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Is alcohol bad, spiritually speaking? I think in measured amounts it can bring you closer to the divine. Benedictine monks were allowed to drink alcohol and still brew beer. But being drunk feels bad and demonic.
Spiritually? No.
Physically? Yes. And this would be bad for the spiritual side, since if your kidney is damaged, you will constantly need to pee, which would make rituals impossible to conduct (in case you need them).
If being drunk for you feels bad and demonic for you I am sorry your past ancestors did not revel in good times and drink in celebration for centuries upon centuries upon centuries giving you the ancestral genetic link that gives you that joy also. you lose out sir, good day.

t. 8 brews in
Moderation is key. Getting black out drunk is never ok.
>Moderation is key. Getting black out drunk is never ok.
This is what I think too. Two of those Chimay blue beers give me a good buzz and I feel more open to meditating or reading things like Meister Eckhart. I think that can't be bad. But if I drink much more, like 5 strong trappist beers, I get an aggression in me that feels wrong.
Depends on the dosage. Getting sloppy drunk is weak shit depending on your constitutiom. Unfortunately your personal reaction to high levels of ethanol, like most drugs, is hardcoded.
Alcohol feeds your parasites. If you have no parasites, you have no interest in alcohol.
posting on 4chan feeds my exposure to retarded fucking takes. if I didn't know how fucking retarded the takes of some are, I would have no interest in 4chan.

t. 9 beers in
>But being drunk feels bad and demonic.
that's not because alcohol, it's because of you
just burn it out using alcohol, praying that nobody gets hurt in the process... humans are resilient
t. equivalent of 7 beers in
It caused The Mexican Cartels to exist so Yes
Alcohol damages your body. It's not completely bad, it has medical and transformational uses. Not suitable for regular use.
It's not completely bad in all situations but it can be pretty awful in general. Look at how people act when they get more and more drunk. Generally impulsive and immoral.
drinking whiskey is great for practicing semen retention
if I was Pope, I would ban alcohol except once a month when you get free alcohol (equivalent of 750ml vodka in either beet spirits or liqueur) at the temple
just like Hebrews used to get meat, in biblical times, only at the Temple
you drink it all in one go? your business
you portion it to drink a bit each day? your business
you sell it? your business
you get the idea.
Drinking a bottle of whiskey turns me into a goon monster the day after. And I can't drink whiskey (or any alcohol) in moderation.
I miss being in my 20s
Bad hangovers tend to lead to a lot of masturbation in my experience as well, just as a way to cope with feeling like shit
Yes. Pay attention to how your body reacts. Also drink plenty of water to avoid the hangover.
Good ol whiskey dick
alcohol and weed are both cursed. finally quit smoking after 7 years. Immediately more spiritual in my life. Instantly more successful in astral projecting.
The difference between poison and cure is dosage.
based Theophrastus
yes. using mind-altering substances is basically a form of suicide. you are here in this life to be you. however, there are those who are so spiritually bankrupt that using substances will actually enable them to be less evil, but this is only because they are so profoundly lazy and stupid that they have no other options, practically speaking. if you can avoid it, do so.
this >thinking it can bring you closer to the divine is a mark of low intelligence, low spiritual evolvement. no it can't. but if you really believe that, you might have no other way to "feel" something.
Congratulations on generalizing a certain subset of people who are only enjoying themselves with merriment while you wail about the evils of what was put on this Earth for the people who when imbibe truly see true merriment, but you throw the stupidity of your views where you judge men who you will never meet in your life. congrats to your life of absolute sobriety, may you always remain firm in your naive viewpoints that will get you no understanding.

t. 11 beers in
>Wine is like life to men,
>if you drink it in moderation.
>What is life to a man who is without wine?
>It has been created to make men glad.
>Wine drunk in season and temperately
>is rejoicing of heart and gladness of soul.
>Wine drunk to excess is bitterness of soul,
>with provocation and stumbling.
>Drunkenness increases the anger of a fool to his injury, >reducing his strength and adding wounds.

Sirach 31:27-30
yea i was talking about you faggot
So do you have any vices of yourself truly enlightened one? You have no vices that bring upon what you deem imperfection upon humanity? People just having a good time such as me who have high tolerance to such things and partake every now and then are deemed a slave to such bitterness due to their partaking based on scriptures from long ago? I would like to hear your original thoughts.

t. 12 beer or so in
You suffer from alcohol abuse disorder. Nobody needs 12 beers in a day. A friend of mine suffers from alcohol abuse and just had an episode of acute pancreatitis, a complication that can happen to those who abuse alcohol. They had to cut him open to operate and put him in a coma for 14 days.
You speak on such a low level wavelength I feel amused to discuss this with you. Continue on, in this world it may swallow you whole, better watch out because there's far more pressing matters than people drinking in excess.
I think it's good.

Says in the bible it's good unless you drink and vomit or are a fool and injure yourself.

I'm more afraid of cultures that don't typically drink for example muslims and hindus tend to go berserk after 1 cider they think they're the hardest cunt in the pub with a sword. Watched enough liveleak videos to know this.

Drinking in moderation and enjoying life is key. Just dont act like a drunk faggot.
Yes, it breaks the precepts of Buddhism to get drunk. It leads to dullness, heedlessness, and vow-breaking
My spirit friend tells me I'm drinking poison whenever I drink a beer.
t. 4 bitter and 1 bottle of wine down
it's a portal to demon possession when you black out. There's a reason alcohol is called spirits.

Everything in moderation though.
usually when i drink it is a negative experience but for some reason there are times where I get a really good buzz. problem is that it is impermanent and you want to keep it going so drink more even though that never works.

I think just 1 high abv drink should be enough to get a good buzz. usually a beer. hard alcohol rarely has a good effect on me though.
I would normally say fake and gay, but my mum drank 3 bottles of wine and was screaming like a demon and behaving like she had just entered the room... so... yeah... she had emotional issues with my father and summoned something rough... Didn't remember a fucking thing after!!!

Me though been drinking since I was 18 and it only brings me joy desu, never blacked out tho only went to sleep.

Spirits aka 40% alcohol should be avoided there's a reason it burns your throat and it's overkill anyway. For example Amy Winehouse died from drinking 2 bottles of whiskey.

A nice one is a gimlet tho just mix lime juice, gin and water, yummy
>Is alcohol bad, spiritually speaking?
> Benedictine monks
Who cares? Monks and monasteries aren't from Scripture, it's from Hinduism. Who is your authority anyway? A bunch of guys in silly robes or the Word of God?
>Says in the bible it's good

There's two kinds of wine in the Bible and one is wine in the cluster ("Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster") and the other is also called strong drink in the Bible. Wisdom is not a matter of moderately consuming strong drink, but avoiding it altogether. In the scripture about the last supper, the term "wine" isn't even used but instead "fruit of the vine".

And when Jesus turned water to wine, the Bible says they were already "well drunk" meaning they drank a lot, not that they were "wasted" on alcohol, otherwise it would've been sinful to give them more alcohol; clearly this is talking about fruit juice, otherwise maybe you have a fondness for bars/clubs and want to defend going there.

And people can have a hard time understanding how much of a pleasure or luxury it was to have fruit juice or even high quality fruit juice; today people can simply go to the store and find their favorite juices year-round. You even get the tree-huggers whose "environmental" ideas and proposals and policies are really just mental, it's like they really think food just comes from the grocery store sometimes.
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Don't know about spiritually but it destroys you physically, especially if you do it too much. Had a two year stretch where I was a full blown alcoholic. Drinking at least on drink every day. It got to the point if I want an a wee bender, like three days without being sober. When I eventually sobered up I would get the shakes fever, diarrhoea , vomiting, night terrors and some hallucinations. I'm way better I go several months without having the itch to drink but if I do even if I only have like three pints I bee fucked up for a few days.
There is almost certainly a genetic contingent to it. If you have a family member that is an alkie you might be more likely to become one too. Though this is an extreme example and a lot of people can drink somewhat regularly without any problems.
On the spiritual aspect of it if you are drunk somewhat regularly you're probably not able o be as spiritual as you want to.
This. I thank my ancestors for being party animals
Sorry you were too weak to handle those spirits
I like to get a few cans deep and work on sigil intentions, helps with forgetting intentions by the morning. I did 10 last night for a shoaling experiment and have absolutely no clue which is which, however, if I do it sober I recall them all. It's a tool, a deeply enjoyable tool
Candida loves it
the problem is generally staying within the measured amounts
>Benedictine monks were allowed to drink alcohol and still brew beer.
there's probably a lesson there: brewing takes planning, discipline etc. and if you want to drink it, you will have to plan ahead for that, not waste your time
>usually when i drink it is a negative experience but for some reason there are times where I get a really good buzz. problem is that it is impermanent and you want to keep it going so drink more even though that never works.
yea this is the main drawback
if we had a pill that made you want to keep going... or a pill that made you instantly sober
>you drink a large beer or two small ones
>relax with it for 30-45 minutes
>take the pill, sober up and work for 2-3 hours
this would bring us closer to Heaven and not because of the alcohol but because the work we would be able to do
at least that's how I see it
>a pill that made you want to keep going
I mean one that made you stop wanting to keep it going
It can't be, whenever I drink it cures me insomnia and feel better
funny it works the other way around for me: I drink 2 beers after dinner and I have energy until the morning
tried using it to correct my sleep schedule, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
so I just say pass
Alcohol is the devil.
For me.
3.5 years sober and ive never enjoyed life before now even if i noticed without a shadow of a doubt im being severely gangstalked i can deal with it as long as im not drunk.
I have a choice to take the first drink but after that first drink i no longer have a choice.
That's just my experience.
Some people can handle it i guess but those people dont drink much.

My friend drinks because theyre not an alcoholic
I dont drink because i am one. - norm Macdonald rip
Mormon detected. You must return to the safe space designated by your stake president and never come back here. You are a heretic.
Haha everyone look at this alcoholic trying to shame everyone. My life is 100x better without alcohol in it.
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>Monks and monasteries aren't from Scripture, it's from Hinduism.
r u retarded
monasteries are defined by walls i.e. they are mini-cities basically
hindus NEVER developed walls, they remained a world of villages no matter how big the population of said villages are... they never became cities... that's the main reason why they shit in the middle of the street and have garbage EVERYWHERE
If you have to ask you already know. I think wine has its rightful place in society
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the sweet spot for a man is probably the equivalent of 2x 330ml ABV beers (~500ml would be too little 2x ~500ml too much unless a special occasion when 3x ~500ml is allowed but not a drop more)
for females half that measure is advised, so 330ml 5% ABV maximum (unless a man has the need to reminded of what the female sex is made of)

the most absurd thing about alcohol I've found out is that it makes me feel like I did jack shit for the week I have been stone drunk non-stop... but then I discover the fruits of my labor and in amazement cry out "I might as well have been stone cold sober!"
yet still I recognize that it strips man of the the other fruits: those of attention and awareness

so it's like that old question of the devil vs. death (or the devil and the deeep blue sea if you prefer)
It has hops in it and gluten.
Get drunk on wine, make yourself a salad with oto clear the gut.

bunny hops?
I rarely drink. And every time I do, I feel like shit, sleepy, heavy, headache. And this is only after two beers. The only time I can enjoy alcohol is when I'm on amphetamines. Alcohol is the most overrated goyjuice there is.
i dont know how to process the music- what do i do with it?
tell me more about that age old question, I've never heard of it
here you go, you are probably ching chong and unfamiliar with the tool called "search engine" or even "wikipedia"
ding dong
Alcohol is bad when you take it with an empty stomach or if you take it too much then it poisons your body and you get really sick.
Like playing pool with a rope.
I tried to limit myself to drinking 3 days a week and when I drink no more than 3 drinks.

I drink heavy trappist beers, so I'm counting 3 trappist beers but it's really 5 drinks because they have a lot of alcohol. (Up to 10 %).

This seems to work well but there is often the temptation to drink more, so it is treacherous. With alcohol there is a kind of gluttony, a strong desire to keep drinking. It's like getting close to actually sinning, or becoming open to the influence of demons, and stopping just before you reach that point. A risky game.
some peoples liver can hadle it better.

some people wont get vilolent on it

some people may not ever get withdrawals

i dinrk 4 bottles of vodka a week

the only downside is that its expensive. and i am only able to sleep for 4 hours straight so i will have to sleep mutliple times in the day. to get my 8 hours. i eat raw meat and organs with fruit so my nutrition is straight. as long as you eat nutrient dense food make sure to sleep. you can drink forever.

but i need it for my sales job.

i usually get black out drunk twice a week and i dont get headaches or hangovers .

i just wake up drunk still.

i have been drinking since 2013 heavily. binge drinking is my favorite.
what do u sell
real estate? used cars? pharmaceuticals? tobacco? alcohol?

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