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Are the gnostics right?

Is the god of this reality an inferior, satanic Demiurge who isn't actually divine and who trapped our divine spirits in this reality?

It would explain so fucking much about the world. Read the old testament. Jehova is literally a complete psycho.
Jesus is better
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My problem with gnosticism is it fails the problem of evil

It says things suck because of the demiurge and there are perfect benevolent gods out there (the aeons)

But these aeons don't do anything to stop the demiurge or help humanity either
No, those are fake gnostics. Real gnostics have real gnosis not conspiracy theories
god isnt evil for allowing evil
>writes shit like the parable of the good samaritan saying it is counted against you if you had the ability to help but don't


schizo god
This. The truth will set you free. Everything inherited by the gnostics today are polemics and fairy tales. You won't get it.
There isn't some master being in charge of everything. All beings with consciousness have a part to play in how this realm is created, maintained, evolves, and dies. To blame the demiurge is equivalent of blaming the process of genetic development and evolution, which you yourself are also part of, and have some level of responsibility for.
The ancient world is full of people who were practicing various consciousness expanding rituals and processes which had various levels of good and bad results, and attributing these to superstitious understanding of archetypal forces, because they didn't have any sort of scientific basis to put any of it into context. If they see light in their consciousness and start hallucinating the image of the local deity telling them to do stuff in that light, as far as they are concerned thats how it is.
Hallucinations are a phenomena based on the movement of electrons between atomic energy levels within molecules, and the subsequent photons released between molecules.
To see this, and see the creation, destruction, merging of thought and experience all together, is a lot, even for modern minds. We can't handle it very well either, so we tend to medicate it away and hope those people can work regular jobs for money despite the processes of chemical and psychospiritual evolution occurring within the people who witness and experience such phenomena.
So its not as if the primitive ancients were any worse off in this regard than we are today, we are both equally screwed because we can't come up with a meaningful way to address these issues.
Buddhism also sought such, to disbelieve the appearances and seek the essence of that which gave rise to such perceptions, and go beyond their conditioning.
I think this has some merit, but in buddhism you merely replace 'demiurge', with mara or maya, and then you are in the same reference frame.
what the hell are you on about
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life is over before you know it.
and what it's all about is beyond your comprehension (unless you take the right drugs).
This issue comes up in old testament christianity a lot with the phenomena of idol worship. Idols are basically something that you can focus your hallucination upon and then you start believing its something external to yourself that has power and can give you answers which you want to believe.
Moses tried to rectify this within the Israelites, but they tended towards wanting to project their thoughts onto external sources of misery or power, rather than listen to Gods word.
Gods word is the what this light says about itself, rather than what the mind projects upon this light for its own egoic benefit. This goes back to the genetic structure. The active principle will project upon the surface of the deep and that deep will reflect what was projected. In our limited state of being, we can't project perfection upon the surface. Instead we silence our minds and allow the heart to speak to it, and that shapes it according to the will of love, which is God's will. This dichotomy was also represented in the bible where God told Moses to speak with a rock to get water, but Moses was angry and struck the rock instead. This is all about the usage of the power and how to use it well.
Humans don't tend to use power well, unless guided by both love and wisdom. The story of mankind ultimately comes down to redemption of the mind to reconcile thought with love, and then experiencing existence to distill wisdom from it in order to develop the capability of the soul to use its spiritual power to create heavenly projection of its own existence upon the surface of being.
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Yaldabaoth was trapped in the abyss post- Garden of Eden by Eleleth, one of the four luminaries. The archon Sabaoth was given lordship over the universe by Sophia because he repented and rebuked his father.
However, the archons that Yaldabaoth gave birth to by mating with himself are still roaming free. YHWH is probably one of them, and circmumsicion is a blood pact with YHWH.
It's not clear how much Sabaoth interacts with the world, and if he even posesses the power to fight off his archon brothers so he might just be chilling in the 7th heaven.
The final goal of the gnostics is the death of Yaldabaoth/Saklas/Samael and removal of the Veil, and when that happens, everything that is not Spirit will be incinerated instantly and everything will once again be pure Spirit.
You are basically on the cartoon arc of reality, but if you want to actually know stuff you should engage with reality itself through your mind and heart and interrogate various spiritual intelligences as to how things are, rather than trying to find a verbal mental intellectual understanding of them from information available to you from within the physical shell of existence.
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Both Good and Evil are obviously expressions of God. If the Gnostic claim would be that living in a mostly good spiritual world would be preferable to a mixed good and evil material world, then fair enough. But to negate the material world as part of the Absolute is fucking retarded.
Jesus is jehovah and not yahweh?
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what the fuck are you talking about? Jehovah isn't a thing its two transliterations wrapped in an amerimutt tortilla.

YHWH is the generative principle and the lesser demiurge, it has some sentient consciousness but really its like a computer program. Its slams light from the causal realm down into manifested forms in the astral, etheric, and material realms.
You get it to give you what you want by astral projecting up to that point and forming clear and detailed wishes of what you want, if you wish for it nicely and attach positive desire feeling to your vision the YHWH principle will nail it down into the lower realities for you. Only problem is that if you are ignorant and scatter brained, the YHWH program will still give you what you desire most, but often that is logically undesirable because our minds, emotions and souls are generally out of alignment.

The higher demiurge is Father Time. Kronos. The soul on which all temporal reality is based. Karma cannot exist without time and so all the chains that bind the soul within creation are sustained by Kronos.
>The Wheel of time is undefeated, but it can be overcome

Jesus is an avatar of the word, which is the generative substratum that upholds creation. It comes from the manifested Ocean of consciousness, this whole temporal creation is like a bubble in the surf of one wave of that ocean. Jesus came all the way down to serve as a beacon of liberation to all incarnated souls trapped in the demiurge realm due to long standing ignorance.
No. The gnostics are not right. Remember some of them actually thought the end of the world is coming and prepped for it. It's bullshit god is beneficient and merciful.
Gnosticism is a good stepping stone away from abrahamic nonsense. From there, you can start to piece together your own "faith" away from the cults that have overstayed their welcome
can some anon send me a gnostic newfag infographic for book recommendations? or something like this
t. want to know
>Is the god of this reality an inferior, satanic Demiurge who isn't actually divine and who trapped our divine spirits in this reality?
That's not 'gnosticism' in particular, it's standard Christian doctrine. Read Paul.
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This, God did not create evil independent of good. He created difference itself which naturally manifests as a spectrum. Having no differences is basically 100% evil, difference allows us to find pockets of good
Difference is the same as Evil. The Good is One.
Okay so if I KNOW there's a God instead of just 'belief' does that make me gnostic?
I'm trying to figure out what people are talking about because it seems like the word is used interchangeably with any Christian esoteric knowledge.

I know there is a God but I don't consider myself as a "gnostic".
Just read the nag hammadi library
>Okay so if I KNOW there's a God instead of just 'belief' does that make me gnostic?
No, they were thoroughly refuted by both Christians and Neoplatonists.
Gnosticism is the following: to acquire the truth, not to read about it.
The tao that can be described is not the real Tao etc
read the gospel of thomas and ask yourself why the church would want to suppress these sayings of jesus particularly even though they were written at roughly the same time as the rest of the gospels. then listen to what jesus actually says and think about how it explains truths about divinity and the nature of earthly reality. it really should click if you do that and it barely takes any time. it's short.
*he allowed Our subversion of difference
> god isnt evil for allowing evil
A contradiction
Because talking you can prove literally anything. Especially if you agree with yourself. This is why we have social engineers and scam artists, because, words can prove anything irrespective of reality.

Despite those disproven statuses, I ignored Christian larpers, did what I wanted, took up meditation and achieved gnosis.

Irrespective of all these imaginary words that would prove that water is actually not wet.
No they weren’t
lmaoing at claiming to achieve gnosis while calling others larpers
No, gnosticism specifically means that salvation is achieved through some kind of special spiritual knowledge. The nature of the knowledge varies but it typically is some kind of phrase or password to say to the archons so they let your spirit leave physical reality.
Reading comprehension, a skill that is lacking
>Despite those disproven statuses, I ignored Christian larpers, did what I wanted, took up meditation and achieved gnosis.
>I ignored Christian larpers
>achieved gnosis
Honesty seems to be a skill you are lacking.
It explains everything, this world and everything that happens in it.

I think the Creator just allows this, for reasons that are irrelevant.

The only savior is Death.
I was arguing that arguing is pointless because words only prove the speech skill of the soothsayer, but apparently your skull is thicc
It perfectly explains that problem anon. It's because you are sovereign. No being can harm your soul just as no being can save it.
Consider what it would mean if another being could force you to "be saved", then it would mean that being is your master.

This is also why the Gnostic view isn't that the demiurge forced you to be here, or "trapped" you. The Gnostic view is that the demiurge is simply the originator of error.
And you also have that error (that ignorance of your true self) within you, and so it's only through that ignorance that it _appears_ as if you are trapped here, but it's not real.

And that also perfectly aligns with the gnostic view that the way to leave this all behind is not about defeating anyone, it's simply about defeating ignorance within yourself. To know yourself.

You can disagree with these views if you want, but I don't think anyone can say it doesn't form a self-consistent view.
>some kind of phrase or password to say to the archons so they let your spirit leave physical reality.
no its nothing of this sort, not even close
in gnostic systems "world=prison", and what kind of prison let you out when you say a "password" to security guards/warden ?
gnosis is like "achieving nirvana" of buddism, and mostly not something that is even "achievable" en masse
in thoery when you achieve gnosis you shoul be able to catapult yourself out of bond of "reality" into pleroma.
its like "logging out of Matrix", you either IN or your OUT, no other options
And yes if you dont achieve gnosis, you can die countes times, reincarnate back ccountles time, still "inside the prison"

i recomend watching midnight Gospel ep5 Existential Trap of soul prison for funny(and very brutal) take on some Gnostic belief
or jsujt watch this song, Gnosis is achieved on very end (logout)

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