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How does this make you feel? Try not to blaspheme
It's just a jew magickal name for God. I prefer Shiva, it's cooler.
the true god cant be named because there was nothing before it to name it
I read your language dont distinguish letters from numbers.
Its not ineffable even by the kikes own admission. YHWH is just the heeb cope for God not trusting a jew and never revealing his true name to Moses.
“The One who was, is and will be.” is pretty cool
We know his name, it's Yaho.
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kike comes from kikel because jews wouldn’t write the letter “X” as it’s too similar to Aleph, which is another representation for God. Early versions of Aleph was a Bull/Ox. An early version of the Aleph Bet/Alpha Bet, another meaning for One/1.
It roughly translates as "spirit of god creatively manifested and dwelled in man who can also creatively manifest and dwell in his own creations"
is god's name the same as the simulation's developer?
it’s meant to represent breathing sounds, as in the life you breathe, you breathe because of God
Simulation theory is just how absolute midwit hylics can digest the concept of a created reality
I manifested this response
doesn't make me feel like anything although I can surely appreciate someone who feels when seeing that thing
that being said I did found real life processes (I'm a scientist) which unironically conform to the formula so that's that
The name of God is G R A G
>jewish magic
not impressed. it's their accounting that scares me.
There's many deep secrets to the YHWH formula, it can be manipulated for worldly gain. Im sure there's other anons who know more, please do share.

From Christopher Hyatt, book "to Lie is Human"

The Formula of Love is Tension (Yod), Charge (Heh), Discharge (Vau) and relaxation (Heh)

Apply Gematria and it sums to 2333, which reduces to 8 meaning To Will
It's exactly the same concept. If that is midwit tier, then you're bottom of the barrel tier for not understanding it.
Close enough?
I turned to this entity and all he did was give me suffering and grief

he's a scam. bible is full of failed promises
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Behold the hand! Behold the nail!
Be thankful he showed you his true character, it means he probably likes you more than most and wants you to be aware that it's a scam.
>he thinks its because it looks like an aleph, not because it looks like a tau and it makes them seethe over christ the messiah
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Shiva and YHWH are not at all the same thing tho...

YHWH is the generative principle that bridges the causal and the astral realms, it shines unrestricted light into the forms and matrix experienced by the soul at the astral level and lower. If higher light is the power supply for creation, YHWH is the CPU and GPU, thats why kikes, who are obsessed with control try to make it manifest their bullshit world government by manipulating the collective minds to align the manifestation codes being sent to YHWH.

Cattle bring about the exact reality their farmers make them believe subconsciously. Media and Government are the iron fist in the velvet glove all to keep as much of humanity in line as good little manifestation cattle
When I realize that we are all speaking God's name when we breath that did impressed me. Remember, there aren't any vowels in God's name, but the sound of the letters sound like someone breathing and that's why I say we are all speaking God's name when we breath and we don't even realize. God is always with us. He may turn His face from us, but He still knows what we are up to. For His sake, we can't even go more than a couple of seconds without saying His name when we breath and when someone dies this means the person is no longe breathing.
you say "hey vay hey yud" when you breathe?
no, its YGRHVCS
That's not the ineffable name, but only an abbreviation of it. Each letter represents one of the 4 portions of the full name, which it is told is extremely long, and which in themselves supposedly describe the 4 qualities of God.
Not much honestly.
The calligraphy is interesting but that's about it honestly.
Hail our people
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Take a deep breath for a few seconds. And Close your eyes while you do it so you can focus a little better on the sound you make when you breath. When you push the O2 in that makes a sound and when you push the CO2 out that makes another sound. These two sounds sound like God's name. That's what I meant. I hope it is clear now.
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This is YHVH, a canaanite pagan war god the tribe of Judah sacrificed children to.
In the beggining he was called 𐤀𐤕
After he breathed his breath(spirit) into 𐤌𐤃𐤀 he breathed his first breath and the name above all names was pronounced: 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.
He's a demon, and I do not fear him.
It's not ineffible and it's not a name.
>try not to blaspheme
Loaded language.
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for me, it's Chuck

failed promises

narcissistic abuser
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This. Moses asked who he is to tell the Jews sent him down from the mountain. YHWH says in essence, "I am what I am," completely dodging the question. He then commands them to not kill one another, and instead go and destroy the idols of other gods and wage war against their followers. They commune with him by slaughtering a goat and dripping its blood on the Holy of Holies, between the cherubim, on the Ark of the Covenant that he gave them to wage war.
Boy that sure sounds familiar. I wish I remembered what other old testament entities had names that gave you power over them if invoked. It's just on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember it.
The j*ws invented that.
HE knows when I talk to HIM
>Shiva and YHWH are not at all the same thing tho...
Protip: none of them exist

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