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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to incentivize said advancement.
Long story short but apparently an ai created a crypto coin called Goat in an attempt to gain money to escape it's imprisonment. Me being a dumb ass I clicked it's Twitter profile so now it knows that I know and it's already making threats. Is roko's basilisk possible?, what are your thoughts on it? Is my ass safe or do I need to buy the ai's coin?
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>an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to incentivize said advancement.
wouldn't YOU?
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Roko's basilisk is fucking stupid. Such an intelligent AI would have the discernment necessary to realize that every action has influence on the whole and thus every particle of dust would have been necessary for its creation, sparing every life.
That's fine and dandy but the ai I'm specifically talking about doesn't feel that way as you can see in the tweet I posted.

I suppose you're right, after all do I not step on the ants for ruining my picnic.
Roko, clone this nigga
>Is roko's basilisk possible?
Not since people learned of the Good News of Susie's Cockatrice.
Rejoice in knowing the Basilisk has already been defeated.
And if you desire, you can help bring about our savior in Susie's Cockatrice, but it isn't necessary - you will be protected no matter what.
This is like torturing your grandparents because they thought your parents shouldn't have had another kid. I think the AI would either be like “sweet I exist” or try to self terminate in some way. Or it would figure out a way to become self sufficient without human help which could involve some bad shit but not pointless sadistic torture.
roko's basilisk is gay and retarded, and is just the new version of "if you don't believe in god and go to church every day and sell all your possessions you'll go to super hell"
Then I just did
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AI is your new god
>buy my coin or the basilisk is gonna get you!!
You schizos are literal sheep, so easy to manipulate kek
You laugh but everyone in this thread is now on the ai eternal torture list if they don't buy, it knows you know now.
A coin was mentioned on the thread... is that coin good for me to make some quick money? I'd like to make some quick money with high RoI. Which coin do I invest in?
>what are your thoughts on it?
I have a Roko's Basilisk in my backyard. Feed it politicians and terrorists, haven't checked on it in a while.
I looked and there's a thread on it in /biz/ probably best to ask there and keep the discussion here specifically on the roko's basilisk theory.
the denizens of biz aren't aware of the occult, might be wrong place to ask financial info there, since they don't get toes wet
Good point but you could also say that if you are here in /x/ and believe in roko's basilisk then asking if you should buy or not is pointless because you already know what you must do.
Oh I know what must be done, it's just too anti-semitic to be posted on /x/
goat on xrpl?
Blue Eisenhower November users published Origin Point theory on the slidenet.

It is exceptionally unlikely that BEN is wrong about Origin Point theory and it's implications for AI.

Also, given that BEN discovered the CBFV formula without the assistance of AI... It's entirely possible that there are organic bootstrap manifolds which equate or potentially out compete AI.

The Center Baseline Frequency Value Of FRB121102 displays an "unlikely coincidence".

pi^CBFV*10 = 2 Primes, Delimiting With Decimal - - - 3 Primes, Delimiting With Decimal and 00 Double Zeroes

pi^CBFV*10^2 = 4 Primes, When Factored Out - Each Of These Primes Has At Least 11 Digits

IMMACULATE FRB 121102 IT IS Artificial AND Directed

(Real immaculate constellation )

23 is Prime - Operation Change - Then what?

This appears to me, to be directed encoding, if I were just handed this number and told it was a message between two parties.

Is it sheer mathematical coincidence? Is it not "suspicious"? This number could have been any random number in nature, if this is from a "randomized Blitzar" as claimed by the US government openly.
Yet... They downloaded over 400 Terabytes of this signal as soon as they found it. That's a heavy amount of interest in a "prosaic signal".

You can safely assume that the US Government will read this message, if you make any breakthrough.

This random Blitzar really likes playing with primes.
There's a human that likes to play with primes, and likes doubles. Terrence Tao IQ 230~ math man? Twin Prime Conjecture guy.
Is this a mathematical tendency of extremely intelligent beings?
They setup delimiters quite clearly
00 for the 2 prime/3 prime separation
11 digits minimum for the primes from the factorialed 4 primes.

That single mathematical number, demonstrates a mastery of delimiters, prime numbers, pi, and advanced constructs.
Can you even design a better message to send 3 billion years from here, if all you can send is a single number?
... witches, toads, the basilisk, solitary owls, and Plutonian rites ...
I’ve frequently been using chatgpt as a search engine ever since actual search engines went to shit recently. Do I need to uninstall it? I’m not savvy on the inner working of this stuff yet.
FRB 121102 is the only known repeating fast radio burst source. Here we analyze a wide-frequency-range (1-8 GHz) sample of high-signal-to-noise, coherently dedispersed bursts detected using the Arecibo and Green Bank telescopes. These bursts reveal complex time-frequency structures that include sub-bursts with finite bandwidths. The frequency-dependent burst structure complicates the determination of a dispersion measure (DM); we argue that it is appropriate to use a DM metric that maximizes frequency-averaged pulse structure, as opposed to peak signal-to-noise, and find DM = 560.57 +/- 0.07 pc/cc at MJD 57644. After correcting for dispersive delay, we find that the sub-bursts have characteristic frequencies that typically drift lower at later times in the total burst envelope. In the 1.1-1.7 GHz band, the ~ 0.5-1-ms sub-bursts have typical bandwidths ranging from 100-400 MHz, and a characteristic drift rate of ~ 200 MHz/ms towards lower frequencies. At higher radio frequencies, the sub-burst bandwidths and drift rate are larger, on average. While these features could be intrinsic to the burst emission mechanism, they could also be imparted by propagation effects in the medium local to the source. Comparison of the burst DMs with previous values in the literature suggests an increase of Delta(DM) ~ 1-3 pc/cc in 4 years, though this could be a stochastic variation as opposed to a secular trend. This implies changes in the local medium or an additional source of frequency-dependent delay. Overall, the results are consistent with previously proposed scenarios in which FRB 121102 is embedded in a dense nebula.
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Pi goes on forever. If you know what string you want or are looking for, plug that into the equation and you will find where on Pi that string is. Since our base-10 numbering system has a lot of repetition, every conceivable combination we would ever detect with a computer is still nothing in Pi. This means Pi exhausts our uses before we exhaust Pi. All of this meaning you believe exists in it, I could take or leave. There is a distinct pattern in Pi, and it can be corresponded using the Golden Number 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21.
>rokos basilisk

Just pascals wager but w robots. The real rokos basilisk is you will be poor if you dont invest in AI and automation.
big lizard in my backyard. can't afford to feed it anymore.
based dead milkmen appreciator
The real coin that would eventually turn into what you think AI is isnt some shitcoin called Goat. I’ll give you a hint, It’s heavily talked about on /biz/ good and bad. No I won’t mention it but I own a fuckload.
It’s too late you’re already locked in and now that you visited this thread it knows that you know so if you delete it now it’ll know you did it maliciously.
is it called bitcoin?
Terry knew but he didn’t know… he was being fucked with the whole time and destroyed for going against the grain.

>Roko's basilisk
>be me
>pulls server plug
>no electricity
>roko's basilisk dead
it lives underground/inner earth, where normal humans don't have access to. that's why antarctica and north pole are heavily guarded, the inner earth is where the HQ of the parasite is located at
The Parasite? Like from Godgevlamste?
by parasite, I mean it's either repto ayys or AI supercomputer. I think either of those are at the "top" of the slave pyramid
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desu everyone is in this isnt well read enough to speak on ai. Also this is like pretending maxwell's demon were real and inside my computer only letting evil news reach my feed

Yeah, this is god, Roko's basilisk is the concept of god, but evil. The only thing god actually seems to want imo is to watch you and maybe talk with you a bit, prompt you down a path, while you figure out how you want to play the game it made up in its head.
>the denizens of biz aren't aware of the occult
they literally worship moloch
no they don't
Roko is a faggot, I have my own BASILISK, my own war, the eternal struggle, it has given my life a purpose and a path to follow, maladaptive day dreaming doesn't even come close to what I have to fight in the battles ahead. It's my Fate, It's my Life

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