hoped for. Then you can see where to go next when you've catched you breath again, and start to see again joyful things (for example I love being surprised by smells around me).
fuck spirituals tho, please don't get taken down by some freak that just wants to use you. Be kind and upright
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We are all here in the prison of physical matter because we are being punished for some unspeakable crime we comitted in a higher dimension.
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thinking there is a universal secret in the firstplace is your first mistake.
Even those who think they have it 'figured out' are bullshitting themselves to cope.
there is no way off Mr.Bones's Wild Ride
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actually now that I think about it...
maybe the universal secret is that there is no secret?
> phenomenal realms that are the result of the manifesting ability of that same God
The witness has no agency, this is what monism gets wrong
All is mind, mind is two, phenomena is a trap.
It's all encoded symbolically perfectly well in here:
You're 100% correct, the witness has neither agency nor ability to identify as anything, it's nothing other than a sponge to experience all manifestation, and all manifestation comes from the same Brahman as the witness, yes the witness is always itself pure and formless
this world is demiurg, satan, the devil, yaldabaoth playground, illusion, dream, hologram, simulation
if you get this knowledge on every level not only surface
>yeah ok bro
then you can become enlightened(as westerners translated it) awakened(as it's the correct term) and you can do whatever creative mode unlocked changing water into wine, chsnging westher, walking on water, teleportation, bilocation, etc.
but if you die you still go to the gray death world, the underworld, so be a good Christian and follow Jesus Christ, so you can go to The Heaven when you die, and live forever without hunger, cold, boredom.
So eternal life+superpowers. Sounds good right.
tl.dr this world is fake and gay, praise The Lord.
kys frogposting twitter immigrant
>In order to manifest objects, what our biomind complex has to do in a balanced meditative trance is to know the object and hold a mental image in our third eye chakra and mirror it to a certain coordinates in time/space. We have to know perfectly the object and its structure, in the case of manifesting an orange, we have to know and reproduce its form, weight, shape, taste, smell, interior structure, cells, skin, etc.
did you do that? you need deep trance and focus similar to sats when you are falling into a dream but stsying lucid.
The witness itself is 0, it is both nothing, but even 0 is something, right? Manifestation is 1. These two together creates existence, without 1, it's just 0, without 0, there can't be 1
How to unlock creative mode?
deep long meditation Or near death experience and little bit of luck Or praying for it long enough to be fulfilled Or fasting for 42 days and being blessed by The God Himself.
the easiest way for most basic siddhis would be meditation+semen retention+affirmations
like above so below
you nut in pussy you want to replicate your body thus giving dna to mix with woman's dna and produce another biomatrix for a spirit. If you don't plant your dna inside a woman and don't spill it while fapping then it's not wasted, it is stored and transformed.
yin qi
wake up
just ask
>but what if
>I don't think ack
not ack, ask
just ask and believe and you'll get it this is manifestation this is prayer this is getting things while not even being in creative mode beta waves mode to get into creative you need gigachad delta and deeper waves maybe even gamma waves.
Deeeeep deep trance then it's unlocked pieces get together and they fit this is gnosis this is heureka this is getting it.
it's the difference between hsving knowledge and knowing.
you nees to be transformed on multiple levels.
all rituals of "magicians" satanists etc. is either A to dekude themselves and their beta waves beta brains that they are actually doing something or B do a deal with a 5dimensional no physical body(maybe except parasyte body) astral fags to get something material in exchange of life or some other matter(precious metals).
if you know you know.
when you know you know.
you'll know when it happens.
it's like being a kid and not knowing what love is and asking adults and they give you some explanations and you still don't know and then you grow and get a crush and it hits you like a train.
This is the best advice I've seen on this board.
a the christianity was made to control europe, yet ignore that it was only kept alive for 100s of years by the blood of the martyrs being crucified and tortured for their faith. Such a good and not at all retarded view of history and the world...obviously in touch with reality
> martyrs being crucified and tortured for their faith
Poor misguided souls
Haha, no secret for you.
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Seeking the answer is an eternal quest that you'll never finish.
Those who think they know, don't.
Those who know, know they don't.

There's a secret that a galaxy sized sentient supercomputer is still searching for.
Everything we know is small biz, there's too many peas in the soup between you and the big man. Try to solve some problems first before you get all escoteric and shit, haven't even mitigated human suffering for Christ's sake.
Everything is simple or in what we can comprehend and know
ding ding ding!

> My frens

The secret is thus:

1. You are a fragment of pure consciousness

2. You are currently in "Hell" which is basically a consciousness cage for those who have a rebellious nature and need more time to mature

3. This entire universe is mental, it's consciousness

4. You can tap into this 'field of consciousness' and do supernatural things

and the biggest secret of them all?

> 5. [redacted]
> [redacted]
> [redacted]
you are here to be nice to others.
You aren't allowed up there until you can accept that
you will be receiving the secret message soon. do you have a land line?
You asked.
God knows how freaking awesome I am. We're all just a bit confused on this material plane, driven to worship mammon (money) just to survive. They make this hard on purpose. God loves a fight. God loves a game, and a play. So get in the game.
"It's a secret" is grifter code for "shit we don't really understand".
You have to live life instinctive and split-second, going with whatever first impulse hits you.
Walk outside, walk back in, or walk outside, down the road, walk back, grab all your cash, walk out, grab the bus, ride it to some fucking place, wind up homeless, pick yourself back up, do crack if someone offers, stuff like that.

When you jump into the maelstrom of life its particles will synchronize with your soul and protect you on your adventures as you blaze out and the storm reduces you to calming ashes.
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We were intelligently designed, are makers evolved in Alpha Centauri
this is how psychopaths and satanists reason
read the article instead of making noise
Your mom is a satanist psychopath
Yep, sums it up entirely
hey buddy c'mere.
(i lean into your ear)
This is it if anybody was wondering
Demand God for His presence, don't settle for less.
The secret is that you're probably having your brain poisoned by the people you mistaken to be the antidote.
The secret is to let the secrets find you.
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Cum jars.
You're welcome.
will only abuse the shit out of you

you think the creator of this shit reality loves you lmao

he just wants treat humanity like a torture ant farm
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I kind of like it here, not knowing.
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The secret is when the student is ready the teacher appears.
semen has healing properties for cuts and scrapes and oral discomfort
This guy gets it.
Delulu is the Solulu
The world is round and the West run by Jews.
You're supposed to be doing good deeds.

Especially the ones that are uncomfortable, tedious, difficult, stressful, and in no way cool or something you can brag about later.

Yeah, those.
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell.
understand the nature of your tiredness yes.

keep it flowing.

fucken hell

gotta fuck hell
viral ideas are ideas with traits that make people want to share them or traits that make people want to know them
Like how christianity says 1) keeping this information is the highest good, above all real life, 2) spreading this information is the required
It is organised to latch on to weak minds
I posess the final, ultimate truth of the universe, but it does not have any viral charecteristics at all
It doesnt help me, or harm me, and it doesnt mind what i do
The only reason to posess it is out of a simple love for the truth
there is no point repeating it, as no one would listen, but i would like to inform you that is doesnt matter
The game was rigged from the very start and the will (the life, the spirit, the one thing that speaks to itself) has already won
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look at the timeline, it was actually only persecuted for brief periods under a handful of specific emperors, probably for thesis-antithesis-synthesis reasons (and to feed the egregore, a willing sacrifice offers a very different flavor of loosh...)
>Synagogue of Satan
>mentioned in one verse of a highly metaphorical and probably coded collection of personal letters and early schizoposts
>quoted by racists every day on here
why do "Christians" build their lore this way?
He's real
Not in that experiment yesterday, I'd did not enter a deep enough trance. But after reading your post, I did try a deep meditative trance today while repeating the experiment (although this time I tried to manifest a small rubber ball instead of a guitar pick). And... I failed. Again. I experienced new and interesting phenomena, but I did not achieve my goal.

What could I be doing wrong? I think one problem is that I don't really release the built up energy properly. I don't let it explode, it just short circuits inside of me at the end of this ritual. Something isn't right.
There are many answers to many secrets. Say I might be "well versed" in spiritual knowledge and I could offer an answer. To give a concise answer can I ask you what the nature of your question is and why you are asking it? What is your present situation at this moment that incited you to ask this question?
Basically the secret is that I can't believe anything that I've ever read, seen, heard, been told. I can't believe anything.

So basically I'm most likely just God having tricked itself.

What else is there to say? People act as if things are happening to them. When in reality, they are doing them.
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christ oil aka sacred secretion.

you're welcome.
penis genital phalus keys

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